#wilder kaiser
bergsmotiv · 9 months
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Antoniuskapelle im Kaisertal
Naturschutzgebiet Wilder Kaiser, Tirol
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diekulterin · 2 years
"Wilderer" (2022)
“Wilderer” (2022)
O-Töne: Reinhard Kaiser Mühlegger “Wilderer” „Wenn Sie mich fragen würden, welche Art von Roman „Wilderer“ sei, würde ich Ihnen antworten, ein Liebesroman“, stellte Reinhard Kaiser-Mühlecker lapidar in einem Gespräch mit Katja Gasser bei den O-Tönen im Juli fest. Er, der Landwirt aus Oberösterreich, der schon acht Romane geschrieben hat, wie mehrmals betont wird, war nicht danach gefragt worden.…
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blasphemecel · 3 months
Michael Kaiser, Alexis Ness — Fanned Out
PAIRING: Michael Kaiser/Reader/Alexis Ness WORD COUNT: 2.1k TYPE: Humor, Bad flirting (it's getting worse somehow) NOTE(S): This happens directly after Dog Walking. Another one shot with this reader character is Wardrobe Malfunction (U don't need to read either to know what's going on)
You thought after Ness gave you that sermon earlier, trying to indoctrinate you into the Kaiser cult or whatever, the topic would be over and done with. But no, he’s still going. You wonder how he can go on and on, and on, and on, and on about something so worthless.
Maybe you’re becoming a part of the problem, though, and this isn’t a notion that occurs to you often. You’re sitting next to Kaiser of your own volition, after all, leaving you between them while Ness lectures you from the other side.
In your defense, your plan seemed like it would have a high chance of success. You assumed for sure Ness would be too embarrassed to keep talking about that stuff right in front of Kaiser, and here you are, wrong.
Kaiser also appears to still be half-asleep or something because he’s just picking at his breakfast without paying any heed to either of you. His movements are sluggish and he’s unresponsive, which makes his company about fifteen times more pleasant than it usually is.
“I mean, it’s just- How dare you take Kaiser’s first kiss so carelessly?! If you’re going to do that, it’s at least worth a confession.”
Your abrupt laughter results in you choking on your food and sends you into a severe coughing fit, to the point you’re slapping the table with too much force and gasping for breath. You knew it. This man is going to put you in the dirt.
It takes Kaiser precisely two blinks to register what Ness just blurted out, and it does a great job of shaking the drowsiness out of his system. The two of them are ignoring you as if you’re not on the brink of asphyxiating, and Kaiser seethes, “Ness, you shithead! Just because I fucking tell you something doesn’t mean you need to announce it to the world. What the hell?”
“Sorry, Kaiser,” Ness says, flinching. Apparently he has ordained that your offenses haven’t yet stacked up to deserving the death penalty, though, because he takes mercy on you and smacks you on the back until you spit out whatever got stuck in your throat.
Kaiser stares at you as if your hacking was in some way inconvenient to him. Ness is still babbling, muttering apologies both of your ways (though the ones directed at Kaiser are, of course, more fussy).
Despite the post-almost dying haze, you speak in your typical derisive fashion, “You can’t be serious? That was your first kiss? That’s just pathetic.” For good measure, you add in another cackle at the end.
“It’s not like I’ve never had the opportunity to kiss anyone,” justifies Kaiser. What to make this sentence any sadder than Ness nodding in agreement in the background, like he feels the need to provide some kind of confirmation? “I don’t care about useless gestures like this. How many people have you kissed before, anyway, huh?”
“A profitable amount.” You shrug.
“What does that even mean,” Ness asks in the most incurious tone possible.
“Honestly a little disappointing you’d waste your time on stupid shit instead of giving football your all. I expected better from you.”
Wow, leave it to Kaiser to try and make you look like a loser for this. You kind of respect the move, but you won’t admit it to his face.
“I guess it’s a little wild I have experiences outside of football. Wanna know what’s wilder, though?”
“No. Talk to the-”
“How quick you folded even though you’ve never done it before. That's crazy.” Kaiser rolls his eyes, but it doesn’t discourage you from continuing, “Don’t worry, I don’t blame you. I tend to have this effect on people.”
“Shut up! Kaiser is not easy.”
“You’re such an embarrassment,” Kaiser says, looking at Ness with a very pronounced lack of amusement.
He is about to apologize again — what is he even sorry for? existing? — but this brings your attention back to him, and you swing an arm around his shoulders with a look of intrigue. “You seem like the kinda guy who's never kissed anyone before either. Want me to remedy that for you, too?”
“N-No! Why would you even want to do that with me? You’re sick.” With these final words, Ness proceeds to… hop out of his seat and run off to a different table. Overkill much? Does he have no self esteem at all?
You stare incredulously at the spot he was previously sitting in along with Kaiser, and then you turn to look at each other with a vague sense of confusion as if you’re both unsure you actually witnessed this happen.
“So,” Kaiser begins, fumbling around his food with his fork in a manner he probably considers nonchalant, “if you didn’t notice it was my first time kissing someone, that means it was good and you liked it.”
You smile at him. “With how skilled you are at jumping to conclusions, you should consider a career change to obstacle course racing. Would you like a performance review? Constructive criticism? A rating from one to ten?”
In an impressive show of restraint, Kaiser doesn’t throw any of the bowls in your face.
Kaiser has been staring at himself in the mirror for more than thirty minutes with a thoughtless smile on his face.
You’re getting this estimate from the fact he was doing this when you first walked in, and the shit you were taking was on the tougher side, and now you’re done and he’s still at it. He does this nonsense every morning, though, so you’re about to leave him alone… until an idea crosses your mind.
You approach, your reflection coming closer and closer ominously. “Kaiser.”
“Go away. You’re interrupting me,” he says, despite not doing anything you can see at all.
“Hear me out for a second. You can go back to psychotically talking to yourself after.”
“I wasn’t ‘psychotically talking to myself.’”
“Really? Because it looked to me like you were giving yourself a motivational speech in your head.”
“What the fuck do you want? Just get on with it. I don’t have time for this.”
“Clumsy topic segue. But anyway, I’ve been feeling kind of bad about the stuff with the kiss.” Just the mention of it is enough to make him pull an annoyed expression, but you disregard it. “I wanna do something nice for you.”
He looks at you in a way someone who just swallowed an entire lemon, with the exocarp and all, might — weird, but unmistakably thrown off and irked. In a sarcastic tone, he asks, “Why would you want to do something nice for me? Since when are you such a good samaritan?”
You turn around and pull yourself up over the vanity, unfazed by his attitude. “Let me do your eyeliner thing for you.”
It is obvious you have an ulterior motive here. Kaiser’s eyes dart between you and the make-up appliance. He only has his curiosity to blame when he hands it over to you after a while of paranoid scrutiny.
You lean in and push his hair aside with your fingers, using your other hand to draw the usual wing under his waterline. Despite the lack of suspicious or otherwise unusual movements on your end, Kaiser is tense. Nothing sinister is happening and it’s weirding him out.
You finish and switch to the other one. This is unsettling. A sense of foreboding looms over him, and though you’re being prompt about it, the process seems long and arduous in his mind.
Once you’re done, in one swift motion — as if you’ve practiced before — you press the tip of the pen against his forehead and scrawl something, before backing off and beaming at him with smug satisfaction. It all happens so quickly, he doesn’t react with more than a blink at first.
Kaiser’s brows furrow and he glances at himself in the mirror, confirming the unthinkable. “Did you just sign my fucking forehead?”
“For my biggest fan.”
“I’m not your fan. Get over yourself. You’re not Drake.”
“I figured it was fair you’d get my first ever autograph, since I got your first kiss.”
“Go to hell and burn while you’re at it! I have to clean this now.”
“Why would you clean it?” you ask. What kind of moron are you, Kaiser wonders. “I think you should get it tattooed. It costs millions, you know? In fact, you should show it off in front of the others.”
“Please. Whatever I wipe myself with would cost ten times more than your signature ever will.”
“If it helps you sleep at night, Kaiser,” you relent, still coming off as very pleased with yourself, which makes this whole thing more annoying than it needs to be. Though he looks like he’s about to bite your face off, you invade his personal space even further and inch closer, your nose almost brushing against his. “You can say anything you want. Doesn’t change the fact that you’re my little bitch.”
“Stop calling me that! What’s wrong with you?!” he fumes, reaching to grip your waist and attempting to push you off the countertop.
You almost fall despite resisting, too, but you throw the eyeliner at his face, and it creates enough of a diversion for you to slide down without accident. You’re at the door by the time you turn around to address him again. “I have to admit, the elephantine size of your forehead is what really made this possible for me. Thank you for this opportunity.”
Ele- ele-what?
He clenches his fists, grits his teeth, on the cusp of a hypertension headache. You’re so going to get it! Kaiser doesn’t know yet how he will go about hiring a hitman to kill you while you’re both still stuck in Blue Lock, but Ness is here, which means murder isn’t entirely off the table.
Kaiser relays the story of your little bathroom encounter to Ness with the seriousness and urgency of a kidnapper laying down ransom demands. Another person’s name on his- his- his… royal but not at all big forehead, it’s sacrilegious. He’s getting pissed off all over again thinking about it.
Of course, Ness, too, treats the matter as deserving of the gravity Kaiser is giving it. “Don’t worry,” he says. But Kaiser isn’t worried. He is bloodthirsty. “There’s only one way to deal with inflated balloon heads like that. I’ll take care of it.”
“How? You know something I don’t?”
With his usual guileless smile on his face — reminiscent of a frog — Ness leads the way and, in an uncharacteristically confident manner, promises you ‘will be very embarrassed.’
By now Kaiser is following him just because he wants to see whatever is about to go down. It doesn’t take them long to cross the field and reach you.
You’re bouncing a ball on your foot, and once you notice them, you wave with grandiosity. “Hello, numbskulls. Did you come closer so you can admire me better?”
Kaiser doesn’t even know where to begin with this statement, but Ness spares him the effort because without any hesitation, he says, “Yes.”
Snapping his head to stare at him with offense, Kaiser now has to wonder if Ness was the real maniac all along.
You seem to share similar sentiments because your eye twitches and remains stuck half open after. The ball rolls away when you fail to catch it. “What- huh? Huuuuh? You’re just gonna agree with me?”
“Yes. You’re an amazing player with exceptional abilities,” Ness says pleasantly. Candidly. “Not to mention how clever you are. You’re also really good at thinking on the spot. I don’t just mean on the field, but in general, too. Your wit is impressive.”
These compliments are way too upfront and honest. A chill goes down your spine and you gape at him, disturbed. Then your expression morphs into something more awkward — nonplussed, maybe, nervous in some manner — and you say, “I-I don’t know what game you’re playing, but I don’t like it.”
Probably realizing your usual poise is ebbing away, you grimace, cover your face with your forearm as if you are doing a bad job of shielding yourself from imaginary sunlight and pivot around before sprinting away from them at max speed while screaming something incoherent in terror.
“What?” Kaiser yells, gesturing at your fleeing figure. “What’s with that reaction?! No way? What? Over a few nice words? What the hell? What!”
As usual, Ness’s appearance is innocent enough, but there’s a certain glint in his eyes now, like he’s hungry for more power. “Kaiser… Kaiser, I… I did it!”
Kaiser considers making a getaway, but he already saw how unbecoming it is.
Oh I know you guysare sick of me...
My sheltered no life experiences outside of kicking a ball Kaiser agenda. With the way he acts I wouldnt be surprised if his mother didnt hold him after giving birth to him
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A Mads poll with a difference!
A poll of Mads Mikkelsen movies where the selection is based on range of factors, including but not limited to: genre, writer/director, country of release, date of release and 🎉vibes 🎉
Some of the movies may fit in more than one category, so vibes have mostly informed those decisions.
Round One:
Choose your fave!
Time for some rough and ready Mads!
The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman is a 2013 romantic drama set in Bucharest. The story follows Charlie, a hapless US tourist who falls for a local musician, Gabi. Mads plays Nigel, Gabi's estranged husband and murderous criminal.
Arctic is a 2018 survival drama set in the arctic. Mads plays stranded pilot Overgård, who finds the will to try and escape the wilderness on foot when he finds another survivor who is gravely injured.
Polar is a 2019 neo-noir action thriller based on a graphic novel of the same name. The story follows the plight of hitman Duncan Vizla aka the Black Kaiser, as he attempts to retire. Unfortunately, retiring means his employers will need to pay him out, and it's cheaper to kill him instead. Mads plays the protagonist, Duncan.
Retfærdighedens Ryttere (Riders of Justice) is a 2020 Danish action comedy focusing on the themes of loss and coincidence. Mads plays Markus, a soldier who has to return from active duty to look after his daughter when his wife is killed in an accident. Another survivor of the accident is convinced it wasn't really an accident, which leads Markus and his bumbling crew into a street war with the biker gang Riders of Justice.
Chaos Walking is a 2021 dystopian sci-fi movie based on the book by Patrick Ness. The story is set in 2257 on a colonial planet where the male population are affected by a condition that the women aren't. Mads plays antagonist Mayor Prentis who wants to use the circumstances of the condition to his advantage to keep power.
Who's your daddy?
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strawbs-screaming · 4 months
♡ the boxers on valentines day ♡
♡ Glass Joe ♡
If he has a valentine he'll take the day off for them and take them out on a cute little date, spoiling them with kisses and flowers
if he doesnt have a valentine, he'll just watch romance movies by himself and have some chocolate, if no one will spoil him he'll spoil himself
This man will buy so many valentines themed stuff its insane, he'll buy heart-shaped candles, heart shaped boxes, literally anything heart-shaped is his target since hes a sucker for heart shaped stuff
OF COURSE hes gonna have wine hes a wine aunt it runs in his family
♡ Von Kaiser ♡
If he has a valentine he'll show up at their door with flowers and some chocolate in his fanciest outfit and offer to take them somewhere for a date
If he doesnt have a valentine he'll play it off like its no big deal as if he isnt bitter about it and continue his routine as usual
He usually takes the day off on valentines day since his students will either bully him for not having a valentine or go "oooooo" And make him embarassed about his valentine
He'll just buy himself flowers if he doesnt have any valentines
♡ Disco Kid ♡
If he has a valentine he'll plan out a date for them and have a dance with them, bonus points if his valentine has a song that they love and end it with a nice little walk while holding hands
If he doesnt have a valentine he'll just listen to music and cry, he just feels a little lonely on valentines sometimes
will go nuts over love songs, he has a playlist made for every possible outcome of his valentines day including: getting dumped, having no valentine, having a shitty date, having a good date and a slow-dance playlist for when he needs it
♡ King Hippo ♡
if he has a valentine he'll plan a feast for them and take them stargazing at the end of the day, he'll spoil them with their favorite meals and lots of flowers with special meanings for every boquet
If he doesnt have a valentine he'll be dissapointed but move on fairly quickly since its not a death sentence, plus he'll just get himself some sweets and get on with it
will try to recreate the lady and the tramp spaghetti scene with his valentine (he'll win the spaghetti war)
♡ Piston Hondo ♡
If he has a valentine he'll get them flowers and take them out for a stroll in the wilderness and hold hands, he'll also make a cute little bento box for them with some sushi in the shape of hearts
If he doesnt have a valentine he'll just stay home and have tea while watching some documentaries
Also a sucker for heart shaped things, especially candles since he has a odd love for candles
Will write a poem for his valentine if they cant make it to the date and send some flowers along with it
♡ Bear Hugger ♡
If he has a valentine he'll take them for a date in the wilderness, he'll make a table and a chair from scratch for them and have ms bear as the chef, whats more romantic than a bear asking you if you want some risotto??
If he doesnt have a valentine he'll just rant to ms bear about it and just fish his sadness away
Will collect flowers with his bare hands for his valentine and carve a little statue for them along with a heart
Will end the day with a little slow dance in the forest and a kiss
♡ Great Tiger ♡
If he has a valentine he'll take them sightseeing and spoil them with lots of jewellry, he'll get them their favorite flowers and end the day with a movie night
If he doesnt have a valentine he'll just go shopping and buy himself gifts, if no one will do it he'll do it
Once tried to go on a date with himself but ended up being dumped by his own clone
will wear his fanciest outfit when asking his valentine out
♡ Don Flamenco ♡
If he has a valentine he'll spoil them and absolutely dote over them, perfume, flowers, plushies, clothes, pretty much everything, will have a dance with them and end the day with a little cuddling
If he doesnt have a valentine.. My god this man will sob for hours, he'll dye his hair black again and post a picture of himself while crying and get bullied to hell and back for it lmao while watching romantic movies in a huge ass pile of blankets
Also has a playlist for when he has a valentine and doesnt have a valentine, will listen to it according to the outcome
will dance with his valentine until they get tired, when his valentine is done for the day he'l carry them to bed
♡ Aran Ryan ♡
If he has a valentine he'll go exploring abandoned buildings with them and have a date there, he'll get them their favorite flowers along with a little teddybear with his perfume on it and end the day with him and his valentine planning out some pranks
If he doesnt have a valentine he'll wreak havoc on everyone else, he'll write them fake secret admirer letters and bait them out for a fake date and have them thinking they got dumped, he'll even add flowers and poetry to the letters
He'll usually write silly little letters to his valentine if they cant make it to the date/are far away
He'll get his valentine a drink if they let him
♡ Soda Popinski ♡
If he has a valentine he'll take them out for your typical fancy date but with a twist: hes chugging 30 bottles of soda per second, he'll also get them flowers and a T-shirt with a cheesy quote on it
If he doesnt have a valentine he'll just rant to his friends and have like 907 cases of soda
He doesnt have a idea what kind of flowers to get his valentine so he usually goes for daisies to be unique
He has a unexplainable love for valentines day special drinks, specifically soda and it shows more on valentines day more than any other day
♡ Bald Bull ♡
If he has a valentine he'll be over the moon, he'll get them flowers and jewellry and take them out to wherever they want, but he would prefer staying inside and just cuddling all day
If he doesnt have a valentine he wont pay much mind to it since he thinks valentines day is dumb anyway, he never really got asked out much since people were either too scared to talk to him or it flew over his head
PLEASE get this man flowers, hes a sucker for flowers, especially tulips & saffrons, if you do you'll get to live in this mans head rent free for 30 years, he'll be out here kicking his feet over you
He has no idea what to get as a gift other than jewellry and flowers so he'll just get stuff that reminds him of his valentine
♡ Super Macho Man ♡
If he has a valentine he'll take them out to a cruise ship and have some drinks with them, of course hes gonna go all out with the gifts hes super macho man
If he doesnt have a valentine he'll just check his mail since his fans are THIRSTYY, he'll also put a mirror in front of himself and have dinner with his own reflection and flirt with himself
If he feels lonelier than usual he'll just post a thirst trap lol
Thinks flowers are boring as a valentines day gift but will cherish any flowers he gets
♡ Mr Sandman ♡
if he has a valentine he'll be extremely happy but suprised like.. What do you mean youre going after the champion for a date... But he'll be really happy and a bit nervous, he'll take them out to a aquarium and watch the fish
If he doesnt have a valentine he wont care much, he doesnt care much for valentines day but finds the valentines themed stuff cute
He has no idea what kind of flowers to get for his valentine so he usually goes for his own favorite, oleander, he'll also get them a huge ass teddy bear
He'll write a cute little letter after the date to thank his valentine for being with him on a special day
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the-last-tsar · 23 days
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"Dynastic alliances were thus as much in the mind of the future King Edward VII as they were in that of the Kaiser, although Wilhelm's matchmaking ambitions had been part of a grandiose plan for the creation of a powerful new Zollverein - a continental alliance of Germany, Russia and France. Steering Alix of Hesse in the direction of Nicholas of Russia had been one way of shoring this up. Perhaps, in the wilder reaches of his vivid imagination, Wilhelm nursed visions of being another Frederick the Great, the Prussian monarch who had been instrumental in brokering the marriage of his German relative Sophie van Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg, and with it her rise on the Russian throne as Catherine the Great. The new Tsaritsa Alexandra would, however, never demonstrate any of Catherine's breadth of vision and energy as Empress. If anything, she inherited the prosaic, domestic Victorian values of her mother Alice - of example, duty, morality and a sense of service. But in one thing at least Alexandra would later demonstrate an instinct that she shared with her cousin Wilhelm: an entrenched belief in absolutist autocratic power. Wilhelm's mother, the Dowager Empress Victoria, had certainly hoped that her niece Alexandra's succession to the Russian throne in November 1894, on the sudden death of Alexander III, might foster improved relations between Russia and Germany. In the years up to 1908 Nicholas and Wilhelm made frequent visits to each other for army manoeuvres, reviews of the fleet or simply to enjoy the shooting at their respective hunting lodges in Prussia and the Russian imperial game reserves in Poland. They had even gone yachting together - the Romanovs on the imperial yacht, the Standart, the Kaiser on the Hohenzollern - at Kiel and around the Finnish skerries. But far too often the prickly, meddlesome Kaiser had succeeded in upsetting those around him. Despite this, in his letters to Nicky, Willy repeatedly assured him of his love and devotion; after all they shared the same fundamental belief in their divine right as sovereigns. "We, Christian Kings and Emperors have one holy duty imposed on us by Heaven,” he told Nicky. ‘"That is to uphold the principle “von Gottes gnaden" [by the grace of God].”
The race to save the Romanovs | Helen Rappaport
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everafall · 1 year
god!au bllk inspired by yona of the dawn. fem!reader.
reader’s an heir of a pacifist legacy who became a fugitive, hunted down by radicals who wish to “restore the kingdom to its former glory”. as she wanders in the wilderness for a while, she meets an oracle who tells her about a story of the goddess who has great love for humanity and her divine warriors who descended from above to purge evil. although the story seems to be a myth, reader goes on a journey to find the warriors to save her kingdom.
so who are these warriors? sexy gods living as mortals with copious amounts of rizz. huge fans of giving nicknames to reader: princess, milady, my queen, good girl… yeah, they can get too kinky. kinky as in huge fans of threesomes which can ensue jealousy (ohohoho so much of that; have fun), and corruption kink due to reader’s pacifist upbringing and she’s ignorant about almost everything.
here are the pairings i have listed now:
god of war!kunigami & god of love!chigiri
god of death!sae & god of life!kaiser
god of thunder!rin & god of water!shidou
god of day!reo & god of night!nagi
elaboration of ideas and potentially more pairings in rbs! shoutout to spirit @spiiriteve for helping me sort the ideals out. >:)))
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herrlindemann · 9 months
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Sonic Seducer - 2015, Interview with Till
"Rammstein is my life. My job, my family."
Sometimes a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. A truism that no one knows as well as Till Lindemann. For more than twenty years, the 52-year-old muscle man has been playing as Rammstein's frontman on records, stage and paper with the Neue Deutsche Härte-Feuer - after several postponements, the time has finally come: with his solo debut 'Skills In Pill’s announced at the beginning of the year will be released in mid-June, the most discussed album of the year!
Outside of the limelight, Till Lindemann tends to be the introverted, taciturn type who likes to avoid public appearances and feels much more comfortable in the rough wilderness night fishing than on red celebrity carpets. After one or the other time in the recent past at least raised eyebrows - on the one hand through the rather bizarre guest appearance of pop singer Heino during the last Rammstein show at Wacken Open Air 2013, on the other hand through Lindemann's songwriting work for Roland Kaiser's new album, also keep your fan base in suspense with the collaboration with Hypocrisy/Pain mastermind Peter Tägtgren: On the joint album 'Skills In Pills' Till Lindemann rolls his enigmatic lyrics in English throughout and thus causes divided reactions within the metal World.
«Writing in English is a kind of a new start,» says Till Lindemann, explaining his discovered affinity for foreign languages. « A whole new field in which I can let off steam. It has become very difficult to write German texts today because I have already said almost everything in some form. Everything has already been covered. With Lindemann I'm starting from scratch lyrically. Free choice! An unplayed place waiting to be deflowered. »
The themes dealt with by Lindemann on 'Skills In Pills' don't really differ that drastically from those in his Rammstein texts or his two previously published books: Dark passions, the curse and blessing of various pills, and of course sex in all conceivable ways or form. This time, however, not in German, but with a double dose of deep black humor. « At first I wasn't so sure if the lyrics were really good because they came together so easily. It was too easy compared to the German texts. At Rammstein, six people work in their designated areas. Everyone has their place and their fixed area that they work on. However, you still have to reconcile six different opinions. Of course, this is not always entirely without complications. Nevertheless, we of course also learned a lot from each other. »
Knowledge that Lindemann brings to his solo project today. Until recently, the Berliner focused almost exclusively on his work with the Berlin pyro-metallers, but his urge to express himself seems to become stronger and more unpredictable with each passing year.
« I think it's normal to express yourself in different ways over the years. When you're young and you start a band, you put all your energy into that band. Music, stage shows, artwork, everything. Today everything is better divided so that each of us can concentrate our energies elsewhere. I can already say that this project will be a big part of Peter's and my future together, but my priority will always remain Rammstein. Rammstein is my life. My job, my family. I spend my vacation from this family with Peter. »
Holiday fun with a difference: With loud widescreen guitars, electronic programming and dark, erotic doom prose - switching off in Lindemann style. « It was also nice to travel up to the countryside to see Peter again and again. It only takes about three hours from Berlin and you're there. I visited him 20 or 25 times; even if sometimes it was just for a day. Sometimes he called and said I needed to come in for a quick recording. Then I quickly got on the plane and was there straight away. »
The result of these spontaneous excursions can be heard in the form of the Lindemann debut 'Skills In Pills' from June 19th, 2015. The continuation of the interview with Till Lindemann and Peter Tägtgren can be found in the next issue.
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pbear · 6 months
Ranking the Magic Knight Captains
I had fun doing my rankings for the Black Bulls and Black Clover OPs and wanted to another one. I haven’t talked much about the captains so I figured this would be a good way to do that. Obviously, these are all personal opinions. Also, there are spoilers for the manga.
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11. Gueldre Poizot
Someone’s got to be at the bottom and it’s obviously this guy.
Betrays the kingdom and all the Captains already didn’t like him and make fun of him so yeah. He deserves it.
Him running around with Revchi during the Elven Invasion was kind of funny though.
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10. Kaiser Granvorka
Not bad but the least interesting of the captains.
He doesn’t get a lot to do but I respect him and his mustache.
Purple Orcas have nothing going for them tbh.
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9. Nozel Silva
His abilities are very impressive. Mercury Magic is a cool idea.
He was the least mean of his siblings to Noelle but that’s not saying much. I get you can’t talk about the devil that killed your mother but, like, don’t let your sister believe she was the one who killed her.
It is a little sad because it seemed like he was the closest to their mom and he’s the oldest so he probably remembers her the most.
He does grow and I respect that.
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8. Fuegoleon Vermillion
I like his relationship with his siblings, but he’s also the least interesting of the three to me.
I think if he hadn’t gotten Salamander, then he would have been even less interesting.
His rationality is appreciated in contrast to a lot of other characters.
I also like when he motivates Asta and Noelle when the Eye of the Midnight Sun invades the capital.
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7. William Vangeance
Okay, I was pretty mad at him for a long time after the Elven Invasion. I suspected him from the beginning and was right.
He doesn’t really take action like when he just lets Patry and Julius fight it out instead of choosing one of them and I was very pissed.
Afterwards, he does try to amend his actions and when he healed his squad after the Spade Kingdom attack on the Golden Dawn base, I forgave him.
After all that, it puts him a little above neutral though.
His magic’s pretty cool too. I like the big scale of it.
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6. Jack the Ripper
Why do people rag on the Black Bulls so much when the Green Praying Mantises exist? Jack is just as irresponsible as Yami and definitely weirder.
Have you seen the way this man dresses? In general, have you seen this man?
Also, his squad is one of the least developed. We have Sekke and En and that’s it. Sekke is mostly a joke and En is only relevant for a teeny bit (I respect him though).
Back to Jack, I find him very entertaining and his magic is very interesting. He’s absolutely crazy but I get a kick out of it.
Sad when he died. He did not deserve that but went out in style
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5. Charlotte Roselei
At first she doesn’t do much but then she’s mainly reduced to her crush on Yami. I think it’s funny and ship them but I feel like she doesn’t get a lot else.
I do like that part of her character is that she needs to learn to ask for help sometimes and rely on others.
Her curse and magic are very cool though. Her pulling out the red and blue roses during the Spade Kingdom Invasion is glorious.
She’s one of the only captains who interacts a lot with her squad too.
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4. Mereoleona Vermillion
What a badass.
She has powerful magic but a lot of her fighting style is physical. You have to be bold to fight against magic users and choose to just punch things that come your way.
She was supposed to be the Captain of the Crimson Lion Kings and instead dipped to go live in the wilderness.
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3. Dorothy Unsworth
For how little screen time she gets, I love her so much.
All the other Captains are so serious and she’s so bubbly.
Her magic is super cool and fits her very well. Pretty overpowered too.
I like that when she manifests people in her dream world, it's a version based on how she views them (Yami and Nozel).
I actually thought we weren’t going to see her in action because she was always asleep. I guess that was the result of having an elf inside you because after that she’s awake most of the time.
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2. Yami Sukehiro
He’s the Captain that gets the best connection to his squad so I like that.
Members of the Black Bulls keep coming out of the woodlocks because this man keeps inviting random people to join.
Despite seeming irresponsible, he genuinely cares about his squad and pushes them to do their best. He also pushes himself to do his best.
The fact that he was a foreigner so his squad is made up of people who are outcasts like him and together they’re all not alone anymore :’)
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1. Rill Boismortier
I love him very much.
I don’t know why his hair glows but I’m here for it.
His magic is very unique and it’s so fun to watch.
Youngest magic captain (before Yuno). I honestly don't know how.
I didn’t think we’d get backstory for him but we did and his relationship with Walter is amazing.
He’s doing his best and I love him for that.
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natures-moments · 2 years
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Hintersteinersee , Wilder Kaiser, Austria
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gracie-bird · 7 months
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Mrs. Frederic S. Claghorn (left) and Mrs. George J. Hauptfuhrer Jr. meet at the Chestnut Hill home of Mrs. Joseph S. Rambo (right) to complete plans for Oct. 30 gala being sponsored by women's division of Eastern Pennsylvania Multiple Sclerosis Society at Academy of Music.
The Philadelphia Inquirer (Sunday, October 12, 1969).
Dance honors Princess Brace Princess Grace of Monaco will be guest of honor at a "champagne dance" on Thursday, Oct. 30, at the Academy of Music Ballroom. Mrs. Joseph S. Rambo, of Chestnut Hill, is honorary chairman of the gala being sponsored by the Eastern Pennsylvania Multiple Sclerosis Society to raise funds to support research in finding the cause and control of this disease.
Festivities will begin with cocktails at 5 P. M. followed by dancing to the music of Romig, Lewis and Carney orchestras.
Mrs. William E. Milhollen, Mrs. William A. Roth and Mrs. A. Ardley Henkels, are cochairmen.
Assisting the chairmen in arrangements for the Oct. 30 dance will be Mrs. Lloyd M. Coates, Mrs. George Morris Dorrance, Mrs. Frank B. Axelrod, Mrs. Frank Garofolo, Mrs. Morris R. Shaffer, Mrs. Alan D. Ameche, Mrs. Kershaw Burbank, Mrs. Murray Firestone, Mrs. F. Howard Goodwin Jr., Miss Ann Jane Callan, Mrs. Margaret K. Con-Ian, Mrs. Sydney Daroff, Mrs. Michael Daroff and Mrs. Edward Dudlik. Also, Mrs. Frederick H. Le vis Jr., Miss Marian Hayes, Mrs. W.Thacher Longstreth, Mrs. George J. Hauptfuhrer Jr., Mrs. Paul R. Kaiser, Mrs.Frederic S. Claghorn, Mrs. Russell Levin, Mrs. William Levinson, Mrs. Donald LeVine. Others are Henry S. McNeil, Mrs. Walter J. Maiden, Miss Patricia Lockhart, Mrs. Charles Nicholson, Mrs. Elizabeth Orr, Mrs. B. Arthur Pinney, Mrs. William Putnam, Miss Mildred Rinker, Mrs. Henriette Wallace, Mrs. Stanley A. Welsh Jr., Mrs. Michael A. Walsh, Mrs. Thomas A. Wood Jr., Mrs. Douglas H. Worrall Jr., Mrs. Vernon D. Wright, Mrs. Charles Wilson, Mrs. Robert G. Wilder.
"Opening Night" is the theme of the sixth annual West Park Hospital Ball to be held Saturday evening at Radnor Valley Country Club.
The ball is sponsored by the Women's Auxiliary of the Hospital and is cochairmened by Mr. and Mrs. Aaron N. Cohen. Proceeds will benefit the hospital building fund campaign and a new cardiac unit.
LANEiBRiANT for Fine carpet. we design them. From you like investment in dedicated Wall-to-Wall Hardwick's Colors: Green, sq. yd..
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theoniprince · 8 months
Travelling with "Wilder Kaiser" 8D
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alpenlyriker · 9 months
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Wilder Kaiser Tirol Austria
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strawbs-screaming · 5 months
ranking the boxers abilities to cook, worst to best (Wii)
yeah dont take this seriously im evil
Aran Ryan - my god this man needs to be kept away from the kitchen, he sets everything on fire so much that he forgets what hes cooking and fucks it up
Soda Popinski - He def adds soda to everything, mind you soda probably wont go well with bread, he can make a mean stew though
Bear Hugger - dude, he just eats the ingredients raw and calls it a day, thats okay to some extent with lettuce, tomato,Apples, stuff like that, but get meat and eggs involved and it gets worse, unless hes out in the wilderness with a pot and a very shitty campfire, hes not making anything edible
Bald Bull - He can make some basic meals + some traditional dishes if hes looking at a recipe, its not really the best but its not inedible either, there are some hes really good at
Mr Sandman - He used to be as bad as aran with it, but he actually learned how to get better, especially at baking, he used to be a better cook during his teen years but he got rusty since he didnt practice enough thanks to boxing getting in his way
Disco Kid - He used to work as a cook so he has some remaining knowledge from those days, hes very good with vegetables and fruit, not much other than that though
King Hippo - Hippo island has a huge culture built around cooking, And hes no exception! He has studied cooking for years and still does, he has a soft spot for sweets and usually makes dessert, hes good at other kinds of cooking too
Great Tiger - He learnt cooking at a young age since he wanted to help out his parents and be a bit more responsible, so he practiced cooking a lot and got pretty decent at it
Don Flamenco - actually learnt how to properly cook when he first met carmen, She didnt like how he couldnt even make a proper salad without setting anything on fire so she taught him how to cook better, to this day, they still cook together and Don still somehow manages to fuck up something, still good at it though.
Piston Hondo - He had a love for cooking for a long time and still loves it very much, he always cooked with his mom and thinks of it as a fun way to pass time or prepare for matches (dont ask how it just helps)
Von Kaiser - give this man a grill and he'll cook up a feast without you even needing to finish your sentence, he learnt how to cook to take better care of his health since he had a bunch of health problems related to blood pressure and his doctor recommended him to eat healthier
Super Macho Man - this might be suprising but hes actually a great cook! He didnt bother hiring a cook for him since he thought it would be lame, he takes cooking classes weekly so hes rapidly improving
Glass joe - hes a slut for bread, specifically homemade bread, i think that tells you enough
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 1 year
re: mac…. what is your ideal height for kaiser
UHM for shits n giggles i always wanted him to be 5'11" so i cld clown him for being an inch shy of 6 foot...
but idk smth abt my brain goes a lil fuzzy n i get all blushy when i think abt him being tall... ill actually scream cry run off into the wilderness if hes 190 cm thats so bad for my well-being
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mittromulan · 3 months
Schleierfall waterfall in Wilder Kaiser range, Austria
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