#wearing a mask at the computer while he is locked in our spare room because i'm showing as negative
lauronk · 5 months
can i make a fic about jellyfish just as long as a fic about plants?
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well i'm sure as shit gonna try
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flowerfan2 · 4 years
Private Time
I’ve been reading and writing (and living with) so much angst lately, I decided to indulge in some silly, sexy funtimes with a fandom I haven’t visited in a while.  Enjoy.
Klaine, 2k, A03.
Summary:  Living with his grad student roommates in quarantine, private time is hard to come by...
Blaine is generally very happy living in the somewhat rickety four-bedroom house he shares with three other grad students.  It’s not too far from school, it’s got a workable washer and dryer in the basement, and the kitchen was renovated sometime in the past twenty years so it’s perfectly adequate for making whatever quick meals he manages to scrounge together after class.
But boy, are the walls thin.
This hasn’t been a problem until recently, when COVID-19 struck.  School has gone online, but unlike the undergrads, Blaine and his roommates have a lease and all of them decided to endure the quarantine here in Somerville, Massachusetts rather than go home.  According to Kurt, Somerville may not be where he wants to end up, but it’s far better than the Midwest town he grew up in and he has no desire to weather the quarantine back in Lima.
Thanks to the quarantine, Blaine has learned this and many more facts about his flatmates  – and yes, they have all taken to calling it a flat, after an evening which started out with teasing Sam about how he likes to talk with a fake British accent turned into one of the most carefree nights Blaine has had in a long time.  Apparently all it took was a few bottles of cheap wine and a defrosted cheesecake from Star Market to loosen them all up.
 “We’re proper mates, now,” Sam had announced, waving his arms and nearly knocking over a lamp in the process.  By the time they had all wandered off to bed, Blaine had learned that Kurt’s favorite singer was Lady Gaga, that Rachel had taken a year off from school to film a television pilot, and that Sam played the guitar rather well, as long as it was country music.
 Blaine has liked Sam since they met playing intramural soccer in the fall.  So when Sam mentioned last month that they had a spare bedroom, Blaine quickly took him up on the offer.  Blaine’s previous apartment was lonely and smelled like something had died in the ceiling, so it was really a no brainer.
 What had caught Blaine by wonderful, wonderful surprise, however, was that Kurt Hummel was one of Sam’s roommates.  Blaine had seen Kurt perform in a production of Macbeth back in October, and had been mesmerized by the man’s performance.  It hadn’t even occurred to him that Kurt was a regular grad student just like he was, not until Sam gave him the tour of the house and Kurt waved to him from the kitchen where he was gossiping with Rachel over skinny margaritas.
 With just a smile and a nod and an agreement to take his turn putting out the trash, Blaine gained three roommates, including the guy he had been crushing on for months.  Not bad for a Wednesday.
 Much to Blaine’s dismay, simply moving into the house didn’t result in any quality time with Kurt. Between school and performances Kurt was hardly ever home, and Blaine’s schedule studying history and music theory was hardly better.  Since the stay at home order was put in place, however, it’s a whole new world. Now the four of them can hardly get away from each other.
 For the first two weeks of their enforced togetherness, everyone was on their best behavior, and the drama of it all gave them a shared sense of adventure.  Kurt sewed them all homemade masks, Blaine carefully organized grocery trips to minimize time in the stores, Sam tried to get them to adopt home fitness routines, and Rachel kept them apprised of the most interesting celebrity bits to watch on You Tube.
 But they are entering into week three of the quarantine, and the novelty is wearing off.  For one thing, Rachel has been getting more and more demanding about household details (she is constantly editing the chore wheel and claiming someone else did it), and while Kurt generally has acted as peacemaker when confronted with Rachel’s whims, even he seems to be getting tired of it. Sam hasn’t done his laundry at all since they got locked in, and Blaine is running out of hair gel.  Kurt has taken to cleaning the fridge so often that Rachel accused him of stealing cleaning supplies and rubber gloves from health care workers.
 They are all becoming short-tempered and irritable.  Blaine even catches himself snapping at Kurt, which is the last thing he wants to do. He’s worried that by the time the quarantine lifts, Kurt will never want to speak to him again, let alone date him.
 Blaine has a few tried and true strategies for when he gets like this, but none of them are working. Sam insists on running with him every time he goes out, and his well intentioned chatter prevents Blaine from finding any escape.  He can’t let off steam by boxing, because his gym is closed.  And as for the things he really knows would do the trick, especially after an afternoon of watching Kurt do ballet stretches in yoga pants, well… the walls of their apartment are very, very thin.
 Blaine knows this because Sam apparently feels no shame in indulging in his own solo activities. It’s easy to hear him, even from across the hall.  Given that Blaine’s bedroom shares a wall with Kurt’s, there’s no way Blaine’s going to risk Kurt hearing anything of the sort from Blaine’s room.
 Towards the end of the third week, Rachel calls a roommate meeting.  Blaine has just finished an endless zoom call with his research supervisor, and he feels like his eyes are going to pop out of his head if he doesn’t get his contacts out soon.  But Rachel insists, so they all gather in the sitting room, Sam and Blaine on the lumpy brown couch, and Kurt sitting on the edge of an armchair, looking to Blaine like he could be posing in a fashion magazine.
 “Thank you for coming,” Rachel begins, as if they had any real choice in the matter.  She launches into an overview of their past few roommate meetings, and brings up an excel spreadsheet on her computer, on which she has apparently made further edits to the chore wheel.
 Blaine tries not to be distracted by the way the asymmetrical neckline of Kurt’s cashmere sweater drapes over his collarbone when he leans forward to look at Rachel’s chart.
 “So I decided on Saturdays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays,” Rachel says, looking around the room for approval.   Blaine realizes he has lost the plot completely, but luckily he’s not the only one.
 “Wait, what?”  Sam asks.  Kurt has found a nail file somewhere and isn’t paying much attention either, but his mouth quirks up at little at Sam’s question, so he’s probably glad Sam is taking the blame for this one too.
 Rachel lets out a long suffering sigh, and places an Amazon box on the table.  “As I said, I haven’t been able to use the practice rooms for weeks now, and my vocal production is suffering.  I need to be able to focus properly on allowing my voice to soar over my accompaniment at its expected volume, without having to censor myself.”
 Sam still looks confused, and Rachel glares at him.  “I need to listen to loud music, and sing loudly, ok?  So I got these for all of us.”
 Sam frowns.  “I don’t mind if you sing, Rach.”
 Rachel’s hands clench at her sides.  “It’s not about you, it’s about me.”  Kurt coughs not indiscreetly into his hand, but Blaine doesn’t quite catch what he says. “I need you all to wear these, for an hour, three times a week.  I’ve clearly marked this as private time on our schedule, from 11 to midnight, Saturdays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.”
 “But what if-“
 “Sam, let it go,” Kurt says. “We’re all missing <I>private time</I> these days.”  Kurt stands up and smooths his hands down his skin tight jeans.  “It’s fine with me, Rachel.”
 Blaine stands up too, and peers into the box, then takes out a set of headphones.  They are high end noise-cancelling models, clearly expensive, and probably quite effective.  “These are great, Rachel.  Thanks. But you didn’t have to do this. I’m sure we could have worked something out so you could practice.”
 Rachel glares at him now too, and tosses her hair over her shoulder.  “I <i>have</i> worked it out.  
Private time commences at eleven o’clock on each designated night.  I expect you all to go to your rooms, and wear the headsets.  It’s the least we can do to help preserve our collective mental health during this trying time.  Do I have your agreement?”
 They all agree, and Rachel smirks, satisfied.  Blaine chalks it up to roommate harmony and sets about seeing what he can make for dinner out of tortillas, one cucumber, and three apples (answer:  nothing,  they eat frozen pizza).
 Later that evening, he and Sam are on the couch trying to find something to watch on Netflix. Suddenly Sam leans over and slaps Blaine on the shoulder.
 “Ow, Sam, what was that for?”
 “I know why Rachel got the headphones for us,” Sam announces, grinning crazily,  “It’s so she can have a wank!”
 Blaine attributes Sam’s ongoing affinity for British slang to the amount of Sherlock fanfic he’s been reading lately, but now really isn’t the time to get into it.
He reflexively starts to deny it, but then he realizes with a flush of embarrassment that Sam is probably right.  Sam watches his face and his grin gets even bigger.
 “She’s kind of a genius, isn’t she?”  Sam grabs a set of headphones and bounds away up the stairs.
 “Sam,” Blaine calls out, wanting to remind him that it’s Monday, and therefore no private time is scheduled.  Not that it’s stopped Sam before.
 The next night Rachel reminds them all after dinner that private time will begin precisely at eleven o’clock.  After a group viewing of the first episode of Deadwater Fell (during which Blaine divided his attention between watching David Tennant, watching Kurt, and watching Kurt watch David Tennant), Rachel checks the time on her phone and orders them all upstairs.  At five minutes to eleven, she screams “put your headphones on,” and slams the door to her bedroom.
 Blaine thinks this is all fairly ridiculous, but he puts on the headphones anyway, and settles on his bed with his laptop.  He surfs around for a while, finding clips of some noteworthy Shakespeare productions (okay, fine, it’s Benedict Cumberbatch playing Hamlet), but then his mind starts to wander. Being cooped up with his roommates has been… constraining… for him too, and maybe he should go ahead and take advantage of the private time Rachel has arranged for them.
 Blaine makes himself more comfortable and slides a hand down his body, wondering if his roommates are doing the same.  Wondering, especially, if Kurt is doing the same.  He unzips his fly and takes himself in hand, letting out a long sigh at the sensation – and then freezing when he hears himself.  Blaine quickly realizes that as he got comfortable on the bed, the headphones had slipped off his ears.
 And if he can hear himself, what if Kurt can hear him too?
 Any interest in solo activities leaves him in a flash, and Blaine quickly zips himself up and plants his feet on the floor.  He makes sure the headphones are properly situated on his ears, and spends the remaining twenty minutes of private time organizing his sock drawer.
 The next morning his roommates seem downright cheery, and Blaine starts to regret his nerves.  It would have been nice to get a little relief from the stress of quarantine, even at the risk of potential embarrassment. Maybe he just needs to be quieter, next time.
 Thursday night Blaine fluffs his pillows and arranges himself on the bed face down, so that any noise he makes will be muffled.  This turns out to be a brilliant idea, and he has quite a good time imagining that Kurt is underneath him, writhing and squirming and rutting against him, all long lines and warm skin.  It’s not a pillow stifling his cries, it’s Kurt’s wet mouth…
 When Blaine finally comes to, he feels a little guilty, but he’s more relaxed than he’s been in weeks. Maybe he’ll get through this quarantine after all.
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laurabelle2930 · 5 years
If Oliver Queen a.k.a. Arrow had actually died after his heart stopped beating, what would Felicity and John's reactions be to Arrow's death? Where would Oliver's friends take his corpse to? And finally, when would the Queen Family know about the death of Oliver? Note: This scenario is an alternate take on the "Arrow" episode, "The Odyssey".
Sorry it took so long! All mistakes are mine! Enjoy!
Today marked the 5th year since Starling city lost a symbol of hope. Oliver Queen’s death impacted many but none more so then the few who knew the truth of his dual identity. For Felicity her reaction was to grieve but, for what she was still unsure. Was she grieving for a friend or was she saying goodbye to the possibility of something more. For the first few days she simply felt numb. Her quick wit and kind smile faded into a muddled mess of anger, sadness, and confusion. She’d known him for mere months, but something inside her heart snapped until all she could focus on was the pain of knowing that someone she cared for was gone. 
John Diggle’s reactions were expected. He was a soldier, he was a warrior and he knew he still had a mission to finish. He first dealt with Felicity. He made sure she was okay enough to help with the tear filled days that were yet to come. John Diggle become her friend, her partner, protector, and her family all in the matter of three days.  In the end John’s guidance proved invaluable as they began to decide how to mourn Oliver as the man and then as the hero he was on the cusp of truly becoming. Felicity recalled those cold, broken moments as she finished dressing for the day.
The weather outside was cool. The leaves on the trees were beginning to fall. The air was crisp and the sun was losing its battle with the coming clouds. All and all it was another fall day that was giving way to the approaching winter. Felicity buddled her scarf around her slim neck as she moved along the busy pedestrians that now filled the otherwise broken city streets. Once Oliver was gone Starling city began to fall. It was slow at first and almost hard to detect but; little by little the once vibrant city began to go dark. The first blow was the leveling of the Glades. Felicity along with John, Roy and even a handful of Lance’s police officers tried to stop the bombs, but in the end they were just too late. Malcolm Merlyn took credit for the horrendous act three weeks later… And it was with a grim looking Moira Queen at his side. 
Oliver’s family company fell. Merlyn’s empire continued to grow and the city continued to crumple. Felicity wanted to run, hell she’d wanted to flee after Oliver's funeral was broadcast over the television for all the world to see. All she wanted was a brand new start until she saw the drawn face of a destroyed Thea Queen. In that moment she’d run from Oliver’s grave and straight toward someone she felt would feel the same. The memories of his funeral continued like a photo album in her head as she reached into her purse for a green hued key. As she was placing the key into the lock she felt a familiar palm fall upon her slender, left shoulder. She smiled as the cool air nipped at her red cheeks. “I thought you said you’d be here at noon?” she mumbled as she swiftly unlocked the door and moved to escape from the biting wind. 
She and the unnamed guest moved past the darkened foyer until they both were at what appeared to the naked eye to be an abandoned elevator shaft. Felicity removed her gloves. She placed her thumb along a blackened scanner until a small light began to glow green. The woman who was once just a troubled young girl looked idly around the space as she said, “I came into town to visit with the investors and found myself with some time to spare so...” 
“So you thought you'd finally take me up on my offer of a visit?” Felicity chuckled as the abandoned shaft suddenly began to glow with unexpected light. 
Thea grinned before a shadow of a frown began to grow along her ageless face. “I can’t believe it’s been five years,” she whispered as Felicity softly reached for her hand. 
“Are you sure you want to see all this?” Felicity asked as Thea’s palm began to shake along her own. “No one would blame you if you still didn’t want to face all of this,” she added as they both began to step inside the lit wall of an elevator that had been recently brought back to life by money and a bit of elbow grease. 
Thea’s soft squeeze along their joined hands told her it was safe to proceed. Felicity walked them both forward with trepidation as the doors began to close. Felicity gazed over at the woman before her with awe. Telling Oliver’s family that he’d died was still one of the worst days she could remember having to endure within the scope of her life. 
Felicity could still remember how she’d felt when she realized that Oliver’s heart had beat for the last time. She’d barely known him and, yet his death did something to her soul that she feared would never completely heal. Her heart felt heavy as she watched John Diggle’s eyes flood with unshed tears. His entire body shook with unexpressed rage as he began to pull the various cords form Oliver’s now lifeless body. Felicity just stood there numb as John began to clean the room around her. She just stood there frozen as the world around her began to grow dim...
Three days later she was sitting in the Queen’s family home. The police had been called to a robbery just outside of the city. John with her help had managed to get Oliver out of his hooded persona’s pants and into a spare pair of jeans that he kept hidden in a locker by a makeshift bed in the foundry. They found a faded blue shirt and even a tailored leather jacket to complete the overall look. They then moved his body towards the edge of an alley that was far enough away from the foundry to erase any conversation about where he was located at the time of his death. Once he was perched up against an aging brick wall they made an anonymous phone call. When they heard the siren’s they hid behind a dumpster and waited until Oliver’s body was found and taken to the county morgue. Once there everything became fairly easy. His death was determined a robbery gone wrong. The police found the planted gun and a few items such as his wallet and, even a random watch lying beside him at the scene. Moira made a public announcement once the investigation was closed. Felicity and John were both summoned hours later by Moira after his death had been made public knowledge. 
They sat there silently as Moira placed the blame solely on John’s shoulders. He took it all in stride while Felicity boiled with internal rage. Once Moira was done with John she turned her red rimmed eyes towards Felicity. She gave her a watery, half smile as she lowered her tone and softened her demeanor. Felicity nearly drew blood as the woman before her said, “I called you here because according to the police you were the last person he called before he died.” 
Felicity became a statue as her mind began to crumble over what Moira was asking. With a thudding heart Felicity let out a muted, “I’m sorry Mrs. Queen but, I missed the call.” 
Felicity was forced back to the present when the elevator reached the bottom floor. Thea stepped into the darkened space while Felicity went for the lights. Moments later the room was flooded with a warm glow of yellow and green. Thea gave her a soft smile as her eyes began to roam around the circular room. The lair was much like the foundry had been with a few differences. Felicity had an up to date computer center that didn't make her heart hurt. They had the usual toys and weapons on another side of the room with the training center in the back. Hell this space even had living quarters for the nights that became mornings. 
Thea knew that something was amis about Oliver's death but she always refused to truly see it until recently. A year after Oliver died Tommy formed a foundation to help those who were harmed in the undertaking. Moira eventually gave into guilt and took a plea deal with the district attorney. She avoided prison by giving up Malcolm. He however evaded his sentence by vanishing. Two years later he was back under a different name and his company was deeded to his living heirs. One of them being Thea. Her trips home from her studies abroad continued to increase as the fight for Sterling began to ignite.  “So my brother was the Hooded man that attached our mother the night he died?” she breathed as she began to take in all the sights before her. 
Felicity moved towards the center of the room where all her “babies” were kept. Her computers hummed along quietly as she pulled out her chair and took a solemn seat. “Yes and, we meaning John and I decided to continue his mission after he died.” 
Thea crossed her arms protectively over her chest. Felicity crossed her legs then tilted her head. Thea’s eyes were on the training mats in the background when she whispered, “But John’s not the man who wears the mask now is he?” 
"Why would you ask that?" Felicity asked knowingly. 
Thea shot her an amused gaze as she said, "You wouldn't be interested in getting me down here if it was him.'
Felicity smiled softly as she pressed a button along the side of her keyboard. Another row of lights began to glow. Below them held four glass compartments. The compartments held three disguises. John's was black with a custom made helmet. Roy's was redish black with his own set of Arrows. Sara who returned home months after Oliver's passing was the owner of the Canary cry and the disguise it required. Felicity heard Thea's breath hitch when the fourth disguise began carefully walking in from the shadows of the back wall. Felicity’s own heart began to thud wildly as Thea gasped, “I knew it had to be you,” before she ran towards the man in green. 
Felicity whispered, "And now we're six…" as she began to stand once more. Her heart ached slightly when she heard the man in green say, “Oliver was my best friend and he was your big brother. It only seemed right that your other big brother should do what he always tried to do.” 
“And what’s that?” Thea sniffled as Felicity began to move back towards the elevator.
His soft, “Protect our little sister,” was she heard just as the elevator doors slid shut. 
After the funeral Felicity didn’t run to John she’d run to Tommy Merlyn. It was there in the middle of Verdant that she told Oliver’s truth. She explained how his mission had began. She told him who the players were and she even pledged to help him as she did Oliver if he promised to do one thing. He in shock mumbled, “Anything…” as she whispered, 
“Honor Oliver's memory.” 
After that a new Hood was born. John taught him to fight, Roy taught him to survive and even Laurel kept him out of any legal trouble. Sara joined the cause later and became Felicity's closet friend. 
Now five years later at Tommy’s request Thea was being told the truth and offered a chance to make the same choice both of her brothers had made many years before. She was being offered a place on the team that consisted of “The Arrow”, “Spartan, “The Canary," "Arsenal", and of course Felicity who held the title of ''Overwatch ``
Felicity didn't need to hear Thea's reply she already knew what it would be. She was after all a Queen. In the end, Oliver's death hadn’t been in vain. His best friend Tommy became a hero. His brother John became a husband, father and, also a hero. Laurel found her purpose and even realized that Oliver wasn’t the love of her life. Sara his friend came home and found her home. His unspoken soulmate Felicity found her calling and realized that sometimes your soulmate isn’t the person you end up with; sometimes it’s the person who sees who you are even before you do. 
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pockpop · 5 years
to fall in love 02 | kim taehyung
➢ summary: in the end, he loves you and you love him, as long as you do then anything is possible.
➢ genre: seriously just fluff, I mean maybe some angst if you reaallly look(?) but we fluffy around here hehe
➢ a/n: my views on how I wrote this are mixed hahaha so I might end up rewriting it idk but I do hope you like this loves!
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part one | part two | part three
your relationship with taehyung was like honey. sticky and sweet, messy at times but you constantly come back for more. it took a lot for you to open him up but once you did, he was always something unpredictable.
his love was a rare one indeed and he never let any insecurities or flaws of yours stop him from showering you in his love. no matter what the fans said, family, friends, his puppy love towards you had become something deeper and you felt it.
you knocked on the door of taehyung’s designated art room, which was really the spare room in your apartment. moments later you were greeted with the sound of his gruff,”come in.”
opening the door slowly, you looked around with familiarity at the canvas decorated room. paints and brushes were collectively scattered everywhere and he sat in the middle of the room with his back to you. you couldn’t help but bite your lip watching his back muscles move under the white t-shirt he was wearing. the short sleeves rolled up as his arm flexed with his quick movements across the canvas.
you felt your heart race at the sight of him since you had spent all day at your friends house getting your hair done. even though you craved to take some medicine and go to sleep from your throbbing headache, you had to see your baby first.
he paused as he finished a brush stroke to turn and greet you, giving you a good look at his glasses that were balanced on his nose, his freshly dyed mint green locks and the silver rings adorning his long fingers. 
smiling at you, he put aside his paint and paintbrush to pull you into his lap, leaning quick to kiss you lovingly.
“I missed you,”he whispered against your lips then leaned back to get a good look at your new hairstyle. light brown faux locs that shaped your face perfectly, smirking he played with the end of one, making sure not to pull too hard.
“beautiful as always, but I think this is one of my favorite looks on you.”
“oh really?”you asked wrapping your arms around his neck,”mhm.”he kissed you once more before squeezing the side of your thigh.
“are you excited to meet the boys tomorrow?” you shrugged,”more nervous than anything.”
“you’ve already met them technically over video chat before, they are excited to see you.” he brushed his lips against your jaw, pressing a delicate kiss there. “you know, I’ve always pictured what it would be like if we had sex right here in this room.”
“you say that about every room in this house, can’t we leave this one pure?”
he chuckled still letting his lips trail down your neck, leaving butterfly kisses on your collarbone.
“yeah nice try, but I have to pack for the boat trip still and you’re not getting out of helping me.”
taehyung groaned planting his head on your chest with a muffled,”i had to try.”
“y/n!” hoseok was the first to notice you when taehyung led you down the dock to the boat. you giggled as he did a little run,sweeping you up into a hug.
“hobi! I missed you!”
“I could say the same but tae is constantly showing us videos of you, how can we possibly miss you.” taehyung groaned,”hyung,stop exposing me.” hoseok grinned finally letting back down on your own two feet.
“come on, everyone else is already on the boat, hope you both brought your swimsuits.”
the boys were hosting a boat party with a few friends to go scuba diving and thought it was a perfect way to get to spend more time with you and get to know you. taehyung held your waist as hoseok led the two of you onto the boat, bowing and greeting staff members as you went. everyone was out on the main deck, drinks had already been poured and the sun was out. though you had on a sheer white cover up, it wasn’t much to hide your royal blue two piece that shaped your body just right.
so when you entered the main deck, all eyes naturally drifted to the one that stood out from head to toe. however, you weren’t expecting the members to cheer in sight of you.
“she has finally arrived! we have been awaiting to finally meet the queen who stole our taehyung’s heart,” namjoon stated, rising from his seat to hold your hands. “hey I’m here too! why aren’t any of you excited to see me?” taehyung mumbled, still pouting though jungkook wrapped a arm around his shoulders. “but we see you all the time! you’re just not that exciting anymore.”
“I’ve never felt so attacked in my whole life.”
“stop being dramatic! now y/n, come and sit and have a drink,we must give you all the dirt on tae before you get too serious.” jimin said pulling you to sit beside him and you laughed,”please inform me because he makes it out to me like he is the angel.”
“jimin if you want to keep your life-“
“no threats tae! we all got plenty of stories!”jungkook mused already sitting on the other side of you,”shall we tell her about the time taehyung spent the night with-“
“jungkook shut up!” taehyung cried but the other members were already all trying to tell you the story leaving taehyung an embarrassed but cute mess. the joking and teasing went on until you reached the diving location. everyone had a few glasses of wine and loosened up enough to now spill their own secrets to you instead of taehyung’s.
jin was the one to help you put on the scuba mask and kind of talk you through what to do. you trusted him more than the others since they were definitely more tipsy than he was.
taehyung was the one to hold you hand as you stood on the edge before jumping in. the crystal blue waters of the ocean swallowed you both in its crisp coolness and with the gear on, you could see everything. taehyung pulled you along, always looking over to you just to see that excited look in your eyes.
various colors of fish swam all around you, the rest of the members were playing around and pointing out things to you, but the best part was how you felt in the moment.
you had stressed so much about meeting his friends and putting on this great first impression when really they were the ones to really put on the show. swimming back up to the surface for air, taehyung pulled out his mouth piece to smile at you.
“you know, underwater your hair looks like little snakes,”he teased and you splashed water at him, your heart leaping at the sound of his childish laugh.
“ugh I hate you,” but taehyung didn’t believe that at all, moving to kiss your nose,”come on, let’s go down again.”
once you had gotten tired of diving and proving to jungkook countless times that he was the faster swimmer, you sat curled to taehyung’s side with your braids wrapped up in a towel.
you had your hand on his chest, loving the way he shuddered as your nails gently scratched against his sun kissed skin. heading back to shore, taehyung kept talking about eating all kinds of foods to eat for dinner but you were just happy enough to be there in that moment.
when it came to the fans, every time you had a new hairstyle, every outfit, every picture you took, especially with taehyung and the members, the fans never missed them.
for a while you had abandoned social media just to get a break from how many times your name was mentioned.
throughout your day, there were many fans that did want pictures with you and weren’t trying to call you all out your name and make you feel bad just for being with taehyung. but it was truly ones behind their phones and computer screens that tried to make you feel small.
but taehyung was always right there, always there to remind you that those comments weren’t important. every time taehyung saw you even remotely trying to read comments, he reminded you that,”it’s you and me in this relationship, not everybody else. stop caring so much about how they view you, they don’t know you.”
of course, friends and family had started bringing up children and marriage when your relationship was breaking the three to four year point. you both hadn’t exactly mentioned it really but it had always been in the back of your mind.’
one afternoon,taehyung was laying between your legs while you both were watching the best man. you were putting little braids in his hair, not exactly paying any attention to the movie, too caught up in your own thoughts.
taehyung had been pretty quiet as well, the only time he spoke was when he was asking a question or laughing at something in the movie. but when the scene of mia walking down the aisle came on and lance had began to cry, taehyung had interrupted your thoughts when he sat up and turned to face you.
“y/n, do you want to get married to me one day?”
your eyes widened in surprise, you almost couldn’t take his question seriously with the little braids sticking up all over his head.
“I mean uh if it was meant for us to.”
taehyung rolled his eyes at you playfully,”yes but I mean do you see it? is that what you want?”
“well what do you want?”
“I asked first.”
“touché.” you tilted your head and looked him over, his baby brown eyes looking at you just as lovingly and cutely as they did the first time you met, his bare face glistening with the moisturizer you put on it, his shirtless chest was bronze with a tan from your recent outing.
he had changed a lot physically since the first time you met him but the one thing that that hadn’t was the way he talked to you, now held you when you were scared or how he always kissed you like it was the last time.
how could you lie and say you couldn’t see a future with him? he never gave you any reason to not see daily life without him. you had been dating for a few years now and you had already acted like a married couple anyway, how much would a piece of paper really change?
“taehyung, do you really want to know what I see with you?”he nodded his head, his little brown braids flopping with it. smiling, you leaned forward to kiss his nose.
“I see us in this big house, with lots of animals and the strangest artworks. I see little brown babies running around your big eyes and your smile, I see us just being content and happy with one another that through every trial life puts us through, we always pull through. whether we are married or not, I see all of that with you.”
taehyung was quiet for a moment, his teeth catching his bottom lip in thought.
“so what if I want our babies to have your smile instead because I think honestly yours is better.”
you scrunched up your face,”really?”
he chuckled pressing a quick kiss to your lips,”yeah and well have chickens and goats and horses and pigs and dogs and-“
“I don’t know about all that-“
“but y/n! you said a lot of animals!”
“yeah! but I mean house pets!”
taehyung huffed shaking his head,”see, in our little family, it’s go big or go home. all our animals are going to be house pets and they are going to be loved and taken well care of always.”
“even with our careers and children?”
taehyung hummed pulling you close so this time you were laying between his legs, but his arms were secure around you.
“whatever trials life puts us through, we get through right?”
you nodded, kissing his arm,”right. so where’s my ring?”
even though he sat there arguing with you for the next five minutes, little did you know he had already been looking at rings for the last two months and had finally picked one that was safely hidden awaiting for his proposal to you.
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