#with higuruma maybe
truetogaia · 3 months
im so horknee
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renereneo · 3 months
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save me higunana yuri… please….. save me lesbian higunana… i will forever love you
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blkkizzat · 21 days
if gojo is back and gonna help kill sukuna then theres no reason choso had to die!?!? because wtf the use is his death if not to give yuji the powerup he needed then?! especially when todo can like switch 50 niggas a second but somehow couldn't get to yuji or choso!?!? bulllllshiiiiiiit!!!!
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mixakuu · 6 months
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This was so hot of them like go DILF’S work together okay I see you🖤
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btxtyuri · 6 months
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higuruma: trying to do his job
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chiarrara · 2 months
Nobara truthers, Gojo truthers, I'm a goddamn Higuruma truther. He's not fucking dead, my dude is coming back
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torgawl · 6 months
i wonder what this means
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we know judgeman's appearance is similar to lady justice, who has a blindfold over her eyes, to represent impartial or blind justice. it's interesting that during sukuna's trial, and subsequent death penalty veredict, the stitches break on one side and that eye opens. something that didn't happen during the first death penalty delivered to yuuji despite both eyes opening up. we know everything higuruma is aware about his own ct, and ce in general, he grasped through reverse engeneering. his surprise about judgeman confiscating sukuna's cursed tool and not the cursed technique highlights that higuruma is only aware of his own technique due to things he was able to experience and deduce from the short time that has passed since he became a sorcerer. it's safe to say he had never persecuted someone who used a cursed tool before and therefore was unaware of this aspect of his technique (similar situations have happened before to characters like geto and even the way mahoraga works). this makes me wonder if judgeman's abilities are something we and higuruma have limited information on and there's something else going on, hinting at a possible outcome for higuruma/higuruma's character.
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judgeman's eye opening is especially interesting because that is exactly the stance higuruma decided to take once he lost faith in the justice system. jujutsu kaisen and the concept of cursed energy and cursed techniques are very based in buddhist philosophy, or rather the power system is, and more specifically the concept of suffering. buddha recognised there was suffering in life and started guiding people into following a practice to get rid of that suffering, through the four noble truths the noble eightfold path. which ultimately would result in liberation from the samsara, cycle of rebirth and suffering. a lot of that lifestyle is learning how to properly process suffering in a way that's beneficial to the individual with the goal of achieving enlightment. in jjk suffering directly creates cursed energy and when that suffering sort of accumulates it originates cursed spirits. jujutsu sorcerers are basically people able to process their own suffering and their own ce to fight and exorcise the suffering that's constantly emerging from humanity (tying deeply with the core theme of jjk and a big plot point - the merging). you could even draw parallels between ways individuals cope with their own pain and their cursed techniques, which is very obvious in characters like geto (ingesting curses through cursed spirit manipulation akin to bottling up his own feelings and letting that suffering eat him from the inside out), for example. where am i going with this? i'm not sure (sorry if you read all of this expecting a really cool theory) but what if this is sort of an awakening moment for higuruma? a moment where his technique will finally align with his beliefs? i just don't believe the differences in judgeman throughout the story are a coincidence. not when judgeman also has this form, with both its eyes completely shut.
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satorugojoswiife · 7 months
wait....next week's chapter will officially release on the day in the manga gojo was freed from the prison realm .....🧐🤔
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bas-writes · 1 month
i wonder if geto fans felt the same as s2 was airing as i do rn when i'm watching fanon slowly swallowing higuruma into the stream of uwufication
did fandom collectively forget this man literally rage murdered someone or are there still fans who do read manga with their brain turned on?
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sovya · 5 months
im exhausted but hear me out
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cieric-of-chaos · 7 months
I know there's still more episodes left before the season ends...but I am so excited for S3...like I can't wait to see Hiruguma Animated... it's probably gonna take 2 years...but still
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yuesya · 8 months
If Madeleine ended up in jjk, how do you think she'll handle it? Is she familiar with the series, and I imagine she'd be happy to leave big mom behind but I Don't think curses and exorcist are that much of an upgrade And how strong would her fruit be as a technique
If Madeleine (OC from and much madness must make, One Piece fic) ended up in JJK-verse, she'd be ecstatic. Her whole thing revolves around silent terror of Big Mom in a high-fantasy world where basically everything can and will kill you, so to be able to return to a normal world where everything is civilized? Where everything makes sense?
Madeleine takes a moment to ascertain that this isn't all just a fever dream, then goes headfirst into embracing a normal life again.
Except... Madeleine herself isn't exactly 'normal' anymore. Most people are weirded out and a little put off by her strangeness, but she does end up making a few friends. She puts down her sword, determined to carve out a new life for herself-
-and gets invited by some coworkers to join them in Shibuya for Halloween.
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lavenderjewels · 5 months
I appreciate the love for Shoko but all the theories about her somehow resurrecting gojo from death is really setting her up for disappointment
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Wrote a Higuruma/Kusakabe fic in two days, fuelled by my desperate need to avoid writing my thesis and the immense emotions they had me feeling these last couple of chapters. Hope you enjoy it!
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theclearblue · 4 months
I fear that I feel the jjk brainrot slipping away from me slowly...because 95% of my favorite characters are dead...
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blkkizzat · 2 days
which jjk man makes spliffs out of backwoods and why is it toji?
lmfaooo. this is the foundation of the hot boxing with toji fic i have cookin' lol.
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