#wagatha five times kissed fic
aparticularbandit · 2 years
Okay but are they bickering like an old married couple or like a divorced couple that still has feelings for each other because one of these descriptions is definitely more apt than the other.
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
I started recording and it's loud outside and it's loud enough inside and my kitty is crying so I'm just gonna give up for now and try again next week!
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
wanda why did you have to give everybody a new name were their old ones not good enough for you
thank you wandavision writers for actually keeping track of all of their original names and having that uploaded to imdb for fic writers like me
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
So - if you want it - audio recording of the first chapter of Kisses Through The Decades.  I had fun doing this, and I may do the other chapters, depending on whether this goes well or not?
And, yeah, I know, already posted the chapter, but feels wrong to not post the audio without having the text included, so that’s below the cut, if you want to read along.  (There is a minor change - word left out in the original text - and I’m not a professional, so I definitely stumbled at least once.)
The first time they kiss, there is no color.
Or, at least, there isn’t supposed to be.
The world is full of various shades of grey – charcoal, smoke, silver, ash, pewter, steel, iron, and so on.  For all the black and white, there is relatively little of that.  Agnes’s hair trends as dark a grey as the world allows, but even it isn’t a pure black.  The closest to that is the ribbon tied tight around her waist, accenting the narrowness of it, the hourglass shape of her. Wanda’s hands have found that waist far many times to count at this point, if only to usher her out of the kitchen when she’s stayed – not past her welcome, because that sounds rude, but…well, past her welcome.
Problem being, of course, that the more Wanda guides her by the waist out of the kitchen and through the back door, the more her hands find a proper place there.  Now, even when Agnes is more than welcome, looking over one of far too many pots or pans bubbling away, Wanda finds her hands on Agnes’s waist, holding her in place as she moves past her or guiding her left or right so that Agnes can continue cooking at the stovetop while Wanda pulls bread or roast or cake out of the oven.
And the more Wanda’s hands finds their proper place on Agnes’s waist, the more, when they aren’t cooking, that she wants to leave them there, hugging the curves of her, thumb brushing along the ribbon she always ties just above her skirt, fingers aching to—
Nothing, really.
Most of the time, when her mind heads in that direction, Vision appears soon after, briefcase over one shoulder, hanging his hat on its hook by the door, lips stretched into a happy, pleasant smile.  He isn’t a distraction, certainly.  It’s just that the more hours she spends with Agnes, the more likely it is for Wanda to feel…to feel, and the height of those feelings always tends to happen just when it’s time for Vision to arrive.  And his arrival always makes those feelings dissipate.
One day, Vision doesn’t come home as promptly as he always does.
Wanda glances to the calendar – there’s no heart to mark a meeting with the Harts, as there had been only a short while ago (in an entirely different decade, though no one but Wanda seems to have noticed), but there is a pair of binoculars.  Symbols are a little too easy to read incorrectly – to forget their meaning – and underneath that, in Vision’s tidy little scrawl, is the memo: Neighborhood Watch Meeting, 6pm.
Of course.  Vis had mentioned it earlier that morning – he’d intended to stay downtown, to stay in the library for some research before the meeting, and to maybe go out to get drinks with them later (although he couldn’t drink with them, it would be nice to spend time with them).  He’d suggested she go over to the Bohners’ house for dinner or maybe set up a girls’ evening with Agnes; actually, he had suggested this over a week ago, and Wanda had conveniently forgotten about it until just now.  Her gaze easily shifts from the note on the calendar to Agnes, and her lips press together in a thin little line.
As if feeling the weight of Wanda’s eyes on her, Agnes turns and leans against the kitchen counter.  “Something bothering you, hon?  I wouldn’t want to be getting in the way of your time with Vis.”  She smiles in that cheery way that she has.
Wanda feels something in the center of her chest clench hopelessly. “No.  He’ll be out late.”  She offers Agnes a smile of her own.  “But if Ralph is waiting for you, then you’d better—”
“Oh, Ralph doesn’t mind.”  Agnes waves one hand dismissively.  “He’s got himself a nice TV dinner and a football game to keep him company.  He won’t notice I’m gone until the Anthem plays.” Her eyes light up.  “Say, how do you feel about a game of bridge?”
They leave the food to keep warm on the stove and settle on the couch. Wanda eats a little – she isn’t very hungry – and Agnes follows her lead.  About halfway through dinner, Agnes digs into her purse and pulls out a little flask.  “I know you have your own,” she says, unscrewing the lid, “but if you’d like to try some of mine?”  She holds the flask out for her.
Wanda looks at the flask.  She’s noticed a bit just how much – and how often – Agnes seems to drink, but that’s not what flickers like static through her mind right now.  What she thinks of first, almost immediately, is how she can see the print of Agnes’s dark lipstick on its rim, how she would leave her own mark where Agnes’s lips left theirs.  Her mouth grows dry, and she finds, despite the glass of water sitting next to her, that she is incredibly thirsty. “Sure.”  She reaches out for the flask and takes a swig, sputtering at how strong the drink is before handing it back. “How do you drink that stuff?”
“Grew up with it, I guess.”  Agnes shrugs once before taking a much longer drink of her own.  Then she holds the flask back out.  “Do you want more?”
“No, thanks.”  Wanda shakes her head.  Her gaze lifts to the kitchen, where a bottle of wine waits in the refrigerator.  She licks her lips and decides against it. “Hey,” she says, “why don’t we turn on a show?  I’m a horrible bridge player.  Honest.”
Agnes gives her a look, not quite startled, but not quite sure.  Then the smile comes back, easy as anything. “Sure, dear,” she says.  “That’ll be swell!”
Despite the fact that this episode should be brand spanking new, Wanda feels as though she’s seen it before.  That makes it less of a distraction than she’d hoped, and instead of focusing on the show in front of her, Wanda finds her eyes wandering instead over to Agnes, taking in the way she smiles at the jokes, how her eyes widen at moments of shock, the fidgeting of her fingers when something seems to be going too terribly wrong.  Worse, every so often her eyes flick to that silken ribbon around her waist, noting the way it catches the light, despite how dark it really is.
Eventually, Agnes’s gaze flicks over to Wanda herself, catches her eyes just before a commercial break, before Wanda has a chance to look away. “Wanda,” she says, hesitant, “why are you staring at me like that?  Is there something on my face?”
“No, no, there’s nothing.”  Wanda looks away immediately, not at the television or the commercial – something about a watch with an interesting logo embossed within it – but at her hands, at her fingers, which fidget together worse than Agnes’s had only a few moments prior.
Agnes reaches over and places her hand over Wanda’s stilling them.  “You’re acting anxious, dear.  Is it the liquor?  Was it too strong for you?”
Wanda presses her lips together and shakes her head.  She glances up through her lashes and finds that Agnes has moved closer to her and is looking at her curiously.  They’re so close, she can feel Agnes’s thigh brushing against hers. It isn’t entirely unpleasant.  “It’s not.”  She swallows once, hard, and she tries to meet Agnes’s eyes, but her own fall to her lips and refuse to move any higher.  “It’s not the liquor.”
In another moment, Wanda would continue that statement – would question why exactly Agnes had liquor that strong in her flask in the first place, would follow that line of thought so that she could be distracted by it – but Agnes is…honestly, not really much closer than she is when they cook together in the kitchen, so she should…she should be fine. All she has to do is—
Wanda reaches over and places her hands on the small of Agnes’s waist, just where that ribbon accentuates her curves, where they fit just so.  She intended to slowly move her away, but she doesn’t.  Instead, her thumb rubs gentle along the silk ribbon.  Her head tilts to one side.  “Agnes?”
“Yes, dear?”
It’s not a simple thing.  She tells herself later that it is, but it isn’t.  It isn’t at all.
Her nose brushes gentle against Agnes’s, and she gives her plenty of time to pull away.  Plenty of opportunity.  She hopes, briefly, that her breath doesn’t smell of liquor, but given just how much Agnes drinks it, she thinks perhaps that wouldn’t be too horrible.  The thought leaves her mind entirely as their lips just. barely. touch.
Agnes relaxes into the kiss, and that tells Wanda she hasn’t done anything wrong – Agnes relaxes into the kiss, not the slightest bit startled, meeting Wanda’s hesitancy with her own gentle response.  Her lips are softer than she’d imagined, softer than Vis’s, and where he could run so cold, Agnes is warm as an apple pie just out of the oven.
When their lips part, Wanda leans her forehead against Agnes’s.  She leaves her hands at the small of her waist where they just fit, but she wants to raise one, to run her fingers through her dark hair, to cup her face and brush her thumb along her cheekbone as she kisses her again—
The door creaks open, and Wanda pushes away from Agnes as though she’s been burned.  Her eyes flick to the door; it’s just opening, but she knows Vision is on the other side, and she doesn’t want him to see—
Doesn’t want him to see what?
Wanda’s gaze returns to Agnes, who seems to have closed in on herself. “Agnes, I—”
Agnes glances up just enough to meet her eyes with her much brighter ones, and one corner of her lips lifts in a somber, sad smile.  “Don’t you worry about a thing, hon.  I’ll be quiet as a mouse.”  She raises one finger to cover her lips.
She should wink.  Wanda feels like she should wink.
She doesn’t wink.
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
If I did audio recordings for Kisses Through The Decades, is that something any of y'all would be interested in?
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
me, writing this fic: agatha quit lying.  why you always gotta be lying.
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
Tumblr Fic Masterlist
Finding Family Universe:
Finding Family When America begins universe-hopping again to try and find her moms, she realizes that’s too much scope for her, and instead she finds Wanda. Post-DSMOM fix-it fic Wanda Maximoff & America Chavez; Wanda Maximoff & Wanda Maximoff variants; Wanda Maximoff & Agatha Harkness; Wendy Maximoff/America Chavez Complete
The Finding Family Holiday Special! In which 616!Wanda hosts a New Year’s Eve party, and there are not nearly enough party shenanigans, but there’s a whole lot of talking. Goes between Parts Four and Five of Finding Family, so obviously contains spoilers for that. (Does show up in Finding Family tag in the proper place; this is just for separate reading purposes.) Post-DSMOM fix-it fic Wanda Maximoff & America Chavez; Wanda Maximoff & Wanda Maximoff variants; Wendy Maximoff/America Chavez Complete
Multiversal Variants Basically a What If...? for Finding Family - scenes that could have gone a different way than what happened in the fic, some with more drastic results than others. Wanda Maximoff & America Chavez; Wanda Maximoff/Agatha Harkness Incomplete
Multichapter Fics:
Fragments of Color If the world is black and white, Agnes sticks out like a thorn-pricked thumb, blood pricking scarlet from skin otherwise drained of life, and Wanda aches to suck the venom from her veins, unaware that it would be useless to try. WandaVision rewrite Wanda Maximoff/Agatha Harkness; Wanda Maximoff/Vision Incomplete
Kisses Through The Decades The world is full of various shades of grey - charcoal, smoke, silver, ash, pewter, steel, iron, and so on.  For all the black and white, there is relatively little of that.  Agnes’s hair trends as dark a grey as the world allows, but even it isn’t a pure black.  The closest to that is the ribbon tied tight around her waist, accenting the narrowness of it, the hourglass shape of her.  Wanda’s hands have found that waist far too many times to count at this point, if only to usher her out of the kitchen when she’s stayed - not past her welcome, because that sounds rude, but...well, past her welcome. Problem being, of course, that the more Wanda guides her by the waist out of the kitchen and through the back door, the more her hands find a proper place there. WandaVision; Five Times Kissed; Canon-Compliant Wanda Maximoff/Agatha Harkness Complete start here
The Nature of Soulmates You remember the faintest flickering of flame. There’s a shimmer to it, soft, in the middle of your chest - a wholly lavender glow, threaded through with a deeper, darker violet, and when it flicks here and there, as flames are wont to do, the tips turn a thick, clotted black.  If you concentrate just past the bright lavender in the center of it, you can almost make out the shape of an open hand, fingers that same inky blackness sketching webbing in your skin, and beyond that, the image of a face with features that you can’t make out, with haunted eyes with deep ashen bags beneath them, and with hair of a much warmer shade flickering, like flame, in a faint breeze that you cannot feel. For a moment, you consider that the face, though determined and sad, seems beautiful. Then you wake. Agatha Harkness/Reader Soulmate AU Incomplete start here additional one-shot in the same universe second additional one-shot in the same universe jealousy prompt in the same universe second jealousy prompt in the same universe
Take A Sad Song and Make It Better Miles almost hit Duke when he left Andi’s place.  He didn’t stay to make sure that Andi actually died.  What if, in all of the attempts to get into the house, one of them heard the car still rumbling in the garage?  What if Andi didn’t die? Glass Onion fix-it fic Incomplete start here
don’t fret precious, i’m here / step away from the window / and go / back to sleep What if Wanda won? Post-DSMOM Wanda Maximoff & Billy Kaplan & Tommy Shepherd
Canon!Agatha Meets Pregnant!Eve Exactly what it says on the tin. Agatha Harkness/Eve Fletcher
One-Shot Collections:
Agave (Agatha Harkness/Eve Fletcher) Stuff: A Beginning Thunderstorms Agatha Should Probably Take Eve on a Date DATE TIME FINALLY WOO THE MORNING AFTER WOO Comfort Worth We Take A Break So Eve and Agatha Can Discuss Claire Agatha/Cian Backstory Pt. 1 Agatha/Cian Backstory Pt. 2 Agatha/Cian Backstory Pt. 3 Business Trip (Agatha) Post-Business Trip (Agatha) Ted Fucking Sucks
Glass Onion Fam Fluff: Birdie Dresses Claire Prompted Not Fluff
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
It's interesting to me that in both Kisses and the Eve/Agatha stuff when asked about her scars, Agatha says she fell. In both.
And in both, Wanda/Eve absolutely know that she is lying.
Wanda's response was to be annoyed and leave (to go back to her husband and kids, so there's more layers to it than Wanda being pissed with Agatha - she's not mad, it's just another thing on a lot going on in Westview).
Eve gets it and doesn't push and just leaves it.
In Finding Family, Agatha is completely forthright with Scarlet (616!Wanda) about where they came from. She's open. (And Wanda proceeds to heal them.)
But Scarlet sees them much earlier than she asks - reaches out and touches them - so she knows they're there and Agatha knows that she knows that they're there - and she doesn't ask and Agatha knows both that she doesn't ask and implies through other things that she doesn't care.
So it's...a longer conversation, even without actually being a conversation. It means something that Scarlet asks when she didn't before, and that's likely why Agatha is willing to be more bluntly open about them.
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
It IS in Kisses!
"If that’s what you need, buttercup, then do as you wish...."
Put it after having her call Wanda buttercup, too. That was intentional. Don't know if anybody caught it or not.
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
Oh shit I was gonna record the rest of chapter two today whoops I can try to do that?? I guess??
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
final chapter of kisses through the decades is now up!
i don’t feel like i’m quite done with this - there’s an alternate version of a scene in chapter eight that i kind of want to play around with and the way that might have led into chapter nine (it would have been a little different) - and there’s a part to the wanda/agatha conversation that i imagined and didn’t get around to (i could have tried to push it in, but i didn’t want to, basically, because there’s a tentative flow to this that i didn’t want to mess up) - about why agatha was staying in westview in the first place, if she wasn’t agnes, but.
idk.  we’ll see.
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
Wanda and Agatha over here bickering like an old married couple.
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
wanda, baby.  you’re panicking so much, and i’m SO sorry.
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
new chapter of kisses through the decades is now up!
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
These two drunk idiots.
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