#where my ficto shippers at. you are all super cool
seaside-lovers · 5 months
shout out to my fellow ficto self shippers who aren't comfortable sharing f/o(s) bc they are an actual relationship for you. you are so cool and i hope you have a great day
no proship please
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kyanitedragon · 2 years
Imagine, an Arospec Dating Sim
Where each of the love interests are a different arospec identity, and the game paths explore these identities by having the player navigate relationships with them
From the start of the game, the frayromantic is in the corner with a clear crush on you, but by the time you get around to introducing yourself and starting to bond, their crush is fading and their game path is platonic or queerplatonic
The lithromantic character's path begins as a romance, that changes to be queerplatonic by the end
In the aroflux character's path, their identity fluxes for each dating scene and your interactions in that scene reflects that - sometimes its a sappy romantic date, sometimes its a platonic hangout date
The player has a crush on the recipromantic, who's been pretty neutral on them up until now. When the player confesses, the recipromantic begins to feel attraction and so they agree to date
In the demiromantic path, you bond platonically with them for a while until the ability to romance them unlocks. (This path could also potentially be the "bonus path" of the game, only unlocking after you beat the game, making you bond with them in the background of other paths multiple times until you can unlock the romance option with them)
The greyromantic's path makes clear that you are one of their few, if not their only, crush in their lifetime, and the path shows them navigating these romantic feelings that they aren't used to
The cupioromantic path features a cute fluffy romance but without the romantic tension
The quoiromantic path features an unlabeled comitted relationship with them. They show confusion again and again over which label their feeings toward you may fall into, but in the entire path its not important to figure out nor invalidated. The relationship and interactions follow whatever feels most natural, not worrying about putting labels on them or following certain tropes.
(There's more arospec identities out there, but I can't think of any ideas for them, so if you have any feel free to add on!)
Edit: Additions from the notes!
In a reblog I added:
"If it went the “Demiromantic Path Is The Bonus Path” route, it’d be cool if that character had a Sans Undertale kind of deal. They remember you and their bonds with you from the previous paths. So despite seemingly just meeting them, they already bonded enough with you to fall in love.
(Which adds a new layer to your relationship with them. Be still my Ficto & Aego heart…)
Which makes me think…
It’d be super meta to have a Fictoromantic side character that in-series plays dating sims.
As for an Aegoromantic… Maybe a side character friend? The Shipper on Deck trope?
Also! Each character has to have the color scheme of their respective arospec pride flag. Maybe also wear their pins?
And absolutely have them use the terminology at some point in each of their paths."
@the-aromantic-dragon said: [Link]
#Bellusro: y'all have the option of doing stuff but platonically
@maryellencarter said: [Link]
I'd definitely suggest including a "baseline" aromantic path, either aroace or aroallo or both, or another variant. Something that stands out to me as a romance-repulsed partnered aro about all the identities suggested is that they all include romantic feelings at some point, even though not all the paths wind up at romantic relationships. Sure, it's a "dating" sim, but if you're explicitly doing QPPs as some of your endgame relationships, why not have at least one that doesn't include any romance on the path at all?
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