#whumptember 2022 day five: drugged
whumpy-writings · 2 years
Of Vampires and Men Masterlist
Whumtember 2022 Day 5: Drugged
CW: Nonbinary whumpee, slavery, nudity (nonsexual), hunger, anxiety, vampires, blood drinking, dubcon drug use (vampire venom), vertigo
Hayden stared at the ceiling, which currently seemed to be spinning. It had been quiet for a while now - Master and Sam must have gone to sleep. Hayden's muscles still ached from the hours spent in the restraints, but worse than that was the pangs in their stomach. They were so hungry, and thirsty too. Hayden whimpered a little.
They eventually dozed off on the hard wooden floor. The next thing they knew the door to their cell was opening.
Hayden immediately scrambled up to their knees, mind still bleary with sleep. They planted their palms to the sides and lowered their head so that their forehead rested on the floor. Their heart was pounding and for the first time they were grateful for the hours and hours of training they had been put through to encode the posture of submission into their very bones.
"Ah, you're awake," Master said. Hayden stayed where they were, every muscle tense. They weren't allowed to move until Master had given them permission.
"You can sit up," Master said. Hayden raised their head from the floor but didn't look at Master. Instead they stared at their hands in their lap.
Master sat down cross legged in front of Hayden. 
"I called for some food and clothes for you," Master said. "They'll be here soon, but you must be cold. Here, use this." Hayden looked up to see that Master was holding out a blanket. Hayden took the soft fabric from them and wrapped it around their shoulders. Immediately they felt a bit less anxious.
"Thank you, Master," Hayden said quietly.
"You're welcome," Master said. "I thought we should get to know each other. Since we'll be spending a lot of time together for the foreseeable future." Master laughed a little at that. "Do you have a name?" they asked. 
"My name is whatever you want it to be, Master," Hayden said carefully. It had been made very clear in training that their Master would treat them however they wished, including deciding whether or not to give them a name.
"Well, can you tell me what your name was before?" Master asked.
Hayden paused a moment before answering. That seemed like an odd question.
"Hayden," they said.
"I like that name," Master said. "I want your name to be Hayden now as well." Hayden looked up at that, eyes wide. Quickly they looked back down. 
"Thank you, Master," they said with a catch in their voice.  
"You're welcome, Hayden," Master said. "I want to set out some rules for you to follow," they continued. "Hayden, you are allowed to look at me. I would prefer it if you do."
Hayden recognized an order when they heard one and they instantly raised their eyes to meet Master’s. They thought they saw the flash of a smile at Master's lips, but it was gone so fast they must have imagined it. Master looked relaxed, their hair damp and a light purple robe covering them. Their hands were braced behind them and Hayden was struck by how different they seemed than their brothers. More... laid-back.
"I am the only one who will ever feed on you, Hayden. If anyone else ever feeds or tries to, you are to tell me immediately. Do you understand?"
Hayden nodded. It made sense that Master wouldn't want to share their blood bag.
"You are to tell me if anyone hurts you in any way, or if you feel ill. I want you to be healthy."
That also made sense. Hayden sat still as they watched Master. Their eyes were focused somewhere off to Hayden's left and they were biting their lip. Hayden could see the tip of their fang. A fang that would soon be buried in their neck. They gulped as a wave of anxiety hit them. This was what they had been trained for. To be a blood bag.
Master continued after a moment. "You must be wondering what your life will be like with me. Daily, you will be given meals and I expect you to eat. You also are expected to drink water and get an adequate amount of sleep. Can you do all that?"
"Yes, Master," Hayden said. The mention of food made their stomach growl audibly. They immediately wrapped their hands around their stomach as they felt a blush rise in their cheeks.
"Your food should be here soon," Master said. "You must be starving, huh?"
Hayden just nodded and Master cringed.
"I'm really sorry about last night. I should have had someone untie you and bring you food. You won't go hungry again, I promise."
"Thank you, Master," Hayden whispered.
"In terms of your duties, I will feed from you two or three times a week. You will accompany me to social events occasionally. Besides that, you will spend most of your time here in my quarters. Do you have any questions?"
"No, Master," Hayden said. Or at least they couldn't think of any over their hunger.
"I’m going to remove this collar," Master said moving towards Hayden. Their hands were gentle as they unfastened the golden collar around Hayden's throat. Hayden held still for them. They were being good. 
Just then a knock sounded from Master's room and Hayden flinched. "Shh, it's just your food, nothing to be scared of," Master said before getting to their feet and leaving the cell. When they returned, they held a plate of food.
Hayden accepted the plate from Master. The food was so good, the bread soft and fluffy, the cheese rich and the grapes sweet. They ate quickly, neatly setting the plate in front of them when they were finished and folding their hands in their lap. Some of their anxiety had dissipated. They were comfortably full and warm, and their eyes began to close. 
"Hayden." Immediately their eyes snapped back open. Master was standing before them, their face soft. "Did you get enough to eat?" 
"Yes Master, thank you," Hayden said. 
"I'm glad," Master said with a smile. "I got you clothes as well."
Hayden took the clothes from Master, running their hand over the silky fabric. They had never felt anything so soft. The shirt was low cut and sleeveless, but it offered some warmth in the chilly room. They slipped the trousers on and tightened the drawstring around their waist. For the first time in months they felt like a person. Hayden blinked back tears as they knelt on the floor.
"Thank you so much, Master," they said.
"Of course, Hayden," Master said. "Now that you've eaten, I would like to feed," Hayden’s heart skipped a beat, but they nodded. It was bound to happen sooner or later. This was what they had been trained for, after all. "Please lay down on the bed."
Hayden obeyed, shakily getting to their feet and walking to the bed, heart pounding. Hayden climbed in, the mattress bowing under their weight. They laid on their back, eyes focused on the ceiling. Thud thud thud went their heart. You’re a blood bag, this is your duty, they told themself.  Even still, their eyes began to fill with tears. They were terrified. They had never had a vampire’s fangs puncture their skin, never had their blood taken from their body. They had never been prey.
They flinched when the mattress dipped next to them and couldn’t quite suppress the whimper that leapt from their throat.
"It’s okay Hayden," Master said quietly as they straddled them, brushing a cold hand against their cheek. At that Hayden sobbed.
"I’m sorry Master, I’m sorry, I’ll be good, I promise I’ll be good" Hayden said through their tears. 
"I know Hayden, I know. You’ve already shown me that you’re good," Master said. "It’s alright if you’re scared. Can you take some deep breaths for me?" Hayden looked up at Master, their gray eyes kind and face soft. They didn't look angry at all. Hayden took one deep breath, then another. Slowly, their sobs quieted.
"That’s it, good job." Master thumbed away Hayden’s tears. They were so patient. Hayden felt a burst of devotion. They would do anything for this vampire, who was kind and gentle and didn’t beat them like the trainers had. 
Master moved their hand to Hayden’s throat. "I’m going to bite right here," they said, fingers resting on the side of Hayden’s neck. "You’ll feel a bit of a pinch. When I bite, I’ll inject a dose of venom. It takes effect within a few seconds. It does two things: it will relax your mind so you feel calm, and it will also relax your body so you won’t move while I’m feeding and hurt yourself. After I am done, I will lick the punctures, which will seal it. The venom will make you tired, so I want you to sleep afterwards. Does that make sense?"
"Yes, Master," Hayden said shakily. Master nodded. They brought one hand to the side of Hayden’s head, the other to their shoulder. Hayden stared past them at the ceiling as they leaned down. They gasped at the stab of fangs. Then the venom hit them and their fear and pain floated away. They could see Master bent over them, but they couldn’t feel their fangs in their neck or the blood leaving their body. 
Soon enough, Master was sitting back, a thin trickle of blood staining their mouth. Hayden’s blood.
"Thank you," Master said, running a hand through Hayden’s hair. "You can sleep now."
Hayden obeyed, closing their eyes and drifting off immediately.
When they awoke, they were alone. They raised a hand to their neck. They could feel the scabs from the bite marks, the small bruises. Hayden didn’t know what to do. It was dark and they couldn’t see much of anything. Master wasn’t here and hadn’t given them any instructions besides to sleep. Hayden would stay in bed until Master came back and told them what they wanted them to do. Hayden realized with a start that Master had covered them with a blanket. They pulled the blankets tighter around themself. For the first time, they felt like things might be okay. They looked up when Master entered the room. They started to kneel and were immediately hit by a wave of vertigo.
"Don't move," Master said. "Your body is still weak from the venom and blood loss." Hayden lowered themself back down. Master approached the bed. "Drink this," they said, handing Hayden a cup. "It’s important that you stay hydrated after I feed."
Hayden nodded and drank the water. When they had finished, Master took the cup and set it on the bedside table. They reached out and cupped Hayden’s cheek. Hayden leaned into the touch. This was a reward, this meant Master was pleased with them. This meant they wouldn’t die. 
"You did very well tonight, Hayden," Master said.
"Thank you Master," Hayden said softly. 
Taglist: @thecitythatdoesntsleep @whump-cravings @thecyrulik @neverthelass @michelleswhumpyreblogs @whumpsy-daisy @the-monarch-whumperfly @aswallowimprisoned @secretwhumplair @whumpzone @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @nicolepascaline @susiequaz12 @princessofonwardsworld @itsleighlove @pumpkin-spice-whump @wiwinia @sunflower1000 @whump-blog @blushing-snail @melancholy-in-the-morning @pizzasthengym @suspicious-whumping-egg @whumpsday @ceph-the-writing-spook @inkkswhumpandstuff @whumpycries @quietly-by-myself @honey-is-mesi
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