#will I ever be able to shut up abt t8s
piganatur · 1 year
what makes the eighth sense so soooo good storytelling-wise is that it clearly has direction. so many korean web dramas are short and scattered with little to no plot or barely any/minimum character growth because a) they are either made to be the baseline for product placement or b) engineered to be these snippets that in the end will get slapped together like a compilation and called a film. in contrast, the eighth sense reads so much like a film because it is one, it was made to be one *one that screams CINEMA* it has already premiered (and is on its second week of release in megabox theatres) so the series is more like the extended version, the directors cut so to say, of that carefully constructed story. the creators are, quite honestly, absolutely insane for crafting and putting out a work of such quality. they are so bold with the editing choices bc they trust the audience. t8s is a show that doesn’t underestimate its viewers by thinking they require everything to be spoon-fed to them. the opening scene of ep3? (one can argue that it is in medias res but is it if we regard it as a whole with ep2 already out? would it be necessary to start from when they talk on the beach and ease into the feelings and vibes of the scene?) the point is the uncertainty, the surprise, the double take that makes, both the characters and us, freeze up and hold our breath the ending scene of ep3? the tonal change compared to the rest of the episode, the visual representation, the skip that isn’t shown... these are not drawbacks nor the results of missing something. these are the signs of faith poured into the audience over a piece of media that puts a whole world into existence. even if we don’t see all that’s happening, the sincerity and details that are constantly given, the delicacy and meticulousness of the parts that are shown of these characters living in front of us is compelling enough to get a full picture, to understand the unsaid just as much as what is stated. it is, once again, all about showing and seeing and I’m enraptured by it
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