#when i work on c&f you're one of the ppl i think of bc u loved it so much
taegularities · 1 year
Hi Rid!!
I wanted you to know that I’ve been going through it lately but literally whenever I feel down I just read something of yours. It always feels like a hug from an old friend <3
Thanks for being your talented self 😘
P.S. I’m on a Harry Potter kick right now so I’m re-reading the amortentia chronicles. I’m reading Seokjin’s rn!
alyssa !! 🥺 omg who's making you sad 🔪 but ugh, that makes me so genuinely happy bc a hug is 100% what i want my stuff to feel like. so if it can brighten up your day anyhow, i'm proud, relieved and grateful :(( thank you friend, i hope you feel better very soon 🤍
and oh gosh, amortentia :') feels like a fever dream, especially seokjin's 🤣 enjoy, love !! 🥺
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sunken-queer · 2 years
Letter ask game A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
siiiigh dear thats not how this works(and you know most of this stuff alr), but no one except you sends me asks so i will do them all anyways! (original post)
Available? - yes very
Birthday? - jan 29th
Crushing on? - uh i got an aesthetic crush on that girl you don't like. other than that, no not really just me and my f/o's and my depression.
Drink you last had? - water 😎
Easiest person to talk to? - you(Dante) and Cypress
Favorite song? - that changes often. rn i'd have to say i'm really vibing with Afraid by The Neighbourhood and Dirty Little Animals from Arcane.
Grade I hated? - all of them, school is hell
Hometown? - u know this, a lil too personal for tumblr tho lmao
Icecream flavor? - literally anything chocolate
Jellybean flavor? - uhhh lemon, buttered popcorn, and orange? i hate the texture of jellybeans tho </3
Killed someone? - wouldn't you like to know? /j
Longest friendship? - ouch. of the ones im still friends with, ig Sophia or Bea. which started in like 3rd grade maybe?
Milkshake flavor? - peanut butter or chocolate
Number of siblings? - i am an only child
One wish? - to be better
Person who called me last? - idk for sure, but probably my mom. she calls me when i don't go down on time for school
Question you're always asked? - uhhhhh idk ppl don't really ask me things often.
Reason to smile? - for me? shipping. i love all of my ships dearly, but as you say shipping is for cucks.
Song I last sung? - Afraid by The Neighbourhood lmao
Time you woke up? - fuuuck 9am i think?
Umbrella color? - don't really have one rn but they've pretty much always been black.
Very best friend? - no one at the moment bc my human pretty much ghosted me </3
Which celebrities I'd marry? - i'm more of a character simper rather than a celebrity simper, but ig Finn Wolfhard, Elliot Paige, Johnny Depp, or Millie Bobby Brown.
X-rays I had? - uh haven't really had any other than the routine-ish dentist ones.
Your last time you cried? - today,,, while i was listening to Afraid by The Neighbourhood bc it made me think of someone.
Zodiac sign? - aquarius
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