#which means that i'd been assuming i wouldn't have to go back to uni until late february which is when my classes started this year
grimark · 1 year
emerging from my uni's course enrolments portal covered in blood and snot and dried tears and visibly trembling
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hopeswriting · 1 year
Are are your opinions on LucexReborn and the theory on Aria's dad? Yuni's dad is Gamma far I am aware.
hi nonny, thank you for the ask!
if we're talking canon, i do think there's room for the possibility of romantic feelings between luce and reborn, or at least from reborn to luce. i think that based on one (1) scene lol, but look at it:
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[ID: Panels from the manga Katekyo Hitman Reborn, showing Gamma and Reborn talking to each other.
"What is it you want to ask me?" Gamma asks. "Calling me way out here..."
"You... How do you feel about Uni?"
"What kind of random question is that?!" Gamma says, taken aback.
"You know that Uni admires you, right?" Reborn says. "I know it's none of my business, but there's no time. If we waste any more time, then they'll... slip through before we know it. I know you're aware... that the Sky Arcobaleno is blessed with deep emotion, and has a smile brighter than anyone, but they also shoulder the heaviest responsibilities and are taken away from us by destiny." The next panel here shows Gamma thinking of Aria. "There's no time to wait until she grows up," Reborn continues. "Stop treating her like a baby and look at her. Look at her soul." /End ID]
i think it's obvious how they're discussing romantic feelings here, however ambiguous amano chose to make the relationship between gamma and uni, for some reason lol. so when reborn is clearly talking from personal experience here, and not just from factual and objective knowledge; when he says "they" and "we" and "us", i think it's safe to assume he's saying to gamma the words he wished someone would have told him or that he'd have realized in time as he thinks back to his own relationship with luce. that, plus how fondly and warmly he describes the sky arco to be, and how he's the arco closest to uni (iirc he's the only one uni calls "uncle") and presumably had a close relationship with aria too, it's clear he cared a lot about luce at the very least, and still cared about her even after the curse and her death.
(interestingly enough tho, this says nothing about luce's feelings for him. like here, luce & reborn relationship is paralleled with gamma & aria's, but as much as we know aria reciprocated gamma's feelings to some extent, the way reborn says it, "wasting time" and the sky arco "slipping through before they know it", it seems he never got the chance to tell luce how he felt about her. so luce's feelings for him could have been platonic unlike him, or like with aria and gamma, she might have chosen to not act on her feelings even if they were there because of the curse.)
if we're talking about how i feel about the ship, i like it! tho now i say it, i realize i've never really taken the time to think about them before, surprisingly enough, so i have little else to say about them off the top of my head. if not that, of course, the possibility of romantic feelings between them would add yet another layer of pain and tragedy and cruelty to the arco curse when it comes to them, and i'd love to delve into and explore all that angst and hurt/(no) comfort one day!
when you say the theory about aria's dad, i assume you mean how some people headcanon reborn to be her dad, right? if so, personally i really can't see it. i mean, i can see it as you can easily make it fit within canon, but for me it makes little sense character-wise even if it works timeline-wise. by which i mean, luce's shown to be visibly pregnant the day they were cursed, if not heavily pregnant too, so she did the do a couple of months prior. i personally headcanon kawahira kept the whole chosen seven thing going for a year give or take tops, but if we're strictly talking canon, i think it's more likely it only lasted a couple of months seeing as how it was all one giant trap, and kawahira probably wouldn't have wanted to give enough time to the strongest/greatest of their generation to figure it out. and, you know, as two consenting adults, if reborn and luce decided to get it on on sight, then good for them lol, but i don't think for a second they'd have been careless enough for a baby to be born out of it.
i mean, just think about it. luce knew they were all going to get cursed, knew aria would take upon the curse after her death, knew she'd die young because of the curse, leaving aria alone likely when she was still a child, but she'd still have wanted/chosen reborn of all people (or any of the other arco for that matter) to be her dad? would have been okay with that? knowing the kind of situation they'd have had to be a father and daughter in? like, at least luce got to raise aria in an adult body for as long as she was alive, you know. and this point stands especially true if luce & reborn relationship is truly meant to parallel gamma & aria's like implied in the scene above. i.e., luce wouldn't have let herself act on her feelings even if she had them knowing all she did, let alone would have let herself have a child with reborn.
on the other hand, from reborn's side of things, if we say becoming a father is a thing he wants at some point, i just don't think he already wanted to become one at that point in time tbh. or that he's the type to trust someone so much and commit to a relationship to such an extent in only a couple of months. especially not when they got to meet and knew each other in the incredibly suspicious setting that was the whole chosen seven thing, which they were all definitely more or less aware and wary of. and more rather than less, for sure.
reborn also knows to be pragmatic/rational/logical when he needs to be, and seeing that the chosen seven business was when they were all at their prime mafia-wise (or he was at the very least anyway), meaning that's also when they had the most enemies after them who'd also have been powerful, even if he wanted a baby at that time, he'd still likely have chosen to wait for another time when his child would have been less likely to be targeted to get to him. and if not that, like i already said, from the way he advised gamma, even if he already wanted and was ready to have a child at the time, it seems he thought he had the time to take things slow with luce and acted accordingly.
so for all these reasons, i personally don't think reborn is aria's dad, or that there's anything in canon that really hints at it despite how, at the same time, there's also nothing that go against it.
about gamma being uni's dad, i also don't believe he actually is either. it's purely fanon as far as i know. this is also based on one (1) scene because that's pretty much all we got about gamma & aria relationship lol, apart from gamma being/having been in love with her, but look:
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[ID: A panel from the manga Katekyo Hitman Reborn.
It shows Gamma thinking about moments he spent with Aria. One of those moments show him sitting shirtless on the window of her room, raising his hands in surrender as Aria points a gun at him, sitting on her bed and covering herself with the blanket. /End ID]
if you look at this, there was something definitely not platonic going on between them lol, so i get why gamma is made out to be uni's dad, but at the same time aria was also clearly intent on not letting their relationship become too much not platonic, no matter how she might have really felt inside or what she might have really wanted to do instead. there's also the fact that gamma explicitly says in the future arc that his feelings were unrequited. also he had no idea of uni's existence until she showed up (didn't even know aria was ever pregnant either), and when she did gamma never reacted to her like there was the possibility she was his and aria's daughter.
but most importantly, there was definitely something romantic going on between gamma and uni. and amano somehow managed to both make it explicitly clear and also ambiguous lol, but also they literally confessed to each other, you know. uni even said "i like you just like my mother did", and reborn talks about "admiration", but just look at what else he says in that scene with gamma above. so like, it's clear amano didn't mean for gamma to be uni's dad lol.
that's all strictly canon-speaking tho! as far as fanon goes, i know it's common to make gamma her dad, and like reborn being aria's dad, it easily fits within canon too. but tbh i think either their dads are some random dudes we didn't get to know and that they ideally loved, or there's NO dude at all and just. well, you know. they're half-aliens, so like. who knows what pregnancy and having children even mean for them lol.
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ERI!! I love you so much! I have a question that's been bugging me and I was wondering if you would please answer but also feel free to ignore if it makes you uncomfortable. I am truly just genuinely curious, some might say way too curious. But anyway I mean nothing weird or offensive by it, I swear!
You write Uncle Wayne so well and he is always such a staple in your work. I know the dynamic you have for him is very father/daughter when writing eddie x reader or even talking about yourself. So again sorry if this squicks you out. But my question is simply would you date Wayne? Be taken out and treated wonderfully and then of course all the other things that come with dating someone or being in a relationship.
This is of course assuming you've either never met Eddie or see him only as a friend. I'm not asking if you'd cheat on Eddie with his Uncle. 🤮 I'm asking do your strong feelings of love and comfort when it comes to Wayne extend far enough that you could see him in that capacity or is that a straight up "No, he's my Dad" Which is totally valid. I just honestly really love seeing you make content about OUR Uncle and your adoration of him is so fucking sweet. ❤❤❤
Hiiii nonnie!! I love you tooooo ~ !!!! I got this ask a few days ago and I've been thinking about it ever since. I have so much to say! First, I'm definitely comfortable to answer this, it made my heart squeeeeeeze when I read this😭😭😭😭I didn't take this ask as weird or offensive, I find it very sweet and tbh I've been ITCHING to talk about my feelings about Uncle Wayne. But I gush about him all the time so I was, uh... stockpiling it???? Until I felt like I could talk about it again, but this ask is the perfect way for me to use up the stockpile!!!!😍🙏
Thank you so much, that means a lot to me! My Munson family content (Eddie x reader ft. Uncle Wayne) is very special to me; those are my comfort pieces and I'm so happy that so many of you connect with the fics as much as I do!!!💖The dynamic I try to capture in the Munson family fics is definitely familial, between Uncle Wayne and Eddie, between Y/N and Uncle Wayne, and balancing that with Y/N and Eddie's romantic dynamic is a lot of fun. It's a lot of love, a lot of comfort and want and yearning. It both soothes and excaberates that cosmic Eddie-sized hole in my chest.
But my question is simply would you date Wayne? Be taken out and treated wonderfully and then of course all the other things that come with dating someone or being in a relationship.
If I'd never met Eddie or if he didn't exist or if I only saw him platonically... hm. This was difficult to think about because I genuinely can't imagine either Munson without the other (😭💔), but I keep circling back to saying no. I love Wayne Munson so fucking much, so much, the character has literally stopped me from quitting uni every damn time I've wanted to this year (three times already this semester and we're only three months in😂💀), but I wouldn't date him. It's not even like he's my dad, he's... More than that?
Like, Uncle Wayne isn't just Eddie's Uncle. He's everyone's Uncle. For me, he's the one you go to before you speak to your parents, he's the one you look to for guidance when it's five am and you're late with a deadline and you need someone older than you to tell you that it's okay, you can fix this. He's the one who you speak to when you don't feel safe with anyone else, the one you find comfort and solace and comfort in. Uncle Wayne is like my dad but he's more than that, too. He's like the dad, uncle and grandad figure all in one. He's warm and gruff but soft and angry yet kind and he cares he cares he cares and he loves Eddie so much, he's his nephew's protector and shield and guardian and Uncle Wayne inspires me.
I feel like I'm not explaining this properly but before I got out of bed this morning, today I have work and then I have to go to my aunt's and then I have a late evening university lecture which I usually fall asleep during because I'm just so tired from work (can't attend the day lectures because I'm working 💀), and I didn't wanna get out of bed so I just... Watched Uncle Wayne's scenes in episode two, I scrolled through looking for him specifically, and I was up and out of bed getting ready so fast I made myself a little dizzy because he makes me want to try. I got out of bed because I felt like he wouldn't accept anything else, even if he understands it, and I want to make him proud.
So no, I wouldn't date Wayne Munson. Maaaaaaaybe if he was literally just Wayne Munson and Eddie didn't exist, because in any universe where Eddie Munson exists, I would choose him every time. But even then, I struggle to see it. Uncle Wayne is too familiar for me. And, as you say, I love and adore him so much that very often, I cry when I see him because he makes my chest all tight and warm and I turn into someone who just wants to be told she's doing well and "it's okay, kid, keep tryin', you'll get there". And also, he really does remind me of my grandad, who I lost too damn young. I will never again have a connection with someone the way I connected to my grandad and I miss him every day.💔
I can't call him Wayne without feeling disrespectful because I dropped the "Uncle" beforehand. It just sounds odd because Uncle Wayne is... He's our Uncle Wayne. In all ways and all things. I just adore him a whole lot.🥺💖 I'd do anything to open up to him like this the way I have with you.🫂
I hope this satisfied your curiosity, anon!!!!🫂 Thank you for the question and excuse to gush about Uncle Wayne!!! It took me a few days to puzzle out a response; I admittedly had to examine my feelings for him but I feel happy that I've done that here and hopefully everything is portrayed correctly.💖
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rogerstoast · 5 years
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Garage Band//Roger Taylor x Fem Reader
warnings: fluff ig, really simple and cute
AN: I wrote this a long ass time ago and never revised it so apologies in advance for errors.
You were in your second year at Imperial College, and struggling to get through your second set of finals this year. Only three more exams to get through and you could finally say hello to summer.
The fact that you have been sitting at your desk studying for the last six hours, didn't help with stress either. No matter how much you studied, you just couldn't seem to grasp any bit of information from the papers in front of you.
Figuring it was going on six, and you have been sitting in an old wooden chair since noon, a well deserved break was needed. Capping your pen, you got up, stretched, grabbed your jacket and headed out of your dorm for a walk.
As you were walking down the streets of London, subtle music began to play in the distance. It wasn't half bad either. Quite decent actually. The music grew louder and you noticed a few, small groups of people, mostly girls, were gathered on the driveway of the house.
You looked both ways before crossing the street to see what was going on. Once you reached the house, it was hard to get about considering so many students were crowding the lot. Squeezing through and shoving past all the bodies was a struggle, but you managed to get to the front and into the garage.
Just as expected, it was a band. Now that you're here, you remembered your friend telling you about them a few days ago. But you weren't expecting them to be this good. The group was made up of three uni students. A tall one with wavy dark hair playing the guitar, and another dark haired guy, a little shorter, playing the bass. They both were singing. Along with the fella who caught your eye instantly. He had blond, wavy hair and played the drums wonderfully. Never missing a beat, and harmonized with the group beautifully.
About two songs in, you felt a tap on your shoulder.
"(Y/n)! What are you doing here?" It was your friend Lorali, the one who told you about  the band.
"Needed to get some fresh air after sitting at that desk for so long. Thought I'd see what was so special about this band you were telling me about" I told her.
"Well I'm glad you came! Wanna go get a drink with me? Bars inside."
Accepting the fact that it was a Friday night and you studied enough for the day, you gave into her offer.
"Sure thing!" Following Lorali to the door located behind the band, you figured you would steal another glance at the drummer, as you were about to past him. However, he seemed to have caught your glance just as they were finishing their song. You immediately looked away, and followed your friend through the door, as you felt a slight blush rise to your cheeks.
"What are you blushing about," she asked you, noticing your obvious flushed complexion.
"Wh-what? Nothing. Just need a drink that's all."
"Oh please (y/n), what kinda twat do you think I am. Do you really think I didn't see you making heart eyes at the drummer a second ago?"
Damn it Lorali.
She could always see right through you.
"Oh shut up! Doesn't matter, it's obvious he's the womanizer of the group, what should it matter to me?" But before she could deny anything, I poured myself a shot of whisky and downed it as fast as I could. Feeling a wave of relief already, I gave her a look as if to say alright, go on.
"The night is still young, (y/n). Let's go back out there, they're almost done!
Following her back out to the garage, you noticed it had got darker outside, and string lights lit up the garage as students gathered around a fire pit on the driveway, smoking and dancing along to the music.
Lorali led you to the couch up front, and you took a seat right next to her, each with a beer in hand. Facing the band, they sang and rocked their hearts out to their closing song. You happened to really like it. Wether it was the subtle head bops, or the perfect rhythm he managed to keep, you couldn't keep your eyes off of the drummer. He played perfectly. The song then came to a faster, more rock n roll bit and the guitarist played a rif while blondie hit the drums harder and faster than before.
This time when he caught you staring at him, you didn't look away immediately right after. Same goes for him, giving you a wink and a cheeky smile. Doubting the possibility he could be looking at you, you turned your head around to see if the group of girls from earlier was behind you or something. Only to find them outside, and groups of guys behind you instead. When you turned around, he seemed to notice your disbelief, and subtly laughed to himself. You blushed and looked down, feeling slightly embarrassed that you thought he wasn't gesturing towards you.
Drinking from your cup, they finished the song and ended it with harmonizing their voices and it sounded like the most spectacular thing you have ever heard before.
doooiinnn allllllrrrrrriiiggghhhhhtttt
The guitarist then spoke into the mic, "Thanks for coming out everybody, we really appreciate it!"
You sighed to yourself, that the live music was over for the night. But just as a record started playing from the corner of the room, you stood up for your spot on the couch, next to your friend. In need for a quick smoke, you informed her you were going to stand outside for a bit and warm up by the fire.
Noticing people have either left or gone to get their second round of drinks, you stood next to the fire pit, struggling to warm up. Pulling a pack and a lighter from your coat pocket, you were slightly disappointed to see that you were all out.
"Having a bit of trouble over there?" You heard a deep voice ask you from behind, causing you to turn around.
Crap. It's him. "Oh I uh, I uh, I'm all out, that's all," you awkwardly chuckle and look down.
"No worries," the drummer then pulls out a pack and offers you a cigarette.
You take it as your fingers lightly brush over his. "Thanks," you say, with a small smile.
You both light your cigarettes and you allow yourself to really let it sink in before taking a long breath out.
"I'm a, I'm Roger by the way," the drummer offered is hand out for you to shake
"(Y/n)," you reply, shaking his hand in return. 
"Wow, that's a nice name. How come I've never seen you around here before?" he asked.
You blush a little and turn to meet his eyes. Wow, you thought. It was the first time you saw his big blue eyes. Just as you were about to get lost in them, you remembered he asked you a question.
"Oh, I uh, I came with my friend. You guys were amazing by the way, should've come around sooner."
He chuckled and took a small step closer to me, "Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I feel like I've seen you around." his mention came off more as a question.
"Yeah, im a uni student. Second year actually, majoring in fashion design. What about you?" I asked him, bringing my cigarette back up to my lips.
"Dental student. Doesn't seem to be working out well. Hoping this band thing works out," he said, looking back at me.
"Ah I wouldn't worry about it, you guys were amazing," I reassured him with a smile, hoping I wasn't coming off too obsessive with all the compliments I was giving him.
But Roger loved how you would blush and gawk over the band. Although you never noticed him until this night, he has noticed you since the beginning of his second year at uni. He sat at the very back in a class you two shared with each other, but you never seemed to noticed he existed until today. Roger on the other hand, was the total opposite. He noticed you the first day, and couldn't get over how beautiful you were. The way you concentrated so hard in class to make sure you took all the right notes, and the way your tongue would poke out of your mouth when you were focused. Roger admired all of it. Everything about you. But, he never had the courage to talk to until tonight. It was almost as if he had been intimidated by your perfection, and it made him nervous, which is not in his nature. Being known as the womanizer and all. 
"If I don't know any better, I'd say you have a little crush on the band," he brought up, trying to mess with you.
"Oh shut up!" you joked back, nudging his shoulder with yours, both of you lightly chuckling. It was only then when you realized how close you too actually were. Standing there, shoulder to shoulder.
You then realized your beer was empty when you went for another sip. Figuring you walked here, maybe it would be best to start heading back
"Well, i uh, I should get going I guess."
But just as you were about to walk away, Roger grabbed your hand to turn you around. Very quickly actually, resulting in your noses almost bumping each other as your faces grew closer all of a sudden. Neither of you said anything for a second, but just looked at each other. Both sets of eyes quickly looking down at each other's lips, then back at each other's eyes. Yet the awkward tension took over, making the moment suddenly uncomfortable.
"Let me get you another drink at least?" He offered.
You easily obliged with a simple, "okay," and a small smile.
He took your hand and led you through the garage past the bunch of people who were still there, and into the house to the kitchen.
While Roger went to the fridge to grab two beers, you hopped up and sat on the corner.
"So Rog, is this your house?" You asked curiously. 
He walked over to stand in front you, and handed you the can.
"Yeah, I've been rooming with Brian for a couple of months now."
You don't know why, but you felt so at ease around him. A sudden wave of confidence washed over you, causing the next question to come out of your mouth without a care in the world.
"I assume that means you have your own room then?"
Roger knew what you were intending with that question. He raised an eyebrow with a smirk on his face as he walked closer to you, standing in between your legs.
"I suppose it does," he replied, your faces merely a few inches away from each other.
Roger placed a hand on your thigh, taking you  a bit by surprise. But you allowed it, and you couldn't help but feel more at ease because of it. The moment, it felt so right. But why? You barely knew him. You feel like you did, but you didn't.
"Hey (y/n)" Roger whispered, as our faces grew closer
"I know you barely know me, but I need to be honest. Ever since I saw you the first day of uni, I thought you were absolutely stunning. I always sit at the back of class, and I can help but admire your perfection. It kills me, everyday when I see you."
This took you by surprise even more. That's why Roger looked familiar to you. But what he just confessed to you made your heart skip a beat, and cause butterflies to literally explode in your stomach. You were blushing uncontrollably and had a huge smile plastered on your face. Why? You didn't know. Even though you barely knew each other, everything felt as if it was meant to be happening.
"Roger, I-"
But before you could say anything, he leaned in and crashed his lips into yours. It was fast, but sweet and loving at first. You flung your arms around his neck, running your hand through his hair. He brought his other hand up to your cheek as the kiss became more heated. Both of you craved each other, need each other. Roger has been the missing thing in your life all along.
Roger then took his hands, slid them under your thighs, signaling for you to jump on him. Which you did, wrapping your legs around his torso as his hands made their way under your ass to hold you up. He then started kissing you down your neck, leaving love bites all over. The feeling completely melting your insides, you grabbed his face with both hands and connected your lips together yet again.
Before you knew it, Roger had already carried you upstairs. Your lips not letting go for even a single breath of air, the two of you pushed the door open, only for him to slam it shut with his foot, ready for night of his life.
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Nancy & Rio
Nancy: Not to be weird, because I obviously don't mind if so, but are you wearing my clothes in your latest insta pics or have I lost my mind? Rio: Oh my God, sorry! Shoulda said before putting that up Rio: casual single white female situation Rio: I was in London and I had to stop by yours to avoid a real walk of shame... whole 'nother story, assumed it'd be alright 'cos you know, you weren't using 'em? Shipped back fully dry cleaned, swear down Rio: Not to drop him in it but shamelessly will, Buster said it'd probably be alright too lol Nancy: Well we have the brunette and redhead thing going on, already. Just don't murder me like Nancy: It's more than okay. They look great on you and they are just sitting there Nancy: Keep them if you want Nancy: I'd rather you than one of Buster's 'guests' Nancy: Did you talk to him? Rio: Last time I check, no feelings of murderous jealousy towards you Rio: Even if you do have a killer clothes collection Rio: You're too sweet! I'm nowhere near statuesque enough to rock it for serious but it was fun playing dressup, not gonna lie Rio: A little bit, yeah, as much as you can with him Rio: Has he reached out to you yet? Nancy: We should go shopping then. I'm not flooded with other offers or compliments right now Nancy: He did try but I didn't answer the call. I didn't know what to say, you know Nancy: Do I want to know what he said about me, if anything? Rio: Absolutely, always up for a style update Rio: and I promise to stay away for the red box dye Rio: Rihanna 2010 I ain't Rio: That's fair, I remember he mentioned that too Rio: He said a lot of things, some of 'em stupid which don't bear repeating but I could tell he was worried about you, checking you were okay, like Nancy: Oh god Nancy: I should've answered I just couldn't Nancy: I've already broken my own heart there's no handling if he decided to do it for me too Nancy: It was like I already hear what he was going to say Rio: No one is judgding you for not Rio: He's been guility of being unavailable for less Rio: You're more than entitled to take your time with this Rio: Let him cool down too, I put him right where I could but Rio: He's stubborn Nancy: And he thinks I'm as cringey as everyone at school does, right? Nancy: I knew it Nancy: I can't blame him really Rio: But that's nothing you don't know, you feel the embarrassment, I don't get why people think they're being clever pointing out as if its not your first hand experience Rio: He asked if you were coming back Rio: which he clearly wants, even if he's not gonna outright say that Nancy: I thought he might be on my side since he always goes after what he wants Nancy: Maybe he is though, if he does want me home Rio: Yeah, there's definitely hypocrisy otherwise Rio: I'm not gonna commit him to either side from a conversation relayed but I don't think talking to him soon will make it any worse Rio: Hoping he said all the dumb shit he needed to me instead, like Nancy: Was he such a prick to you? I'm sorry Nancy: I can't go back until those girls are far away at uni Nancy: Do you think we could convince him to come here? Team effort to get a visit? Rio: Not all bad Rio: and nothing I can't handle Rio: Yeah, reckon I might've met some of them last night Rio: and I feel you Rio: Worth a shot, I threw it out there that maybe if he came it'd make your 'rents coming less of a shitshow Rio: try and hold him to it Nancy: The ringleader is Chloe, with an accent over the e. You'd remember her if you did Nancy: It wouldn't surprise me if she was still hanging around him and his friends, she always did fancy him Nancy: Okay. I'll try Rio: Oh my God, her?! Rio: If she gave me daggers any harder I woulda been bleeding Rio: Such an unlikely candidate, no offence Chlo hun but total Rio: always the girls with the least going for them, honestly Nancy: That's her specialty Nancy: What's it say about me that I used to think we were actually friends once Rio: She looks like she can play nice when she wants to Rio: with your Brother, like you said Rio: Ugh Nancy: Yeah. She didn't want to play nice after I came out but she did a convincing enough job before Rio: Bet she thought you were in love with her and everything? Rio: What a cliche mean girl Nancy: Oh she went one better and told everyone I made a move of her, which even I wouldn't Rio: Oh, don't flatter yourself Rio: What a cow! Yeah, she's not changed at all then, obviously I avoided her best I could but she was way too happy about my drama Nancy: Like I know what I did with Sian was bad but Nancy: Please, I do have some standards Nancy: What happened with you? I didn't even ask. What a cow I am Rio: Yeah, she's not a catch, whatever way you're swinging, sorry to be a bitch but you were first gurl and that's always gonna be a turn-off Rio: Oh nah, nothing major, well, it was very dramatic but over it whilst it was happening so I'm not bothered Rio: Curtis went with me and then decided to get all huffy and try and make me leave early 'cos I was 'dancing too sexy' or whatever Rio: when I wouldn't he literally left me there, considering he drove us over, he had the hotel key Rio: Cue mad rush trying to find a place to crash and a way back Rio: Safe to say he's chucked Nancy: Oh my god! There's no words for how out of order that is. What an utter prick! Nancy: Buster better have offered you my bed Nancy: I'll kill him if he never Rio: Oh yeah, he did Rio: Offered to pay the way back but I thought that was too far Rio: Between taking your bed and clothes, like, need to at least try and sort half of it myself, like! Nancy: At least he's not a total prick himself ALL the time Nancy: Remembering some of how he was raised now Nancy: Are you in London rn still? Rio: Yeah, I'd say we can give him that Rio: Will go to his head but what you gonna do Rio: I am Rio: Toying with staying for a bit but I'll defs get in more shit for doing that for going with Curtis in the first place so Rio: Should probs get the soonest flight back now Nancy: My bed and wardrobe are yours if you are staying Nancy: Did you see my mum and dad? Nancy: While we're mentioning being in lots of shit, like Rio: I appreciate it, Nance Rio: I did my best to avoid then, and succeeded, thankfully, not really the vibe I'm looking to give out to the olders like Rio: Buster didn't seem keen to talk to them either, so they may very well be on the warpath towards Dubo and you...Soz to confirm Nancy: Care to teach me some of your ways before they end my life? I'd REALLY appreciate it tbh Nancy: Fantastic. That sounds accurate Rio: Umm, get them drunk and they'll be sleeping as you sneak about like Anne Frank? Rio: ORRRRR, whilst they're mid-air, come back to London, ha Nancy: Get mum REALLY angry Nancy: Nice subtle nod to my gayness with the Anne Frank ref though Nancy: And you're definitely onto something with getting dad a drink Rio: Say you're coming to rescue me, I can be FAR more dramatic about this breakup than I'm really feeling Rio: edge of fucking tower bridge like Rio: of course, all bisexuals are upheld in the highest esteem in my household Rio: especially brave little jewish girls Nancy: Good plan, if I can be this dramatic about a non-break up then we can make this believable I'm sure Nancy: Take the heroics from my brother too, always great Nancy: I see the bed and clothes gesture and I raise you Rio: Everyone loves a bit of sibling rivalry put to use Rio: get us both off the hook in one fell swoop Rio: Only flaw in the plan is Chloe with the accent Rio: Going to have to work on that so she's outta the way by the time you get here Nancy: I'd suggest taking her to the bridge and pushing her off but I don't need to go to prison Rio: If you thought the gay jokes were bad now Nancy: Exactly Nancy: And nobody needs a rebound that badly, least of all me Rio: They say some people go to Prison for the roof over their head and three meals a day Rio: wonder if anyone has ever gone in purely for the pussay Nancy: As a vegetarian I feel I'd have to Nancy: If only casual sex was my thing. Wouldn't have got here Rio: Yeah, it ain't for everyone Rio: at least you didn't get to fuck her, THEN catch feelings Rio: that'd be even shittier like and what happens to so many girls in our year when they do the 'casual' thing Rio: no wonder they're being salty little bitches about it Nancy: But that way it wouldn't have been all in my head Nancy: Maybe they have a point, I don't know Rio: It wouldn't make this bit any easier Rio: the actual heartbreak shit Rio: the people being cunts, less so Rio: but they'll find any reason, someone else will be the target next week, like Nancy: I know you're right Nancy: And I don't want her life ruined so Rio: Yeah, but you gotta think about you and your life too Rio: She's fine Nancy: Don't rub it in, please Nancy: I feel like my life's over Rio: I know sweets Rio: but it ain't Rio: you'll just keep going Nancy: I know I will, but I don't want to. Like I know she couldn't love me but I still want her too Nancy: It hurts Rio: Its going to Rio: for a while yet Rio: revel in it Rio: how unfair it feels Rio: 'cos its not a sexuality thing, if you were straight or she was gay or whatever the fuck, when you feel like you love someone and they just don't back Rio: that's gonna hurt regardless of the how you got there Rio: its not just because she was a teacher, everyone's been there, like Rio: Promise Nancy: I wish everyone saw this how you do Nancy: You're the best Nancy: June too but he doesn't get this bit yet Nancy: Though he can appreciate the wonders this will do for my art Rio: Gotta suffer, might as well get paid for it Rio: or A's Rio: at the very least Rio: I don't know, Junior is so guarded, I wonder if he ever will, not that I wish that bit on him but you've gotta go through it so its better to get it over with really Nancy: Especially because my Irish grades are gonna take a dive Nancy: I think he will Nancy: He just needs the right one to fall for Nancy: I appreciate how that sounds coming from me rn but Rio: Oh the awkwardness of that first lesson back is gonna be Rio: I'll deffo come Home by then Rio: I hope so, I know he's not happy hiding who he is, so I don't think he's content being alone forever, like, either Nancy: Oh god please do. I'll need all the help I can get Nancy: He won't be. He's a catch. I keep telling him Rio: Pretty sure push it any harder and I'm being dragged back by my hair lmao Rio: Totally, he just needs to get a lil confidence Rio: Not a complete personality change but just enough to give him that push Nancy: We're working on it Rio: Yay! Shame we can't be real speedy about it, get him getting a man to distract all the attention from you like Nancy: That's okay I wouldn't wish it on him Nancy: I can handle it. Sort of Rio: Yeah you can Rio: You've got this Nancy: So our brother keeps saying. But he makes it we because he's everything Nancy: *your Rio: Y'all are cuties Nancy: If you could use your influence on my brother to make him bearable I'll be your best friend Rio: I definitely cannot make promises there Rio: He goes out of his way to be un Rio: but he's alright really, I think lol Nancy: I'll have to take your word on that Nancy: Until I talk to him myself Rio: Let me know how it all works out like Nancy: Definitely
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