#when i tell you teenage anna had no standards or self respect im not kidding
lover-of-mine · 12 days
I was thinking about my first bf (derogatory) and I know that relationship was me going I can't see I'm blind when it comes to the red flags, but I remembered a situation that happened more recently, like we dated in 2011 and this happened in 2022? I think? And this man has so much audacity in his body that he had the nerve to stop me in the street after I haven't even seen him in like, 5 years easy, to tell me I looked ugly with the black hair and that the pink tips made me look like a basic white girl (spoilers alert I am a basic white girl), he straight up looked me in the eye and said if we were still together he wouldn't have LET me dye my hair black (he was weirdly obsessed with my hair when we were together and when I tell you I went crazy with my hair after we broke up I'm not joking) and he couldn't believe my ex (we were still together at this point) had allowed me to do something like that. That man was a whole 20 yo man dating 15 yo me, he cheated on me and then FLED THE STATE, and he actually stopped me in the street to tell me he wouldn't have let me do something and that I looked ugly. Why do men?????
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