#when he walked in they were all mostly flabbergasted that he was alive lol
anotherhibiscuswow · 2 years
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Design class shenanigans; because his eye is still loose in socket it can move around on its own will. Everyone is just very uncomfortable for a while after the swelling goes down because eyeballs don’t move around like that.
He can’t really control his left anymore thanks to them basically shoving it back in, but who knows maybe with enough brain straining he can move it.
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apathbacktoyou · 5 years
“Rumor has it, I make you nervous.” for whatever pairing you'd like!
wanna guess which pairing i chose? new year, same otp lol
as always, ao3 or under the cut :)
When General Krenyk had announced he would be returning from his voyage with a possible successor, they had all expected a seasoned soldier, a lieutenant at the very least.
No one would have guessed the successor in question would be a scrawny girl barely in her teens with no family name who eyed them all with suspicion and didn’t say a word.
“This is Sinara,”Krenyk introduced. She inclined her head the smallest fraction of a nod in acknowledgement. Krenyk laid a hand on her shoulder with a smile, unperturbed when she shrugged him off.“I have taken her on as my ward.”
“Lovely to meet you,”Kasius said into the awkward silence that followed this announcement when it became painfully clear that neither his father nor brother would say anything.
She turned her gaze to him, still silent, not returning the smile he gave her. Her eyes were startlingly golden.
“Can’t she talk?”Faulnak demanded.
“Unfortunately not,”Sinara said, so deadpan Kasius barely managed to bite back a laugh.
Krenyk’s smile did falter a little but he quickly caught himself.“It’s been a long journey. Kasius, would you mind showing Sinara to my chambers? She can take the guest room for now.”
“A servant could do that just as well,”Garron said, finally awaking from his stupor.
Kasius knew he cared only about the vague insinuation his son might be ordered about like some errand boy. But he had really no desire to stay in the room at this moment.“It’s no problem.”
No one really reacted to his words so he turned to leave, Sinara following closely behind.
“You can’t be serious,”Garron started but the door fell closed before they could hear more.
Kasius was wracking his brain for something to say yet this wasn’t a situation he had ever been prepared for. Sinara beat him to it, anyway.“You’re the younger brother?”
“Yes.” He stopped walking, turning to offer her his hand. She was taller than him. He hadn’t noticed before.“I’m Kasius.”
She hesitated long enough that he was about to lower his hand again when she took it.
“Krenyk’s insistent on keeping the stray,”Faulnak said, balancing his chair on only two legs.
Kasius gave a non-committal hum in reply, remembering how Mother had always told him off for teetering like that, and hoped Faulnak would fall and break his neck like she’d been worried.
“Didn’t think he was the type,”Faulnak continued,“And even once you look past her age… She’s such a scrawny thing, and not even pretty.”
“She’s his ward,”Kasius reminded him acidly. He did not care for the disgusting implication in his brother’s words. Krenyk just had a habit to grow rather fond of the unwanted, Kasius could vouch for that himself.
Faulnak scoffed.“Or so he says. Whatever the case, he’s losing his marbles if he thinks he can keep that girl at court.”
“You just don’t like her because she made you look like an idiot,”Kasius said, returning his attention to his book.“Which you are, so good on her for noticing.”
The satisfaction of speaking his thoughts aloud was almost worth the sharp sting of Faulnak’s hand coming down on the back of his neck. He managed to suppress the hiss of pain, having fully expected retaliation.
Father had complained about bruising on Kasius’ face, and Faulnak was nothing if not an obedient son.
Sinara chewed on her lower lip, doing her best to keep her attention on the woman supposed to teach them - something. She wasn’t all too clear on anything aside from the younger prince apparently being her age and them therefor being tutored together.
She’d forgotten the woman’s name already, and she was focussed mostly on the prince, anyway. Sinara hadn’t answered any of her questions, nor written anything down, and she had yet to even notice that.
It wasn’t that she didn’t want to understand what she was saying. But all the writing looked wrong, and the numbers made no sense without them.
“Rhaen, can we have a break?”Kasius suddenly asked.
Their tutor frowned but agreed, heading towards the other side of the room to fetch a glass of water.
Kasius leaned over to Sinara.“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,”she said, horrified by the odd pitch in her voice. She didn’t want to disappoint Krenyk, as silly as that was. Her birth parents had given her away without hesitation, and she’d moved on from that. A few months on a spaceship with someone who decided to be her guardian because he’d seen her break someone’s jaw in a fight shouldn’t make her scared of being sent away again. Even if he’d said all the things she’d pretended her father might say to her if she were to ever return home. Even if no one else had ever said she had potential.
“Are you alright?” Kasius stared at her, wide-eyed and flabbergasted.
Sinara furiously wiped away the stupid tears stinging at the corners of her eyes, jerking her head towards Rhaen’s notes.“I can’t read that shit.”
“Oh,”he said, sounding a little relieved. He handed her a handkerchief.“It’s cursive. I’ll send Rhaen away and teach you, if you’d like.”
She only shrugged in reply, unsure whether he even meant it, but he was already dismissing their tutor.
Training was a lot easier with Sinara there. At times Kasius would almost go so far as calling it fun. He had his own sparring partner now, and though Faulnak still mocked him at every turn it was easier to ignore when it wasn’t accompanied by a thorough beating.
Sinara stopped once he was down, just the way they were always supposed to. She kicked Faulnak in the ribs twice more than entirely necessary, though, and winked at Kasius when she turned away from the fight.
With one kind gesture, he’d unwittingly bought her fierce loyalty, and with three cracked ribs, she’d earned his in return.
Krenyk watched from the side of the training grounds, a smile playing around the corners of his mouth. Sinara had lacked the access to a proper education to reach her potential when he had found her, and Kasius had needed someone to rely on. It seemed it all was working out as well as he had hoped.
“How come you get to wear a uniform?”Sinara complained, fiddling with one of her many bangles. They were rather in style these days.
“I have a rank high enough for regalia,”Krenyk returned, pleased that they’d gotten to the point where she was comfortable enough to argue, as one should be able to with their guardians.”You, however, are attending as my ward. You must present yourself accordingly.”
She pulled a face but he saw the small shimmer of joy underneath.“I’m not dancing with Faulnak.”
“I dare say he won’t ask you to,”Krenyk said.
“Good.” She slipped into her shoes.“Presentable enough?”
She placed her hand into the crook of his proffered arm. It was her first time attending an official function, and she was a little nervous. But mostly she was elated that this could only mean he had no intention of returning her to the barracks.
And anyway, Kasius had promised to teach her how to dance.
“Be careful,”Kasius whispered against her hair, arms around her tight enough that she was starting to wonder whether he would ever let go again.
“I won’t be in the vanguard,”she reminded him, patting his back indulgently anyway. Kasius worried enough for both of them. It was her first time going into active combat but she couldn’t say she was all that concerned. The General’s ward wasn’t cannon fodder, like she’d resigned herself to being back in the barracks.
“I’ll write to you every day,”he said, drawing back enough to look at her.
She was about to make a joke about that when his lips were on hers. The kiss was over as suddenly as it had started, and she turned to board her ship without a further goodbye, fingers pressed against her mouth and cheeks burning.
He did indeed writer her every day. She did her best to reply.
Eight months. She had been gone for eight months, and hadn’t written for the last six weeks. He knew she was alive but that alone did little to calm his racing thoughts.
Perhaps she had grown tired of him, saw him for the disgrace his father constantly reminded him he was, now that she was battle-tested and knew better.
But that did not keep him from waiting in the hangar when the soldiers returned. A few of his peers had invited themselves along, Isana hanging from his arm and chattering on about who knew what. He didn’t bother listening to a single word, brushing her off the second he finally caught sight of Sinara.
He stopped right in front of her, not daring to pull her into his arms no matter how much he wanted to. There was something cold about her he’d never seen directed at himself.
He was taller than her, now, and she was no longer the scrawny thing that didn’t quite fit her own limbs. There was a scar on her face, and new insignia on her lapel.
“You stopped writing,”he said. He did not know what else to say.
Sinara shrugged.“I got busy.”
And just like that she excused herself.
She pulled up the message that had made it all so difficult, tracing her finger across the words as if it might make them mean something again.
I miss you so much you may as well have taken my heart with you.
She hadn’t known how to respond to that, and with every day that had passed it had gotten more uncomfortable to do so. She’d thought when she saw him again it would sort itself out. She thought she might just kiss him and let that do the talking.
But he had stood there with another woman, one much more befitting of his ranks, and she’d realised she had waited too long. Should have never been foolish enough to think he meant anything by it in the first place.
They spent far too long in a state of uncertainty, dancing around each other as if they were strangers. He saw her constantly, her social circle intermingling with his enough that she could not outright avoid him, though he sometimes suspected she wanted to by the odd looks she gave him.
Kasius finally decided he’d had enough. Even if she did not feel what he felt, he at least wanted his best friend back. He resolved to approach her after training.
It did not get that far, Krenyk ordering her over to partner with him before he could get his bearings.
He fumbled, and his weapon went flying with a clatter loud enough to draw stares from half the facility.
“Well, look at that. And here I thought Clio was exaggerating.” Her smirk suited her infuriatingly well.“Rumour has it I make you nervous.”
“Don’t flatter yourself,”he scoffed, picking up the weapon he’d dropped.“I just happen to be astoundingly incompetent.”
“That’s not how I remember it,”Sinara said. She nearly sounded her old self again.
Or mayhaps he simply wanted her to.
He swallowed hard, and forced his face to remain impassive.“Are we here to talk or to train?”
If he hadn’t known better, he’d have thought she looked hurt.
“Go ask her to dance,”Clio hissed in his ear.
Kasius swatted her away with a scowl.“Drop it. She doesn’t want to.”
Clio sighed.“I’m an idiot. Well, no. You’re the idiot. This whole time I thought she was the problem but you’re just as dense, aren’t you?”
“What do you mean?”Kasius asked. There was time to be offended at being called a dense idiot later. Right now he was rather more interested in whatever Clio might have to say that could get Sinara away from Akedus.
“She likes you,”Clio said, so slowly as if she were talking to a particularly daft cat.“And she thinks you don’t like her because she’s not nobility.”
Kasius gaped at her.“She what? That’s ridiculous.”
“I know. Now go tell her that.”
He did not ask her to dance. He did, however, ask her for a word in private.
They sat in the same little alcove they’d hidden in as children when he’d been too exhausted from his father’s needling to stand it even a second longer, and Sinara had piled a plate high with aperitives for them to share.
“This is less spacious than I remember it,”Sinara remarked.
Her arm was indeed pressed up against his. He quite liked that.
“Well, a lot of things have changed.” Kasius took her hand, half expecting her to pull away.“I missed you.”
“I’ve been back quite some time,”she reminded him mildly.
He rolled his eyes as he intertwined their finger more comfortably.“You know what I mean. I’ve missed us.”
“Is there an us?”she asked, tongue darting out to wet her lips nervously.
Words didn’t seem quite enough, so he just kissed her.
“Well, didn’t you play the long game?”Sinara remarked drily some years later, carefully laying their newborn baby into Krenyk’s arms.“Adopt the first stray you find and next thing you know, your grandson is next in line for the throne.”
Kasius smiled pressing a kiss to Sinara’s forehead. Krenyk was the only grandfather the little one would ever know, and he was quite happy with that.
“Don’t be silly,”Krenyk said, eyes only on the babe.“There is no way I could have foreseen this outcome.”
Faulnak’s death had been a welcome surprise.
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toukenra · 7 years
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@lithiel Oh my gosh thank you so much for sending this in I just got reminded of all the reasons why I love Tsurumaru he’s so precious I just want to suck up all the sadness he’s been hiding like a sponge and wrap my arms around him like he did for this Saniwa (yes I’m low-key jealous rn) thank you thank you thank you I really enjoyed worked on this one! (灬♥ω♥灬) (although this took me more than 6 hours of racking my brains but i’m very thankful for this request) And for the edgy dragon/wolf… Kuri-chan, just resign to your fate because as long as I live you will be loved by me there’s no running away from my love. 
I’m just gonna assume there isn’t any established relationship between them YET (ehehe) so that’s why they weren’t allowed anywhere near her room although the swords more or less have a crush on their Saniwa and vice versa if that’s okay with you! And yessss~ gimme all the cheesy and cutesy fluff in the world~, I’m highly allergic against any kind of angst anyway so I hope you’re going to like this one!! (♡ >ω< ♡) sorry if Kuri-chans scenario turned out so much longer than the rest i wanted to write something longer for him and just ran out of ideas after writing this ._. *gets tomatoes thrown at me*
This could get quite lengthy so under the cut just to be safe
Ookurikara/ Kuri-chan
Why did he have to share a room with Mitsutada and Kuninaga who in the world could sleep besides these nosy swords? he openly grumbles as he walks to the bathroom to escape their loud snoring
suddenly his foot makes contact with something soft
an irritated look makes its way onto his face when he realizes it’s his current master sleeping right in his way
hasn’t she heard of a bedroom before??
woah slow down there Grinch
ponders whether he should just let her sleep over there or if he should call for Mitsutada to fetch her away when he hears stifled sobs coming from her
crouches down and is ready to wake her so he can go back to sleep
shoots right up at hearing his name and bangs his head on the wooden beam with a loud thump startling the both of you
your face flushes a deep shade of red once she realizes that the man you’ve  been longing for in your dream is standing right in front of you although he was angrily rubbing his temple by now
shoots you the death glare but upon seeing the fresh tears on your face his expression softens just the slightest
‘What? Don’t you even know what a bedroom is anymore or why were you sleeping out here in the cold? And what about crying like that you sure are bothersome.’
‘I-I’m sorry.. I guess I was sleepwalking and just landed out here. I-it’s fine you can leave me now.’
he really thinks about just going back to his room but in the end he just can’t find it in himself to leave you laying there like that
curses himself and the whole world and grabs you by your arms, basically dragging you back to you room
after laying you down you expect him to leave when he suddenly drapes himself right next to you, his arms pulling you flush against his hard chest so you couldn’t turn around and look at him
you were surely getting a heart attack by now
‘Tsk you sure are annoying, stop moving around so much.’
you knew all too well that he didn’t like physical contact at all so being held in his arms like this touched your soul deeply and you were about to start crying again
‘Y-you don’t have to stay here with me..’ you mumble apologetically but he only pulls you tighter against his chest
‘Tsk, just be quiet already. I’m only here because Kuninaga is snoring so loud’ he grumbles, making you smile a little at realizing how kind he really is
‘Thank you then, I will not forget your kindness’
‘I’m not doing this for you. Now just close your eyes’ he grumbles against your hair, making you giggle in delight
‘You know how people say that animals and children can sense the true nature of a person. I knew you were kind the moment Gokotai’s tiger cubs started climbing on you. Good night, Ookurikara.’
stay silent but is secretly blushing heavily into your hair
he hates it. 
he hates it all: the warm feeling spreading inside his chest at listening to the soothing sound of your even breathing, the wavering scent of your shampoo that is tickling his nose and the sensation of holding a warm and lively woman like you ins arms, god he hates it why does the world have to punish him like that
(translation: he loves it so much and doesn’t want to let you go ever but Jesus he’d rather get skinned alive than admit to it)
both of you fall asleep just like that, legs tangled and intertwined both of you basically melt into one
would probably want you to sign a confidentality agreement next morning lol
if you ever tell anyone about this you’re dead
‘Oya oya what kind of surprise is this?’
his eyebrows start wiggling when he finds you sleeping in front of your room
ponders whether he should jump out on you or draw on your face but you were always so firm with keeping him and the others away from your room at night
which only made him more curious on what you were trying to hide from him
on a closer look he suddenly remarks that your body is shaking and tears are spilling from your closed eyes
that was definitely another surprise, but surely not the kind he wished for
he didn’t even know that humans could cry during sleep and it honestly breaks his heart a little at seeing you in this pitiful state
??? was that his name coming from your sleeping form ???
‘Tsurumaru.. please..don’t let me go’
yep, ok that was definitely his name spilling from your heavenly lips
and you’re wanting to be held by him? sure both of you had been playfully flirting for some time now but never would he have thought that there was any deeper meaning to it
at least not from your side
he tries to keep his cool, he really does, but his heart rate just skyrockets to unhealthy altitudes
carefully sweeps you up in his arms without waking you and carries you back to your room
lays down next to you and peppers your face with little butterfly kisses, even licking up the salty tears off your cheeks until you scrunch up and open your eyes, only to be greeted with the sight of Tsurumaru licking your nose
your first instinct is to yell bloody murder but a quick peck to your forehead silences you immediately
‘Geez, surprising me like that wasn’t funny, Master. If you wanted me to hold you that badly you could have told me from the start.’ he graces you with a kind smile before he presses a soft kiss against your nose
silly crane why u so cute ilysm :’))
not being able to form any coherent sentence you just bury your head in his neck and mumble a teary-eyed ‘thank you’ against his heated skin but he understands it anyway
holds you tightly and strokes your hair until you fall asleep 
probably teases you next morning because you were drooling on him
makes it his life mission to never let you sleep alone again
good luck with trying to escape his nightly cuddles  (not that you mind i know it)
great excuse to be close to you hehe
can you feel my love for him?? because my heart sure is overflowing with love for this precious crane
he loved his little brothers, he really did but sometimes at night he just wished to have some moments just for himself so he carefully removed Hirano’s arm from his chest and slipped out of the stuffy bedroom
admiring the full moon and fresh night air he just wanders around the Citadel until he suddenly finds himself in front of your door
somehow he always landed here, partly because of how connected he felt towards you whenever you flashed him that kind smile of yours and mostly because of his heartfelt desire to be closer to you
as if his prayers had been heard a soft whimper made its way to his ears
startled, his eyes darted to the origin of the sound only to be met by your sleeping frame draped on the porch
his heart breaks in two at seeing your closed eyes filled with tears and how vulnerable you looked in the dim moonlight
were your nightmares the reason you never let anyone near your room during nighttime?
heavily torn between wanting to kiss your tears away and being afraid of your reaction when he hears his name being whispered in between your little whimpers
404 ERROR ERROR Ichigo.exe has stopped working
after calming his racing heart  it only took him 7 minutes  he realizes that you were crying because you must have felt lonely and his heart just breaks again
musters all his courage and carefully nudges you until you sleepily open your eyes and pulls you into a tender embrace
‘I’m sorry for not realizing my desire to hold you like this any sooner but please allow me to embrace you like this for tonight.’
pure angel is bright red and dying inside but keeps his promise and doesn’t let you go for the rest of the night or ever again
he’s the epitome of cuteness 527457% would kiss him
absolutely flabbergasted when he finds you sleeping in the cold 
how did you even land there?
doesn’t give it a second thought and carries you back to your room bridal style because he’s sure he looks very cool doing so when he realizes there are tears streaming down your beautiful sleeping face
and you’re even mumbling his name with that cute angelic voice of yours?
oh lord please give him strength because he has to gather all his strength to not wake and devour you right on the spot
why does my sinful mind want to make this naughty bad girl Anni
decides its better to let you sleep and ask for an explanation next morning
gently wipes your tears away and presses feathery kisses against your temple
tries to be very cool and composed about holding you like this but when you sigh against his neck cool sword warrior just melts into a big puddle
let’s be honest: you’ve never slept any better than in his arms because damn that guy probably smells so good
probably teases you a little next morning for clinging to him during your sleep
shut up Kane-san, you were enjoying this as well
poor bab is lost when he finds you weeping in your sleep right in front of your room
he just wanted to use the rest room and now this
wonders if he should call for Yasusada because he has no idea what to do right now when he overhears you whispering his name 
excuse me what?
you’re calling out for him right?
or were you crying because of him?
13637 questions and no one to answer them for him
it takes him about 20 attempts but in the end he wakes you and worriedly asks you why you were sleeping outside and dear god were you upset with him or why did you cry during sleep?
after you shyly admit that you just wanted to be hugged by him and ask him to stay the night with you poor angel just faints
reluctantly agrees to stay with you although he is screaming and dying inside
very stiff at first but eases into it fairly quickly and falls asleep with you since he realizes this is the ultimate proof of still being loved by you
- Mod Pancake 🥞
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