#we were watcher
macbaybie · 2 months
bummer of a day. watcher’s content made a year of unemployment and debilitating mental illness survivable for me. hurts a lot that my family and others won’t be able to enjoy some of the best content on YouTube anymore.
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the-uncanny-dag · 2 months
The comment section under Watcher's new announcement
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trashworldblog · 1 year
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illustromic · 1 year
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I felt like I couldn't call myself a Desertduo artist until I drew the Perching Pose everybody draws them in >>> went 110% overboard and made this lmao. I love drawing Grian as a monstrous abomination muahaha
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trashygayraccoon · 2 months
Well...guess my comfort straight men have finally disappointed me....
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macncheems · 2 years
hes my enemy now. im also converting to be a boogara. this is was you get for having a bad list.
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pegsmothman · 2 months
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stxrry-dxys · 1 month
only thing i want to personally add to the whole watcher debacle is i’ve seen a lot of people say that the announcement video reeks of “we’re better than youtube” and while i agree, this is absolutely not a new sentiment from watcher.
i distinctly remember when watcher first started, and especially with ghost files, ryan’s biggest pitch was that he wanted to make high quality content like what you’d find on tv. that he’d always wanted to be a director, and as someone with a similar dream at the time all i could think was “and you’re gonna do that through,,,, ghost files?”
and then when puppet history started airing and shane was talking about his excitement for it he said something very similar. about always wanting to make content where he can really “go nuts with it”
it felt weird, like something about those sentiments wasn’t quite right, but i pushed it away. i had a similar dream to ryan and figured that watcher on youtube and ghost files would be a good way for him to establish a presence that tv stations might pick up. and the same for shane and puppet history and potentially getting a kids tv show out of it or something similar. i don’t know much about steven’s goals, but i had always assumed watcher would be temporary and that eventually they would get their own shows on already established networks. like they just viewed youtube as a stepping stone that they would quickly pull away from.
and then it kept going. and going. and suddenly productions values were going up and new shows were being pitched and tons of new employees were hired and the idea that watcher was temporary very much faded. but the attitude never did. they kept adding more but it never felt like they were establishing this brand as anything long term like gmm or smosh.
and even as the shows felt more overproduced it was almost like the quality was declining. puppet history was getting corrected on its facts more and more. ghost files was constantly getting called out for viewer submissions being obviously faked. they’d stayed on their stepping stone too long and it began to crumble.
this is not to defend them in any way, and this is not to shame any fans who feel blind sided. but i am not shocked by this in the slightest. dumbfounded at how awful a decision this is? absolutely. disappointed that they actually committed to it? for sure. but i am not shocked. this company was always on borrowed time, and i can finally let out the breath i’ve been holding since they first announced their own solo channel.
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theghoulboysblog · 3 months
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i think about these pictures from the buzzfeed exorcism video literally every day because even through the uncomfortability and awkwardness that was that video, shane was still right there making ryan laugh, and i think that’s so nice :)
the only besties that matter i fear! :)
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rumpeltyltskyn · 1 month
Oh by the way. Those of us who watch Watcher videos? Consume their ads and add to the count that goes towards their revenue. WE WERE PAYING THEM.
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terrificblanket · 2 years
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The math isn’t mathing
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littlekingbergara · 1 year
was just thinking about how amazing it is that weird wonderful world and ghost files exist at the same time from the same company. you have the same minds, the same hosts, the same team and yet the shows are like day and night. www reminds us of the wonder and whimsy and joy all around us while ghost files showcases the world's darker side in its tragedies and horrors. and that they're able to execute both shows each with its own finely-tuned aesthetic and its own little universe is really a beautiful display of how much Talent and Love exists at watcher and it's so so special.
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the-ghost-king17 · 2 months
Nothing like being told that you're not needed if you're not willing to pay for a streaming website for a single YouTube channel. Really makes one feel like they're in a welcomed community.
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puppet-purgatory · 2 months
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so let me get this straight, watcher:
An unknown party is planting VHS tapes on your own set weekly, containing ad reads by:
a self-proclaimed professor
who mentions unfortunate encounters with horses
who has an 'estranged wife'
whose jacket is tan and tie and red
who is a 'gamer'
whose image flickered in like a hologram in an earlier ad read,
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and you want us to just like, not think Something Smells Fishy. OK...
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softiedingo · 1 month
"we messed up" also known as:
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