#wait he'd get along great with nancy (the mom of the rest of the kids)
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I outlined and colored them! Added a few details too like having Silvie's tail be a little bushed out.
This is from a silly little AU in my head where Zuko from Avatar adopts my OC Silvie. Sketch and additional info here! (and/or you can ask me about it if you want) I realized while coloring them that they both have golden eyes and someone Sokka definitely makes a comment about family resemblance. xD
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whateverloomis · 2 months
I told you they were witches man ✒︎ Scream (1996) x The Craft (1996)
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Note: This is a cross-over fic and I highly recommend watching both Scream (1996) and The Craft (1996) movies to understand the story better.
Before reading: The reader is gender neutral, AFAB and referred with the pronouns They/Them. The "T" will always be capitalized and in italics so there's no confusion as to who's being talked about.
Warnings: Character death, cheating, supernatural powers, witches, SMUT, hint of blood play, choking, making out, unprotected sex, lot's of screaming, angst, unedited.
Pairings: Reader x Billy Loomis and Reader x Chris Hooker
Word count: 4.2k
It's wasn't a secret that witches exist... but in Woodsboro? The town was all about the ghost face killings that happened, but recently there had been rumors about witches roaming the area... as if that were needed in such a troubled place.
YN had been going to the towns community college for about a year now. They didn't have many close friends, not only because They're very selective with people, it's also because people can't be trusted in general.
The rumors started because of those who still remained in that popular kid headspace as if this were some kind of high school drama. Some people needed to learn to grow up...
One of the many that were spreading the rumor was Chris Hooker. An attractive football player that doesn't pay attention in class and flirts with whoever crosses his path. YN didn't appreciate his attitude most of the time, but They couldn't deny that he was great in bed. It was all fun and games, really. Temporary entertainment between the two.
Then there was Billy Loomis. The mysterious bad boy type. He had a tight friend group, and within it his girlfriend was included, Sidney Prescott. They'd been dating for over two years and their relationship had been declining ever since Sidney's mom was murdered. YN was also part of the friend group but wasn't loyal to it since They  belonged to the witch coven along with Nancy Downs, Bonnie and Rochelle.
Billy didn't like the little clique much and he didn't exactly approve of YN being part of it. The group weren't aware of Them being a witch, but Billy knew better. He'd been in YN's room before. He'd seen the candles, the tapestries with weird symbols on them, the intricate journal covers and other items that screamed witch.
"I don't know why you keep hanging out with that Billy guy, he's bad news YN." Nancy said in her usual sassy tone. YN rolled Their  eyes at her and scoffed. This wasn't the first time the topic came up, and it was starting to become too repetitive and annoying. YN was aware that Billy wasn't innocent. He was way too obvious about being involved in the Woodsboro murders along with his best friend Stu Macher, but They  were too involved with him at this point to just say goodbye and move on.
"Nancy quit it, you know it's complicated between us..." They said, and Bonnie smirked at Them, knowing it was a cheap excuse.
"Is it that way with Chris too? Because you guys have been pretty close lately too." Rochelle said and the other girls started to giggle.
YN rolled Their eyes and smirked in response. "Stop it guys, I have it all under control."
Suddenly the witches went quiet and looked behind YN.  They  turned around and saw Chris standing against a tree nearby, clearly waiting for Them.
Nancy stood up along with the rest of the girls and flipped Chris off before leaving their usual picnic area.
YN walked over to the man and stood right in front of him, arms crossed over Their chest. He looked at Them from head to toe and smirked, placed his hand on Their hip and took a few steps forward.
"I saw you talking to Billy this morning. You trying to replace me now? Hm?" Chris said and YN rolled Their eyes. "Stop. I told you what's up and you're the one that said it's fine, now you're getting jealous?" They answered firmly.
Chris bit his lip softly and pulled Them closer to him, placing a soft kiss on YN's lips. "I know baby, I just miss you that's all..." He said and kissed Them again, prolonging it until it got heated.
He moved YN's hands around his neck and placed his on Their  hips, pulled Them against him and ran his hands down to Their ass, squeezing the soft flesh before moving them up to YN's waist, squeezing there too.
His kisses and touches were intoxicating and YN hated it, yet couldn't get enough. Chris knew the power he had over Them and took advantage of it as much as he could. He was aware that their little game wouldn't last long. Billy and YN had a more involved relationship and eventually it was going to end for both Chris and Them. It didn't matter though, at least that's what he told himself. His feelings for YN weren't strong, but they were definitely there.
The kiss continued to escalate. Chris had his thigh in-between YN's legs and They were slowly grinding against him to get some kind of stimulation and release tension. He knew how to get YN worked up and loved doing so.
Suddenly, Chris stopped his movements and turned YN around, pressing Them against his chest while wrapping his arms around Their waist. YN saw Billy standing a few feet away looking at the both of them. They tried to pull away from Chris, but he held Them in place and started to place kisses on Their neck, a weak spot. An involuntary moan escaped Their mouth at the feeling but They were quick to push Chris away.
"Don't be a fucking asshole" YN said and turned around to look at Billy with an apologetic look. Chris laughed while giving Billy a glare.
"Sure, my bad. Catch you later babe, we're not done yet." Chris said loud enough for Billy to hear and jogged away.
YN flipped him off and walked over to Billy who had annoyance written all over his face.
"Is he really that good of a kisser? Because I'm sure I can do way better." He asked and YN smacked his arm playfully. Billy rolled his eyes and held YN's hand and squeezed it a bit harder than usual before walking towards his car.
The ride to Their house was quiet until Billy and YN arrived at Their  house. Lucky for both of them the house was empty so they went up to YN's room to finally have some alone time.
Billy was on edge because of what he had seen earlier between Chris and YN. He had agreed to whatever triangle was happening between them, but he had enough of it. YN was all he wanted and he was going to make sure he got it soon. That, and execute his plan to kill Sidney for revenge because of his mother abandoning him. Getting rid of the girl in general. That was going to allow him to have YN all to himself, but he needed to get through with the plan carefully in order to succeed and not get caught.
As much as he didn't like YN's witch friends, he found himself with no choice but to team up with them somehow, which is why he ended up getting Nancy involved in his plan to get rid of Sidney Prescott and Chris Hooker. Billy didn't need that asshole running around after YN like a desperate puppy any longer.
It was a simple plan. Stu was going to host a big party to get everyone together in the same house. Nancy would serve as a distraction and asset by hooking up with Chris in Stu's room and creating a scene by pushing him off the second floor to scare everyone away. While chaos went down, Billy and Stu would have the opportunity to kill Sidney and run away with YN.
It was the perfect plan. The perfect ending. Everyone would win.
Billy couldn't contain his emotions any longer. He had anger, jealousy and hurt written all over his face. YN walked towards him and placed a hand on his cheek, looking straight into his chocolate brown eyes that held the power to hypnotize whoever he pleased.
"I'm sorry about... Listen, Chris is an asshole and was messing around, it's not that serio-" -- "Then break it off. Stop whatever the hell is going on between you two. Am I not enough for you, YN?" Billy cut Them off.
YN closed Their eyes and took a deep breath. "Billy, I love you and only you, but you hurt me everyday. We're going behind Sidney's back and you seem to find every excuse to stay with her even if you say your relationship with her is long gone." -- "It is. I need you to trust me on this YN, I can't just break up with her abruptly, I need some time to-" -- "To find the right moment? That's what you always say Billy, and it never happens. I have a right to be with whoever I want to be until that happens because whatever this is, it's not real until it's over between you two!" YN said, all patience lost.
Chris was a distraction for Them. A fun game that kept Them from thinking about the things that hurt the most which was not being able to have a normal relationship with Billy. It was a mutual, silent understanding they both had, but Billy needed Them all to himself already but before that happened he needed to go through with his plan. It was complicated and he didn't know how to keep lying to YN any longer, but he had to make it work, he had no choice.
YN's breathing slowly picked up and Billy took note of it. "Look, I promise this will be over soon... Me and Sidney. We're nothing." -- "Then prove it to me, Loomis. Break up with her already. Make your "promise" come true once and for all!" They practically screamed and the air started to shift. Billy looked around the room and his heart rate picked up. That wasn't normal wind.
"YN, please calm down. We're gonna work this ou-" -- "Don't tell me to calm down! I can't!" They screamed, and the wind blowed aggressively, making all the papers spin around the room as well as the candles on the night stand and shelves light up by themselves. A force that YN couldn't control anymore. That They were tired of hiding from Their secret lover.
As scared and shocked as he was, Billy placed his hands on YN's shoulders, attempting to ground Them, and to his surprise it was working. The environment around the room started to calm down slowly, until everything went silent and still. They both looked at each other for a few seconds but it felt like minutes. They were both scared for different reasons, but no words were spoken. There was only a silent understanding and acknowledgement between the two. He knew that was a supernatural reaction but despite it all, Their secret was safe with him.
Billy looked at YN and slowly scanned his eyes over Their face until his gaze landed on Their lips. Despite everything, he loved Them. Needed Them. Billy couldn't stand close to Them without wanting to have his hands on Them. It was a force that he felt, an attraction that he couldn't describe, and YN felt it too. They took a step towards him, feeling the mix of emotions. The love and hunger. It was electric.
Without warning, Billy crashed his lips against Theirs. The kiss was aggressive, full of love and anger. He grabbed Their hips and pulled Them towards him, deepening the kiss. Both of their tongues were brushing against each other softly and the pair bit their bottom lips occasionally. It was soft, it was rough, it was a delicious contradiction of movements and they couldn't get enough of it.
YN took the lead and lead Billy to Their bed, pushing him on it and sitting on his lap, continuing their kiss. The pair started to grind against each other and moan into their mouths.
They ran Their hands through Billy's hair and tugged at the strands. His actions got more aggressive by digging his fingers into Their waist and removing Their shirt slowly, revealing Their tits and he brushed his hands along the side of the mounds. YN released a moan at the soft touch and moved Billy's hands to squeeze Their tits firmly. Their small hands over his. They both played with YN's chest and moaned at the sight until they couldn't get enough of the teasing.
YN removed Billy's shirt desperately, followed by Their pants and thong. They both didn't have enough patience at this point, so Billy unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them down just enough to release his cock. He was rock hard and They moaned at the sight. Billy moved Them towards his throbbing dick and They started to grind against his length, stimulating Their clit with each rub.
The pair started to make out furiously again while They continued to rub against his shaft and spread wetness all over Billy's cock, creating the perfect slide. YN occasionally pressed Their hole over the head of Billy's dick until he was barely inside Them, and then pulled up. YN repeated the action until both of them couldn't take anymore teasing and Billy buried his cock inside Their throbbing pussy, bottoming inside.They moaned and dug Their nails on the man's chest, hard enough to leave droplets of blood along the trail. They scratched down on his skin multiple times and Billy bit his lip at the sensation, trying to avoid making any noise, but he let out a grunt either way.
YN started to jump on his cock and roll Their eyes at the feeling of Billy's girth filling Them up. The man thrusted up meeting YN's movements, which made Them stick Their tongue out in response and pant like a wild animal. A primal desire taking over Them. Billy took the opportunity to run his finger over his chest to collect some of the blood droplets and place it on YN's tongue. On instinct They closed Their mouth, sucking and savoring the red substance. Billy's pupils dilated at the sight and something took over him. He used his other hand to choke YN softly, slowly adding more pressure to the sides of Their neck to restrict air flow in the most pleasurable way imaginable. The feeling of decreasing air made Them whimper pathetically and throb around Billy's cock uncontrollably, building up both of their orgasms.
"Fuck... Just like that baby, yes..." Billy cursed while his cock grew impossibly bigger inside of Them.
"Inside... Please... Cum inside me..." YN whimpered, feeling slightly lightheaded because of the restricted airflow which accelerated Their orgasm until the point of explosion. They came around Billy's cock and moaned uncontrollably. Their vision turning slightly blurry. Not long after Billy came inside Their overstimulated cunt, which caused Them to squirt all over the bed.
Billy chuckled at the "incident" and slowly pulled out of YN, biting his lower lip at the sight of his cum dripping out of Their throbbing pussy.
YN fell on the bed next to Billy, finally catching Their breath and gained back the loss of vision.
"I missed you." He said, and YN placed a soft kiss on his lips as a response.
"You guys coming to my party tonight?!" Stu literally screamed in Their ear and Tatum smacked his arm. "Keep it down doofus you're gonna explode my ear drums!" -- "Aww c'mon babe, I'm excited! So?! You guys coming or what?!" Stu asked Sidney and YN directly this time. Sydney showed a bit of discomfort and YN rolled Their eyes. "I don't know if it's a good idea to have a party with a killer running around..." Sid replied and Stu scoffed. "Nah, we'll all be together in a big group and safe, plus the witches will keep an eye on us too, right YN?" He replied and They glared at him. "I'm not a witch, Stu. Quit it." YN replied and he shrugged. "Hey witches, are you coming to my party?!" Stu asked YN's friends while running towards them. "Go away Stu!" Nancy answered and YN, Tatum and Sid giggled at his chaotic behavior.
The night arrived and the music was loud. Half of the college students were in the house. YN decided to arrive at the party with Nancy and the girls making a slight scene while walking in. The coven didn't exactly blend in with the normies with their dark hair, bold makeup and punk clothes, but fitting in wasn't exactly exactly their goal so, who cared?
The witches went into the kitchen and caught Stu passing around alcohol to everyone, which is exactly what they were looking for. YN spotted Chris and started to walk towards him, but Billy was quick to pull Them towards him and spin Them around to face him. "Hey baby..." He said, loud enough for YN to hear. His attempt to distract YN wasn't exactly the best because They saw his eyes following Nancy who was taking Chris upstairs. YN took note of his odd behavior but continued to casually interact with him and the girls, who were tense at his presence like usual.
Upstairs, Nancy took advantage of one of her new found power to transform her appearance, and made herself look just like YN in order to turn Chris on and get in his pants. She didn't mind it one bit since she's always had a thing for Chris and if she was being honest, she was kind of envious of YN for being able to get his attention so easily. 
Downstairs, things were completely different. Tatum was nowhere to be seen and Sidney was worried sick, looking for her everywhere. YN had lost Billy in the crowd a while after Nancy disappeared with Chris and decided to spend Their  time with Bonnie and Rochelle, trying to ignore the weird feeling that something bad was going to happen, and it was not going to be pretty.
"Where did Nancy run off to?" Bonnie asked and Rochelle shrugged. YN pretended to be clueless and went to look for her, knowing damn well that she was with Chris. Climbing the stairs carefully, YN walked past a few rooms and figured that Chris and Nancy were in Stu's room. They didn't want to think that Chris was an asshole to the point of hooking up with Nancy randomly before breaking off whatever was going on between him and Them, but anything was possible with "the popular guy" that could get into anyones pants at any moment.
YN hesitated to open the door, however when They finally did, the sight was unbelievable. It was some kind of clone of Them, with Chris on top grinding his hips against Them while kissing the clone aggressively, moaning and grunting. The neediest They'd ever seen him.
"What the fuck is going on here?!" YN asked and Chris climbed off the clone. "Who... I thought? I..." He was speechless, and when he looked at the bed he saw that YN's clone transformed into Nancy. His eyes widened and he yelled "You're a witch! A-And you too?!" He ended his sentence by pointing at YN.
Nancy started to laugh manically and They were furious at her response. Why would Their  friend and witch coven sister do this to Them? 
"Nancy what the fuck?!" YN screamed and pushed her off the bed with an invisible force. "Ah! Fuck, YN! Listen, I had no choice okay?!" Nancy answered and stood up, glaring at Them. YN pushed Nancy against the wall with another wave of force and the girl did the same, pushing Them against the closed door. YN couldn't move yet They kept trying to run towards Chris. Without warning, Nancy walked up to him and said "Sorry boo, duty calls" before pushing him away with a powerful gust of wind and out the window. "No! Chris! Wh- What did you do?!" YN screamed while finally pushing Themselves away from the door, launching at Nancy. Before anything else happened, screams were heard from downstairs and YN ran out of the room, leaving Nancy laughing wildly on the floor.
The living room was empty, and the few people that were left at the party were running out of the house to circle around Chris's body. He was dead, and YN didn't know how to process anything at that point. Tears were prickling at the corners of Their eyes as They ran away inside the house, closing the front door and locking it. Their heart was beating so fast that it felt like it was going to burst any second. The rational option was to call the police, so They ran towards the phone and dialed 911, but before They could say anything They heard screaming coming from the kitchen.
YN ran into the kitchen and saw Billy pointing a knife at Sidney and Stu with a gun. They weren't surprised, They had been suspecting the boys were definitely psychopaths but to see the intention of killing Sidney was not something They expected. Why Sidney?
"Billy?..." They called softly, and everyone in the kitchen looked at Them. "What's going on here? Why are you holding a... AND WHY ARE YOU SMILING?!" They screamed at Stu, noticing his idiotic expression and manic smile. "This just keeps getting better and better! Go ahead Billy! Tell your lover  what's going on!" Stu said and Sidney's eyes widened. "Lover?..." She asked YN, and the only way They could answer was with a shocked and apologetic expression. Confusion. Acceptance of the situation in a fucked up way too. 
"You see..." Billy started talking, pacing around the kitchen while pointing the knife at Sidney. "Sid's SLUT MOTHER was fucking my father, so I took it upon myself to slash the fuck out of her last year!" He explained, slowly raising his voice until he was screaming his lungs out. "It was you... This whole time..." YN answered in acknowledgment and hurt. "And me! Don't forget me!" Stu screamed and They glared at him. "So, you see... This is the reason why I didn't break up with her. THIS is the perfect moment I was talking about, YN." Billy said and suddenly slashed Sidney's throat, her body collapsing before him. "No! Fuck... Billy! This is insane! I can't... I-"-- "Baby c'mon, now we can be together! Isn't this what you wanted?!" He answered. "Yes... Billy, yes but... No! I didn't know it involved killing her! HOW ARE YOU GOING TO CLEAR THIS UP?!" YN responded just as aggressive as him and the air started to shift again. Stu explained the rest of their idiotic plan, being oblivious to the wind that was now circling around the house. 
The power went out unexpectedly and thunder started to erupt from outside. The boys looked around, confused because of the sudden change and then the girls appeared floating in the air, looking wickedly menacing. YN was overwhelmed with confusion and anger. Everyone was in on it.
"YOU WERE ALL IN ON THIS AND I HAD NO CLUE. HOW COULD YOU ALL BETRAY ME LIKE THIS?!" YN answered, tears falling from their eyes and smudging Their eyeliner all over Their face. "Oh c'mon! It's not like you were being any good either." Nancy said and chuckled along with the girls. "Why did you do this... Why?!" YN asked the witches and the girls continued laughing. "Oh c'mon, it's fun! Plus I got to fuck your boy toy one last time, so win win, right?!" Nancy answered and anger flooded YN's body. 
Billy walked towards Them and held Their hand, staring into Their eyes. "YN, baby, if I hadn't done this I wouldn't have been able to get REVENGE!" he screamed the last word while pointing at Sidney's body with the knife. "...or be with you." He added, sweetness laced between his words now. 
YN looked at him softly but the anger towards the witches overpowered Them, so They turned around and glared at the girls. "Get out of my sight AND NEVER COME NEAR ME AGAIN!" They said and the witches laughed in response, slowly disappearing into thin air. "Good luck solving this mess, bitch!" Nancy said before they all vanished into thin air. The power came back right after and YN turned around taking a deep breath, it doing nothing to calm Them down. They looked at Billy and allowed Themselves finally cry. 
From the floor behind the counter, Stu was sitting on the floor, knees pressed against his chest. "I told you they were witches man..." he said and Billy pointed the knife at him. "Go check if the cops are here. NOW!" The man screamed and Stu quickly did as he was told, nearly tripping on the way to the front door.
Billy looked at YN and attempted to comfort Them byholding both of Their hands now. "Listen, we're gonna get out of here and start a new life. Leave this dump of a town." -- "Billy... As much as I want that, I don't know how to process what just happened. I'm scared. I'm confused. I feel everything and nothing at the same time." They said. 
"Billy man, it's the cops!" Stu said while running into the kitchen. Before anyone could move, two police officers entered the kitchen, pointing their guns at the boys and YN. "Sheriff, I didn't do anything!" Billy said, a very stupid comeback but it's all he had. "Like hell you didn't. Hand's behind your back. You're under arrest for the murder of Sidney Prescott." The cop said while pushing Billy over the counter, cuffing the man while he struggled against the restraints. "YN, please-" -- "Shut up and walk!" The cop shouted and pushed Billy towards the door. The second cop did the same with Stu while he whined about being innocent and cried because his parents would be mad at him for the mess they created, out of everything else he should be concerned about.
YN was taken out to one of the ambulances, left with Their thoughts and expressionless face. What now?
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