#where Blanc Taps On The Piano In The Shadows
rosiethorns88 · 21 days
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I'm sitting on a backlog of unposted artwork since last year, and only have recently scraped together some free time to catch up with tidbits in my to-do list! It's out of order, but I'm posting the artwork I provided @illumicrate as a bonus print for their edition of The Familiar by @lbardugo -- because it's very leafy, and I've been recently enjoying planting some new annuals for my neighborhood pollinators! A scene from early in the book with Luzia is reviving a withered grape vine as a demonstration with her singing. (captured in foil!) This was such a fun set of character designs, for two very fun characters. Luzia and Santángel are like a pair of spicy cats meeting for the first time before eventually seeking each other's warmth for naptime. Santángel especially, I wanted to capture in his expression the stirring curiosity pushing out through his exhaustive apathy. More art dumps to come!
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chanceuseladynoire · 4 years
Snow Angel
I started posting my fourth work. You can read it on AO3 here.
Rating:General Audiences 
Category: F/M 
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug 
Relationship: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug 
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Sabine Cheng, Tom Dupain, Alix Kubdel | Bunnyx, Tikki, Plagg 
Additional Tags: Time Shenanigans, aged-up, Fluff, Angst, Kidnapping, Searching, Getting help from unlikely places, Adrien has gone a little crazy, Adrien is in denial, lost kitty, Bunnyx _really _needs to get a lock for her burrow, Miraculous Wish, Relationship Advice, Worried Friends and Family, Season 3 Spoilers, Chat Blanc Episode Spoilers - Freeform
Summary: Where is Marinette? It is a popular question this morning and Adrien is starting to worry. The 17-year-old lycée student (and teen heart-throb supermodel) can't do anything about it, but perhaps a certain cat-themed superhero can pick up her trail.
*Warning: Season 3 Spoilers Ahead*
Chapter 1: Missing
Adrien dropped his school bag next to his usual desk, took his seat, and waited for class to start. He scrolled through his calendar on his phone. Only three photoshoots this week, and the regular piano, fencing and Chinese practices. A chemistry quiz today, history paper due on Friday. It was actually shaping up to be a pretty light week. He might be able to sneak in a few more patrols with Ladybug.
Or perhaps get Marinette to slip one of Paris’ favorite heroes a few cookies on her balcony. Either option sounded fine to him.
Speaking of Marinette, where was she? Class was going to start in two minutes. She’d been making a special effort to squeak into class five minutes before the final bell since starting their second year of lycée and no longer having the luxury of living across the street from school. She probably overslept again.
The seconds ticked by. The bell rang. The history class started. The desk next to Adrien remained empty.
He didn’t start to worry until class ended and there was still no sign of the bluenette. Adrien hoped she wasn’t ill. She had seemed fine yesterday.
He could text her and ask if she was okay, but he felt that might be overstepping. Besides, he didn’t want to disturb her if she was feeling unwell. He decided to try the next best thing to messaging Marinette directly.
[Adrien] Hey. Have you heard from Marinette this morning? She wasn’t in class.
A reply popped up almost instantly.
[Alya] I haven’t. Give me a sec.
Adrien pocketed his phone and walked down the hall to his calculous class. He set his phone on his desk and unpacked his tablet and stylus. The phone’s screen lit up a minute before the bell rang.
[Alya] She’s not answering her phone. I’ll try the bakery next.
[Adrien] Thanks. Class is about to start. I’ll check back in with you later.
Adrien pushed the budding sense of unease away as the teacher began lecturing about integrals.
With his math class over, Adrien once again packed up to move to classical world literature. They were studying Shakespeare’s sonnets. He was gleaning so much glorious material for Chat Noir to use later. It was almost better than his Sunday night ritual of scouring the internet for new cat puns and memes. Almost.
Adrien did his best not to bump into anyone on the stairs as he headed down to his next classroom with his attention focused on his phone.
He had received six new texts and a missed call in the last hour.
[Alya] I talked to Sabine. She hasn’t seen Marinette since last night.
[Alya] She assumed that she just missed her leaving this morning.
[Alya] Mari still isn’t answering her phone.
[Alya] She wasn’t in our French class last period.
[Alya] Let me know when you see her. Okay?
That uneasy feeling from earlier had lodged itself in the pit of his stomach and was growing.
He typed a quick promise to Alya that he would notify her when he saw their friend.
The missed call and sixth text were from Mme. Cheng.
Adrien rounded the last step and stopped out of the flow of traffic before opening the text. The squirming feeling in his gut was getting worse.
[Mama Cheng] Have you seen Marinette this morning? Alya just called and no one seems to have seen her since last night. Tom and I are starting to worry.
Adrien failed to notice his foot tapping out a nervous staccato against the floor tiles.
[Adrien] I haven’t seen her this morning either. I will have her call you the minute I do.
He pressed ‘send,’ hoping that his optimism in stating ‘when’ not ‘if’ he sees Marinette was not unfounded. He didn’t want to start thinking that way.
He stood there, staring at his phone, trying to decide what to do, as the halls emptied and the next period of classes began. He felt Plagg start nudging his hip from inside his book bag. It was the final push he needed.
Adrien hurriedly stopped by the school nurse and told her that he wasn’t feeling well and asked to be excused from his classes for the rest of the day.
The nurse took one look at his pale face and agreed to let the rest of his teachers know of his absence. Having a reputation for being a model student had its advantages.
Adrien walked out the front doors of the school as quickly as he could without drawing attention to himself. As soon as he had the freedom of the pavement outside, he ran to the shadows of the nearest alleyway.
Usually Plagg talked to Adrien from wherever he was lounging at the time, but as soon as they were hidden from view, the kwami of destruction phased through the bag and floated at eye level. His tail was flicking back and forth agitatedly. He crossed his stubby arms over his chest and narrowed his toxic green eyes at his holder.
“Well, what are you waiting for? An engraved invitation?” Plagg drawled exasperatedly, but Adrien could read the subtext after four years of partnership. His kwami was worried.
He finally had a name for that feeling crawling its way up from his stomach and grasping at his throat now. Fear. It was definitely fear.
“Plagg, claws out!”
Five minutes later Chat Noir landed on Marinette’s balcony with a soft flump.
Nothing looked out of place, but something... wasn’t quite right. Chat couldn’t quite put his claw on it just yet.
He moved the information to the back of his mind to let his subconscious work out whatever it was. His attention turned to the skylight hatch leading to his friend’s bedroom. He eased the door open and poked his head inside.
Still nothing seemed amiss. Her bed was unmade (not uncommon with how quickly she usually needed to leave for school after hitting snooze on her alarm four times). Bits of pink fabric were strewn across her sewing desk and pinned to the dress form in the corner. Pictures of her friends were taped to the walls. It all looked perfectly normal for her room.
Chat Noir dropped onto the loft, careful to land next to the bed to keep his boots from dirtying her bedding. That’s when it hit him—the thing that was out of place.
There was an unfamiliar scent in Marinette’s room.
He sniffed around the bed. It smelled mostly of pleasant things that he associated with the young designer, like vanilla and sugar. Underneath the comforting scents was another, unfamiliar one.
Chat Noir wasn’t quite sure how to describe it. It smelled... cold. It was like the sharp sting of ice on a bitterly cold day when the wind bites at your ears and nose and burns your cheeks with snowflakes like shards of glass. The scent stood out in sharp contrast to Marinette who smelled like everything warm and comforting.
He took a few minutes to sniff around the rest of her room. He didn’t pick up the foreign scent anywhere except near the bed. He did find Marinette’s phone under her bed. It was on silent and the battery was nearly dead. She had forty-six missed calls and messages. Chat was willing to bet that most of them were from Alya.
He left the phone where it was and pulled himself back up to the balcony.
The icy scent was on the edge of the hatch door. He also smelled it on one of the many potted plants surrounding Marinette’s oasis. Whoever it was must have brushed against the leaves.
The intruder had entered through the skylight from the balcony, just as Chat Noir had.
A string of events started taking shape in his mind. He didn’t like where they led.
A stranger had come to Marinette’s balcony, let themselves into her room, and taken the girl from her bed.
Someone had kidnapped Marinette.
Chat Noir spent the rest of the afternoon sniffing around rooftops near the Dupain-Cheng bakery in an ever expanding radius. From time to time he dropped to ground level as well, but that didn’t seem right for some reason and he inevitably returned to the roofs.
After a few hours, he got lucky. (No one was more surprised than him since good luck was not his forte.)
Someone in a building to the south had left a pool towel hanging out to dry on a balcony railing. A brush of odor on the colorful material matched the one locked in Chat’s scent memory.
He continued searching to the south. He had never put so much effort into tracking before. Why hadn’t he thought to practice before now?
An hour later, he found his next clue. He followed the scent along a straight line of roofs at a full run on all fours. Chat’s mind presented him with two pieces of information as his claws dug into the roof tiles and his legs propelled him forward.
First, the scent was getting harder to follow as more time passed. Second, Chat knew of only three groups who took routes like this. None were great options.
He slid to a stop at the end of the roof line and stood easily on the edge. His breathing was labored and he could feel his heart thumping rapidly in his chest. Anxiety and exertion were flooding his system with adrenaline. Chat’s tail twitched behind him just as Plagg’s had before transforming that afternoon. A low growl slipped past his clenched teeth.
He’d lost the trail.
Chat needed help. He opened the map feature on his baton and searched for Ladybug’s icon. She wasn’t there. It was a long shot anyway. They usually weren’t transformed this time of day unless there was an Akuma attack. Fortunately he hadn’t had to deal with one of those today. Chat could only handle one crisis at a time.
He switched his baton to phone mode and called his partner. It went to voicemail.
“Ladybug, I’ve got a bit of a situation here. Do you remember Marinette Dupain-Cheng? I think she may be a friend of yours, but that’s not important right now.”
He did his best to keep the strain out of his voice. Ladybug didn’t want an update on his emotional state. She only wanted cold, hard facts.
“Look, I think she’s been kidnapped. No one has seen her all day. I went by her house to check if I could find anything and picked up an unfamiliar scent. I’m tracking it south through the fifth arrondissement right now. And, LB, I’m tracking it across the roofs. We might be looking at an akuma or sentimonster, though it’s been pretty quiet for one of Hawkmoth’s games. There’s a possibility it might be a—another miraculous holder.”
He paused for a moment to let that sink in.
“Anyway, call me when you get this. I’m going to keep looking. Bye.”
Chat Noir ended the call and continued his pursuit.
Frustration outweighed his anxiety hours later as the sun started to set beyond the Paris skyline. He hadn’t been able to pick up the trail again. He tracked it as far as he could, but he lost it.
He groaned as he slid down a brick wall protruding from the roof he was currently on. He sat on the plaster and released his transformation. A crackle of bright green energy washed over his body and Plagg sprang from the ring. Adrien handed him a piece of Camembert before the grumpy little cat could ask.
“How’s it going, kid?” Plagg asked, then tossed the chunk of smelly cheese in the air and swallowed it whole. Normally with him it was eat first, ask questions later.
“I lost the trail.” Adrien thunked his head against the bricks behind him. The small pain this caused was a slight comfort in the face of Adrien’s disgust with his tracking skills.
“I know, kid. But, honestly, you did great. It wasn’t an easy scent to find. I’m impressed that you were able to follow it this far.”
If Plagg was trying to comfort him and willingly handing out compliments, it really was the end of days.
Adrien appraised his old friend. “You’re really worried about her, aren’t you.” It wasn’t a question.
Plagg stared off to the south. Adrien was sure the little glutton had heard him, but was declining to comment.
Plagg had always seemed partial to Marinette. Adrien didn’t know why. His kwami had never met the girl, but he did seem to bring her up more than Adrien’s other friends.
“Let’s go, kid. There’s nothing more we can do tonight, and I’m sure Pantsuit is wondering where you are by now.”
Adrien pushed himself to his feet. He had no idea what he was going to tell Nathalie, but he didn’t really care right now. Maybe he would do something crazy and try telling her the truth that one of his friends was missing and he had been out all day looking for her. Telling Nathalie the truth. He scoffed. There was a concept.
“Plagg, claws out.”
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