#will just add the wna tag since these are for myself mostly though people can keep track as well if they want
Name Meaning: June Himalia
Progress: 10%
Lore: Nisse Tomte
Progress: 20%
Lore: Wishing Fairies
Progress: 0%
Story: The Cherry-Blossom Harlequin
Progress: 30%
I promise I’m not dead, lol! Just got very busy with end of the semester stuff, but now it’s been mostly taken care of, so we’ll return to our weekly scheduled stuff (kinda)! To get things rolling I’m gonna start doing these update posts at the end of the week to keep track of how things are evolving!
As you can see the next future instalments will be mostly lore focused on a couple of creatures that I’ve mentioned in passing, but plan to expand upon properly now!
Fun Fact: Apparently a Nisse Tomte’s eyes share a similarity with that of cat eyes!
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