#wish I could link more niche ones since I assume these are all pretty well known
candyparalysis · 3 months
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Les Amis Modern AU: What They Wish Others Believed About Them (Part 4)
[I kind of wrote this in response to some general trends in characterising the Amis. There are some stereotypes which I'm not quite comfortable with.]
[So much delay. Sorry.]
• Really, really wishes that people don't laugh at him for his anxiety issues. He is truly terrified of getting infected with some disease or the other, and even more terrified of spreading it to Joly and Chetta. It doesn't help that he is one of the most sincere students of the lot, and spends a lot of time reading medical journals, which feed into his panic. He feels safe wearing masks, using rubbing alcohol (or wearing gloves), and having a bag full of basic first aid supplies, and gets embarrassed if anyone judges him for it. Also, he doesn't like it if "concerned" people ask him whether he had a past history of debilitating disease or something, he doesn't want to discuss it at all, okay? -_-
• When Joly fusses about illness in the Musain, it is him letting his guard down. He has to actively rein in his anxiety to function in the hospital, and gets super exhausted from hiding it. His tells in the hospital are are wide eyes behind his protective goggles and a compulsive toying with the wristband of his gloves. He's one of the most courageous individuals ever because of what he faces on a regular basis. He hopes that he might get some reassurance from the Amis to stop his spiralling thoughts, and he mostly gets it.
• Joly definitely has a wild side, and is more than his anxious, serious self. If there's one who can one-up Courf's cheesy pick-up lines, it is Joly. With a eyebrow quirk that leaves everyone giggly and blushing. If there's one who can set a Karaoke stage on fire (not literally, that would be R), it's Joly. If there's one who can down shots to match Bahorel, it's Joly. The one who is the most eager to go skinny dipping? Joly. The one who is, oddly, the most eager to break a pinata? Joly. Joly is more than a "quiet science nerd who checks his tongue in the mirror all the time".
• Joly and Ferre INSIST that they do not talk about random medical trivia all the time. Honestly, their shared interests involve Jane Austen and massive amounts of gossip with tea, along with Doctor Who, Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF TEA, IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD.
• There are days he wants to tackle people like an angry Pikachu. But real life is tough, and not everyone has the privilege of confronting people. But he really, really can do without people casting aspersions on his poly relationship with Bossuet and 'Chetta ALL THE TIME. He has been confronted as an "opportunist" in Pride walks, faced with people's pitying look to Bossuet or 'Chetta as though he is stringing them both along or "sharing" 'Chetta with Bossuet, cheered on and slapped on the back by straight cismen for "knowing how to have fun", and once directly asked if he's the one who will marry 'Chetta. He goes into panic often, and for the longest time thought himself a really awful person.
• Beware a Joly in a farmer's market. Not because of haggling, but because some people ALWAYS assume that he's amazing at math while he actually fumbles at the cash counter. Similarly, he hates it if people crack shady jokes about him being a Marie Kondo around him (just because he likes neatness AND MARIE KONDO THANK YOU VERY MUCH). And no, he doesn't like rice all the time.
• Please give back the Tupperwares. Unlike popular opinion, Joly won't chase you down for his Tupperware like some do, and isn't particularly possessive about them. That doesn't mean that he can replace misplaced Tupperwares for all eternity, please. ;_; (Same goes for the beeswax food wraps and dino bandages, c'mon peeps don't help yourself to them indiscriminately ;_;).
• Apart from his baggy sweatshirt and dinosaur pajamas aesthetic, he also has a dress shirt and pleated pants collection that would probably leave Jay Gatsby jealous AF.
• Is really self-conscious about his receding hairline. He had taken to shaving his head to make it look cool, because he's really uncomfortable with weird jokes about his age and baldness. Shaving heads is pretty high-maintenance at times, and he's slowly opening up to let the hair grow back on the sides of the head for the heck of it. He used to have a large collection of hats too, which he still uses occasionally, but now it is just a fashion accessory, not a way to hide. He likes scarves as well.
• He used to flinch and swallow his discomfort when people would touch his scalp without permission, now he firmly brushes off their hands with a light scowl.
• Similarly, he hates it when people actively try to compare him to Joly. He hates being considered less successful, a "third wheel" to Joly and 'Chetta and someone who can be taken less seriously. This doesn't mean he is jealous or angry with Joly at all though.
• He feels really, really angry when Joly sometimes breaks down in front of him and 'Chetta when confronted with comments on their relationship. He can and will stonewall anyone who hurts either of them.
• Bossuet understands Joly's anxiety because he faces anxiety as well. He often gets nightmares of his "bad luck" turning batshit Final-Destination-esque and resulting in horrible accidents to Joly, 'Chetta amd the rest of the Amis. He knows the "bad luck" jokes are good humouring, but it wears him down a lot in exam/interview/work meeting weeks and leaves him third and fourth guessing himself. He had also entered a bout of depression because the "bad luck" jokes had convinced himself that he can't progress in life because what's the use. It took a lot of work and, oddly, a super niche article from the Amis blog detailing research on how some societies actively ostracize people for being "unlucky" and how it is linked to major societal oppression, to help him.
• Bossuet loves having a heart of gold. Sometimes some people tell him not to be so nice ("what if that person has cheated you off money with a sob story?"). He refuses, because he cherishes being nice and knows his limits. He sometimes worries if he's being stupid, like when the great "attendance-by-proxy" disaster happens. But Marius' broad and grateful smile, "hi, how are you doing?" texts every morning, and monthly batch of AMAZING chocolate cookies makes it worth it.
• Bossuet's accidents do lead to some happy accidents. He stumbled on a whole new recipe of gooey brownies by accident. An amazing combination of dark chocolate and red chilli peppers (maybe not so weird in retrospect)? By accident. He fell upon Courfe's sandcastle once, but it resulted in a rare hermit crab crawling out. Courfe gave a treat at the new brunch place he was saving up for, because apparently that hermit crab had made Ferre all starry-eyed and happier than he had been in weeks. And as for the rest pf the accidents? Nothing that duct tape , 'Chetta, Joly and occasionally Feuilly can't help with. In all, his accidents are always smallish, and never monumental.
• Bossuet can put 'Chetta and Ferre to shame with his eyebrow raising (at least occasionally? Hehe?). He does that a lot when people ask him if he has put water on fire or has fallen into wells. "Like bruh? I don't go anywhere close to wells, I love sidewalks and what's with everyone asking me about the kitchen being on fire?" He also does that a lot to piners (R, Ep, Courfe, 'Parnasse).
• Bossuet is one of Enj's closest friends in Law School (apart from Courfe), because Law classes and shared optional papers. Duh. They often have long discussions which are super pleasant, fluffy, yet sensible because of his really sensitive optimism. Bossuet's unorthodox insights make their way into Enj's notes for ABC meetings, and he credits him always. Similarly Enj bails him out with attendance issues. Bossuet often calmly advices him about R. Since Joly has a similar relationship with Ferre, Bossuet and Joly sometimes help Enj and Ferre sort out lingering grievances between them, or plain hear them out. Enj and Bossuet have Froyo days.
• Loves, loves, LOVES books. Has no idea why people think nerds come in a kind of stereotype only ("I don't look like you", she complains to Joly and Ferre one day, "but I can defeat you two in a Jane Austen quiz WTF!" They agree emphatically, and Ferre adds "and maybe Jehan too. Maybe".). She is a massive sucker for Comic-Cons and hates men who try to prove otherwise. -_- She loves libraries as much as she loves bars.
• Has no idea why people think she's super bitchy or about to eat them up. Many people plain run when she so much as looks at them while doing a shift as a barista in the Musain. Or ask for "the nicer barista" (Cosette?). When she breathes a sigh of relief when someone treats her nice, she also braces herself for self-righteous "saviours". "Are you sure you are doing okay with those men?" "They are using you!". If she poured milk all over a client's trousers because of such a comment not-so-accidentally, no one needs to know. ;)
• Sometimes, she feels drained out. Having to support both her partners anxiety can leave her down too. They are amazing people, who love her a lot, and know that she needs her recharge time. Often Bossuet takes over in caring for Joly and vice-versa. 'Chetta has a small arrangement with Courfe on those days. If he has free time, the two of them go for an amazing, super relaxing spa session. Bahorel is back-up spa partner. The two of them know not to ask questions, but let her unwind her thoughts and air them out.
• 'Chetta joined Les Amis L'ABC much later. One of her pet peeves were when Joly or Bossuet would go to protests which could easily turn violent because of right wing trolls and the police swarming the city. Specifically, when they went without more than a word or two to her. She would get worried sick, particularly if they couldn't pick up the phone within half an hour of the protest ending, and would cry alone because she didn't want to come off as needy and one of those people who do not support their cause.
• She finally broke down before them after Bossuet had a small concussion. They were really shamefaced at having not thought about her feelings, and their apologies ran for hours. While Joly promised to regularly give her updates, Bossuet asked her to join the ABC if she is comfortable with it. It took time for her to accept that she was being in the group because of the cause and not because she wanted to helicopter-mom Joly and Bossuet, but when the next protest happened, she realised that she was in a place she always wanted to be in.
• The Amis thought that she was a member anyway. She would holler at
• 'Chetta hates it when people think that it's Joly or Bossuet who end up lavishing gifts on her all the time. True, they do, but she does it too. She's a sucker for thoughtful gift giving, and she spoils the Amis A LOT OF TIMES. She can scour the Earth for ideal gifts for her boys, and she often takes care of a stray bill or two, as much as she humanely can. She doesn't play a one-upping battle of gifts though, she just loves a lot.
• She is really self conscious about her small hands and tiny feet. Which seem to her too small in comparison with the rest of her body. Sometimes she used to wear really fluffy mittens in winter to hide how small her hands her. Not so much now. :)
•She confided to Jehan that she didn't like people romanticizing her small hands and feet because she thought they were putting unrealistic standards of the "frail beauty" on her when she was anything but. She said this after she heard R chortle about how Joly had introduced her as having tiny hands and feet. The discussion ended in her gaping and then crying out of laughter because (according to Jehan) apparently Joly was really drunk when he first talked to the Amis about her, and had also said something like "she has fortune-teller eyes, yannow! Ask Bossuet! And her dimples! Marius, you booby, you pool noodle, I know how you feel like when you met Cosette!"
Apparently Bahorel had replied with "you need new pants" and then started laughing like no tomorrow. Bossuet, not so drunk (because he was late to the party), had taken the sensible route and shown the Amis the picture the three of them took after their first date.
• Seriously, she knows zilch about tarot cards or natal charts.
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broken-minded-love · 3 years
@sad-sweet-cowboah Hope you don’t mind if I start a new post here, I don’t want to prolong the debate by doing this, but I still have some things to say and the other post is getting kind of ridiculous and is hard to reply to due to it’s length.  I’ll quote a few things from the original thread to keep it linked in reply and physically here for posterity.  [...I know it makes me seem suspicious but I have a habit of reading things without saving them, etc...] I appreciate that you wouldn’t keep track like that, who does? However, I can’t see any credit given to HOGO or her work on your blog/story before the original call out drama in 2019? Obviously you may have done that privately, but I know how fandoms work and there’s a lot of mutual backscratching in drama’s like this so it seems impossible to truly validate any of this independently, which is a shame. Perhaps it was my mistake, but when you said you’d been inspired by HOGO’s fics I assumed she’d written a full fic. I can’t find an actual chaptered fan fic following videogame Arthur in modern times from HOGO, and nothing of him in that setting by himself. It all seems to be involving the gang too, which is quite a different dynamic to what occurs in your series and Wish Upon. I can see how it would be difficult to keep track of HOGO’s posts, even if you were trying too, because I can see dozens of drabbles, but nothing as a titled fic you could keep track of.  I can also see why those little scenes and dialogs may have inspired you, but as I said I can’t see any credit for the inspiration as you claimed? Besides which, it’s all kind of a moot point, because I think the bigger issue seems to be less about the initial inspiration and more about the timing and direct comparisons that can be drawn between your series and Wish Upon.  [...I also included the-awkward-outlaw’s series as an example since you mentioned previously that it’s a “very niche” topic when it’s more popular than one would think. ...] Well, yes, it is now, but it wasn’t to begin with. Ever since the onset of this drama, I’ve only seen a tiny handful of attempts at covering Arthur in the modern world in a fic, which still makes it niche when you compare to the volume of repeated themes in Red Dead fics over all.  It was a completely non existent plotline (at least on AO3/FFNET) in October ‘18 through Jan ‘19, and the game had been out for three months already when @miss-oscurita published Wish Upon. Yet no one had stepped up to bring us a story covering the concept of video game Arthur alive in 2018/9.  The reason Wish Upon hooked me personally, was because it was completely different to the numerous “damsel in distress”, “highborn babe”, “tough outlaw chick” that were a dime a dozen. There was also several “modern reader goes back in time” stories too, but Wish Upon was the first incarnation of Arthur coming out of the game into the modern world, in an actual fic at least. No doubt the idea could have been circulating, but no one had actually taken the time to put it into an actual story to my knowledge.   Does that mean Oscurita should hold a monopoly on the idea? Of course not, but it does explain why anything that followed Wish Upon’s publication, including TOA’s recent works, will be bound to draw comparisons simply because Wish Upon was first on the scene to cover the topic, and as a result is likely the most well known version of it.  I think the real issue here isn’t who all’s covered Arthur living in modern times, it’s more the issue over the dynamic where the protag is familiar with him as a character, because the dynamic of the pairing and the story itself changes so much when it’s explored from that angle. The dynamic is also affected when the fic focuses only on the two main characters (as with the gang being in the modern world in HOGO’s concepts) especially when they are both aware he’s fictional that it’s really something that can only be done once, maybe twice at a push. And yes you’d have to be certifiable to believe ideas won’t overlap, I mean it’s going to be a really hollow story if you don’t cover things like Arthur using a microwave, or using a toothbrush and showering for the first time, or learning to drive, discovering movies and what not. However, from what I seen over the course of this matter, it seems the issue with it all lies in how and when these elements are explored in the story. I may be wrong, but I don’t think there’s ever been an issue raised with any other parts of your series beyond that of As We Meet, has there?  And the issues raised over the original instalment and the rewritten piece seemed to be because it essentially follows the exact pattern of Wish Upon’s first few chapters, as we’ve already discussed.
[... I’m 99% positive the catalyst was a h-o-g-o oneshot of Arthur discovering lingerie...]
Funny that you should mention discovering lingerie when @miss-oscurita’s most recent update included Arthur discovering modern underwear for the first time. I don’t recall in which of your stories he did that?
Just in the interest of being informed, I searched HOGO’s blog and found a chapter mentioning lingerie (which I assume is the one that inspired you?) but that in itself is a classic example of how the same idea can be done by two different people and still be complete different.
Which I’m sorry to say really only further highlights why the similarities in your opening chapters are such a cause for concern.
Regardless of the inspiration, if we list the similarities we have from the original piece, and the rewrite the issues are pretty clear. 
1) Young female gamer protag.
2) Modern day setting.
3) Both have adopted silver tabby cats.
4) Both have the backdrop of being alone on a stormy night.
5) Both involved with an event that brings Arthur out of the game.
6) Both aware of him as a fictional character before being a flesh and blood man.
4) Both immediately assume him to be an intruder.
5) Both think they are dreaming and pinch themselves.
6) Both use touch as a way to confirm he’s there in the flesh.
7) Both fics use the same name for animals.
8) Both fics almost immediately go on to explore Arthur showering, discovering cellphones, watching TV/movies, using a microwave, in almost the exact same order. 9) Both use some variation of the “my Arthur” device. 
Then in the rewrite you make changes to also include:
10) Both use his horse to confirm he’s ripped straight from the game.
11) Both use extremely similar types of names for the horses. 
12) Both work from home, for one reason or another.   Seeing it written out like that I can more understand why people have red flagged it, as it goes a bit beyond simply exploring the same concept as the likes of HOGO/TAO may be doing.  I mean it was bound to flare things up to include additional similar elements. What I don’t get is, knowing how toxic the fandom is, and that you’re under the microscope over this, why you didn’t take the rewrite as an opportunity to distance yourself from those similarities?  And if I’m brutally frank with you here, it does come across as a bit of “drama farming” when you know the consequences of similarities all too well. And what I still don’t get is how you’ve not managed to move away from these controversies?  I’m a lot of a loser, and have kept an eye on this drama since it began and I have to say when you interjected with the other drama around Wish Upon late last year, that came across to me as looking for drama, or at least being lead to it by someone else somewhere. I don’t know where you got the tip off for that, because the post wasn’t tagged and I only saw it due to following @miss-oscurita/you on my fandom account and the other writer in question was very new to the RDR fandom and likely didn’t have much of a following.  Add that to the poor wording on the announcements of your rewrites and you know, I’m sure it’s innocent on your part, but I can see why it doesn’t look good to others.  I mean I could easily believe you were trying to avoid making the stories similar and accidentally included the horse thing simply because your ideas and the ideas from Wish Upon merged, because unless you’re able to keep them firmly separate in your head it’s going to happen now you know of Wish Upon. If it was me, I’d be doing my best to not give anyone any more reason to throw shit at my house. Instead you’ve somehow managed to do the opposite. The rewrite was a missed opportunity to draw a line under all the past drama, and that’s disappointing to see as a reader and a writer too.  I do hope you manage to sort this all out, and that there’s no further public bashing over it all but now the seal is broken on it all it’ll be very hard to prevent the sharks smelling the tiniest drop of blood in the water. 
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seenashwrite · 6 years
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(see HERE for part one of answer)
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Ah, mass appeal, that oft elusive lil' stinker. How to get it is one of those age-old questions for us creator-types. We want it, for personal reasons, for perhaps monetary reasons, and determining what constitutes it and how to tap into it and even if we should try to tap into it are all pickles.
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No, not that type, those are fabulous. I mean sticky situations. The non-tempuraish bliss with delusion of "Hey, I'm doing great on my diet, 'cause it's a vegetable!" kind.
Spoiler Alert: I'm not going to tell you not to compare yourself to other people, of course you are, and in many ways this is a good thing, it's called having an ideal to which to aspire, except it shouldn't be rooted in popularity, the admiration should be for their work. . . . Thanks for your question!
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I'm kidding, Dean, and you damn well know it. Bite me. And fetch me a whiskey. And some Death pickles. I got talkin’ to do.
Part Two: Water Chumming & How That Shark May Bite Your Ass, So Here’s A Bunch Of Other Stuff That Can Be Done From The Safety Of The Shore
C/P for convenience:
Is it worth trying to please the masses when we can't please ourselves? Am I poking the bear?
Let us recap from Part One:
We talked about how to get from a feeling of ineptitude to - at first - just mild trepidation when it comes time to hit "publish",  and started delving into "but how to get there?" so that the path can lead on to an actual measure of confidence, which brings us to the second part of your question up there - which is, I find, a completely normal thought, stemming from exasperation, when it feels like you're surrounded by a ton of people who are having ungodly amounts of success, and it seems like the biggest mystery in the world. So it's natural to wonder: should I follow their lead? Try to do what they're doing?
Maybe - let's unpack that, dig into what that would entail, the pros-and-cons, what some alternatives may be.
Near the end of Pt. 1, we talked about not understanding why some stories/writers gain traction, while others don't, specifically regarding the quality of their stories. As facetious and jokey and snotty and funny as I made that "rant", and said how you could always use the SSDTs [Same Shit, Different Title] stories as a "How Not To Do It" guide, I also mentioned how they must be doing something right - and they are, the metrics we've got (hearts, notes, feedback, asks r/t stories, followers, reblogs) bear it out. It's right there. There's nothing to interpret. It's there. It's fact.
Not to mention, as much as I've tried to drill down on objective parameters for my rec list, to try and smoosh down subjectivity, both on my part and on the part of people who rec to me, there's still a pretty substantial margin of subjectivity. There just is - a story could be ridiculous in plot, could be littered with reprehensible grammar, could poorly represent Sam/Dean/etc., could have a shallow Y/N. Yet if something within the story, no matter how oblique, speaks to the heart of a reader? In the immortal words of Private Hudson:
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Game. Over. They’re in. Case closed.
I also mentioned that little number in the corner, that overall snapshot of how much action a given story/that writer accumulated and pondered - does it indicate how great the story is? Also known as: Does that mean their story/their writing is better than mine?
Well. No. Not necessarily. I suspect that - and this would take a huge data mining mission on every single one of a given writer's high count stories to know - in part, some of the number represents a manifestation of a cult following. I'll save you the trouble of clicking the link:
"A cult following is a group of fans who are highly dedicated to a work of culture. A film, book, musical artist, television series or video game, among other things, will be said to have a cult following when it has a small but very passionate fanbase. A common component of cult followings is the emotional attachment the fans have to the object of the cult following, often identifying themselves and other fans as members of a community. Cult followings are also commonly associated with niche markets."
I've no idea why "musical artist" was the only human example they threw in there, because in my experience/observation over **cough** decades of life on the planet, I see cult followings for humans  more than stuff, and public figures of other areas beyond music (actors, politics, etc.) just as much. There are men-I MEAN-people who will never be socially ostracized no matter how inappropriately they behave, no matter the amount of evidence, doesn't matter - their following will absolutely make preserving the (fake) image that person cultivated their hill to die on.
But we're getting negative, and where I'm going with "cult status" in our context isn't negative. The "cult" mentality aspect to which I refer is about loyalty of followers (specifically reader-followers) in general, and then further, the loyalty of that subset of reader-followers who were early readers. They adored "x" number of that writer's stories in the past, and even if the quality of newer stories has declined, they are still gonna hit that heart and reblog it and say it was great. Do they actually believe it? Some of them, to be sure. Do some of them have on cult following rose-colored glasses? Friggin' of course.
Like I said above the cut - I'm not going to tell you not to compare yourself to other people, of course you are, and in many ways this is a good thing, it's called having an ideal to which to aspire, except it shouldn't be rooted in popularity, the admiration should be for their work. But there's admiration owed to these writers for maintaining their follower base, regardless of whether those follower-readers aren't in the admiring-for-the-work mode. So while you can't admire them for their stories, because you think they blow, there is an ideal, a definite modelling to consider: what are some of these writers who are getting huge numbers doing to maintain what popularity they've accrued?
Let's pause here for a recap of what we know for sure:
1. You won't know if telling stories is legit in your wheelhouse or not until you start getting some feedback from readers, which is going to help get you out of Ineptitudeville;
2. Ideally, this would begin with an honest, straightforward editor who knows how to give constructive critique --> in the meantime, use The Nail's guiding standards to serve as an at-home editor til you feel ready to find such an editor;
3. You can't get feedback for your supplemental self-editing documents of "nailed it" and "Achilles' heels" unless you put yourself out there (which, hopefully chipping away at #1 will get you over the ineptitude hump and into a healthy trepidation territory so you can do);
4. There's potential modelling to be done by observing what the "popular" writers are doing outside of their stories to accrue/maintain followers, and trying to see what their loyal reader-followers see in stories you don't find very good.
Again - assuming you've gotten comfy enough to just feel a normal nervousness vs. ineptitude, it's on to getting an audience. So, what could it be? That these mega-number generators are doing? I think it's two things:
(A) They have broad exposure that brings others into the fold (B) There's more at work than just stories
But Nash, are you not paying attention? I don't have exposure, they've got a bazillionty followers - you may say.
Then let's get you some exposure that has nothing to do with follower counts, nothing *inherently* due to the potentially not-so-robust nature of your stories at present, things that just might get you more followers, hopefully turning a chunk of them into reader-followers somewhere along the way.
(A) Exposure that doesn't require "popularity":
1. SPN Fanfic Pond ---> 24/7/365 - join it and submit your stories - never know who'll see it - guaranteed reblog
2. SPN Hiatus Creations ---> specific dates - I don't think many people know that they include fics, since they mostly get submissions of art - weekly topics to choose from - join in, submit your stories - the folks behind it most always put a little comment in their tags, so be on lookout for your feedback doc - guaranteed reblog
3. SPN Family Birthdays ---> 24/7/365 - their kindness gets your name "out there" to more people, both the mods behind-the-scenes, as well as that blog's followers - guaranteed exposure - *mandatory* to reblog this with a thank you and at least one point of feedback about it to whomever created that birthday wish for you
4. Bingos:  SPN Genre Bingo - SPN Fluff Bingo - SPN Kink Bingo - SPN Angst Bingo ---> specific dates - variety of topics - guaranteed reblog - good/decent potential reblog from others via their followers and those who follow the tags
5. Challenges from individuals ---> sporadic dates - variety of topics - follow people who you see hosting them, if they've hosted one they'll likely host more - hosts will typically reblog each fic (good chance with a touch of feedback), and/or put your "@" and link to your fic onto a master post - more popular the blog/higher follower count, the more exposure, so high reblog/new reader potential
6. Seasonal Celebrations ---> specific dates - Secret Valentines, secret Santas, etc. - do it and you're also probably making a friend, maybe gaining a new follower, maybe their followers will come visit your place because your assigned person reblogs what you did for them - moderate-to-high potential for reblog *
(*Should be a guarantee but some people are dicks; my Valentine didn't ever send me shit this year, not even an apology through the organizer, but you know what? I don't care. Legit. I made a friend through it, and really enjoyed making what I did for them.)
7. “Bangs”  ---> sporadic dates - a.k.a. Mini-bangs / Big-bangs - focused on a topic/character - guaranteed reblog
8. Appreciation Days ---> specific dates - Angst, Smut, Fluff appreciation days - you can even submit already written fics/don't necessarily have to whip out something new - specific tags can draw readers - good/decent potential for reblogs
9. Prompts ---> 24/7/365 - imagines, those generic prompt blogs - follow some, keep an eye out for the interesting ones - challenge yourself to crank out one a week, short little 500-ish word blurbs - reblogs, maybe, who cares, this is serving to get you out of the funk and get used to posting your work; it's practice, and if it gets love, then great, if not, you still got stuff to put on a master post - and make a master post and get it in your profile so it's easily find-a-ble
10. Outside of Tumblr * ---> 24/7/365 - Fanfic.net and AO3 - join and put fic there and put your links somewhere on your blog - both have stats - both give opportunity for people to comment and to share direct links to their blogs, which is how this connects to the goal of visibility in the SPN fandom here - also a way to self-reblog your story in a “fresh” way/cuts down on repetition popping up on your followers’ dashes (i.e. - helps cushion the ol’ “Oh they’re posting this again?!” feeling)
[* Note: many of us have great distaste for Wattpad because it is a breeding ground for thieves - people will c/p stories from here and present them as their own, some trying to excuse it by “giving credit” in a blanket manner a la “found at Tumblr” or listing the “@” of the writer. The problem is, Wattpad’s method of reporting leaves much to be desired - like Instagram, they only seem to be interested if a published author takes issue. The only real way to call out these thieves is via an immense amount of pressure from the SPN Family commenting directly at their Wattpad page. My point? Your choice, but if you do join up and post there, proceed with caution.]
(B) The stuff that's more than just writing:
1. Reblog interesting things that show who you are - fan art is a great start - shows your tastes and what you like - when feeling confident, host a challenge, as what you choose for the framework (one of mine, for instance, was using lines of dialogue from Archer) will also reflect what you like, what you're into - tag people you're friendly with and say something like "Even if you're not interesting in joining, signal boost, please??? [cute emoticon]"
2. Narrow down focus - if you're multi-fandom, drill down on your favorite - start by building up a solid following in that one fandom - keep a ratio of about 80% primary fandom, 20% to cover the others/personal/non-fandom stuff - use a "Not [fandom]" tag for that 20% so your followers can choose to opt-out - or if you can't manage this, do a side blog or two
3. Set your queue to pop stuff out (at minimum) 2 or 3 times/day - stuff it - start with CanonSPNgifs - keep your blog active - unless something you want to reblog is time-sensitive, chuck it to the queue - a wall of posts from the same person on the dash is off-putting - same for constant reblogs of your own stuff*
(* Which you should do, yes, but have an understanding of time zones, will ya? I swear some people are re-blogging for myriad time zones in Oz and Narnia, as well, I've no idea... I've digressed)
4. Send Asks to people like the "spread the love" stuff - if they post "Ask Me" things, send them one - reblog the answered ask and say what you think about their answer/at minimum say "thanks, this was great" - reblog those ask games posts for your followers so they ask you questions - get engaged
5. Respond to a good portion of the comments people leave for you, whether feedback or just funny things they said - specifically, feedback with reblog deserves reply of thank you, whether in the notes or a fresh post; see my blog for copious examples - make a post that says your tags are open/offer to tag folks - anytime your follower count jumps by, say, 5, reblog it - make an OMG!-type post every time your follower count increases by, say, 10 - you’re telling them you actually give a shit that they follow
6. Keep an eye out for folks (especially those who make rec lists, so always check out rec lists for who did it when you spot them) who have said it's okay to tag them - always tag them, even if they seldom reply/reblog/feature you on their list, as you never know
7. When you read stories by other writers that you love, reblog them *with some feedback* - do unto others, etc., etc. This is in huge headline size for a reason. Take the hint.
ETA - I chimed in and gave some tips since I composed this post, and it may be helpful for you/for people who are shy or intimidated or just not particularly comfortable verbalizing feelings.
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...and here’s what I suggested:
If you want to get specific, say what your favorite thing/things is/are; in my mind that could go something like this:
I felt like I was right there with them in the ____ [setting]
I felt like I was right there during ____ [part of the plot]
I felt like I was watching an episode of the show
I could relate so much to ____ [character]
My favorite line(s) was/were ____
___ [character(s)] sounded just like they do on the show
___ [character(s)] acted just like they do on the show
And there’s also more generic things, such as:
This story really touched me, I needed something heartwarming!
This story cracked me up, I needed a good laugh!
This story made me smile, I needed some cheering up!
This story got me crying, I needed a good cry!
This story was really creative, I needed a change of pace!
And if you want to keep it really simple? This can apply to any story:
I enjoyed this more than I can say, thank you so much for writing it
Is full-on blind cult following an "ehhhh" thing? Yeah. But the basis of it, the true, legit loyalty part of it, is wonderful. You want that. The more readers know you, the more they'll feel comfortable interacting with you, and the greater their comfort, the more likely they'll give you feedback and, eventually, some constructive critique* 
(*You gotta make it clear you're fine with critique, though, and don't dare say it if you're just gonna pitch a fit when you get some, however poorly phrased the critique may be; but that's another topic, for another day).
Great, Nash, you still haven't answered my question about pleasing the masses - you may say. 
The answer is: that's a call you gotta make for yourself. To hopefully help, I'll tell you two stories about chumming the waters with (what seems to be) the standard wares that get a ton of followers/reader-followers.
Interestingly, I *just* this past week or so had a great discussion with someone (who I won't reveal, of course, because it was PM) on this very topic. You'd recognize their name, if not follow them/have read their stuff, they've got a healthy fanbase, etc., etc., etc. all that jazz. It would surprise you, is my point, to know that they've been pondering on their writing - specifically, the genre in which they feel entrenched. They accrued their popularity (I hate that word, but can't think of a better one) in a certain, ah, niche. You know the holy trifecta: angst, fluff, smut. One of those.
(I am not going to go down the road of how much I loathe the limitations of those, I know myself, this will turn trash fire and neglect you. But they are the cards we've been dealt, there's nothing to be done to change it, we must play our hands. #flames on the side of my face #haaaate #I'm done)
Anyway, they've sat here "x" year/years later and looked back at their pre-SPN fanfic foray (read: how they used to write/what they used to write), and are like - Where'd my voice go? Where'd my style go? Can I get it back? Sure I can get it back, but if I start being "me", what will my reader base do with that? Will they stick around and support me? Will they bail? etc., etc., etc. You get the idea. Reasonable thoughts, all.
I tell you this next bit because while what is going on with above writer is on the side of Got A Wide Reach, like I said in Pt. 1, I am presently on the other side, the Modest-in-Number, Large-in-Loyalty reader collective. And I *have* chummed the waters, though not entirely purposefully. And it didn't work... well, hasn't, I can't predict the future, could blow up tomorrow, but not likely. I suspect I know why. We'll get to that.
I say not entirely purposefully because I stumbled into Fluff and Smut, one of each. (There is a second fluff, but that doesn't count because it was tailored to a very specific person who gave very specific things to include for a Valentine swap thing.) The fluff was via a thing I did, and my dear friend nailed it, gave me three cringy words that were meant to hit the fluff bullseye, and I doubled down. You can see that here, should you care.
People fucking lost their shit. I repackaged it into its own post in case folks didn't like the snark in the one linked above/would rather reblog sans snark. People lost their shit, part deux. Flattering as hell. I appreciated it immensely, truly.
On the smut*, I lost a bet (I can't even recall what it was, maybe I mentioned it somewhere) with the friend that drew me into SPN because they were (are? yeah, still are) frustrated with the show and I needed a writing exercise and I had (at the start time) eleven years of source material, so hells yeah I said yes. The bet was for smut, and I said - Fine, but I can't not plot.  Great, was the answer, but I had to typical it up, this was a punishment, after all. And typical, for me, means so much detail that it made brain cry. Copious detail works my nerves. Copious pondering works my nerves. Any one thing that’s too much will Work. My. Nerves. And I wrote it (it's five parts now, but part one and two was the orig piece and ended open), and said to friend "This won't get shit response" - "You wanna bet?" - me, the idiot: "Yup" - "If it does, you have to finish it out".
(*no link because I don’t know your age, and it’s set to sensitive)
People fucking lost their shit. On FF.net and AO3, that is. Not the numbers some people get, but holy hell. Hence, parts 3 through 5. Far as here, not so much the hit. But the people here who've liked it have REALLY liked it, so there's that, and it's flattering as hell, and I appreciate it immensely, truly.
And yet at the end of the day, hey guess what, say it with me now:
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Now, for all my pseudo-fussing, I was cool with doing it, because at heart I'm wired to think about marketing, and I thought - Oooooh. This will bring people to the goods, the stuff I'm *really* proud of, and then and then and then....
Nope. Some yes, mostly nope. Most of my loyal roundtable were brought into the Nashooligan fold by other stories.
Here's why I think writer above got on the other side of the coin and I'm riding the edge - they went down the rabbit hole on a few, got mega results, and it fills the confidence tank, and why not wash-rinse-repeat? Humans are wired that way, we don't do things that we don't get something out of, it's normal. Thing is, they - as they see it - got lost a bit along the way. It worked, though, that squashing of their voice - "worked" in the sense that it drew the masses. Some people would be completely okay with this, would find it a reasonable trade-off; this writer isn't presently thinking so.
And back to me - I think the reason my smut and fluff didn't hit the stratosphere and draw in the masses (ergo, little motivation to do more) is because my style is still in there. The snark, the focus on accurate characterization, and like I say, I can't not plot. I didn't pullout the recipe, same ol' ingredients, mix up some standard shmoop/standard porn, flop it in the cupcake paper, bake it, then smear a thin layer of canned frosting - flavor: "Meh Plot" - around it. I made that junk from scratch, like I do all my other stories, and while I did use some of the same ingredients, I didn't go all-in. Notably, my evergreen stance that Y/N can die in a fire, ceiling optional, I ain't doing it. 
I am not going to insist you read either of them, I'm just gonna ask you to trust me on this: I read quite a bit, and I've yet to see the ingredients of Reader Mommy Married To Dean Have A Baby Sam Has Dogs scenario mixed together like mine, and I've yet to see a Reader Insert Smut With Dean Smut With Sam Inferred Happy Ever After With Dean mixed together like mine. 
Which, like I say, is what I suspect is probs the issue. I didn't get as far down the proverbial hole as my writer friend in terms of Typical'ing Up my stories. Could I un-ring that bell? Better put: could I start ringing bells? And I mean weekly, if not twice a week, quickie ones, throw in a lengthy once a month? Crank out the recipes? Plenty of templates to work from, after all. It would be hard for me in the sense of voice-squashing, but could be done.
So if I had to give you a vote on whether chumming the waters is a strategy to take, given those potential pros-and-cons, here's why I vote "no", both for myself, and for you, and others contemplating such.
It's partly that cautionary tale of my writer friend (and there's gotta be more feeling like her, there's just got to be), and mostly it's because of three writers I can think of off the top of my head. They're all quite talented, they consistently turn out solid, creative pieces that can be differentiated from the rest of the fodder floating around, and all three have substantial reader and/or follower bases. One has less than the other two, but nothing to sneeze at. The second - another person I've had great PMs with on the topic of wide appeal - attributes part of their success numbers-wise to specializing not in a niche genre, but due to specialty in a subset of the fandom (a specific, very popular 'ship).
The third, who has a *massive* reader and follower base, I can't get my head wrapped around, and I don't mean that in the sense of not understanding why people adore them, they deserve every bit of it. We'd have to dig deep into years of works and chart out the numbers (likes and reblogs and comments and followers - again, the only metrics we got) to see if there's a tipping point, but there's no magic bullet, so likely there'd be nothing in that data - or data from any highly successful writer around here - that's gonna reveal some secret. And this is the only writer I can think of that I'd really love to know a tipping point on, because: reason I can't get my head around it is because they don't do typical, ain't even in the ballpark of typical. Now, they do inject smut into much of their work, but plenty of other times it's just inferred. Consistently cheeky, if not snarky, if not balls-out-gut-bust funny. Consistently original, creative plots, even when it starts out purposefully trope-y, there's gonna be a slant on their take. I may not personally like everything they put out, I'm not saying they're perfect, but if we're trying to keep it objective vs. subjective, applied to The Nail framework? They're nailing it easily 80-90% of the time. I've actually got a soft moratorium on them, between stuff I find and noms I get on their stuff, I only include them sporadically on the list or else they'd be everywhere.
That gives me hope. Not-a-one of those three are cranking out stuff religiously on some frequent schedule, they write when the muse hits. Not-a-one of those three are following recipes. Not-a-one of those three are blanketing their voice.
And this goes back to the very first thing you said, about pleasing others when we can't please ourselves. Part of the reason you're not pleased is because on whatever level, your stuff isn't grabbing an audience, however big or small. I know it, because I've been there, as I've told you. The biggest part, though? It's because you know you can do better. Maybe you're cranking it out too fast. Maybe you're not fleshing out a character enough. Maybe you wished you'd taken another run at the plot before you published. I don't know, truly. But you're not digging the end result somehow. When you get there? To legit confidence? You're not going to care as much about pleasing others, you just won't. And that confidence is going to show in how you interact with others, little notes you make on gif sets when you reblog, things you say when you feedback others, all that stuff I said above.
People are attracted to confidence. It may intimidate them at first, they may linger on the periphery, but then once they see it's not arrogance or something, they'll be bees circling closer to the honey, because it... it... how to put... it rubs off. A kind've What Would "x" Do kind've thing. And most people will always welcome having more confidence, I mean, the real genuine confidence. We choose who are friends are - to be cheesy - not just because of who they are, but because of who we are when we’re with them. I think the younger we are, we get the wires crossed of "nastiness" and "straightforward". It's the difference between those folks, for instance, who snap and go all "You cum dumpster!" on Anons who word things poorly (I don't mean the ones who are vitriolic, I mean the ones who use less-than-elegant phrasing), vs. the folks who plainly reply something to the effect of "That's certainly something to consider. Thank you for your input". That they can’t discern the difference between a person dishing out hate - actual hate - and a misstep in phrasing speaks a lot to their confidence, that they’re taking a complete stranger’s words as such a personal affront.
I say all that to say: it's not about just the stories; the stories are a piece of a bigger puzzle. Personally, when I see folks being nasty in that manner? My knee-jerk thought is - They are so quick to lash out and write that stuff, and are so careless with their words, I bet their story-writing follows suit. And guess what? I have been 99.9% correct thus far. There's no OOMPHs in their stories: there's no brain-chewy, no heart-grabbing, no snort-giggles, no soul-touching. It's as typical as that comeback. It's lazy. It's easy. It's eye-rolling. It's expected.
Put another way: their lack of confidence in general is what is infesting other areas, in this instance, their stories. I wonder if - since you said “anything I’ve ever created” - that even if it was a slip-of-the-tongue, it may’ve been a meaningful one. If it’s the case, that there are other areas of life where you feel less-than-ideally-confident (a.k.a. - inept), I think you’re smart to start in this area, with fanfic, because as illustrated there’s lots you can do that’s in your control, that’s not dependent completely on others, and probably have some fun along the way, getting to know folks, getting encouragement, seeing your stuff get circulated, etc.
Do you keep a tiny notepad on you? Do that. Grab one from a dollar bin at Target or get you a Moleskine if you're feeling fancy, doesn't matter, but keep it on you, purse, backpack, jacket, wherever. I don't want you doing what I'm about to say on the notes in your phone, not yet. I want you to physically jot down by hand a word or two or five or whatever, about things you see/encounter, turns-of-phrase you hear, mannerisms you note in others - all that stuff - things that do please you. Those OOMPHs. And now you have some inspirational story points ready to go. Even if you aren’t able/feeling up to doing that other stuff above? This is an easy, small place to start.
Bottom line: this isn't happenstance. 
It's not happenstance for the subpar writers, and it's not happenstance for the exceptional ones. This is work. Getting confidence is work. Style is a great deal inherent, true, but it can - and should be - honed, and will likely evolve in subtle ways as time goes on. Confidence and proficiency in a skill (like writing) are not automatic "things" that come with age, not even necessarily with experience. Dig in. Take some of the actions listed above. Start with the least stressful to you, then pick away at 'em as you get comfortable. If you're already doing some of those? Then, start again fresh mentally, as if you just today started doing them. Bump up your effort. Push yourself. See what happens. Get confident in the little things, and it will start to add up, overflow into the empty places.
Look at the pickle you’re in presently as an opportunity to alter your current methodology - I mean, we know whatever you’ve been doing isn’t working for you, right? So it can’t hurt. Batter it and deep fry it, tweaking the recipe as needed; it’s still you, but you’ve applied a well-thought-out, well-crafted extra tastiness to it. There’s people out there who will love it, and they’ll turn up.
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See? 😉
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bitterwholesomegay · 6 years
sebastian brother + spirituality headcanons
otherwise known as: one queer exmormon has finally found their fandom niche
tw for descriptions of anxiety/panic attacks, depression, and church-related guilt (but also it’s not all sad, i swear)
(put under a cut bc this got LONG AS HELL)
sebastian brother, even after he’s well and thoroughly questioned the church and their stance on just about everything, doesn’t go looking into church history. autumn tells him where to find the deets on all the sketchy church history stuff, but sebastian...never looks it up.
he feels disillusioned enough as it is, and his family life Revolves around the church. he feels like if he questions the institution itself and not just his relationship to it, he might lose respect for the people he still cares a lot about—even if they’re not his biggest fans right now
even though several of his family members aren’t talking to him (might never talk to him again, as far as he knows), he refuses to become jaded towards them. lots of his friends he’s met through affirmation have distanced themselves from the families they were born into, and more than a few of them try not to care about those people anymore. sebastian totally sees why—kind of wishes he could join them in their not caring—but he can’t. he still cares about them deeply and is still, despite everything that’s happened, trying to think the best of them.
tanner tried to call them “a bunch of homophobic dickwads with all the critical thinking skills of a blind lemming” once, and sebastian fucking lost it. he Insisted they were still good people, and they’re just trying to act according to their moral compass (that happens to be externalized in the form of anything the church says, wHICH WE CAN ARGUE ABOUT LATER, TANNER. THE POINT IS THEY’RE JUST TRYING TO DO WHAT’S RIGHT, FOLLOW THE PROPHET, AND HOLD TO THE IRON ROD.)
privately, he thinks about what tanner said a lot though. he wonders how much prejudice is blindly following the guidance of their leaders. he wonders if they would follow suit if the church made a 180° about-face on their views on homosexuality tomorrow. he wonders if they did if it would make him feel better or worse. on the one hand, it would mean none of this was personal. on the other hand, tanner’s point about lemmings...
sebastian brother doesn’t leave the church immediately. his existential crisis is long and drawn out and filled with guilt and shame—not just for being gay, but also for having a crisis of faith at all.
tanner really doesn’t get it and isn’t always the best at being supportive. gay aunt emily chews him out for it though. (“emily, I’M your nephew, shouldn’t you be giving sebastian the shovel talk, not me?” “nope. you need it more than him.”)
incidentally, gay aunt emily and sebastian end up becoming pretty good friends. she hasn’t engaged with church stuff in years, but someone has to be there for this poor gay mormon boy and if no one else is going to be, then So Help Her God-that-she-no-longer-believes-in, she will.
back to sebastian though
sebastian doesn’t stop going to church right away. he’s wracked with guilt every time he does go, and trying to figure out if he’s worthy of taking the sacrament when he’s sinning but has no intention of stopping is a nightmare, but he still goes.
the first time he goes and doesn’t take the sacrament, he ends up dry-heaving in the men’s room. he misses all of the talks and slinks back in and sits on the back pew during the last verse of the closing hymn. after the closing prayer, he gets up, grabs his scriptures from where he left them, and bolts. he doesn’t stay for the rest of the block.
the first general conference he doesn’t watch, he spends the whole weekend in bed crying. tanner tries to get him to go out with him and let himself have fun and be distracted, tries to get him to the kitchen to eat some soup when the going out plan clearly isn’t gonna happen, and then eventually brings the soup to him in bed. sebastian ignores tanner and his admittedly good-smelling soup, and tanner leaves it on his nightstand for when he’s ready for it.
after sebastian continues to not get out of bed for a week after, tanner convinces him to go see a therapist. tanner recognizes a depression spiral when he sees one, and while sebastian refused to admit it, church was giving him literal panic attacks.
sebastian gets into see a local counselor who specializes in the intersection of faith and LGBTQ identities.
his counselor helps him identify what he gets from church and what things he might be able to find at other non-mormon churches. he’s initially very resistant to the idea of investigating other churches, but one night when the guilt insomnia keeps him awake, he googles “lgbt-friendly churches near me”, and is on gaychurch.org until daylight starts creeping through his window.
while he’s not ready to go to a service anytime soon, he did make note of the ones that sounded interesting.
he thinks about the list he made often and several times he visits websites of some of the churches he found.
eventually he decides that he wants to visit one or two of the churches whose websites he keeps returning to.
when he tells this to tanner, he’s not expecting anything, but tanner immediately volunteers to go with him. sebastian hadn’t thought tanner would really want to, since he’s not really religious himself, but tanner insists, saying he wants to be there for moral support. sebastian is honestly really touched, and it means a lot that tanner would want to be there for him like that.
it takes him a couple sundays to build up to it, but when he finally does, he gets to the steps of the church, annnnnnnnnnnd nearly runs away. would have, if tanner didn’t stop him and talk him through his panic.
when they do go in, they sit unassumingly near the back, providing sebastian an easy exit, if he needs one.
it turns out that he doesn’t.
the sermon is about love—loving one another, god’s love for all his children, and how love should never be linked with shame. the minister makes mention of her wife, and sebastian cries. tanner looks a little worried, but sebastian makes no move for the door, so he assumes they were good tears, and keeps listening to the sermon.
afterwards, sebastian kind of wants to go thank the minister for what she said, but is also absolutely terrified of doing that, so he and tanner go home instead of staying to mingle.
after they get home, sebastian texts emily. she knew he was going to check out a new church today and asks him how it was. he talks about how he felt the spirit in a way that he hadn’t in a long time at church.
he doesn’t know what this means for a long time after. he goes to a couple different churches with tanner and texts emily about all of them. he goes back to the first one a few times. all he really knows is he feels god’s love more than he has in years.
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hopoo · 7 years
RoR2 Q&A 12/2/17
Since we got a million asks, I’ll collapse all the answers periodically into one giant QA so it doesn’t ruin your tumblr feed. I tried to answer every question - if yours isnt there, someone else might’ve asked the same question. Expand below to read!
Q: Are you thinking about putting out a beta version to test or are you just waiting for the game to be fully released A: Not sure exactly how we want to do it – we HAVE to have some way of getting the game out to testers, especially for networking/matchmaking testing. It will most likely be some form of closed/limited beta, but we really haven’t though too much about it.
Q: Any ideas on what the system requirements could be? Will they be high or playable on most machines? Also will it work with integrated graphics? A: Most likely the game will be pretty light for GPU with our graphical style, but CPU intensive. What that actually translates to won’t be until the game is closer to launch, where we start optimizing.
Q: ROR1 most loved thing me and my friends liked to do is ruining the framerate with all the items that we had. we had lots of fun crashing the game for whoever hosted the game. might this still be able to happen? I'm looking forward to the release anyway and so are my friends especialy with peer to peer now we can connect better. A: Uhh hopefuly you won’t be able to crash the game, but the game will still scale infinitely like it did previously
Q: Could you make it so that when you use Unstable Watch and timestop, all colors in the game become inverted for the duration? And if you want to go all the way with a certain reference, have only Chef's cleavers stop in midair at the edge of a radius from an enemy, and when the timestop ends the cleavers hit at the same time. A: No memes
Q: Super excites for risk of rain 2. Im real glad i found it in a steam summer sale, bought then and after that bought it for my ps4. Are we going to see any new characters? (Bandit will always be fav so as long as hes good im happy) A: Yes, definitely new characters!
Q: can you make one of the new death messages be "HOST WHEN?" A: No memes!!!!
Q: While Vita's out of the question, what about the Switch, which basically seems to have slotted itself in the 'more powerful handheld device' niche? A: We’d obviously love to be on the switch, but that ultimately depends on A. can we optimize the game to run on the Switch, and B. do we have the technical know-how to actually get it running? Porting to consoles tends to be a much more dramatic change than people expect, even if the engine natively exports to it.
Q: Hi. I’ve been a fan of risk of rain for the past few years. I just want to ask: in risk of rain, some mechanics like heaven cracker can pierce a line of enemies and the huntress’ ability to hit and run. With the change from 2D to 3D  environment, how will they work? There are many other abilities and mechanics that i also want to ask about, but these two were the first ones that i could remember immediately. A: We’re not going to bring back any mechanics that don’t fit just for the sake of continuity – however, the Heaven Cracker I can see being actually more fun in 3D since you have to actually align yourself with the enemies. Since everyone can shoot and run in the 3D version, Huntress’ niche is sorta gone, but we have some clever ideas to make that back
Q: In DevBlog #8 you explain some of the steam integration going into Risk of Rain 2 which will make a lot of people happy but will RoR2 also be available without steam for those who prefer? For example will I be able to buy it on GOG like I did RoR1, and play LAN games without steam? A: Right now we’re focusing on making it work via Steam P2P, but (I believe) that we haven’t done anything to explicity lock out connections via IP. You just won’t get the same Nat punchthrough benefits (I’ll have to ask Jeff, our network dude about it to make sure this is correct, but afaik I think that’s right)
Q: Would you guys happen to have an idea of when you think the game would be realeased? A: Nope! Hopefully not too long!
Q: Hello! I loved Risk of Rain 1 and it is great to play with friends. I have two questions (technically three, I'm cheating). 1. I am assuming you're going to release it on steam, so that said will there be steam multiplayer integration? Like... Invite via steam, games are created with the help of steam peer-to-peer. It was a pain to get 4 people playing on one server without port forwarding. 2. Will there be a better way to keep track of items? 3. Can you add a menu to see what items you have? A: Yes, steam invites and all that are the goal. I know we talked about holding TAB to expand the item menu so you could see more at once, but we haven’t actually done that yet. I know it was a bit silly for it to be uncropped and expanding off the screen.
Q: Is this still in development? A: No we’re just pretending
Q: Are you gonna have the same soundtrack from the first game? A different soundtrack? A mix of both? (Don't get rid of the Dried Lake or Sunken Tombs songs). A: That’ll ultimately be up to Chris, but I’m sure he’s in the same boat as us and doesn’t want to cover the same ground that we did previously.
Q: I was telling a friend how excited I was for this, and he expressed a concern I’d like to ask you guys about. He said that, being 3D, the game might end up either not as hectic as the first, or too hectic, what with the hoards coming from all around you. What’s your take on this? (I’m not actually too worried about it, but I still wanna hear your take on the matter.) A: Currently, we’re using SFX as a tool to present not only how close an enemy is, but what state they’re in and how many there are. Since I’ve also been playing the game for like a million hours I’ve also developed the ability to recognize which enemy by the frequency of their screenshake… but that won’t be relevant to most players. We’re really hoping to avoid radars or anything like that for awareness.
Q: Just wanted to say, RoR2 is looking to be coming along fantastically. I really love that you are constantly taking things in unexpected directions-- I never expected to see the game translated to 3D but you have done it and I can imagine many hundreds of hours spent playing. Will Chris Christodoulou be working on the music this game as well? A: Yes, he will be back!
Q: Have you considered calling the second Risk of Rain "Risk of Twain"? A: Not until now
Q: This is kind of a question and a half. How big will the RoR2 maps be and will all the RoR1 maps return in 3D with the additions of new maps or just overall new maps? A: Overall we’re not really looking at the previous maps for the inspiration for our new ones – we’re not making RoR 3D, but a sequel, so we don’t really want to recreate too much old stuff!
Q: Since RoR2 is moving to more dynamic network model, how will people with screwy NATs be affected? NAT Punchthrough is great and all, but if implemented incorrectly can lead to multiple users on the same NAT being unable to join servers outside of the NAT (See Rainbow Six Siege). Will users still be able to host dedicated servers like the old game? What does this mean for users buying the game through GOG/Humble Bundle? Really hope everything goes swimmingly because port forwarding sucks. A: This is the exact reason that we will have to have some form of limited beta, because this is something that we can’t recreate in office. I honestly don’t know enough to respond accurately on what would happen in that particular situation, but thanks for the heads up
Q: Relative to the first one, will Risk of Rain 2 be a sequel, prequel, completely unrelated, or even have story at all? A: Sequel!
Q: How were you going to implement artifacts this time around? Is it going to be based around areas that are randomly generated and you sometimes have access, or multiple spawn locations, etc. A:  Dunno, we haven’t implemented really any form of map permutations yet. The artifacts also ended up taking a much more important role in the game than we initially expected – not sure if the old way of unlocking is strange if it’s to be a core feature.
Q: (Big fan) I just had some curious questions; How many characters do you intend there to be in RoR2?, How differently do you plan on changing the previous characters?, Any hints on the final boss? pls, What is the estimated price of the game? and will their be any chance of PvP? Cannot wait, super hyped and keep up the great work :D A: We’re aiming for 10 characters on launch. No spoilers or hints! Definitely not PvP in any official capacity since the networking structure wasn’t designed for a good PvP experience.
Q: I've got three questions : 1) Will it be called RoR2 or will you find / have you found something else ? 2) Why the hell is there one more 'o' in the tumblr URL than in the actual 'Hopoo' name ? 3) What's the average of the team's favorite meals ? thx xoxo <3 A: I think it’ll just be RoR2. The hopoo tumblr was taken on creation of this tumblr, so we had to make it hopooo instead ☹
Q: Will RoR2 reveal why the Contact Light was carrying a teleporter linked to a planet crammed with hostile lifeforms? A: I’d like to explore what the heck is up with the humans in this game, but I sorta wish I had a better avenue that’s not just item logs and monster logs.
Q: I'm going to ask the real questions, is Sniper a man or woman? This is important because reasons. A:
Q: Theres something that confuses me alot about risk of rain 2. It's the lore. If the characters have left the planet, why would they come back? A: Canonically, the returning characters were never on the Contact Light to begin with (and presumably there could totally be like, a bunch of engineers and commando suits.)
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lets-misa-blog · 5 years
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7 Advanced Content Promotion Strategies for 2019 http://google-keyword-research.s3-website.us-east-2.amazonaws.com check out concerning it here
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Today I'm going to disclose 7 of my all-time preferred web content promo strategies.
As a matter of fact:
These coincide exact methods that I made use of to get 7,077 sees on one of my latest posts ... in less than a week.
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Allow's dive right in ...
Prior To Your Promote ANYTHING, Maintain This In Mind ...
Many people fall short with material promo for one easy reason:
Their web content HAS AN ODOR.
For instance, inspect out this outreach email someone sent me recently:
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Was this outreach email excellent?
It's in fact rather awful.
However that's not why I removed it.
I erased it due to the fact that they sent me a bad infographic!
I actually can't stress this sufficient:
If your message is something like "5 Tips for Losing Weight" or "8 Reasons That Email Advertising And Marketing Is Necessary", don't bother promoting it.
But if you have something truly AMAZING, after that you'll find that individuals enjoy share your stuff.
With that said little caution off the beaten track, it's time for our very first method ...
Approach # 1: (Targeted) Blog Owner Outreach
So you simply released an outstanding item of content.
Currently what?
It's time to advertise it with blogger outreach.
In reality, among my newest blog post obtained a great spike in website traffic mostly due to a solitary tweet from an influential blog owner:
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The concern is ...
Exactly how?
All you need to do is discover bloggers that share web content on your subject ...
... and also send them a non-pushy e-mail.
Here's a the real world instance of this process at work:
First, I sent a tailored email to a blogger that's already shared content on my subject:
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(By doing this, I knew she 'd in fact WANT to read my blog post ... prior to I hit "send out")
Then, when she obtained back to me, I sent her a web link:
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([ $-$] Pro Idea: Don't ask the person to share or web link to your content. If they believe your web content is excellent, they'll share it) Due to the fact that I had not been a pushy jerkface, this blogger mored than happy to get the word out:
That's all there is to it.
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Keep in mind:
If you desire to discover A WHOLE LOT much more regarding blog writer outreach I recommend reading this in-depth overview: Technique # 2: Web content Roundups
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Visualize if people published post with the sole function of connecting bent on high quality web content.
(The kind of quality content that you already publish on your website)
It would certainly be pretty wonderful, right?
The good news is for us, that's a real thing. And they're called material roundups.
(Additionally sometimes called "Web link Roundups")
Here's an example:
So: what are web link summaries?
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Link summaries are daily, regular or monthly blog messages that connect to AMAZING web content. Right here's an example of a web link I recently built from a summary: Currently allow's malfunction the exact process I utilized to get this web link.
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discover summaries in your niche. Below are a couple of search strings that function actually well.
"Key words" + "link roundup"
"Search phrase" + roundup
"Search phrase" + "ideal of"
"Keyword" + today
pitch your material. Here's the email script that I personally utilize.
[Website Owner Name] , I just stumbled on your
[Saturday Roundup] this afternoon. Great stuff! I'm just connecting since I recently published a content marketing instance study that could be a great fit:
[Your Page] In any case, maintain the awesome work
[Your Given name] As well as if your post is a good suitable for that individual's roundup, you'll get a wonderful web link.
Method # 3: Email Newsletter Promo
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This is HUGE.
If you desire even more people to read your web content, you need to start building your e-mail list.
(And after that let your clients find out about your new things).
Instance in factor:
A while ago I sent this tweet to advertise my latest blog article:
That Tweet obtained a grand total of 111 clicks:
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I additionally sent out an e-newsletter to my e-mail subscribers.
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How several clicks did the e-newsletter obtain?
(To be fair, I have twice as lots of e-mail subscribers than Twitter fans. Yet you get the concept).
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And also if you wish to get going developing your e-mail listing, I recommend looking into this listing of 17 untapped list structure methods, tips and methods.
Strategy # 4: Web content Makeover
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Content Change is basic:
You just transform among your blog site posts right into another layout (like an ebook, video, infographic or podcast).
For instance, I published this study on my blog a while back:
As you can see, this message generated great deals of social shares ...
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... and comments.
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Yet I understood that I could press even extra value out of this content.
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So I transformed that message right into a YouTube Video:
That single video has generated over 150k views ... as well as numerous website visitors.
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(All from a piece of material that I released YEARS ago)
Approach # 5: The Material Relaunch
In some cases the most effective means to advertise your web content
is to revamp and also relaunch it. (Likewise referred to as "The Material Relaunch")
Here's an example:
I recently spruced up and relaunched this listing of Search Engine Optimization copywriting tactics:
So I shared the blog post on social networks:
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As well as sent a statement to my e-mail clients:
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Which caused a substantial increase in web traffic (consisting of almost 5k site visitors in eventually):
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The secret to this strategy is to actually transform the post's "Published" date in WordPress.
When you transform the blog post's "published" date, your blog post appears at the top of your blog feed.
To transform the day, just head over to that article and click the "modify" link under the article's day:
Then transform the day to today ...
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... as well as hit "update".
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Like magic, your message will certainly show up at the really leading of your blog site feed.
Technique # 6: The Material Roadshow
The Material Roadshow is just one of my best web content promotion techniques.
Since much like with approach # 1 from this blog post (Targeted Blog owner Outreach), you're getting your material before people that are legitimate curious about your subject.
The distinction is that with The Material Roadshow, you're not only seeking people that shared material on your topic.
You can likewise email blog writers
that blog about your topic. Allow me show you just how a the real world example of just how a Backlinko visitor (Emil) utilized The Web content Roadshow to obtain a HUGE traffic spike:
Emil lately released this article on his company blog site.
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ANd he utilized The Web content Roadshow to obtain the word out.
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Right here are the deets ...
First, Emil searched for blog owners that covered his topic (employee wellness, human sources and also various other associated topics) on their blog
And when he located a piece of wonderful content similar to this one ...
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... he emailed the author:
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In this situation, Kristi asked Emil to send his material to her material roundup:
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He did ... as well as obtained a wonderful back links in return:
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Method # 7: Email Individuals and also Brands That You Discuss In Your Post
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This is basic. However it works.
Whenever you state or connect to a person in your material,
let them know. For instance, Emil pointed out Authority Nutrition here:
So he sent them a message to allow them understand that they've been featured:
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As you can see, they gladly shared his post:
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Bonus offer Strategy # 1: LinkedIn Republishing
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LinkedIn is an
incredible location to organization your material. For instance, I released this research of YouTube ranking aspects on my blog regarding a year and also a fifty percent ago:
This post did well. Lots of people review my blog post as well as shared it on social media.
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Yet I KNEW that there were countless individuals that can take advantage of my material ... yet had not seen it yet.
So I republished my web content as a LinkedIn article:
Which (along with my various other LinkedIn messages) brought about a good piece of targeted website traffic:
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Benefit Method # 2: Make use of "Click to Tweet" Buttons
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This happens to me a minimum of once a week:
I read a short article, assume it's cool, so I decide to tweet it ...
... only I can't find a tweet switch.
So I say "oh well" as well as shut the tab.
Profits: You intend to make sharing your web content on social networks very easy.
Get in: Click To Tweet Buttons.
Here's how it works:
locate something "tweetable" in your material. This can be a bite-sized suggestion, method, quote or statistic.
As an example, I utilized click to tweet switches to advertise this post:
Since my message was a list blog post, I thought about each tip on my checklist "tweetable".
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create a click to tweet link. Head over to ClickToTweet.com as well as write your tweet:
As well as the device will create a special link for you:
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include that link in your material. Whenever a person clicks on the link ...
... they obtain a pre-written tweet for very easy sharing:
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It's that very easy.
Final thought
It's more difficult than ever before for your content stand apart.
Also if your web content is AMAZING.
Actually, Derek Halpern suggests that you invested 20% of your time developing and 80% of your time promoting.
I don't necessarily agree with that proportion. But I DO agree with the premise.
As well as I wish these 7 marketing methods assist you get the word out regarding your next blog site message, video clip or podcast episode.
0 notes
doktorpeace · 7 years
P5 Update after the break I’m very very far into the game so there will be heavy spoilers, just read through later if you aren’t at least in Mid November:
I guess first I’ll give an overview of my progress and general playstyle before moving onto thoughts about characters, social links, and the story. It’s currently 11/14 in game, so I’ll be delving into Sae’s dungeon soon. Like I mentioned before I’ve maxed 4/5 social stats, everything except Kindness which is at rank 4. Including the Confidants which will max out on their own eventually but have not yet (Fool, Magician, Judgement and I’m going to assume Justice) I’ve completed 13 social links with Haru’s (Rank 7), The Twin Wardens’ (Rank 8), Iwai’s (Rank 7), and Futaba’s (Rank 2) pretty likely to finish before the game is over. The only one I’m concerned for is Futaba’s since I’ve shamefully raised hers so little. Thus far I’ve completed every Palace in just one visit a piece, discounting any story forced segments like the first couple visits to Kamoshida and Madarame’s Palaces. I’ve really liked this game’s schedule tbh. Overall while I feel some of the story segments take up too much time, specifically during October, I don’t mind so much because I’ve gotten a lot done on a near completely blind first playthrough, and there’s still more I can do. While initially I was worried that social stats took too long to level up I feel it successfully threads the needle between 3′s “They’ll cap without effort” and 4′s “Fuck you for trying” approach for first time runs. They take effort and dedication, but like I said I’ve maxed nearly all of them. I also like how different confidant relationships will help improve your social stats as well, it’s a great secondary incentive to max certain ones and to stick with them. On top of that, there are more major barriers that require certain social stats and while some feel a little arbitrary (maxed charm for Makoto past rank 5) it makes sense to incentivize players to spend time on them as well. Another improvement to Confidants I enjoy over previous social links is how they all give a variety of skills. I know I focused on Hifumi’s and Kawakami’s way more than I might have otherwise just because their skills are so good and varied. Hifumi’s in particular add a lot of tactical depth. On the opposite end though, I know I ended up putting Ohya and Chihaya on the backburner because their skills weren’t that useful, though I certainly got a lot of use out of Chihaya’s social stat booster readings. Honestly, I just wish I had taken the time to max Sojiro’s. I like him a lot but he’s only at rank 3 because I spent the time I could have spent with him in the early game on my social stats. *sad trombone* For transparency, I’ve completed: Makoto’s, Yusuke’s, Ann’s, Ryuji’s, Takemi’s, Kawakami’s, Hifumi’s, Mishima’s, and Yoshida’s, and then another 3-4 will max automatically. I’ve enjoyed them all thoroughly, Yoshida’s in particular is one of my favorite non-party member Social Links in the entire franchise. I also like how Akira’s dialogue with women is much more respectful and natural than Yu’s or Minato’s was. He gets a lot more dialogue that doesn’t have sexual tension and feels like what an actual person would say, which leads to great character relationships and dynamics between him and characters like Ann, Makoto, and Hifumi even if you elect not to date them. In some cases I’d even say that his relationship dynamic is stronger if you do not date them, particularly with Futaba and Ann. (please don’t kill me avaterem if you’re reading this) This isn’t to say that electing to date one of them is bad or lesser per se, I just feel like there was a great dynamic between him and Ann as Just Friends which honestly I didn’t feel was there between Minato and Yukari or Yu and Rise, for instance.  Combat wise this game’s been a little on the easy side but I’ve enjoyed it a lot. I’ll definitely play new game+ through on hard or maybe even higher, we’ll see. All the party members fill unique niches and the greater variety of skills this game has helps keep them all fresh. Nobody overlaps unlike with 3 and 4 so that’s great. The Palace Bosses have all had really great fights, though I feel visually Kamoshida’s was still the most impressive because it was very out there comparatively. Still, they all fit thematically with who you’re fighting and they’ve all been very fun. Ever since she joined Makoto has been on the team and I just swap around the two members who aren’t Akira or Makoto. Generally it’s been a good move because she’s an extremely well balanced tank with good spread damage and support skills. The Palaces themselves have also been very enjoyable, they’ve each taken at least a somewhat different approach to design and I like that so far. Kamoshida’s has a good number of mandatory stops to keep you from getting worn out, and otherwise goes fairly easy since it’s the tutorial level basically. Madarame’s requires a mandatory stop to do stuff in real life which was neat and otherwise its level design was super cool and well realized thematically. Kaneshiro’s is a gauntlet through, it’s super long and fairly tough for its time in the story but there’s nothing stopping you except your own pacing and skill from actually just completing it in one go. Its level of difficulty is consistent throughout with no real spikes anywhere, it’s also the dungeon I had the most trouble keeping a low alertness rating in because it has a lot of unique mechanics. Futaba’s Palace is similar, though its difficulty is very spike-y. The dungeon itself isn’t too long, but the enemy mobs are generally speaking a good bit higher level than you are and many of them are only weak to PSI skills, which only Joker can have, or are weak to nothing at all. It’s the only dungeon that I made heavy use of just running away from encounters in. Most recently was Okumura’s Palace which is honestly one of my favorites. Its a great puzzle-dungeon that’s incredibly front loaded with challenge. If you can’t figure out that the worker drones are weak to fire then you’re in for an extremely bad time. On top of that several of the normal enemies in the first area are immune to regular attacks and guns, then it makes you fight a lot of unforgiving sub bosses up front but rewards you with an area where all the enemies are weak to physical attacks and guns. Then Haru really comes into play in spite of being a bit weaker than the others by virtue of lacking baton pass, the nearer you get to the end the more enemy types are weak to PSI and Gun skills, which Haru will just chew through. Overall it’s really well designed, but definitely much easier than 3 and 4. I’ve only had one game over happen and it was to a very unfortunate string of criticals. On a side note: Mementos is a nice bone throw to people who liked Tartarus a lot, though because of how it works it’s never challenging. I don’t have a lot to say on it, but I have a sneaking suspicion it’s gonna be the true final dungeon we do where we fight god or whatever because this is a Persona game so I know we’re gonna fight a god at some point, probably after the story mostly ends and we time skip to March. The story’s been very good so far. I was wondering when we’d get into the meat of it and oh boy October really delivered. There’s been this tension about the whole game because like, the first thing you learn is that you fucked up and got caught. You’re recounting what all happened to the prosecutor who’s in charge of your case. It’s flowed well and while a couple of the early segments, like within the first hour mostly, were somewhat stilted I’ve felt that way about every atlus product I’ve ever played. It’s just their weakpoint in storytelling as a company. This game does a great job not leaving things hanging, basically everything I’ve wondered about has been addressed in some way, even down to “Jeez Ryuji and Morgana are being really hostile towards each other” becomes an actual plot point and I like that a lot. Which btw Morgana running away called me the fuck out because like yeah, I’d totally benched him more or less in favor of the human party members since Yusuke joined. Since then I know I’ve been using him more not because I felt bad but because it made me appreciate having him more. I’ll do a full write up on the story once I’m totally done, all I really have to say right now is I haven’t trusted Akechi one fucking iota all game and that hasn’t changed now.  He’s a good character, but he’s sus as fuck and I’m waiting to fight him as a boss later. If he ends up just being an actually good boy and not betraying us I’ll eat my hat. But I’m dead fucking certain that he’s Future Prime Minister Shido’s darknet hitman who goes and assassinates people for him using the Metaverse. I’ve already caught Akechi in a lie, he said he only received his persona a month ago but that’s BULLSHIT because he could understand what Morgana was saying all the way back in May. He’s known about and been able to access the Metaverse for a long time. The only thing I’ve really not had addressed yet is why exactly was Akira accepted at this school? Kobayakawa mentioned it was because of ‘outside influence’ at the start of the game and that still hasn’t been addressed. The Phantom Thieves are great. Easily my favorite player group of the three people actually care about between SEES, The Investigation Team, and now these guys. They have a great set of dynamics and relationships, and you get a ton more interparty interaction and dialogue thanks to the text chat logs. They’ve all been great and it’s neat seeing the nuances of their relationships both as a group and individually. Don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t mean I like either other group less now, but after P4 neatly sorted the investigation team into sets of two all game it’s refreshing to see them all interact with each other directly and often. They’re all interesting and good characters. Morgana’s improved a lot. I already liked him better than Teddie, but after the Okumura arc of the story he’s improved a lot. I like him a good bit, but I’ll still wait to talk about him in full until the story’s over. Ryuji’s still great. He’s the ‘your first and best friend’ of the game. Compared one to one I probably don’t like him as much as Junpei but he’s real close. Obviously he blows Yosuke out of the water because he’s actually a good and enjoyable character. Ryuji’s dates are also really great, he’s just an earnest, good, vulgar boy trying his best. His hot headed-ness has actually been a detriment for the group a couple of times, which is good because him shouting about being Phantom Thieves in public and being overly combative toward Morgana (for understandable enough reasons) SHOULD come up. Still, he shows great growth and humility over the course of the story, particularly when he apologizes to Morgana and after he gets angry during a meeting and scares Haru and Futaba by punching some furniture he tells Akira that it made him feel shitty and he’s going to apologize to them individually. He’s great, I love him, and he’s strong in combat to boot. Ann is still the explosive, great, multifaceted character she was and I like her even more now that I’ve finished her Confidant relationship. She’s a very good character and honestly the driving force behind a lot of P5′s feminist messages. She’s a great character who can be silly, friendly, and serious all at the same time and it doesn’t feel like she’s whipping around from one personality to another, she’s just really well realized. One of my favorite things about her is that she’s allowed to be angry, she’s allowed to be pissed off and shout and rage against society in the same way as Ryuji. She’s never as loud as him, but it’s still great. As a party member she’s a little weaker than the others, mostly because he gun fucking sucks lol. That said she has a great mix of offense and utility, I just wish her speed were a bit higher. Yusuke’s even better now that I’ve taken him on like, 4 dates and finished his Confidant relationship. Like, putting aside that he’s obviously gay for a moment there is way more erotic and romantic tension between him and Akira than there is between Akira and most other characters. His dialogue, the way they interact, Akira’s response options and what motions he makes around him, it’s all very homoerotic and it makes me even more confused as to why he’s not romanceable. He has more date locations you can take him on than several of the romance options, just make him a full romance please Atlus. Aside from that, I love his character, he’s great. As a character he’s also great representation for people on the autism spectrum, imo. This game never outright says “Yusuke is autistic” but it’s extremely obvious he’s intended to be on the spectrum given some of his dialogue, behavior, and the particular use of the word ‘eccentric’ and ‘eccentricities’ in regards to him and only him. Japanese games don’t like saying shit like that outright but it’s totally clear if you just pay attention. His Confidant Relationship is also one of my favorites in the game. You get a great look at his life circumstances, some of his philosophical beliefs, and you get to see this great maturity come about as he takes it all in and turns it into his art. I think it was really meaningful that his final art piece for that competition was just him going back to the canvas he started on and making something more out of it. He’s a well rounded character and is also one of my favorite combat party members because he’s so fucking strong. His damage output is absurd to be frank and his followup attack is one of my favorites, he just instantly kills whatever enemy has the most health on the field. It’s great. Makoto’s a total babe tbh... She’s got the punk biker aesthetic when you’re in the metaverse, her weapons of choice are her fists and revolvers, she does the whole ‘Pretend we’re dating and whoops we just don’t stop’ thing. She’s a little socially awkward but not totally, she’s the boss friend and voice of reason, though she isn’t beyond jokes and she’s just great. I’m weak, she’s powerful, I love this character. It also helps that she’s clearly the secondary protagonist of the game in the same way that Mitsuru and Naoto were before her, so she gets a lot of nice extra focus in the story. Not so much as to detract from the others, but her being Sae’s sister naturally makes her interactions with her sister the main way we see Sae characterized. I’ve got a lot to say about her but I can’t really get it into words right now. I’ll talk about her more later cause some drama’s gonna go down I’m sure of it. Futaba’s the character I was most worried about going in, but I’ve been happily proven wrong. I was worried she’d just be your NEET Japanese Gamer Waifu and she’s absolutely not. I mean, she is literally a NEET Japanese Gamer Girl, but the story doesn’t sexualize her nor does it make her the ‘obvious’ romance like how Yukari and Rise were in 3 and 4. She’s a character with paranoid schizophrenia for christsake and they manage to not only handle that well, but they kept the integrity of her character all throughout it and make her own effort the reason she improves, not the phantom thieves magically fixing her. I’m still not over it. I haven’t done much of her confidant relationship, but I do really like what I’ve seen of her. She’s driven and works hard, but she’s got her limits and is trying hard to broaden her horizons. She’s very comedic as well in the text logs but in a way that makes sense for someone her age and background. Her relationship with the others is a little stilted, but it doesn’t feel awkward, it makes sense because really she only interacts to any major degree with Akira, Yusuke, and Morgana. And finally we have Haru! I love her, she’s so fucking cute and such a sweet character. It’s kind of funny how she’s almost the same as Mitsuru but is so different. They’re both 1%ers who are the sole daughters and heirs to a conglomerate, are set up for an aranaged marriage they do not want, and whose dads die suddenly. Plus they’re both Empress Arcana. Yet the major difference is Mitsuru’s dad was supportive and she was prepared to inherit her company, where Haru has neither of those things. She was a passenger to her dad’s corrupt will and suddenly has all of this thrust upon her. I think it’s neat how similar they are in concept yet they’re totally different. I haven’t completed her confidant relationship yet but so far I like how down to earth it is. She just needs someone she can trust and talk with about her life issues. It’s cute seeing her go out and try different hobbies of her own choice just to get away from it all and to see what comes of it. Oh, I just realized, but also like Mitsuru she copes with her situation by burying herself in more work, though with Haru it’s with getting more hobbies to do where Mitsuru just takes on more corporate responsibilities. I hope this ends well for her. Honestly I wish she joined us sooner, I get the feeling she won’t be around for enough time to get the focus she deserves. Also, and this is just me, but I feel people saying ‘This game’s gay representation is shit just like Atlus always is’ really aren’t giving the game its dues. Yes, those two NPCs are bad and solely negative inclusions that just randomly throw in two (admittedly very short) scenes with a couple of predatory gay guys. But to only highlight them and ignore characters like Lala Escargot being well handled and shown to be nothing but a good person, Yusuke being pretty gay, and even the main character explicitly and without joking being able to show attraction to men multiple times is just unfair. The game’s gay representation isn’t perfect, but it’s certainly a lot better than Persona 3 or 4′s initial releases. Though Persona 3′s cast ended up being very queer with later content if you just compare the initial releases of each game Persona 5 blows the others out of the water by means of actually having positive queer representation. All in all, it’s still amazing, 10/10, my game of the year without question. I love it.
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cstesttaken · 7 years
Online Business Directories: How to Use Citations to Build a Successful Local SEO Strategy
Gone are the days of the usefulness of printed phone books. The only use for them these days is for your grandparents (who may not even have a cell phone), to raise your computer monitor, hold open a door or prop up your feet. (Go ahead, look around your office!) The modern-day online equivalent of phone books are online business directories (a.k.a. ‘Citation’ sites.)
Online directories are sites that scrape the Internet looking for businesses’ information – at a minimum they’ll include a company’s name, address and phone number (NAP) — to pull into their master database of businesses. Just some examples of online directories include Yelp, Merchant Circle, Citysearch, Google My Business and YP.com.
The main Search Engine Optimization (SEO) benefits of getting listed on online directories is that quality online directory listings often show up in search engine result pages (SERPs) when a local business is searched for. In the example below I searched for ‘clarks shoe stores austin tx.’ As you can see, several online business directories showed up in search results:
Often these directories allow business owners to “claim” their business listing to ensure that the info they gathered about a business is accurate and up to date. (Google LOVES showing accurate information. For instance, if there’s one directory that has a business’ address listed one way and another directory has the address listed slightly different, then the Google bots don’t know which listing is correct – so it may just ignore both and show a competitor’s information instead.)
You will often hear online business directories referred to as ‘citations’ or ‘citation sites.’ ‘Citations’ are essentially any place where a business’ Name, Address and Phone Number (NAP) information appears on a site – many of these ‘citation’ sites are online business directories but it could also be a site that happens to list a business’ contact info in a blog post, for example.
What Are Online Directories and Why Are They Important for Local SEO?
Online Business Directories are websites that scrape the Internet looking for information about local businesses. Their goal? To gather as much relevant and accurate information as they can about local businesses so they become a reliable source to Google, Bing, Yahoo! and other search engines. Big online directories like Google My Business, Bing Places for Business, Yelp and Citysearch reap the benefits of their hunting and gathering efforts by showing up towards the top on local business searches.
Online directories also allow you to get a backlink to your website from a trustworthy site. In a day when backlinks are still important to the search engines as a ranking factor, it lends to your business’ credibility when you’re accurately linked to on the top online directories.
Your Customers Are Searching for You Online – Can Your Business Be Found?
Research shows that 97% of consumers search the web to find local goods, products and services, but according to the Local Search Association, 56% of local businesses still haven’t claimed their Google My Business Page (GMB) — which is quite possibly the most important online directory to claim. And GMB is not the only online directory that businesses are missing: just 33% of businesses have claimed their Yelp listing; 21% on Yahoo and 19% on YP.com. Businesses that aren’t claiming, ensuring their business info is correct and optimizing these often-free listings are missing out…
For instance, according to Search Engine Journal, signals within a business’ GMB page is among the top search engine ranking factors. These signals include online reviews, pictures and having the page Owner Verified (this means the business owner took the time to verify and/or correct the information Google had listed about their business.) One of the most popular ranking factors is having a keyword in the Google My Business page’s business name – which can help you rank at least 1.5 spots higher with just this factor alone.
The popular SEO site, Moz.com has also shown that Google My Business Signals and Citation information, such as a business’ NAP information, also impacts search engine results.
The best way to claim your Google My Business page is to go to and follow the steps:
Not All Online Directories Are Equal
It’s important to note that there are literally THOUSANDS of online business directories out there – and many niche directories as well. Many of the directories out there are (pardon my frankness) crap and getting listed on those directories can actually hurt your rankings.
I recommend that you download Moz’s MozBar so that you can see the quality of the directories you’re thinking about getting your business listed on. You have to sign up for a free Moz account in order to see the metrics, but it’s well worth it.
After you install the MozBar Chrome extension you can then easily see some site/directory quality scores. Home Advisor, for instance, has a Page Authority of 56 and a Domain Authority of 81. Based on those high numbers it’s pretty safe to assume that it’s a quality online business directory – and it’s one you should probably get your business listed on if you’re in the home improvement market.
If you want to see the places where your business’ name, address and phone number are listed, you may also want to check out N.A.P. Hunter! from Local SEO Guide. N.A.P Hunter! is a Chrome extension that shows you the online directories that a business is listed on. It performs searches for various combinations of a business’ name, address and phone number to give you a good look at a business’ citation profile — and you can even download the file to .csv.
So Where Do You Start With Online Business Directories?
The very first directories you’re going to want to claim are Google My Business and Bing Places for Business. These are two FREE business listings you can get from the two largest search engines. Don’t pass these up! The next thing you need to do is search for and verify that your business is listed accurately on the top 150+ online business directories. Vendasta has provided a great (and relatively current) list of their picks for the top 100 online business directories, but there are other compiled top online business directory lists out there as well that show a variety of other online directories you should check out, too.
Again, if you’re ever in doubt as to whether an online directory is credible or a scam, turn to MozBar and check out their quality data.
If searching for the best online directories, then searching each directory individually to see if your business is listed and then claiming/optimizing/fixing your business listings seems like a time consuming and tedious process – it is! I wish I could tell you there’s a little Online Directory Fairy Godmother who can do all this work for you, but I don’t believe in fairy tales. However, the next best thing IS available: businesses that WILL go out and do all the legwork for you. BrightLocal, Moz Local, Whitespark and others offer citation claiming and listing services. BrightLocal recently compared the pros and cons of the top listing citation services, so be sure to check that out.
There are also online data aggregators that have agreements with a large volume of online directories and when you sign up with an aggregator they will “push” all of your information out to hundreds of online business directories at once. So should you manually claim directories? Use aggregators? Or do a combination of both? Check out this great article that tells you which is the best approach.
The bottom line is as a business – or an online agency that provides digital marketing services for local businesses – claiming and verifying online business directories is one of the easiest – and fastest – ways to get an SEO bump. Don’t ignore citation sites – use them to push your business’ info out to the masses. Good luck!
About the Author
Sherry Bonelli is the Local Search Evangelist at BrightLocal. She leads BrightLocal’s Research & Content programs and champions the needs of their SEO Agency and SMB customers. Having worked in digital marketing since 1998, Sherry has a Master’s Degree in Internet Marketing along with numerous digital marketing certifications. In her “spare” time she is a volunteer mentor for the SCORE East Central Iowa Chapter where she coaches small businesses on how to use digital marketing effectively. Sherry frequently gives workshops and speeches on digital marketing topics to local business owners. She can be reached via email at . To find out more information about BrightLocal, visit .
Like this month’s theme? We are sharing even more about how small businesses can grow with SEO over at www.SEOforGrowth.com.
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shadowfaux · 7 years
ProfitBuilder News
Blogs have easy to utilize software and enable you to release your ideas, link resources, offer useful info on numerous topics connected to your company or product, message photos and also whole lots extra. The details is provided as posts that are arranged chronologically. In couple of clicks you can obtain pages of info up on the net. Blog site software application is offered free of cost online.
Use mobile advertising and marketing integrated with all pertinent online functions. Have product that specifies with your landing page generator, as well as make certain that it's designed to maintain them on your internet site.
An additional drawback I see is that there is no trial duration for the service. If you don't like exactly what PPC-Coach deals, then theres no method to obtain your loan back. The good news is, I assume the top quality of the Pay Per Click Train service is excellent sufficient that you'll most likely not need to stress over this. Capture Page, Lead Capture Web page, Squeeze Web page: These are names for the very same point. These web pages are designed to obtain the focus of the visitor and also to squeeze them, record them to opt-in to your e-newsletter or web site. The entire objective is to convince the site visitor they intend to listen to extra from you as well as to do so, they need to opt-in by entering their get in touch with details. This is generally their name and also email address. But, if you are great and also you have actually a well created web page, you'll marvel what does it cost? they will certainly provide you. Typically, the more information they supply on the opt-in, the more they trust you as well as the most likely they will certainly get something from you otherwise now, after that in the future.
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I agree with all five of wp profit builder your advancements, these could be great additions to an previously marvelous plugin. Other options which include Leadboxes, Leaddigits and Leadlinks don’t call for nearly anything to get installed on your website – they’ll perform wherever you like. Now, the situation with most plugins of this type is that you get a fantastic array of templates. however, you soon understand that they aren’t steady. for those who surf about slightly on the web, you may not retain far from Listening to from the numerous individuals, which were cheated at eBay. It appears just as if fraud, fraud and phishing mails have turn into the plagues of eBay presently. With acquiring some Web web-sites and creating for Other individuals online, I've created a sturdy desire in Search engine marketing strategies. mainly because of the features of the drag & fall editor, you'll be able to customize Pretty much any aspect of a landing web page. There is a free of charge Variation of this plugin available but it’s greatly minimal. For example, choose-in sorts and templates aren’t accessible. many thanks in your variety text on the overview. Like I say, these evaluations are to assist persons make an knowledgeable paying for decision. as opposed to the item getting rammed down your throat like each individual other marketer does. I believe it is simply the item by itself that you choose to give to your purchasers (not the developer rights of course) but I wanting to know if they'd all precisely the same characteristics as far as utilization of product or service? You furthermore may get use of themed sets way too. by way of example, there’s a whole landing web page established devoted to webinars. Another for podcasts, and One more for on the web programs. And their theme is fairly simple, Even though they pointed out in the weblog publish they’ll be producing improvements to it. I haven't. Thank you for your connection for the tutorial checking it out now. a little something I've meaning to do, just haven’t got close to to it. If I had been you, I'd lean more in the direction of wp profit builder Optimizepress if you have extra cash, it is considerably more remarkable (just take a look at my overview on This web site). should you find yourself launching a new Internet site, and want a coming quickly page to capture electronic mail addresses – Coming before long Pro functions wonderful. Comment: a reasonably regular associates area with a few standard coaching. I Primarily like how the templates are set out – a single click within your WP dash, and also the template is there so that you can use on any site you wish.
The Single Best Strategy To Use For ProfitBuilder 2.0
Picking the highest possible paying program is not essential. In truth, you can do well with a reduced payment if there is a really high need for the product and also not a whole lot of competition. There are millions of people online. The top paying affiliate program might already have a great deal of competition. Or it could be the most effective paying associate program since the product isn't that great. When choosing a product to market online, you could wish to consider your very own history. If you are mosting likely to leadpages, sites, short articles and article around a particular particular niche, you will certainly either need to learn as high as you could about it or select something that you already have a rate of interest in doing. You must take steps to earn certain that your text messaging project does not send messages to customers in the very early morning or late night. Nobody likes to be troubled with advertising and marketing late during the night or early in the morning, regardless of just how much they enjoy your product. That's it, you're done! As well as that is why I truly like using this Socrates WordPress Concept and visualize it is the really finest WordPress idea for affiliate advertising. It's quickly, simple, simple, has the features I desire and want, and lets me position up internet site incredible swiftly. There is a demo you can analyze out on the Socrates Motif internet site. Likewise most network marketers don't understand the best ways to take their company on the net so the demand for this type of solution is huge. If you can show traditional network marketing experts exactly how to build their MLM service online there huges cash included. MLM system pro does this quite possibly and provides any kind of multi level marketer the possibility to brand him or herself as a leader with the easy internet site WP ProfitBuilder 2.0 review. 2 percent of 4 thousand = 80 people buying from your web link. 80 individuals multiplied by 75 dollars (your payment) = 6000 bucks. 6000 dollars from an email that took probably 15 mins to earn! That's the power of the checklist.
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xplasticspasticx · 7 years
ProfitBuilder 2.0 review Tv News
The following step is to choose on your navigation options. Higher and/or primary navigating bar, best footer, or left footer navigation are your selection, just choose and also conserve. A/B screening can be a helpful technique in developing a landing page generator. Mobile pages should be evaluated for use, equally as much as any various other websites. Have two variations of your web page and also see which obtains the highest possible variety of conversions. Proceed to move on making use of one of the most successful one. If you currently publish your personal ebooks, courses, video training, training, or whatever on your website, Kajabi can be a very easy remedy for you easily automate your advertising and marketing. They have a "KLUB" neighborhood function which gives you a Facbookish kinda feel where you can interact, react, and also respond to questions from your consumers. Pretty cool. If you intend to see your earnings skyrocket, mobile advertising could be among the simplest means to achieve this. It enables you to touch into the millions of possible clients that communicate mainly with their phones. These excellent suggestions can help you market your company on the forefront of technology. You should want to take on new advertising and marketing methods based upon the platforms that your consumers are making use of.
WP Profit Builder 2 Review Fundamentals Explained
The main reason why I wp profit builder use this plugin for coming before long pages is mainly because it stops persons from accessing other areas of your website. in some cases certain Sites which are referring site visitors can be liable for a large number of subscribers. Set your Confirmation URL to a “thanks” web page that you've got formulated in your weblog. Even wp profit builder adhering to your company have equipped their information and facts and turn into choose in e mail prospects, you Even so want to maintain them on your web site as lengthy as is possible. on account of a bug in the existing Variation of GetResponse, you might want to shorten the URL for this page in bitly (or an extra link shortener utility) and duplicate the shortened link to the affirmation URL box. WP Superstars is a web based publication that aims to simplify WordPress, so that you can aim your time and energy on what issues. it had been way far too affordable not to purchase. perfectly truly worth wp profit builder it way too in comparison to Optimize Press 2 and a few Other individuals. as soon as you recognize the UI this can hasten your webpage design time tremendously. Within this video clip, I install some templates, make a web page, and also have a Perform with the various options accessible in Profit Builder. In truth, my previous landing internet pages – pre Blogging from Paradise times – ended up WAY as well cluttered and sales-ey. Not excellent, and my poor Vitality about their lousy layout designed my on-line little bit a struggle. I think it is simply the merchandise by itself you give to your customers (not the developer legal rights not surprisingly) but I pondering if they'd all exactly the same functions so far as use of solution? As you know, I've more than one web-site so these instruments seriously support me build out a web page – plus I got in early so I obtained the builders Model at an excellent rate. The assessment of Profit Builder topic and plugin is a totally neutral critique. My most important intention Here's to allow you to find out whether or not WP Profit Builder is suitable for your company needs – and most importantly – your funds. Within this online video, I look at the associates area available to you When you have acquired the merchandise, after which you can soar across to my WP dashboard and show you the global configurations – together with the templates which have been already involved together with your buy. remark: As I say in the video clip, Profit Builder may be very similar to OptimizePress two.0. Which is no lousy issue in any respect. I Specifically like how your enter within the Reside Editor demonstrates up promptly while in the Are living preview frame. Down the road if and Once i develop then I can normally consider another thing but by that time there'll be so a number of other merchandise out out there. In the world of online marketing, developing optimized landing webpages that transform can typically be complicated job; particularly if you haven't any coding experience.
Not known Factual Statements About WP Profit Builder 2 Review
Want to see if your landing page is great sufficient? Just ask and also somebody will certainly supply their positive critique. Cant find out why you've been Google put? Well, you're not the just one and you can discover handy guidance on exactly how to avoid this dreadful occurrence. 2: WHAT ARE ALL THE REQUIRED COSTS? Prior to investing your cash, figure out just what is anticipated of you, investment-wise. Besides the preliminary buy-in expense, exist webhosting fees? Advertising costs? Monthly membership/subscription costs? Additional established up fees as in Profit Builder 2 review, auto-responder established, etc? This is NOT suggested to claim that having these added costs makes it a deal breaker. Nonetheless, see to it you are completely knowledgeable about ALL the required monetary costs called for to obtain your organisation operating. That's it, you're done! Which is why I really like using this Socrates WordPress Idea as well as picture it is the best WordPress concept for affiliate advertising. It's swiftly, straightforward, straightforward, has the features I want as well as desire, as well as lets me position up internet site incredible promptly. There is a trial you can take a look at out on the Socrates Style website. Make your landing page simple. Simplicity rules in the web. Don't assume anything. Something that is noticeable to you, is not so evident to your site visitors. Your site visitors are active. They do not have time to figure it out. If they can't discover exactly what they are trying to find, they will leave quickly. Selecting the highest paying program is not necessary. Actually, you can do well with a low payout if there is an actually high demand for the product as well as not a great deal of competitors. There are numerous people online. The leading paying associate program may already have a lot of competitors. Or it may be the very best paying associate program due to the fact that the product isn't that great. When choosing a product to market online, you might wish to consider your very own background. If you are mosting likely to leadpages, web sites, posts and post around a particular particular niche, you will certainly either require to find out as much as you can about it or pick something that you already have a passion in doing. Relying on the kind of product that you have a blog may also be adequate sufficient to remove having a website entirely. Today a great blog site could also be a lot more excellent than a website since you can make it interactive and also add points to it such as graphics, sound and video clip.
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timothyakoonce · 7 years
Online Business Directories: How to Use Citations to Build a Successful Local SEO Strategy
Online Business Directories: How to Use Citations to Build a Successful Local SEO Strategy written by Guest Post read more at Duct Tape Marketing
Gone are the days of the usefulness of printed phone books. The only use for them these days is for your grandparents (who may not even have a cell phone), to raise your computer monitor, hold open a door or prop up your feet. (Go ahead, look around your office!) The modern-day online equivalent of phone books are online business directories (a.k.a. ‘Citation’ sites.)
Online directories are sites that scrape the Internet looking for businesses’ information – at a minimum they’ll include a company’s name, address and phone number (NAP) — to pull into their master database of businesses. Just some examples of online directories include Yelp, Merchant Circle, Citysearch, Google My Business and YP.com.
The main Search Engine Optimization (SEO) benefits of getting listed on online directories is that quality online directory listings often show up in search engine result pages (SERPs) when a local business is searched for. In the example below I searched for ‘clarks shoe stores austin tx.’ As you can see, several online business directories showed up in search results:
Often these directories allow business owners to “claim” their business listing to ensure that the info they gathered about a business is accurate and up to date. (Google LOVES showing accurate information. For instance, if there’s one directory that has a business’ address listed one way and another directory has the address listed slightly different, then the Google bots don’t know which listing is correct – so it may just ignore both and show a competitor’s information instead.)
You will often hear online business directories referred to as ‘citations’ or ‘citation sites.’ ‘Citations’ are essentially any place where a business’ Name, Address and Phone Number (NAP) information appears on a site – many of these ‘citation’ sites are online business directories but it could also be a site that happens to list a business’ contact info in a blog post, for example.
What Are Online Directories and Why Are They Important for Local SEO?
Online Business Directories are websites that scrape the Internet looking for information about local businesses. Their goal? To gather as much relevant and accurate information as they can about local businesses so they become a reliable source to Google, Bing, Yahoo! and other search engines. Big online directories like Google My Business, Bing Places for Business, Yelp and Citysearch reap the benefits of their hunting and gathering efforts by showing up towards the top on local business searches.
Online directories also allow you to get a backlink to your website from a trustworthy site. In a day when backlinks are still important to the search engines as a ranking factor, it lends to your business’ credibility when you’re accurately linked to on the top online directories.
Your Customers Are Searching for You Online – Can Your Business Be Found?
Research shows that 97% of consumers search the web to find local goods, products and services, but according to the Local Search Association, 56% of local businesses still haven’t claimed their Google My Business Page (GMB) — which is quite possibly the most important online directory to claim. And GMB is not the only online directory that businesses are missing: just 33% of businesses have claimed their Yelp listing; 21% on Yahoo and 19% on YP.com. Businesses that aren’t claiming, ensuring their business info is correct and optimizing these often-free listings are missing out…
For instance, according to Search Engine Journal, signals within a business’ GMB page is among the top search engine ranking factors. These signals include online reviews, pictures and having the page Owner Verified (this means the business owner took the time to verify and/or correct the information Google had listed about their business.) One of the most popular ranking factors is having a keyword in the Google My Business page’s business name – which can help you rank at least 1.5 spots higher with just this factor alone.
The popular SEO site, Moz.com has also shown that Google My Business Signals and Citation information, such as a business’ NAP information, also impacts search engine results.
The best way to claim your Google My Business page is to go to www.GYBO.com/business and follow the steps:
Not All Online Directories Are Equal
It’s important to note that there are literally THOUSANDS of online business directories out there – and many niche directories as well. Many of the directories out there are (pardon my frankness) crap and getting listed on those directories can actually hurt your rankings.
I recommend that you download Moz’s MozBar so that you can see the quality of the directories you’re thinking about getting your business listed on. You have to sign up for a free Moz account in order to see the metrics, but it’s well worth it.
After you install the MozBar Chrome extension you can then easily see some site/directory quality scores. Home Advisor, for instance, has a Page Authority of 56 and a Domain Authority of 81. Based on those high numbers it’s pretty safe to assume that it’s a quality online business directory – and it’s one you should probably get your business listed on if you’re in the home improvement market.
If you want to see the places where your business’ name, address and phone number are listed, you may also want to check out N.A.P. Hunter! from Local SEO Guide. N.A.P Hunter! is a Chrome extension that shows you the online directories that a business is listed on. It performs searches for various combinations of a business’ name, address and phone number to give you a good look at a business’ citation profile — and you can even download the file to .csv.
So Where Do You Start With Online Business Directories?
The very first directories you’re going to want to claim are Google My Business and Bing Places for Business. These are two FREE business listings you can get from the two largest search engines. Don’t pass these up! The next thing you need to do is search for and verify that your business is listed accurately on the top 150+ online business directories. Vendasta has provided a great (and relatively current) list of their picks for the top 100 online business directories, but there are other compiled top online business directory lists out there as well that show a variety of other online directories you should check out, too.
Again, if you’re ever in doubt as to whether an online directory is credible or a scam, turn to MozBar and check out their quality data.
If searching for the best online directories, then searching each directory individually to see if your business is listed and then claiming/optimizing/fixing your business listings seems like a time consuming and tedious process – it is! I wish I could tell you there’s a little Online Directory Fairy Godmother who can do all this work for you, but I don’t believe in fairy tales. However, the next best thing IS available: businesses that WILL go out and do all the legwork for you. BrightLocal, Moz Local, Whitespark and others offer citation claiming and listing services. BrightLocal recently compared the pros and cons of the top listing citation services, so be sure to check that out.
There are also online data aggregators that have agreements with a large volume of online directories and when you sign up with an aggregator they will “push” all of your information out to hundreds of online business directories at once. So should you manually claim directories? Use aggregators? Or do a combination of both? Check out this great article that tells you which is the best approach.
The bottom line is as a business – or an online agency that provides digital marketing services for local businesses – claiming and verifying online business directories is one of the easiest – and fastest – ways to get an SEO bump. Don’t ignore citation sites – use them to push your business’ info out to the masses. Good luck!
About the Author
Sherry Bonelli is the Local Search Evangelist at BrightLocal. She leads BrightLocal’s Research & Content programs and champions the needs of their SEO Agency and SMB customers. Having worked in digital marketing since 1998, Sherry has a Master’s Degree in Internet Marketing along with numerous digital marketing certifications. In her “spare” time she is a volunteer mentor for the SCORE East Central Iowa Chapter where she coaches small businesses on how to use digital marketing effectively. Sherry frequently gives workshops and speeches on digital marketing topics to local business owners. She can be reached via email at [email protected]. To find out more information about BrightLocal, visit www.brightlocal.com.
  Like this month’s theme? We are sharing even more about how small businesses can grow with SEO over at www.SEOforGrowth.com.
from Duct Tape Marketing https://www.ducttapemarketing.com/citations-build-successful-local-seo-strategy/
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