#wilkinson gallery
eurydia · 10 months
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Madame K, after John Singer Sargent's Madame X
details, progress, and notes below
Sargent is one of my main art inspirations. I've always wanted to do a master study of his iconic portrait, but decided to add a Star Wars spin to it ✨ I love painting Kleya and thought she would fit with this portrait! her dress by Michael Wilkinson is so elegant and iconic. I think the description of the original painting also fits her well: "Sargent shows a woman posing in a black satin dress with jeweled straps, a dress that reveals and hides at the same time." I thought it was an interesting choice that Kleya's red, "disguise" outfit stands out more than her gallery one, while Luthen's outfits are the opposite. almost like she's hiding in plain sight.
I kept the ring as part of my Kleya/Luthen AU.
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Signe Wilkinson
* * * *
April 20, 2024
APR 21, 2024
Cheering broke out in the gallery and among Democrats on the floor of the House of Representatives this afternoon when the House passed the $60.8 billion aid bill for Ukraine. The vote was 311–112, with all Democrats and 101 Republicans voting in favor and 112 Republicans voting against. One Republican voted present. 
The House also voted on the three other bills that will be packaged with the Ukraine bill as a single measure to go in front of the Senate. The House voted in favor of providing $8.1 billion in support for Taiwan and the Indo-Pacific by a vote of 385–34. It approved more than $26 billion for Israel, including $9.2 billion in humanitarian aid not specifically for Gaza but for populations in crisis, by a vote of 366–58. And it voted 360–58 to place additional sanctions on Iran, seize Russian assets, and require the Chinese owners of TikTok to sell the company within nine months if they want it to continue to be available on U.S. app stores.  
The total price tag of the measures is about $95.3 billion. About $50 billion of it will be used here in the U.S. to replenish the supplies that will go abroad. 
Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) says the Senate will take up the measure on Tuesday. Senators had gone home for recess but will come back to vote. The Department of Defense says it is ready to rush crucial supplies as soon as it gets the go-ahead. "We have a very robust logistics network that enables us to move material very quickly; as we've done in the past, we can move within days," Pentagon press secretary Air Force Major General Pat Ryder said Thursday.  
Aid to Ukraine has been stalled since Biden first asked for it in October 2023. First, MAGA Republicans said they would never pass such a national security supplemental bill until the U.S. addressed the need for better security at the country’s southern border. Senators, including Republican James Lankford (R-OK) took them at their word and hammered out a strong border security measure, only to have Republicans reject it when Trump demanded they preserve border security as a campaign issue. The Senate then passed the national security supplemental bill without a border measure, but that was back in February. Although it was clear the measure would pass the House, Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has steadfastly refused to take it up. 
Meanwhile, countries around the globe have been stepping into the breach, providing funds and weapons for Ukraine as Ukraine’s war effort has faltered without U.S. war matériel.
Suddenly, the dam has broken. 
The MAGA extremists who oppose aid to Ukraine expressed anger over the measure’s passage, but outside of that group, there was bipartisan relief and mutual congratulations. The chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Representative Michael McCaul (R-TX), who has been vocal in his belief that Republicans have fallen prey to Russian propaganda, compared today’s vote to the period before World War II, when British prime minister Neville Chamberlain tried to appease dictator Adolf Hitler in 1938 by agreeing to Germany’s annexation of the Sudetenland. To Chamberlain’s successor, Winston Churchill, fell the task of fighting World War II. 
“Our adversaries are watching us here today, and history will judge us on our actions here today,” McCaul said. “So as we deliberate on this vote, you have to ask yourself: Am I Chamberlain or am I Churchill?”
House minority leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) said: “For months, the national security priorities of the American people have been obstructed by pro-Putin extremists determined to let Russia win. A bipartisan coalition of Democrats and Republicans has risen up to work together and ensure that we are getting the national security legislation important to the American people over the finish line.”
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin also released a statement welcoming the passage of the measure. “This bipartisan legislation will allow the Department to surge lifesaving security assistance to help Ukraine defend itself from Russia’s aggression, support Israel’s defense from Iran and its proxies, and increase the flow of urgently needed humanitarian aid to suffering Palestinians in Gaza.” It is also, he wrote, “an important investment in America's future.”  
President Joe Biden said that “members of both parties in the House voted to advance our national security interests and send a clear message about the power of American leadership on the world stage. At this critical inflection point, they came together to answer history’s call, passing urgently-needed national security legislation that I have fought for months to secure.” 
The reiteration of the bipartisan nature of the vote suggests support for the idea that the breaking dam refers not just to the national security supplemental bill but also to the power of MAGA Republicans more generally. Representative Tom Cole (R-OK) suggested this interpretation in an interview today with Ryan Lizza of Politico. 
MAGAs are Trump loyalists, counting on his return to power, and Trump is visibly diminished. For the last week, he has been sitting in a courtroom with no choice but to do as he is told by the judge while potential jurors have expressed their dislike of him to his face. This is novel for him, and it is clearly taking a toll. 
Trump’s financial troubles have not gone away, either. Yesterday, New York attorney general Letitia James asked a judge to void the $175 million appeals bond Trump posted to secure the $454 million judgment against him in the business fraud case. She says that the defendants have failed to show that there is enough collateral behind the bond to secure it. She has asked for a replacement bond within a week. Without a bond, James can begin to seize Trump’s property. 
Since Republicans took control of the House, Republican leaders have had to turn to Democrats to find the votes to pass crucial legislation like the national security supplemental bill, preventing a U.S. default, and funding the government. Republicans interested in governing and eager to protect the institutions of democracy appear to be getting fed up with the attention-seeking and bomb-throwing MAGA faction that refuses to do the work of governing. 
That frustration might have been on display when the House also voted on a fifth measure: a border bill the extremist Republicans demanded. Because it was considered under a suspension of the rules, it needed a two-thirds majority to pass. The measure failed with a vote of 215–211. Aaron Reichlin-Melnick, a lawyer with the American Immigration Council advocacy group, noted that the last time the House voted on a similar measure, it got 219 votes. This time it got fewer votes, even with an added $9.5 billion for Texas, Florida, and other states that are restricting immigrants’ rights. 
In The Atlantic today, David Frum noted the changing U.S. political dynamic and, referring  to the Ukraine vote, wrote: “On something that mattered intensely to [Trump]—that had become a badge of pro-Trump identity—Trump’s own party worked with Democrats in the House and Senate to hand him a stinging defeat. This example could become contagious.” In other words, he said: “Ukraine won. Trump lost.”
For his part, leading Russian politician Dmitry Medvedev had his own reaction to the House’s passage of the national security supplemental bill with aid for Ukraine. He vowed that Russia would win the war anyway and added: “[C]onsidering the russophobic decision that took place I can't help but wish the USA with all sincerity to dive into a new civil war themselves as quickly as possible. Which, I hope, will be very different from the war between North and South in the 19th century and will be waged using aircraft, tanks, artillery, MLRS, all types of missiles and other weapons. And which will finally lead to the inglorious collapse of the vile evil empire of the 21st century—the United States of America.”
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missyourflight · 8 months
some stuff i read and watched in september:
my brilliant friend (s1-3): had a bit of ferrante fever and rinsed through this, i think it's v well done as an adaptation -- it's been so long since i read the first couple of books that the casting of the lads made them feel much more vivid than i remembered, also i Need to go to florence
foundation (s2): honestly entertainment peaked with deranged space emperor clone lee pace spitting blood in ben daniels' face and snarling i fucking love it, hope to see it back in 2-3 years probably!
the gold: finally got around to this bc they were talking about it on the watch lol, very cool the way it sort of sprawls out from the original heist and just keeps going, classic dcoop sketchiness, still mulling over casting jack lowden as lymond bc what other blonde scottish actors even are there
starstruck (s3): ROSE MATAFEO FOREVER etc. this season pretty much an anti-romcom which i'm on board with, the friendship stuff fucked me up, not to get into but phew re: being single in your thirties while all your friends are having kids etc
passages: really liked this but somehow didn't love it quite as much as i expected to, franz ben adele perfect, whishaw really come full circle since basically playing the franz role in cock at the royal court lol, beautiful knitwear outfits homewares
the best years of our lives: like 3 hours long but doesn't feel it, quietly devastatingly empathetic story of returning ww2 veterans, i need to watch the five come back series on netflix bc william wyler is so so good
a haunting in venice: i would also like to go to venice, kenbran's having fun at least my dutch angle king, i hope they keep letting him make these forever although i also rewatched tenet and nothing here tops the part where he jogs slowly backwards through time
the broken hearts gallery: the best of a bunch of recent-ish romances i watched, geraldine viswanathan is a Star
michael clayton: somehow hadn't seen this before but very satisfying like corporate thriller, tom wilkinson and tilda are great, i want to rewatch andor now
elena ferrante, the story of the lost child: finally finished the neapolitan novels, fuck me up elena. can't think of a comparable series of like adult novels that go this hard for me, maybe st aubyn? yowl
colin walsh, kala: this ripped actually, loved like the irish specificity of the voices
james frankie thomas, idlewild: literally took critical damage every time i had to read the word HoYay but this was great and painful about like being a horrible little queer teenager and codependent friendships and livejournal and annotated fanfiction etc
marilynne robinson, gilead: ow i loved this, i think it's a real skill to make like goodness compelling, looking forward to being devastated by the rest of the series etc
sylvia townsend warner, lolly willowes: 🧙‍♀️🍂🌝
katie kitamura, intimacies: more things should be set at the courts in the hague tbh! made me think about translation a lot and also black earth rising
cat sebastian, we could be so good: sometimes you just want to read a gay romance about being in love with your best friend innit
operation mincemeat: omg i actually went to the theatre, this was silly and very much The British Hamilton but i loved it and i cried and i ordered drinks to my seat, 5 stars etc
the effect: i didn't see the original billie piper staging but i love lucy prebble and i loved this cast, literally paapa essiedu can do anything, kobna holdbrook smith reminded me that i should carry on with the rivers of london audibooks, one in a long list of signs that i should probably talk to someone about my mental health lol
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yama-bato · 2 years
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Cleo Wilkinson, 'Glance II.' On... - Davidson Galleries
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Today I met up with my Mum and Daughter for Brunch and a trip to our local Museum  Random Ceramics found around Plymouth, UK Jane Austen by T. Martine Ronaldson, Plymouth, UK The Eddystone Lighthouse (During the Great Storm of November 1824) by W Daniell, Plymouth, UK MMXXII By Courtesy of  Anthony Wilkinson Gallery, London
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mea-gloria-fides · 2 years
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Mouth of the River Hull: Norman Wilkinson (1878–1971). Ferens Art Gallery
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Sunday 12 May 1839
7 50/..
12 10/..
fine but dull morning F48° inside and 54 ½° outside at 9 and breakfast in about ½ hour – then with A- (siding) in the store room till 11 ½ - then looking out books to be bound and looking into 1 or other till luncheon with A- sometime just before in the cellar choosing made wine for a poor man in a decline in one of Hannah Walkers’ cottage at Lidgate – after 3 other bottles, at last fixed on a pint bottle of good white currant – we had previously opened ginger, mixed currant (both said to be tartish – by A- and Oddy) and one cowslip of which I drunk 3 wine glasses at luncheon – then at my books again – till church time – there in about 20 minutes as usual – Mr. Horsfall did all the duty – preached about ½ hour from psalm (prayer book version) 92 vv. 1 and 2 – the church newly painted since last Sunday one looks clean and tidy but odd from the iron pillar supports of the gallery and the chain of the great brass chandelier the curtain rod of the church warder’s pew (the curtain rod) being painted a light blue – the taste of the church warder, Mr. Henry Flather, a very good sort of man of blue (a conservative) politics – a few minutes at the school where A- wrote a few lines in pencil to Mr. S. Washington (George took the note while we were at Cliff hill) to desire him to stake out the 1200 yards of stone for each of the Messrs. Hemingway as soon as he could – tomorrow Tuesday at latest Wednesday as A- wished to see the staking out before writing to Mrs. Sutherland – 21 minutes at Cliff hill – Mrs. AW. well as when I last saw her, and in good spirits – home at 5 20/.. by our late clock – A- and I walked down to the meer and back and then a little in front of the house for 35 minutes – I staid out 10 minutes longer and came in just before 6 – then wrote all but the first 1 ½ line of today till nearly 6 ½ - then read a few of the first page of Wilkinsons’ Topography of Egypt and Thebes – out of print – cannot get it – dinner about 6 50/.. A- read aloud the leading article of the London newspaper (morning Herald) – Lord Melbourne prime minster again! – the queen refused to let Sir Robert Peel appoint the officers of her household Ladies of the bedchamber etc. etc. and .:. Sir Robert declined forming a ministry – very right – the Herald thinks Sir Robert cannot be kept out of office a month – Letter from Marian Mill cottage Northcave hurried – about 1 ½ p. – she will be here on Tuesday night, or, if not, on Wednesday – coffee – came upstairs before 9 struck and wrote the last 7 lines – read a few pages at the end of topography of E- and Thebes – then somehow or other sleepy and then incurred a cross sitting on my chair till very near ten   thinking of π- then in the tower study arranging my books till near 11 at which hour F49° inside and 42 ½° outside – fine day
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dbenfordworks · 1 year
Performances & other incidents
See also: http://douglasbenford.org.uk
Sound gallery: http://douglassoundgallery.tumblr.com
Bandcamp: https://dbenford.bandcamp.com/music
Further links at bottom of page
- Performance as part of a trio with Mirie Ya and Chris Hill at the Frank Chickens’ Merry Mini Ura Matsuri, St Mary’s Old Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Performance as part of a trio with Chris Hill and James O’Sullivan at Matt Atkins’ 50th birthday event, Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Trio performance with Iris Colomb and Tom Ward at a Lion Heart production event, The Royal Albert pub, New Cross, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Ashley Wales, Steve Beresford, Faradina Afifi, Charlotte Keeffe, Julien Woods and George Garford at Longfield Hall, Camberwell, London, UK
- The Ambrosia Rasputin radio show on Resonance FM this month had two programmes with pieces involving Douglas Benford aired. Firstly, a performance by Maggie Nicols, Isidora Edwards, Alex Paxton, Hyelim Kim and Douglas Benford, and then also a piece by Mandhira De Sara, John Edwards, Hannah Marshall and Douglas Benford from their bandcamp album, see links below.
- Trio performance with Verity Lane and N.O. Moore at Soundhunt (part of Cambridge Jazz Festival), Thrive cafe, Cambridge, UK
- Attended and performed at the London Improvisation Workshop at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Eddie Prevost, Nathan Moore, Emmanuelle Waeckerle, Jessica St Bruno, Chris Hill, Ed Lucas and Romuald Wadych.
- Performances as part of a quintet with Maggie Nicols, Alex Paxton, Hyelim Kim and Isidora Edwards at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Ashley Wales, Steve Beresford, Faradina Afifi (with poetry by Bettina Schroeder & Roger Huddle), Sue Lynch, Jonny Martin and Benjy Sandler at St Mary’s Old Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Duo performance with Dee Byrne at a Lion Heart production event, The Royal Albert pub, New Cross, London, UK
- Attended and performed at the London Improvisation Workshop at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Eddie Prevost, Nathan Moore, Emmanuelle Waeckerle, John Eyles, Gina Fergione, Jessica St Bruno, Ian Wadley, and Mirei Ya
- Performances as part of a quartet with Emily Shapiro, Sofia Vaisman-Maturana, Abe Mamet, Maya Leigh-Rosenwasser at The Intimate Space, St Mary’s Tower, Hornsey Village, London, UK
- The Ambrosia Rasputin radio show on Resonance FM airs an excerpt of ‘Cascade Study Team’ from the Bandcamp album by Douglas Benford, Emily Shapiro, N.O. Moore and Clive Bell - https://www.mixcloud.com/Resonance/the-ambrosia-rasputin-show-15-oct-2023/
- Performances as part of a quartet with Sue Lynch, Dave Fowler and Noah Berrie at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Performances as part of a trio with Verity Lane and Eddie Prevost at Ad Lib, Open Ealing, Ealing, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Ashley Wales, Steve Beresford, Chris Killick, Olga Ksendzovska, Aurelie Freoua and Martin Hackett at St Mary’s Old Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Performances as part of a trio with Lucy Strauss and Alan Wilkinson at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Attended and performed three times this month at the London Improvisation Workshop at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Eddie Prevost, Nathan Moore, Tilly Coulton, Emmanuelle Waeckerle, John Eyles, Tony Hardy-Bick, Tansy Spinks, Chris Hill, Verity Lane, Noah Berrie, Soeine, Samuele Albani, Alan Newcombe, James O’Sullivan, Ed Shipsey, Ross Lambert, Keisuke Matsui, Ian Wadley, Benjy Sandler, Andrea Bolzoni and Mirie Ya
- Performances as part of quartet with Ariséma Tekle, Robert Finegan & James O’Sullivan at Finch Cafe, London Fields, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Ashley Wales, Charlotte Keeffe, Olga Ksendzovska, Dee Byrne, Gustavia Clayton Marucci and Phil Minton at St Mary’s New Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Attended and performed twice this month at the London Improvisation Workshop at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Eddie Prevost, Nathan Moore, Noah Berrie, Emmanuelle Waeckerle, Tony Hardy-Bick, Ian Wadley, Chris Hill, Tansy Spinks, Alan Newcombe, Keisuke Matsui, Will Clark, Mirie Ya and Ross Lambert
- Duo performance with Pascal Marzan at a private party celebrating Sylvia Hallet’s birthday
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra, with conductions by Steve Beresford, Charlotte Keefe, Noel Taylor, Julian Woods, Ashley Wales, Maggie Nicols, Faradina Afifi, Aurelie Freoua, Rowland Sutherland, Orphy Robinson at Cafe Oto, Dalston, London, UK
- Performances as a part of a quartet with Caroline Kraabel, Julia Doyle and Tom Ward at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Keyboard contribution to Jackson Burton & Ash Reid’s performance at an Associates pop group dedication event, Cafe Oto, Dalston, London, UK
- Trio performance with Charlotte Keeffe and Tom Jackson at a Lion Heart production event, The Royal Albert pub, New Cross, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Ashley Wales, Steve Beresford, Faradena Afifi, Olga Ksendzovska, Martin Hackett and Dave Tucker at St Mary’s New Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- A trailer for a documentary film on artist Calum Storrie, to be released later in 2023, is released, featuring co-compositions and performances by Douglas Benford - https://youtu.be/wRHhQ6ojaT4
- Performances as a part of a quartet with Jamie Coleman, Florence Uniacke and Daniel Thompson at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Performances as part of Confront Recordings’ The Seen twentieth anniversary alongside Regan Bowering, Phil Durrant, Graham MacKeachan, Paul Khimasia Morgan, Cath Roberts, Matt Atkins, Bill Thompson, David Toop and Mark Wastell at Hundred Years gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Attended and performed at the London Improvisation Workshop three times this month at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Keisuke Matsui, Noah Berrie, Emmanuelle Waeckerle, Paul Margree, Tony Hardy-Bick, Chris Hill, Alan Newcombe, Tansy Spinks, Ian Wadley and Tom Mills.
- The Ambrosia Rasputin radio show on Resonance FM airs the piece ‘Smashed Dimensions’ by Douglas Benford, Otto Willberg and Phil Durrant (from the bandcamp ‘Stolen Embers’) - https://www.mixcloud.com/Resonance/the-ambrosia-rasputin-show-11-june-2023/
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Steve Beresford/Faradena Afifi, Adrian Northover, Ashley Wales w. Iris Colomb, Dee Byrne and Julian Woods w. George Garford at St Mary’s New Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Performance as a member of Multiple Melodicas alongside Steve Beresford, David Grundy and Georgina Brett at Cafe Oto, Dalston, London, UK
- Performances at a celebration of Emily Shapiro's birthday with Emily Suzanne Shapiro, Devon Osamu Tipp, Jo De Hulsters, Sofia Vaisman Maturana and Laura Beardsmore at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Performances with Marks Sanders and Verity Lane as part of ‘Drawn Into Sound’, with graphic scores by Calum Storrie and Livia Garcia at Cafe Oto, Dalston, London, UK
- Performances as a part of a quartet with Sylvia Hallett, Ecka Mordecai and Roland Ramanan at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Attended and performed this month with the London Improvisation Workshop at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Eddie Prevost, Tony Hardy-Bick, Lucy Strauss, Chris Hill, Ross Lambert, Verity Lane, Regan Bowering, James O’Sullivan, Mirie Ya, Andrew Ciccone, Noah Berrie and N. O. Moore
- Recording session at the Hundred Years gallery, Hoxton, London, UK with Graham MacKeacham, Keisuke Matsui and Regan Bowering
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Steve Beresford, Faradena Afifi, Adrian Northover, Ashley Wales, Olga Ksendzovska, Philip Wachsmann and Aurelie Freoua at St Mary’s New Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Performance with Chris Hill, Iris Colomb, Crystal Ma and others at Babble & Squeak, Hundred Years gallery, Hoxton, UK
- Performances of Phil Morton’s 50:50 timer project alongside Phil Morton & the Oxford Improvisers (inc Mark Browne, Martin Hackett and others), and London-based improvisers Chris Hill, John Eyles, Iris Colomb, Pat Moochy, Lucky Liguori, Alan Newcombe and others at South Oxford Community Centre, Oxford, UK
- Attended and performed on two occasions this month with the London Improvisation Workshop at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Eddie Prevost, David Grundy, John Eyles, Oscar Leyens, Tony Hardy-Bick, Tom Mills, Jordan Muscatello, Lucy Strauss, Emmanuelle Waeckerle, Armin Sturm, Chris Hill, Ross Lambert, Ed Shipsey, Alex Dalchecco, Tansy Spinks, Angus Paget, Faidon Pap, Helen Dimos, Sacha Kahirand and N. O. Moore
- Performances of Phil Morton’s 50:50 timer project alongside Phil Morton, Chris Hill, John Eyles, Ed Shipsey, Iris Colomb, Kostas Chondros, Pat Moochy, Martin Hackett, Lucky Liguori, Theo Finkel, James O’Sullivan, Hywel Jones and Matt Atkins at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Performances as a part of a quartet with David Toop, Regan Bowering and Andrea Bolzoni at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Performance as a member of Multiple Melodicas alongside Steve Beresford, Martin Hackett, David Grundy and Georgina Brett at Water Into Beer, Brockley, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Steve Beresford, Olga Ksendzovska, Faradena Afifi, Ashley Wales, Martin Hackett and Aurelie Freoua at St Mary’s Old Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Attended and performed with the London Improvisation Workshop three times this month at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Alan Newcombe, Emmanuelle Waeckerle, David Grundy, Chris Hill, Regan Bowering, Jamie Coleman, Ed Shipsey, Lydia Swift, Mirie Ya, Theo Wigens, Helen Dimos, Florence Uniacke, John Eyles, Andrew Ciccone, Noah Berrie, Pat Moonchy, Ian Wradley, Lucky Liguori, Ross Lambert, Tony Hardie-Bick, Oscar Leyens, Jordan Muscatello, Jack Dove, Tansy Spinks, Crystal Ma and Keisuke Matsui
- Performances as a trio with Marjolaine Charbin & Dominic Lash at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- The Ambrosia Rasputin radio show airs the Hundred Years gallery event celebrating Maggie Nicols 75th Birthday including a group piece with Douglas Benford - [see the link above for the complete progamme]
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Steve Beresford (w. text by Brian Eley), Faradena Afifi, Dee Byrne, Ashley Wales, Loz Speyer and Aurelie Freoua at St Mary’s New Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Lengthy review of three releases (‘Plays LemonMelons’, ‘Taking A Quiet Road’ and a Lonely Impulse Collective piece) by Douglas Benford in the March 2023 issue of the Wire magazine, print edition, by Brian Morton. “Benford quite deliberately goes anywhere…quietly rapt….comfortably absorbed and absorbing”
- Duo performance with Benedict Taylor and group performance with Adrian Northover, Sue Lynch, Adam Bohman, Benedict Taylor, Georgina Brett, Daniel Thompson and Vid Drasler at a Lion Heart production event, The Royal Albert pub, New Cross, London, UK
- Performances as a quartet with Steve Noble, Adam Bohman & Dee Byrne at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Performance at Maggie Nichols’ 75th Birthday event and gallery fundraiser with Emmanuelle Waeckerle, Nicky Heinen, Caroline Kraabel, Mark Wastell and Phil Durrant at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK (see YouTube clip above)
- Performances of Phil Morton’s 50:50 timer project alongside Phil Morton, Chris Hill, John Eyles, Regan Bowering, David Grundy, Ed Shipsey, Tom Mills, Kostas Chondros, Pat Moochy, James Malone, Alan Newcombe and others at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- The Ambrosia Rasputin radio show airs the piece ‘Ramparts’ by Douglas Benford, Isadora Edwards and Adrian Northover (from the bandcamp album by them) - [link above for whole radio show]
- Duo performance with Cath Roberts at Boat-Ting, Embankment/Temple, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by David Leahy, Adrian Northover, Dee Byrne, Ashley Wales and Martin Hackett at St Mary’s Old Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Attended and performed with the London Improvisation Workshop at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Eddie Prevost, James O’Sullivan, Tom Mills, Nathan Moore, Ross Lambert, Chris Hill, Alan Newcombe, Emmanuelle Waeckerle and Kostas Chondros
- Performance as a trio with Isidora Edwards and Adrian Northover at the Horse Impro Club, The Glitch, Waterloo, London, UK
- The Ambrosia Rasputin radio show had two different programmes featuring firstly most of the Mopomoso Xmas event included the duo by Andrea Bolzoni and Douglas Benford - https://www.mixcloud.com/Resonance/the-ambrosia-rasputin-show-15-jan-2023/ - and secondly most of the Hundred Years gallery winter solstice event including the duo of Verity Lane and Douglas Benford - https://www.mixcloud.com/Resonance/the-ambrosia-rasputin-show-22-jan-2023/
- Performances as a quartet with Emily Shapiro, N. O. Moore & Clive Bell at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Recording session at the Hundred Years gallery, Hoxton, London, UK with Graham MacKeacham and Regan Bowering
Continued below…
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 years
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“Posse Diligently Seeks Fugitives From Mental Hospital Now At Large,” Victoria Daily Colonist.  November 16, 1921. Page 9. ---- Saylor Malone, alias Curtis, who has escaped from Mental Hospital at Wilkinson Road this morning, is under sentence for $20,000 robbery with violence in Vancouver last year. This photograph was secured from the ‘rogues’ gallery’ through the courtesy of the detective office. The public are warned to look out for the escaped criminals.
John Lynn, alias Sylvester, who escaped with Malone, is a murderer and was serving a life term. Has record of three previous jail breaks, one from penitentiary and two from city jails. Both men are known to be armed with razors.
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joy100744 · 2 years
Teen pokies galleries
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Natural Pubic Hair Unshaven Women Photos - Refinery29.
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Kelly Ripa's daughter Lola stuns in white bikini - Yahoo!.
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Jennifer Aniston 'nipple pictures' leaked online: Behind the scenes.
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Knight, C. (2006) ART REVIEW; Getting to the heart of Hockney: HOME EDITION, The Los Angeles times [online], 12th June 2006
Available at:
[Accessed: 18th November 2023]
Matthew Sperling, Apollo Magazine (2017) The pull of Hockney’s pool paintings
Available at:  https://www.apollo-magazine.com/david-hockney-pool-paintings/ [accessed 21/11/2023]
Melia, Paul (2007) David Hockney, Manchester University Press, Manchester
MyArtBroker, David Hockney's Splash: The Californian Pool Paintings [online]
Available at: https://www.myartbroker.com/artist-david-hockney/articles/david-hockney-splash-the-california-pool-paintings [accessed 19/11/2023]
National Gallery of Australia, (2018) The Subversive Iconography of David Hockney, A Young Artists Dangerous Journey Towards Self Expression, Available at: https://medium.com/national-gallery-of-australia/the-subversive-iconography-of-david-hockney-81eb21c9545d
[Accessed: 9Th November 2023] 
Roger Jones, British Journal of General Practice (2017), Exhibition: David Hockney and the BJGP [Online]
Available at: https://bjgp.org/content/67/660/316.full [accessed 17/11/2023]
Siegel, J. (1978). [Review of David Hockney by David Hockney, by N. Stangos & D. Hockney]. Art Journal, 38, 66–72.
Wilkinson, Isabel (2012). "Peter Schlesinger, David Hockney's Muse, Shows New Works in L.A." The Daily Beast.
Available at: https://www.thedailybeast.com/peter-schlesinger-david-hockneys-muse-shows-new-works-in-la [Accessed 17/11/2023]
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bryonyashaw · 8 months
I was invited to view the exhibition of the work at @louth.museum (on from 18th - 28th October), featuring a soundscape, archival footage, large scale banners and many vibrant images of the market past and present.
𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗿𝘂𝗺 𝗔𝗿𝘁𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗲𝗻 𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗟𝗼𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗙𝘂𝗻𝗱 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗟𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗵 𝗠𝘂𝘀𝗲𝘂𝗺 𝘁𝗼 𝗿𝘂𝗻 𝗮 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿-𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗮𝗴𝗲𝘀 𝗹𝗼𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗰𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗯𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗵 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘃𝗮𝗿𝗶���𝗱 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗟𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗵 (𝗟𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗲) 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁.
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗹𝘂𝗱𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝗵𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀, 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗵𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗮𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗰𝘁𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘂𝗻𝗶𝗾𝘂𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗟𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲.
As well as the mobile exhibition, they plan to produce a large-format book at the end of the project. This will be free to local organisations and partners and will feature the heritage, stories and images that they have uncovered over the year - was interesting to see the past and present of the town.
There is also a project website: www.louthmarket.org showcasing the work further.
Spectrum Arts would like to thank the traders and wider community of Louth, all their volunteers and their partner on this project, Louth Museum.
📌 4 Broadbank, Louth LN11 0EQ
At Louth Museum you can discover:
• The back-lit panoramic bird’s-eye view of Victorian Louth
• Rocks and fossils of the Lincolnshire Wolds
• 200,000 years of local archaeology
• Brickmaking and printing
• The disastrous Louth Flood of May 1920
• The story of the Ghost of the Green Lady
• Carpets made in Louth
• The largest national collection of Victorian woodcarvings by Thomas Wilkinson Wallis
The museum has accessible toilets, designed for both young and disabled visitors. These are located on the ground floor. There is a chair lift to the exhibition gallery on the first floor. It's not a huge place so those with small children won't find themselves with bored children but also it works as an educational visit!
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richdadpoor · 9 months
Meet His Wife, Emily Wilkinson – Hollywood Life
View gallery Image Credit: Stephen Lovekin/Shutterstock Baker Mayfield is an NFL player who has been on four teams since his start in 2018. He has been married to Emily Wilkinson since 2019. Baker was announced as the new Tampa Bay Buccaneers QB on Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2023. Baker Mayfield is known for being a lot of things. He’s a Heisman Trophy winner. He was the No. 1 Overall pick in the 2018…
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mirandamckenni1 · 11 months
Liked on YouTube: A History of Dragons | Dark Pages & Eerie Epistles Podcast ep.1 || https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YUw1Cgrkdc || Head to https://ift.tt/CmEZKGT to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code ladyofthelibrary Support me on Patreon: https://ift.tt/IZVmu82 The Classical Academic: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheClassicalAcademic/ Instagram: https://ift.tt/pNLjEtW Sign up for my newsletter, Confessions of a Bibliophile: https://ift.tt/OvFwYaS Goodreads: https://ift.tt/mw2eFs8 Video Request form: https://ift.tt/nDJuHN5 DISCLAIMER I am just a random student on the internet who loves reading, especially about ancient history and classics. The purpose of my videos is to make classics and ancient history interesting and accessible to everyone. I am not a professional or qualified educator, “expert”, historian or classicist. However, I ensure that all the information I use in my video scripts has been collated from numerous credible sources. Additionally, I am dyslexic, and I will mispronounce words. This does not stem from willful ignorance, and I do make an effort to research how to pronounce words before I start filming, but I often misread my phonetic spelling. In light of this, please do not rely on my video for an authoritative or reliable source of how to pronounce certain words. Chapters: 0:00 Introduction Resources: Anderson, Sallie (December 2001). "Rejecting the Rainbow Serpent: An Aboriginal Artist's Choice of the Christian God as Creator". Australian Journal of Anthropology 12 (3): 291–301. doi:10.1111/j.1835-9310.2001.tb00078.x. https://ift.tt/sOWZIX5 aurosjnc. 2019. “The Myth of the Amaru.” AuroSwords. May 12, 2019. https://ift.tt/UoswvNc. Black, J. &Green, A. Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia. University of Texas Press, 1992. Cartwright, Mark. 2017. “The Dragon in Ancient China.” World History Encyclopedia. September 29, 2017. https://ift.tt/ejs0mfx. Dalley, S. Myths from Mesopotamia. Oxford University Press, 2009. Mark, Joshua. 2020. “Tiamat.” World History Encyclopedia. May 4, 2020. https://ift.tt/Tjar5QN Mark, Joshua. 2017. “Apophis.” World History Encyclopedia. April 25, 2017. https://ift.tt/zlou34E. McNeal, R. "Constructing Myth in Modern China." The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 71, No. 3 (AUGUST 2012), pp. 679-704. Radcliffe-Brown, Alfred Reginald (1926). "The Rainbow-Serpent Myth of Australia". Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 56: 19–25. doi:10.2307/2843596. https://ift.tt/hWTXvt7 Kickett, Everett (1994). "The Trails of the Rainbow Serpents". Daniel Habedank. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxPFx4z3184&list=UUtwQUNGy7Ko4UnmL231GAxw&index=9. Kriwaczek, P. Babylon: Mesopotamia and the Birth of Civilization. St. Martin's Griffin, 2012. "The Rainbow-Serpent Myth of Australia". Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 56: 19–25. doi:10.2307/2843596. https://ift.tt/hWTXvt7 Pfeiffer, Charles. n.d. “LOT an and LEVIATHAN .” Accessed June 13, 2023. https://ift.tt/XVE0Gdc. Shaw, I. The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt. Oxford University Press, 2006. Wilkinson, R. H. The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt. Thames & Hudson, 2003. Wroth, David, Japingka Gallery, and Last updated Feb 2020. 2020. “Rainbow Serpent Dreamtime Story.” Japingka Aboriginal Art Gallery. February 2020. https://ift.tt/nHUDhv1.
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trendingnewsbite · 1 year
Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson, 17, Graduates High School & Mom Mama June Is ‘So Proud’: Videos
View gallery Image Credit: MEGA Here comes the grad! Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson graduated from Wilkinson County High School in McIntyre, Georgia, on May 20. Mama June Shannon and big sis Lauryn “Pumpkin” Shannon were at Honey Boo Boo’s graduation, as well as Anna “Chickadee” Cardwell, cheering her on as she got her diploma. As Honey Boo Boo walked across the stage, Mama June just had to…
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abwwia · 1 year
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Hilda Wilkinson Brown, Young Man Studying, 1933. Photo by Gregory R. Staley. Courtesy of Howard University Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. Licensed by Art Resource, NY.
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