#when grambi sees what he did as mr l
ohmaerieme · 1 year
listening to charlies inferno and thinking of spm luigi THE ANIMATIC IN MY HEAD IS FUCKING INSANE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!! ITS GOING FUCKING CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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s-creations · 2 years
Painful Remembrance
"Come on bro, you can fight this. Please...please come back. I don’t want to lose you again."
Fandom: Mario/Super Paper Mario Rating: General Audience Relationships: Mario&Luigi - Brothers Warnings: Peach (Mentioned), Bowser (Mentioned), Angst, Hurt No Comfort, Mario Knew, How Wouldn’t He?, Luigi’s His Brother
The metal beneath him shook violently before his creation exploded. He was sent flying, landing hard on the ground (how was there ground in SPACE?) before sliding to a stop. It was a bit of a blessing that his clothing was thick enough to prevent burns. But that didn’t stop the burn of embarrassment flaring in his chest. 
“How...how did I lose? Brobot was top of the line!” Mr. L let out a groan as he slowly stood. No burns, but Grambi above was he sore now. “Beaten by being stomped on. Even that behemoth got enough height! I’m shocked space didn’t break when his lardness landed…”
He paused, the sound of footsteps rushing towards him through the dust and debris. Mr. L dodged just at the last moment, Mario landing where the minion stood seconds before. 
“Well played, Mr. Jumps-A-Lot. I bet you think you’ve bested me. But I’m not the Count's most promising minion for nothing.” Mr. L smirked, placing his hands on his hips. He was pleased to see the flash of anger that crossed the hero’s face. 
“If you wish to go another round, I’ll be happy to oblige. Have at you!” 
Shooting forward, Mr. L’s kick was blocked, but he was able to knock Mario away. The red-cladded hero digging his feet in slow himself down. Not giving the hero a moment’s pause, the minion aimed a punch. Only to be blocked again. This was the pattern for the next few minutes. Causing Mr. L’s temper to flare up.
Punch. Block.
Kick. Block.
Why wasn’t this so-called ‘hero’ fighting back? 
“So is this just a game to you? Why don’t you put up a fight! Are you just teasing! Think Mr. L is a chump minion, like those you’ve faced before? How dare you rank me with those lessers!” 
Mr. L let out a growl of rage as his attack was blocked once more. Mario remained stoic through the taunting. “Say something!”
Lashing out, Mr. L threw another punch. Only for Mario to dodge, grabbing onto the minion’s arm and flipping him. The air was knocked from Mr. L’s lungs as he hit the ground hard. He would never admit it, but the constant fighting had tired him out. Between that and the shock to his system, Mr. L couldn’t get back up as quickly as he liked. The situation became more dire when weight was placed on him, his arms pinned down to his side. Mr. L glared up at Mario, the red dressed hero returning the same stare. 
“Well...what do you plan on doing now? You heroes aren’t known to be the killing type. Maybe you’ll turn me over to that fire breather that’s following you around. It won’t matter. Even if you defeat me, the Count will win. You’re a false hero, following a false prophecy. You won’t-”
“Stop it Luigi.” 
Mr. L fell quiet, confusion filling him. “...What?” 
“Stop...just stop talking like that. Just stop. What did the Count do to you?”
“What are you talking about?  The Count did nothing to me. But he is going to destroy all those who stand in his way.”
“Stop that!” 
Mr. L paused again at the outburst. Mario looked furious, but the anger didn’t seem to be directed at him. It seemed as if the hero wanted to hit something, but was unable to. Whatever he was angry at wasn’t here to receive his rage. “What…”
Mario bent down, pressing their foreheads together. He seemed so determined to do something.”Come on bro, you need to break out of whatever hold they have over you. Please bro…please Luigi. This isn’t you.” 
Why...did he sound so sad? How could one look so angry but sound so sad? Mr. L didn’t like this. It felt...wrong.
“Get...Get off me.” 
“Stop calling me that! That’s not my name! Now get off me so I can beat you soundly!” Mr. L’s struggles fell short when Mario’s grip tightened. Gloved hands were placed on either side of his face, keeping Mr. L looking forward. “What are you-”
“Your name is Luigi, your garden is amazing. It’s the highlight of your mansion every spring.” 
“Would you-”
“Your cooking is way better than mine. Mom would be so proud of your skill. You’re...you’re scared of basically everything but you especially hate Boos. But you’re also braver than I could ever be.” 
“You false hero-”
“Come on bro, you can fight this. Please...please come back. I don’t want to lose you again. I was so fearful that you… You were missing and I was scared and now I find you like this-”
“SHUT UP!” Mr. L shouted, breathing heavily with rage coursing through him. “I’m not your brother! I am Mr. L! I am the Count’s best minion! It is my duty to put an end to you so Count Bleck’s plan can be fulfilled!” 
Mario frowned, Mr. L shaking in anger. The minion stilled when gloves brushed something wet from his cheeks. He was crying? Why was he crying? For what purpose did he have to cry?
Mario laughed, a weak smile breaking across his face. He seemed relieved for some reason. “I knew you were in there bro…. Come back with me, we can fix this…”
“Mario, where are you?” 
The red dressed hero turned away hearing the princess call out his name. Mr. L took the distraction, bashing his forehead against the side of Mario’s head. The hero stumbled back, unprepared for the kick that sent him flying further back. Mario looked up just in time to watch Mr. L dash away. 
“No, stop! Luigi, come back, please!” 
“I’ll best you next time Mr. Jumps-A-Lot!” 
“Luigi!” Mario stilled as the black dressed form disappeared into the fog. Hand still in the air in the desperate attempt to pull the other back.  “...I was so close..so close to getting him back…”
“Mario…” The hero faced the rainbow butterfly that had floated closer. “Are you...was that him?”
“Yeah, that was my brother… I mean, physically, yes, that was Luigi. But the Count did something to him. Changed him. Changed...my brother… He was right there Tippi. Grambi, I was so close, I could feel it.” Mario felt like his chest was on fire. He needed to keep it together but his heart hurt so much. 
“I thought I lost him. I thought he was actually dead. But they…they had him the entire time… I just left him there. I didn’t even think... Peach said she was at their base, why wouldn’t he end up there as well.  I just wanted him to come back.” 
“We’ll get him back, Mario. I know we will.”
Mario let out a shaky breath as he stood. “I can’t lose him… Tippi.” 
“Can you please keep this between us? I just...it’s not something needed…. I don’t need Peach to hold back and she could get hurt. Or for Bowser to go all out. Just to hurt me and not pay attention to the task at hand.” 
“You don’t need to explain yourself Mario. I understand, I’ll keep quiet.”
“Thank you…” 
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