#while it makes my heart sad i do i respect the author's choice to delete their works
rosemirmir · 1 year
Always download backups of your favorite fics, folks
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duetlyreads · 6 years
Its late and I’m tired and stressed from upcoming finals and irritated at myself for other reasons and I just want to get this out even if I’m not a very active (in terms of talking to other bloggers) member of my fandoms because this has been bothering me since like December and I've had enough. 
Seeing all of these wonderfully talented authors and fellow fans delete their blogs or contemplating deleting their blogs makes me very sad, but at the same time, I know that in most they are doing what they believe is best for themselves. I know that there are different reasons why different authors have chosen to delete, but I have noticed a disturbing trend of anon hate and increasing writing demands being a culprit of these losses. And I have some Things to say about that. Especially when it causes writers to feel like something they used to love doing is now a burden (this just breaks my heart)
It makes me both furious and sad to see that there are people who think it is ok to send hateful messages to someone, for whatever reason. To those anons, I am sorry that you have nothing better to do with your time than to try to bring a fellow human being down. I honestly don’t know what goes through your head when you hit that send button with that message filled with negative thoughts, but I am sorry that you lack the ability to express your feelings in a functional and healthy way, or even to be kind at all. Empathy is a tried and true method, and if you could put yourself out of your own selfish bubble long enough to see how you would feel if someone sent such a message to you, well, I hope that you would make a different choice. Whether you truly and wholeheartedly mean what you saw or not, whether or not you think you are in the right, hate is never the answer.
The sheer selfishness that some people exhibit when it comes to communicating with their so-called “favorite authors” is disgusting. If they really are your favorite author then you should have the decency to show some respect and understanding about how difficult it is to have a life and a current writing blog. Authors are not machines. They have setbacks, they have limits, and they have free choice of writing whatever the fuck they want. It’s their blog, and their choice, not yours. They do not exist to serve your every whim. If an author hasn’t updated a series in a while, what you SHOULD do is politely ask them ONCE (1 TIME) if they have a plan on when hey might be working on it again, and whatever answer they give you, accept it as canon. What you SHOULDN’T do is throw a tantrum like a toddler because your aren’t getting what you want or insult the author because they, a fellow human being with other things to do with their time, are not writing fast enough to your standards. How about you try writing a 20 part multific that's around 2K words each and update it regularly while being a full-time student/parent/worker, all the while either going through severe writer’s block or inspiration for writing a different piece altogether. Authors and bloggers alike are not perfect, nor do they claim to be. Cut them some slack and back. Off.
To the authors that have deleted their blogs for these other personal reasons, I first want to say that even though I may not know the details surround your circumstances, I understand the need to put yourself before others in order to be at peace. So in that, I say: “Four for you, Glen Coco.” Huge and amazing props to you for putting your mental/emotional/physical wellbeing over the wants and desires of others. I know that for many of you, it was most likely a very tough decision and a very painful time, but if it ultimately led you to feel peace or more at one with yourself, I applaud you for that. Even if you just transferred to another blog, that is still a great thing considering what may have been going on at the time. Things weren’t going so well, but you decided to start afresh! Go you! Secondly, I want to thank you. Not just for sharing your amazing talent with us, but for sharing YOU with us. You, who brought smiles to so many faces. You, who may have made us squeal inhumanly loud at the fluff, or cry uncontrollably at the angst, or have to take multiple cold showers after reading the smut. Thank you. You didn’t have to, but you did, and that made all the difference. Thank. You. And even if you are no longer writing on here or other places on the internet, I hope that you continue to develop your wonderful talent and share it with kindred spirits. Bless.
If you are contemplating deleting your blog for any of the above reasons or other personal ones, please know that whatever you chose, if it makes you happy in the end, I support your decision. Life is full of constant struggles and we never know if the choices we make are the right ones until after we make them, sometimes long after the fact. I can be a pessimist at times, but I like to think of life as a roller coaster. When you’re feeling down and miserable, I believe that at some point, things will start to look up. Your choices can either speed up or slow down that inevitable incline, but sooner or later, it will happen. Whatever you choose, try to make sure that it will make YOU happy in the long run. I believe in you. And if you ever need someone to talk to, my door is always open, along with my bag of doggo pics to try and brighten your day.
Tagging some bloggers and writers I know may find this relevant bc you guys deserve to know that you are loved and appreciated. Feel free to tag anyone else. 
@mattmoredick @bucky-plums-barnes (special message for you in tags) @sexylibrarian1 @timeforsmut  
(Note: It is 1 am and i honestly cannot rack my brain enough to come up with the other multitude of bloggers i know have been through this so im going to also tag authors who have been around for a while and have seen some things. Sorry if this is awkward! @persephone-is-here-omg @after-avenging-hours @angryschnauzer @buckyywiththegoodhair @lenavonschweetz @captainrogerss)
Tagging for Reasons:
@drearncatcher37 @runmild
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thesecondmate · 3 years
reading: wk50-52
3 weeks + 3 journal entries for how i was gonna start this post. in essence: goodbye 2020, my god has it been a rollercoaster, albeit one sloping gently downhill into familiar melancholy. i never thought i’d feel like this again, yet it’s like slipping into a warm ocean where i can float forever, safe in the salt and waves lapping at my face.
stay tuned a ‘best of 2020′ list and what i want to read next year that isn’t my damn textbooks. and maybe some personal updates depending on how much wine i drink this evening. happy new year, my loves.
week 50: penultimate week of o+g rotation: i would say the end is in sight but in fact i have lost all motivation, hate my degree (well, specifically, the course administration), had a breakdown outside my exam followed by the most embarrassing brain freeze ever during a panel discussion that i was speak on, took several days to reply to everyone about said exam breakdown, am convinced i will fail my 5th year exams, aaaand dealt with all of this by handpainting christmas cards all saturday. welcome 2 the fun house !
week 51: final week of placement: i struggled through the final week of my placement (literally popped into my placement for 2 hours to have a tutorial, get signed off, and collect my things), failed my mock osce, and went home. so unbelievably drained.
week 52: christmas & post-christmas liminality: feeling vaguely restored by the virtue of reading many books, watching many movies, curling up by the fire, eating many christmas cookies, and having barely any social interaction outside of my family and our cat and dog. still absolutely drained; still very terrified of my next placement and of failing this year. all i want is to move to a city where no one knows me and i can be something new, but alas. eighteen months until i graduate; forty-two until i finish my foundation programme and can truly set off into the big blue yonder of the world.
✩ The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo - Steig Larsson (finished) so i actually would have much preferred this to have kept its original swedish title, ‘män som hatar kvinnor’ (’men who hate women’) - it’d have been less manic pixie dream girl and more reflective of larsson’s point, even if larsson is v guilty of the former. it’s a good book - larsson’s grasp of plot is really excellent and i really enjoyed the twists and turns, even if the pacing of the big reveal was a little too rushed for my liking. however, i find his characters a little off - many of them are great, especially berger & henrik vanger, but i find blomkvist a little self-insert at times (he’s a financial journalist! but not like other financial journalists! and he has a sexy editor lady with whom he has an open relationship! and he sleeps with this cool hacker girl who immediately trusts him!), and lisbeth is...very ‘traumatised manic pixie cyberpunk girl’ if you ask me. which is a little uncomfortable. also not to mention the rape scene - which is vile. overall: good, intrigued to see if larsson will flesh lisbeth out to be less of a caricature in the sequels.
✩ The Orphan Master’s Son - Adam Johnson (finished) this book has lost none of its magic for me, absolutely none. if anything, re-reading it a few years later has made me appreciate so many things: the characters (even more than before! if that’s possible!!), the abject heartbreak of the second mate and his wife, the trip to texas (i got far more out of the political side this time), the relationships in the camps (the captain of the junma and li mongnan - hold me whilst my heart BREAKS), the way that johnson plays with narrative from the loudspeakers to the interrogator to the dreamlike quality of jun do’s own new life in pt 2. as a teenager, i was fascinated by the setting, the double-farce of the propaganda vs life, the passages about the second mate’s wife and her silken yellow dress - i thought that jun do was a bland narrator, which i now see couldn’t have been further from the truth. i have so, so much respect for johnson as an author and this book really is a formative part of who i am, in ways that i could not express.
✩ Dark Matter - Michelle Paver (finished) another re-read. michelle paver is the queen of ghost stories and things that go bump in the night (see: spirit walker in the chronicles of ancient darkness) - this book absolutely terrified me the first time that i read it, so i made a point of finishing it in the daytime this time. perhaps that’s why it didn’t hit as hard this time - it was less terrifying. however, really appreciating her choice to make the narrator gay, without ever making a deal out of it or naming it - it’s the lil things like working class arctic explorers being disgustingly in love with their charismatic expedition leaders, ya know? big fan. also huge fan of her descriptive prose - she is also the queen of arctic imagery. her prose, combined with the gorgeous black and white photos at the start of each chapter, have not helped my desire to sack it all off and go work as a doctor in the faroe islands or iceland.
✩ The Diet Myth - Spector (on hold) i left this book at uni bc i didn’t want to ruin my own christmas with his awful writing style, if you want an indication of how much i dislike this book.
✩ Smoke Gets In Your Eyes - Caitlin Doughty (in progress) a christmas gift that i’m currently reading. i’m so morbid and am learning so much, although i feel like some of the chapters are burbling on with anecdotes but don’t hammer home many points (although maybe it’s bc as a medical student i’m less easily shocked than your average reader) - bit confused as to where we’re going but i’m along for the ride.
✩ Calling a Wolf a Wolf - Kaveh Akbar (in progress) beautiful. in progress - his imagery is quite beautiful but i struggle to sit and read poetry.
✩ The Secret History - Donna Tartt (in progress) re-read. i sink back into old books like familiar lovers, like hot baths. so much comfort.
✩ Dead Poets Society (1989) why were the deleted scenes deleted. WHY. rewatching it, i felt some of the character development and relationship development was a little rushed - yet the deleted scenes could have fixed that. WHY WERE WE ROBBED. as ever, emotionally devastated as someone who loves languages and books and words, but ultimately chose medicine and science. as ever, very very sad over neil perry and aching for todd anderson. newfound appreciation for meeks + dalton. that punch at the end? *chef’s kiss*
✩ Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) i am inducting my sisters into lotr and they are powerless to stop me.
✩ Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince (2009) my favourite of the hp movies.
✩ Atonement (2007) this film and i have a long history - i first saw the start of it many years ago, when i did not know what c*nt meant, so was understandably a little bit lost, but also keira knightley in that green dress was a true gay awakening moment. i love the cinematography - it’s so ridiculously dreamlike and gorgeous, and the set design for the house is just beautiful. as are keira knightley and james mcavoy. also, the soundtrack with the use of the typewriters and lighters as drumbeats - my GOD, so beautiful. the second half of the film felt very rushed to me - the reveal that some of it was briony’s fiction made sense, but it lacked the stunning quality of the first half, both plot-wise and camera-wise (although the dunkirk scene was brilliant; love a long, revolving camera pan). i particularly hated every scene with briony in it - v lacklustre - and also the scene with luc remembering cecilia, it just felt forced and gimmicky. the novel definitely wins out for me.
i haven’t listened to any podcasts in a while, bar a few episodes of the magnus archives whilst cooking and running errands, BUT i did record one!! the episode will be up in the new year but we have a few back episodes on Right to Refuge, which covers refugee/asylum issues and is by the charity that i work for!
articles: medicine / nature
✩ Mass die-off of birds in south-western US 'caused by starvation' - Phoebe Weston, The Guardian
✩ Eradicating Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: Human Rights-Based Approaches of Legislation, Education, and Community Empowerment - Williams-Breault (2018), Health Hum Rights i just finished my obstetrics & gynaecology rotation and was appalled by the prevalence of FGM/C in the UK and wanted to learn more. this article is truly excellent in terms of understanding cultural issues and barriers to ending FGM/C.
✩ Female Genital Mutilation: Health Consequences and Complications—A Short Literature Review - Klein et al. (2018), Obstet Gynecol Int. a short america-centric lit review that i read whilst writing up my reflective pieces - not as good as the above one but has more (horrifying) statistics: 200 million women affected worldwide; 6,000 girls cut each day; 85% will have some form of medical complication in their lives, from psychological/sexual to gynaecological to obstetric including death; estimated death rate of 1 in 500; 60.5% of affected women reported fear when their spouse wanted sex compared to 2.4% of unaffected women.
✩ Gender equality and human rights approaches to female genital mutilation: a review of international human rights norms and standards - Khosla et al. (2017), Reprod Health intersection of two things i spend a lot of time thinking about: human rights & medicine. interesting - to re-read again and consider and learn more about things like treatment-monitoring bodies, etc.
✩ The macho sperm myth - Robert D Martin, Aeon a wonderful friend sent me this! i am somewhat lost by the meandering course of the article but interesting points are raised. also the idea that some scientist was like ‘i absolutely KNOW that the heads of sperm contain tiny homunculi; i cannot see them but they are THERE’ is just hilarious.
articles: covid-19 nb: i am not linking every covid article i read bc that would be so depressing but rest assured i’m up to date on a surface level. i am not on a medical level bc i am emotionally exhausted.
✩ Covid vaccine: 'Disappearing' needles and other rumours debunked - Jack Goodman & Flora Carmichael, BBC pls don’t even. let me think about anti-vaxxers. i simply wish to know the current conspiracy theories so i can argue with people more effectively.
✩ Covid at Christmas: 'Chris Whitty is more popular than Britney Spears' - Emma Harrison, BBC please someone get me a chris witty prayer candle i am BEGGING
✩ Covid-19: Doctors call for rapid rollout of vaccines - Nick Triggle, BBC
articles: culture
✩ Art in 2021: The highlights to hope for - Will Gompertz, BBC yayoi kusama is coming to the tate modern!! which i can actually get to relatively easily on public transport from my uni city!! gonna take myself to see the infinity rooms omg i am so EXCITED
✩ History: Quileute Nation this is the official site of the quileute nation, whose history and mythology stephanie meyer butchered in the twilight saga.
✩ The Archers tackles the 'hidden' connection between disability and modern slavery - BBC something i’m ashamed to say that i knew nothing about until this article. the archers keeps on giving in terms of social issues.
✩ Gollancz gets Sims’ ‘horror for the Netflix generation’ - Tom Tivnan, The Bookseller jonny sims is writing a BOOK??! the EXCITEMENT i feel
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idkimnotcreatives · 5 years
!!!!Posting to pretty much everything!!!!
*deleting later*
Hello fellow kpop fans
As you’ve all most likely heard, Hyunjoon left The Boyz on October 22nd
On the 27th it was announced that Woojin left stray kids
On the 31st, Hoseok left Monsta X
And on the 14th, Sulli passed away
Now, I’ve stanned Stray Kids since 3 weeks after debut
I stanned The Boyz at the end of No Air era
And I stanned Monsta X just right after Jealousy promotions ended
I never really got into f(x) but I liked their music and their personalities from what I’ve seen of them
Just to tell you guys how I dealt with all of this
On the 14th, it was my birthday, and I woke up and was immediately greeted with news of Sulli’s passing. This was not a very good start to my day, because even though I was never the biggest f(x) stan, the news was still devastating.
On the 22nd, when it was announced that Hyunjoon left tbz, I was very, very sad. I didn’t cry, because he was on a hiatus for a while from his foot. Although it is sad, I am glad he’s taking time to make sure he is healthy. Although we will miss him, his health is still the first priority and it was his choice to bring that first. (That makes no sense but I hope you know what I’m getting at). I am ot12 biased in the Boyz, and I will stay that way.
On the 27th, when JYP made the statement about Woojin leaving skz, I was absolutely heartbroken. As of now I’m still so, so, so upset and in utter shock that this happened so suddenly. My sister suddenly told me this at around 8-9pm and I sat up in my bed very fast (we share a room btw). I went to Instagram and immediately saw people posting about it. To be honest I’m not an emotional person, and I struggle a lot with my emotions (I don’t express them often and I don’t cry or show what I’m feeling most of the time). But when I heard this news, I immediately broke down sobbing. Earlier that day I had a panic attack/mental breakdown/sob-fest in my car from being overwhelmed with the negative comments Chan was receiving. I had spent so much time making sure I didn’t see the exact words that people were saying, but when I read them I completely freaked out and sobbed. I cried myself to sleep that night, for the first time in a long, long, long time. I love Stray Kids and Minho (Lee Know) is one of my ults, as well as Stray Kids being one of my top groups, if not #1 since stanning.
Hoseok’s departure was a shock, but the week before had been so shitty that I kinda just went blank on emotions... I wasn’t surprised by the news, and I just kinda sighed and moved on. I know this sounds bad...but I’ve been drifting from Monsta X for a while...although I hate to say it. The news wasn’t that much of a shock to me, if at all...but my emotions just kinda shut down from then until now. I haven’t cried since the 27th, and I don’t think I will be for a while.
2019 has been a very fucking shitty year...not only in the kpop world but my personal life too.
(You can skip this it’s just a long story about my last 2 days)
A brief explanation: I stayed home from school on Friday, practically (read: did) begged my mom to stay home. I was honestly so done with everything that I just didn’t want to deal with people or school or anything really. Taking that day off cooled me down a little bit, until my mom got off of work today. She worked early, and got home at around 12:00. Just before that, I thought the year was taking a small turn, and my dad got me and my sister tickets to the Oneus concert, which brightened my mood a lot. My mom got home and started to yell at me and my sister about everything. Anything she could see she started screaming at me and my sister. (Including: saying we don’t ever do anything around the house when all we do is clean for her when she ends up not, saying we have to let her know when our dad plans something with us when he tells us we don’t have to -either way we get yelled at by a parent, telling us we might not be able to go to the concert when it was a birthday present from our dad, etc.) We has to go to the orthodontist so she yelled at my sister in the car while I sat there saying nothing with a blank expression on my face (I always do this lmao I have no emotions) ⚠️⚠️!!TW!!⚠️⚠️ throughput this entire thing, the car ride to the orthodontist, my mind was just set on ways I could kill myself, and how I could just die. How much easier my life would be if I just didn’t have one. I even started thinking of things I would say to my friends, my family, my followers- everyone. Those thoughts haven’t really gone away as of now, but I’m working on it lmao. (End TW)
Back to the big point of this useless chapter
I’m still going to continue writing about Hyunjoon, Woojin, and Hoseok. Just because they aren’t technically in their groups anymore, that doesn’t mean they were never apart of them. If we don’t get them back in their respective grouos, they were still apart of them once, and will forever be apart of them in our hearts.
This is over 1,000 words, and it’s 11pm, so I’ll end it soon, but if you do have a problem with me continuing to write about them, then you might as well go find a different author to read books from, because they aren’t going away from my heart and head, so they aren’t going away from my writing.
#ThankYouSulli <3
#ThankYouHwall <3
#ThankYouWoojin <3
#ThankYouWonho <3
0 notes
thekoreanlass · 6 years
I am pleasantly surprised to know that a respectable actor like Kang Ha Neul is actually the protagonist in this mystery-thriller film ‘Forgotten‘. Of course, his character doesn’t deviate much from his usual geeky roles, but he continues to show his charm in such a genre despite the tragedy that comes after.
The movie alone, though loses its fire at the ending, stands out because of its unconventional way of story telling that totally duped me into thinking what is in front of me is real when everything was just nothing but a lie to uncover a truth that had been missing for so many years.
The Story
Jin Seok (Kang Ha Neul) moves into anew home with his family–his mother, father and older brother who had a limp on his leg. He suffers from hypersensitivity, but with medication he is able to live normally.
One night, while it was raining hard, JIn Seok witnesses his older brother Yoo Seok (Kim Moo Yul) being kidnapped by a group of men that dumped him into a van and left. After nineteen days of being gone, Yoo Seok suddenly returns home, but he doesn’t remember anything from his disappearance. Jin Seok, on the other hand, starts noticing some changes about his older brother, including the limp on his leg being gone, making Jin Seok’s suspicion grow about his brother. It doesn’t help that Jin Seok keeps hearing sounds from the locked room where the house’ previous owner stored his belongings, making him even more paranoid of his surroundings and the people around him.
 ‘Forgotten’ fooled me into believing that all is good between Jinseok, his brother and his family. I would have been thankful to have someone like Yoo Seok as a brother too, but the too much mystery surrounding him eventually gave a strong feeling that something is definitely up with the perfect older brother. However, it was far from the psychotic brother I thought he will turn into. It made everything I visioned actually wrong just when I thought I could predict what’s to come next.
Plus, that locked room right across their room constantly brought chills to my spine as we were duped into thinking that some ugly ghost would actually pop out from that room when it was nothing but a stupid prop to the real setup of the story. The movie almost turned into a horror story, but I guess that’s their sly strategy to fool us and  overwhelm us with something else. And gosh, that worked on me.
I skipped some parts when it came to the locked room and whenever Jin Seok was investigating about his odd older brother who came back, because I couldn’t really tell what was to come next. It frustrates me that I am kept in the dark, but then as I skim through the entire story, I think it’s amazing how they came up with how the entire film was executed. It may seem confusing to an outsider because the film didn’t start in the order where it was supposed to show the past, but I think the sequencing, the plot itself is intelligently written and done.
I was so mindblown when I realized who Jin Seok and Yoo Seok really is, since they aren’t who we think they really are.
Jin Seok thinks he’s still back in the 90s when all he needs to think about is passing his exams, but then the reality is it’s already the 21st century and Jin Seook is nothing but a lonely old man, who is the suspect to a crime years ago and is being unwillingly and unknowingly dragged back to the house where he allegedly killed a wife and a daughter. The happenings of that year were reenacted together with the help of undercovers who wanted to know the truth of that night and pretended to be his family members.
Because apparently, he accepted the task from someone called ‘Bluebeard’ on the internet to kill his wife and claim his insurance money that he thinks will better the lives of his daughter and son. Out of pure desperation to get Jin Seok’s older brother have his operation, he takes the bait, but unfortunately also kills Bluebeard’s daughter. That night he’s also seen by the son, who Jin Seok fooled into counting to a hundred ten times in his room, so he could make his escape.
Later, Jin Seok finds out that his brother’s surgeon was actually in fact the same ‘Bluebeard’ that assigned him to kill his wife in exchange for money. Bluebeard eventually hears from his son over the phone that both his wife and daughter is killed. He is struck with grief and somehow he ends up with a brawl with Jin Seok and he’s thrown of the edge of the rooftop of the hospital. Jin Seok was able to hold onto him, but the doctor’s hand slipped and he died.
Years later, after the case of the mother and daughter being killed was closed and buried under the mud, some detective who is adamant to solve the case finds Jin Seok and tortures him while telling him to confess his crimes. Jin Seok apparently deletes the distressful memory of those times and denies he had killed them. So, out of desperation of the authority to know the truth, they devised a plan that will make him remember the past: lead him to believe that his family is still alive and go back to the crime scene to later reenact that night.
In the first scene, if you will remember, this is the part when he is seen in a car with his family. They were moving to their new house, which was actually the real crime scene. That’s why Jin Seok feels familiar when he sees the house. It’s because he had been there before.
Jin Seok also hears something from the locked room, because stupidly enough there were people there watching everything that they were doing from a monitor screen. It wasn’t because it was haunted. Then the time Jin Seok sees his brother being kidnapped, it was actually when Yoo Seok was taken by the real police for doing an illegal investigation of the past crime. He wasn’t able to come home for 19 days because he had to pull some strings to get out.
By the time he was back home, Jin Seok has become even more sensitive and suspicious. He was able to discern between his dreams and reality and somehow realized the changes in Yoo Seok. One, he doesn’t have a limp because he’s never gotten into an accident. Two, Yoo Seok is in connivance with the police that went to their home to investigate, because they are actually in the same boat and they are the people in the locked room.
Until such night happened when Jin Seok heard his fake mom talking over the phone to Yoo Seok, telling him her observations. Jin Seok tries to cover up his own undercover, but he eventually gets caught. And when he managed to run away and go to the real police, that’s when he figured out he’s not really a twenty year old teen but instead a wrinkly old man born in the 70s. It devastated him to know this, but Jin Seok eventually gains back his memory afterwards.
There are some struggles that led him to being confined in a hospital bed and Yoo Seok admitting to the twisted truth. The fact that Yoo Seok is actually the same son whose family died and was left alone to fend for himself. He tries to inject something to Jin Seok’s IV to eventually kill him for what he’d done, but Yoo Seok changes his mind and drops the injection because he knew that behind his mother and sister’s death is an even worse man, ‘Bluebeard’. His father.
Tragically, in the end, Yoo Seok jumps to his death and out of guilt, Jin Seok injects the solution that Yoo Seok was supposed to use on him and he eventually dies.
The plot twist and execution is really daebak. They made a total fool out of me for most of the movie and saved itself in the last 30 minutes by revealing the cruel truth. However, the intelligent plot creation becomes forgettable because of how things wrapped up: everyone dies.
I mean, it’s sad enough that Jin Seok killed somebody out of desperation and someone manipulated him and made him waste two years of his life while deceiving him. But what tops death in the ending? This is the type of film I absolutely hate. If ain’t for that plot twist and the flashback in the credits, my heart wouldn’t have softened for this film.
If you’re wondering what happened then, they showed one of Jin Seok’s happy memories when he’s being greeted by his family from the other side of a lake. He smiles happily at them, but then meets a little boy, who he runs into and talks to with a grin on his face. The boy is later whisked away by his family, but at the same time that boy’s memory of Jin Seok was very pleasant. He clearly liked the younger version of Jin Seok.
That same boy Jin Seok met by the lake, however, is the same man whom he took away a family from, Yoo Seok.
Looking back, those are time when you’ll think, fate has its cruel way of letting two people meet twice. Once, when they were both happy. But because of our bad choices, somehow we end up meeting these people, we once before came across with, in a bad situation later. If only those happy times could be preserved, but then again fate has its way of mocking us back.
Over all, the movie is great if you don’t mind tragic endings. The execution, plot twist and acting is quite flawless. The movie is also able to set a mood that is deceiving in the beginning, leading us to the eventual turn of events we will not ever expect, which is really good. The tone of the movie, however, is pretty dark. It’s a film genius, but I don’t think people will have the same opinion about it like how critiques would praise it for its unique strategy, especially with all of them dying.
I would have really hated the film because of the sad ending, though it’s a genius in the way sequencing was done and how they deceivingly and strategically filmed the entire thing. Luckily, the last few minutes were worth the watch. Poignant and nostalgic, yet smacks some life lessons into you. Rating this film, I’ll give it a 3.9 out of 5.
Movie: Forgotten (English title) / Night of Memory (literal title)
Revised romanization: Gieokui Bam
Hangul: 기억의 밤
Director: Jang Hang-Jun
Writer: Jang Hang-Jun
Producer: Park Joon-Sik
Cinematographer: Kim Il-Yeon
Release Date: November 29, 2017
Runtime: 109 min.
Genre: Mystery / Thriller
Distributor: Megabox Plus M
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Plot Synopsis by AsianWiki Staff ©
Jin-Seok (Kang Ha-Neul) moves into a new home with his older brother Yoo-Seok (Kim Moo-Yul), mother (Na Young-Hee) and father (Moon Sung-Geun). Jin-Seok suffers from hypersensitivity, but with medication he is able to live normally. One rainy evening, Jin-Seok sees his older brother being thrown into a van by a group of men. After 19 days of silence, Yoo-Seok returns home, but he doesn’t remember anything from his disappearance. Jin-Seok though notices enough changes in his older brother’s personality and behavior that he begins to suspect that the person who has returned is not Yoo-Seok. Meanwhile, Jin-Seok keeps hearing sounds from a locked room temporarily storing the previous home owner’s belongings.
Film Review: ‘Forgotten’ – Tragedy with a great plot twist I am pleasantly surprised to know that a respectable actor like Kang Ha Neul is actually the protagonist in this mystery-thriller film '
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