#where the demon lurks vn
helioleoart · 3 months
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small-toast · 1 year
Gonna check out Where the Demon Lurks 👀 Cody Soh's character art is so nice...and the UI is very sleek and cute!
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chuchowriggle · 8 months
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morris where the demon lurks vn
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argyre169 · 1 month
Ray's Birthday !
To mark Ray's birthday, I'm excited to share a batch of drawings and little situation I've created just for the occasion ! I hope you'll enjoy them. As I get back into digital drawing, I'm still working on perfecting proportions, but I'm giving it my best shot. Keep an eye out for the big reveal
TW : their is SFW and NSFW drawing, both post will be cut out in two, the SFW which will be posted here and the NSFW one who will not be published on Tumblr for community rules purposes but if you are willing to see it i will gladly take recommandations of where i can post it . Be aware that Binary Star VN is an adult onely game. I am responsible for what I create but not for what you watch so if you'r not ready to see such things please skip this post
Thanks again for this beautiful game @concreteparasite
and Thanks to @shoyastars for their implication in the BSH community, you actually motivated me to do thoses post ;)
Thanks again for all of your likes on the previous post your support means a lot!
PS: The name of my OC is Roxanne. If you'd like more information or want to see more posts like this, don't hesitate to leave a comment ;)
Roxanne : age: 22 height : 1m75/5.8
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Ray saving Roxanne from Double : ( SFW version so no potential Triggers you can see the other versions on the second post )
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" As Ray held Roxanne in his arms, her delicate form nestled against his chest, a storm raged within him. The scent of her fear mingled with the metallic tang of blood as a reminder of the violence he had unleashed to rescue her from the clutches of Double. His jaw clenched with a suppressed rage as he surveyed the aftermath of his wrath. The lifeless bodies of Double's sidekicks strewn across the ground like discarded puppets. He knew he had acted out of necessity, but the weight of his actions pressed heavily upon him, a burden he bore in silence as always. Yet amidst the chaos and destruction, one thought consumed his mind : Roxanne's safety. She was his to protect, his to cherish, his to love. No one, not even a wretched fiend like Double, would dare lay a finger on her ever again. He could not allow anyone to threaten what was his, to encroach upon his territory. His grip tightened ever so slightly around Roxanne, a silent vow to shield her from harm at any cost. But beneath the facade of stoic resolve, a flicker of exhaustion danced in his eyes. The weight of his responsibilities bore down upon him, the never-ending battle against vilains and aliens taking its toll on his weary soul. Yet, in the midst of his fatigue, a spark of determination burned bright within him. For he was not just a mere man, but the most powerful superhero in the universe. He would stop at nothing to ensure Roxanne's safety, to protect her from the darkness that lurked in the shadows. With a silent nod to his inner demons, Ray gathered Roxanne into his arms and vanished into the night. For she was not just his love, but his everything. And he would do whatever it took to keep her safe, even if it meant sacrificing his own soul in the process."
She said yes ! In this timeline, she is now 25, and he proposed to her 2 days ago. She is overjoyed about it.
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In the wake of Ray's proposal just two days prior, Roxanne found herself enveloped in a euphoric haze of happiness and excitement using every excuses to show her engagement ring . The weight of the ring on her finger served as a constant reminder of their shared future, a future filled with endless possibilities and boundless love. Every glance at the sparkling gold sent a flutter of joy through her heart, a tangible symbol of their commitment to each other. She couldn't help but steal glances at her hand throughout the day, marveling at the way the light danced off the delicate band. As she went about her daily routine, her thoughts invariably drifted back to Ray and the tender moment when he had asked her to be his forever. The memory filled her with warmth and affection a sense of belonging that she had never known before. With each passing moment, she found herself falling deeper in love with Ray, grateful for the unwavering support and devotion he had shown her even if the begining of their relation was tumultuous. She knew that their love was a rare and precious gift, one that she would cherish for eternity. And as she gazed into the future with him by her side, she couldn't help but feel a sense of profound gratitude for the man who had captured her heart so completely. For in his arms, she had found her home, her refuge, her everything. And she knew that together, they could conquer any obstacle that lay in their path, guided by the unbreakable bond of their love.
" loved, and being loved. Being loved, and loved. "
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brasteryakintosh · 1 year
So I recently played a decent chunk of Snoot Game because of how many people I saw who claimed it's the best VN ever and the fact it was made by 4channers to spite Goodbye Volcano High for having fair working conditions and queer representation totally doesn't taint it at all. I can confirm that those caveats definitely taint the game A LOT more than those fans make it sound. It's a good game if you're a teenager who thinks Family Guy is funny and has never played a VN that wasn't a boring slice of life dating sim where the goal is to click the right dialogue to get the sexy CGs with the hottest waifu. However, if you have any criteria for tastes higher than that bar, you probably won't enjoy it.
The entire game exists purely to be able to say it's possible to make a good VN in one and a half years without doing a bunch of delays, but Snoot Game is a straightforward VN made in the easy to use Ren'Py engine while GVH is being developed in the much more complicated Unity engine as a pseudo-VN/rhythm/adventure game with a large branching storyline. It's really not comparable. Even so, it's just a weak point to criticize a game for taking a long time to come out. Delays are frustrating in the moment, but once a game is released, it usually ceases to be relevant. On top of that, the point is kinda negated by the mere fact Snoot Game is bad. The early parts are downright repulsive and it only starts to become tolerable around the point most decent players just adapt to its shittiness.
On top of that, even from what we know about GVH, it's clear its story is more ambitious overall. GVH is about a group of high school students going to school while knowing a meteor is coming that will kill them all. Adults are making them go along like nothing is wrong while the central cast use the opportunity to grow up in the ways they wouldn't really get the chance to if they had any futures to think about. It's a really great premise with a lot of promise.
But Snoot Game? A human goes to a high school of dinosaurs and falls in love with a classmate. The twist? The human is a 4channer and his love interest is a non-binary "girl" who he tries to convince to detransition for him and if they don't, they become a homeless drug addict or a school shooter. And in case you are wondering, you can donate to the development team using Crypto. Oh and the meteor from GVH just doesn't factor into the story. Granted I haven't played through all of it, but even if it does factor in, the fact it doesn't come up at all for as long as I was playing is a seriously bad indictment of the game that it thinks its most promising narrative device should be taking a backseat to the teacher who looks like that fat dude from Aqua Teen Hunger Force (did I mention this game is extremely unfunny?)
And even for a Ren'Py VN, there's just a lot of better games to play, especially furry VNs. There's Adastra, Echo, Arches, Remember the Flowers, Burrows, the Smoke Room, and Where the Demon Lurks to only name those I've played. I legitimately do not see a single reason why one would enjoy Snoot Game unless they are queerphobic, hate the idea of game developers having good working conditions (because GVH is made by a workers' co-op), or have their sense of humor completely ruined by 4chan, especially for enjoying Snoot Game over the many other far better furry VNs out there. If you're a veteran of furry VNs and want to know how bad Snoot Game is, it's like every single pet peeve about furry VNs stuffed into one game with all of the most obnoxious bigoted jokes and outdated pop culture references caked into it that doesn't even have any furry hunks to thirst over, unless you're really into scrawny scaly dudes drawn in MS Paint
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muttalert · 9 months
gonna try this again cus last time all the options tied
also a lot more ppl have followed me all of a sudden
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batbeato · 2 months
I was also thinking alongside the lines of an Umineko AU, where magic is actually real. The era of sorcerers and witches and alchemy and beasts are still generally assigned to being myths. It's still in regards to everything Ushiromiya and Rokkenjima and Beatrice.
I was thinking that magic would still be prevalent in ways similar to the anime Iroduku: A World In Color, or maybe something like Encanto where it runs in family lines and individuals have gifts. Or maybe Kinzo did something, who knows.
But Witches and Sorcerers magic, alchemy, is something long-forgotten and even rumored to have not actually existed - not like they do in stories. Which would further obscure Beatrice's heart in the Meta from Battler - because magic does exist, even if there's no one left that knows if Beatrice's magic is the real deal and killed everyone-
(Speaking of which, I wonder where exactly Meta-Battler's memory cuts off? At the airplane, in the cousins' room in the guesthouse? We never see him question in the vn where they are, I don't think. Does he assume Beatrice just ripped him through space and time to torment him with her games? Not to mention we know Rosa appears and is getting forcefed her family at the end of one of the episodes? Where does she go, after? Where does everyone else go? Are they just lurking in corners, out of sight?)
At the same time though, so much of Umineko is trying to pierce through the veil of magic - not to tear out the guts of the story, but to see the heart hiding underneath. In utilizing literal magic in the plot, even if things like occult black magic and sorcerers and witches and demons are deemed myth or legend, if writing with canon-context, wouldn't it clog the narrative?
Also, it's a rule in mysteries, isn't it? To not actually use supernatural creatures/abilities - including magic? At least, not to hand wave how the crime occurred and pull a solution out of thin air. Though, in a world where traces of magic exist, regardless, Sayo probably wouldn't use it? She wants someone to stop her, Battler to solve the mystery. Her murders - though not anyone else's, arguably - following the rules of a who-dunnit, how-dunnit, why-dunnit mystery.
Rambling here, sorry.
Putting this on anon, because I'm slightly afraid of offending anyone.
Honestly I think it all would really depend on the specifics of the AU and how magic would interact with the existing story to enhance or change it. If it ended up not really changing much, that wouldn't be interesting, but maybe it could. For example, maybe different types of magic are gendered, so 'witches' are generally supposed to have 'feminine' magic (healing, connecting with nature, emotions) and witches that have 'masculine' magic (controlling the elements, summoning powerful demons, etc.) is considered to be heretical or evil. Maybe Rosa encouraged or tolerated Maria's interest in magic at first, but as the abuse continued and Maria grew to be interested in 'unsuitable' magic that intensified the abuse and lead to a cycle. Just an example I'm throwing out - I'm not the best with magic worldbuilding.
Magic being 'real' would probably impact a lot of the metaphors about magic as love, understanding, illusion, etc. though. You'd have to work with that a lot to try to figure out what to do to replace it with in such an AU. In Umineko proper, magic is sort of real but also sort of not, existing in a gray area where you can interpret it either way.
As for using magic in a mystery, Knox doesn't explicitly forbid it. The rules relating to the supernatural are "It is forbidden for supernatural agencies to be employed as a detective technique." and "It is forbidden for unknown drugs or hard to understand scientific devices to be used."
The first relates to the detective, so as long as Battler himself (or Erika) doesn't use magic to suddenly just know things, all is well. As for the second, it doesn't explicitly mention magic, but it mentions similar deus ex machinas. So long as the magic is explained, it should be able to be used as part of a mystery. Van Dine, however, does explicitly forbid supernatural methods of murder/crime. So take that as you will. (Van Dine's rules are very strict compared to Knox.)
It's really about, if you want to make an AU and you think you'll have fun with it, go ahead. I feel like people feel the need to put so much thought into AUs but people can just have AUs, whether they're really meaningful and significant or just fun, which is meaningful and significant in its own way. I have tons of AUs that are just... fun. And that's nice.
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byfurries4furries · 10 months
Where the Demon Lurks (Supernatural Action Visual Novel)
So I've talked a lot about visual novels. As you may be able to tell, there's been a recent trend of thematically and emotionally intense furry visual novels in unconventional genres like horror, sci-fi, and fantasy (Well I haven't talked about any fantasy ones yet, but they are out there). And this bucks against the previous trend of most furry visual novels being slice of life dating sims. That isn't to say they're automatically bad, but they're typically not that enticing beyond aesthetics. Where the Demon Lurks doesn't fit either trend.
This game is much more in line with shonen anime and light novels. It takes a lot from the Devil is a Part Timer and borrows plenty from Mob Psycho 100, Naruto, Blue Exorcist, Black Butler, Sailor Moon, and even more unusual influences like Saiki K. It's not really common for even non-furry visual novels to stylistically be like this (at least for the ones that become popular in the West or are made by Western writers).  It's very unique in that way.
But what is it about? Well you play as Kobu, the son of the last demon king who's inheriting his father's position after he died. Kobu, however, really hates this job. He at first tries to implement his own ideas, which constantly fail, because his assistant Vendrake flat out refuses to assist in implementing any of them because he is only really concerned with getting Kobu to basically do what his father did. Eventually, after years of this, he suspends Vendrake and contemplates quitting himself. Before he can make the decision though, Vendrake carries out a coup and drains Kobu of most of his magic, leaving him with only enough to open up one last portal to the mortal realm and put on his mortal disguise. There he builds a new life as a convenience store clerk along with his manager/new best friend, King. However, after a few years, Vendrake tracks him down and sends an assassin after him. In the scuffle though, King manages to get shot with the killing blow. Since harming mortals is EXTREMELY not allowed, the assassin is automatically returned to hell before he can finish off Kobu. King is fortunately still alive, but he's also transported to hell where the protocol is simply to immediately wipe his memory of hell and return him. Vendrake however exploits a loophole to hold him hostage so Kobu can come down to try to save him. He's going to need some help though. Fortunately, in the past few days, he's met some guys who might be able to figure out how to return him. There's Morris, the exorcist, Lucien, an angel sent by God to help Kobu take the throne back, and Toast, a very dumb ghost who somehow escaped hell.
Now there's a lot to love about this game. For one, it's pretty fun in the way a good shonen often can be and while it's not devoid of drama or emotion, it's certainly refreshing to see a furry VN that's funny and quirky more often than emotionally intense. There's also this amateurish charm to it. It's something I've always loved about Echo, but Where the Demon Lurks has a unique form of that charm. There's a sense that the developer, Bokedaidu, really loves what they're doing and are more concerned with making a fun story than making a very tightly written masterpiece. It's not trying to be the next Echo, Adastra, or Remember the Flowers. It's just trying to be entertaining. I can really admire that, especially as it fills a niche that most might not even notice was missing.
I would say if you don't want something as intense as the new crop of dramatic furry visual novels, but still want a story with higher stakes than "will the cute boy I like accept my love confession at the local festival?", then Where the Demon Lurks is perfect for you. However, if you do just want a slice-of-life smutty school romance, but with characters you can be sure are unique and likable enough that they could carry a higher stakes story if given the chance, then the spinoff, Kibbleton University, might be better for you. I will warn you that neither is very close to completion. Each route has barely even started and updates are pretty rare. Still, if you want a furry VN that stands out, Where the Demon Lurks might be for you. Until next time, keep on yiffing.
Itch.io (Where the Demon Lurks)
Itch.io (Kibbleton University)
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dcnt-preach · 6 months
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These are open for whoever wants to reply yk? But can definitely have your characters react in the inbox . Like with my @angel-fxced blog your actions hella influence the storyline direction like one of them VNs without the art part for every scene .
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It WOULD be Cherri’s luck to be immediately fucked over as soon as she regenerated from the explosion, how long had she been gone anyways? She just knew it was the end of the year and apparently some war was happening then furthermore after her visit with Asmodeus the lights went out as she was preparing her bunker for E-day and catching up on what she missed - chores and checking on her crew included but, Vennie was apparently on some mission. They were not surprised she was taking a long nap and luckily Pix-L had Chewie and the others did the bare minimum to keep her territory in check.
The Ring had this weird glow from the emergency lights but, it reminded her of uptop at night because the streets were slightly empty and especially in Vox’s territory with a purplish hue or was it blue and the red natural lights made it look purple? Who knows.
She just balanced a small clothes basket on her hip with her shark puppy fast asleep curled in the middle as she put on her headphones to help drown out the soft hellish ambience while on her way to maybe the hotel since it was closer or wherever her feet led. You'd think after decades one would get bored of the sights or fear it but, it was always changing like everything else and she wanted to see what had changed - maybe even run into others in the night looking to find something to do in the blackout. Humming along to the song while reading the head's up and tips she's missed on the glowing screen to see how much damage was done to her territory and trades.
“ You of all people should know to keep your eye on surroundings. ''
Cherri didn't get a chance to react before her headphones gently slipped off her head making her look up at the person who dared touch her. Cynithya. She looked confused as to why the older demon was outside this late until looking down and seeing her bloodied hand clutching a generator motor. The lumbering demoness preened her hair with a clean hand to adjust the white bow daring to slide off the mass of pink hair “ And why are you out here this late? You're not partying or trailing after that arachnid friend of yours, are you? ”
“ It's a laundry party, didn't you know that shit is the rave nowadays? Even got my plus one. ” Cherri quipped back, putting her headphones around her neck this time, “ Why are you out here? You following me? ” The other sinner froze for a second and slowly pulled her hand away, making Cherri raise her brow. “ Okay… weirdo- why?”
Cynithya gave a little wry smile and gently pushed Cherri’s shoulders towards the main street where there were more denizens lurking about either partying as if nothing happened or complaining about the lack of electricity, she was ignoring the protests from Cherri about being put out here like this at first. It was better to talk with people around because that meant you weren't singled out so easily and you would certainly hear someone coming, for now it was allowed. She even allowed Cynithya to guide her to the front steps of a residential building to talk. When she was sure, she kept her hand on Cherri’s shoulder and furrowed her brows.
“ It's Vennie, he just got sniped the other night - he's fine but, he said his target was… you know.”
“ No, I don't - can you stop being cryptic? And Vennie always gets hurt because dude just rushes in! I'll go to his h-” she was silenced by a hand softly clamping over her maw and furthermore by the serious look on Cynithya’s face.
“You know we can't say his name, it might draw his attention – I was following to make sure you were alright. Pix and I aren't on this list apparently but you and Vennie are. Vennie is uptop until he heals and you need to lay low, Pix-L already came up with an alibi for you to use for TV head, we're handling the Territory.” Cynithya slowly let go of her face and backed up a bit. “ and He knows you're working for a Sin, ask Pix about it.”
The cyclops’s head was starting to hurt, adding onto the list of misfortune it seemed. She had to sit down on the stairs to ground herself - more annoyed than scared but surely the tides would change after she got more awake. “ I believe you but, I just don't believe this gnarly shit luck. So how long am I suppose to lay low because you know that's definitely not my speed.” she looked up at the other only to discover that she had disappeared and frowned deeply, “ So much for a goodbye?!” Cherri sat there for a second longer and just basked in her bad luck for a bit longer, trying to think.
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