#we are the tigers week 2023 day 5
sparkieprose · 11 months
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Day 5 (July 29th) - Mistletoe
*Thinks about them a little to hard* RAAGGHHHH yeah I’m normal about them
If you, too, are normal about them, might I consider checking out my fic, “All I Want For Christmas” on AO3 about Annleigh trying to throw a Christmas party for the Tigers in attempts to become better friends with them that this art may or may not depict a part of?
Instagram | WATT Week info (Instagram) (Tumblr)
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rileys-basement · 1 year
Hello WATT fandom! I would like to introduce you to an event I just made up because other fandoms have their week, and We Are The Tigers deserves one too! WATT Week 2023!
WATT Week 2023 starts on July 25th and ends July 31st, the day of the WATT reunion concert! (Hence the final day’s prompt) You can do all of the prompts, or just one if you want! This is an open to all fanwork, so you can write fics or draw art or anything else you can think of for WATT! Currently announcements are up on my Instagram and Tumblr (here!), but this event is open to all social media platforms. (I just don’t have any others so it’s harder for me to announce this and view things elsewhere.) If you participate in this event, make sure to use the tag #wattweek2023 + #wearethetigersweek2023 so others can see your creations! It’d also be cool if you could tag me since sometimes things in tags don’t show up and I want to make sure others can see others’ works! This community is small, but is very talented and dedicated to the murder mystery cheerleaders!
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We Are The Tigers Week 2023 prompts:
Day 1 (July 25th)  - The basement Day 2 (July 26th) - Captain of the team Day 3 (July 27th) - And the freshman’s in prison! Day 4 (July 28th) - Pom poms up Day 5 (July 29th) - Mistletoe Day 6 (July 30th) - Pizza delivery Day 7 (July 31st) - Reunion
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otayuriweek23 · 9 months
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Welcome Travelers, to Otayuri Week 2023! You've found yourself in the distant lands of tigers, bears, and figure skating, oh my! 🐯🐻💞 This year, we have word prompts, song prompts, and color prompts!
This event runs October 25 to October 31. Accessible versions of the prompts (including hex codes for the color prompts) and rules, as well as a Q&A, are available on our Event Details page.
Check out our carrd for links to our AO3, twitter, and more!
Thank you to everyone who participated in past Otayuri Weeks! It’s a joy to welcome you all back to the madness ❤️ And a special welcome to any newcomers! Looking forward to seeing what you all create! Word Prompts Day 1: Wedding, Realizations, Band AU Day 2: Vacation, Childhood, Bodyguard AU Day 3: Slow Burn, Dance, Arranged Marriage AU Day 4: Social Media, Shout, Dystopian AU Day 5: Milestones, Touch, Omegaverse AU Day 6: Pets, Relief, Western/Cowboy AU Day 7: Confession, Inspiration, Free Prompt!
Song Prompts Day 1: A song you'd blast at a party Day 2: A song that makes you cry Day 3: A song you'd sing at karaoke Day 4: A song you'd send to a would-be lover Day 5: A song that makes you want to run Day 6: A song that feels like a warm hug Day 7: Free choice!
Color Prompts Day 1: “thrill of the chase” Day 2: “waves of time” Day 3: “buyer's remorse” Day 4: “but did you die?” Day 5: “wait for me” Day 6: “as you wish” Day 7: “until the end of the line”
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mxtxdiaspora-may · 2 months
MXTX Diaspora May 2024: 2 days left to sign up!
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There are only two days left to sign up for MXTX Diaspora May 2024!
Sign-ups are open until April 9, 2024. Any creator with Chinese heritage may participate.
Event Rules & FAQ
Sign Up HERE!
Reblogs and signal boosts for this event are welcome from both participants and non-participants. Please feel free to boost on bluesky and twitter as well.
2024 prompts and links to past collections can be found below the cut. We look forward to celebrating and sharing the works for 2024!
MXTX Diaspora May 2024 Prompts, week-by-week
Week 1 (May 01 - May 05): free week
Week 2 (May 06 - May 12): azure dragon / 青龙 Sub-prompts: east, springtime, dawn, wood, blue-green
Week 3 (May 13 - May 19): vermillion bird / 朱雀 Sub-prompts: south, summer, midday, fire, red
Week 4 (May 20 - May 26): white tiger / 白虎 Sub-prompts: west, autumn, dusk, metal, white
Week 5 (May 27 - May 31): black tortoise / 玄武 Sub-prompts: north, winter, midnight, water, black
Past collections:
2021 (MDZS only)
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zimithrus1 · 2 months
Tiger & Bunny Week Day 2 🐯🐰
Tiger & Bunny 1st series Anniversary 🥂
I know this show has been out for quite some time now, but to be honest, I never got into it until the end of 2022/beginning of 2023! Originally, I remember when it first came out, me at the ripe age of 15 thinking 'Tiger and Bunny huh. Yeah that sounds like some cute moe-stuff. eh.' How wrong I was XD I was definitely under prepared getting into the show lol. Essentially a good friend of mine said 'This is like X otp but with superheroes! You gotta watch it!!' So I did, and now it's like, wow this has consumed me 😂
It had so much more depth than I thought it would. There is so much world building, character building, plot moving, petty banter and witty humor, low-stakes adventures and high-stakes predicaments that keep you coming back for more! And! While it's an anime, it doesn't have a lot of those common anime tropes that you expect in most shows. It's impactful and funny and charged with action and every character is designed and fleshed out so thoroughly and uniquely. No one has 'anime same-face', it's gorgeous.
Even major details are played out merely through a character's eyes alone:
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Like this, when Barnaby states he doesn't like fire. The detail they took to not add a highlight in his eyes, like he's lost in a terrible thought.
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2. They way they animate Barnaby crying even with his hero suit on.
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3. In the same episode vein, exactly how Kotetsu looks after he says he knew Barnaby would trust him.
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4. the detail alone in Jake's face here. When was the last time you saw an anime studio individually draw out a character's teeth?
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5. and Maverick's expression here. Glowing blue eyes as we can see Barnaby's reflection in his glasses and you know something unsettling is about to occur.
The designs and expressions of these characters is amazing and unlike any I've seen before.
That's my little blurb about season 1 of Tiger & Bunny. I'll leave you with the first art piece I ever did for it. (Excuse Barnaby's bad hair, I was still learning how to draw those damn flips lol!)
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simplefelicity · 6 months
What I wanted in 2023
this is the third in a series of posts in which i reflect on my 2023 from a financial perspective, using data from my financial journal.
things i can kind of remember wanting
a more precise scale. to weightyarn scraps with more precision. i have to weigh them like once every 5 months so it’s very low priority.
Masterclass subscription. sometimes those ads really get to me, you know? but i know that i’d use it for a week and then drop it. not worth it unless i seriously commit to it.
clothes steamer. something i think about from time to time, especially in the summer. but i wouldn’t have much use of it anyway.
bubble tea with friends. we ended up not being able to go that time and when we met afterwards we were like “nah”.
i'm constantly struggling against the urge of starting a small ceramics animals collection. my heart tells me yes, my hate for dusting forbids me.
things that i’m like? but why???
getting a snack at an underground station in the city centre, specifically so that i would get change and perhaps there would be funky coins there (i collect euros from other countries)
lime nail polish. i do not use nail polish.
knives out poster. when glass onion came out, i intensely wanted a poster for 2 days and scoured the internet for one and then forgot all about it.
old letters or journals. thankfully i didn’t buy those, because i already have some and have no idea what to do with them. should i donate them to a museum? and they cost a pretty penny too!
jellycat bashful cottontail bunny. i saw it in a store and was like: mine! i don’t know why. i already have one in another colour and no intentions of starting a collection.
jellycat fluffy bunny (oatmeal). i remembered the other one but this one? why?
opal ring like the one Lucy wears in The Rookie. if you’ve watched the series, you know which one. i don’t even wear silver jewellery.
perfume. i would never wear it anyway.
scented candle. i have no idea what got into me.
(i would absolutely buy any and all these books but for the sake of my minimalism) (i didn’t expect there to be so many)
Cassandra Calin comics.
Strange Planet comics.
Kate Beaton comics.
(they are all brilliant & i’d like to support the authors)
Come Fly The World by Julia Cooke, a physical copy. it’s a book i really enjoyed reading on ebook (and higly recommend!). once i have purged all my other books i’ll consider getting a secondhand copy.
Knitting Comfortably by Carson Demers. a book about the ergonomics of handknitting. i’d buy the ebook but it doesn’t exist! you can only get a physical copy for 50$ + shipping from the States. no thank you.
Pride and Prejudice, Penguin Deluxe Edition. because it’s gorgeous. but i already have a copy
Pride and Prejudice, funny edition. i found on Vinted an edition of p&p with Darcy smoking on the cover. i would be more precise on what edition it was, but i unfavourited because i knew i’d end up buying it if i had easy access to it and i can’t find it again.
642 Things to Draw. because sometimes i’m like “maybe i should start drawing again!” and then i never do.
things i will consider actually buying
new coat. an item that was mentioned various times but i did not end up buying. my current coat’s only problem is that the pockets’ zip doesn’t work anymore. i should just pay to have them repaired.
stitch markers for knitting. unfortunately i only like the very expensive ones you see on Etsy. but i was able to find some on Vinted, so...
beads for jewellery making. i saw some cute ones at Tiger for like 2€ so...
cross-stitch embroidery material. i like cross-stitching but it’s so expensive! and i already spend a lot in yarn.
tarot deck. i’ve been wanting one for years, just for giggles. i don’t think i’d ever use it, though, so i never end up buying it. sooner or later i’ll relent.
a new wallet. i have had my wallet for… 10 years? it still does it’s job and it didn’t get ruined but it’s not very fashionable. it is a bit bulky but i have other small wallets that i never use for one reason or another
barefoot shoes. sooner or later i’ll buy these but i don’t really have the time or money right now. also, i hate shopping.
footstool. my desk chair is too tall.
cotton yarn for a project. i will buy that sooner or later.
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On Monday morning, the ETBU Baseball team traveled across town to paint the exterior of homes in a neighborhood in Boca Chica. The group of 54 were able to paint three houses before returning to the hotel for a quick lunch, before heading out for game one of the week.
ETBU jumped out to a 2-0 lead in the second inning on a two-run homerun off the bat of Austin Barry. The Dominican team, made up of local players who are mainly MLB minor leaguers, tied the game in the bottom of the third. ETBU retook the lead in the fourth on an opposite field, solo homerun off the bat of Hunter Rumachik, making the score 3-2.
The Dominican team scored one run in the bottom of the fourth, making the score 3-3. The Tigers responded with two runs in the top of the fifth inning, after Jacob Evangelista tripled to start the inning and scored on a sacrifice fly off the bat of Carson Wilson. Connor Massimini walked and later scored on a RBI by Ben Lea, leaving the score 5-3.
ETBU allowed one run in the eighth inning and was able to retire the side in the bottom of the ninth for the 5-4 victory.
ETBU December 2023 graduate Carson Wilson provided the following recap of the day.
“Our first full day in the Dominican Republic was very eye opening and exciting. We started the day heading to what was once a major sugar cane village. This village was extremely run down, had stray dogs, and even stray goats roaming around everywhere. A majority of houses were solely made out of scrap metal. However, there was nothing but smiles on people’s faces. These people lived to survive one day at a time, but they could not have been happier.
We were able to paint three homes and were able to meet some local people who were extremely thankful. A group of 12-14 year old boys came out of their homes and joined our group to help paint as well. These were not even their homes and I don’t even think they knew the people who actually lived there. But they walked through the village with torn up shoes, some with no shoes, just to be part of our group and help their community. That is something I will never forget.
In the afternoon, we headed to our first game. The field was just walking distance from our resort through the city. We had no clue what to expect as far as competition or what kind of field we were playing on. We walked up and the field was in rough condition, the outfield probably hadn’t been mowed in weeks and the infield didn’t have any grass. As the other team began to show up we realized what we were up against. They entered the stadium with Yankees, Red Sox, Padres, Pirates, Reds, Angels, Diamondbacks, and Dodgers written across their chest. For us it was mesmerizing, for them it was just another day at the field to have fun and play the game. We soon realized that as baseball players, we are not as far off as we thought.
Regardless of the big name teams they were wearing, or the history of baseball the Dominican Republic has, we set out with the intention to win as we always do. We ended up winning 5-4. Today, I had some of the most fun ever playing baseball. The happiness and joy the people showed at the game and the entire day was amazing.
This is just in one full day here in the Dominican and it felt like a week. I enjoyed every second and am just so grateful for this experience. I am looking forward to the rest of the week and can’t wait to share even more things that I experience and learn along the way.”
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wewerecore · 8 months
The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour - 022 10/12/23 Defy TV 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST Filmed at the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania
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- The show opened with Sudu Upadhyay welcoming viewers in for another week of CORE action. Sudu was wearing an eyepatch after suffering an injury at the end of the previous episode when a Dorney Park scare actor gave him a drop toe hold into a steel chair. Raven said he'll be on his best behavior this week, as he's afraid if he gets out of line Sudu might make him walk the plank. Sudu glares at Raven, who apologizes for the accident and to make it up to him offers to swab the decks.
- The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour opening aired set to "Black Swan Lake" by Janko Nilovic.
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Giant Baba Yaga and Fuego Del Sol vs. Aerial Van Go and Kiki Van Gogh Giant Baba Yaga and Fuego Del Sol defeated Aerial Van Go and Kiki Van Gogh with a coconut crush from Baba Yaga on Kiki Van Gogh. (4:04)
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- Trench made his entrance for the next match, but before the opening bell Sonny Kiss came to the commentary booth. Sonny called the rest of The TrustBusters Reserve out and began to berate Invictus Khash. Sonny said that they had made it very clear that Invictus Khash was embarrassing the TrustBusters Reserve by losing matches on Ring Of Honor television (Sonny was briefly thrown off here as an incredulous Raven could be heard asking Sudu if ROH is really on television). Invictus Khash said that he had heard those concerns and considered them before accepting a match last week against Ethan Page, but with all due respect, Invictus asked if losing matches on ROH TV wasn't exactly what the TrustBusters were known for? Sonny appeared shocked by this remark, and seeing that reaction Trench grabbed Khash by the shirt, but Khash pulled away and held up a fist. Sonny called a stop to this before things went any further, Sonny sent Trench to the ring for his match, Big Dan and Joshua Bishop to the back to prepare for their main event match tonight, and told Khash that they'll talk about his insubordination later.
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Trench vs. The Pennsylvania Polar Vortex Trench defeated The Pennsylvania Polar Vortex via submission with an inverted full nelson. (3:11)
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- We join Daphne Oz at the CORE news desk for the COal REgion Roundup. This week Daphne can announce the first two matches set for CORE's 15th Anniversary Show on October 27th in Jim Thorpe. In our first match, we will see the hot new tag team of Giant Baba Yaga and Fuego Del Sol team up to take on Tiger Mask IV from New Japan Pro-Wrestling and Tiger Queen from Strong Style Pro-Wrestling where she was trained by the original Tiger Mask, Satoru Sayama. And we will also see the return of the 2023 Trios Kingdom winners The 37KAMIINA, MAO, Yuki Ueno, and Toi Kojima in a dream trios match against Mistico, Atlantis Jr., and Soberano Jr. from CMLL.
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- Before our next match, Titus Alexander made his way to the commentary booth. Alexander wasted no time in calling out CORE official Jigsaw. Jigsaw said that he knows Titus wants a match with him to send some kind of message to Eddie Kingston. Jigsaw declined, stating that not only is he not an active wrestler, but that he and Eddie aren't really that close these days. Titus Alexander told Jigsaw he shouldn't worry about Titus' motivations, he should consider his own. Alexander asked Jigsaw how many more opportunities he believes he'll get to wrestle on national television. Titus Alexander questioned Jigsaw on his own ambitions, and if he wants to have that one last match that, who knows, could lead to that one last run. Titus asks Jigsaw to put aside Alexander's business with Kingston, and think about how great it would feel to beat the top young independent wrestler in America on national TV. Jigsaw agreed to a match next week and the two shook hands.
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Stephanie Vaquer and La Catalina vs. Vertvixen and Viva Van Stephanie Vaquer and La Catalina defeated Vertvixen and Viva Van with a meteora in the corner from Vaquer on Viva Van. (6:09)
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- Hyan was filmed backstage at the door of the TrustBusters dressing room as Trench handed her a large cardboard box containing belongings she had left at the TrustBusters Reserve barracks. Before Trench closed the door, JeeVeS Kay could briefly be glimpsed inside the dressing room. As she walked the box to her vehicle, she was approached by Kylie Paige. Kylie explained that she had just returned from the suspension she was given following her career ending attack on Larry Zbyszko. Kylie asked Hyan if she'd like to have a match next week, not as opponents but as partners. Kylie said she thinks they both could use teammates they can rely on. Hyan considered the proposal before nodding her head in agreement. Hyan motioned for Kylie to help her with the box and the two carried it off screen.
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Shaw Mason vs. Hunter Holdcraft Shaw Mason defeated Hunter Holdcraft via submission after countering a gutwrench suplex with an ankle lock. (7:20)
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- A video aired highlighting some of the programming on Defy TV including Ice Road Truckers, American Pickers, and Forged In Fire, this was interrupted by a blue NO SIGNAL screen. We then cut to a shot of Zack Clayton who talked about the Defy TV viewers having their reality show heroes like Dave from Storage Wars, Roy from Shipping Wars, or Chumlee from Pawn Stars; but he's going to show them all what a real reality TV star looks like. Zack Clayton will be coming soon to The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour.
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Starboy Charlie and Marcus Mathers vs. TrustBusters Reserve (Big Dan Champion and Joshua Bishop) - Marcus Mathers leapfrogged over a charging Big Dan, but when Mathers landed he appeared to aggravate his recently injured ankle. Mathers instinctively leaned forward to clutch his ankle, putting himself in perfect position for a Bishop Bomb. Starboy Charlie tried to save his partner but was met with a Vader Attack from Big Dan as Bishop picked up the pin. TrustBusters Reserve defeated Starboy Charlie and Marcus Mathers with a Bishop Bomb from Bishop to Mathers. (8:24)
- Promotional consideration paid for by the following: Ol' Hired Hand Six Gun Chili Mixin's Pumpkin Masters Pumpkin Carving Kits Upton's Naturals Original Jackfruit Alstertor's Dusseldorf Style Mustard
Next Week On The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour Titus Alexander vs. Jigsaw Tim Bosby vs. Hunter Holdcraft Also in action… Queen Aminata and Raychell Rose Hyan and Kylie Paige Tromba
Upcoming Shows:
CORE Pro #124 10/27/23 Ancient Footprints Are Everywhere - CORE 15th Anniversary Show Penn's Peak - Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania 01. Giant Baba Yaga and Fuego Del Sol vs. Tiger Mask IV and Tiger Queen 02. The 37KAMIINA (MAO/Yuki Ueno/Toi Kojima) vs. Mistico, Atlantis Jr., and Soberano Jr.
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to-my-son · 9 months
Hello feooss!
Today is Sunday, September 3rd, 2023, I haven’t written since May. Humberto you just started the fall season of soccer and you’re actually liking it, it’s a pain in the ass for me, your dad isn’t very involved so it’s a bit stressful for me. I get off at 5pm rush home to get here by 5:30 and drive back to Anthem to make it in time for practice by 6pm, but you like it, and I think it’s good for you so I’ll do whatever it takes. You’ve also started Kindergarten, you’re first day was on August 7th, you’re not a fan of going to school. I try to motivate you but you just want to stay home and play. Your teacher is Ms. Perillo, and she’s awesome. Unfortunately dad hasn’t been around much, and there’s been a sad morning or two during this time. I dropped you off recently and you were sad that you hadn’t seen your dad in 2 weeks and I bawled my eyes out as soon as I got in the car. I wish I could make that better but I just can’t.
You’ve made some friends, Oakley and Greyson, you also go to school with 2 of your soccer teammates, he twins Grey and Grant. They’re also in Kindergarten. Now that’ you’ve made friends you barely touch your lunch, I can only assume it’s because you’re too busy talking. Stop talking and start eating little boy! You got punched in the eye by a little girl, Bobbie Martinez, because she was bullying your classmate Raven, you tried telling Bobbie that she was being rude and apparently she punched you. You forgot to mention it to me though so I assume it wasn’t as much of a “punch” as it sounds. I see how quickly you’re learning, and I’m so proud of you. More importantly I hope you’re proud of yourself. You recently volunteered me to bring snacks for your class “Pirate Booty” they’re puff chips, I’m so happy that you’re so confident in me that you volunteered me because to be honest I’m not even that confident in myself lol. This week we need to get you new cleats, your first game is on Saturday and we need you to be fast and comfortable to kick some ass! GO TIGERS FC!
Eva, where do I start with your bratty ass. You have so much sass and attitude! I am so amazed at your vocabulary, you’re the definition of 3 going on 13, and you’re fashion sense is unmatched, you have so much confidence, I hope you never lose it, and I hope you carry it forever, everywhere you go. I need to get you off the bottle because you have a strong emotional attachment to that “cold milk”. I have you on a waitlist for Gymnastics, it’s a bit difficult finding a gymnastics class that works with my work schedule and brother’s soccer schedule. I want you to try it and see if you like it. I think you’ll be good at it! The idea of dance is so cute, and girly but… I think in the long run gymnastics will be better. You’re a ball of energy, super independent, and very agile, and I want to take advantage of it. If gymnastics isn’t for you, we’ll try something else, but I’m not letting you fall behind on an extracurricular activity! You can count to 25 and you love to paint. You’ve got an artistic side, painting, coloring, singing, dancing, arts and crafts, doing your makeup and painting your nails! That’s what you’re into right now. You love all the Disney princesses and Minnie Mouse.
My little Beva, you have such a strong attitude, you’ve been getting in trouble a lot lately because Eva does whatever she wants even when I’ve told her not to. Parenting right now has been a bit challenging with you, you contradict me a lot! You’re very independent which sometimes leads to a little bit or a lot of a mess on your behalf. I know that attitude is going to get you far but right now I just need you to listen to mom a little bit more baby girl. You’re so easy to love, I’m the luckiest mom in the world to have you as my baby, both of you really. The hardest part is realizing that slowly you don’t need me as much anymore. I love seeing you grown but I also wish I could freeze time and keep you both this way forever. I know some day before I know it the stressful days of trying to get everything done for you both will be over, the mess will be less, and these baby faces and baby voices won’t be like this forever. I want to enjoy you as much as I can. There’s not enough time in the world to take you both in. I love you my babies, more than you can imagine, and I truly mean that. I love you forever.
Forever yours,
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pwrestlingxpress · 1 year
NJPW Match Card Set for June 17 + Match Predictions for NOAH's Green Journey in Nagoya 2023
Earlier today, NJPW announced match cards for their televised events in Chiba (for June 10th and 18th) and Hachioji (for June 17th). Down below is the official match card for their June 17th which is part of their "New Japan Road: Road to Strong" tour which starts in Chiba on June 10th. There will be a total of 8 matches on the card 4 of them are pictured down below:
Opening Match: Kosei Fujita vs. Master Wato
Match #2: Yuto Nakashima and Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Boltin Oleg and Tomoaki Honma
Match #3: EVIL, SHO, Yujiro Takahashi, and Dick Togo vs. Hirooki Goto, Togi Makabe, Toru Yano, and Hiroyoshi Tenzan
Match #4: Dan Moloney, Clark Connors, and Gedo vs. Great O-Khan, TJP, and Francesco Akira
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Match #5: Alex Coughlin and Gabriel Kidd vs. Oskar Leube and YOSHI-HASHI
Match #6: Shota Umino, Ren Narita, El Desperado, and Tiger Mask vs. Kazuchika Okada, Hiroshi Tanahashi, Tomohiro Ishii, and YOH
Semi-main Event: Tetsuya Naito, Shingo Takagi, and BUSHI vs. Taka Michinoku, Yoshinobu Kanemaru, and Taichi
Main Event: Yota Tsuji and Hiromu Takahashi vs. SANADA and DOUKI
"New Japan Road: Road to the Strong" in Hachioji airs on NJPW World at 6 PM Local Time/5 AM Eastern/4 AM Central/2 AM Pacific.
But before that, we will have Pro Wrestling NOAH's "Green Journey in Nagoya 2023" which will air on ABEMA and Wrestle Universe at 5 PM Local Time/4 AM Eastern/3 AM Central/1 AM Pacific on the same day as "New Japan Road" in Hachioji in which right now I will give you my full match predictions for the NOAH event as promised when the match card was officially announced last week.
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Opening Match Prediction: I can understand that Hiroki wants to prove himself but by leaving Kongo, he has left a big hole. Already knowing he'll lose to Kenoh, losing to Hajime Ohara is not a option but...with the way he's been going, can't see him beating Ohara. Hajime Ohara will win the opening match.
Match #2 Prediction: This match is very intriguing but if I'm to pick a side then I'm going with the team of Mohammed Yone, Super Crazy, and Alejandro for the win.
Match #3 Prediction: Apparently Hideaki Suzuki is not happy about this match and based on how he is. I'm expecting this singles bout against Shuhei Taniguchi to be a brawl. Hideaki Suzuki will dominate and win in easy fashion.
Match #4 Prediction: When this match was originally announced, I thought that this would be used to determine Hijo del Dr. Wagner's next challenger for the GHC National Championship. But with Kaito Kiyomiya's participation in the G1 announced, this is his chance to show his 7 block opponents (which will be announced on June 10th) what he's made of. I still see Kiyomiya winning and at the same time make a statement as G1 Climax 33 looms for him.
Match #5 Prediction: This is no typo everyone, Naomichi Marufuji is actually teaming up with Eita against Daiki Inaba and Atsushi Kotoge in which I see the crumbling of Kotoge continue. Eita and Marufuji with the surprise victory.
Match #6 Prediction: Welcome back Jack Morris, we missed you. GLG vs. Stinger and Sean Legacy is sure going to be something. My prediction on this match will be very interesting for I have Stinger and Legacy continuing that momentum they've been having since May 4th in Ryogoku. Stinger and Sean Legacy with the win.
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Match #7 Prediction: A rematch from May 14th and a preview match for June 22nd all in one match. AXIZ returned on May 14th in a losing effort as Go Shiozaki was pinned by Kenoh in the main event. Since that loss, AXIZ has won their next two matches and it is expected by the time they get to Nagoya they will be 4-1 since reuniting. My prediction is that AXIZ will get the win here but it will be interesting to see if this match will be for the AJPW World Tag Team Championship by then. Also, note...Go Shiozaki has never defeated Kenoh in singles competition. A win here in Nagoya could boost his confidence to get that first win over the Kongo leader in Korakuen Hall five days later.
Match #8 Prediction: Very hard match to predict here but one thing is clear, Dante Leon will do whatever it takes to win back the GHC Junior Heavyweight Championship and though I can see him winning somehow I don't. HAYATA will retain but how though remains to be seen.
Semi-main Event Match Prediction: My expectation here is that whoever wins between Kongo and AXIZ two matches earlier will be the next challenger team for the GHC Tag Team Championships. This match is hard to predict because when you have Saxon Huxley in the ring, he's out of control. He's the true definition of being the savage David Finlay wants in his Bullet Club. Anyway, this match...I'm predicting as of right now new tag team champions with AXIZ coming out as the next challenger team. However, should the champion team retain, this could be the chance for Go to exact some revenge because it was Timothy Thatcher that put him on the shelf in Osaka back in September. Nonetheless...here I see new champions but always expect the unexpected when it comes to Saxon Huxley.
Main Event Prediction: There's a saying, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. My prediction here is a very intriguing one for I see Jake Lee retaining despite being dominated by the challenger Takashi Sugiura throughout most of the tour. Jake Lee's toughest challenge will result in his toughest victory and should he emerge victorious be interesting to see who' will be next.
So, those are my predictions for Pro Wrestling NOAH's "Green Journey in Nagoya 2023". Sorry but no predictions for "New Japan Road". The next NJPW event that I'll do predictions on will be their "Forbidden Door" event at the end of June and their two Independence Day Events during the 4th of July 2023.
"New Japan Road: Road to Strong" in Hachioji airs on NJPW World this Saturday at 5:00 AM Eastern while "Green Journey in Nagoya 2023" airs the same date at 4:00 AM Eastern on ABEMA for Japanese Commentary and Wrestle Universe for English commentary.
Go to timeanddate.com, type in the city you live in to find out the start time to these 2 events in your area.
0 notes
Top 6 Tourist places Near Delhi within 500 km to Visit on Upcoming Weekend 2023
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There is no dearth of amazing tourist places near Delhi within 500 km. Therefore, it becomes difficult to choose a destination. To make things easy for you, we have compiled a list of the 6 best weekend getaways near Delhi that you can explore on the weekend with your loved ones.
Table of Contents   #1 Dharamshala #2 Ranthambore National Park #3 Ranikhet #4 Mussoorie #5 Amritsar #6 Bikaner
1. Dharamshala Dharamshala is one of the best weekend getaways near Delhi for couples who are looking for a spiritual retreat on the weekend. It boasts natural beauty, peaceful surroundings, welcoming hospitality, and spiritual vibes. Hop between cute local cafes to enjoy the local delicacies. You can go for the trek or a day trip to Kangra Valley, or visit the Bhagsunag Temple and the waterfall to spend quality time in serene settings. Add a thrill to your trip with paragliding. Explore our wide range of weekend getaways tour packages for your upcoming Dharamshala trip. 
2. Ranthambore National Park Shout out to all wildlife enthusiasts to visit the Ranthambore National Park for the 2-day family trip. It is one of the best weekend getaways near Delhi for nature lovers and photographers. A trip to Ranthambore will bring you closer to the diversified flora and fauna. Spanned across an area of 1300 square km, it is famous for Bengal tigers. Moreover, you can witness Indian leopard, Indian elephant, wild water buffalo, gaur, nilgai, blackbuck, wild boar, and many more animals. When you buy weekend getaways tour packages, make sure that your package includes nearby tourist attractions like Ranthambore Fort, Trinetra Ganesha Temple, Kachida Valley, and Jogi Mahal.
3. Ranikhet, Uttarakhand If you are looking for an offbeat romantic tourist place near Delhi, then you can consider Ranikhet. It is one of the emerging offbeat weekend getaways near Delhi for couples who are looking for peace of mind and rejuvenation away from the chaos of city life.
Its beauty is not just restricted to nature. It is surrounded by beautiful Hindu temples that add to the beauty of Ranikhet. It is one of the best weekend getaways near Delhi for a short trip on the weekend. On your trip to Ranikhet, make sure to explore its top attractions, like Haidakhan Babaji Temple, Naukuchia Taal, Chaubatia Garden, Swargashram Binsar Mahadev Mandir, and Jhula Devi Temple.
4. Mussoorie A list of the 6 best tourist places near Delhi within 500 km is incomplete without Mussoorie. It is the perfect tourist destination for a memorable trip with cousins. The natural beauty and outdoor activities against the backdrop of the Himalayas make Mussoorie a popular tourist destination for millennials. For a budget-friendly trip, plan your weekend trip with International Travel House. On your 2-day trip to Mussoorie, you can visit top attractions like Lal Tibba, Gun Hill, Camel's Back Road, and Kempty Fall. 
5. Amritsar A spiritual trip with your parents to Amritsar is all you need on the upcoming weekend to slow down your fast-paced life. The oldest city in Punjab, Amritsar, is the main spiritual centre of India. The spiritual vibes of the place will wash off all your stress and tensions. Explore the budget-friendly tour packages for spiritual Indian destinations at International Travel House.
On the trip to Amritsar, buy the handcrafted dupatta and taste the local delicacies like aloo kulcha. In addition to the Golden Temple, explore other major tourist attractions like Jallianwala Bagh, Akal Takht, the Wagah Border Ceremony, and the Partition Museum. It is one of the best weekend getaways near Delhi to visit with parents.
6. Bikaner Popularly known as the "King of Deserts," Bikaner is one of the best weekend getaways near Delhi for couples who love to live a royal and luxurious life. It is one of the must-visit tourist destinations in Rajasthan, as it embodies the rich history and culture of Rajasthan. When you buy a weekend getaways tour package online, make sure your itinerary includes attractions like Junagarh Fort, Lalgarh Palace, Karni Mata Temple, Laxmi Niwas Palace, and Gajner Palace. A trip to Bikaner is incomplete without tasting its authentic Rajasthani food, like Mangodi ki sabzi, the unique Gatte ki sabzi, and Kesar fini. 
Conclusion Take a break from your monotonous routine to rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul and to spend quality time with your loved ones. The best way to do this is to plan a 2-day weekend trip to one of the 6 best tourist places near Delhi within 500 km.
0 notes
mmhaterade · 1 year
2023 Hater's Guide to the NCAA South Region.
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1. Alabama (29-5). Nate “Quaker” Oats has a long way to go before his squad graduates to levels of orchestrated murder and cover-ups not seen since the 2003 Baylor squad – but buddy, we are getting close! Let me recap: their best player has yet to face any discipline for delivering a gun to his (now former) teammate, who committed a murder shortly after. As a result of the shooting, there’s now a five-year-old who will grow up without a mother because apparently “nobody fights without guns anymore.” The response from the university, athletic department, and head coach has been – at best – tone deaf and at worse, embarrassingly trite. Now, their fans are wearing shirts reading “Killin’ our way through the SEC in ’23.” Nuke this entire state from orbit – it’s the only way to be sure.
2. Arizona (28-6). They always manage to have a solid team despite their location in the middle of a desert. You know, playing basketball in a desert offers a lot of difficulties. Number one being, you’re playing basketball in a desert.
3. Baylor (22-10). During an external review of how the university handled sexual assaults, a final report stated Baylor administrators actively discouraged reporting of sexual assaults, the athletic department continually failed to address sexual assault and high-ranking school officials suppressed reports of 52 (!) rapes and sexual misconduct incidents between 2011-14. FIFTY-TWO. Like most institutions of higher education, Baylor is more interested in protecting their brand than their students. Cocaine Bear is 100% based on the daring and exhilarating adventures of Baylor live mascots (Buckshot and Juan) rampaging through Waco!
4. Virginia (25-7). If we wanted to watch the most boring brand of basketball ever, we would have invited the Wisconsin Badgers to this tournament. Virginia will always be the school for students not racist enough to get into Mississippi or Tennessee but too white to go anywhere else (looking at you, Sam Hauser). 
5. San Diego State (27-6). Every year we are forced to read a myriad number of stories detailing how experienced (read: old) this team is, or how “it’s finally the Aztecs’ year!” Until this team employs traditional Aztec warfare strategies – capturing their opponents to sacrifice them in religious rituals -- you can count on them never making the second weekend of the tournament.
6. Creighton (21-12). Stop trying to make Creighton happen. It’s never going to happen. These idiot fans practically rioted when the basketball team hired a black head coach. For the last twenty years they’ve sported a full erection for white three-point shooters who can’t play defense. You might as well root for a team of IT project managers playing basketball while wearing those inflatable dinosaur costumes; they have the exact same chance of making the round of 32 as Creighton.
7. Missouri (24-9). The Tigers have not won a conference championship in 30 years. 96% of their fans pronounce the state name as “misery.” That is the perfect way to describe living in this state. Can you name one relevant historical “moment” about Mizzou basketball? Don’t bother checking the internet; their Wikipedia page is just a list of their records against Big 12 and SEC schools. This school has no redeeming value, every single one of their 24 wins could be defined as “empty,” and I would rather drink battery acid than watch them play.
8. Maryland (21-12). The charter member of the ACC will never be accepted as a member of the Big Ten, but oh wow, look at these bags of money we got from TV networks! Oh, well we guess you can join. Where do I start with these people? 
Kevin Willard ain’t it. This guy bitched nonstop the one year the Big Ten played their conference tournament in NYC. He still looks like a penis in a suit.
The women’s team is tougher than the men’s team six days a week and twice on Sunday. 
People usually riot when they are angry about something; these idiots do so when their teams win key games.
They had a student group called “The Turgeonites” who dressed up as…their head coach? 
This program’s glory days ended before the ink could dry on Gary Williams’ retirement papers. 
9. West Virginia (19-14). It’s hard for me to like anything Buzz Williams has done during his career traveling to various backwoods outposts of college basketball, but this moment of him dancing to “Take Me Home, Country Roads” on the WVU logo after a Marquette win in 2012 was incredible. Fuck Bob Huggins and his stool; get this guy a Lazy Boy recliner already. West Virginia recently gave Huggins’ stool a degree because its IQ is better than 2/3 of the student body.
10. Utah State (26-8). Between 2000-2010, the Aggies amassed the fourth most wins in college basketball behind Duke, Kansas, and Gonzaga, but nobody noticed because…it’s Utah. The campus boasts the oldest continuously operating college of business in the West. They are too busy claiming they invented fry sauce (ketchup + mayonnaise mixed together) and catching powder to pay attention to a bouncing orange ball.
11. NC State (23-10). It’s OK if you’ve forgotten about this school, what with their proximity to Duke and North Carolina – Chapel Hill. The Wolfpack have not won their conference since 1989 and their conference tournament since 1987. In the late 80’s, the program – led by Jim Valvano, now known as “Jimmy V” – was accused of grade fixing, lowered or waived entrance requirements for athletes, frequent drug use by athletes (hey, it was the 80s), and the selling of sneakers and game tickets for spending money. Look, those Cookout burgers and milkshakes weren’t going to buy themselves. Any school that boasts Philip Rivers and Russell Wilson as alumni can be rocketed straight into the Mariana Trench.
12. Charleston (31-3). They’ve had a nice season and are a bit under-seeded here but miss me with this team as a popular upset pick; four appearances in the last quarter century have netted a 1-4 record. Pat Kelsey seems like a genuinely nice guy though. Charleston is the 13th oldest institution of higher learning in the United States and their most famous alumni are “not good enough to be a Wayans brother” Orlando Jones and Erick Avari, a guy you vaguely recognize but HAVE NEVER HEARD HIS NAME UNTIL NOW.
13. Furman (27-7). Yes, this is a real basketball team – with uniforms, too! The always entertaining Eye on College Basketball podcast noted that this school should adopt FurMan – just a hairy beast – as their mascot, and I’ll never not think of that now. Fun fact: the university was closed from 1861-1866 so most students could enlist with Confederate forces during the Civil War. Cannon fodder indeed.
14. UCSB (27-7). What is a Gaucho and why has this university chosen a folk symbol of…Argentina as their mascot? Apparently, a gaucho is a skilled horseman, reputed to be brave and unruly. I usually laugh out loud when I think about horses, solely because of this skit. It was a horse.
15. Princeton (21-8). I fully expected this spot to belong to Yale and had a great writeup by longtime Hater’s Guide contributor CW. Everyone wants to pick these paper tigers because a long, long time ago they managed to upset UCLA in the first round 43-41. While you ponder that blindness-inducing final score, read the writeup on Yale anyway:
Yale. It’s always a question about who is smarter: Harvard or Yale students? Well, this story should answer that question. Harvard Pranks Yale With Hilarious Fake Admissions Tour. Harvard students buy Yale sweatshirts then march onto the Yale campus where they pose as tour guides. It’s not entirely clear how they do this without the notice of the Yale admissions staff (Editor’s note: they are dumb), but in the video, they attack a group of a half dozen prospective students and their parents and proceed to give a spiel that makes Yale sound far inferior. “Yale is in many ways Harvard’s little, perhaps less successful sister,” says one fake tour guide, who goes on to make fun of the excessive amount of Gothic architecture on campus. “Yale students are stupider than Harvard students, Yale students are not as successful as Harvard students, Yale students are not as attractive as Harvard students,” he says, while the touring families look on, weirdly unfazed. Even the potential Yale students are trash.
16. Texas A&M-Corpus Christi (23-10) / Southeast Missouri State (19-16). Neither of these teams has a snowball’s chance in Hell of upsetting Alabama, so when picking a rooting interest here, just think about where you would rather live – Corpus Christi, Texas, or Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Missouri just scares me for no other reason than a lot of people got their heads blown off in Ozark. At least in Corpus Christi you have actual beaches on a nice body of water -- the Mississippi River doesn’t count, you savages.
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mxtxdiaspora-may · 2 months
MXTX Diaspora May 2024: 3 days left to sign up!
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3 days left to sign up for MXTX Diaspora May 2024!
Sign-ups are open until April 9, 2024. Any creator with Chinese heritage may participate.
Event Rules & FAQ
Sign Up HERE!
Reblogs and signal boosts for this event are welcome from both participants and non-participants. Please feel free to boost on bluesky and twitter as well.
2024 prompts and links to past collections can be found below the cut. We look forward to celebrating and sharing the works for 2024!
MXTX Diaspora May 2024 Prompts, week-by-week
Week 1 (May 01 - May 05): free week
Week 2 (May 06 - May 12): azure dragon / 青龙 Sub-prompts: east, springtime, dawn, wood, blue-green
Week 3 (May 13 - May 19): vermillion bird / 朱雀 Sub-prompts: south, summer, midday, fire, red
Week 4 (May 20 - May 26): white tiger / 白虎 Sub-prompts: west, autumn, dusk, metal, white
Week 5 (May 27 - May 31): black tortoise / 玄武 Sub-prompts: north, winter, midnight, water, black
Past collections:
2021 (MDZS only)
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linkljdf · 1 year
Team Alabama The Greatest Ever The Best Colhttps://teejeep.com/products/team-alabama-the-greatest-ever-the-best-college-football-programs-over-150-years/
Team Alabama The Greatest Ever The Best College Football Programs Over 150 Years
I was hoping Delores wouldn’t become a Team Alabama The Greatest Ever The Best College Football Programs Over 150 Years aggressive rooster, as my recently deceased “Lance” had been, before passing on to “rooster heaven” with the assistance of a local coyote. The rooster I currently had, Gordon, was a sweet boy and was very happy to have Lance gone. Lance had been a fierce rooster who attacked literally every moving thing but the hens and me (displaying extreme good taste and discretion) and I was not prepared to live through as second several years of yet another “attack rooster”. Neither were the neighbor dogs. Nor were the neighbors, for that matter. I really didn’t think this would be a problem, as Delores was such a sweet rooster – showing no violence or aggression at all, and just wanted to sit on my shoulder (rather like a parrot) and look around. He’d snuggle against anyone’s neck or in anyone’s lap who would hold him and he adored being petted. Delores ran around digging for bugs in the lawn – but was just as happy sitting by the kitchen sink watching me trim vegetables or whatever. He made (as all my chickens did) a truce with the cats and was friends with the goats, horses 
buy it now:Team Alabama The Greatest Ever The Best College Football Programs Over 150 Years
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Homepage: limotees    jeeppremium  telotee
Gearbloom is your one-stop online shop for printed t-shirts, hoodies, phone cases, stickers, posters, mugs, and more…High quality original T-shirts. Digital printing in the USA.
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By contacting directly with suppliers, we are dedicated to provide you with the latest fashion with fair price.We redefine trends, design excellence and bring exceptional quality to satisfy the needs of every aspiring fashionista.
Gearbloom is established with a clear vision: to provide the very latest products with compelling designs, exceptional value and superb customer service for everyone.
We offer a select choice of millions of Unique Designs for T-shirts, Hoodies, Mugs, Posters and more to cover all your needs.
Why do customers come to
Well we think there are a few reasons:
Fashion field involves the best minds to carefully craft the design. The t-shirt industry is a very competitive field and involves many risks. The cost per t-shirt varies proportionally to the total quantity of t-shirts. We are manufacturing exceptional-quality t-shirts at a very competitive price.
We use only the best DTG printers available to produce the finest-quality images possible that won’t wash out of the shirts.
Estimated shipping times:
United States : 1-5 business days
Canada : 3-7 business days
International : from 1-2 weeks depending on proximity to Detroit, MI.
Custom orders are always welcome. We can customize all of our designs to your needs! Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
We currently accept the following forms of payment:
Credit Or Debit Cards: We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, JCB, Union Pay and Apple Pay from customers wor
Team Alabama The Greatest Ever The Best College Football Programs Over 150 Years
I was hoping Delores wouldn’t become a Team Alabama The Greatest Ever The Best College Football Programs Over 150 Years aggressive rooster, as my recently deceased “Lance” had been, before passing on to “rooster heaven” with the assistance of a local coyote. The rooster I currently had, Gordon, was a sweet boy and was very happy to have Lance gone. Lance had been a fierce rooster who attacked literally every moving thing but the hens and me (displaying extreme good taste and discretion) and I was not prepared to live through as second several years of yet another “attack rooster”. Neither were the neighbor dogs. Nor were the neighbors, for that matter. I really didn’t think this would be a problem, as Delores was such a sweet rooster – showing no violence or aggression at all, and just wanted to sit on my shoulder (rather like a parrot) and look around. He’d snuggle against anyone’s neck or in anyone’s lap who would hold him and he adored being petted. Delores ran around digging for bugs in the lawn – but was just as happy sitting by the kitchen sink watching me trim vegetables or whatever. He made (as all my chickens did) a truce with the cats and was friends with the goats, horses 
buy it now:Team Alabama The Greatest Ever The Best College Football Programs Over 150 Years
Lil Yachty Rap Bootleg Favorite New 2023 shirt
Justin jefferson Minnesota vikings sugar skull 2022 shirt
LSU Tigers 2022 SEC West Division Football Champions Slanted Knockout T Shirt
Gasparilla bowl 2022 missouri tigers vs wake forest demon deacons shirt
Georgia Bulldogs 2022 SEC East Division Football Champions Slanted Knockout T Shirt
Jalen Hurts NFL Player MVP Philadelphia Eagles T Shirt
Homepage: limotees    jeeppremium  telotee
Gearbloom is your one-stop online shop for printed t-shirts, hoodies, phone cases, stickers, posters, mugs, and more…High quality original T-shirts. Digital printing in the USA.
Worldwide shipping. No Minimums. 1000s of Unique Designs. Worldwide shipping. Fast Delivery. 100% Quality Guarantee. to cover all your needs.
By contacting directly with suppliers, we are dedicated to provide you with the latest fashion with fair price.We redefine trends, design excellence and bring exceptional quality to satisfy the needs of every aspiring fashionista.
Gearbloom is established with a clear vision: to provide the very latest products with compelling designs, exceptional value and superb customer service for everyone.
We offer a select choice of millions of Unique Designs for T-shirts, Hoodies, Mugs, Posters and more to cover all your needs.
Why do customers come to
Well we think there are a few reasons:
Fashion field involves the best minds to carefully craft the design. The t-shirt industry is a very competitive field and involves many risks. The cost per t-shirt varies proportionally to the total quantity of t-shirts. We are manufacturing exceptional-quality t-shirts at a very competitive price.
We use only the best DTG printers available to produce the finest-quality images possible that won’t wash out of the shirts.
Estimated shipping times:
United States : 1-5 business days
Canada : 3-7 business days
International : from 1-2 weeks depending on proximity to Detroit, MI.
Custom orders are always welcome. We can customize all of our designs to your needs! Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
We currently accept the following forms of payment:
Credit Or Debit Cards: We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, JCB, Union Pay and Apple Pay from customers worldwide.
PayPal: PayPal allows members to have a personal account linked to any bank account or credit card for easy payment at checkout.
PayPal: PayPal allows members to have a personal account linked to any bank account or credit card for easy payment at checkout.
lege Football Programs Over 150 Years
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yrhuef · 1 year
Official 100th Anniversary The Horseshoe 1922 Stahttps://teejeep.com/products/official-100th-anniversary-the-horseshoe-1922-stadium-2022-the-buckeye-battle-cry-shirt/
Official 100th Anniversary The Horseshoe 1922 Stadium 2022 The Buckeye Battle Cry Shirt
Rugby has something the NFL lacks — the tantalising prospect of representing your country in a meaningful international competition. In the 24 years of pro Rugby Union, the USA have traditionally had a rag-tag bunch of professional players ranging from second generation migrants from rugby playing families like Samu Manoa, who was playing amatuer rugby in the US and was talent scouted from a US reserve team tour into the top flight of European club rugby, to players like former USA captain Chris Wyles who was born in the states but moved to England as a Official 100th Anniversary The Horseshoe 1922 Stadium 2022 The Buckeye Battle Cry Shirt and played his rugby in Europe. One of the guys from our school team in England ended up playing for the USA at the Rugby World Cup because he had an American born mother. Other USA players like AJ McGinty (who is Irish and plays for an English club) qualify for the USA national team via residency after studying there. If rugby takes off in the US as a semi-pro / pro club game, there is every likelihood of good college footballers switching sports and America producing a team of majority home-grown talent, but unlikely it will inclu
buy it now:Official 100th Anniversary The Horseshoe 1922 Stadium 2022 The Buckeye Battle Cry Shirt
The Black And Gold Trees Team Steelers Christmas Shirt
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Damar Hamlin – Hamlin 8bit T Shirt
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Nobody Is Perfect But If You Can Play Bass Guitar You’re Pretty Close 2023 Shirt
Soccer Proud Fan Graphic Morocco Shirt
Homepage: limotees    jeeppremium  telotee
Gearbloom is your one-stop online shop for printed t-shirts, hoodies, phone cases, stickers, posters, mugs, and more…High quality original T-shirts. Digital printing in the USA.
Worldwide shipping. No Minimums. 1000s of Unique Designs. Worldwide shipping. Fast Delivery. 100% Quality Guarantee. to cover all your needs.
By contacting directly with suppliers, we are dedicated to provide you with the latest fashion with fair price.We redefine trends, design excellence and bring exceptional quality to satisfy the needs of every aspiring fashionista.
Gearbloom is established with a clear vision: to provide the very latest products with compelling designs, exceptional value and superb customer service for everyone.
We offer a select choice of millions of Unique Designs for T-shirts, Hoodies, Mugs, Posters and more to cover all your needs.
Why do customers come to
Well we think there are a few reasons:
Fashion field involves the best minds to carefully craft the design. The t-shirt industry is a very competitive field and involves many risks. The cost per t-shirt varies proportionally to the total quantity of t-shirts. We are manufacturing exceptional-quality t-shirts at a very competitive price.
We use only the best DTG printers available to produce the finest-quality images possible that won’t wash out of the shirts.
Estimated shipping times:
United States : 1-5 business days
Canada : 3-7 business days
International : from 1-2 weeks depending on proximity to Detroit, MI.
Custom orders are always welcome. We can customize all of our designs to your needs! Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
We currently accept the following forms of payment:
Credit Or Debit Cards: We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, JCB, Union Pay and Apple Pay from customers wor
Official 100th Anniversary The Horseshoe 1922 Stadium 2022 The Buckeye Battle Cry Shirt
Rugby has something the NFL lacks — the tantalising prospect of representing your country in a meaningful international competition. In the 24 years of pro Rugby Union, the USA have traditionally had a rag-tag bunch of professional players ranging from second generation migrants from rugby playing families like Samu Manoa, who was playing amatuer rugby in the US and was talent scouted from a US reserve team tour into the top flight of European club rugby, to players like former USA captain Chris Wyles who was born in the states but moved to England as a Official 100th Anniversary The Horseshoe 1922 Stadium 2022 The Buckeye Battle Cry Shirt and played his rugby in Europe. One of the guys from our school team in England ended up playing for the USA at the Rugby World Cup because he had an American born mother. Other USA players like AJ McGinty (who is Irish and plays for an English club) qualify for the USA national team via residency after studying there. If rugby takes off in the US as a semi-pro / pro club game, there is every likelihood of good college footballers switching sports and America producing a team of majority home-grown talent, but unlikely it will inclu
buy it now:Official 100th Anniversary The Horseshoe 1922 Stadium 2022 The Buckeye Battle Cry Shirt
The Black And Gold Trees Team Steelers Christmas Shirt
I found this at goodwill luccainternational shirt
Damar Hamlin – Hamlin 8bit T Shirt
Gasparilla bowl 2022 missouri tigers vs wake forest demon deacons shirt
Nobody Is Perfect But If You Can Play Bass Guitar You’re Pretty Close 2023 Shirt
Soccer Proud Fan Graphic Morocco Shirt
Homepage: limotees    jeeppremium  telotee
Gearbloom is your one-stop online shop for printed t-shirts, hoodies, phone cases, stickers, posters, mugs, and more…High quality original T-shirts. Digital printing in the USA.
Worldwide shipping. No Minimums. 1000s of Unique Designs. Worldwide shipping. Fast Delivery. 100% Quality Guarantee. to cover all your needs.
By contacting directly with suppliers, we are dedicated to provide you with the latest fashion with fair price.We redefine trends, design excellence and bring exceptional quality to satisfy the needs of every aspiring fashionista.
Gearbloom is established with a clear vision: to provide the very latest products with compelling designs, exceptional value and superb customer service for everyone.
We offer a select choice of millions of Unique Designs for T-shirts, Hoodies, Mugs, Posters and more to cover all your needs.
Why do customers come to
Well we think there are a few reasons:
Fashion field involves the best minds to carefully craft the design. The t-shirt industry is a very competitive field and involves many risks. The cost per t-shirt varies proportionally to the total quantity of t-shirts. We are manufacturing exceptional-quality t-shirts at a very competitive price.
We use only the best DTG printers available to produce the finest-quality images possible that won’t wash out of the shirts.
Estimated shipping times:
United States : 1-5 business days
Canada : 3-7 business days
International : from 1-2 weeks depending on proximity to Detroit, MI.
Custom orders are always welcome. We can customize all of our designs to your needs! Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
We currently accept the following forms of payment:
Credit Or Debit Cards: We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, JCB, Union Pay and Apple Pay from customers worldwide.
PayPal: PayPal allows members to have a personal account linked to any bank account or credit card for easy payment at checkout.
PayPal: PayPal allows members to have a personal account linked to any bank account or credit card for easy payment at checkout.
dium 2022 The Buckeye Battle Cry Shirt
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 12.26
Alexandria Day
Awful Tie Day
Boxing Day [26th unless Sunday, then 27th, but generally ignored] (a.k.a. ... 
Boxing Day (UK, Commonwealth) 
Day of Goodwill (South Africa, Namibia)
Family Day (Namibia, Vanuatu)
J’Ouvert (Saint Kitts and Nevis)
Le Lendemain de Noël (Quebec, Canada)
Thanksgiving (Solomon Islands)
Father’s Day (Bulgaria)
Holiday Magic Days begin (Mystic Seaport, Connecticut) [thru 1.1]
Junkanoo (Bahamas)
Lunes Siguiente a Navidad (Spain)
Mauro Hamza Day (Houston, Texas)
Mummer's Day (Cornwall, UK)
National Homeowners Day
National Thank You Note Day
National Whiner's Day
Proclamation Day (South Australia)
Recyclable Packaging Day
Second Day of Christmas (Baltic states, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechia, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden)
Shenandoah National Park Day
Sports Day (Falkland Islands)
Stairway to Heaven Day
Wren Day (a.k.a. Day of the Wren; Ireland, Isle of Man, Wales)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Blessing of the Wine (Luxembourg)
Candy Cane Day
Coffee Percolator Day
Irish Pub Day
Unbottling Day
Independence Days
Independence and Unity Day (Slovenia)
Feast Days
Abadiu of Antinoe (Coptic Church)
Appreciate Boxes Day (a.k.a. Cardboard Box Appreciation Day; Pastafarian)
Day of Theotokos (Byzantium)
Dionysius, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Fools, Day 1 (St. Stephen's Day)
Hanukkah Day #8
Iarlath (Christian; Saint)
James the Just (Eastern Orthodox Church)
John Calvin Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Kwanzaa, Day 1: Umoja (Unity)
Linnæus (Positivist; Saint)
Scudge (Muppetism)
2nd Day of Noodlemas (Pastafarian)
Stephen (Western Church)
Synaxis of the Theotokos (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Twelve Holy Days #1 (Aries, the head; Esoteric Christianity)
Twelvetide, Day #2; St. Stephens Day (a.k.a. the Twelve Days of Christmas or Christmastide) [until 1.5]
Zartosht No-Diso (Zoroastrianism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
The Exorcist (Film; 1973)
The Glass Menagerie (Play; 1944)
I Want To Hold Your Hand, by The Beatles (US Song; 1963)
King Lear, by William Shakespeare (Play; 1606)
Magical Mystery Tour (BBC TV Special; 1967)
Measure for Measure, by William Shakespeare (Play; 1604)
Monterey Pop (Music Documentary; 1968)
Purple Haze, lyrics written by Jimi Hendrix (Song; 1966)
The Ritz (Film; 1976)
Tequila, by The Champs (Song; 1957)
We Bought a Zoo (Film; 2011)
Today’s Name Days
Stephan, Stephanie (Austria)
Iosif, Yosif (Bulgaria)
Kruno, Krunoslav, Stjepan (Croatia)
Štěpán (Czech Republic)
Stefan (Denmark)
Sten, Taban, Tahvo, Teho, Tehvan, Tehvo (Estonia)
Tahvo, Tapani, Teppo (Finland)
Étienne (France)
Stephan, Stephanie (Germany)
Constantios, Emmanouela, Emmanouil, Emmanuel, Manolis, Panagiotis (Greece)
István (Hungary)
Santo (Italy)
Dainuvite, Gija, Saulvedis (Latvia)
Gaudilas, Gindvilė, Steponas (Lithuania)
Stefan, Steffen (Norway)
Dionizy, Szczepan, Wróciwoj (Poland)
Štefan (Slovakia)
Esteban (Spain)
Staffan, Stefan (Sweden)
Joseph, Josephine (Ukraine)
Esteban, Estefania, Estefany, Estevan, Stefan, Stefanie, Stephan, Stephanie, Stephany, Stephen, Steve, Steven, Stevie (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 360 of 2022; 5 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 52 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 2 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Dōngyuè), Day 4 (Gui-Chou)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 2 Teveth 5783
Islamic: 2 Jumada II 1444
J Cal: 1 Fest; Oneday [1 of 5]
Julian: 13 December 2022
Moon: 16%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 24 Bichat (12th Month) [Linnæus]
Runic Half Month: Eihwaz (Yew) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 6 of 90)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 5 of 30)
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