#we are feeding the chrollo fans this week
kiwizoom · 3 months
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Spider fam as dogs. also Gon & Killua
Chrollo is one of those hairless dogs wearing an out-of-place biker jacket
He shouldn't look as intimidating as he is
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cherryskyies · 3 years
Adult trio with sick s/o
You’ve probably noticed how I’m doing the sick s/o theme with all the fandoms I write for. I’m just trying to get content out because I was absent from tumblr for like a week and I feel bad about it.
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He gets a kick out of it. You went from this strong person to weak and not even being able to move. If you asked him, he’d say it is quite pathetic.
Of course, he feels a little bad, those coughs sound like they’re painful.
Hisoka feels the need to protect you as well. You’re just so fragile and vulnerable right now, it would be a shame if anything happened.
He won’t be a total ass. He will still get you medicine and make sure you take it as well as eat and stay hydrated. Hisoka will also stay in the bathroom with you while you are showing to make sure nothing happens, and he doesn’t make any sexual comments, just small talk.
Still teases you every chance he gets. He finds humor in watching you struggle.
“You know, we could always try breaking your fever with sex because it makes you ho-”
He didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence before you threw one of your pillows at him. ��Now is not the time, Hisoka. Now hand me my pillow back please.”
Hisoka would roll his eyes, but still gently place your pillow back in place. He really does try to be gentler with you when you are sick.
He is disappointed but not surprised. Illumi hoped you had a stronger immune system like he did, but then again you weren’t raised the way he was.
“I’ll make sure to have a butler on call 24/7 for you, my dear. Don’t need you getting sicker,” Is all Illumi says. He doesn’t want you up and doing things when butlers can do it for you.
Very strict with his get rest rule. You’re only allowed out of bed for the bathroom and 5 minutes of fresh air before being sent back. 
He doesn’t bother sleeping away from you, it’s not like you’ll get him sick anyway. And since you are sick, he might even let you cuddle up against him when you get cold.
“You should start wearing your hair up,” Illumi said, holding your hair back for you as you puked into a bucket. He was right though, you hated getting puke in your hair and Illumi won’t be able to hold it back every time.
You get your medicine with lunch at 12pm sharp. Lunch is usually soup and some sort of throat soothing tea with a sweet of your choice.
He does go out of his way to spoil you a bit. Illumi will spend time with you, silently playing with your hair as you nap or read a book. He also is more open to affection and even returns it a bit.
“Do you need anything?” is a frequent question you hear from Illumi. He is trying his best to make sure you get better, and since he isn’t used to taking care of a sick person, he really has no idea what to do.
Illumi is not a fan of store-bought medicine, so any medication you take is homemade and honestly, probably works a lot faster.
He would hate it. For Chrollo, you being weak and sick means you can not protect yourself if needed, therefore he needs to have his guard up more than he already does so he can protect you if needed.
Chrollo would read poetry and play with your hair as you rest, not stopping until he falls asleep as well. 
Much like the Illumi, Chrollo doubts he will catch your sickness, so he has no problem continuing to sleep with you and being near you.
“Love, please eat some of this soup. I know it is not the best tasting, but I want you to get better,” Chrollo said, trying to spoon-feed you the soup he made just 20 minutes ago. Though it wasn’t the best looking or tasting, it helped with your throat and cleared out your stuffy nose.
He has no problem doing things for you. Chrollo just wants you to be healthy again, so if that means having to do everything for a couple of days while you rest, so be it.
Chrollo would write you little notes with poetry on them to read while he was away with the Troupe. He already felt guilty enough leaving you, so he figured leaving you with little notes to read made up for his absence.
Even after you are healthy again, this man is doing everything possible to keep you from getting sick again because he doesn’t like seeing you in pain or discomfort.
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