#welsh cawl
morethansalad · 7 months
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Welsh Cawl (Vegan)
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chelseajackarmy · 3 months
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Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
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eemoo1o-animoo · 2 years
I just want to think about Sebastian making Ciel cawl, you know?
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bleachblonderecords · 8 months
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Cawl Traditional Welsh Broth Recipe This cawl recipe is popular with the local farming community of Cardiganshire in Wales. This soup tastes better after reheated so make ahead of time.
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nunalastor · 2 months
Personal hcs for Sheep Demon! I know a lot of folks call her Laila (bc of that fanfic wiki, I think), but I personally call her Llewella ( lew-EL-la). She's originally from Wales, and she's an example of someone who doesn't deserve to be in hell being damned for arbitrary/unknown reasons.
The reason she was in that cannibal butchershop is because she had just died about a week prior and had gotten lost. And when she stopped to ask directions, the demons she asked, who actually had a deal going with the butcher, could tell she was "fresh meat" and purposefully sent her to the butcher, telling her he'd be able to "help" her.
Later, after moving into the hotel and recognizing Alastor as her scary rescuer, she tries to go thank him. But she's an incredibly shy, socially awkward person. So when it becomes clear Alastor doesn't remember her, Llewella panics and flees.
She still wants to thank him, though. So now, after finding out his love for home cooked meals, and already knowing his preference for meat, at least once a week Llewella secretly prepares a heaping dish of Cawl (a traditional Welsh stew, usually made with lamb and seasonal veggies), and leaves it outside his room. It's a comfort dish she used to love when she was alive, and while she can't bring herself to eat it anymore, she's certain Alastor will enjoy it at least.
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Sara says “Happy St. David’s Day!”
St. David’s Day is a Welsh holiday on March 1, celebrating the patron saint of Wales (like St. Patrick in Ireland). Most Welsh people celebrate by wearing a daffodil or leek, but I had neither, so the background will have to do. The celebrations usually include folk dancing, singing and parades.
Traditional foods are cawl (soup made from local ingredients), bara brith (a type of fruit bread with cranberries), and Welsh rarebit (melted cheese sauce on toast). 
I used several patterns to mimic the folk dance costumes, though I left off the collar and apron. It was enough for me that I had to learn to make the betgwn (bedgown/overdress), cap and hat. 
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gwnewch y pethau bychain — do the little things
~St. David
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anintelligentoctopus · 3 months
Made vegetable cawl AND Welsh cakes dydd gwyl dewi hapus
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pigeonwit · 10 months
For the character ask game, Crutchie!
ough... my darling boy... my dear sweet arsonist... my favourite prision abolitionist... he's wanted for several crimes including but not limited to impersonating a senator...
one aspect about them i love
his kindness. this is an aspect of crutchie that actually used to REALLY irritate me until i saw matt duckett's performance - it felt like sia's 'music' where this disabled character just existed to be happy and sweet to everyone all the time. because disabled people are just nice! and cute! all the time! but with matt duckett, you get more of a sense that his kindness comes from an outright refusal to let the world turn him bitter. crutchie is FRUSTRATED, he's TIRED, he's living his life on a set of rules nobody else has to follow, but he still calls weasel 'mr wiesel' each morning. he still puts on a brave face for the kids and jokes around with his friends. he WILL have a kind and happy life, and fuck you for thinking he wouldn't :)
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
despite what i said about him being kind, crutchie is NOT a smiley hopeless optimist, and he never has been. does not matter which iteration of crutchie we are talking about - a realist putting on a brave face (eg AKB's crutchie) or a punk-ass cynic (eg matt duckett's crutchie) - he has always been aware of the world and how it works. as much as he puts on a brave face for people (eg letter from the refuge) he's still the one who says 'we've got the right to starve, let's just get our papes and go'. i do think this fandom's come a long way from reducing him to just the kind sweet 'my child' background character who lives and dies to support and inspire the abled characters, but i still see posts and fics that are just a little too eager to talk about what a sweet baby crutchie is. he is not. he is a menace. stop disgracing his name like that.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
WELSH. HE'S WELSH. FUCK YOU. HE'S WELSH. 'sean' hanlon? i think you mean SIÔN hanlon :) he's a born and bred north-wales lad who immigrated to new york and he is fuelled by cawl, chaos and SPITE.
one character i love seeing them interact with
race. i get the feeling that while they're definitely friends, they do misunderstand each other at the beginning of the show. crutchie gets frustrated when race implies he only sells well because of his limp, race not only jokes about crutchie but calls him PITIFUL. but when crutchie comes back? 'it ain't been the same without ya...' i think they start to understand each other better after that, you can see it.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
probably davey. i feel like there might be some initial awkwardness between them - jack's oldest, most trusted friend/brother and the guy who's suddenly become his right hand man - but i think that wouldn't last long. it'd be hilarious to see the chaos crutchie talks davey into doing - and to see davey let loose and have fun and be a kid with someone who isn't jack.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
first of all, crutchtrack.
second, the rarer, more entertaining sprutchtrack.
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mzyraj · 11 months
Having seen discussions of Welsh being misused in media where it’s used at all, and I know it’s basic but I like the choice and my ability to recognise this in FFXIV:
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Cawl cennin - leek soup! :D
I also like spotting players with very Welsh names for their characters :3
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emblematicemblazer · 10 months
Worldbuilding and theories of Engagem
The cuisine
The dishes of Lythos seen to fall into three categories:
Cheap and easy to cook peasant dishes
Desserts and treats.
Inspired by the other kingdoms.
The cheap and simple peasant dishes could be because of the lifestyle of the clergy who chose to live a simple life and not splurge on luxuries. Since Lythos and The Somniel rely on donations they are careful with how to use money and resources. Some of the dishes might have been necessary during the first war with Lord Sombron because of the lack of resources. The meals could also be precautionary, just in case they cannot rely on trade and fertile land forever. 
The Peasant Dishes:
Peasant Bread - This dish refers to a rustic style bread that has few ingredients, doesn't rise and is easy to create. The is used because it has greater nutritional value and is more filling than wheat. The tends to prefer cold and rainy places to grow so I wonder if the eye used is imported from Brodia or Elusia.
Mutton Stew - This dish is inspired by Irish stew or Welsh Cawl. Elusia is the UK without Scotland (I will explain why in future chapters) and the stew is likely to be a recipe imported from there. It is a dish using cheap ingredients, sometimes leftovers and is traditionally fed to people in bulk. 
Very Veggie Stew - This dish is inspired by Stovie. A stovie is a Scottish dish made with potatoes and leftovers. This recipe likely came from Brodia.
Cod Dip - This dish is inspired by Brandade De Morue which is a local speciality of Nîmes in Southern France. In the old French language of occitan 'Brandade' comes from the word 'brand's which means to shake. Brandade De Morue literally means 'Shaken Cod.' It is a fishy mash dish. The recipe could have done from Firene.
Pickles - The pickles Clanne loves are an important way to preserve fruit and vegetables.
Croissant - This is not strictly a dessert but I consider it a celebratory dish. The Croissant shape is a crescent which is the same shape as the island of Lythos. The croissant is more difficult to make and uses a few luxury ingredients such as butter. I believe this dish was created by the Firense as a dish to honour The Divine Dragon because of the shape and more upper class nature of the dish in mediaeval times.
Hot Crepe - This dish is inspired by Crepe Suzette. The fancy and celebratory version could include alcohol so that it could be set ablaze (flambeed). A peasant version would remove the alcohol and just use local fruits.
Berry Custard Tart - This dish is inspired by egg tart. This dish has religious roots. In the 18th century monks at the Jerónimos Monastery in Santa Maria de Belem used to use Egg whites to search nuns' habits. Using white eggs leaves a lot of leftover times which were made into egg tarts. I wonder if the people of Lythos used white whites in the same matter.
Peach Sorbet - This dish is a mixture of ice and fruit juice. The peach is locally grown and the ice would have been stored in caves or ice cellars. 
Apple Beignet - People who eat this dish are eating a 'nun's fart'. This dish is made from pâte à choux and called pets-de-nonne, which means 'nun's fart' in French. Cheap filling pastry made with local fruits.
Chocolate Orange - This dish is inspired by glacé fruit coated with chocolate. This would have been an expensive, luxury dish. The chocolate would have been imported from Solm and sugar would have been a higher price item. 
International inspiration
Due to Lythos receiving visitors from the surrounding countries, it is likely that recipes were shared and exchanged by guests. Nobles would have their favourite dishes and request that the cooks of Lythos make them. 
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madarch-hud · 1 year
happy saint david's day to my fellow welshies, i hope your day is full of cawl and welsh cakes🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿♥️
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amortentva · 1 year
closed, for anthony goldstein. location, aurelius hospital wing.
zach hasn't been able to keep anything down for days. he's made an appearance in the dorms just once since the night of the full moon at the insistence of madame pomfrey, but he's been at anthony's side with lee since the moment they found out what happened and were allowed to enter the hospital wing. this being only the second time he's left, relief floods zacharias when he returns to find anthony awake and alert after days of healing potions keeping him down for the count. they didn't even let him have a moment when anthony had first awoken, instead casting him aside so staff and ministry officials could speak with him. he's dying to know what they deemed so urgent they needed to speak with him right away, but zach keeps the conversation light to start out with. he's just glad to have his best mate back.
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"i asked the kitchen elves to bring you some cawl cymreig," he greets, taking the bedside seat, "they looked at me like i was a right loon at first, 'cause i forgot the scot elves don't exactly know welsh." @vcritaservm
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aliassimeatp · 2 months
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre Armenia y Gales en términos de cultura y tradiciones?
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¿Cuál es la diferencia entre Armenia y Gales en términos de cultura y tradiciones?
Historia de Armenia y Gales
La historia de Armenia y Gales está marcada por una rica tradición cultural y un pasado histórico fascinante. Armenia, ubicada en la región del Cáucaso en Eurasia, es una antigua nación con una historia que se remonta a miles de años atrás. Conocida por ser una de las civilizaciones más antiguas del mundo, Armenia ha experimentado períodos de grandeza y también de conflictos a lo largo de los siglos.
Por otro lado, Gales, situada en la isla de Gran Bretaña, es conocida por su paisaje impresionante y su rica herencia cultural celto-galesa. A lo largo de la historia, Gales ha mantenido su identidad cultural distintiva, con su propia lengua, tradiciones y folclore únicos.
A pesar de estar geográficamente distantes, Armenia y Gales comparten un sentido de orgullo por su patrimonio y una fuerte conexión con su historia. Ambos países han luchado por preservar su identidad cultural frente a las influencias externas y han demostrado una notable resiliencia a lo largo de los años.
En la actualidad, Armenia y Gales continúan siendo destinos turísticos populares por su rica historia, arquitectura impresionante y paisajes pintorescos. Tanto Armenia como Gales son lugares con historias apasionantes que invitan a ser descubiertas y exploradas, ofreciendo a los visitantes una visión única de su pasado y su patrimonio cultural.
Gastronomía y platos típicos de Armenia y Gales
La gastronomía de Armenia y Gales refleja la rica historia y la cultura de estos países, ofreciendo una variedad de platos típicos que deleitan los paladares de locales y visitantes por igual.
En Armenia, la cocina se caracteriza por su uso de ingredientes frescos y especias aromáticas. Uno de los platos más emblemáticos es el "dolma", que consiste en hojas de parra rellenas de arroz, carne picada y especias, cocidas lentamente en un caldo sabroso. Otro plato popular es el "khorovats", una especie de barbacoa armenia que incluye carne marinada, generalmente de cordero o cerdo, asada a la parrilla y servida con pan de pita y ensaladas frescas. Además, el "lavash", un pan plano tradicional, es un acompañamiento omnipresente en las comidas armenias.
Por otro lado, la cocina galesa es conocida por sus sabores reconfortantes y platos abundantes. El "cawl" es considerado el plato nacional de Gales, una sopa espesa hecha con carne de cordero, vegetales de temporada como nabos y zanahorias, y avena. Esta sopa se sirve tradicionalmente los días fríos de invierno y es muy apreciada por su sabor reconfortante. Otro plato emblemático es el "welsh rarebit", una tostada cubierta con una mezcla de queso cheddar, mostaza y cerveza, gratinada hasta que esté dorada y burbujeante.
Tanto en Armenia como en Gales, la gastronomía no solo es una cuestión de alimentarse, sino también una expresión de identidad cultural y tradición. Los platos típicos de estos países son una ventana a su historia y su gente, y una experiencia culinaria que vale la pena explorar.
Festividades tradicionales de Armenia y Gales
Las festividades tradicionales son una parte importante de la cultura de cualquier país, ya que reflejan las tradiciones, creencias y valores de su pueblo. En Armenia, una de las festividades más emblemáticas es la Fiesta de la Vendimia, que se celebra en septiembre para conmemorar la cosecha de uvas y el vino. Durante esta festividad, se realizan desfiles, conciertos, bailes folclóricos y degustaciones de vino, en un ambiente festivo y alegre que reúne a lugareños y turistas.
Por otro lado, en Gales, una de las festividades más importantes es el Día de San David, el patrono del país, que se celebra el 1 de marzo. Durante este día, los galeses visten narcisos, el emblema nacional, y llevan a cabo desfiles, conciertos, espectáculos de música y danza, así como degustaciones de platos tradicionales galeses. Esta festividad destaca la identidad cultural y el orgullo nacional de Gales.
A pesar de las diferencias en las tradiciones y festividades de Armenia y Gales, ambas celebraciones reflejan la rica historia y la fuerte identidad cultural de estos países. Tanto la Fiesta de la Vendimia en Armenia como el Día de San David en Gales son momentos especiales en los que la comunidad se reúne para celebrar, honrar sus tradiciones y fortalecer los lazos sociales. Estas festividades tradicionales son una oportunidad para disfrutar de la cultura, la música, la comida y el folclore de estos hermosos países. ¡Viva la diversidad cultural y las festividades tradicionales de Armenia y Gales!
Indumentaria y folclore en Armenia y Gales
La indumentaria y el folclore de un país son expresiones culturales profundamente arraigadas que reflejan la historia, las tradiciones y la identidad de su pueblo. Armenia y Gales, dos naciones con historias y geografías distintas, comparten la riqueza de sus trajes típicos y danzas folclóricas que han pasado de generación en generación.
En Armenia, la vestimenta tradicional es una parte integral de la identidad cultural del pueblo armenio. Los trajes típicos se caracterizan por sus colores vibrantes y bordados elaborados, que reflejan la artesanía y la creatividad del pueblo armenio. Las mujeres suelen llevar vestidos largos y decorados con motivos tradicionales, mientras que los hombres visten pantalones anchos y camisas bordadas.
Por otro lado, en Gales, el folclore y la indumentaria tradicional desempeñan un papel importante en la preservación de la cultura galesa. Los trajes típicos galeses varían según la región, pero suelen incluir faldas plisadas para las mujeres y camisas de lino para los hombres, acompañados de chales y sombreros tradicionales. La danza folclórica galesa, como el clog dancing, es una forma de arte popular que ha perdurado a lo largo de los años.
Tanto en Armenia como en Gales, la indumentaria y el folclore son manifestaciones de la identidad cultural y el orgullo de su pueblo. A través de sus trajes típicos y danzas tradicionales, estos países mantienen vivas sus tradiciones y transmiten su legado a las futuras generaciones. La indumentaria y el folclore en Armenia y Gales son testimonios de la diversidad y la belleza de las culturas del mundo.
Arquitectura y arte en Armenia y Gales
La arquitectura y el arte son dos expresiones culturales que reflejan la identidad y la historia de un pueblo. En Armenia y Gales, dos regiones con ricas tradiciones culturales, la arquitectura y el arte desempeñan un papel fundamental en la sociedad.
En Armenia, la arquitectura se caracteriza por su influencia de diferentes estilos a lo largo de los siglos. Desde la arquitectura tradicional armenia, con sus iglesias y monasterios de piedra, hasta las influencias soviéticas y modernas, el paisaje arquitectónico de Armenia es diverso y fascinante. El arte armenio, por su parte, se destaca por su simbolismo y su profunda conexión con la historia y la religión del país. La pintura, la escultura y la artesanía armenia son apreciadas en todo el mundo por su belleza y su arte.
En Gales, la arquitectura tradicional galesa se caracteriza por sus casas de piedra y tejados de paja, que se integran armoniosamente en el paisaje verde y montañoso del país. El arte galés, influenciado por la cultura celta y británica, se expresa a través de la música, la literatura y las artes visuales. Los artistas galeses contemporáneos están ganando reconocimiento a nivel internacional por su creatividad y su originalidad.
En resumen, la arquitectura y el arte en Armenia y Gales son manifestaciones culturales que reflejan la identidad única de cada región y enriquecen el patrimonio cultural mundial.
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asterlizard · 5 months
UK Trip October 2023 (Part 6)
We're making one more quick visit before heading back to London, to take advantage of our National Trust membership. Will there be just one set of photos this time?
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Bateman's was a lovely house, fittingly with rooms full of books. Each section of the house had a host(?) who would explain the history of that section. One room housed a phonograph that played wax cylinders. We got to have a listen to one of them, though I didn't recognize the song. (The host in that room also provided a quick bit of history about the wax cylinders, which I nodded about because I was a bit familiar with them thanks to some tech Youtubers' videos about them)
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I believe the ship in the middle of this clock could move as though it were an actual ship bobbing in the water.
In one of the rooms, there was a painting of a recently deceased child with their mother that was gifted to the family (I don't remember the whole story or who exactly they were) but I remember that the host dryly gave her strong opinion about it ('If I got something like that, I'd stick my foot through it!') Someone else also joked that (because it was above a fireplace) that they would have 'accidentally' dropped it in the furnace
Though I wouldn't be surprised if this was related to the intention behind postmortem photography, in that it was the only memento of their loved one, I even mentioned this to the host, though I also added that it hadn't aged well.
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Note the rat wearing a party hat on the left, cute!
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We also checked out the bookstore real quick (some interesting stuff there!). Also, those books on the upper shelf had their pages folded, not cut, to make the shape!
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We then briefly wandered down to the courtyard, but didn't have enough time to go further and see the mill pond. Maybe another time! It did look lovely though.
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Afterwards, we headed back over to London by train (we actually boarded the train that would leave half an hour before the one we were supposed to go on, but as we learned from a young lady who sat next to us on the journey as long as we were going in the same direction to the same station as the other train, it doesn't really matter when we leave, and also it was a Sunday so we were very likely not going to be checked.
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Pretty sure I haven't seen one of these busses with the open rear since I was a wee child. And now they're back up and running! Though the newer busses are still a lot more common.
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Meep! (baby coot? It sure was chatty)
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A nice surprise to see someone painting outside around here. From a brief glimpse, it looked really nice, I would have liked to have seen it finished.
Also under the tent in the background, was a little cafe, and the owner had a skittish dog that my mum's other friend was attempting to befriend with treats.
We would leave the next day to go to our hometown in Wales, picking up another friend along the way (it took us about an hour just to leave London!)
We also got to eat a new favourite: Mcvities Blissfuls Chocolate & Hazelnut!
After getting to our destination about 5 hours after leaving, we arrive at mum's friend's house. I've been here numerous times before, but I've never been upstairs. I wasn't expecting all 5 of us to share 3 rooms and 1 bathroom together! It felt like a dorm haha
Also we finally got caught in some rainy and windy weather, and this was our fourth day here!
I had expected to see Wally the Walrus merch while I was here, but I was disappointed to find none (maybe it was already old news by this point?)
While we were here, Mum had some leftover things of my grandparents to still go through, as well as bring home a few more things. We got it all accomplished in the end! \o/
We also went to Carmarthen to do some shopping, but were disappointed to not find anything :/ (mum and her friends also chatted about which shops survived the lockdown)
We did have a lovely lunch at the Pantri restaurant (some hearty leek cawl, yummm) where the waitresses spoke Welsh with some of the other patrons! Mum even got to have a lovely chat (in English though) with one of the waitresses, and had to know how much cawl they make a day. The cook comes from the back of the kitchen and shows us a large pot (big enough for a child to sit in) which fit our expectations!
They were also already starting to put up Christmas decorations (and Halloween was in like 5 days!)
Also finally got to see my cousin for the first time this trip, if briefly, since he's mostly busy with work these days (last I saw him he was still a teenager!)
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Merlin! Fun fact, he is connected to Carmarthen in some way (idk how exactly)
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Got to do a bit of birdwatching during my free time.
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One day, while walking into town, I spotted a beautiful bumblebee weakly flailing in the middle of the road, and was compelled to pick it up and put it somewhere safer (I wound up putting it safely on our neighbour's fuchsias)
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We then went on a drive to St. David's (still technically a city!) for the afternoon (mum has been before, but I haven't) The drive was very lovely, I always like seeing the little homes and cottages, as well as the scenery (drove over a river, saw a gorge(?) with a bunch of parked boats)
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Read the next part here: [link]
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Find the Best Kept Secrets of Cardiff's Bustling Food Scene
Are you ready to explore Cardiff's diverse and exciting food scene? South Wales' culinary scene is a treat for the senses, with everything from wonderful traditional Welsh meals to varied foreign cuisine. Cardiff's catering services are well-equipped to handle any event, from a formal business dinner to a more casual get-together with friends and family. Come with us as we uncover the trade secrets of Cardiff's finest caterers, sample the delectable fare of South Wales, and equip your own business for revolution with cutting-edge tools and equipment sourced from Bristol. So, shall we?
Cardiff's Top Caterers Revealed: An Insider's Guide
There is a wide variety of excellent catering businesses in Cardiff that you may not have heard about. How can you decide which one is the greatest, though? The key is to learn what makes each business unique and match that knowledge with your requirements.
While some caterers focus on serving up Welsh classics, others broaden their offerings to include meals from around the world. Some are great for small, private parties, while others can accommodate big crowds. If you want to choose the right choice for your event, you need to do some serious investigating.
Another thing to bear in mind when picking a catering companies cardiff is their attention to detail. Everything matters when it comes to giving your guests an experience they won't soon forget, from the setting to the service. Look for businesses who go the additional mile to ensure your satisfaction; they are more likely to throw in some extra sparkle.
It's your party, so feel free to make any special requests or ask any questions you have. The best caterers will be more than happy to collaborate with you and modify their services accordingly. With these pointers in mind, you'll be able to tap into the expertise of Cardiff's finest caterers and give your guests a meal they'll never forget.
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Cardiff's Professional Caterers Reveal Their Trade Secrets for Successful Events
It can be difficult to pull off a good event, but with the help of the caterers in Cardiff, the task becomes much simpler. Finding a caterer who takes the time to learn about your event's specific demands and tastes is the key to a successful event.
There is a wide variety of skilled individuals in Cardiff's catering scene, all of them are dedicated to providing excellent service and delicious meals. They pay attention to detail and will collaborate with you to make a menu that suits your needs.
Cardiff's professional caterers can handle any event, whether it's a business gathering or a family reunion. They have a wide variety of selections that are sure to please your guests, from exquisite canapes and finger food to mouthwatering main dishes and desserts.
When it comes to gatherings, presentation is everything, and these caterers know that. They take care of every part of the dining experience from table arrangements to decor ensuring your venue appears as amazing as the cuisine tastes.
If you work with professional caterers in Cardiff, your next event will not only include wonderful food, but it will also be flawlessly executed. Their ability to design unique menus for each client makes them a priceless asset in planning a special event.
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South Wales' Culinary Delights: An Exploration
With its long history of fine cooking and wide variety of locally grown ingredients, South Wales is a paradise for gourmet travelers. Welsh lamb and beef, as well as fresh seafood from the shore, are just two examples of the delicious cuisine that Wales has to offer.
Cawl, a substantial soup cooked with lamb or beef and vegetables like leeks, potatoes, and carrots, is a local favorite in the southern region of Wales. The cuisine, which was once reserved for the working class, has gained widespread popularity and can be seen on menus around the country.
Welsh fruit loaf, or bara brith, is a popular afternoon treat and a local favorite. Dried fruits soaked in tea are a common ingredient in the batter, however the exact proportions vary from person to person.
Welsh cakes are little, circular pastries flavored with spices like cinnamon and nutmeg and studded with dried fruits like currants and raisins. They're commonly served hot off the griddle smeared in butter for an additional decadent treat!
The delicacies of South Wales are not only wonderful, but also rich in history and culture. Discovering the region's cuisine is a thrilling way to travel through time while feasting on delicious contemporary takes on traditional fare.
Get the Best Equipment Possible for Your Bristol Catering Company!
These high-quality items are a must for any catering business in Bristol, and once you start using them, you'll never look back. From high-quality cookware to innovative kitchen gadgets and trustworthy storage solutions, these items can help you optimize your operations and serve amazing meals that are sure to please your clients.
Purchasing high-quality materials is an investment in the future of your company. When you have the correct resources at your disposal, you can improve every facet of your business and provide each of your consumers an experience they will never forget.
In that case, why delay any longer? Your catering business in Bristol might become a culinary powerhouse if you invest some time today in researching the best catering materials currently available.
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trochoco · 8 months
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Cawl Traditional Welsh Broth This cawl recipe is popular with the local farming community of Cardiganshire in Wales. This soup tastes better after reheated so make ahead of time. 2 quarts water, 2 large onions chopped, 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley, salt and pepper to taste, 2 large carrots sliced, 1 rutabaga diced, 4 potatoes peeled and quartered, 1 small head cabbage sliced, 2 leeks sliced, 12 ounces beef shank
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