#wentworth miller is hot
spiderbae2319 · 8 months
Anybody else inexplicably attracted to Wentworth Miller as Captain Cold
*looks around*
just me?
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foxgloveinspace · 9 months
If I start Dinotopia tonight I might fucking…. Start a passion project fic… after putting it off for like a year and a half😬
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staydandy · 10 months
Prison Break (2005) - Whump List
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List by StayDandy Synopsis : Michael Scofield is a desperate man in a desperate situation. His brother, Lincoln Burrows, was convicted of a crime he didn't commit and put on death row. Michael holds up a bank to get himself incarcerated alongside his brother in Fox River State Penitentiary, then sets in motion a series of elaborate plans to break Lincoln out and prove his innocence. Once out of jail, their perils aren't over — the brothers must flee to escape recapture and battle an intricate political conspiracy that endangers everyone's life. (Wiki)
Whumpee : Michael Scofield played by Wentworth Miller (right) • Lincoln 'Linc' Burrows played by Dominic Purcell (left)
Country : 🇺🇸 America Genres : Action, Crime, Thriller
Notes : This is a Partial List - I didn't list every bit of whump, just what caught my attention the most • The show ended with 4 seasons in 2009, but was revived about 8 years later in 2017 for a mini 5th season of 9 episodes. Supposedly a 6th season was also in development, but that never came to fruition. • The episode list is formatted season-episode : 00-00 • TW : Setting is prison, filled with criminals who are convicted of and talk about all kinds of nasty crimes, including child abuse & SA
Episodes on List : 19 Total Episodes : 90 Total Seasons : 5
*Spoilers below*
01-03 : Michael Scofield’s toe is cut off
01-04 : Bangs his own head against steal bars until he's bleeding
01-13 : Lincoln Burrows takes a pill that gives him food poisoning
01-15 : Michael is severely burned, his cellmate has to rip off melted-on clothes
01-17 : Put in solitary ... Punches a brick wall till his hand bleeds ... unresponsive
02-12 : Recalling childhood trauma ... Linc & Michael in a car crash
03-09 : Michael is put in a hot-box (plastic lined box large enough for 1 man, in the middle of a hot courtyard)
04-02 : Starts to suffer migraines & nosebleeds
04-03 : Stuck in a room that is loosing oxygen because of a fire security system ... migraines
04-05 : Nosebleeds
04-09 : Collapses, seizure
04-10 : Collapses, treated at a hospital ... (he's an awful character, but I do like the speech/poem TBag gives @ 22:30)
04-11 : Migraines
04-13 : Collapses
04-14 : Tries to run away, heavy nosebleed, collapses, captured
04-15 : Surgery
05-02 : Burns his head to fake fever, beat up
05-06 : In a fight, stabbed with a knifed dipped in antifreeze, poisoned ... wanders in the desert, sick, unsteady
05-07 : Severely sick
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lesbianmarrow · 6 months
reminds me of that time a girl i barely knew asked me who my celebrity crush was and i didn’t feel like coming out so i said uh i don’t really have celebrity crushes but i guess i like wentworth miller and she looked him up and was like oh hes hot and i was like is he?
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surveysonfleek · 2 years
What is in the back seat of your car right now? a box, a coat, umbrella, box of tissues and more shit tbh. i need to clean.
What was the last thing you threw up? i dont remember the last time i threw up actually!
Menthol or regular cigarettes? i dont smoke anymore but when i used to, it was strictly menthols
What is your favorite episode of Friends? hot take but i dont watch friends. ive tried before and just didnt find it funny
Does anyone have any blackmail on you? no lol
If you could marry any celebrity today who would it be? i wouldnt, i havent had a true celeb crush in so long! if any celeb was the ‘package’ it would be wentworth miller but he’s gay so i wouldnt stand a chance 
Have you been to a strip club? never! i actually cant believe i havent
Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? yes
Are you wearing socks right now? nope, its a cold night too
What was the last thing you had to drink? water
What are you wearing right now? pjs
Last food you ate? pizza
Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? yeah i bought a few new dresses for the warmer seasons plus two upcoming weddings
When is the last time you ran? haha like 2 weeks ago?
What’s the last sporting event you watched? im watching a football game while doing this
Last person’s house you were in? my fiances
Last movie you saw? catwoman. yeah, its as bad as they say it is lol
Who is the last person you sent a message to on Facebook? andrew
Ever go to camp? while i was in school, yes
Were you an honor roll student in school? we didnt have one at my school. they would honour first in class for each subject
Do you like sushi? yes, one of my fave foods
Do you have a tan? not right now
How old do you want to be when you have kids? im already 31 so hopefully i can get pregnant after the wedding next year
Have you ever drank your soda from a straw? of course
What is your age? ^
Are you someone’s best friend? yes
Where is your dad right now? at home What was the last thing you said? oh well
What color is your watch? rose gold
What do you think of when you think of Australia? home? lol
Ever ridden on a roller coaster? yes
Favorite gemstone? diamonds for sure. i never used to really care about them but after getting engaged i just cant stop looking at it
Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? drive thru
Do you have a roommate? no Do you have any bad habits? complaining lol
What is your favorite number? 7
Do you know anyone named Lori? yes but spelt differently
What color is your mom’s hair? black
Do you have a dog? not anymore :( i miss him everyday
What happened to you in 1993? i was a toddler
Does your first memory involve your dad? i remember him coming home from a trip once and me running through the hallways to hug him
Do you remember singing any songs as kids? yes of course! i used to have disney singalong video tapes lol
When was the last time you went swimming? april
Has your luggage ever gotten lost? yes lmao. i got talked into checking in my hand carry luggage and of course it got lost. it turned up a week later and the airline delivered it to my house
Biggest annoyance in your life right this minute? losing weight in time for the wedding :(
Have you ever thought it would be cool to smash a guitar? nope, id just feel guilty
Do you like watching a bonfire? sure
Are you allergic to anything? dairy
What is one thing you miss about your past? not having to worry about anything
Do you ever get flu shots? i actually dont. knock on wood but i havent had the flu in years
Favorite shoes that you wear all the time? black huaraches 
What is one thing you’ve learned about life recently? not to worry about work. 
Are you jealous of anyone? no
Is anyone jealous of you? haha no
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dear-indies · 5 months
I’m coming in hot with a unique one today… which I’m actually pretty sorry about 😅 I would very much appreciate you trying though. There was a fc I think you guys recommended a long time ago for someone, and the fc was just beyond perfect for someone I’d like to play now. The problem is I can’t remember his name. I can remember a detail or two I think. He had light colored eyes, and I think you guys might’ve specified that he was black at least partly, which I remember thinking was odd because he seemed white-passing. Maybe he was some kind of alternate for Matthew daddario? I don’t entirely remember.
I know this isn’t much to go on, but I would seriously appreciate it if by some miracle you’re able to get a name from all that. And if you do not only will you have my thanks and appreciation but also I think you’d officially be considered fc suggesting royalty within the rpc at that point
Wentworth Miller (1972) African-American, Afro Jamaican, Scottish, Rusyn, Lebanese, Curaçaoan [mix of Dutch, French, Swedish, Hispanic, remote Polish] - is gay - is pro Palestine!
Rami Malek (1981) Egyptian, small part Greek.
Jesse Williams (1981) African-American, Seminole / Swedish - is pro Palestine!
Oliver Jackson-Cohen (1986) Egyptian Jewish / English.
Penn Badgley (1986) is possibly like veeery distant black, 1/16th or 1/32 Afro-Jamaican?????
Don Benjamin (1987) African-American / English, Irish, some Scottish, remote Swiss-German.
Parker Young (1988) 1/4 Pakistani, 3/4 English.
Kendrick Sampson (1988) African-American / English, Scottish, German, Cajun/French, Danish, Norwegian.
Dudley O'Shaughnessy (1989) African-Saint Lucian, with some Irish / English.
Tom Maden (1989) Irish, French, Belgian [Walloon], Portuguese, Afro Caribbean, African-American, English, German.
Richard Harmon (1991) English, French-Canadian, Italian, Mi’kmaq.
Darren Barnet (1991) Japanese (maternal grandmother), German, Irish, Scottish, Swedish, Dutch, possibly Cherokee.
Jesús Castro (1993) Spanish / Romani.
Taz Skylar (1995) Lebanese / English.
Ricardo Hoyos (1995) Ecuadorian and Peruvian [Quechua, Spanish] / Irish, possibly Scottish and French-Canadian.
Cody Christian (1995) Penobscot, Passamaquoddy / English.
Kendji Girac (1996) Catalan and Romani.
Froy Gutierrez (1998) Caxcan Mexican / European.
Tanner Buchanan (1998) Filipino (maternal grandfather), Scottish, English.
Adam Ezzari (1998) Moroccan / Norwegian.
Meegwun Fairbrother (?) Ojibwe / Scottish.
I hope one of these is who you were looking for, anon! I also added other men of colour who are not black because you said "might" so I hope that's ok and I don't think all of these are white-passing but I thought they'd make great Matthew alts when I was searching!!
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prisoncaps · 7 years
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1.02 Allen
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wentworthaddiction · 7 years
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theitaliansalad · 4 years
dear Santa,
this year for Christmas I just want Leonard Snart back. I’ve been a very good girl. thank you. 
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You smokin’ elegant bastard 
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ultimateteadrinker · 5 years
damn can wentworth really play a politician
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run-kellyy-run · 6 years
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We got a little creative today😇
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Hot take: Wentworth Miller would make a great joker
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prisoncaps · 7 years
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1.02 Allen
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wentworthaddiction · 7 years
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Prison Break
So, I’m into this series called Prison Break that i’ve recently been nigewatching. And if you don’t know what prison break is, i suggest you stop what you’re doing, hop onto netflix get a couple of snack and be prepared to be inside for the next week. I know I’m a bit late as it was released in 2005, it’s on Netflix and i’d thought I’d have a look at it, since i’m an introvert who does nothing but read fanfiction all day.
All I’ve got to say about this is; ‎
like HOW can a person be so hot?
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