#we have an offer to go tomorrow but if there arent any shops able to take us that soon theres not much of a point
faggling · 7 months
Hopefully we'll have heating tomorrow because it's about to start getting below freezing this weekend 🤞
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
Are you better at cooking dinners or making cakes/biscuits/sweets? baking definitely. I want to get more comfortable cooking.
Have you ever cut someone else’s hair? yes. I used to be pretty good at doing my brothers hair-- even the fading. But I’m sure I’ve forgotten it all by now.
Who was the last guest in your house and what were they staying for? probably my sister or my nephews.
How many long term relationships have you been in? blegh. not many. Whenever I’d know that it didnt have long term potential, id drop it. no sense dragging out the inevitable.
Do you sleep with all the lights out, or do you leave a lamp or even the television on? so for the longest time I kept my room super dark. I slept well. once miller died and kile broke my heart, I couldn’t sleep without the tv playing. I needed to hear something calming and voices talking so I wouldn’t be left with my thoughts. I still can’t turn it off.
Who is one person you have forgiven, but still have not “forgotten” what they have done? i think its easy to say “forgive and forget” but the reality is that once we have endured trauma we don’t easily forget. I think its kind of unrealistic. I’m trying to forgive kile but thats going to take.. i dont know how long. As for what it was... it was just betrayal.. lying. for six+ years. lots of laughing at me. 
Are you a fan of Lana Del Rey? I like some of her songs.
Do you know your blood type? o+
Do you know your mother’s birthday? Yes. its coming up. 
Have you ever been pregnant? I dont think so. I was really late after my assault but who knows.
How old were you when you first went on a plane? like 7ish
Have you ever had to take out a loan for anything? Yeah, student loans. 15k feels so daunting right now.
Are both of your blood parents still in your life? One is. My mom.
When was the last time you went apple picking? highschool maybe?
Someone asked you what you wanted, what would you say? money.. or a trip.
Have you ever been drunk at school or work? definitely not. 
How many bedrooms are in your house? four. 
Are you smart about computers? I know some stuff.
Have you ever played Just Dance for Wii? oh heck’n yeah
Do you own a Xbox 360? I had one from my brother for a little while but I traded it for the gamecube since Kile was going to send me one of the 15 he had lol. That didn’t end up happening, but its OK i really dont need more gaming.
Would you ever do a sex tape for a million dollars? oooooooo.. probably not.
So, do you need a nap? all day is full of naps to try and get over this.
What would you rather be doing? school
What sport are you the best at? maybe volleyball or swimming
Do you have a little sister? What’s her name? Nope, im the baby. 
Do you complain a lot? no, i try not to. I find complaining to be the most unattractive and yet common human trait and while there are definitely situations worthy of complaining, most of the time it just makes a situation worse than it actually was.
Would you rather go to an authentic haunted house or an ancient temple? temple
Do you like fruity or minty gum? definitely minty
Are you looking forward to any day of this month? i was really looking forward to Kile’s birthday on monday, but since we arent talking anymore then there is no joy in that. all the other special dates have been ruined by covid.
Have you ever gotten detention? Nope. homeschoolers and detention arent a thing. 
Is there a traumatic event that you’ve experienced that’s changed your life? oh sure. heartbreak, deaths, assaults, etc.
Do you buy a majority of your clothes from a certain store, or do you just pick out items of clothing you could see yourself wearing, not caring about the store it came from? no, i can’t be super picky because not every store carries clothing long enough for me.
Have any of the artists you’re fond of released new albums recently? i havent got a clue
Would you ever keep your favorite animal as a pet? I mean I’m very fond of cats & dogs
Ever cried so much you threw up? this is what happened the whole 2-3 weeks following finding out about Kile.
Who is your best guy friend? I suppose now that would be Nathan
What do you two do when you hang out? drives, game nights, get food/drinks, or just talk.
What is a movie that you thought you would hate but you ended up loving? Her
Do you even like horror movies? not particularly. I’ll watch them if someone else wants to but its not my preference.
Do you live in the country? i live in the suburbs i suppose.
What is your favorite accent? Some southern and British accents. <same ... i have no idea how I made the font like this.
Have you ever had a boyfriend your parents didn’t like? Not that I can think of.
Do you drink Pepsi or Coke? diet coke
What do you plan to do on your 21st birthday? my family celebrated during the day and then I think nathan took me out on the town
Do you have any person in your family with an addiction to beer? nope.
Do you take a lot of pictures? man. this question is hard. I used to love taking pictures of myself. I had much more self confidence and some of it was because kile LOVED my selfies -- or so he said. and I just had so much fun doing that. Since the heartbreak, I’ve maybe taken 10 selfies. I just don’t have any self confidence in my looks anymore. its so different now. most of my pictures now are of other people or scenery.
What kind of face wash do you use? cerave when I want to. otherwise i use water and a very particular type of fabric. 
Does drama always seem to follow you? No, i dont think so.
Does anybody in your family race? like cars? running? no.
Are you closer to your mom or dad? My mom.
How much money did you used to get from the ”tooth fairy?” I think i got it like 2x and it was a dollar.
Do you have a laptop or desktop? Laptop.
Do you like your parents? i love my mom.
Do you secretly like someone? No.
Would you ever date your best male friend? I don’t see any romantic feelings developing between nathan and I
What are you currently listening to? I have gilmore girls on.
Do you want to be single? oooof. Um. I am torn on this subject. On the one hand, i really am ready to be loved, held, protected, cared for, etc. I love the idea of building a life together with someone and us both protecting our unit. I miss supporting, cherishing, loving on someone. Yet on the other hand, im fine being single. I have so much insecurity about myself lately that I dk that anyone else needs to deal with that baggage. Idk
Did you go out or stay in last night? I stayed in. ill be staying in for some time.
Have you pretended to like someone? romantically, no. professionally, yes.
How is your heart lately? Sad. heavy. 
Are you wearing socks? not at the moment. 
What do people call you? Di, diana, dee, ana, di-nan-na, dine-uh, deenah.
Do you get stressed out easily? no, I really dont
Have you ever been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance? yes
What is wrong with you right now? im sick. im heartbroken.
Do you own something from Hot Topic? not that I know of. if I do, it’d be from like middle school. I never shopped there but people tended to give gifts from there.
Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone? Alone. maybe I havent found the right sort of person to share a bed with.
Do you still talk to the person you last made out with? No.
Have you ever seen your best friend cry? Yes, several times. 
Did you get any compliments today? No.
Have you ever gone to a beach? many many many times.
What would you say if someone asked you to get high right now? not my thing. at all.
Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? Yes.
Have you ever done volunteer work just because you wanted to? Yes.
Do you have long nails? they are healthy length. I want to grow them out a bit more. 
Do you like the gender you are? Yeah.
Do you generally look nice in photos? Not anymore
Have you ever had a stick insect as a pet? no haha
What colour are your father’s eyes? Blue.
If I handed you a concert ticket right now, who would you want to be the performer? uhhhhm, blue october
Would you ever get into a long distance relationship? maybe not anymore. 
What’s your favorite hot beverage? hot chocolate from dunkin
Did you ever play an instrument? If so what? i did. no comment.
Would you rather carve pumpkins or wrap presents? oooooohhhhhhhhh man i love both.
Do you think you’re important? I mean i offer some importance to this world but eh.
What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? Hmm no idea.
Have you been diagnosed with any mental disorders? no
Have you ever moved to another state or country? If so, how did it feel to be new? No.
Do you know how to properly eat food with chopsticks? Nope.
What was the first thing you ate today? I haven’t eaten since breakfast yesterday
If you could spend the day, doing absolutely anything, with anyone, anywhere, what would it be like? for the longest time it was to spend the day driving aimlessly and getting food and talking about everything and nothing with Kile. now, its just.. idunno. blank.
If I were to ask you how you are doing, and you were only able to answer completely honestly, what would come out? I’m not doing well.
What is the one thing that you have been avoiding that you should do? There’s a few things related to school.
Is there anything that you wish you could take back? not really, no.
What, in your mind, could make you truly happy? this whole covid nonsense going away, heartbreak to soothe, and my miller back.
If you could change one conversation in your life, what would you say differently? Would it have REALLY made any difference? i dont know. 
When is the next time you’ll change your hairstyle? Will you color it? I just changed it up so itll be a bit.
Do people normally say you’re a fast typist, or are you rather slow? Fast.
Have you ever been considered the ‘smartest person in school?’ yes. several times.
How many drugs are in your system? lol lots of meds rn to kick this. usually none.
What’s on your schedule for tomorrow? the same as today.
Do you currently have any bite marks/hickeys on your body? No. i dont like the idea of bite marks but hickeys were fun for a time. in not visible areas tho.
Do you call anyone baby? Not anymore.
What’s your current mood? Bleh.
What were you doing before filling out this survey? Watching gilmore girls
How late did you stay up last night? I took PM meds at i wanna say 8? maybe 7? I don’t remember.
When was the last time you cried really hard? its been a few weeks since ive cried about Kile. I’m in the numb stage.
Is your hair longer than your shoulders? hahahahahahah
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nie7027 · 4 years
"And then what happened?" Hatori asked completely invested in the story
"Minegishi dragged me all around the building knocking on every godamn door" Shimazaki simply said
"Was he able to convince them?" Hatori asked unable to keep the curiosity from his voice. Then again Shibata was equally eager to know.
Shimazaki shrugged
"He made me wait in the hall outside while he was inside"
It was 2 days after they have played the prank on Shimazaki and he was telling them about Minegishi's landlord's apparent outburst the previous day while they were in one of their now usual dog sightseeing walks.
Shibata hummed "At least now we know why Minegishi suddenly decided to work the afternoon shift"
"And why we ended up having to babysit this bastard" Hatori couldnt stop himself from adding.
Shibata rolled his eyes ignoring Shimazakis subsequent replies and muttering a quiet 'Here we go again' to himself
Even if he was already used to Hatoris and Shimazakis continous bickering that didnt mean he couldnt get tired from it.
He let them keep going at it while he did some quick maths in his head and intervened once they were in the middle of a who-flipped-the-bird-more-at-the-other contest.
"Guys this isnt the time for fighting. " he said forcing down both Shimazakis and Hatoris hands "Minegishi needs our help"
"And how are we supossed to help him? We arent exactly rich and some of us have future expenses like buying a new phone" Hatori complained fighting off Shibatas hold to show Shimazaki his middle finger one last time
"If you didnt want me to break it you shouldnt have used it to attack me" Shimazaki retorted not bothering to acknowledge Hatoris antics.
"GUYS" Shibata snapped "Hatori you knew very well how risky it was to use your own phone"
"You used yours as well!" Hatori whined while Shimazaki mockingly laughed at him.
"AND SHIMAZAKI" To Shibatas surprise said man actually shutted up and turned to him "Violence shouldn't be your first response. No if you want to be a respectable member of society"
"Whatever" the man huffed stuffing his hands in his jackets pockets and quickening his pace to walk ahead of them.
Shibata shaked his head.
He wanted to believe there was hope for their friend, specially after Hatori told him what him and Minegishi had seen while he was unconcious, but the point of the matter was... it had been Shimazaki who had knocked him unconcious in the first place.
He was still too prone to violence.
"So...what are we doing with Minegishi? How are we going to help him?" Hatori whispered at his side
"I honestly don't know. We could lend him some money to alleviate some of the load" Shibata proposed "I did some quick calculations and I dont think he was sued. If he was he would have taken the night shift too. The pay is better."
"He starts it tomorrow" Shimazaki interjected effectively killing any of Shibatas hope for Minegishis financial future.
"Fuck. At this pace he is going to work himself to the bone" Hatori lamented "Why do a flower shop even needs a night shift?"
"Funerals" Shibata and Shimazaki responded at the same time.
"Oh yeah. I forgot those...Aw man Minegishis landlord sucks."
Shibata shrugged "I dont even think he had the right to demand all of that from Minegishi"
"Why does he even keep living there? That jerk doesnt even do the mandated buildings maintenance!" Hatori grumbled "Now he is going to blame everything on Minegishi"
"You know very well why" Shibata sighed tiredly.
It was Shimazaki. He had stopped walking and stood in front of them, waiting for them catch up and give him an answer.
"Uuuh..." Hatori eloquently said. "Because he was part of a terrorist organization that wanted to take over Japan?"
"People dont let that pass so easily" Shibata slowly explained "it was televised"
Shimazaki shaked his head "You were there too and you dont have funny men screaming at you"
"Oh" Hatori exclaimed happy for the opportunity to make fun of Shibata "Big boy here was unconcious in a dumpster for most of the whole ordeal thanks to some 14 year old"
It was Shibatas turn to make fun of Hatori.
"Yeahb and this nerd here" he said pointing at Hatori with his thumb "Nobody recognizes his lanky ass as one of the feared terrorists even when he was the one who hijacked their signals"
"Perks of being a good looking beanpole" Hatori said grinning. And it was true, aside from governments officials, nobody ever thought of him something more than a weakass guy.
"But Minegishi...he was at the front of our forces taking control of the city so he was captured in footage several times"
"It doesnt help that he was present at the other incident too...or that he is eaisly recognizable, you know, with his lack of eyebrows"
"Minegishi doesnt have eyebrows?" Shimazaki asked genuinely surprised making Shibata and Hator burst out laughing.
Of all the things they said that was what Shimazaki had decided to latch on.
"No he doesnt" Shibata finally answered after taking a deep breath to recover "But basically thanks to all of that it was harder for him to get his own place. Not many people wanted to rent him and he couldnt afford most of those who did"
"Yeah, except for Seri most of us couldnt immediately get a job." Hatori said and Shibata could notice the way Shimazaki perked up at the mention of Serizawa but didmt have time to dwell on that because Hatori sudenly exclaimed
"What about him?" Shibata carefully asked.
"He started working before us. He should have more money saved!" Hatori simply answered as if that was the answer to all their problems
"You know Serizawas income is more err- variable than us. And besides he also has to pay for school"
"Serizawa goes to school?" Shimazaki asked confused "Why?"
Hatori shrugged "He considered that was the the best way to better himself? Personally I think that decision was whack"
"You say that because you actually have a college degree"
"A college degree that has been useless so far. I mean, look at this!" Hatori stopped pointing at a poster that was glued to the wall. It was a lost dog poster "They are paying more money for finding this dog than what they pay me in a week!"
"Holy shit" Shibata exclaimed after examining the poster. They were in fact paying a big sum of money to whoever returned the dog "They really must miss him a lot"
"Or maybe they are just filthy rich"
"My point still stands. Even if they are rich they still went and put up posters-"
"Is it a lot of money?" Shimazaki suddenly asked.
"i just said its more than my salary" Hatori deadpanned
Shimazaki made a face "That doesnt tell me anything"
"You little-"
"Yes, it is a lot of money" Shibata intervened before they could start fighting again
Shimazaki smirked "It says where?"
Shibata was confused "Where what?"
"Where did it get lost?" Shimazaki asked frowming as if that was the most obvious answer in the world
"Here says it was lost at" Hatori picked the poster to read the name of the district written in smaller letters "Ha! See? I told you they were rich. They probably-"
Hatori couldnt finish his jab. Out of nowhere Shimazaki grabbed both his and Shibatas shoulder and the old familiar and nauseating sensation of teletransportation engulfed them.
Hatori stumbled forward the moment he felt his feet made contact with earth again.
"Oh god...I had forgotten how much I hated that" he said sitting on the floor squeezing his sides
Shibata wasnt in a better shape leaning agains the wall that thankfully had materialized behind him "Buddy...a warning would have been nice"
"Crybabies" Shimazki huffed. Even that brat had held it together better than them.
Hatori, still on the floor hunched over, glared at him "You are used to it!"
Shimazaki waved him off and started to walk out the alley they had been telatransported to "You are just a weak-"
"Shimazaki..." Shibata called out taking a step away from the wall and offering his hand to help Hatori stand up. His stomach was almost settled and he could breathe better "Why did you brought us here?"
"Where are we even?" Hatori asked taking Shibatas hand and letting himself be pulled by the bigger man.
Shimazaki turned to look over his shoulder at the two of them "Didnt you say Minegishi needs money? We better find it before someone else does it. Besides there must be more lost dogs with owners willing to pay us- "
"ARE YOU SERIOUS?" Hatori exclaimed 
Shibata and Hatori both turned to look at eachother gasping. None of them could believe what they were hearing.
"Shimazaki..." Shibata breathed out in disbelief while the corned of his mouth were strating to pull into a big grin "You really are becoming a better-"
"Are you going to help or not?!" Shimazaki yelled exasperated before Shibata could continue with his corny speach. He really really didnt want to hear it and was willing to abandon them there if they tried to force him.
Luckily they didnt.
"Of course well help you" Shibata happily replied walking towards the end of the alley where Shimazaki was, dragging Hatori with him. "Thats what friends are for!"
"What the big guy here said" Hatori grinned adjusting his skewed glasses "Except how are we even going to search for it?"
Shimazaki turned to look to Hatoris left hand where he was still holding the lost dog poster "Does it says something about the dogs size?"
"What? Why do you-" Shibata asked confused when realization dawned on him "Of course! Mental eye!"
Hatori quickly turned the paper around and scanned it for a description letting out a Bingo once he found it
"Here. Medium sized Golden Retriever dog..."
He kept reading, Both him and Shibata explaining as best as they could how it looked like while Shimazaki nodded. Once it seemed like he understood he closed his eyes and focused for 1 minute until a smirk appeared on his face.
“I got 27 in the zone.”
Hatori and Shibata pumped their fists on the air”
“Ok. So well stay here lookin around  while you go with them. Go! And make sure they are stray dogs and not inside houses!” Shibata cheered as Shimazaki teletransported away.
It didnt take more than 5 minutes for him to return carrying a happy dog in his arms. It turned to be the wrong breed but it didnt matter because as soon as Shimazaki went he returned to the place he found it and immediately went to look for another one.
That’s how the three of them spend their night with Shimazaki going and coming carrying a different dog each time. They eventually had to move another neighbourhood but it the end they found the correct dog matching the posters description and quickly made their way to the address on the poster.
When Minegishi came home late at night all he wanted to do was to drop dead on his bed and never wake up again.
But he couldnt.
There was a big pile of dishes waiting for him at the kitchens sink and it wasnt going to be long before the smell became unbearable.
Even with Shimazaki staying at Shibatas and Hatoris place dishes, that Minegishi hadnt been able to wash what with him working at least 2 shifts most days, had kept accumulating to the point the stink was becoming unbearable.
He considered using his powers to do the dirty work but god he was so tired he didnt even have enough energy in him to lift a single leaf much less manipulate the necessary amount of vines to do that chore.
Who would have thought working a double shift at the flower shop could be so tiring? Not him even though he already worked there.
He clearly had understimated the strain customer service would put on him after 10 hours of dealing with it. Not to mention the physical extenuation from hauling all those dirt sacks.
Minegishi was too tired but he couldnt go to sleep yet.
That didnt mean he couldnt take a small break and sit down for a moment.
He had been on his feet all day. He deserved this.
Those were Minegishi last thoughts because the moment he sat down on hia couch in the living room and his head felt the support of the headrest he fell sound asleep.
He woke up to the feeling of something being dropped on his lap.
When he opened his eyes the room was dark and he couldnt see a thing but he could feel the strong presence of someone else in the room and with quick practiced motions he stood up ready to fight at the same he commanded his planta to turn on the light switch.
Light came and with it the sight of a very amused Shimazaki staring back at him.
"You are finally goinfmg to fight me?" the blind man asked with a smirk on his face.
"Keep wishing" Minegishi huffed dragging a hand along his face. "Ugggh. What time is it?"
He wasnt really expecting an answer from Shimazaki so he was suprised when the man replied.
"Huh? That late?" Minegishi said rubbing his eyes. "Must have fallen asleep" he muttered. He remembered cheking his phone when he arrived home and it had only been 10 pm.
"Werent you supposed to work the night shift today?" Shimazaki asked surprising Minegishi for the second time that night. He hadnt thought Shimazaki cared enough to remember his schedule. Lucky guees, perhaps?
"Yeah...but I was sent home." Minegishi simply said. He didnt feel like explaining the concern his boss had expressed at Minegishis apparently terrible state.
Shimazaki then made a face Minegishi had never seen on him making him a little wary of the man. His sides still hurt from prank they had pulled on him.
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peakyhxrry · 4 years
Runaways chapter four: the evade
Still in Birmingham Isaiah stands up taller looking at the brothers respectfully. On the outside, he was stoic and void of emotions but on the inside, he was fearing for not only his but Finn's life. He'd seen how Tommy's health had been deteriorating recently quicker than usual so he had no doubts that Tommy was telling the truth when he said that they were going to kill Finn. 'I can't let them get him' he thought to himself as they both stared at him expectantly. "How exactly am I going to help?" he questioned, "I can't kill him he's my best friend" he carried on staring Arthur down as he walked up to the younger boy. Best friend...a word that burned his tongue to say when he was describing Finn, of course, the two boys were best friends but for years now Isaiah had always hoped they would eventually become more but then Finn fell for his lady friend Maggie, oh and the fact that they would never be able to be together anyways it was frowned upon for men to be seen together in the way Isaiah wanted to be seen with Finn. "Exactly you're his best friend and he tells you everything, so did he tell you about this Isaiah?" tommys thick impatient accent cut through the boys' thoughts just like the blade of his cap would his eyes if they ever found out he was lying to them. "I didn't know anything about this Tommy I swear and no i don't know where he is before you ask" 'LIAR' he shouted to himself mentally hoping the two men couldn't see through his lies but relaxed when Tommy nodded "Alright get out of here Isaiah, any news about Finn and you tell us straight away" with a nod of respect the younger man tipped his hat to the both of them and walked out heading home. He wasn't in the mood to go to the garrison anymore.
Noticing his older brothers aggravation Tommy placed a hand on his shoulder "Arthur, calm down brother we will find him, he can't have gone far... send some junior boys to check the whore houses get word out to everyone that we're looking for him but don't tell them why just say its a family matter" he directed once he had gotten Arthurs attention and then Tommy left into his office and phoned up his house asking Frances to tell johnny dogs to come down to the betting shop he had a job for him.... His mind thinking of the body in the next room, well someone had to clean the mess up and him being a respectable politician couldn't do it himself now, could he.
Back in Sheffield Finn had left his room to go looking for someplace to eat. He remembered the woman on the reception suggesting a cafe a few miles down the road that would still be open at this time of night which he thanked her for. As he was walking he felt like someone was following him so he made the smart idea of slipping off into the next alley he walked past and dragged them in after him pinning them to the wall as he spoke "What the fuck do you want?" he loosened his grip when he saw that it was a woman no older than himself. From what she was wearing...or in this case the small amount she was wearing he could tell that she was a lady of the night. He remembered Maggie telling him about how they dressed up here to gain the men's attention easier when he first started talking to her, instead of just using her for a quick fuck. "You're one of those blinder boys arent you? Ive heard your lot pay good money to have a good time. Why don't I show you just how good a time you can have?" she pressed her body against his as she said the last part lowly in his ear. Any other time Finn would have jumped at the chance to have his way with the woman but he couldn't let himself be distracted now by whores. That and there was a vice in his head screaming 'no shes not him' which confused him what did the voice mean? And why not him? Shaking his head slightly he pushed the voice away as quickly as he pushed the girl away "sorry love maybe next time" and with that, he was off walking again.
Once he had found the cafe he quickly entered taking his cap and coat off sighing with relief that it as worm inside. He grabbed a menu and sat down looking through it to see if there was anything he fancied but to his dismay all he craved right now was a nice roast beef dinner cooked by his aunt Polly which unfortunately he might never get again. He was cut from his train of thought by the waitress walking over to him with a welcoming smile on her face " Hello, how can I help you, sir,?" she questioned as Finn looked between her and the menu again placing it down as he spoke "can I just have a bowl of chips please?" might as well use his manners they are feeding m him after all, with a nod the waitress jotted his order down and walked off to the kitchen to tell the chef what he wanted which left Finn to be able to look around the small but welcoming cafe. The few tables that were situated in the room held a few locals all talking to each other while they ate their evening meals and drank their tea and a man sat in the back corner on his own facing away from Finn as he read today's paper. The whole layout of the place reminded him of his aunt Polly's house and he made a mental note to come back here with Isaiah one day when all of this had blown over. He knew his friend would like it here as much as he does, granted that the food was actually nice that is.
As he was thinking this the waitress came back with his chips as well as a teapot and a cup placing al three items on the table causing Finn to look at her curiously "Excuse me miss but I didn't order this" he said pointing to the teapot as she smiles at him "i know sir the gentleman over there paid for it for you" as she said this the man he had been looking at earlier turned around and Finn's blood froze he didn't know how but Michael had found him and was now making his way over to the table, dismissing the waitress once he arrived sitting across from Finn pouring the two a cup of tea. "Fuck how did he find me?' he thought to himself panicking slightly that one of his brothers would turn up out of nowhere. Cautiously eating his food he studied his cousin before speaking "What do you want Michael?" he questioned the same time the other boy spoke "relax Finn im not here to take you back to Tommy. Im rather impressed actually. I always knew there was more to you than fucking whores and snorting snow." he said 'impressed? Impressed about what' he thought eyeing Michael up, he was already tired of his cousins' games and just wanted to get out of the situation now. "Im here to make you an offer finn. I said i saw your potential so why don't you come back to new york with me and gina? Youll be safe from Tommy and you can secretly work for me" he smirked taking a sip of his tea as he watched finn who stood up placing his cap back on his head and frowned "I don't know how you found me Michael but stay the fuck away. im not going with you back to new york and im not going back to Tommy either and if I find out youve told him where I am I will kill you." he stood up tall glaring at the boy as he put venom into every word he spoke showing that he means business and then he left heading back to the inn as quickly as he could and locking himself in his room. First thing tomorrow he'd have to leave. If Michael could find him so quickly he had to think that anyone could.
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Young Love (Pt 1)(Carlisle Cullen)
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Pairing: Carlisle Cullen/Reader Words: 1490+ Warning(s): None A/N: Sorry for the wait! I hope you like this one ^^ also i snuck in a good doctor character lol and for the sake of the story, ezme will not exist ;; Request:  can i request a carlisle cullen x human reader maybe younger too where they’re slowly falling in love and it’s just really cute and fluffy thankyou
You rushed through the doors of Forks Hospital, your heart pounding in your ears as you ran to the front desk to check in. Your adoptive brother had collapsed once more due to his frequent fainting spells and hit his head on the corner of his desk. You were his first contact due your parents being away on vacation and him being in your care for the time being. After you checked in, you didn’t waste any time to run towards his room in pure panic.
Despite your panic and rush, you opened the door as calmly as you could. Your brother, Steve, turned his head with a big grin on his freckled face. You instantly took notice of the gauzed wrapped around his head and a bruise on his hand.  
"Heya sis!" He greeted with a cheerful tone.  
"Are you okay?" You asked, pulling the chair from the corner to his bed. You collapsed into the chair and rested your head on the bed, some slight exhaustion fell over you.
"I'm fine, (Y/N). Honestly."
"I was worried, Steve. You've never gotten hurt when you fainted in the past. I though you may have cracked open your skull or something. They didn't tell me anything but you hit your head when they called." You sit up and sigh. At least he was alright and not seriously hurt.
"I got my trusty big sis with me here plus I am really tough and the scar will get me all the ladies." He gave a look and both of you started laughing. A knock interrupted yours and your brothers laugh. Steve shouted for whoever that was knocking to come in.
The doors opened and in walked Steve's doctor. He was a very pale man with slicked back, blonde hair and gorgeous golden eyes. He was drop-dead gorgeous!  
"Hello, you must be (Y/N) (L/N). I'm Dr. Cullen." He offered a charming smile which made you face flush with heat.  
"Y-Yep that’s me." You stood up and shook his hand, which was surprisingly ice cold. You dismissed it though as he went to the other side of Steve, looking at his clip board.
"Well, everything seems to be fine with Steve. I only gave him four stiches. I would like for him to stay the night though, just to keep watch on his head injury."
"That sounds reason-"
"Will I get a cool scar?" Steve interrupted with wide eyes and a wide grin.
"Yes, you will most likely get a scar." Dr. Cullen chuckled and then turned towards you. "You can stay until 8:30 pm, that’s when visiting hours are over. I will write out a prescription for the pain tomorrow." He smiled and left you both alone. There was shared silence between Steve and you as you say back down. You notice your brother was staring at you, then when he notices you noticed, he raises his eyebrows and smirked a little.
"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" You ask.
"Oh, nothing at all sis." He shrugged his shoulders and looked off into the distance.
"Spit it out dweeb."
"I saw how you were looking at Dr. Carlisle Cullen~." He teases as he wiggled his eyebrows
“I-I was not looking at him in any sort of way.”
“Yes you were~” He said in a singsong voice.
“No I wasn’t~” You mimicked him, except you made your voice nasally to tease him.
"Yes you were!"
"No I wasn't."
"Do you want me to ground you, Steve?" You challenged, raising an eyebrow and crossing your arms.
"You can't! Only mom and dad can!" He challenged back.
"Do you really want to test that? It would be a shame if I called them and you wouldn't be able to play your games for month. I have mom on speed dial." You watched him gulp, making you smirk triumphantly. "Want me to go get you a snack from the vending machine?"
"Yes please! Some Lay's chips and water."
You glance at your phone and notice it was 8:20 pm. You sigh and get up, stretching your limbs as your brother watched you.
"It's time to go squirt." You smile. "I may be late on picking you up tomorrow, my car is still in the shop."
"How'd you get here then?" He asked with a yawn. "And how will you get home?"
"I ran as fast as Flash." You chuckle, "Work is only like 5 minutes away from here. I'll probably just walk home, it's only 30 minutes."
"You're going to walk?" Steve busted out laughing while you rolled your (e/c) eyes. "No, I am serious. You're going to walk while its pouring?" He pointed to the window and low and behold, it was raining pretty heavily.
"I'll see if I can get a cab since the buses arent running. Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow, Steve. Enjoy your sleep over here." You smile and ruffle his mousy brown hair before leaning over to give him a sloppy kiss on the cheek, knowing it would annoy him.
"Ew! Alright! Alright! Just go." He laughed. "Love ya sis! See you tomorrow." You both waved to each other before you left the room. You walked down the halls and made sure to check out before you left the building. You stood under the awning that provided some shelter under the pouring rain. You rub your arms to provide some warmth, even with a sweater on you still felt chilled. You wished Forks wasn't known for its rain.
"Hello again, Ms. (L/N)." A smooth voice from behind you startled you. You looked behind you and saw Dr. Cullen standing there with a gentle smile on his face. "Sorry if I startled you."
"It's fine. You can just call me (Y/N) by the way." You return a friendly smile.
"What are you doing out here in the cold and rain?"
"I ran here when I got the call and my car is being worked on still. I was going to call a cab to take me home."
"How about I give you a ride home?"
"O-Oh I can't-"
"It isn't any trouble at all. Plus, it will save you money." Carlisle smiled again. You were cautious since you had just met the man, but his presence and his seemingly sincere personally made you feel secure.
"Okay. Thank you, Dr. Cullen."
"Please, you can call me Carlisle." He opened his umbrella and held out his arm for you. You looped yours with his and he led you to his car. Like a gentleman, he opened your door and held the umbrella over you as you got in. You pull on your seat belt and watched the pale man get in and turn the car on.  
"I live on Fern street." He nodded and pulled out from the parking lot. "Sorry if Steve does anything rambunctious or troublesome, he is a bit of wild kid."
"I think I can handle him. I have five kids myself. Granted they are pretty much adults now." He chuckled.  
"Wow, you have five kids? I don't mean to sound rude but you look very young to have had five kids."
"I have been told that actually." He laughed. You felt your heart skip a beat when you caught sight of his smile. You look away from his intoxicating smile, you decided to focus on the rolling droplets of rain on the window. Your body shook from the cold, you mentally slap yourself hoping Carlisle didn't see it. "You must be cold. I have a tolerance for the cold, my apologies." You watched in your peripheral vision
"It's fine." You laugh it off as heat surrounded your body.  You and Carlisle sat in comfortable silence as you drove on. You found it weird how comfortable Carlisle's presences was. You had heard how nice yet closed off his family was, but you hadn't met him until today. You couldn't but imagine him by your side, his arm wrapped around your shoulders securely; you were both happy and laughing.
"We are here." Carlisle's smooth voice interrupted your day dream. You hadn't even realized the car stopped. You watched the pale man get out of his car with his umbrella open, before he walked to your door. He opened the door for you with a smile, holding the umbrella over. "I'll walk you to your door, you may catch a cold. Though that might not be a bad thing if I get to see you more."
"O-Oh." You smile shyly and get out of the car. He led you to your door and waited as you unlocked it. You turn to face him, your heart racing and thumping loudly in your ears. "Thank you again for taking me home."
"No problem, (Y/N). Have a good night." You stepped inside but kept the door open, watching the doctor get in his car and give a wave before he drove off.  
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
with a new year comes new challenges...
Kid: *yawn* stocking: zzzz Kid: "..." *hug* stocking: happy new year~ *kiss* Kid: *smiles* "The best start..." *smooch* -elsewhere- Black Star: *snores* tsubaki:.... *forehead kiss* happy birthday. Black Star: =w= *yawns* "Thanks..." *smiles* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "Zzz..." naoya: oooi, akuta. Akutagawa: "H-Huh? Wha?" naoya: happy new year. *hands him a beer can* Akutagawa: "???" *looks at the can* naoya: hey, you're gonna be 21 this year, so why not something early? Akutagawa: "..." *opens the can...sniffs--and scrunches his face* >_< naoya: relax, its not gonna bite, haha. Akutagawa: "Hope it tastes better than it smells..." *sip* "..." naoya: well? Akutagawa: "...I’ve tasted worse." naoya: see? there ya go! *pats his back* Akutagawa: "..." *nods* "Thank you." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Zzz..." atsushi: *yaaaawn* Kyoka: *opens her eyes* "...New Year." atsushi: yeah. lets make this one a great one! Kyoka: "..." *fist bump* atsushi: *fist bump* ^^ -elsewhere- Burns: "...It won't come off." foien: yeah, it's going to be a while. *cough* -elsewhere- shinra:.....dang, cant believe we'll be in the collage program this year.... Arthur: "Then comes the knight school." shinra: not even going to question it. tamaki: -_-; Relan: *filling in his schedule* iris: *smiles* Relan: "Which classes were you thinking, Iris?" iris: i think taking up a theology class might help. and maybe natural studies. Relan: *nods* "You'll be good in those, especially for botany...I'm still looking at math classes..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "Back to the grind..." ochako: yeah.... Todoroki: "...Looking forward to continuing your internship?" ochako: *nods* Todoroki: "...Let's do our best, then." ochako:....hey, todoroki? Todoroki: "Yes?" ochako: why did you chose endeavour's agency? Todoroki: "..." *looks at his left hand* "If I want to learn how to use my Quirk, I thought learning from the person from whom I inherited it, and who used it to rise to Number Two Hero, would be a start..." ochako:...even after he- Todoroki: "...This is something I have to try, at least...I'm not saying I'm giving him a chance...but my mother told me...this is my power..." ochako: .... Todoroki: "...I want to see what I can do with it...I don't know." ochako:...if that's the case. i believe in you! ^^ Todoroki: ^\\\^ "Thanks..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *flipping pancakes* sonia: *coloring* Chuuya: "Just about done. Sonia, please set the table." sonia: ok. *doing so* Chuuya: *sets out maple syrup and berries* "Excited for the new year?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: "And school?" sonia:...i guess. Chuuya: "Well, you'll get to learn more about drawing, math, reading, science...Can meet some new friends..." sonia: ..... Chuuya: "And I'll be at a school, too, so it'll be like we're both going through it together..." sonia: but papa wont be at the school i'll be at... Chuuya: "...Well, yeah, I know--I just meant, you know, even if we're in different physical locations, we're...still in the same place?" ^^; sonia: .... Chuuya: "...You'll have to go to school at some point. And if there is ever any problem, me, or Granny, or Gin, or someone will be there to pick you up." sonia: ok. Chuuya: *smiles* "You can pick out your own backpack, too." -elsewhere- Meme: *pours milk* mio: *yaaaaawns* Meme: "Good morning!" mio: *hug from behind* happy new year.... =///= Meme: ^\\\\^ "Happy new year to you." *pats Mio's hand* -elsewhere- Joker: *blows a party favor* scarlet: *groans* its too early in the morning for this... Joker: "..." *sets out medicine and coffee* "Maybe we all overdid it." ivy: zzzzzzzzzzzz Joker: "...So, new year's resolution: flush out the Hoods..." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *his head is bandaged* prisoner: jeez, you look fucked up. Kunikida: "..." *picks up his chalk, writes again on the wall* -elsewhere- Gin: *dries plate* "Here you go." higuchi: thanks for staying the night *kiss on the cheek* Gin: =\\\\= "Happy to. Did you sleep okay?" -elsewhere- Spirit: "Excited to be going back to classes?" izumi: yep. Spirit: "And your course schedule looks good. Just watch out for certain teachers." izumi: noted. Spirit: "Any clubs you're joining?" -elsewhere- Mori: "..." mii: *mreeeow* Mori: "???" mii: are you quite well now? Mori: "I don't know. I keep thinking abouDID YOU JUST TALK?!" mii: hmm, perhaps i should take a form you would be more familiar with? Mori: *curled up in the corner, staring* Q____Q souseki: hmm. still unwell, lad? Mori: "S-Sir? Y-Yes...I want her back." souseki: have you been focusing your ability? Mori: "I-I can't...My mind is clouded with memories..." souseki: hmm... Mori: "..." *holds out a hand...it shakes* *Something shimmers along his hand...* souseki: ?? *Something like...a face seems to pass along the shimmer--then fades into nothing* Mori: "D-Damn..." souseki: hmmm.... Mori: "Sir...I'm forgetting what she looked like." souseki: dont you have a photograph of her? Mori: "A photograph cannot capture every second of her that was burned into my brain, its flames cooled by the passage of time and...and whatever has happened to me." souseki: hmmm... Mori: "...I don't know..." *brushes a hand through his hair* "...I feel sick..." -elsewhere- taoka: .... pixie: so boooored.... Member #1: *filing their nails* lust oni: *whistling* Member #1: "...Maybe play a game?" lust oni: who's up for darts? Member #2: "T-The pointy kind?" lust oni: *holding up a few darts* mmhmm~<3 Member #2: *twitchy smile* "I-I like the p-p-p-pointy ones..." *takes one carefully* pixie: is this a good idea? greed oni: nah, he's gonna be fine....maybe. Member #2: *toss* -15 pts- pixie: not bad! Member #2: "Hee hee...Your turn!" pixie: *toss* -10 pts- =3= boo. Member #2: "Too bad!" *picks up another one...tosses--* -5 pts- greed oni: you were saying? Member #2: "..." *eye twitch* pixie: *sticks her tongue out* ^u^ Member #2: *summons a flaming mantis pincer--aiming for Pixie's tongue* pixie: *jumps up onto the ceiling* tsk-tsk. Member #2: "..." *stares at Pixie...licks their lips* "Just toss your dart..." -elsewhere- Neuhaus: "..." michelle: zzzzz Neuhaus: *sets down the tea...sits by the bed* -a tiny jorogumo is on her head- jorogumo: zzzzz Neuhaus: "!!!" jorogumo: o^o ~? Neuhaus: "..." *whispers* "Why are you here?" jorogumo: ?? Neuhaus: "...Just...please, don't hurt her..." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *stares* "...Maybe we should sell this thing?" Agey: D:< medea:....perhaps take it to the curator? Kepuri: "??? Curator?" medea: in the land of nod....it's a shop. chie: oh, didnt we sell that demon teddy to them? Yohei: *bad memories* Q____Q;;; chie: *protective shadow hug* Yohei: =~= Agey: "Now see here!" *pokes his finger into Medea's nose* "My brain contains more knowledge in it than your pinky! I am not some toy you can just trade for playing cards or whatever you children do nowadays!" medea: ....i'll deliver him myself. if it's a way to bring myself redemption.... Agey: D:< "I AM NOT AN OBJECT! I AM A HUMAN BEING!" Kepuri: "...A tanuki-looking human being..." >3> -elsewhere- kim: *sneeze* -elsewhere- PlushFix: "Family jewels, bitches!" mimeca: \(^o^)/ PlushFix: "Damn right!" *holds up the newspaper* "We break in, we take, we rich!" -elsewhere- Alone: "You gonna eat that, Grimoire?" *his eye is bandaged* grimoire:...not hungry. Alone: "..." *shrugs, takes the muffin* "So..." *nom* "When we leaving?" grimoire:...... Alone: "...Tomorrow? Next week?" *wagging his tail* -elsewhere- Haumea: "...Okay. Who did this?" *points at her crown--which has googly eyes glued to it* guruna: OuO *shaking* arrow:....*glances at friz, bee, and jonah* Jonah: *whistles innocently* Friz: "I swear, I have no idea how--" Bee: "Friz did it." Friz: "JUDAS!" arrow: -_-; Haumea: "..." *flicks Bee in the forehead* Bee: *coughs up blood, falls back* "Wh-Why--" Haumea: "Snitching is a sin." guruna: roost in persimmon. Friz: ^w^ "Well, that's--" *BANG* guruna: O-O;;; Haumea: *flicked Friz* Friz: XwX -elsewhere- Izuku: "..." ("Still no text message reply...") inko: waiting for a call? Izuku: "I have been texting Iida, but he hasn't replied..." inko: you two arent fighting, are you? Izuku: "I-I don't think so? I just...wanted to reach out after his brother's injury..." inko: ah. Izuku: "...Mom? Do I give him his space? Do I wait for him to ask for help?" inko: i guess let him talk to you first? Izuku: *nods* "Yeah..." *sets his phone down* -elsewhere- Gopher: *with game controller* "So...Which classes did you pick?" kirika: i think i work well with the thief class. fast and able to steal the enemy's shit. Gopher: "Seems appropriate..." *selects an angel character* "And classes at school this semester?" kirika: infiltration? if thats a thing. Gopher: "I think so. Mr. Sid and Miss Mira teach some...So, you'll be a ninja?" kirika: maybe, sounds pretty badass. Gopher: ^w^ "Yep!--angelic badass ninja thief..." kirika: fuck yeah. -elsewhere- Katai: "Keek, you see this?" *pulls up photos on his laptop* "Anyone look familiar?" keek: *examining* ... Katai: *taps a key--and two photos appear* "These were taken within seconds of each other..." *there's a person missing in the photo on the left* "The older one was altered..." keek: hm... Katai: "...I don't know--this is so confusing..." *puts in eyedrops* -elsewhere- Kuro: "Zzz..." mahiru: *making lunch* Kuro: *sniffs--bolts upright* "What are you making?" mahiru: omelets. Kuro: *already seated at the table with a bib on* "Let's dine." mahiru: ^^; -elsewhere- Giriko: *sets down the sippy cup* "Thirsty, kiddo?" anna: ba! Giriko: "You got it." *offers it* "Drink up." -elsewhere- higuchi: ..... Gin: "Ichiyou?" higuchi: *almost falls out of her chair* O///o Gin: *catches her* "Easy." higuchi: im g-ay!. im been im ok-ood, i mean....*ahem* thanks. Gin: "..." *cheek smooch* higuchi:... ^/////^ Gin: "...Something troubling you?" higuchi: ...*rubs eye* still miss her, i guess.... Gin: *nods* "How long has it been?" higuchi: .....about half a year now.... Gin: "...Rain's child will need more than just mourning for her." higuchi:...*she nods* Gin: "And...have you been looking more into what Mori was doing?" higuchi:...a little bit.... Gin: "Any discoveries?" higuchi: .... i found her head...... Gin: *eyes widen* higuchi: it was so...surreal...like some weird nightmare........the letters....the photos....the journal....*gags slightly* Gin: *rubs her back* *nods* "...I know..." higuchi:....i think i know....at least one of his agendas......he-he was...trying to produce an heir... Gin: "..." *shudders* "Him procreating...minus Sonia, of course, is disgusting." higuchi: h-he's sick....amongst the girl's blood....he was...looking for a potential mo- Gin: "...'Potential'...?" higuchi: *shaking, clutching her stomach* m-moth-.... Gin: *holds her, shushes* "Okay...I understand..." higuchi:...*sniff* Gin: "He's not here...You're safe. Sonia is safe..." higuchi: r-right....d-does hirotsu know about this? Gin: "..." *shakes her head* "I haven't told him...because you're still in charge." higuchi: hmm....he's doing a good job, keeping things together. Gin: *nods* "He's dealt with Mori and Tachihara long enough..." higuchi: *chuckles* Gin: *smiles* "Have some faith in him...And in the rest here. They are containing the situation as best as they can." -elsewhere- Mikuni: "...I'll give you $45." medea: very well. Agey: "WHY DON'T I HAVE A SAY IN THIS--" Mikuni: "Johan, want to play~?" -elsewhere- Iida: *walking to the train* ???: iida! Iida: *looks up* "???" -its ochako and izuku- ochako: so you're heading back to hosu town, huh? Iida: "Yes. I am." ochako: ah. good luck on your internships then! ^^ Iida: "Yes. Thank you." Izuku: "...Iida, we're friends..." Iida: "..." ochako: and we're here for you, 110%! Izuku: "And if you ever need to talk--" Iida: "Thank you. Sincerely." ochako: .... Iida: *smiles* "I will be fine. No need to worry." Todoroki: "..." *watching from a few feet away* -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "I have an update on the Nomu..." tomura: oh? Kurogiri: "Three are ready. If we wait a few more weeks--" tomura: ahhhhh im getting tired of waiting...*scratch scratch scratch* Kurogiri: "...Perhaps speak with Sensei." tomura:....*turns on the intercom* Sensei: "Yes?" tomura: what's our next plan? Sensei: "That depends. What did you learn from your lesson with Mr. Stain?" tomura: ...i learned that he's a dick. Sensei: "...That...wasn't quite the lesson I wanted you to take away. Didn't his conviction tell you anything?" -elsewhere- Izuku: *knock knock* gran torino: i dont want what yer selli-... oh, its you. Izuku: "Y-Yes, sir! Izuku Midoriya! UA student! Date of birth July 15--" gran torino: for the love of fuck man, INHALE! Izuku: *deep inhale* "S-S-So, you remember me?" QWQ gran torino: hard not to, kid. yer interning, right? Izuku: "Still am, sir! Just returning from winter break, and I'm excited to pick up our lessons where we left out towards fully embracing my Quirk--" gran torino: you got yer backpack? Izuku: "Right here!" *it's heavy and towers over him* gran torino: good, cause we're goin' on a lil holiday soon to hosu town. Izuku: O_O "...Seriously?" -elsewhere- Endeavor: "And my team of experts have limited sites of the most intense crime to this general area." Todoroki: "...But that is outside of Death City." intern: ._. Endeavor: "And that's where we'll be! My researchers weren't just wiping their noses--they were scouting this city out! Isn't that right, Einstein?!" intern: my name is char- Endeavor: "See? They agree with me. Now pack up--our limo comes in 20 minutes." -elsewhere- Uwabami: "Welcome back, dears~!" momo: *nods* itsuka: *wave* hey. Uwabami: "How were your breaks?" *hands a tablet with her schedule to Momo, and a mirror to Itsuka--as she starts adjusting her hair* -elsewhere- Ojiro: [let me know when you land in chicago] hagakure: [k] .... -elsewhere- Burns: "Finally..." *dries his face* "...Clear my schedule tomorrow." dia: understood... Burns: "...Are you taking another personal day?" dia: *shakes her head* Burns: "Good. Keep everything in order." -elsewhere- Bon: *reading* konekomaru: *taking notes* Shima: *setting his head down on the desk...nodding off* -elsewhere- Medusa: "And does Neian like her snake toy?" *washing her in the sink* neian: *babble* ^o^ Medusa: *small smile* "And snakes are your friends...You'll see all kinds of abilities they have..." *pours water along her back* -elsewhere- Fyodor: *humming* guard: ... Fyodor: "Guard, I had said I wanted a radio..." guard: alright. *hands him a small radio through the food slot* Fyodor: "..." -_- "How am I to turn it on? With my toes?" guard: *shrug* Fyodor: "..." *small grunt, trying to reach the dial with his toes--* -radio static- Fyodor: "..." *tries to turn the dial* -country station- Fyodor: -_-# "No." *turns more* -classical station- Fyodor: "..." *sigh of relief* =w= -elsewhere- Assi: "You like that scarf, huh?" mono: =///n///= Assi: *smiles* "It not only looks fashionable, but it's excellent for staying warm in cold winters--" -elsewhere- PlushFix: "So, Flowers, how did you find your lackey?" shaula: you mean beatrice? well, its an interesting story. long ago, she was just some wandering killer, murdering all in her path, i beat her in a fight, and she became my maid ever since~ beatrice: 7///7; PlushFix: " 'Beat her'? What, like your slave?" beatrice: i had attacked her and she defeated me in combat. -_-; shaula: what she said. PlushFix: "...So, B, what keeps you around? I mean, why not run away?" beatrice:.... 7///7 loyalty. hina:....she's doing you, aint she? shaula: yyuuuuup. beatrice: -///-; l-lady shaula, please. PlushFix: "...That's hot. Ever need a plushie to curl up with?" -punt out the window- beatrice: =_=# -elsewhere- Kyoka: *shoulder poke* atsushi: IMAWAKE! Kyoka: o_o "...I just wanted to say dinner's ready." atsushi: oh. right. haha ^^; Kyoka: "...Did you not sleep well?" *scoops rice* atsushi: *yaaaawn* long night, i guess.... Kyoka: "Maybe take a bath after dinner and get to bed." atsushi: good call. Kyoka: "Tomorrow will be another study prep meeting." atsushi: right. Kyoka: "Then we're searching for more clues." *passes a bowl of curry* -elsewhere- Yohei: *hug* chie: ^u^ aww. Yohei: *smooch* "To a new year..." chie: indeed. *looks at her reflection* might get my hair cut shorter... Yohei: "That'd look good..." *brushes a hand along her hair* "Better ask Toru, too." -elsewhere- Black Star: =w= tsubaki: *rubbing his head* have a nice birthday? Black Star: *nods* "Gifts were great...Food was even better..." *cuddle* tsubaki: that's good. *smooch* Black Star: =\\\\= "Mmm..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *hiding under a blanket* mary: you ok, toby? Mr. Tsubaki: =3= *wags his tail* mary: do you want the brush? Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* mary: *picks him up and sits on the bed with him in her lap as she brushes his fur* brushy brushy~ Mr. Tsubaki: =\\\\\= *calms down* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *looking at a newspaper report* miwa so what's new? Akitaru: "...Can I let you in on something?" miwa: sure, whats up? Akitaru: "Burns is wanting to talk to Shinra..." *the newspaper article in front of him is a report of what happened at Shinra's house* miwa: !! Akitaru: "...It's going to be rough, whatever he's going to tell Shinra." miwa: cant even imagine.... Akitaru: "...As he's with the First, Burns knows things we at the Eighth haven't even found yet. And he keeps it to himself..." miwa: maybe we can help? Akitaru: "We'd appreciate it. And with Burns snooping around..." tamaki: *from behind a wall* ....... Akitaru: "Try to keep Tamaki and Nozomi occupied." miwa: can do. tamaki:...*walking away* Victor: *spots Tamaki* "???" tamaki:..... {guruna: we're children of misfortune after all~} tamaki:....... Victor: *waves* "Hello?" tamaki: *snaps back angrily* what?! Victor: .__O *leaps back* "N-Nothing?" tamaki:...im going to bed... Victor: "G-Good night?" *looks around, nervous* -morning- Steinbeck: "Zzz..." -alarm clock going off- Steinbeck: *waves his hand to hit the alarm* -got it- Steinbeck: =_= *yawns* twain: *asleep in his own room, sleeping in a hammock* Steinbeck: "Thank goodness for small miracles..." *gets out of bed, pulls on his shirt before stepping outside* oscar: good morning, johnny boy, up and early today? Steinbeck: "Have to be to keep this organization moving." *preps the coffee machine* "What about you?" oscar: just got up early, i suppose~ *wearing a pink, satin robe with faux fur trim* Steinbeck: "Hmm...How far along is breakfast?" oscar: ernest said he'd make breakfast today. Steinbeck: "...What, he's fishing again?" oscar: *chuckles* oh you silly boy. *pap pap* Steinbeck: -_- *FWOOM* Steinbeck: o_O Ernest: "..." *exits...his shoulder has a small flame on it* "Eggs are done!" baum: .___. my bacon..... Q___Q ebie: Q^Q;;; *holds wilbur close to her* twain: *pokes head in* i smell food. Ernest: "Eh, some yogurt will help that bacon, Baumie." *hard slap on the back* baum: oof- >3< dorothy: M'n'M pancakes please. Steinbeck: -_-# "Check the heat setting, Ernest..." Ernest: "Pancakes, I can do!" *flips one--and it lands on Steinbeck's face* twain:...*eats it* yum! Steinbeck: *still has M&M's stuck on his face* -_-# Ernest: *whistles, returns to work...* ^^;; -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *sipping his coffee* Mr. Tsubaki: *at his feet, gnawing on a chicken bone* louisa: good morning. Fitzgerald: *smiles* "Morning. We have English biscuits." mary: yay! Fitzgerald: "Granted, they don't hold a candle to American bisc--" bram: i'll just have some tea right now....my stomach isnt agreeing with me today. Mr. Tsubaki: *loud yawn* =n= Fitzgerald: "??? Sorry to hear that, Little Sport." *pours the hot water* -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Zzz..." -is that...the smell of coffee?- Shamrock: *yawns* *sits up* "..." *gets up, puts on his robe, heads to the kitchen* -elsewhere- katya: *HURRK* pushkin: *pats her back* you gonna be ok? katya: MY MOUTH TASTES LIKE SADNESS AND BAD DECISIONS! pushkin: *pap pap* Motojiro: *pops up* "Maybe some lemon medicine to settle your tummy?" pushkin: .-. how did you get into our apartme- Motojiro: "Ankle bracelets." pushkin:......what? katya: the fuck? Motojiro: "And I jimmied your lock." *drops the tablet into a glass of water, squeezes a lemon* "Sip slowly." katya: ....... Motojiro: owo "Is it good?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Zzz..." -phone buzzes- Chuuya: *picks up the phone* naoya: mornin' Chuuya: "Morning...What's up?" naoya: how's everything on your end? Chuuya: "Okay. Trying to get Sonia excited about school." naoya: ah, well akuta's a bit hungover here... Chuuya: "...Why is he hungover, Naoya?" naoya: he maaay have had a bit much from the beer can i gave him ^^; Chuuya: "Naoya. How old is Akutagawa?" naoya: he's gonna be 21 soon! Chuuya: "DO YOU ACTUALLY THINK HE'S READY FOR THAT-- Akutagawa: "Put on the music--I want to sing!" *clutches his head* "Ow..." naoya: ._.; ok ok! i admit, i might have fucked up a bit there. Akutagawa: Q____Q "It all hurts...Rashomon, save me..." Chuuya: "...Do I need to head over?" rashomon: *pap pap* naoya: if you can...but you probably need to spend time with sonia, so i wont force ya. Chuuya: *sigh* "I can ask someone to take her out shopping..." naoya: ...alright. Chuuya: "Okay, bye." *hangs up* "..." *exits his bedroom* mito: o^o Chuuya: *pets* "Hungry, Mito?" mito: *mew* Chuuya: *pulls out a dish and food, sets it down* mito: *nom nom nom* Chuuya: *strokes* "Sonia? You up?" sonia: zzzz Chuuya: *walks to Sonia's room* "Sonia?" sonia: *asleep, cuddling her teddy* Chuuya: *rests a hand on her shoulder* sonia: =u= Chuuya: "Time to wake up, sweetie." sonia: *shifting in bed* mm... Chuuya: "Sonia? You okay?" sonia: *yawns and rubs her eyes* nhuh? Chuuya: "I'm about to make breakfast." sonia: ok....*yaaaawn* Chuuya: "Anything you hungry for?" -elsewhere- Kid: "Feel okay?" stocking: =~= fuckin' cramps.... Kid: *sets down the ice pack* "Anything else I should bring?" *opens the grocery bag, removes chocolates* stocking: =3= hot water bottle please. Kid: *nods* "I'll fill it up. Just hang in there..." stocking: TT~TT Kid: *heads into the kitchen, heats up water* -elsewhere- Katai: "All set?" aya: yep, this should be everything. Katai: "And here's your lunch." aya: ok. Katai: "And call if there is an emergency. And take this for safety--" *holds up a pillow cushion* aya: .-.; Katai: "Her name is Natalie, and she is not only compact but comfy." ^w^ aya: i....see... ._.; Katai: "Now, let's get going!" *has dressed up...and put his futon in a dress* aya: ^-^; (KUNI PLEASE BE FREED FROM JAIL SOON) -elsewhere- Arthur: "..." *pat pat* nozomi:...t-thanks... tamaki: we'll bring your lesson plans back for you, ok? Arthur: *nods* "Want any food from the grocery?" nozomi: im good... Arthur: "..." *hands her his hilt* nozomi: ?? Arthur: "Take this as your weapon. Even without a flame, Excalibur's hilt packs a mean punch." nozomi:...*small chuckle* i'll....keep that in mind... Arthur: *small smile* "Good." shinra: take care, ok? Relan: "About ready?" shinra: yep. iris: *nods* Relan: *hands Iris her backpack* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *sighs* "Now how do I get him to school? What the hell?" naoya: i called him in sick. Chuuya: "Then I better head to school--" Akutagawa: *sobbing* Chuuya: "...Oh, darn." naoya: heeey, you're gonna be ok, akuta. Akutagawa: *whimpers* Chuuya: "...Hang in there, buddy. I'll see you after school." -elsewhere- Meme: *opens her locker--and it's full of--* "Paper cranes?" tsugumi: were you making a wish? Meme: "I didn't make these..." ._.; tsugumi: *examining* Meme: "Is this an omen? Is someone going to send cranes after me?" tsugumi: ^^; Meme: "Well, I better clear these out--" *an envelope falls out of her locker--and inside is a photo* "???" mio: what's that? Meme: *looks at the photo...and trembles* mio: whats wrong? Meme: "Th-That child?" mio: ?? *examines the photo* *The photo shows someone holding a baby that looks like a young Meme* tsugumi: is...is this...? Meme: "Mio...Is that me?" mio: it...it looks like you. Meme: "...I need to know who went into my locker." *fast-walking to front desk* mio: h-hey wait for us! Meme: "Granny!" *rings the desk bell* auntie: hmm? what is it dearie? Meme: "Do you have security cam footage before 7:24 this morning showing my locker?" auntie: i think so, let me just check. Meme: *taps her fingers nervously* auntie: alright, come on in. Meme: *enters* -there is a small meeting room with a TV, showing the camera feed- Meme: *pulls the footage to 7:24* "...Nothing..." *rewinds* mio: .... Meme: "..." *keeps searching back...and back...to 4:17 AM when--* *In the footage, light flashes from inside her locker* Meme: "?!" mio: ?! w-what is- Meme: "Wh-What was that light?" *tries to slow the video down...* tsugumi: ?? Meme: "I still don't see anything...Magic? A prank? What even is this?" -elsewhere- Lucy: "??? Hmm. Quieter here today." atsushi: yeah. Kyoka: "Because Akutagawa is not here." atsushi: i guess. ^^; Chuuya: "..." shinra: hey guys! atsushi: hey, um...kusakabe, right? shinra: yep, that'd be me. Kyoka: *waves* "Hello. You were hospitalized, weren't you?" shinra:...for a while, yeah. Lucy: "??? Where did you--" Kyoka: "I investigate now." Lucy: "...So, what year are you, Kusakabe?" shinra: i think im actually in the university courses now ^^; or at least i will be in spring. atsushi: really? you dont look any older than 17... shinra: yeah *side glance* so i've heard. Lucy: ._.;;;; *looks around* "???" Kyoka: "Have you recovered enough for classes?" shinra: yeah. Lucy: "Well, that's good news. Welcome back!" tamaki: thanks. ^^ Lucy: "...Um..." Kyoka: *shiny eyes* "Big sis." tamaki: um- Kyoka: *hug* tamaki: .///.; Kyoka: "I haven't seen you since the Sports Festival." tamaki: yeah, feels like its been a while since i saw you last. ^^; Kyoka: "How have you been? Did you enjoy Christmas? What did you do for New Year?" *pulls out a notepad* "Have you seen this symbol?" *shows the Rat symbol* tamaki: well, it's been......eventful. shinra: actually, we did see that symbol! at the nether... Kyoka: "??? 'Nether'?" shinra: >->;; shit maybe i said too much... tamaki: no shit, sherlock. Kyoka: *leans close* "Are you a member of the Rats? What do you know about Doppo Kunikida?" *nose to nose* "Where are the Rats?" shinra: i dont know anything about any rats, and i dont know who that is or where they are?? atsushi: kyouka, down. Kyoka: *small kitten growl as Atsushi pulls her back* -elsewhere- Hyde: -_-# "How do I get detention on the first day?" misono: how do you kick a _ceiling_....on _accident_?! licht: -_-; Hyde: "I aim, I move--and then someone kicked me in the keister!" -elsewhere- Child #1: *waves at Sonia* "Hello!" sonia:...*small wave* ._.; Child #1: "Want to play tag?" sonia: um....ok. is there a point system or is it to the death? Child #1: "...Well, 'sudden-death' matches are only when we play dodgeball, I think?" *holds out a hand* "I'm Alex!" sonia:...sonia. Alex: *smiles...then a small smirk* "Well, Sonia..." *soft clap on Sonia's hand* "You're it!" *runs* sonia:...*blinks and stares at her hand* ???? Alex: *behind a tree* "...Um...You're it. That means, you know, you have to run after someone, tag them, then they're it?" sonia:.....*pats the teacher* Teacher: ._.;;;; "???" Alex: *facepalm* "Um, adults don't count. It's a kids' game?" ("She's kinda different.") sonia:.....*pats one child.* Child #2: "D'aw, nuts!" *tries to run after Sonia--* Alex: "No tag-backs, Chris!" Chris (Child #2): >3< *runs after another kid* Alex: *waves at Sonia* "Hide here!" sonia: *hiding* Alex: *whispers* "You never played tag?" sonia: i would hide sometimes, in the other place... Alex: "??? Or, Hide and Seek?" sonia: ....i guess. Alex: "Neat! You like coloring?" sonia: *she nods* -elsewhere- Burns: *walking up to the entrance of the Eighth* miwa:.... !! Burns: "Greetings. I am here to speak with Kusakabe." miwa: he and the other kiddos are at school, sorry. Burns: "I know. I came early." *holds up a book* "I brought reading." -elsewhere- leo: *walking along the ozaki estate* .... Motojiro: *digging in the front yard* "Stupid shovel..." leo: ....!! ah! what are you doing? D8> Motojiro: "??? I wanted to plant a lemon tree." leo: s-shouldnt you ask miss kouyou's permission first? Motojiro: "..." *facepalm* "I knew I forgot to do something! Assistant, go ask Miss Kouyou!" ayako: on it! *runs to do that* Motojiro: "Now, to deposit the lemons..." leo:....^^; -elsewhere- Yohei: "So, none of you have a job--so, you're going to get one, or I'm calling the cops." Assi: D8> Zuno: "???" Shotaro: "...I volunteer." Yohei: "Good enough, Shotaro. You're excused." mana: *sigh* alright. Shotaro: "Yay!" *jumps out the window* akaderu: what a drag. Emine: "...My hobbies keep me busy." -elsewhere- Poe: *sorting books* Jacqueline: *giving a tour to transfer students* "--and we have a variety of reading options." Tour Student #1: "What's the deal with the raccoon?" tour student 2: dude, i saw a kid with a _sloth_. a raccoon aint no big deal. karl: *chitter!* [translation: rude!] -elsewhere- Hiro: Q____Q "Just one more semester...Just one more semester..." EF: hiro? are you ok? Hiro: "Oh, hey." *weak smile* "Just planning this semester to get out of here..." EF: oh... Hiro: "Then...I have to figure out a job. And a mortgage. And retirement. And--and--and--" *empties the brown paper bag of his lunch--and starts breathing into it* EF: Hiro! breathe! Hiro: *wheeze, breathing...calms down* "Th-Thanks..." EF: it'll be ok. *smiles* Hiro: "..." *nods, tries to smile* -elsewhere- Arthur: "...I feel naked without Excalibur." shinra: please never say that again. tamaki:..........*excalibur face* Arthur: "A knight without his weapon might as well be a knight without his armor. How do I defend myself?" *holds up his fists* "...This is not fiery enough." tamaki: hmmm.. iris: ^^; Chuuya: *staring at Atsushi* "..." -elsewhere- Yumi: *texting Marie* [how's the trip?] marie: [busy. marie's already a hit with her cousins!] Yumi: [pics?] -several pics sent- Yumi: [she looks so tiny against your big relatives! ^^ ] marie: [i know! >u<] Yumi: [enjoy! send more pics] -elsewhere- Gopher: *looking through a book in the library* "..." rowena: looking for something, sir? Gopher: "...Do you have anything on the Lunar Ark?" rowena: hm? i think there might be something in the ancient history section. Gopher: *nods* "Thank you..." *holds the book he was looking through close to him as he walks to ancient history...* -elsewhere- Takehisa: "...Is he still out there?" maki: yeah...do we send a warning text to the others? Takehisa: "Yes. Do it." maki: ok. -elsewhere- Meme: "..." mio: meme?....*holds her hand* Meme: "...I don't remember..." mio: ? Meme: "...I forgot a lot of my childhood." mio: ...... tsugumi:....*grips her fist* Anya: "Meme...Do you...I mean..." Meme: *shakes her head* "I don't..." tsugumi:....then we'll just have to find the answers. Meme: "??? Where?" tsugumi: we'll search the whole world if we have to! ao: should we ask mr barrett? Meme: "..." Anya: "Worth a try. I mean, he would have some knowledge after--" tsugumi: *covers her mouth* Meme: "If you could ask him..." -elsewhere- Friz: "--and I heard under her crown, she's got horns instead of eyes!" Bee: "Stop! She'll hear you!" Haumea: -_-; "I'm right behind you twits." Friz: owo;;; guruna: kuruun? Haumea: "Just because my eyes are covered doesn't mean I'm deaf...Guruna, pick a body..." *cracks her knuckles* Bee: Q___Q -elsewhere- Stein: "You going to manage things while I'm out?" valentine: yep. aya drevis: yessir! Stein: *nods* "Thank you. And be sure to torment Spirit periodically." valentine: noted. -elsewhere- Patty: *sets out the last mat* "Okay--nap time, kiddos!" child: zzzzz Patty: "..." ("Well, that was fast.") *sits back, looks at her phone* -elsewhere- Kuro: "Zzz..." Teacher: "??? A cat?" mahiru: ._.;; -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Any plan after school?" atsushi: maybe check out this 'nether' place? Kyoka: *nods* "Let's do this." Chuuya: *overhearing* "..." -elsewhere- Rin: "So, lessons will be starting up soon. You excited?" shiemi: yeah. konekomaru: *nod nod* Shima: "Zzz..." Bon: -_- Rin: ._.; "...Is he in a coma?" konekomaru: i guess he pulled an all-nighter. ^^; Rin: "...!!!" *smirks...blows at Shima's ear* Shima: =w= "Ladies, please..." Rin: *high-pitched voice* "Oh, Shima..." *deep voice* "That was amazing." Shima: O_O *bolts up awake* shiemi: *trying not to laugh* konekomaru: r-rin.... ._.; izumo: he really is the son of satan... Rin: -_-# "Yo, that's just mean..." izumo: its true though. Shima: .\\\\. "Great--now the ladies in my dreams are going to sound like Satan. Hope you're happy..." Rin: "ENOUGH WITH THE SATAN TALK!" >_< konekomaru: come on guys, the teacher's gonna be here in a few minutes. -the door opens- seiya: good afternoon, everyone. Yukio: "Please take your seats." Rin: ("So many new teachers I lose track...") *opens his book--upside down* -elsewhere- mushitaro:......pastor, please let go of me. =_=# Hawthorne: "I'm so glad you are safe...I have been working to restore your honor..." mushitaro: IM NOT MITCHELL YOU CREEP! D8< WHY IS YOUR GRIP SO FUCKING TIGHT?! yana: um...phrasing? Hawthorne: "...Did you get shorter, though?" mushitaro: D8< Hawthorne: "Let's get you milk and read from Scripture." mushitaro: ivan please help me. Ivan: *holds up--* <Saw or drill?> -elsewhere- Iida: "I finished filing paperwork, sir." manual: good job, iida. *smiles* Iida: *nods* "What may I do next to help? Police radio reports? Patrol?" manual: actually, ever been to the hosu town aquarium? Iida: "No. I had wanted to after my brother recommended--" *grows quiet* manual:....*pats his back* well, that's our next stop. Iida: *nods* "Okay." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "...This plane looks...impressive." Endeavor: "Only the best, son." Todoroki: ("Then why are you in it...?") -elsewhere- Arthur: "I left Excalibur with Nozomi, and my cell phone at the castle. Where is my brain today?" shinra: where was it _ever_? Arthur: -_-; Relan: O~O;;; iris:...relan? whats wrong? Relan: "Shinra...Tamaki...Burns is at the 8th." tamaki: ?! shinra: what? Relan: "Captain Hinawa texted. They can't get him to leave." shinra: what could he want? Relan: *shrug* "But if he's being this hardcore..." Arthur: "The Lion is a magnificent beast--but one that can be scared away. Iris, I will need a shield." iris: ..... shinra: i'll see what he wants.... Relan: "You sure?" shinra: *he nods* Relan: "..." *tries to look tough* "R-Right..." iris: *pats his back* -elsewhere- Kyoka: *looks at caution tape* "..." *cuts it* atsushi: this place gives me the creeps..... Lucy: *turns on a flashlight* "Police won't like us entering..." atsushi: im just glad we got a permit from fukuzawa. Dazai: *has night-vision goggles on* atsushi: it should be near the entrance.... Lucy: *shines a light along where the ground and the wall meets* "..." atsushi: !!!! i-is that a body? Lucy: "!!!" D8> Dazai: "Looks vaguely body-shaped..." *nudges Atsushi forward* kenji: looks pretty old. atsushi: ._.; *gulp*..... *examines the pockets* *Inside are some coins...melted* atsushi: these dont look like much use.... *searching other pockets* *A wallet* atsushi: hmm... *examines the wallet* *The person was in their late 30s, seems to be from out of state* atsushi: *examines photos in the wallet* *There are photos of the person in expedition gear, another in their cap and gown at graduation...ones with a partner and kids* Dazai: "..." atsushi: ...... Kyoka: "Bring the wallet. We'll need it to identify them later." *takes the flashlight, shines down the tunnel* "There." atsushi: *spots the logo* Lucy: "So they were here...They may have killed this person." Kyoka: "And just leave their corpse to be found?" atsushi: it doesnt explain the melted coins, though... Kyoka: "They may have burned the corpse...But how did the wallet then survive?" atsushi: maybe heat resistant materials? Lucy: "Or...directed heat...These clothes are synthetic fabric...Maybe it targeted...the skin?" atsushi: its likely. Lucy: *shudders* "It's creepy...A fire targeting only--" Dazai: "Infernals." atsushi: infernals? Dazai: "?!" ^^; "Just something I've heard before...Seems to be what the cool people call Flame Humans." atsushi: like kusakabe? Dazai: "Moooooooooore like Flame Humans who go out of control and attack people mindlessly." atsushi: ._.; sounds scary. Haumea: *appearing over Atsushi's shoulder...hanging upside down* "You have no idea." atsushi: HOLY FUCK! *jumps back* Dazai: "???" Lucy: "!!!" Kyoka: *already has a kunai--which she tosses at Haumea's forehead* Haumea: *catches...and melts it with her fingers* *smiles* "Hello, interlopers. Why are you--" Friz: "FOUND IT! We can go now--Oh." *waves* "Hello!" atsushi: i think we found the people responsible for that body.... Dazai: "No kidding..." *smiles, cracks his knuckles* "Been looking forward to this~" atsushi: lucy, you got anything to defend yourself with? Lucy: *pulls out a can of mace* "..." ._.; "I recommend a strategic exit--" *FWOOSH* *Lucy just barely dodges a flame disc* Lucy: Q___Q atsushi: !!!! ok, you two are going down! *tiger limbs and charges* Dazai: "Always wanted to see whether I could cancel out your abilities!" *rushes at Friz and Haumea* atsushi: !! Kyoka: "We don't have time for this..." *opens her phone--and sees zero bars* "!!! Oh no..." atsushi: .-.; that's not good. Dazai: "AAAH!" *kicks Haumea in the side of the head...* Haumea: "..." *holds up a middle finger...it's on fire* Dazai: ._.; "...Okay, not my smartest--" atsushi: DAZAI! LOOK OUT! Haumea: *flicks Dazai in the head--sending him flying* Dazai: "Crap crap cra--!" *CRASH* atsushi: *nice catch* Dazai: @~@ "...I don't think my ability works on them." atsushi: .... Lucy: *dodging more flame discs--and one slices just the clip of her hair* "Eep! STOP THROWING THOSE THINGS AT ME WHEN I'M--" atsushi: *charges at haumea* i'll take this one, kyouka, handle the other one! lucy, clear the exit! Kyoka: *tackles Lucy before another disc behends her* Lucy: "R-Right!" Kyoka: *holding multiple kunai* "I'll take the childish one." Friz: "?! You're the one who likes like a preschooler!" Kyoka: "You play with flying discs and sound like puberty hasn't come to you yet." Friz: "YOU TAKE THAT BACK!" >_< *throws more discs* Haumea: -_-; "I just wanted to get the map, go home. But noooo, couldn't have that..." *blocking Atsushi* atsushi: *punch* Haumea: *her head is knocked back...she spits out blood...something bright pierces from behind her cracked mask, before she covers her face with her hand...* *she turns her head* *...she looks furious* atsushi: ._.; *defensive stance* Haumea: "I have no time for this..." *snaps her fingers* *Atsushi's skin feels like it's getting hotter...* atsushi: *screaming* *Atsushi's entire body is engulfed in flames* Kyoka: "!!!" Dazai: "No!" atsushi: MAKE IT STOP! Lucy: *crying* "Atsushi!" *Thunder is heard--as Anne's Room crashes open behind them* Haumea: "??? What the--That's not Hell! It's too...sugary?" atsushi: *tiger punches haumea in the gut* Lucy: *eyes full of tears* "Atsushi! Fight it!" -full tiger mode- Haumea: *coughs up blood, struggling to still cover her eye* "...Oh, that's enough...I'M GOING TO BURN YOU INTO ASHES!" *She increases the flames--which are burning off his skin* tiger!atsushi: *charges at her* Haumea: *knocked down--as she starts punching his exposed muscles* "BAD TOUCH! BAD! TOUCH!" Dazai: "Atsushi! Retreat! Now!" atsushi: *PUNCH* *coughing blood* Haumea: "AH! ..." *smirks...stares at Atsushi...* atsushi: ?!?! Haumea: "Tiger, tiger...Burning bright..." *she clutches his arm--and explosions leap off his body, leaving only a barely conscious skeleton, muscles attached to it...and Atsushi's dead eyes staring out of the body's skull* Kyoka: *staring in shock* Dazai: "Oh God..." Lucy: *cannot speak...* Friz: "...Fuck. I think you went too far, Boss." -something charges at them- atsushi: *ROARS* Haumea: "WHAT THE HELL?!" Lucy: *her eyes...are glowing...* tiger: you dun fuzzed up now. Haumea: "...What kind of devil are you?!" atsushi: *regenerating* im no devil.....im a beast. Haumea: "...Mere beast? Then I'll just keep lighting you up until you die!" *smashes her fist into his eye* -nope- atsushi: ..... Haumea: "...Oh, biscuits." Friz: "Boss! We're out of here--" *Thunder is heard again...* *Something pops up behind Friz* Friz: o_o;; *slowly turns...and spots...Anne* anne: >83 Friz: Q_____Q "..." *starts to run* anne: *glares at haumea* Haumea: "...Okay, I don't know what girly crap the girl, the midget--" Kyoka: *glare* Haumea: "--and the ugly guy are into--" Dazai: *whispers to the catatonic Lucy* "Why did he call you 'an ugly guy'?" Haumea: "But y'all are some messed up--" -BAM- *Haumea is knocked face first into the wall...obliterating the last of her crown...something bright is shining behind it...and is shaking the grown* Kyoka: "!!! Lucy!" *shakes her* "We're leaving now! Dazai, grab Atsushi!" Lucy: *not moving...* anne: *tosses haumea out* atsushi: *recovering* LUCY! Dazai: *picks up Atsushi* "Ew! You got blood all on you." Lucy: "Kill...Kill Anne..." anne: ... Haumea: "SCREW YOU ALL!" *tossed down the tunnel...then an explosion is heard...sending a fireball down the tunnel at them!* anne: *SHIELDS THEM* Dazai: O~O *let's go of Atsushi, picks up Kyoka, and tosses her into Anne's Room* atsushi: lucy........*hugs her and kisses her* Kyoka: "?!!!" Lucy: "..." *closes her eyes, returns the kiss--* *FWOOOSH* *The fireball passes over them...Anne's room is now sealed shut around them* Kyoka: *upside down, slammed against a Jack in the Box, arms crossed* "...Rude." Dazai: ^^; "Sorry." atsushi:....*pulls back, now fully healed* ok, you have every right to punch me in the face. Lucy: "..." *starts loudly sobbing* atsushi:.....*hugs her tightly* im sorry for scaring you all.... Lucy: *sniffles* "Th-The next time I see that ugly harlot, I'm going to split her in two for calling Anne ugly!" atsushi: *pats her back* Lucy: *hug* "I'm sorry...AND DON'T EVER GET BURNED ALIVE LIKE THAT AGAIN!" atsushi: i'll do my best....how's everyone else? Dazai: "Well, my pride is wounded, so that's tragic." Kyoka: "Fine. Just disoriented." *still upside down* atsushi: ok ken-.... KENJI! kenji: *pops out of a box* job's done!....what i miss? Kyoka: "...We fought flame people. We beat them. I scared away one with kunai. You can be impressed now." Lucy: D:< "I did a lot of work, too!" kenji: great job guys! ^u^ atsushi:...yeah.....*collapses* zzzzzzzz....... Lucy: *catches him...his head resting on her chest* .\\\. "..." *pat pat* kenji: aww, he's all tuckered out. Kyoka: "..." *playful jab in his shoulder* "You need to stop disappearing in the middle of fight…” -elsewhere- Mr. Asui: "???" *sets down his newspaper* "Was that...a thunderstorm? An earthquake?" mrs asui: well, seems it's over now. satsuki: Q-Q scawwy. -elsewhere- Akitaru: -_-# "More tea?" Burns: "No, thank you. I'll take another cookie, though." ???: YO BURNS! Burns: "???" *holding his teacup* "Yes--?" shinra: ..... Burns: "Kusakabe." *sets down his teacup* "I see you were released. How do you feel?" shinra: better, but enough about me, why are you here? if this has to do with tamaki- Burns: "No, it does not." shinra: so then why are you here? Burns: "...Since you're mostly recovered, let's talk. About what happened 17 years ago." shinra: !!!!!! -and so- shinra:...... tamaki: *listening in from behind a wall* ... (what does he want?) Burns: "You aren't cold?" shinra: i have fire abilities, i'll be fine, right? Burns: "...And you know how you got those abilities?" shinra:....i was born with them, i guess? Burns: "Then why didn't they manifest until after the fire burned down your family's home?" shinra: ?? Burns: "...What do you remember 17 years ago?" shinra: ....standing in the wreckage.....you were standing to my right....staring off at something.... Burns: "Where I saw your brother taken away by the White Hoods." shinra: !!!!! *grips his fist and grabs burns' collar* THEN WHY?! WHY DIDNT YOU SAVE HIM BACK THEN?! ISNT THAT YOUR JOB?! TO SAVE PEOPLE?! Burns: "..." *Flames leap off Burns's shoulder* shinra: couldnt you have at least told me sooner?! *tears are streaming* Burns: "...Look at yourself right now. Look at what has happened to you. You almost died. If I told you, 17 years ago, the truth, what could you have done?" shinra: i would have- Burns: "You would have died. You are here, right now, not because you willed it, but because of mere luck." tamaki:.... *grips fist* shinra: ...you have some damn nerve to say that shit.... Burns: "Am I wrong? Prove it." shinra: *charges at him* Burns: *doesn't budge* maki: isnt anyone going to stop them?! dia: ... Akitaru: "...He has to work this out on his own, even if that means making a mistake. Besides...Burns can handle this." shinra: *flame kicks at him* Burns: *kicked in the face...wipes the blood off his face* "Is that the speed of someone who received Divine Protection?" shinra: stop dodging the question and give me the truth! Burns: "...Any brigade does not have time for its individual members indulging their own selfish emotions." *his eyepatch lights up on fire* Akitaru: "!!! Everyone, get back!" iris: !!!! Relan: *pulling Iris back* dia: ..... Burns: *fire blasts off of him, heading right for Shinra's face* shinra: *dodging* ANSWER ME, DAMN YOU! Burns: "..." *opens his fist--and the flame expands, knocking into Shinra's body* shinra: *knocked back* grk- s-shit... *Burns stands, his body engulfed in flames* Burns: "Only the strong survive. Only they are strong enough to handle the truth. If you want to know, show me that your power deserves it.” tamaki:.....*shaking, biting her lip* dia:...... {dia: *13 years old, fighting infernals in a training exercise*} {Burns: "On your left!"} {dia: r-right! *attacking*} {Burns: "Are you strong enough to handle this?"} {dia: ye-!!!!} {infernal: *tackles her, and roars*} {dia: !!!!} {*CRUNCH*} {dia: c-commander!} {Burns: *his fist is through the Infernal's chest* "...Recite their last rites."} {dia: ashes to ashes....} {Burns: "Dust to dust..."} {-the infernal vanishes-} {dia: .....} {Burns: "..." *sighs* "You know I won't always be there to save you, Dia."} {dia: i know...i promise i'll get better, sir...} dia: .... shinra: *charging again* Burns: "Maybe you just aren't strong enough..." ("But that speed...!") {shinra: .........} {Burns: *staring at the destroyed house, holding Shinra's hand*} {shinra:....*smiling a weak smile* *mumbling something*} shinra: *jumping forwards* Burns: *remains standing...the outdoor floor beneath him is starting to crack* shinra: *aims his foot for burns' face* Burns: *blocks with his forearm...* *Something like sizzling is heard* Akitaru: "!!! Duck!" *FWOOSH* *Fire explodes behind Burns* shinra: WOAH! Burns: *the ground under his feet is now shattered* "...Is that all you can do, Candlestick? Your flame is small..." shinra: JUST ANSWER ME ALREADY. Burns: "..." *shakes out his forearm, extinguishing his flames* "It has been a long time since someone's kick managed to send shivers through my arm..." -a wall of fire shoots up between them- shinra: !?!? Burns: "?!" pearl: *her arm outstretched* PLEASE! BOTH OF YOU, STOP THIS! Burns: "??? Fiamma?" pearl: fighting amongst yourselves wont solve anything! cant you just tell him normally? Burns: "..." *looks at Shinra* "Can you handle what you will learn?" shinra: ...i have to know, no matter what. Burns: "..." *looks at Dia and Akitaru* "Please..." Akitaru: "..." *nods* "Come on, folks--give them some room..." dia: alright, everyone inside. tamaki: ...... Burns: "...First, what you know about that event 17 years ago...there is more to it." shinra:...im ready.... {-17 years ago...-} {charon: haumea, do you sense anything?} {Tiny!Haumea: "This is it...Just where the Preacher promised...A new Adora Bust will be born..."} {-in the kusakabe household...-} {Baby Sho: "Zzz..."} {*BLINK*} {Baby Sho: *opens his eyes...*} {mrs kusakabe: mmm... huh? *enters sho's room* sho-... !!!!!!} {*At the top of the ceiling is a fireball, with Sho in the center, looking like he's in a trance*} {Sho: "..."} {mrs kusakabe: SHO!! *tries to put the flame out*} {Sho: *still not moving...the ball's flames seem to snake down the ceiling and walls...towards Mrs. Kusakabe*} {mrs kusakabe: !!!!} {*A flame covers her hand...or is it coming _from_ her hand?*} {mrs kusakabe: *screams*} {shinra: mommy?....mommy, sho, where are you?} {*The flames are along the left side of her face...*} {mrs kusakabe: !!!! shinra! please! run!} {shinra: *too stunned to move*} {-horns form on her head-} {mrs kusakabe: pLEasE...rUn...} {-horns form from out of her eyes as she screams-} {*Shinra can see the flames start to dissipate, as if pulled inward into something...someone...*} {shinra: mommy?! mom-...... !!!!!!} {horned being: *howls*} {shinra: *tries to back away...his feet propelling him backwards into the wall*} {horned being: ... s....h...o......m...y......b....a...b.....y..... {*A figure appears...The room is now white...*} {horned being: *reaching for her baby*} {*The fireball descends...Sho, as if barely conscious, in a trance, is lowered into the Preacher's hands...The Preacher hands the baby to the Horned Being*} -...- shinra: ...................................................................*eyes wide, tears falling* Burns: "..." tamaki:.....*completly stunned* shinra:...ha...hahahaha...ahahahahaha....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *he's shaking badly* Burns: "..." *grabs Shinra by the collar* "Get a hold of yourself." shinra: *he throws up onto the ground* ...... Burns: "..." *sighs* shinra:........................w-what then....? Burns: "...I did not arrive until 15 minutes after we received the report of the fire at your family's house." {officer: we found a survivor, it's a child!} {shinra: *barely breathing*} {Burns: "Put out the flames! What are you all doing?!} {officer 2: w-we cant! they wont go out!} {shinra: m...mommy...s-sho...t-the....d-demon...} {-on the roof-} {charon:...haumea?} {Haumea: *giggling, her fingers moving, like a puppeteer pulling strings* "Hee hee..."} {charon: haume-} {Haumea: "SILENCE!"} {charon:....} {-inside the inferno-} {Burns: *already inside* ("No one was searching for his mother and brother...But even if I find them, there is no way they could survive. Not unless--Urk!" *clutches his eyepatch...and notices it is on fire* "!!!"} {horned being: *holding sho* ....} {Burns: "!!! A demon? No...It's..." *holds out a hand* "Wait!"} {horned being: *leaps to the window*} {Burns: "Don't go!"} {sister: commander! it's going to collapse!} {Burns: "..." *turns back, heading to the exit*} {-outside-} {Burns: "..." *the flames remain under his eyepatch...he removes it* ("A fire that will not go out...A horned being...It is...Adora.")} {shinra: *trying to get in* MOMMY! SHO! I HAVE TO SAVE THEM!} {sister: child, you cannot! it's far to dangerous!} {shinra: LET GO'A ME!} {Burns: "..." ("So why didn't they want him?")} {shinra: *falls to his knees, tears falling*} {Burns: "..." *marches up to Shinra*} {shinra: .....} {Burns: "Listen to me. Your mother is...dead."} {shinra:.....*smiling that sad, demonic smile*} shinra:...*voice cracks slightly* why?....why would you lie to me? -he's shaking, tears falling- Burns: "Those Hoods you faced just now--the ones who almost killed you? They were the ones who took your mother and brother from you. If I told you the truth then, what would you have done? Run into battle? You almost died, Kusakabe: you would've died then, too, if not for your dumb luck." shinra: do you even care what happened to me because of what you said? i was left in my grandmother's care....do you even care that she abused me?! that she would leave me locked in a dark pantry out of spite for what she thought i did?! tamaki:...*silently crying* Burns: "...I didn't want this for you. I didn't...want some child entering this war." shinra:....but im not a child anymore. Burns: "No, you are not. And despite my efforts, fate brought you here. I wanted you to fear the flames...” shinra: .....the same flames i used to get here.......did you...really see it? the adora- Burns: "...Do you know why this eye is blinded?" *removes his eyepatch* shinra:.... !!!!!!!!!! tamaki: !!!!!!!!!!!!! *His eye is blank...but almost...bone-like?* Burns: "If you look into the Sun, you burn. If you look into Hell...Hell occupies your own body. This is my Hell. This is Adora." shinra: *nervous smile, shaking* Burns: "This is the price I paid...Did you see it? Did you see Adora?" shinra:......*remembering soichiro arg's face in his vision*....i..i dont know... Burns: "...Your luck persists, then." *replaces his eyepatch* "The Hoods have been fighting this battle long before you were born. Be careful. You have no idea what they are capable of--" Nurse Arg: *appears behind Shinra* "Pardon me...?" shinra: ?!?! Burns: "??? Arg? What are you doing here?" shinra: wait......arg?! as in the 4th commander? Nurse Arg: "S-Sorry! I was here to check up on Kusakabe, then I saw the explosions and figured, 'Oh, maybe that's where he is!' Then I came here and--" *finally notices Shinra* "Oh! There you are!" shinra: um.... hi? tamaki: =A=; (way to kill the mood.) Nurse Arg: "Hi! I was asked to stop by to do an in-person medical review and--Wait, did you say Fourth Commander?" *looks back and forth* "Is Grandpa here, too?" Burns: "..." shinra: no, just heard the name 'arg' and figured 'hey maybe they know each other?' haha ^^; Nurse Arg: ^^; "Well, 'Arg' doesn't scream 'common household name,' so good guess! He's my grandfather." shinra + tamaki: *trying to place it in their heads*..... (W...T...F?!?!) Nurse Arg: "But I haven't talked to him in some time..." *sad smile* shinra: oh...i see. tamaki:... *heads back inside* -elsewhere- Tanizaki: ._.; "...What happened to you guys?" Dazai: *has a swollen cheek* "Not much...Just went exploring..." Kyoka: *holding ice to her head* "..." Lucy: *wiping her eyes* atsushi: *asleep* kenji: we found a body. Tanizaki: o_________O;;; "Please tell me Kyoka didn't kill someone--" Kyoka: *frowns* "Why do you assume it's _my_ fault?" kenji: he was dead before we go there. Tanizaki: *sighs* "Oh, that's a relief...Well, bring the corpse to the Doctor for examination--" yosano: corpse you say? Lucy: ._.; ("He recovered quickly...What on earth has he seen?!") Kyoka: "Corpse. No way to bring back to life. Also, Atsushi was burned alive. But he got better." yosano: holy shit....so you want me to examine the body. of corpse i will~ Kyoka: "..." *small smile* Lucy: -_-; "No." yosano:.. 737 -elsewhere- Chuuya: *knock knock* naoya: oh, hey chuuya. he's in the guest room. Chuuya: "Thanks...How is he?" naoya: he's recovering. oh goddamn was last night a shitshow.... Chuuya: *looks around the apartment* "...No kidding..." naoya: fortunately no one died, so....good news. -just a few things knocked over, nothing too badly damaged- Chuuya: *sighs* "You know ability users and alcohol can be a dangerous mix." naoya: ok, so i messed up. Chuuya: "..." *rubs the back of his neck* "Like I'm one to talk..." naoya: *stops at the guest room door* he's in there.... Akutagawa: *curled up in bed* Q_Q Chuuya: *knocks* "Hey. It's me. Can I come in?" Akutagawa: "...It's open." Chuuya: *enters* "...So, you had your first hangover." *sits on the bed* "May it be the first of many--" Akutagawa: "I never want to drink that swill again." naoya: that's fair. Chuuya: "Can always try something fruity. Or coffee-y. Maybe a Guinness--" Akutagawa: *shudders* naoya: i take that as a no, then? Akutagawa: "Can we talk about anything but...alcohol right now?" Chuuya: "...I brought your homework and syllabi?" -elsewhere- shinra: *in bed, whimpering* Akitaru: "..." *knocks* shinra: i-its open...*smiles, but tears are still falling* Akitaru: *enters* "...Hey." shinra: *has the blanket wrapped around him* Akitaru: "...Shinra...I'm sorry." shinra: ..... Akitaru: "..." *hug* shinra: *whimpers* m-mom..... Akitaru: "..." *nods, pats his back* -elsewhere- Arthur: "...Hey?" tamaki: ?? Arthur: "How are you?" tamaki:...o-ok... Arthur: "..." *hug* tamaki: !!!.... t-thanks... 7///7; Arthur: *pat pat* "You're welcome." *forehead kiss* -morning- Lucy: "Zzz..." atsushi: ..... Lucy: *turns over--her arm landing across his chest* atsushi: O////O; Lucy: *pulls Atsushi closer* atsushi:.....*hugs her* Lucy: *rubs his back* "...What did it feel like?" atsushi: O///. w-wh-wha? Lucy: "The fire...What does it feel like to almost die?" atsushi:.....it was terrifying....*holds her* im sorry.... Lucy: "I know..." *cheek kiss* "...I'm sorry I didn't...do anything sooner." atsushi: im here...im ok...*strokes her back* Lucy: =\\\\= "R-Right...Don't get killed like that again..." atsushi:...ok.......d-did we...um..d-do anything? .///.; (and cue me getting punched...) Lucy: O\\\\\O "NO!" atsushi: oh, ok. ^^; s-sorry >///<; Lucy: -\\\\\- "What, you think I wouldn't _ask_ you first?" -3- atsushi:....*falls onto his back* O/////////////////////////O;;;;;;;;;; Lucy: D: "DON'T DIE!" atsushi: IM ATSUSHI NAKAJIMA AND IM OK! Lucy: -_-;;;; "...I'm going to make tea. Help me toast the waffles." atsushi: yes ma'am! *salutes* -elsewhere- Kid: "Better?" stocking: =w=~<3 Kid: ^\\\^ *smooch* stocking: mmmm~<3 Kid: "Stocking..." *cuddles* stocking: hehe~ i love you~ Kid: "I love you, too. Forever..." -elsewhere- Haumea: *her eyes are bandaged...bits of rock are still embedded in her face* -_-# dahlia: you should be more mindful, child. Haumea: "I'm not the one who left something behind. And I don't remember holy texts warning about unkillable tigers." -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." *poke poke* tsubaki: *yawn* Black Star: "Morning." tsubaki: morni- ???: AHHHHHH~<3 tsubaki: ._.; naho: gross! Black Star: o_o; "...Who the hell--" naho: lavender and higan are banging at WAY TOO EARLY IN THE MORNING-O-CLOCK! Black Star: .\\\\\. tsubaki: ^^; Higan: *pants* "B-Best part of waking up..." lavender: hehe~ Higan: *kisses down her chest* lavender: ah~ so good~ naho: *gags* Black Star: .\\\\\. *leaves for the bathroom* "Just block out the noise..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Are you liking school?" sonia: it's ok. Chuuya: "Is your teacher helping you get used to things?" sonia: *nods* miss baker's nice. Chuuya: "That's good. You have your homework in your bag?" sonia: *she nods and gets to work* Chuuya: ^^ "Let me know if I can help." sonia: ok... Chuuya: "Maybe Uncle Motojiro can help with the math parts..." sonia: maybe. Chuuya: "..." *picks up plates* {miss baker: she's certainly an interesting girl. she seems to get along better with the other teachers than with the other children...} {Chuuya: "She hasn't had much chance to be around other kids her age. I...had her around adults lately." ^^; } {miss baker: is that so?} {Chuuya: *nods* "She was home-schooled."} {miss baker: i see.} {Chuuya: "Has she had difficulty catching up with any subjects?"} {miss baker: not that i can see. actually, she's quite beyond her grade level.} {Chuuya: "Do you think it's best to leave her in this grade?"} {miss baker: she has potential, but i do think it'd be important for her to have friends of her age group...} {Chuuya: *nods* "Okay...Thanks for your feedback on that."} sonia: ... Chuuya: "..." *smiles* "How are the other students, Sonia?" sonia: they're nice. hard to follow, though. Chuuya: " 'Follow'?" sonia: i dont quite understand them...i try to act like the other kids, but its hard. Chuuya: "...It does take time...Stick with it--I know you can do it." sonia:....ok papa...... Chuuya: "...Thanks." *pats her shoulder* "I want you to feel comfortable in this world. Make friends. Feel safe." sonia: *hug* Chuuya: "!!!" *hug* sonia: do you think...the other kids saw someone die? Chuuya: "...I don't know. That's not something mention to strangers..." *looks at her* "Please don't bring that up to your teachers and the other students." sonia: ok. Chuuya: "Thank you." -elsewhere- baum: *humming* Ivan: *tapping his fingers* yana: <whats up?> Ivan: <Could she just pump that parasite out already?> yana: <....allow me to explain to you something...> -elsewhere- Burns: "..." dia:...sir? Burns: "Yes? What is it?" dia: are you alright? Burns: "I'm fine. Just taking a break to...get something to drink." dia:...i see. Burns: "Have you a question about tasks I assigned you?" dia: no sir. Burns: "Are the others doing as I asked?" dia: yes. Burns: "...And Fiamma?" dia: she's doing well. Burns: "Good..." *hands her a paper* "Have her train that ability more." dia: understood. -elsewhere- Emine: *looking at Classified ads* "...I think I could do well as a Candy Striper. I just have to make dying people feel better about their approaching demise?" mana: ._.; Shotaro: "...Let's try something else. How about a secretary? Assi is trying for one of those!" Assi: "I prefer 'office coordinator'?" -elsewhere- Dazai: *rubs his cheek* TT~TT yosano: *hands him an ice pack* Dazai: "Thanks...Couldn't cancel their abilities, can't get healed because of my ability..." yosano: *sigh* Dazai: "All because some stupid bag woman did this to me..." yosano:....what? Dazai: "She was wearing a bag! And she had a dumb crown covering her eyes! And she sounded stupid, too!" yosano:....how hard were you hit? Dazai: "She knocked me clear across the room--with one punch!" ranpo: like one punch man? -elsewhere- Hibana: *clap clap* "Line up--we're going shopping, ladies!" mikami: oh my. ryuuko: this will be an interesting experience. hanako: yay! Hibana: "We are getting you new fashionable outfits before the spring--and likely some product for your hair. Oh, and jewelry. And pretzels." -elsewhere- Mikuni: *looking at the job application--upside down* "...This doesn't look right at all. metsu: *turns it around* -_-; Jeje: -_-;; Mikuni: "Oh! That's better! So, would you say you are organized?" medea: as far as i am able to tell. Mikuni: "What do you know about dolls?" medea: a lot. they are my companions. Mikuni: OWO "Really? Me too!" *sets his dolls out on the table* "See?" medea: i see. Mikuni: "What do you and your dollies talk about?" *pours glasses of soda--* Johannes: Q~Q *staring, as Mikuni is pouring from _his_ bottle of soda* medea: my dolls are vessels for those who have died. Mikuni: "...Like vampires?" Jeje: *snake glare at Mikuni* medea: more like spirits. Mikuni: "Oh! We could use one of those people here! You're hired!" -elsewhere- Poe: *removes books on his shelf--and puts the box there* "..." lenore: *in raven form, staring* Poe: *smiles, turns--and spots Lenore* o_O; lenore: hey, im not saying anything, im just perched here. Poe: "Please don't!" Q_Q lenore: ok ok, chill. i wont tell anyone. Poe: "Thank you." TTWTT "I'll get you your favorite...whatever you eat." lenore: sunflower seeds please. Poe: "The best for you!" -elsewhere- Nurse Arg: *pulling medical files* ritsu: *taking notes* Nurse Arg: "I'm done with this one. Kusakabe can be moved to the outpatient file." ritsu: o-ok! Nurse Arg: "??? Is something wrong?" tao: i think she's just like that. Nurse Arg: *nods* "I-I can understand a bit." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "??? I thought you were going out." ebie: i did. i got some errands done! ^u^ Steinbeck: "Oh. You went shopping?" ebie: *she nods* i went to the farmers market and got a lotta good stuff! Steinbeck: "Any produce?" ebie: lots! Steinbeck: *looking through the bag* "I take it the pig figurine is yours?" ebie: *she nods* a little something for my room. i wanted wilbur to have a friend. *holds the plushie up* Steinbeck: ^^ "That's good." *unpacking the produce--then spots--* "Who's the book for?" ebie: dorothy. Steinbeck: "That's kind of you..." *sets it down, looking at the title* -seems its a coloring book, with a lion, a scarecrow, a tin man, and a young girl- dorothy: oh yay! *takes it and walks off* Steinbeck: ._.; *looks in the bag...pulls out a feather boa* "...For Oscar?" twain: oh nice thanks! Steinbeck: O-o;;; twain: do-do-do-do, gonna deck out my room, doodoodoo. oscar: oh my, how creative, marky~ ^^ Steinbeck: "..." *goes back to searching for other items--pulls out a box of raisins* "..." -elsewhere- Assi: *in waiting room, adjusting his tie, sweating* Zuno: *looking out the window* "It's so high up!" eckleburg: ah, glad yo see you, gentlemen. mr fitzgerald's office is this way. Assi: *nods* *follows Eckleburg--then notices Zuno* "Um...Zuno?" Zuno: "??" *looks back and forth* "...Oh! Am I a gentleman?" Assi: "..." *pats Zuno* "Come on." Fitzgerald: "Jordan! Where are my scissors?!" jordan: right here, sir. Fitzgerald: "Ah, thank you." *slasher smile, as he holds the scissors* Assi: Q_____Q Fitzgerald: "So then..." *SNIP...through the coupon* "There! Now I'll save fifty cents on Death Mart Frozen Pizza!" *looks up* "Oh! Mr. Assi! Or...is that your first name?" Assi: "A-Assi is fine, sir." *holds out his hand* Fitzgerald: "..." *puts a tissue in his hand, then shakes* "A pleasure. Now, then, you and Mr. Zuno worked at Happy Factory, yes?" Assi: *nods* Fitzgerald: *sneers* "Then you are more than qualified..." jordan: >->; Zuno: "???" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: =w= "It's good being home..." fang-hua: yeah. Tsukiyo: "Now let's see what's changed while we were out!" *leaps up to the top of a fence* -it looks more or less the same- Tsukiyo: "...Oh, poo." -3- "Was hoping something interesting happened..." fang-hua: anything happen, commander? Benimaru: "No explosions, hardly any fights. But we're still on alert for impersonators, so--" Tsukiyo: "???" Benimaru: *tapes paper to Tsukiyo's forehead* Tsukiyo: "..." -_-; fang-hua: ^^; Benimaru: "...Okay, you're not an impersonator." -elsewhere- Gopher: "..." *curls up on the couch, staring forward* "..." kirika: oooi, its me. are you dying in here or what? Gopher: *perks up* "N-No? I'm here! It's open!" kirika: *opens the door* *examines the area* nice place you got in here. guess the old sage spoils you, huh? Gopher: ^\\\^; "He's accumulated quite a number of priceless relics in his long life." *pats the sofa seat* kirika: *sits down* good condition, it looks. Gopher: "He also teaches how to take good care of the furniture..." *smiles...his eyes look a little red* kirika:....oi, something's bothering you, isnt it? Gopher: "..." *sighs* "I was reading..." kirika: *listening* Gopher: "...I was trying to determine how someone like...me exists." kirika: .... Gopher: "I don't know much about my mo--...this woman I see in my dreams." kirika:....*pats his back* Gopher: "..." *holds her hand* "I want to find her." kirika: *nods* yeah. Gopher: "So, um, I may be taking some weekends to look..." -elsewhere- Meme: "Nothing..." *pokes the crane origami* "Maybe it's magic." mio: maybe take them to a teacher? Meme: *nods* *scoops a few up* "Who specializes in magic...paper crane...thingies?" mio: not sure... Meme: "...I guess start with Miss Marie--No, she's out of town. Stein?" mio: sounds good. Meme: *walks up to the infirmary, knocks on the door* nygus: its open. Meme: *pokes her head in* "...Hello, ma'am." nygus: what do you need? Meme: "Is Dr. Stein in? I had a question about who tried to break into my locker..." nygus: he's in the teacher's lounge. Meme: *nods* "Thank you..." *walks there, opens the door--* *Smoke escapes out of the lounge* Meme: "?!" mio: *gags and runs to the bathroom* Stein: "???" *puts out his cigarette* "Sorry. Can I help?" Meme: ._.; "..." *holds up a crane in her hand* Stein: "...I don't accept gifts from students--" Meme: "It's not...I just...Can you check this for magic? They put it in my locker." *shoves it in his hand* " 'Kay, thanks!" *runs to Mio* "Hold up!" Stein: "..." *just looks at the crane* nygus: i think i heard a story about this. if you fold 1000 paper cranes, a wish is granted, right? Stein: "Is someone trying to give her a wish...or grant their own?" *sets the crane down* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *lying in bed* "..." guard: *slides his lunch through the door slot* Kunikida: "...Thank you." -elsewhere- Hibana: *wearing big sunglasses* gabriella: *also in big sunglasses* ryuuko: ... mikami: ^^; Hibana: "They're fashionable and UV protected!" -elsewhere- Relan: "...Hey?" tamaki: ya? Relan: *sits down* "You feeling okay?" tamaki: i guess. Relan: " 'Cause you've been quiet...and looking sad." tamaki: still shook up i guess.... Relan: *nods* "...You at least knocked down one of the Hoods." tamaki:...yeah..... Relan: "...Thanks for making sure Iris and I didn't die...and helping against that monster going after Sh-Shinra..." tamaki:...*smiles* anytime. Relan: ^^ -elsewhere- Sakuya: *sets down the tray of drinks* "So, what're you up to tomorrow?" naho: lets go to the mall! Sakuya: "Sounds good--should still be a few sales going on. Been wanting to upgrade my phone..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *resting under Louisa's desk* louisa: *jotting notes* Mr. Tsubaki: *stretches...steps out from under the desk, leaps to the windowsill* -elsewhere- Yumi: "Stocking, could you hold Shiori?" stocking: ah, sure. shiori: ^u^ Yumi: *washing her hands* "Feel better?" stocking: yeah. Yumi: "...Are you looking forward to your classes?" stocking: i guess. this whole 'student-teacher' thing is tough. Yumi: "Been there." *dries her hands, holds them out to take Shiori* "Want some pointers?" stocking: sure. Yumi: "Reinforce they need to put in the time to practice on whatever they're working on, daily, to make it a habit." stocking: *nods* Yumi: "You'll need to repeat some lessons, so get in that habit, too. I tried starting each day with a mini-exercise on some small detail, like a quiz on a topic, practicing a simple maneuver or stretch..." stocking: right. Yumi: "What were some of the lessons you have the most trouble with in school?" -elsewhere- Hyde: "When your mission?" soul: not sure yet. stein said he'd let me go with him. Hyde: "You been to Germany before?" soul: i think so. licht: i can teach you some phrases. soul: for real? licht: indeed, because i am an angel. Hyde: -_-; "Now say it in German." licht: <because i am an angel, descended from the heavens above> Hyde: "...Loses something in the translation." -KICK- Hyde: *smashed into the ceiling* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *outside, walking slowly* ???: oooi! araragi! Akutagawa: "???" *turns* female student: .//w//. Akutagawa: "...Do I know you?" female student: um...i was wondering...d-did you want to go out some time? Akutagawa: "...'Go out'?" female student: you know, like a date? Akutagawa: "...I don't think--" Tachihara: "Of course he would!" Akutagawa: "?!!!" o_o; female student: >////< Akutagawa: *whispers angrily at Tachihara* "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Tachihara: "I'll just have to help my little bro--give you a ride." *pat pat* Akutagawa: -_-# female student: s-see you this weekend then? >////< Akutagawa: "...Fine. My 'brother'--" *puts an arm around Tachihara's neck* "--will pick you up..." Tachihara: *getting choked by the 'affectionate' hug* X____X female student: oh, ok! Akutagawa: "Just write your address here--" *grabs Tachihara's arm--hard--and shoves it at her* "Just write on his arm." -she does so- Akutagawa: "Friday at 7?" female student: ok! see you then, araragi! *runs off* Tachihara: Q___Q Akutagawa: "...When this is over, I'm killing you." Tachihara: TTWTT "You're just nervous...Maybe a double date will help! Is your sister available?" Akutagawa: "..." *SLICE* *RIP* *FWOOSH* Akutagawa: *wipes his hand* "There. I feel relieved now." Tachihara: *covering himself* child:....weiner! Parent: *covers child's eyes* "Police! Help!" -elsewhere- Victor: *knocks* "Nozomi?" nozomi: its open... Victor: *enters with a basic* "...Hi. I brought mushrooms." nozomi:...*small chuckle* Victor: ^^ "I was digging around and trying to categorize them again..." *holds up--* "I was surprised Grifola frondosa grew here." nozomi: .... Victor: "But it's edible! Just, you know, not with allergies..." *sets it aside* "These are safe, though!" *offers one* -elsewhere- Yohei: *puts Toru in the bouncy chair* toru: ^o^ Yohei: "Who's a happy boy?" toru: *babble* chie: ^^ Yohei: "Where's Mommy at, Toru?" toru: *points* ma! chie: thats right, sweetie! ^^ Yohei: "Good boy." *snaps a pic* -elsewhere- Hawthorne: "..." lydia:...still moping? Hawthorne: "...He had promised..." lydia:....she will recover. it takes some time for the plan to work... Hawthorne: "And with him in jail, how does that change the schedule?" lydia: that is his intention. i dont know the details yet, but all is going to plan... Hawthorne: "Be nice to have more of a clue about all of this..." lydia:..........do you know why i joined the rats? Hawthorne: *shakes his head* lydia: the same reason as you, to save the life of my beloved. Hawthorne: "...When did he approach you?" lydia: ...two years ago. {lydia:.....*staring at her scarred eyes* .....} {natalia: *comatose in the hospital bed*} {lydia:.......<im sorry this had to happen to you....please get better, natya....>} {Fyodor: <Wishing won't be enough.>} {lydia: ?! *jumps back*} {Fyodor: <Don't be alarmed. I'm just rather direct.>} {lydia: *standing in front of natalia's bed, defensive*} {Fyodor: *looks at Lydia, then at Natalia* <Awful, isn't it, what they did...>} {lydia:....*shaking* <i failed her...i wanted to keep her safe.....> *tears falling*} {Fyodor: <You didn't fail her. You just didn't have all that you needed...But you can get it.>} {lydia: ??? <what do you mean?>} {Fyodor: <I have opportunities to provide to take care of Natalia's health and recuperation...and you have skills I need.>} {lydia: ......} {Fyodor: <Will you show me?>} {lydia:....} {-a shadowy hawk is perched onto her shoulder} {Fyodor: <...It suits you. Your strength is in the shadows...That is where we operate.>} {lydia:....<and in return, you will help her?>} {Fyodor: <I will.>} lydia: he gave me this mask to cover my scars. Hawthorne: "..." ("And to hide your identity...?") lydia:....i should go, i've been given my next task. Hawthorne: "Oh?" lydia: *she exits* -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "Any updates on his condition?" yosano: he's fine. atsushi: hi. Tanizaki: "Oh, hey! Man, that's some healing ability..." atsushi: i've had worse. naomi: ._.; Tanizaki: "Getting burned alive..." ._.; atsushi: no stranger to pain. now if you excuse me, it's naptime. *asleep on the exam table* yosano:.....let him rest for now. Tanizaki: "O-Okay?" *walks away* -elsewhere- Kid: "Nice putt, Father!" lord death: ^^ Kid: *takes his swing, and--* "Yes!" -elsewhere- Katai: "How is school?" aya: it's nice. i got to meet some other kids. Katai: "How are your teachers?" aya: as good as teachers can get, i suppose. Katai: "...We've known better teachers..." ("Kunikida...") aya: ... Katai: "..." *weak smile* "H-How about ice cream?" aya:....*sigh* ok sure. -elsewhere- Shotaro: "How's the job hunt going?" mono: ....... Shotaro: "...That bad, huh?" mono:... =///=; stupid short skirts.... Shotaro: "??? 'Short skirts'? Like, a cafe or something?" mana: yeeep. Shotaro: "Deathbucks?" mana: that's the one. Kepuri: "Man, I worked there...Watch your ass out there. Especially if Assi finds out you work there, Mono--" mono: YOU SHUSH! D///X< Shotaro: "Hey, maybe I should grab my schoolgirl uniform and put it on again! We can compare outfits and undies!" -PUNCH PUNCH KICK- mana: -_-; akaderu: what a pain, lets just skip to the next one before these cliche gags get worse... -elsewhere- Hiro: "??? Arthur? How did you--" Arthur: "The door was open." Hiro: "..." *looks at the door...which has been sliced in two* hime: D8< Arthur: "You're out of jelly." Hiro: -_-; "Mom's gonna make you pay for that door, Arthur." -elsewhere- Joker: "..." *rubs his eye* ivy: ? Joker: "Just exhausted reading this...Ivy, you get any reports?" ivy: heard some interesting folks decided to check out the nether. Joker: "??? Why? It got cleared out." ivy: apparently these guys are detectives. what a joke. Joker: "Did those 'detectives' find anything?" ivy: they had a run in with a few hoods. managed to give them a run for their money. not sure if they're just that strong or just ridiculously lucky. Joker: "...Might be a good deterrent against the Hoods going forward. Any identification?" ivy: i'll see what i can find. Joker: *nods, back to rubbing his unmasked eye* "Man, I need eyedrops..." -elsewhere- Sakuya: *holds up a shirt* "What you think, Lilac? Buy it?" lilac: i-i guess so... Sakuya: "It'll be good to try some new outfits before spring..." ._.; "Naho, what the heck?" naho: ouo~? *she has a hello kitty dress* Sakuya: "...Well, it suits you." ^^ -elsewhere- Wes: *napping on the couch* liz: *pats his head and checks her phone* Stein: [hello] liz: [hey. u get the application?] Stein: [i did. we're scheduling interviews. you available tuesday?] liz: [should be] Stein: [okay. appointments are available at 10 AM, 11, 2 PM] -elsewhere- Mifune: *sets down the glasses of apple juice* angela: thanks! *siiiip* ^u^ yuma: *entering through the door, taking her shoes off* im home! Mifune: "Welcome. How was it?" yuma: theres some new kids at school now. i had fun. ^^ Mifune: "That's good. Making friends?" -elsewhere- Kyoka: *yawn* atsushi: zzzzz..... Kyoka: "..." *tucks him in* ("He must've been sleeping forever.") -elsewhere- leo: *checking newspaper, apparently there is an opera showing at the theater tonight...* Motojiro: "Ahem..." leo: !!! ah! mr kajii, you startled me. Motojiro: "Sorry--just excited!" *shows "one" ticket to the opera* leo: oh, will you be attending the show then? i didnt expect you to be someone who finds interest in theater. Motojiro: "A true scientist has to engage with various arts to appreciate the wide range of experiences! Including...magic!" *slides a second ticket from behind the first* leo: ah! will you be inviting miss sakurai with you? ayako: love but cant! got stuff to do! Motojiro: "...I was thinking...you like opera?" leo: well, i did attend with my family when i was younger...y-yes, i suppose. Motojiro: "Glorious! Get on your best clothes!" leo: e-eh? o///o; s-shouldnt i ask permission from miss kouyou- Kouyou: "Permission for what?" leo: m-mr kajii had invited me to a show at the theater. s-should i? Kouyou: "..." *looks around Leo at Motojiro* Motojiro: owo Kouyou: "..." *pats Leo's shoulder* "You can do so much better--" Motojiro: D8> leo: um...*looks awkwardly back at him* Motojiro: Q_Q Kouyou: "But he's harmless." Motojiro: QWQ Kouyou: "Mostly." *takes Leo's hand. Let's get you dressed." leo: ah. a-alright then. Motojiro: *smiling, following* Kouyou: *death glare* "Not. You." -in the dressing room- Kouyou: "So, let's see...Opera, opera..." *picks out three outfits* leo: .... Kouyou: "...Do you want to go?" *holds up an outfit at her* leo: i would feel bad for turning him down.....although....*sad smile* Kouyou: "...Well, you are not in a position where you _have_ to go out with him, and 'I would feel bad for turning him down' isn't necessary...So, what's the _real_ reason?" leo: ........*looking down at the ground*...... Kouyou: "...You still hold a torch for him?" leo:......*shaking a bit* Kouyou: "Hey, none of that..." *hug* leo: ??! Kouyou: "You have a date, no time for feeling sad..." leo: i-im sorry, ma'am...i still miss him, i suppose...its...not an easy sentimentality to let go of. Kouyou: "...The heart wants what the heart wants. But that does not preclude you to enjoy this moment at this time." leo: .....what should i do? Kouyou: *smiles* "Put on your best attire, enjoy the opera, and enjoy whatever you get out of this date." leo:...alright then. *small smile* Kouyou: "And if he tries anything--" *holds up a taser* leo: .-.; Kouyou: "We can't afford to kill him, and we need him to retain both hands and his gustatory and olfactory senses--Hmm...I suppose you could remove a foot." Motojiro: *listening outside* Q______Q leo: ._.; Kouyou: "And pick me up a program." ^^ leo: noted. -elsewhere- Todoroki: "..." *looking at the streets* intern: whats up? Todoroki: "...What activities have been in this town?" -elsewhere- Iida: "The aquarium looks...serene." patron: ah! the show's starting now! -manual was also taking part in the show- Iida: o_o; "...This was unexpected." -people seem to be enjoying it- Iida: "..." ("Is this...also something heroes do?") intern: sometimes, heros are asked to do promotional work as well. Iida: "I see...And his promotional work is an aquatic performance?" intern: *he nods* his quirk is hydro-kinesis, so it makes quite the spectacle. Iida: "I guess I hadn't thought of him as much of an entertainer. He's seems a bit reserved." -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Yo, Maki, you got any calendar for the new year?" *setting up a table in the garage* maki:.....7u7 yeeep. Vulcan: "??? Could I borrow one? I'm losing track of days." maki: *hands him one...._that_ one.* Vulcan: ._.;;; "...When was this photographed?" maki: a while ago~ shinra: hey whats-....................................MAKI!!!! D8< maki: *nyoom* Vulcan: *flipping through the pages...holds at horizontal* "...Damn. They accept auditions for this or what?" shinra: *excalibur face* -ELSEWHERE- Asura: "..." *looks up through a grate* "..." ("Nirvana...") -lab workers are taking above the grate- worker: have you ever met the CEO? Asura: *ear twitch* worker 2: i dont think anyone has. Asura: "..." *intense listening* worker 2: oi, vinny, you ever see the boss? Vinny: "Nyeh." [translator’s note; "Nyeh" is Brooklyn for "No."] worker 2: did, you ever, see, the boss? Vinny: "Nyeh, I nyever saw the boss." worker 3: i heard they live at the top of the building, but no one ever goes up there, so hard to tell. Asura: "..." *looks at his scarf...snakes it along a pipe off the ceiling...lifts himself up...then lowers himself down* ("Climbing won't be a problem...") "..." *walks to a grate leading up into the ventilation* "..." *tightens himself up to be thinner--and pulls himself up with his scarves* -in the top room- ???: ...... Asura: *arrives in the duct...silent, just watching* ???: so you finally found this place...kishin? *she looks back at him.* im so happy...to finally meet lady pandora's grandson... -this woman...she's a lunarian- Asura: *stays inside* "...How did you come here?" woman: i arrived to this world like she had, all those 800 years ago... Asura: "...With my grandmother?" woman: *she nods* i long to see her again... Asura: "...Good luck with that." woman:...for now, i must follow her orders...use the clowns, evolve them....share the blessing of madness with this world. Asura: "..." *shudder* "M-Madness?" woman: have you ever wondered, where the clowns originated? Asura: "...I've felt something off of them..." woman: that's because....*smiles* the originals are not of this earth.... Asura: "...They are..." woman: like lady pandora and myself...born from the moon.... Asura: " 'Like you'...But mad..." woman:.....at one point, the lunarian society were people of culture, intelligence...but their thirst for knowledge became their downfall. with the discovery of a certain substance, the black blood, they began experimenting with it...creating those monsters. to ensure survival, they sent 8 children to the earth’s surface. Asura: "And of those eight..." woman: amongst them were myself and lady pandora, along with the scholar enoch and sage, diana. Asura: "...Enoch..." woman:....he and the sage's son sealed her in that damned book.....ah....ahhhh it pisses me off so muuuch.... Asura: "Understandable..." *looks around the room* -its dark...- Asura: "...When did you form this organization?" ("Where are the lights...?") woman: a long time ago...when the studies of science were still young..........your wife and child....*smiles* i look forward to meeting them soon... Asura: "..." ("...I don't trust her to...") -elsewhere- Kid: "--and Father won." stocking: ah. Kid: "How was your day?" *sits down* stocking: it went well. ^^ Kid: "Oh? You thought about your student-teaching?" stocking: yeah. yumi gave me some advice. Kid: "Did it help?" stocking: i think so. Kid: *nods* "Yumi wants to help, and she has a wealth of experience." stocking: *smiles* Kid: "And with your hard work and talent..." *cheek smooch* stocking: hehe~ Kid: "Just keep at it..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "--and so I'm stuck on this dumb date next week." naoya: ah. higuchi: sounds like a bummer. Gin: "...You could still back out of it." Akutagawa: "...I don't know. It would make things more complicated." naoya: just tell her you dont swing that way, whats complicated about that? Akutagawa: "...She seemed insistent." naoya: ah. Akutagawa: "...I wouldn't take the rejection well, if I was her." higuchi: ..... (yeah, based on how he handled the weretiger's rejection....) Gin: "You should at least have someone chaperone--" Akutagawa: "Tachihara offered--" naoya: oh boy. higuchi: oh dear god. Gin: "No." Akutagawa: "Well, how do I turn him down--" Gin: "Ichiyo, stop him." higuchi: already on it....how do i kick him in the balls through the phone? Akutagawa: "???" naoya: comedic physics? Gin: "...If you tell him we invite him to a threesome, I'm sure that would bring him over." higuchi:...........*higuchi.exe has stopped responding* Gin: "...I was kidding. But subterfuge is a good way to undermine him." *dials the number* "Naoya, you want to try?" -elsewhere- Motojiro: *listening to the music, captivated* leo:....(he seems to be enjoying himself...) ... {leo: *6 years old* *shiny eyes* <papa look!>} {Papa: <Yes, dear...> *watches with her*} {leo: OuO} {Papa: <She seems to be enjoying it...>} {mama: <indeed.>} {Papa: <Oh! Listen to that voice...>} {sister 1: <maybe one day, that'll be _you_ up there.>} {leo: <really?>} {sister 3: <yeah!>} {Papa: ^^ <If you put your mind to it...>} leo:...*sad smile* Motojiro: *glances at her* "..." *whispers* "How is it?" leo:...*wipes tear* i-im enjoying it. Motojiro: "..." *offers his handkerchief* *it is decorated with lemons* leo:...*small chuckle and wipes tears* Motojiro: ^\\\^ -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Done brushing?" sonia: yep. Chuuya: "And washed your face?" sonia: *nod* Chuuya: "Ready for your bedtime story?" sonia: *nod nod, holding her teddy* Chuuya: *tucks her in* "Once upon time, there was a girl, in a small village..." sonia: *listening, with mito on her lap* Chuuya: "This girl spent much of her time alone, except with her cat..." *pets Mito* mito: *mreow* Chuuya: "And while every home needs a cat, this girl needed something else: she needed a parent to be there, to provide what a parent should." sonia: ... Chuuya: "The child would need a safe home, with food in the cupboards--and for her cat--and the opportunities to learn all that a child has to in order to grow up into a smart, mature adult. One day, a prince was passing through town--where he saw the girl." sonia: was he a nice prince? Chuuya: "Hmmm...I'd say so. He may get a little upset if people made fun of his height...or his excellent choice in headwear..." *adjusts his hat* sonia: *giggles* Chuuya: "Hee hee...And the prince saw the girl--and he recognized her, having heard about this child, and the child's mother..." sonia:........*hug* Chuuya: *hug* "And he wanted to give that child the life her mother...would want." sonia:...thanks, papa. Chuuya: "Thank you, Sonia..." mito: =A=; sonia: sorry, mito. *pet pet* mito: =3= Chuuya: ^^; "Sorry..." *kisses Sonia's forehead* "Now, the princess needs to get her sleep." sonia: ok, papa. Chuuya: "Good night, Sonia." -saturday morning- zoey: happy birthday, kyusaku. Q: *huuuugs* >u< Ivan: -_-; zoey: do you like your gift? Q: *in a new jacket* *NOD NOD* Ivan: <Now he looks like a--> -CHOP- yana: <behave> Ivan: >_<# <Stupid cow, and that parasite with the ugly two-tone hair...> yana: <gonch, im worried for your health, all this salt cant be good for you. where are you getting all this salt, the ocean?> Ivan: <I still say we could get better medical help...> yana *rolls eyes* <i'll send the complaint to management then.> Ivan: *crosses his arms* yana: *pap pap* Ivan: TT_TT mushitaro: here. *hands him one of a box with one of fyodor's spare capes* enjoy. Ivan: QWQ *takes it--and inhales* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *yawn* "..." *checks his phone* -message from kouyou- Chuuya: *pulls it up* kouyou: [sleep ok?] Chuuya: [pretty well. you?] kouyou: [i slept well] Chuuya: [any plans for today?] -elsewhere- leo: ...... Kouyou: "Good morning." leo: good morning, miss kouyou. Kouyou: "Did you get home safely?" leo: yes. *she nods* Kouyou: "Did you have to use the taser?" leo: no, ma'am. Kouyou: "Well, that's good." *sets down tea* "How was the music?" leo:...nostalgic. *faint smile* Kouyou: *nods* "In a comforting way?" leo:...yes. Kouyou: "...I'm glad you went out. It's good to get out now and then." leo: ....mr kajii seemed to enjoy it as well. Kouyou: "Well, he does have surprising interests." leo: ... Kouyou: "He seems to enjoy your company." leo: *she nods* Kouyou: "Do you enjoy his?" leo:...i suppose. Kouyou: "..." *pat pat* "Give whatever you want time." leo: r-right. Kouyou: "Don't feel pressured: do what you want, not what he wants." leo: … Kouyou: "Now, we begin the day--" *opens the door* "..." -_-# "...This is for you." *holds up a gift basket...full of lemons* leo:....^^; Kouyou: "Make some tea with these at least." leo: ok. -elsewhere- Patty: "So you scored the interview?" liz: yep! Patty: "Sweet! Thompson sisters, the best teachers ever!" liz: hell yeah! high five! Kid: ".. Never thought I'd see this when first meeting you two." liz: life's full of surprises, eh? Kid: *smiles* "Yes." Patty: "...You condescending us, Reaper?!" Kid: .-.; liz: ^^; Kid: "N-Not at all! I was just saying it was surprising--" Patty: *noogies Kid* -elsewhere- Sakuya: *folding his clothes* "Think Sham is looking more stressed than usual?" naho: we should throw him a party! Sakuya: "That works...What does a Sham party look like? Fancy cheeses and small talk?" -elsewhere- Yohei: *checking off his list* "Tub scrubbed, ceiling dusted...How's fence repair going?" GET: *thumbs up* Yohei: "Good GET." *drops an apple core in his trash compartment* GET: ^o^ Yohei: "Saki, you finish moving the furniture?" saki: yep. *sets down the couch* Emine: *still seated on that couch* "..." Yohei: "...I told you to do the laundry." Emine: "I did." chie: half of it is pink... Emine: "It needed to be pink. Pink is close enough to blood." chie:.... oh, that reminds me. *pricks her finger* *phew* Yohei: ^^ "Let's get that bandaged up." -elsewhere- Hugh: *reviewing a log book* "Uptick in business thanks to the winter..." tetsu: that's good to know. *cleaning* Hugh: "But when the heat comes in, fewer customers...WE NEED A SALES PITCH FOR THE SPRING!" -elsewhere- Izuku: O_O;;; "This town is...busy." gran torino: it's a big city, kid. not as big as death city, but big none-the-less. Izuku: "I guess it just seems more...um, hipster?" gran torino: that it is, kiddo. Bystander #1: "...Who made your outfit, kid, your mommy?" Izuku: "...Yes. And it is awesome. Thank you." bystander 2: ._. ....ok then. Izuku: ^^ -elsewhere- manual: -so yeah, hosu is a pretty nice town to live in. unfortunately, some other places in the world arent as friendly to those with quirks, like chicago. but there are heroes like valkyria there that act as a beacon of hope. Iida: "I am familiar. It is challenging..." manual: still we shouldnt be discouraged. Iida: *quietly* "Hard not to be..." -elsewhere- Stain: "..." *pulls scarf closer* -a light snowfall covers the area- Stain: *looking down the alley* -silence- Stain: "..." *steps carefully* -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "Is this wise?" tomura: it has to be done tonight....if not...im gonna scratch all my skin off.... Kurogiri: "..._That_ is not wise." -elsewhere- Bakugo: "I just want you to know something, sir." best jeanist: oh? Bakugo: *holds up his smaller gauntlets* "I sweat. My sweat is explosive. These tiny pansy-ass gauntlets are not going to fucking cut it." -elsewhere- Fourth Kind: "I SAID FILE CHRONOLOGICALLY, NOT ALPHABETICALLY!" eijiro: YESSIR! tetsutetsu: QuQ -elsewhere- Lucy: *sets out a tray of cookies* "Eat up." atsushi: thanks. *nom* Lucy: "...We need to talk." atsushi: Q_Q did i mess up? Lucy: "No. I just wanted to let you know..." *brushes hair over her ear* "Look, I was fine sharing my bed with you..." atsushi:... oh... .///.;;; Lucy: "...Right. I'm just not ready for...that. Not today, anyway." atsushi: y-yeah...... .////.;;;;; same. Lucy: *smiles* "Good. Just...give me time, okay?" atsushi: i will. Lucy: "Good..." *wipes the chocolate off his lips with her finger* atsushi: ^///^ Lucy: "..." .\\\\. *quickly cleans it off with a napkin* -elsewhere- Tachihara: o______O *trying to hide from Higuchi and Gin* hirotsu: what did you do this time? Tachihara: "I roped in Akutagawa into a date." hirotsu: oh? Tachihara: "With a girl." hirotsu: is that right? Tachihara: "And since he's not really into that, and I was so forceful--" Gin: "Then you must die." higuchi: *loading pistol* Tachihara: ._______. "..." *LOUD HIGH-PITCHED SQUEAL* -elsewhere- Motojiro: "--and I think it went well!" Chuuya: "Well, glad to hear." Motojiro: =w= *sips his tea at the cafe* "How's it going, Sonia?" sonia: pretty good. school's nice. Motojiro: "Need help with chemistry? I can show you how to make a smoke bomb--" Chuuya: *glaaaaaare* sonia: im in 1st grade. Motojiro: "Never too early to try--" Chuuya: *imitating a 'cut it out' slice across his own neck* sonia: no thanks, im good. Chuuya: *decisive parent nod* Motojiro: "Okay...Students aren't giving you trouble, are they?" sonia: if you're asking if im being bullied, no. Motojiro: "Oh, good! I didn't like that as a kid..." sonia: ... Motojiro: "..." *sips his tea* >_> -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Here's your seat, sir." *gets up out of his on the bus* fukuzawa: thank you. *sits down* Shotaro: ^^ "Anything for the elderly." fukuzawa: ... *doesnt have the heart to correct him* Shotaro: "...You a samurai? I know a kappa who wields a sickle, which isn't the same as a sword but pretty awesome!" fukuzawa: do you now? Shotaro: *nod nod* "You ever meet a kappa?" fukuzawa: no, but i have heard stories. Shotaro: "You read a lot, sir?" fukuzawa: *he nods* *cough* Shotaro: "??? You okay?" fukuzawa: fine. -elsewhere- Iida: "..." manual: you ok? Iida: "!!! Yes, sorry. Was thinking about our schedule." manual: ah, good to know. we'll be on a patrol later this evening. Iida: "I look forward to it." *looking at the streets* -evening...- Izuku: "Sir?" gran torino: whu? whazzit? Izuku: "Sorry...I thought you wanted to go on patrol this evening?" gran torino: yeah, that. *hops up* ever take the monorail? Izuku: "Nothing that trendy, I'm afraid. Has Death City ever had one?" gran torino: of course, you just gotta know where to look. -elsewhere tomura: ah.....so this is hosu, huh? Kurogiri: "Yes...It has had a bit of a drop in crime..." tomura: well then, why dont we kick off the new year with a bang? Kurogiri: "..." *sighs, opens another gate* -3 creatures....nomus..appear- tomura: hey staaaain, if you can hear me, we brought the party to your stomping grounds! -on the monorail- Izuku: *looking through his phone* "Still nothing..." gran torino: waiting on a message from a special somebody, kid? Izuku: "Just my friend Iida..." ._. "N-Not like that! Not that there is anything wrong. But I'm seeing someone else--" -CRASH- Izuku: "!!!" lion man: w-what the hell even is that?! blue nomu: *SHRIEEEEEK* Izuku: "Nomu?!" gran torino: stay there, kid! *jumps and tackles the nomu out the hole in the wall* Izuku: "Wait, sir! That's not how--" *looks out the hole* -smoke and fire coming from downtown- Izuku: "No..." worker: everyone, please keep calm, the heroes and authorities have been alerted- Izuku: "..." *leaps out the hole, takes off running* worker: h-hey kid! kid get back here! it's dangerous! -elsewhere- manual: *running* this way! Iida: *follows--then sees down an alley* native: *groan* Stain: *looking to the side at the explosions* "...Who is that flashy fool just blowing stuff up randomly? Whatever. I'll take care of that target next...For now...I have to take care of you..." *pulls a knife aimed at Native* native: urk- (why cant i move? the blood...he-) Stain: "I will allow you to choose your last words. Choose carefully." native:....*glances*....!!! *A blur is approaching Stain--* Stain: "..." *slice* *A helmet goes flying* native: !! Iida: "!!!" Stain: "...Who are you, kid?" Iida: "..." *barely able to get up again...hard murderous stare at Stain* Stain: "...Leave, kid. This is no place for rugrats like yo--" Iida: "Red scarf. Blood red. Armed to the teeth...The Hero Killer Stain...I have been hunting you. I did not expect to meet so soon...I am--!" *FLIK* Iida: "!!!" Stain: "...Those eyes. Cybernetic, right?" Iida: "..." Stain: "Yet full of revenge...Watch your mouth, because your age and your condition won't save you." Iida: "..." *grabs the blade* Stain: "?!" Iida: *pushes it away, as he stands* "...You fail to see me as a threat. That is your first mistake, criminal. I AM THE YOUNGER BROTHER OF THE HERO YOU ATTACKED! THE HERO AMONG HEROES! AND FOR HIM, I AM BRINGING YOUR CAMPAIGN OF MURDER TO AN END! THE LAST MINUTES YOU HAVE, ALL YOU WILL REMEMBER IS MY NAME!" Stain: "..." Death the Kid: Iida: "I AM INGENIUM! THE HERO WHO WILL TAKE YOU DOWN!" Stain: "..." *stands still* Iida: "AAAAH!" *swings his leg for a super-fast kick--* Stain: *dodges* Iida: "?!!!" Stain: *flipping over Iida* "Ingenium..." *slams his foot down onto Iida's shoulder--the spikes tearing through Iida's armor* Iida: "Gah!" Stain: *lands on Iida's head, slamming his foot down--then his sword into Iida's shoulder* Iida: "ARRRRGH!" Stain: "...You feign heroism...like the fake you are..." Iida: "Silence, evildoer!" Stain: "..." *small chuckle* Iida: "I SAID SHUT UP! The damage you did to his spinal cord...My brother will be crippled forever! He can never be a hero again!" Stain: "Then he was never a hero to begin with--" Iida: "I SAID SHUT UP! ...He is a great hero! He has saved so many! And what have you done, murderer?!" {Iida: *shiny eyes at dinner*} {Father Iida: "Excellent work, son!"} {tensei: aw, its nothing. ^^; } {Father Iida: "It's certainly no small feat, I'll tell you that! You're this young but already command so many sidekicks..."} {tensei: i wouldnt say that. im not able to do much by myself, and they're all there to support me. i owe them a lot. heroes have to bear the weight of that title, right? then if my job helps at least someone, then im doing good at it.} {Iida: "..." *small smile*} Iida: "My hero...has inspired my dreams! I'll kill you!" Stain: "And what of him?" *points to Native* native: *passed out* Iida: "..." Stain: "Your instinct was to attack me, not to save him? You wield power for yourself. Your greed blinds you...That is the furthest thing for a hero. That is why..." *kicks Iida's head to the side* Iida: "AH!" Stain: *removes the blade from Iida's shoulder...licks...* Iida: "?!" Stain: *holds it over his left eye* "You must die..." Iida: "!!!" ("My body...it's frozen...") Stain: "Be pleased that your offering will improve our society." Iida: "I said...shut up!" {Iida: "I am thoroughly impressed, brother!"} {tensei: you look up to me that much? guess that makes me a great hero or something. *smiles*} Iida: "Regardless what you say--you remain the criminal who hurt my brother!" Stain: *grins...* -something rushes in- Stain: "Huh--" -KAPOW- Iida: "...Midoriya?" izuku: iida! are you ok? Iida: "...Why are you here?" izuku: like the news reports said. 60% of the hero killers victims were found in alleys. i searched all over the back alleys looking for you! Iida: "...Not 'how'...Why?!" izuku: why? because we're friends, right? *smile* Iida: "...Do not interfere." izuku: ?? iida? Iida: "This has nothing to do with you!" izuku: what do you- Stain: *stares at Izuku* "...That's a cute line, kid..." *rubs his cheek* "But these fakes must die. And in a fight between you and me, the weaker will be eliminated..." *intense stare* izuku: *frozen* {All Might: "Villains with agenda...'ideals'...have a different kind of fire burning in their eyes..."} izuku:...*fist clench* Iida: "I said leave, Midoriya! This does not concern you!" izuku: whats a hero supposed to do when you say those kinds of things? its like what allmight said. giving help when its not asked for....thats what makes a true hero! Stain: "...Ahh..." *stands* izuku: *charges forwards* Stain: *swings his blade* izuku: *ducks down* Stain: *swings again* izuku: *jumps up* -5% DETROIT SMASH- Stain: *head knocked down* izuku: *lands* (i did it!) Stain: "..." *licks his blade* izuku: !!!! (w-what?! i-i cant move...did he graze me without feeling it....no...it's the blood!) Stain: "...So many heroes think they need power...Is that what you think, kid?" izuku: ...... Stain: "Obviously not. You wouldn't have relied on only your power, or mentioned All Might...You have something these fakers lack: focus. Observation. You tracked me. You exploited my blind spot. Your movements, your skill...You aren't one of these fools who just talks...You...are worth keeping alive." izuku: ?? Stain: "These others are not..." *lifts his sword, aiming again for Iida's eye* izuku: NO DONT- *FWOOSH* *The alley lights up in flames* Stain: *barely dodges* izuku: !!! ???: "I need more than a GPS coordinate, Izuku." izuku: todoroki! Todoroki: *on fire* "Took me far too long to recognize the coordinates you texted as being this location: you're too organized to send out meaningless numbers." Stain: "..." *runs at Todoroki* Todoroki: *ice foot slam at Stain's steps* Stain: *leaps to the right* Todoroki: *fire-stream at Stain, as his ice picks up Native and Izuku* izuku: woah! native:...nngh....nhuh? *The ice carries Native and Izuku to behind Todoroki* Todoroki: "You will not have them, Killer." Stain: "..." izuku: whatever happens, dont let him ingest your blood, he'll paralyze you! thats how he got us! Todoroki: "..." ("Hence the blades. Just keep my distance--") *SHUK!* izuku: !!! Todoroki: "!!!" *dodges knife thrown at him* Stain: *already in front of Todoroki* Todoroki: "!!!" *spots blood on his own cheek* ("He grazed me!") Stain: *tosses his sword up* Todoroki: "!!!" ("Got to dodge--but--") Stain: *tongue out--* Todoroki: *blasts fire off his shoulder, arm, and leg* Stain: *leaps back* Todoroki: ("He depends on simultaneous attacks...") Iida: "Leave...This is my fight...I inherited my brother's name! I--" Todoroki: *slams ice down to form a wall, blocking Stain*"...'Inherited'? Yeah. I know that. But you, 'Ingenium,' never made those faces...Murderous. Violent. Vengeful. I thought my family had a dark side..." Iida: "Wh-What are you--" izuku:...*finger twitch* !! Todoroki: "Stop obsessing. I know it's not healthy when--" *CRASH* Todoroki: "!!!" Stain: "...Obstruction is rarely good enough. This is poor strategy--" Todoroki: *backs up, charges up his flames* -STAB STAB STAB- Todoroki: *clutching an arm, with three knives now in it* -VREEEEEEN- izuku: *he grabbed him by the scarf* Todoroki: "!!! How did you--" izuku: i think the paralysis has a time limit! native: but he was the last one to get hit, i still cant move. Stain: "..." ("Damn O...") *lands* Todoroki: "Get back, Izuku!" *sends ice at the floor* "Dodge it!" izuku: *dodge* !! Stain: *dodges* Todoroki: "How are you moving, Izuku?" izuku: i managed to break free, but i was the last hit. maybe there is a time limit? or some alternative reason? Todoroki: "Whatever it is, that makes you are best shot..." izuku: right. i'll get his attention while you take up the rear. Todoroki: "We have to delay him until Endeavor and the other Pros arrive. Dodge." izuku: right! Todoroki: "Remember, protect them..." izuku: *he nods* Stain: "Appreciate the plan to go two against one, boys..." Todoroki: "..." {Todoroki: "Mother...I want to know..."} {yuki: ??} {Todoroki: "To control this fire...what should I do?"} {yuki: ...use your flames to protect people. i believe in you...} -...- {ochako: why your dad's agency? after all that he-} {Todoroki: "To learn to control my flames..."} {ochako: ...is that the only reason?} {Todoroki: "...Regardless what he has done, he has the experience of someone long in this profession. There is something I can learn from him."} {ochako: .....} {Todoroki: "I don't like it. But I want to try, to move beyond this hate...I don't want it to consume me."} {ochako:...then you give it your all!} {Todoroki: "..." *nods*} Todoroki: (" 'My power is my own,' right? Then it's time I prove it--by saving Iida and the others first.") Iida: *watching...* "...Stop..." Stain: *on all fours--slicing at Izuku's ankle* izuku: GAH! Iida: "Please, don't...I can't take it..." Todoroki: " 'Can't'? ...THEN STAND UP AND FIGHT! Be the hero you want to become! Remember who you are!"
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Car insurance question?
"Car insurance question?
If I make a down payment of around a quarter of the car price ($4,500 for a $18,000 car) when I buy and also get comprehensive insurance on it. After two years if the car gets totaled- how much will I get from the insurance company?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Will the check from the auto insurance company be in my name or my mom's?
under name of insured it has my mom's name and my name. the car is in my name. I hit a car and the insurance company is sending a check for the repair costs after the deductible. will the check be in my name or my mom's name??
What's a good sport bike for a new rider? ?
I know motorcycles aren't safe no matter what but what's an affordable bike for a new rider. I really want something as light as possible. How much is insurance? I don't know anything about bikes but I've always wanted one. Never even rode or drove one.
Where can I get affordable health insurance in New York State?
I need health insurance hopefully that also includes dental. I make to much for state run plans and don't have enough for private plans they want as much as $1,000 and there is no way I can afford that. But I can't afford not having any either. Can anyone point me in the right direction?""
Car Insurance?
Ok, first does anyone know which states do not require car insurance? Second question is do you have to have full coverage on a financed car? No silliness here real answers.""
Can you switch car insurance with a pending accident case?
I had an accident about 4 years ago, it was my fault, but the case is still ongoing for that between the two insurance companies. I would like to switch from State Farm to Geico auto insurance to save some money. Would it be a problem to switch with a pending case?""
What auto insurance company has the best rates for teenagers?
i live in ontario ca if that helps and i drive a 95 caprice
Car insurance/non valid?
""Online resources, I need car insurance, but have a terrible driving record right now. Any suggestions?""
How can I get coverage at a decent rate when I have a crappy driving record?? Ive called about 4 different companies, the lowest rate i found was $209 a month for 6 months. I have 7 points on my record currently!! I cannot get insurance through my parents and i am not married so basically I'm screwed...or I should look into paying a driver to cart my butt around.""
""How many people out there would love a health care insurance exchange, where you can buy insurance on your own?""
and not have to choose a job based on benefits, and you could switch jobs without worrying about losing coverage. Why would people be against this, unless they are part of a union and do not want everyone to have great benefits like they do?""
What cars have cheap insurance for a teen?
Not looking for some online thing with only a couple new cars. In YOUR experience what cars have the cheapest insurance? Right now I'm looking for any beater as looks really don't matter too much as I'm only gonna pay like $500 or a little more depending on the car and only going to drive it for 3-4 months or so (unless its a classic) because with the job I am getting next month Ill be able to afford a much nicer car and insurance in no time. I got a quote for an 03 civic si coupe at 400 bucks a month (while on my dads insurance) I am 17 and thats too much for me right now heck i could buy an old beater civic for that much. So I'm thinking going back as 90's and up (I'm all for classic cars but I dont think the insurance will be any less because they think all old cars have massive and fast motors and are death traps. I like this 87 monte carlo ss that isnt too old but again the insurance sees ss and adds another $100 -_- ) theres also a 76 camaro with a 305 that I really like and its already yellow! (bumble bee anyone?) though i dont know how the insurance would be for that. It's just a regular one as there was no z28 option in 76. Now I'm thinking what about the early 90s civics such as the hatch? though I would guess insurance would still be high because they are easy to steal see my frustration no matter what cheap car i think of insurance finds a reason to skyrocket rates What cars can you recommend me that I can get for a grand? cheap insurance and cheap gas would be good too but if the fbodys arent too bad on insurance then i dont care about the gas.
I just purchased car insurance today?
So I just passed my test today and just purchased insurance from Bell over the phone, and my policy starts from Friday. I know I cannot drive until Friday. So say I was pulled over by police on Friday night, and I have to take documents to the police station, how do I prove to them that I have insurance? I don't have a piece of paper but I DO technically have insurance .. What do I do if I get pulled over?""
""What is Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E or 4P?""
What is Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E or 4P""
Cheapest car insurance company?
hey can u tell me the cheapest or most resonable car insuarnace company that covers northern ireland.... i have tried gocompare.com but it dosnt give me quotes with certain insuarance companys like directline or autoline thanks
Do you believe in any type insurance ? why ?
what is advantage and disadvantage of insurance ?
""Insurance company totaled my car, How much will i get for it?""
I was in a pretty bad accident and the insurance company says that my car is totaled and they will write me a check for the amount. My question is what amount? On KBB would it be the trade in value, private party value, or the suggested retail value?""
""Car accident, neither driver has insurance?""
Was in a car accident yesterday. The other driver was completly at fault. He gave me insurance info, but has just informed me he was dropped due to lack of payment or something. I also have no insurance. YES, I KNOW ITS ILLEGAL TO DRIVE WITHOUT INSURANCE. IF THATS ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY MOVE PAST MY QUESTION!! What am I suppose to do? Do I need to try and get a lawyer and sue? My car was totalled,my hip is in a lot of pain, so is my bfs shoulder n back. The other driver is fine and had very minimal damage. Im at a loss, any advice would be.greatly appreciated""
Auto Insurance Rates hlep?
In November 2007, I erroneously ran a red light and made a left turn, with the result was hit by an oncoming car. Some tow truck driver came and offered me assistance by taking the car to his body shop and have the car fixed at a much lesser cost. (the police gave me at fault ticket). The next day I called up my insurance company and reported the accident. In October 2009 I fought my ticket and my fine was reduced with 0 demerit points. I have my abstract which says AIL TO OBEY LANE LIGHTS CURRENT DEMERIT POINTS TOTAL 00. Every year my insurance company raises my auto insurance at present for 2 cars and 2 drivers we are paying over 6000 premium. The cars are Mazda 5 2010 model and Mazda protege 2001 model. the accident car was Mazda Protege. My husband is the first driver and has a clean record for more than 10 years. I would like to shop for another insurance company. How much details about the accident would they ask me? My present insurance company has marked an 'x' on conviction free dsic. Could someone please guide me as what do I have to disclose at the time of shopping of rates. I would like to add that this inquiry is for the province of Ontario - Canada Thanks Regds Jo-Anne""
Is the acura rsx a cheap car to insure for 16yr old?
Is the acura rsx a cheap car to insure?
A break in car insurance between my old and new car?
Hi, Tomorrow my current car insurance with my S reg corsa is due to expire at 12:00pm (Noon) now I have decided not to bother renewing this as tomorrow night I am going to buy a new car for which I have already put down a deposit. Now I have been told I cannot insure this new car now as I don't own it yet, but im worried that if my car insurance has a break in it then it will affect me - I currently have 2 years no claims and don't want to loose this - does anyone have any knowledge of what happens in the situation? Also with me not being able to insure the car until i own it, how do i go about getting the car back home from the showroom? Please helpppp""
Which company gives best insurance to young drivers?
I'm currently 17 and the cheapest quote i've got at the moment is 4000 on my own car as the main policy holder but with my dad as the main driver i've found a quote for 1500. but does anyone know which companies are good for young drivers?
Comprehensive car insurance ?
My comprehensive car insurance will be expirering next month. At the moment I'm with youi and they are asking $876 to renew it for my 2003 Mitsubishi pejaro. Pls help me to find best and cheapest insurance in Victoria Aus. Tks
""Poll: Hey, can I borrow your car?""
Poll: Hey, can I borrow your car?""
How much would car insurance go up if...?
My family and I are just trying to get a ballpark idea of how much my sister's car insurance would go up if we made a claim on an accident she had. She was in a mall parking lot and pulled out to make a left turn. I think she didn't really see a car coming, but I also think the car was zipping around the lot at a too-fast speed. My sister got hit in her driver's door and needs a new door and the frame of the car needs pulled out. There are no witnesses to really show who's fault it is, and I think it's a little of both judging by how much damage there is on her car (the other driver had to be going fast). There is no damage on the other person's car. It costs about $1500 to get it fixed (just the bare minimum - a new door from a junkyard and fixing the frame, just to make it safe and sealed, there will still be some dents). We're debating on claiming it or not because there is a $500 deductible. She is 25 years old and hasn't had an accident before. How much do you think the insurance would go up and how long would it stay up? Would it be worth it to claim it or should she just pay cash for the damages? Thanks!""
Can the insurance handle it?
I was parking and accidentally bumped into someones car and made a small scratch. The bmw driver made a big deal over it and got my insurance information.he supposedly got an estimate and tried to handle things under the table without having to go thru the insurance.however I think the estimate is tooo much money for fixing a little scratch that literally can be buffed out.I think he already got it fixed and still wants me to pay cause he said the supposed estimate also incluided a three day shop fee.will the insurance still cover me?what can I do?how do I handle this situation?this accident happened last week on Tuesday and he gave me the estimate Saturday.
Car and Insurance for Teen driver?
I'm 16, turning 17 this year living in Houston, TX I have had my license since August of 2009 and Insurance twice from August to November I think, and from January I believe, until now. I never had any accident, finished Driver's Ed., and have 3.6 GPA. I'm getting my own car now, and I'm looking for low price car with good reliability and low insurance cost. Which car and which insurance company would be the best for me? I'm looking for something cool, sporty. I can drive manual.""
Car insurance question?
If I make a down payment of around a quarter of the car price ($4,500 for a $18,000 car) when I buy and also get comprehensive insurance on it. After two years if the car gets totaled- how much will I get from the insurance company?
""What do you do if you pregnant, and you have no health insurance?
could the baby be covered on the father's insurance?
How much will a porsche 944 be in 4 years time and what will the insurance be if I'm 18?
It doesn't matter about fixing it as my uncle is a mechanic and I will be training soon.My uncle has got one now and I love it !!!
What happens if you get in an accident and your insurance relapsed?!?
We got into a small fender bender and our insurance was expired. What will happen to us?! We renewed that same day RIGHT after the accident.
""How much can the owner of a commercial Insurance Agency expect to make? (in Year 1, Year 5, Year 10?)?""
Hi all, I live in Florida and am currently in my second year of law school. I am looking to get into the insurance business after I graduate to build some form of residual income. ...show more""
Car insurance for new driver that will not drive far..?
HI, I am turning 17 in november, and already looking at cars. The cars i am looking at are getting insurance at over 5000 (im male) a year fully comp! The car is only like 2500..... The thing is i will barely use my car as i live really close to school, so will walk all weekdays - especially as i am banned from parking in school as i live too close. I will occasionally use it on weekends - but if i go out in the evening im not going to take my car - drink driving.. So the only time i will use my car is quite alot in the holidays and very occasionally on some weekends, and therefore think 5k for a few car trips is ridiculous.. So is there any form of insurance where you pay for how far you drive? BTW the cars i was loooking at are 1L's, peugeots and vauxhalls mainly. These ok? Im looking at nothing over 60,000 miles and 7 years old max - i think i will do 3000 max a year. IM looking to sped about 2500 on a car, but need cheaper insurance than that! Hope you can help Many Thanks""
Who hates Health Insurance?
On the infrequent occasions when I need to see a doctor, I pay cash. Which I'd have to do even if I had health insurance because of the ridiculously high deductibles. I dont even know why i have it. I pay too much money. A friend recommend me a pharmacy Online I will be trying that. They have very cheap prices. am sick of giving out my money. Do you guys think i will save money with Medicines mexico Online Pharmacy?""
""I want to start trying for another baby by August, but I don't have medical insurance....?
My husband makes too much for me to get on Medicaid. I want to get a good insurance. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what to do.
Cheap auto insurance in florida?
Cheap auto insurance in florida?
Rental car insurance?
I want my sisters friend to rent a car for me, because i am only 19. But i want to make sure if i buy rental car insurance that i will be covered because she wont be with me. Anything helps""
What auto insurance offices offer reduced cost auto insurance program in the San Fernando Valley?
Details below if you do not know which one I am referring to? I'm not talking about the cliche low cost auto insurance that is available to everyone. etc...I'm talking about a specific plan offered by the state of California available at some insurance offices for low income individuals. I found one office with it, it isn't close enough, does anyone know of any more offices ? The California Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program (LCA): The California Low Cost Automobile Insurance Pilot Program, created in 1999, established a low-cost automobile insurance policy for residents of Los Angeles County and the City and County of San Francisco. California Law requires that all drivers be insured. However, too many low-income drivers remain uninsured because the costs of standard auto insurance premiums are beyond their financial reach. The programs purpose is to provide low-cost automobile liability insurance to good drivers who demonstrate financial need.""
""I need auto insurance, I am 17?""
Ok, So I really need auto insurance, Looking to spend a good price per year for insurance, what is the cheapest insurance company??? How much do you pay per year? Thanks, I am tring to get insurance asap!!!! Thanks.. I need to drive to school and I am a senior""
Do I 1st need car insurance to take license test or does the car I use for the test just need to be insured?
P.S. My dad says he has researched and told me in order to get my license, I needs car insurance for myself, not including my dads insured car I would use for the test . I have been searching the web, and found nothing to prove either one of us right. I know I need insurance after I receive my license but is it a requirement when I take the test?""
How much does it cost for tow truck insurance?
How much does it cost for tow truck insurance?
Term Life Insurances-Insurance Law?
Hi I was wondering if you would be able to look at a brief summary of my family situation and give me some suggestions.I want to get insurance but can u recomment some changes in what I presently have. I thank you. I am married and have 3 childern (ages 9, 12, and 16) I just bought a waterfront home which is valued at 500,000 with a 300,000 mortgage. My jewrely is about 10,000. We have 3 cars a 2004 BMW, a 2002 Lexus and 1997 Jeep Wrangler. My husband works at a large manufacturing firm and earns about 125 K. I run a day care center from my home and earn about 45K. I don't have any employees. My kids all go to private school - which costs me about 25 a year. We honestly have no savings or investments and almost no discretionary income at the end of the month. ( which is a main reason I am writing this!) I met with a financial planner and they suggested on purchasing a 50,000 variable life policy for each of us as an investement. I think i am worried about the high vost of these policies This is what is presently covered property risks Ho3 with no endorsements or riders, dwelling 300,000, liability 100,000, medical payments 2500/person, uninsured/underinsured motorist 100,000,collision and other than collision (100 deductible) Personal risks: Life - my husband employer paid group term 50,000, we both have 50,000 universal life policy disability - mr. murphy - employer paid group policy (LTD with a 90 day wait with benefits to age 65) I have no coverage Medical: My husband - employer paid Major Medical (family plan) myself - i have an individual plan and still pay premiums I thank you for whatever you can give me!!""
How much does car insurance cost if you're under 21 in North Carolina?
Hi. I'm 20, female, turning 21 late next month and my mom is planning to ship her 1998 mercedes benz sedan to me (in NC) from california early next month. I went to a driving school when I was 17 and I have been driving ever since. I also do have a clean record. If I would want to have a full coverage, how much do you think will it be per month? And also, since I am turning 21 in a couple of weeks after the car itself arrives here, do you think it will cost me less? Thanks.""
What kind of health insurance should I get?
I'm 20 I live with my parents we have U visas I know I don't qualify for Medicaid but I know we have to get insurance or pay the fine. What are my best options? Something affordable. Any advice would help because I know nothing about this! Thank y'all
Good Insurance Policy for Newly Married Couple?
Me and my wife just for married. We are both 21 years of age and are in college. We know what having a good health insurance policy should be our highest priority. Is there any affordable and good insurance policy someone can recommend? Thank you.
Gap insurance on new auto?
what is the cost for gap insurance for honda acord 4 door sedan 06 year
I just got an expired registration and no insurance ticket.?
I just found out my registration expired back in Oct of 2008. I don't pay insurance because it is a scam, they don't help you when you need it, and they hike your rates when you claim something even though that is what you pay them for in the 1st place. But I had 2 stickers on my car. One that said November 11. and one that said October 08. So I thought that the newest sticker meant that is when the experation was. But the officer said November is the 11th. I am like yes, but why would they write the number down when you can read it right there? That means 2011. On top of this, I never got a notice from my dmv. so now I have to go to court over this miss undestanding and I can't help but feel I just got cheated by the police and the DMV because they failed to properly lable their sticker and failed to give me a notice. I checked my tags just a month ago in fact which is why I knew it expired in 2011 but the officer just refuses to see it as a miss understanding. Is there a legal service I can go through to get this ticket written off as a zero considering the fact I pretty much just got screwed due to the way the laws don't actually protect the innocent?""
I'm 17 and taking lessons shortly but don't know how to get cheap car insurance?
I'm 17 and taking lessons shortly but don't know how to get cheap car insurance?
Does affordable car insurance exist for a 19 year old?
I'm a 19 year college student. Currently I'm a closing manager at McDonald's and a certified Cisco Network Associate. I'm in the process of buying a vehicle and was optimistic about it until I started to look for insurance. The cheapest policy I've found is $338 a month. There isn't any way I can afford that and the car payment. It's not that I'm lazy and don't work, I work 40 hour weeks plus overtime from closing. I live in a rural area (North Georgia Mountains) so taking the bus isn't a option for a 20 mile commute. My closest neighbor is 7 miles away so car pooling isn't realistic. I feel somewhat hopeless. I would join my parent's policy or something similar but I live on my own and have little to no contact with them. I've been borrowing my Mother's car to get to work but she's given me 3 weeks to get a vehicle or walk. I have found it to be almost impossible to transition into the real world and become an adult and live on my own. What's a guy to do in my situation? I can't work without transportation, and without work I can't pay bills. That American Dream I grew up hearing about seems to only exist for people who have established wealth and good parents. What's left for the others? Are people in my situation just ******?""
Insurance for a 2007 Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V?
I've been wondering how much insurance would cost for a 2007 Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V for a 16 year old as the main driver, but I don't want to send my information to an insurer for a quote and possibly get unwanted solicitaions from them. Does anyone have any idea? Oh, and would it be different for a 17 year old?""
How much will it cost....?
I live in Hemet , Southern California. I have a 9 month old son. He will be nursed until 24 months, However, he does eat some solid foods. I my boyfriend and I rent an appartment for $750- How much would our monthly income need to be to support our family? How much is utilities in my area? How much do you spend on gas? How much is car insurance? How much is it to get my car smoged? How much are monthly groceries? What other bills am I missing? Please help!""
Insurance on a 1998-1999 Mitsubishi eclipse GSX at age 16?
Alright so I am 14 right now. In 2 years I will be driving, and I am very into cars. I am looking to purchase a 1998-1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX. Since an eclipse is considered a sports car how much would much insurance be a month? Imagine I have a perfect status (No wrecks etc., and above a 3.5 GPA). Also if I get an Eclipse GS is that still considered a sports car since it is not AWD, and is not turbocharged?""
Which way is the cheapest for car insurance?
Im 17 in december and once i pass my test im gonna buy a small car 1.1/1.2 etc. I have heard that if i put my mum as the primary driver and me as my secondary driver it is very cheap (with directline this is) Is there any other cheaper ways?
Car insurance question?
If I make a down payment of around a quarter of the car price ($4,500 for a $18,000 car) when I buy and also get comprehensive insurance on it. After two years if the car gets totaled- how much will I get from the insurance company?
How much would it be to insure a 17 year old on a Ford Fiesta Zetec 1.25L?
I have always liked the Ford Fiesta's and i turn 17 in october, its unlikely i will be driving till next year! i was just wondering an insurance estimate on, say, an 06 plate? 3Doors Hatchback 1.25L I know it will be fairly expensive! If a company were to insure me. Would just like an average quote please! don't want answers with 'depends on this, this or this'.. Thanks very much!""
""I had a dui 4 years ago, i am not a resident in NC and looking for cheaper auto insurance?""
4 years ago i had a dui, now i am in NC and looking for car insurance that will be cheaper than expensive lol, eventho i have a dui""
Why is my insurance going up?
It is 189 a month now, but in January it's going up to over 400. Is this part of the affordable care act?""
How much are insurance?
I asked this, before but it was too general so here are the insurances i want the price of.. 1. Health 2.Car 3.life 4.home in georgia.""
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance in marion ohio?
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance in marion ohio?
Trunk Insurance vs. Car Insurance?
I recently changed cities on my auto insurance going from a Cleveland, OH zip code to an upper middle class Cleveland suburb and my rates fell more than $200/half...I drive a '99 S-10, just a regular pickup truck, I am in the market for a new vehicle and ideally it would be a full size truck (Chevy Silverado or GMC Sierra half ton)...my agent has the exact truck I would like to buy, so I asked him what that truck would be insurance-wise for me. It automatically went back up to what I was originally paying in Cleveland...around $650/6 mos. Other variables of my car purchasing ordeal are that I took a buyout from General Motors and I got a vehicle voucher included in the buyout, so another option for me is to get a Chevy Malibu which I could basically drive off the lot for zero money...I've been reading that sometimes car insurance can be more than insuring a truck, with the information I've provided can someone help me out and estimate if my insurance would be more for a basic/no frills 2011 Chevy Malibu or a 2011 Silverado/Sierra with some bells and whistles...and also, do Insurance companies look at the more options a vehicle has as being more to ensure??? any answers would be appreciated""
Temporary Car Insurance on my Mums car?
Hi, Is it possible to get temporary car insurance on my mums car, even for just a day or two on her current policy, or is it even possible to get temporary comprehensive cover with another car insurance company on her car while she is still on her own policy? Thanks, Boss1996""
What do I look for when buying car insurance?
I had car insurance with my parents for a while and I want to get my own. Im not sure what to look for and what companies are the best. Please help. thanks.
Why does this motorcycle insurance quote from progressive sound too good to be true?
I'm 17 a year old male; my 12 month progressive quote came up as $161 for motorcycle insurance. Why is it so inexpensive when everyone around me says it's going to be expensive!!! Did I just type something in wrong or what? I don't know if this helps, but I live in a rural town in Oregon(population: about 3000) and have had my drivers license for one year and four months. I'm taking the motorcycle safety course at the end of August, and the bike I entered into progressive is a 1984 VF500F Honda Interceptor. I hope it's only $161/yr because that's a fraction of what I pay for car insurance!!!! XD""
Does your insurance go up after getting a speeding ticket?
I live in BC. Does your insurance go up after getting a ticket? (specifically a speeding ticket)
Speeding ticket in california with no inssurance?
My friend jst bought a car from sacramento and i was driving it since it was manual he was jst learning and i was speeding in the freeway on a 70 went 86 and i got pulled over .. with no insurance since we were going to transfer hes old insurance in hes old car to this new one toyota xrs 06... how much will it cost me for the ticket and the no insurance please help me i have no idea what to do ?
Insurance and having a baby?
If you already had a huge medical expense on your insurance recently, is it going to be a problem with insurance covering the medical expenses for having a baby? I am not too familiar with insurance stuff, but I was just wondering.""
Who is the most dependable Motorcycle insurances and the cheapest?
What all do I really needfar as coverage..I have good medical already...what's the minimum coverage? I have a new HD fatboy 2006 with the 1689 cc with custom pipes. I just wantthe basic coverage. How much is a good premium?
Hyundai tiburon insurance?
I am looking for this car to be my first car. I live in Washington and I have a 3.5 GPA (my insurance company told me this would help), and I'm a female. How much would it cost to get car insurance, per month. Is it a sports car? I was thinking of getting the 4 cylinder, 2.0 engine, if that makes a difference. I also have State Farm if that helps.. Thanks!""
Obama just isn't trying to 'buy votes' by promising to give health insurance?
Obama just isn't trying to 'buy votes' by promising to give health insurance to those lazy non-working people that Hillary is trying to buy. Obama simply wants to make insurance affordable to those who are willing to work. Hillary wants to increase the national debt by giving those who refuse to work yet another reason not to work. what do you think?
""Dose my 400,000 SGLI military life insurance cover me off duty?""
i have been in 4 years and a spc in the colorado army national guard and i have 400,000 sgli life insurance. Someone told me on or off duty that life insurance covers me as long as i am in, is that true? I always thought it was on duty only life insurance so basically if one day off duty i get hit by a bus, that 400,000 dollars before taxes will be paid out to my beneficiaries the next couple of months after?? thanks.""
Exactly what is a car insurance supplement?
After the accident, my adjuster originally estimated the damage to be around 3,400 dollars. With my 500 dollar deductible, they sent me a check of 2,900 dollars. But at the body shop, they estimated the cost of damage to be around 7,700 dollars so now the body shop called over an appraiser to look over the car again. Since the body shop's estimate is a lot higher, would the insurance company issue me a new check with the higher amount to cover for the damage? Is that what a supplement is? And what do I do with the 2,900 dollar check? Do I send it back and or have it voided and get a new check with the higher amount?""
Is my insurance company liable?
My insurance company offered me a policy to cover a de restricted scooter which I agreed to take out, but in order for this policy to take effect I had to give up 4 months of cover totalling around 160 and pay a 80 deposit on the new policy. Last week I was sent a letter notifying me that my insurance was cancelled so I called them and was told that I had to return a copy of my CBT certificate. I rang on Sunday and was told a completely different story and that was that the company they placed me with had decided that they were not going to cover me even though the whole point of changing them was because they specificity dealt with my type of vehicle . They have now offered another policy for 515 pounds with is 100 pounds more than my previous and I am not willing to pay this as they lied to me and told me that I was insured to ride around even though they knew that I was not covered. I have copies of the insurance certificate to prove that they sold me the policy and all other relating documents. Please advise on what I can do.""
Insurance industry Q&A - what entry level insurance job ...?
what entry level insurance job would be good for someone looking to break into the industry?chicago i have 0 years experience but i have a BA degree undeclared. im fimilar with ms office software.
Insurance on a 2004 lamborghin gallado?
how much would it cost a month for insurance min to max and what do you pay for insurance
How much would car insurance cost?
I'm 16 and I just got my first car. Scion tc 2008. (I'm a girl) My dad has insurance and we are going tomorrow to get insurance, we want full converge but i just want an estimate on how much it would be. We also live in texas if that means anything lol""
""Im 19, need a renewal on car insurance, whats cheap?""
i passed driving test in march and its due for renewal the 15th march, im with tesco at the mo but it keeps coming up with error message online, i really need to find something cheap as i cant afford a lot. please help? i have nearly 1 year no claims""
Question on car insurance and speeding ticket?
I was driving my friend's car and got a speeding ticket with 4 points (later reduced to 2 points). I didn't have my friend's insurance or my insurance in the car, but the officer let that one go. The car was from another state, and my license was from a third state. How will this affect the insurance rate? Also, I am under 21 and do not have my own insurance (I am under my parent's insurance) Additionally, is it possible that this could affect my friend's insurance rate? Thanks for the help.""
Where can I get health insurance?
I have a disability (hearing loss), and I don't have a job, so I am not working. I want to get a hearing evaluation at University of Washington (where I live) but I need health insurance. Otherwise it will cost me 900 dollars which, I don't have. What can I do?""
Auto insurance for a new driver and a new car?
I got my licenses on March 30th, 5 days after my sixteenth birthday. I was so excited to start driving to school and what not but when i got home, my mom told me she would not buy me insurance because it's to expensive. I asked her how much it would be monthly but she wouldn't tell me. My first question is about how much would insurance be for me, as a new driver, and i have a new car. My second question is if i don't have insurance, can i still drive with my mom or dad or guardian in the passenger seat? (they have insurance for themselves) If i can't drive with them, i don't get how insurance will get cheaper for me overtime if i haven't driven and can't drive since my licenses test.""
Car insurance question?
If I make a down payment of around a quarter of the car price ($4,500 for a $18,000 car) when I buy and also get comprehensive insurance on it. After two years if the car gets totaled- how much will I get from the insurance company?
Insurance on a reeeeeeally cheap car?
So here's my story. I want to learn to drive standard before I purchase my serious car but the thing is, I dont know how! Now, I've asked almost everyone I know that can drive standard to teach me but no one has kept their word. I found a cheap car that's standard (has a turbo too!) for a really low price. When I'm driving the car home (when/if I buy it) and when Im driving around learning how to drive a standard, do I need insurance on the car? Is there anything I can say so to the insurer so that I dont have to pay that much insurance? I plan to drive the car for maybe 2 weeks until I'm confident driving one. How about license plates? Do I need to buy a new one? Can I just renew an old plate I have laying around? Thanks!""
Affordable term life insurance quote?
What good is affordable term life insurance?
Does anyone know the average 1st car insurance payment & subsequent payments for teen girls in Florida?
On average, does anyone know how much the 1st payment is? My parents are thinking it'd be around $2,000. And does $600 sound about right for subsequent payments?""
Which cars/models have the lowest insurance rates?
Which cars/models have the lowest insurance rates?
What laws if any must car insurance companies follow when responding to a claim?
It seems that the only remedy if an insurance claim in Ontario cannot be resolved is to take the issue to court. The average driver may not be aware of any legislation that may force insurance companies to meet certain deadlines.
Well for my first car what should it be? thats affordable and wont kill me in insurance.?
I love mustangs as i said before in my last question and i would like to know any suggestions to get other than that (that's a sporty stylish car) with leather seats and tiny (something like a mustang).
What is the cost of average car insurance that a 19 year old boy and girl pay?
Well, I am taking my test soon (hopefully I will pass) and I am 19 --- and I heard that car insurance is worth a lot for youngsters that they can buy a BMW second hand with same amount money that they pay for 3 years. so, how much do 19 year old boys pay monthly for it and how much do girls pay ( heard it is a lot cheaper for girls). -- my younger sister will turn 19 in 2 years time till then if she passes her test -- how much will she pay when she gets licence---- what would be your solution -- if I want to get cheaper option (I heard of pass plus scheme - would it work)""
""Hello, Does anyone know what is the cheapest health insurance company for a 30 years old male living in NJ?
I am looking to buy health coverage with a decent company. Thanks for your help.
How much extra on car insurance does an amp cost? Or dyou not pay any extra?
I treid all the insurance comparison websites and none showed amps in the modification part. I'm 17 and pay over 1000 pound for insurance already and don't want the price to go up much. Any help appreciated :)
Whats a good car insurance?
I am 16, no license, looking for car insurance so that i can get my license. i dont have a job, but mom does. at the same time, money is tight. whats an insurance that i can trust that wont hurt the bank?""
Why is insurance expense debited?
Why is insurance expensive debited? First it says Markell Company purchased one year automobile insurance policy on September 1, 20-2 at a cost of 1800. At the time of the purchase, the accounting clerk would make the following journal entry. Sep 1: Prepaid insurance 1800 DR, Bank 1800 CR Then it says since the insurance was purchased on September 1, four months of coverage have been used and eight months of coverage. Dec 31 Insurance Expense 600 DR, Prepaid Insurance 600 CR I can understand why prepaid insurance is credit because it is deducted each time as the months ago until is it fully done.""
Which car insurance won't be so expensive for me?
I'm 19 years old turning 20 at the end of this year. I Go to college. I don't have any tickets on my driving record. i got my license when i was 18. my car is volkswagen cabrio 2000. which car insurance will be the cheapest for my case?
Car insurance tricks to make it cheaper?
Im getting a car but my insurance is going to be 8000 is there any tricks to make it cheaper? my friend told me to use Learner Driver Insurance and use it for a year and it will cost me 1000 pounds should I do this or not?
How can I get health insurance in WA state?
I am 27. I am currently not working and have money saved. I am going to need to get a hearing evaluation at University of WA and it will cost 900 dollars without health coverage. I have never bought health insurance before, can I pay it month to month? Or pay it for one month, to get my evaluation covered and then cancel it?""
Where can i find the cheapest car insurance for a new young driver?
I'm looking to insure a car most likely small, i've been trawling the web for hours now and just wondering if anyone could recomend a cheap insurer for a young (17) driver. Many thanks.""
Car insurance for a new driver + sports car?
Well, my dad owns a 1959 TR-3 Triumph, and also a 1981 Delorean. I will be turning 16 soon, and I plan on purchasing car insurance so I can drive a 2006 Hyundai Sonata to school and around town. The problem is.. I want to be able to occasionally drive my dad's Triumph TR-3 around town, to school, on nice days, etc. Maybe only on weekends, that kind of thing. The problem is, I don't want to spend a ridiculous amount of money on car insurance for a car I won't be driving very often. I read that there is a cents-per-mile program which is essentially a prepaid insurance card and you buy insurance for blocks of miles and it keeps track on a special odometer. Can someone please shed some light on that subject? I live in Oklahoma if that's of any importance.""
Can I drive my car without insurance?
I don't have insurance yet. But my car is insured under both my parents name. So if drive my car with my mom or dad is in the car with me, and i get into an accident, will it still be insured cuz my dad or mom was in the car with me? Mom says it won't be insured.""
What kind of Certificate of Insurance do I need.?
Hi. I just found a new apartment and in the lease contract there is something about a Section 1940.5 of the California Civil Code. The code basically says that if I have a waterbed or fish tank that is over 5 gallons I need to provide the landlord with a certificate of Insurance in the amount of $100,000. What kind of insurance would I be looking for to cover this? I have a 18 gallon fish tank that I would like to keep. Thank you!""
Car Insurance Costs.?
Coverage Type: Your Basic needs Collision: $250 Deductible Comprehensive: $250 Deductible Medical: None Bodily Injury Liability: $100,000/300,000 Limit Property Damage: $50,000 Limit Towing: Yes Rental Reimbursement: None ^^ Does anyone have an clue towards how much that would be monthly?""
How much would a Ferrari cost?
i want to save up for a ferrari and i need to know how much it would cost for a used and a new one
How much would it be to insure an Acura RSX if im 22?
Im getting an Acura RSX but i want to know how much it will be to insure it. I know this is going to sound funny but my gramma wants to put it under her insurance and it covers who ever is driving the car but how much cheaper id that gonna be?? shes like 63 i think l0l...
Can i pay for my car insurance weekly?
i am 20 years old and im finding it hard to get insured. is it possible for me to get insurance for a week and only use the car on the weeks that i insure it? it would work out cheaper for me that way because i would only pay insurance on the weeks i need the car... thanks
Cheap car insurance in CA?
I'm 19 and am looking to buy a 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) and am wondering what the cheapest insurance would be? Personal experience?
Can somebody give me an estimate on the price of car insurance in NY?
give me an estimate on average price?
What all does someone under 18 need to get car insurance?
I'm under 18 years old and I need to get car insurance but I dont know if I can get it on my own. My parents do not want to put me on there insurance and I don't know if I can get it by myself. I also heard that they have to co sign for insurance? If that's true will them co signing for my insurance affect there car insurance what so ever? They think that there insurance would go up if they co signed for me but I don't think that's true. Some one please help!
Car insurance question?
If I make a down payment of around a quarter of the car price ($4,500 for a $18,000 car) when I buy and also get comprehensive insurance on it. After two years if the car gets totaled- how much will I get from the insurance company?
0 notes
Can i report my hmo insurance to someone?
"Can i report my hmo insurance to someone?
they keep giving me the run around saying my meds are covered for the next quarter then denying them every month. Is there something like the BBB to report them to?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What are the cheapest cars to insure?
i just want to know what the cheapest cars are to insure as i am going to get my first car soon.
Need SR22 insurance quotes?
I'd like to have an idea of the total fees for SR22 car insurance. If I can get a price range that would be great! thanks.
Car Insurance?
I got a new car (2001 Toyota Corolla, 90k) to replace my old car, (1995 Honda Civic, 123k) and my insurance company tells me that my premier will go up by $125. Is that a fair increase in the value, or is it too expensive?""
Car insurance!!?
i finally got my license , my dad is giving me his car and he has insurance but my name is not on the policy. can i still drive. Im leaving for vacation in two weeks so putting my name on the policy will just cost money for just two weeks. i won't be back for three months from vacation.""
How much would insurance be for a 18 year old driving a lexus is300 with 150000 miles on it?
How much would insurance be for a 18 year old driving a lexus is300 with 150000 miles on it?
Im 17 and this will be my 1st year driving & i will be on my parents insurance how much will it cost me a mon.?
i live in charlotte
""Will my insurance go up, if my parked car was hit and not occupied?""
My Car was hit While parked and was not occupied (nobody was in the car) The car that hit my car, pulled out of the parking spot and was trying to hide. i went and filed a collission report against the driver. what will happen now, will my insurance rate go up? or will i be at 100% no fault. I know some insurance companies try to rip us off. plz help
How much would it cost to have insurance on your license?
I live in Washington state. I was wondering how much insurance would cost if it covered my licenance so i can drive any vehicle.
Home insurance Vs Common insurance in Condo's?
One of the listed property I am interested in has an assessment fee of 280 which includes common insurance,exterior mant,snow removal. What is this common insurance ? and do I need to still take home insurance personally ?""
Auto insurance is through the roof?
i have a 1991 jeep wrangler sahara and i pay 230 buck a month on parents insurance what is the cheapest company to go with and y is my bill so high
How much would insurance be on a ford ka?
I am 17 just past my driving test and was wondering round about how much it would cost for a 1998 ford ka 1.3litre engine locked in a garage at night and for social use only. I just want a rough estimate. I have been on gocompare and the prices seem ridiculously high 4,000!!! I know I will have to pay quite a lot round 2,000-2,500 but not 4,000!!! Some of my friends have cars and theres is around 2,000-3,000. thank you for any help""
What good car insurance?
I'm looking for a car insurance . I try to look fo a company that doesn't try to kill me with in payment. I live in new york city. Does anybody out there know a car insurance ...show more
What is the cheapest car to insure for a 17-19 year old guy from the UK in 2013?
I'm 16 and will be taking my test next year and I want to know what to get for my first car?
Car insurance rates go up after accident?
Ok, so this is really stupid in my mind. But I got rear ended the other day, and it was obviously the lady's fault since I was waiting at the stop light and she hit me. Anyways, the damage was minor. There was a hole from her screw/bolt that held her front license plate and part of my rear light got cracked. Anyways, she offered to pay us 350 after we got 2 estimates saying it would cost around 700 to paint by bumper and replace the light. she and I were fine with that since my bumper already had noticeable scratches on the side and her damage wasn't that major. But my dad (I'm 19) wanted her to pay 400 or tell her to report it to her insurance. So I thought this was ridiculous since he would have pocketed the 400 instead of fix it (like I said, it was a small hole in the bumper...).So now, I am worried that my insurance will go up. I am a college student, a guy, and a teenager which I feel like would raise my rates, a lot, but he reassures me that our rates won't go up since the lady's insurance will pay for it and that we arent claiming our insurance. So what happens now in the insurance process? All I know is that she has to call her insurance and they send an adjuster to assess the cost of the damages made to our car. Do we have to report it anytime to our insurance company? If not, is there a chance that our insurance company will find out and raise our rates?""
Would zero demerit points mean that my insurance rates wont be effected?
In terms of my driving record, etc?""
""My car was broken into and things were stolen. If i file a claim with insurance, will my rates go up?""
I live in Hawaii, I went for a hike with 8 people that all went with my truck. When we all came back from the hike, my truck was broken into. Things were stolen such as ipods, cellphones, drivers license, etc. I filed a police report. If I file a claim with home ownership insurance or car insurance, will my rates go up monthly? I've been told different things like, If the car was not moving, the rates will not go up or They might . My car and home insurance is with Liberty Mutual, my deductible is 250$. Thank you. I'm calling them tomorrow on Monday since it's not a work day yet, but I'm anxious to see if I'll be able to get my friends belongings that were stolen payed for. That and my broken windshield ><""
What is the cost of motorcycle insurance?
I currently am looking into buying a yamaha v-star 650cc. I have been to the progressive website, but i do not wish to grant them access to pull my credit profile (just dont think its neccessary for quoting insurance). So now i am asking everyone. I will be 25 in August, I am married, and have an excellent driving record. Does anyone have an estimate price for full coverage insurance for Louisiana. Thanks.""
What is the average cost of health insurance for an infant/family plan?
What is the average cost of health insurance for an infant/family plan?
19 year old and car insurance. i am an absolute newbie?
i am 19 male and want to get a car. to do this i was told i need to: 1. pick a car i am thinking of getting 2. check with different insurance companies how much the insurance would cost for the car i have NO IDEA how to do step number 2! can someone give me a list of insurance companies to call maybe? or is there a website? I AM ABSOLUTELY NEW TO THIS! ANY HELP AND/OR TIPS IS APPRECIATED BTW i live in Ontario more specifically Toronto
Diminished Value - Dealing with Car Insurance?
I was in an accident where someone side swiped me ($5.5k worth of damage). Their insurance company paid and I just got my car back (2007 Lexus IS 250 - 29k miles). I had just purchased the car 4 weeks prior to the accident from CarMax for $27k. Out of curiosity I went back to see what CarMax would give me and they offered $18k. The car is now only 7 weeks old in my name and 3 weeks of it was in the repair shop! Does anyone have experience with dealing with car insurance companies and diminished value? I live in NC and know that it is one of the states that has diminished value. I want to recoup as much of the difference as possible and since the car is so new (to me), I am willing to get rid of it to show the loss so I don't deal with this years from now. Any advice is appreciated.""
Why does my car insurance cost so much?
Okay so I'm a sixteen year old female and I've been driving since February 1st the same day I turned 16. I drive a 2005 Chevy Cavalier. I have good grades, I cheerlead and I play volleyball I'm not a bad driver either actually back at drivers ed I did the best on my final exam. So I picked up a job at a daycare and I make 337.20$ every two weeks. My car insurance is costing me 275$ and is taking more than half of my paycheck and a lot of it I'm spending on gas and I usually have like ten bucks to spend on myself. Why does it cost so much? Also why do people look down on us young teen drivers so much?""
Average house insurance in Canada?
What is the average amount of money you pay in house insurance in Canada? It would be nice if you have a site link, because this is for a school project. Also, how much do ...show more""
Insurance question?
Well I'm under 18 and don't live with my parents. my job doesn't offer dental or health insurance. I need to go to an orthodontist to get a check up, and I may need some kind of retainer, braces etc because of jaw pains. Is there a way you can make payments without insurance? Or get some kind of plan? If I can't do anything until I'm 18 what kind of insurance should I get? thanks!""
My car insurance is $200 a month!?
I'm getting my license in less than a month, but my parents won't get me a car b/c they say I won't be driving alone anyway b/c the insurance is through the roof. We have Mamzy. Would it be cheaper if we switch our insurance? It'll go down once I've had my license for 6 months, but still, half a year is a long time to have to wait. :\ Thanksx.""
16 year old car insurance?
Im a 16 year old boy and am looking to buy my first car. How much more will insurance cost on average if i buy a 2 door car as opposed to a 4 door? I am thinking of buying a 1997 Toyota Celica or a 96-01 Acura integra either 2 door or 4. I am going to take drivers ed too because i know that lowers your rates. I also have 4 A's and 3 B's in school.
Can i report my hmo insurance to someone?
they keep giving me the run around saying my meds are covered for the next quarter then denying them every month. Is there something like the BBB to report them to?
How do I get car insurance if my car was stolen?
I wrecked my car recently & was given a ticket for no insurance. My car was stolen shortly after & now I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do about the ticket or getting insurance. The court date is approaching very quickly! HELP PLEASE!
Car insurance question?
My idiot cousin hit my parked car with their truck. He doesn't want to go through his insurance unless absolutely necessary & asked (after I got the estimate the mechanic they go to) that he wants it to go through my insurance (e.g.: wants to act like a hit and run/that he'd pay). What I want to know is, if I go through my insurance as say a hit & run on my parked car, will my rates go up at all/anything negative with my rates?""
Where can I get the cheapest car insurance in Ontario?
I'm looking to purchase a used car, probably 6-7 years old, and I am a 29 year old male living in Toronto. I want the most basic insurance available required by law, as the vehicle will be less than $4k, so I will take the hit if something happens to the car. I've seen really good quotes from Johnson insurance, but can anyone recommend any other insurance companies which offer cheap insurance for basic coverage? Thanks in advance, Joe""
Will my company have to pay a fine for not offering me an affordable insurance plan?
The word going around is that the change in our insurance coverage is only going to drop by a small amount due to the act, and the price someone told me is much more than 9.5% of my income. If I apply through the marketplace for the reason that I cannot afford insurance with my company, will they be fined for not offering me an affordable plan, or do they just get fined for not offering benefits at all?""
Cheap car insurance with no deposit?
where is the best place to get insured that is cheap and no deposit asked for or cheap deposit?, thanks""
I am 19 years old whats the cheapest car insurance for a old ford ranger wit a lot of miles on it ?
I am 19 years old whats the cheapest car insurance for a old ford ranger wit a lot of miles on it ?
How much car insurance does a 18years old guy has to pay per month in UK??
I am 18years old i wanna buy a car..lets suppose if i buy a cars that worths about 5000pound how much insurance will i have to pay per month?
Can I get car insurance for my work place way from home?
can I get car insurance for my work place way from home
Why can't i get cheap car insurance?
i recently passed my driving test and i'm thinking of buying a cheap 1000cc car but every site i check i can't get anything less than 6000 a year even tho the car is like 600. i even have pass plus..
Should I get Term Life Insurance at a young age?
I am currently 30 years old and in excellent health but since I am getting ready to start a family, I want to be prepared for the future of my loved ones. After reading about different life insurance options, I am deciding to go with Term Life Insurance for 20 years. Is it true that Term Life Insurance premiums don't change throughout the life of the term? If so, shouldn't I sign-up now while my annual payment will be low and locked in at this rate? My employer offers a very small life insurance benefit that I am already a part of but I want more just in case. While I am asking, are there any circumstances where a payout won't be made if I were to die under a term life insurance plan? Is it guaranteed? What if I (God forbid) get Cancer or have a heart attack? Thanks in advance!""
Best place for car insurance? (uk)?
I passed my driving test a couple of days ago and i need to insure my car. I realise the insurance is going to be 'through the roof', but can anybody reccomend places worth trying where i might get the best quote? thankoooooou""
""If minors can't sign contracts, why can they get their own car insurance?""
If minors can't legally sign contracts, then why can we get our own insurance policies? The policies are way higher in price, but in Virginia, where I live, you can legally have your own insurance policy and insurance, separate from your parents. They don't have to sign anything, they don't even have to know that you have the policy. Statefarm, Progressive, Allstate, all of them do it.""
Does anyone offer classic insurance coverage for young drivers?
My son is 17 and soon to be 18. He has a modified restored vehicle and I have not found anyone that will provide insurance due to his age.
Do i need insurance to clean a church?
do i need insurance to clean a church?
How much does the car insurance cost every month for a 17 y/o teenager here in US in texas?
with a 2005 neon dodge car? help coz my cousin is goin to get a car this summer. thankx guys
Insurance company for getting car out of compound?
I have full licence but need to get insurance company to cover to get car out of police compound
Quote for a day car insurance????????????
how much does a 1 day car insurance cost? It is the first time I need to do it, so I don't have any idea. When I try to get a quote, I'm always ask to register to the website... I don't really want to do it before having a quote :P Anyway would you please recommend me an agency? thanks""
Should I buy insurance?
Should I get the insurance offered when I book our next cruise? What is it for?
Ok im 22 years old and i want to buy BMW 3 SERIES 325 Ci 2dr Convertible how much would my insurance cost?
Ok im 22 years old and i want to buy BMW 3 SERIES 325 Ci 2dr Convertible how much would my insurance cost?
My friend applying for education loan of 20 lacs.Bank manager said we need to take insurance equivalent to 20l?
The repayment period of the loan is 9 years. 1) Which insurance company has one time payment and coverage upto 20 lacs for a period of 9 years? 2) What other options like paying more than once(non one time payment) but very affordable cost for covering 20 lacs? 3) I want the amount to be paid for 1 lac 4) PLease give the plan name, and the insurance company Thanks a lot in advance.""
Has anyone used comparisons.org for auto insurance?
i'm looking for cheap insurance and don't know if i can trust them. any suggestion from anyone?
Liability Car Insurance for another state?
Hi, I would really appreciate if someone could give me an answer to resolve this situation: Facts: 1- I legally own a car in the US, currently I'm overseas. 2- My friend has a complete power of attorney 3- Car was registered in California and now is staying in Virginia for almost a year. 4- I put the car on Nonoperational status with CA DMV and canceled insurance in 08.2008. 5- I need to make my car drivable again, and my friend has to move it to MD where she lives. 6- To put car back on road with CA plates I should renew the registration with CA DMV. 7- CA DMV requires the liability insurance before registration. 8- My friend was at the insurance company (Progressive Insurance) and they say, they cannot insure the car with Californian liability unless the car is physically in CA. Wnen I'll be back to US in couple of months I have to drive car back to CA, because I study there so my residence is CA. Can anyone tell me please how this situation can be resolved? - I don't wanna sell my car - registration with MD MVA is the last expensive and unwanted option.""
""Just got a quote for 10,000 for my car insurance?!?!?""
i was getting a quote from comparison websites and the cheapest quote i received was 10,000. i also put my mother on the policy who has over 25 years driving experience and also switched to third party. what else could i do to lower the insurance costs.. im buying an audi a3 but is there any other way i could lower the insurance, thanks everyone""
Which would be a better place to sell auto insurance Arizona or Dallas?
Which would be a better place to sell auto insurance Arizona or Dallas?
Why do lots of people have no car insurance?
of course it must be cheaper to have no insurance than pay over 1000 and if you get caught you only pay a small fine (thats if you get caught)
Can i report my hmo insurance to someone?
they keep giving me the run around saying my meds are covered for the next quarter then denying them every month. Is there something like the BBB to report them to?
Moving to France - car insurance?
I am moving to France next week and will be taking my British registered car. I rang my insurers who told me that they would only insure me 'up to the ferry' and after that ...show more
How much does insurance cost on an international package mailed via the United States Post Office?
I have to mail a package to France and it weighs less than a pound but the item inside is worth more than $100 and I am curious to know how much it would cost me to insure this package if I were to use USPS.
Tenant insurance help?
I am looking for any good low cost tenant insurance any sugestions I have heared of SoHo insurance but have heared a couple bad things about it your input would be very welcome Thank you in advance I live in soulthern Ontario
Are car insurance companies having a laugh?
Me and a friend were taking out some car insurance quotes the other day - entering his information in he got 1700 a year on an old '95 (i think) cincequento, which frankly was hilarious. Then, all we changed was the address so that he lived at my house. It pushed the insurance up to something like 2700. Now I dont get this - he lives in a pretty rough area in my town, right near where all the boy racers live and such. I however live in a small village about 2 miles away and just outside of the town. In my area, the population is about 90% seniors and it is very quiet. I thought insurance companies were supposed to weigh the risks of location against their policy? Why has mine come out a grand more?""
I dont have car Insurance?
I am buying a new car, I dont have Car insurance this is my first car! Can I have someone else drive it home for me. that has Insurance""
Looking for a health insurance coop in California.?
Anyone know of one not related to working at a company or for the government?
Primary and Secondary Health Insurance?
I would like to know what health insurance company is my primary. I had health insurance through my previous employer. I worked until the 6th of the month and I was told I had coverage through them until the end of the moth. My new job health insurance went into effect on the 1st of that month so for one month I had 2 coverages. One health insurance company is saying the job I was at first would be primary until the coverage ended. The other insurance company (the one I had the longest) says they would be primary up until my last day at my first job. Then even though I had two coverages my active employers health insurance would be primary. I will find out from my health insurance company tomorrow what is primary but since there office is now closed does anyon know the answer to this.
Will getting a minor speeding ticket affect my insurance?
Today while driving home on the highway, from Moncton, NB, I was pulled over and received a speeding ticket for going 129 km/hr in a 110km/hr zone. Now this is my very first offense. I am wondering if the $170 ticket will affect my insurance rate with Wanawesa Insurance.""
Company Car - Insurance - Accident.?
Well, driving home last night from a club with my friends. Almost finished dropping my friends off we go through a puddle, me not knowing how high it really is so I assumed it was only little. Coming out of the puddle, the water was coming up-to the car bonnet (dashboard). So the engine and power, all cut out.. So we have to get out, and push the car to a higher ground. Obviously, the engine has flooded and after a few attempts of jump starting it, didn't work. So I had to ring the break down service to come pick us up. As this is my fathers car (company car), will I have to pay any excess? Considering that I am 19, will the cars insurance be valid? (Meaning, will I be able to drive it again?) Car: BMW 1 Series (118) Advice please?""
Motorcycle insurance prices in uk at 17-19?
Hello, I really want to get a motorcycle at the age of between 17 to 20 (preferably 17-18) but I was wondering how much it would cost for the insurance of a brand new Yamaha r125 and a Kawasaki Ninja 300 at each age between 17 to 20, thanks guys and it would clear some thoughts on how much it would be, what age seems good. I really want to get a bike before uni.""
Are your children on your insurance plan?
Does it cost more on your insurance for a child over 12 years of age?
Medical Health Insurance Florida: Family Plans?
I am looking for affordable medical health insurance plans for my family. We live in Florida.
Cheapest liability insurance?
I'm 19yr old male in Texas w/ good-driving record, no tickets, have license for 2yrs now, have liability w/ State Farm for $116/mo looking for cheaper premium. W/ this info, can some one point me towards the direction for finding a much cheaper premium, preferably LESS than $100! Thanks.""
Car accident I have liability the other involved had no insurance?
I got into a car accident today which pretty much totalled out the back half of my van, seeing as the insurance agent will probably call it as totalled out. Here is my question the other party told us that he had no insurance at all and I only carry liability insurance whats going to happen with my vehicle, how are my damages going to be paid?""
Should I file a claim with my car insurance or pay out of pocket?
I am making payments on my car and currently have full coverage car insurance. About a week ago, I was driving my car on the freeway. It had been raining earlier that morning. A car beside me switched lanes in front of me suddenly. (She did not hit my car) but she caused me to loose control, my car hydroplaned spun out and hit the center divder on the freeway. No other cars hit me. My car has damage to the tire, rim and the right rear of my car from the back door to the bumper has scrathes and damage. I did not file a claim at first because the cost of my insurance is already $108 (because of a ticket) and I did not want it tod go up. But after paying to replace the tire, the rim and some other issues with the axile for $606....and the tow service which was $125; I'd like to know if any one has an idea of which would be more beneficial. Should I pay the $1000 deductible and have my car fixed through the insurance company, even though my monthly payments will increase? Or should I just continue the repairs out of pocket?""
Does anyone know of affordable health insurance for college students?
Does anyone know of affordable health insurance for college students?
Affordable Health Insurance?
I am a 19 year old college student. I have always been on soonercare but I stopped being covered when I turned 18. I take over 20 hours in college and live with my fiance so I am unemployed. I need health inaurance so I can go to the dentist and eye doctor but everything is way expensive. My fiance is covered by his work but they dont offer family coverage so even when we get married a year from now I will still need my own health insurance. Ive tried getting some quotes but I cant pay $200-$300 a month. Is there somewhere to get afordable coverage that I am over looking?
Affordable maternity insurance?
Affordable maternity insurance?
Insurance after a crash motorbike!?
My Son has a motorbike crash last month. The police managed to look at CCTV footage and tell me the crash was not his fault. It was the fault of the motorbike in front that swerved in front of him. Anyway my sons bike was insures 3rd Party With no legal cover The bike was so badly damaged it was going to cost over 2k for me to fix it up but 4k to get it looking new. The bike was brand new 4 months ago. I had nowhere to store it so let the garage keep it for 600 My question is as he was only 3rd party where does the claim lie. The insurance company tells me I have no legal cover and they do not seem to be advising me of what to do. Ive heard nothing from them The bike has 4k outstanding on it as a family member loaned my son the cash, which he still has to pay back. What can I do to get some of the cash back for the bike?""
""I need to get an insurance but not sure which is a good one,?
i am a cleaner and need to get insured for accidental damage as i work in the customers homes. thanks
Car insurance please help!?
My car insurance is due to run out on the 28th of this month, i have looked at quotes and have found a really good one expect it expires in the 21st, is it possible to set this car insurance up to start on the 21st even though my policy hasn't expired yet. Im only asking because its with a different company and i wasn't sure if you could still insure a car whilst its ensured already. If i loose this quote im going to end up paying 200-300 more. I hope this all makes sense, thank you.""
Cost of 2005 bmw 745li insurance?
im 16 ill be gettin mine when im 17 whats the average insurance cost for a 2005 bmw 745li
Car Insurance need advice?
I have one car with 24 years no claims and am going to be the policy holder for my sons car. Can i put down that i have 24 years no claims or do i have to start again (in the sense put 0 down??)Im quite confused by the process as i haven't had to do this before, also it is very difficult for him to afford insurance if we don't do it this way so if anyone knows of any good cheap insurance companies""
""Insurance paid out too much, Am I obliged to give it back?""
After a solicitors firm managed to draw out a car insurance claim for 18 months I finally settled 50/50 on the incident, instead of refunding me 50% (400) of my excess the solicitors paid me 100% (800). I verbally informed them of the error before they issued the cheque and they still proceeded, now they have noticed the error they are asking for me to return the money. Am I legally obliged to do so and how far are they likely to pursue this if I do not?""
How much is the average Business Owner's Policy?
I am specifically interested in what the BOP costs would be for a bar in Georgia.
Can i report my hmo insurance to someone?
they keep giving me the run around saying my meds are covered for the next quarter then denying them every month. Is there something like the BBB to report them to?
What is the most quality/cheapest insurance to get for a car in the US?
Like for someone in their mid 20s
How do you find out if someone that hit you has insurance?
the insurance information i was given after someone hit my car turned out to be fake. my insurance company called his company but was told that the policy # does not exist. so is there a way i can find out through DMV or somewhere his true insurance information? if i can't find it, would this qualify as uninsured since i have uninsured drivers coverage? it would waive my deductible and it would pay for the injuries i suffered in the accident but only if he really is uninsured.""
Affordable and good quality health insurance in CA? Any thoughts?
Anyhow, I just lost my job and the Cobra option is way too expensive (over 500 dollars/month). I'm currently unemployed and so is my wife, and I'm looking for affordable, yet quality health insurance. Anyone have some suggestions? Thanks for your help.""
Why is car insurance so expensive?
Im 20 and i pay 63 a month for just the very basic essentials to not get a ticket, ive never needed my insurance nor has it done me any good. My parents pay for a whole bunch of different coverage and when they got into an accident with a drunk driver, the insurance company didnt pay for anything and they hired a lawyer to protect them from having to pay my parents anything. Why do we need insurance in the first place and why is it so costly? I think its really just a scam.""
""Modified Car, Insurance?""
I am a new driver and interested in buying a renault clio, however it has two things that might class it as being modified, lexus lights and a renault clio sport exaust. Would this affect insurance much, and is it worth not telling the insurance company about it?""
What is the cheapest uk motorcycle insurance company?
... am 19 in 1 hour xD and i wanna start riding legally i got the other parts done i just need cheap insurance recommendations, tell me please uk only""
Why do I have to pay to insure other people's children?
I have little compassion for those that say they cannot afford to insure their children. #1 - don't have children if you can't afford them; then don't expect me to pay for the ones you can't afford. #2 - it doesn't cost that much to insure a child; part of a parents responsibility is to sacrafice for the sake of their children. Case in point - I have an acquaintance whose parents both worked and they made just above the cut-off for getting government help for insurance. What did they do? They went out and bought 2 brand new motorcycles, helmets, chaps, gloves and boots, so they could take their little darling on wonderful family outings. That money would have went a long way to insuring them, huh? Am I unreasonable?""
Why do red cars go hand in hand with a high auto insurance bill????
Red cars always get a high insurance rate. Not all red cars are sporty or fast so why is this?
Health insurance in NY? Minor children & jobs that don't offer healthcare?
My friend has twins that are 17 & they are having a hard time finding affordable health insurance like many people, she works 2 jobs that total around 2,300 a month & her husband makes around 3,000.. None of the jobs offer healthcare to the kids, they tried a insurance called Hudson health but ended up being told it would be about $600 a month which they can't pay, does anyone know any insurance that works with you, or that is more affordable? Any help is much appreciated :) thank you""
How much would the treatment cost for stage 3 non-hodgkin's lymphoma if you didn't have insurance?
My friend put a friend of hers who was just diagnosed with stage 3 Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma in touch with me today, but I really don't know how to help her. She's 21, fresh out of college but unemployed, and does not have insurance. I don't know why she wasn't still on her parents' plan, or how student healthcare insurance works. She's terrified not just about the diagnosis itself but the cost. She was already financially strapped and trying to figure out how to pay for housing after college. I had Hodgkin's Lymphoma at 16-17, but my parents have insurance, and they are the ones who handled the bills. I never paid for anything myself so I really don't know about the cost involved. I saw one bill for my radiation and was literally shocked-still by the amount. It was like $1500 for each treatment I think, and I was getting them Monday-Friday then. Chemo was much more, but I never saw a bill for it so I really don't know the price. I did see a bill for one night I spent in the emergency room when I had this awful infection and a terrible fever, and without insurance that one night would have been over $7000! With insurance I think it was like $2400. All of my treatments and doctor's offices are in posh medical facilities in affluent parts of Los Angeles like Beverly Hills and Westwood / Bel Air, so perhaps that's why my medical care was so much. I honestly don't know. I wish I knew how to support or advise this girl. She's too old to attend the support group I went to, and I don't really know that much about NH-L because it's quite different than HL. I was fortunate to never have to be concerned about the finances, and I don't even know what the total amounted to since my parents won't tell me. They said, that it's not my concern. It was all medical care for me, so you'd think it would be my concern, but whatever. Will her oncologist's office help her to find financial support? How does that even work? What do they do if you can't pay? It would suck if she had to file bankruptcy this early in her life. Won't that keep her from getting a job, a loan for a house, and everything else? She went to USC. Can recent alumni be treated at their hospital for a reduced price? I was treated at UCLA, and I think at UCLA students can get medical care at a reduced cost. At my school I think we can as well. I don't know. You just show your student card. All bills are sent to your parents, so I don't know how it works. What should I tell her? She wants my help. All I really know to do is to send her the links I have on my profile. I can give her emotional support, but am clueless about financial support. What's the total cost of this going to most likely be for her?""
Whats the cheapest bike insurance for a 1st time biker - 21 yrs - 125cc only CBT done?
Any gd experience to pass on? (Honda CG125)
Can somebody find me a really cheap insurance company that would cover for like everything?
I need to find an insurance company offers really low price plans that cover as many things as possible, becos we can't spend too much money but I need to find my mom an affordable insurance plan...help, i dun know where to find it.""
Auto insurance wont pay for damages?
I was involved in a bumper to bumper accident(at fault) in a borrowed car(my fathers) here in California. Now i get a call from the insurance that they wont pay for damages to the other vehicle because im not in the policy. Im not excluded from the policy either. My father only has liability insurance. Does the insurance has to pay for damages by law?
Car insurance help????!!!!!!?
So currently I'm on my dads insurance policy with progressive. I'm paying $400 a month and $525 in September and October. I'm looking for something cheaper. What auto insurance company works wellvwith teenagers? Or is cheaper than what I'm supposed to pay, I just recently got put on his policy and I haven't paid a payment yet I cant afford paying so much every month.""
Auto Insurance in Illinois?
I have my 18 year old daughter covered under my auto insurance policy. She is covered on her own car and mine as well. My question is, if she happens to get into an accident while driving her car, can the other person try and sue me since the policy is in my name? Also, if she lets someone else drive her car who has no insurance and they get into a wreck, can I be sued? She owns her own car and the title is in her name alone. We live in IL""
I am thinking of get a Honda Accord (1996-2001) in fl was wondering how much is basic inserance?
I am thinking of getting a Honda Accord between the year of 1996 and 2001 was wondering how much is it gonna cost for minimum insurance if I am 16 about to tern 17
Cheapest motorcycle insurance?
Im 16 and Im thinking about buying a small sports bike. like a Kawasaki Ninja 250 or Honda CBR250R. I have a my license and a clean driving record. If i just wanted to be covered for Bodily Liability and Property Liability, what company do you think would offer the cheapest insurance? I know that under my circumstances insurance will be disgustingly high, but i want a bike that bad.""
If you chose car insurance just by commercials?
If you chose car insurance going by the commercials what car insurance would you choose and what do you actually have, if you have a car?""
How much would it cost to insure a Volkswagen Golf 1.4L?
I'm 17 in a couple of months, I'm thinking of getting a car now and refurbishing it, make it look nice, you know? I've came across this one car, a VW Golf 1.4L 5 door, obviously it will be my first car. How much ROUGHLY would this cost to insure per year and is it a good car to get? It's done 139,000 Miles and is the 2001 model, its a petrol engine and will cost me just short of 600. How would I go about the insurance and how would I buy this car? How can i check its not stolen and stuff? and is it a good buy for my first car? Any help shall be much appreciated!""
Just a quick question about life insurance ?
My mom had two life insurance I think one was with her job & I found another with Hartford life insurance for sick pay. Do you get to have an beneficiary on a disability check or sick pay check?
What do i do for auto insurance?
so i live in Calgary and i'm buying a car in Airdre. i have to drive it back to Calgary. but i need all the information to pay for insurance and registration. and a licence plate that matches the car.. what should i do??? i have a licence plate but its on a kia and im buying a toyota.. HELP!!!!!
DMV paying ticket/showing proof of insurance?
I'm In California I received a traffic ticket and did not have my proof of insurance with me. I received my courtesy notice and my amount owed Would be 1000 without my insurance proof. It will obviously be reduced significantly if I show my proof of insurance. I know that you can pay traffic tickets at the DMV. And I want to pay the ticket In payments. So here comes my question- can I go to the DMV and show THEM (the Court Clerk stationed there) my correction (proof of insurance) instead of having to go all the way to the court house? And can I ask for a payment plan there as well? Or can I ONLY show my Correction(Proof of Insurance) and ask for a payment plan at the court house? My first ticket :| And the court house is pretty far from where I live. DMV is right around the corner. That's why I ask :P Thanks
Renters insurance cant get homeonwers?
im about to payoff my mobile home and own it but i cant get homeonwers insurance since i own my mobile home could i just get renters insurance and protect my belogings inside my trailer. keep in mind in paying a month lot rent fee for my trailer to sit on someone elses property.
Question about cars and insurance?
I know that the cheapest NEW car to ensure is the VW Up costing around 1500 a year. But is there any USED cars that can match this insurance cost but isn't any older than 5 years? NOTE: The VW Up is in insurance group 1
Auto Insurance - what went wrong here?
Where did I go wrong? A few months back, I backed out of a parking place and stopped, waiting for traffic behind me to resolve itself. While stopped, a large vehicle backed into my driver side door. We both re-parked. The other driver first tried to convince me there was no damage and we should both forget it but after I showed him the damage to my door (his car had almost no damage), we exchanged insurance and personal contact information in a friendly conversation. I reported the damage to my insurance carrier, a large national firm, obtained the required 2 estimates for repair and submitted it, as directed by my carrier and his, to his carrier, a large regional carrier. They informed me he had decided my car was not stopped and so I bore responsibility for his backing his car into me (!), and they therefore were refusing to pay me. My insurance carrier said it was up to me to provide proof my car wasn't moving, regardless of the fact his car backed into mine! I approached the repair firm, and they provided me with photos and offered testimony to state that my car was obviously stopped, based on the damage to the door. I called the individual and said with this information unless he paid the bill in full, I would take him to small claims court. He argued but produced a check for the full amount. A month later, my insurance carrier raised my rate based on this incident and a highway speeding ticket over a year ago. I ended up paying more for my insurance and lost a great deal of time despite both of us being insured. Where did I go wrong?""
Can i report my hmo insurance to someone?
they keep giving me the run around saying my meds are covered for the next quarter then denying them every month. Is there something like the BBB to report them to?
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