#whether it be dandruff my lips scabs or just chewing on the inside of my cheeks
tittyinfinity · 6 months
My neurodivergencies and mental illnesses overlap so much that you could diagnose me with about anything at this point
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rhinotillexomaniac · 4 years
I have recently come to learn that I've probably had some BFRBs from early on in life. I've never openly spoken about it, but I think there should be a greater awareness. I'd never made the connection. I thought they were just bad habits.
In first grade, it was nail biting. I have this distinct memory of an inspection day. We'd all line up, the teacher would check if you wore the right earrings, if the boys' hair was roo long and whether your nails weren't too long, etc. When I got to the front I was proud because at least my nails were short. I still recall the disgust in the teacher's voice - "UGH, well that's just because you chew them off!". My fiancee also gets grossed out when i chew the nails after I cut them. It's like I can't stop myself.
In 2nd grade i developed nose picking (& eating) behaviour. Sure, a lot of 8-year olds pick their noses, but not to this extent. It got so bad that I had daily nosebleeds. If something in my nose caught on my nail, I HAD to peel it off. Even if it was a layer of skin - hell, those were even more rewarding. My eyes would water. My mom took me to a ear nose and throat specialist, who had to freeze off the damaged vessels. It was so severe that he had to do it under anaesthesia. I still do it. When I try to fall asleep at night, it's an automatic reaction to pick. Nose has got to be squeeky (literally) clean to fall asleep. Some college friends once stopped in the car next to mine while I was "picking my brains". It was mortifying! The jokes made me feel so ashamed.
A recurring problem, has been chewing the insides of my lips and cheeks. It was ideal, as the mouth heals so quickly. Sometimes the healing was off and it would form a painful mouth ulcer. When you've started, it's hard to stop as the swelling the next day is even more satisfying. I liked sucking out the blood. Apparently my gran, mom and sister do it too.
Around 6th grade, my dandruff gave rise to a new obsession: scalp picking. What started as pulling on loose scalp flakes, soon turned into continuous picking, eventually blood. Next day's reward was the scab. Again, my mom took me to a skin specialist this time. Him and 2 interns didn't even think of asking if I was picking it. They took a (painful) biopsy and came back with nothing (obviously) . Others would also notice it when the sores got big. I just pretended it was a sore or something.I was so ashamed, I couldn't even tell my mom that I was doing it to myself. And she's a bloody doctor.
These are all recurring problems I have. They surge when my mental health goes down. Lockdown has especially inflamed the effect. Not only am I bored, but there's all this time to sit around and think. Escaping with into a picking session often happens.
Now I know about these, know that they're more than just bad habits, I hope to recognise them and to hopefully develop some alternative coping mechanism. I wish to spread awareness. If this was more commonly discussed, maybe the doctor's would've had more knowledge when they saw me, picked up on the fact that this kid was doing it to herself
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