#we already devote so much of ourselves to things we dont necessarily want to do lol
anodyne-sunflower · 2 months
I feel awful saying this but do you ever just get tired of everything being a social issue or what not? Sometimes I just want to enjoy being online for the fun and relaxation of it but I feel like an ass if I ignore politics or social issues
All. The. Time. Lol Don't feel bad, especially for those of us with jobs that are tiring, demanding, etc. I love my job, but at the end of the day, I just want to play/get online or watch TV and relax. I don't wanna be depressed by news, I don't need someone demanding I give my attention to world issues every second of every day I have of free time, and sometimes I just want to enjoy a fandom without it becoming an argument about some social/political issue....it's tiring, we can be honest about that. Doesn't mean you don't care. it just means your free time is your free time, and if you want to turn your brain off to enjoy it, by all means. There's more than enough time to dedicate to caring, but it doesn't need to be all 24 hrs of a day. Or even a week! Life is hard and short, realistically speaking. To expect someone to never simply enjoy their time for themselves is ridiculous.
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