#vote me for president! i will ruin the economy
maudiemoods · 3 months
If I had millions of dollars I'd be giving that away until I had no million dollars
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1americanconservative · 9 months
On The 14th of June 1946, a baby boy was born In the Jamaica district of Queens, New York.
In 1995 his car had a flat tire. A black man walking by noticed the owner was wearing a suit, so he stepped in and fixed the flat.
"How can I repay you?" asked the gentleman. "My wife has always wanted some flowers," the man says.
A few days later, the man's wife received a beautiful bouquet of flowers with a note saying, "Thanks for helping me. By the way, the mortgage on your house is paid off."
A United States Marine spent 7 months in a Mexican prison on a minor charge. He was beaten.
After he was returned to America, the man from Queens sent him a check for $25,000, "To get you started."
A black bus driver saved a suicidal girl from jumping off a bridge.
The man from Queen sent him a check for $10,000. A rabbi's critically ill son needed to get from NYC to California for special care but no airlines would fly him.
The generous man from Queens used his private jet to fly the child.
This kind man from Queens did many other quiet acts of kindness over the years. Everyone loved him. Then one day he decided to run for President of the United States. The elites and media immediately turned on him.
The current president of the United States at that time spied on his campaign. He even tried rigging the election for a crooked deep-state candidate with the help of the FBI. But, millions of people turned out to vote for this man and they weren't able to overturn the will of the people.
He quickly became the greatest president the United States had ever had. He made history with a record-breaking economy and restored our respect on the world stage. Then these same globalists came up with a plan to make sure he was a one-term president and take back their power.
They impeached him twice on bogus charges and released a fake pandemic to shut down the country and ruin the economy. The media and CDC lied about the death rate and they broadcasted it 24 hours a day 7 days a week to instill fear in the people.
They changed the voting laws and procedures to ensure they would win the next election. They paid ballot "mules" to stuff vote-by-mail drop boxes and steal the 2020 election.
After these deep-state globalists successfully stole the 2020 election from him, they charged and arrested him with trying to steal the election from them. But, he didn't give up on the people and the country that he loves, so he decided to run for president again.
You may know him? His name is Donald Trump.
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sherlock-is-ace · 7 months
i don't usually talk about politics, and I'm fully aware most of y'all are american or european and don't give a shit about argentinian politics, that's why i'm gonna panic under the cut
I'M FREAKING THE FUCK OUT! on November 19th we have to vote for the next president of this shitty country and the two options left: are hell and even more hell.
On the one hand we have the man who's been ruining the economy for years, member of the political party that's been famously corrupt and just isn't good.
On the other hand, we have Argentina's own Trump. A man who has publicly said he's going to bomb the institutions that don't work. Who said marriage equality isn't necessary. Who, one of his great ideas is making it legal for fathers to abandon their children (not paying child support).
What's scariest is that the other candidates (no longer in the run for this "tie break" election) are joining forces to help discount Trump win. And I am absolutely terrified. Neither of them is good, but one of them is actually insane in the head and it genuinely gave me a panic attack the other day so...
There's no point to this post I'm just trying not to bottle up emotions and fears cause that's what makes me snap and hurt myself. I've never been so actually and literally scared about the politics in this country. What the fuck are we doing? The entire world is going to hell and there's nothing we can do about it... I don't want to be here anymore
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adaginy · 2 years
Asteroids and Politics (P. 1)
This is something I wrote some years back (in the Before Times, if you couldn't tell from the massive governmental coordination...). It's written as one story, one long chapter, but I don't wanna throw 3600 words at tumblr all at once. tw american politics and tw brief lynching mention in this first half.
Now, let me preface this by saying I’m fairly centrist: Although every sensible person knows the Strike was a Bad Thing, I can admit that it did technically solve the problem for the short term and give us the time to get things fixed. And it gave us the motivation to get the Strikers out of office, plow their political machine under, and salt the earth so it wouldn’t grow back -- that hadn’t been what the Strikers were trying to do, of course, but when people wonder or write about what would have happened if the Strike had been stopped, the would-be-Strikers usually remain in power, ruining things over a longer term like someone slowly boiling a proverbial frog.
Scientists had been worried about global warming since the 1970s, other than a few nutters going on about global cooling, discredited nutters I wouldn’t even know about if my grandfather didn’t always try to use them as evidence it was a hoax and scientists didn’t know anything. In the 2000s or so, they started calling it global climate change in an effort to get people to understand that a series of bad winters did not mean there was nothing to worry about and in fact meant the scientists had been right.
There had always been a faction of people who didn’t believe it, or said they didn’t, just like there were still people who thought the earth is flat or in the center of the universe, except those people didn’t normally end up in elected office. There was no money in saying the earth is flat. There was plenty of money in saying everything was fine and we didn’t need to implement carbon caps or anything like that. 
Eventually it got a little too toasty to deny that something was up. Politicians were fine cutting funding for NASA when they said satellites were reporting higher temperatures, but when the military-industrial complex they loved so much started reporting it and planning on higher sea levels, well, they couldn’t cut that. Anyone who cut defense spending hated their country and was probably a secret communist, or so the Strikers had implied in the last several decades of campaign advertisements. So, they begrudgingly agreed it was happening, though they still refused to believe it had anything to do with fossil fuels and cow farts. Droughts were usually blamed on loose women and gay people and atheists, despite a notable absence of any of them in the upper atmosphere. 
And they took a majority of seats in the government. God, I still can’t believe that. The presidency, the two houses Congress had at the time. Appointed cabinet positions. All of it. God. Who was worst in US politics before that? Was it Hoover for the First Great Depression and a Bush for the Second? And a bunch of early presidents who used to be on U.S. money had shit all over the Native Americans. We learned about the presidents in school, but it’s been a long time and of course the Strike is so much fresher in our memories. I just wonder if voting for them ever became the embarrassment voting for the Strike government had been.
So, by the time it became Very Evident that we needed to Do Something Now, it was too late anyway. We needed to have Done Something Decades Ago. And the scientists who had wanted carbon caps and so on, to be fair, did not have any new suggestions except harsher caps followed by enduring the next few centuries and hoping for it to balance back out. And we know now that the post-Strike economy flourished in a rush to make the best solar panels, the best wind farms, the best de-acidification plants, and so on, but the Strikers argued the economy would collapse from “government interference” if we followed the scientists’ advice. There were also vague allegations from the Strikers that the scientists were a part of some conspiracy, but the Strikers had been saying that since the 1980s or so and had never articulated what the endgame of this conspiracy might be. The scientists said the Strikers were in a league with oil companies, which actually was true, despite the Strikers telling their followers that that was a hokey conspiracy theory in itself.
The Strikers were also in a league with much of the military-industrial complex, which came into play when they planned the Strike itself. “They” the Strikers and “they” the MIC, both. 
This is all what we found out after the Strike, when the politicians were still proud of themselves, before it all went bad. They had found the answer, they said. They’d run it past scientists, they’d said, and the greatest minds in engineering, too. And the answer was on its way. Math had been done, rockets had been launched, and a small asteroid was being pushed toward Earth and, after months of secret work, would crash into the Sahara in a week to send up a cloud of dust that would cloak the world from the sun in order to lower global temperatures. 
None of those scientists or engineers step forward these days, which is easy to understand after a few likely suspects got lynched. Not a bright moment in the origins of the new government, but the lynch mob participants were arrested, and when prisons were reformed they were put through a battery of tests to weed the real sociopaths out from the people who regretted their actions instead of regretting being caught.
As for the Strike, of course there was an outcry, most notably from the several independent countries -- most countries were independent back then -- that made up the Sahara. It wasn’t unoccupied, they shouted. It wasn’t unoccupied and it didn’t belong to the US to be making that decision. The whole world backed them, condemning the Striker’s hubris.
The Strikers proposed moving it to the Australian Outback, which didn’t win them any friends in also-independent Australia. (Technically Australia wasn’t wholly independent, but the United Kingdom it was weakly tethered to was not part of the US.) People lived there too, and also any errors in math would make for millions of additional casualties as the entire country was obliterated. Additionally much of the country’s Aboriginal history and population are there, which is cited now as a reason it couldn’t have been there, even if Australia didn’t cite it much then. 
It couldn’t be the Atlantic, either, as striking water wouldn’t cause the same effects as striking land. Arguably that was the best selling point for hitting the Atlantic, but the Strikers didn’t want to look stupid by admitting they were wrong, I suppose. My grandmother -- no connection to the global-cooling grandfather -- answered “Vietnam, Iraq, Strike” before slamming the door in the face of Striker canvassers who’d come around trying to quiet restive neighborhoods before the full revolt.
Antarctica drew the short straw. Researchers were evacuated with all the ice cores and samples they could carry. Penguins were gathered by the thousands, as many as could be caught. Some were distributed to every zoo and aquarium and even pet store that could house them. Most were deposited in the Arctic and wished good luck, with vague plans suggested to re-capture them and send them home after the dust had settled, literally and figuratively. That effort was the first sprout of the new government, I think: dozens of countries banding together to cooperate for what had to be done, to share and share alike in all the best plans and equipment to save a little piece of the world.
While we waited for the Strike, we lambasted the government. All the backroom dealings were made public. The secret funding bills, written by big players in the MIC, passed as confidential Homeland Security measures. The plans being parceled out to contractors and subcontractors so no-one had enough of the big picture to blow the whistle.The oil companies funding the research (with their bankrolled scientists), hoarding the receipts for tax time. There was an uproar. How had this been done without citizen oversight? How had the oil companies and MIC gotten so powerful as to steer a government into attacking its own planet? It wasn’t only in the US, either. Other countries were aghast at us and cleaned house in their own governments, in democracies at least, just to be sure.
(Part 2)
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indynerdgirl · 3 months
Nikki Haley just suspended her presidential campaign.
And while it was pretty obvious for a while now that she wasn't going to be the Republican nominee, I'm not only disapointed, but I'm also just so frustrated as a Conservative. Yes, the economy was better during Trump's presidency, but he is way too polarizing as a person now and, imo, he's going to end up doing more harm than good.
This country has basically been in a political crisis since 2008 when Obama was elected. The country went too far left then and overcorrected by going too far right with Trump, only to overcorrect by going too far left with Biden. And now we're about to overcorrect again by going too far right AGAIN with Trump while all of the voices of reason that are in the middle are not only getting shouted out but don't have the money to run a campaign big enough to be a viable third option.
If Trump really wanted to help this country, he would not have run for president again, he would have put all of his support behind someone who isn't a polarizing personality, someone who could actually start to bring both sides together and finally start erasing this idiotic hardline "our side vs their side" political mess we're stuck in.
I am 36 years old and my first political memory was a civics lesson in Kindergarten about voting for president during the 1992 election between Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush. I also can remember my parents and grandparents watching the news and listening to talk radio at the time and while there were disagreements between both sides, there wasn't this angry and harmful vitriol for each other we have now because there wasn't a 24/7 news cycle keeping everything in front of us. I swear the internet and social media have absolutely ruined our ability as a society to have actual thoughtful and civil discourse.
What's crazy is that George freakin' Washington warned us in his farewell address that this exact situation would happen if we weren't careful and we didn't listen (bolded sections by me).
"I have already intimated to you the danger of parties in the state, with particular reference to the founding of them on geographical discriminations. Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party, generally.
This spirit, unfortunately, is inseparable from our nature, having its root in the strongest passions of the human mind. It exists under different shapes in all governments, more or less stifled, controlled, or repressed; but, in those of the popular form, it is seen in its greatest rankness, and is truly their worst enemy.
The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries, which result, gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of Public Liberty.
It serves always to distract the Public Councils, and enfeeble the Public Administration. It agitates the Community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which find a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions. Thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another.
There is an opinion, that parties in free countries are useful checks upon the administration of the Government, and serve to keep alive the spirit of Liberty. This within certain limits is probably true; and in Governments of a Monarchical cast, Patriotism may look with indulgence, if not with favor, upon the spirit of party. But in those of the popular character, in Governments purely elective, it is a spirit not to be encouraged. From their natural tendency, it is certain there will always be enough of that spirit for every salutary purpose. And, there being constant danger of excess, the effort ought to be, by force of public opinion, to mitigate and assuage it. A fire not to be quenched, it demands a uniform vigilance to prevent its bursting into a flame, lest, instead of warming, it should consume."
Washington’s Farewell Address, September 17 1796
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elizabethsharmon · 4 years
So. Poland has chosen its "president" yesterday - if we can even talk about real choice here when he won by approximately 422k votes. When he won in 6 out of 16 regions, all of them with significantly lower number of eligible voters. When there are huge discrepancies between the results displayed in each polling district and the ones published on the website of the National Electoral Commission. When there were recurring instances of some voting cards not having the necessary stamps which automatically classified the vote as invalid. When some people went to vote and it turned out they're not registered in their designated district because of system error. When people abroad didn't get their voting cards on time. When his party sent over 150 buses to villages in Eastern Poland to take older, conservative people to voting stations. When this is how the results map looks like - and somehow the blue wins with orange.
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In the last five years, Du*a and his party PiS (literally lAw AnD jUsTiCe but believe me, they're none of these things) have completely ruined the country and regressed it to Middle Ages.The democracy practically doesn't exist anymore, not since they have the majority to rule (the opposition won the senate back in the parliamentary elections so it's a small win but it's still not enough). They started with the judicial system, appointing conservative judges who are always ruling in their favour. The courts are not independent anymore. The Constitution is being broken over and over and over again. People have been marching and protesting for years now but to no avail. 
The national television, TVP, is practically owned by the ruling party. The propaganda, fake news, hatred on the opposition and minorities is getting stronger each day. What you need to know is that this is literally the first channel on every TV set in the country. No matter where you live, no matter if you have cable or satellite, you turn on TV and TVP is what you get. Their reach is so much higher than other TV stations from the big four (TVP1&TVP2, TVN, Polsat). Poland has fallen to 62nd out of 180 countries in the World Press Freedom Index compiled annually by Reporters Without Borders. Before PiS took over in 2015 we were 18th. For du*a's presidential campaign now they gave TVP 2 billion PLN in order to strengthen the propaganda. There was a project to give those money to hospital oncology wards but PiS said no. TVP has only been showing him during the campaign. The other candidates have either been showed in a bad light or haven't been showed at all. Voters for whom TVP is the only source of information haven't seen other candidates nor their campaigns.
During the second round of the campaign, when another tv station, TVN, with two major Polish online media, Onet and WP, invited him and his opponent, Rafał Trzaskowski, for a debate. Du*a declined because he said he won't participate in a debate which isn't available for everyone and he asked them to reach an agreement with TVP to host the debate together. In the end there were two debates. Du*a on his own in TVP, answering predetermined questions from journalists reporting to his party and people in the studio that were paid to be there. Trzaskowski on his own in TVN and live on his Facebook channel, answering questions from the journalists from 16 independent offline and online media teams.
At the beginning of his and PiS first term of destroying the country, they started their crusade against women, because as we all know middle aged men are the most eligible people to make choices for women and their bodies. Abortion is Poland is (was? honestly who knows now) only allowed in three cases: if the woman's life was in danger, if the prenatal testing indicates severe damage of the fetus, if the pregnancy was the outcome of rape. With their pro life and anti women initiative, PiS was determined to ban abortion completely and punish it by prison. The bill was so flimsy that in some cases even miscarriage could be turned against woman. Even if the baby would've been born sick or severely disabled, even if the pregnancy could be fatal for the mother, even if it was caused by rape. We went on the streets. All dressed in black, with umbrellas in hand. Hundreds of thousands of women and allies marching and protesting together against the government. And they got scared. The bill proposal was dropped but the fight wasn't over and it still isn't. They tried to bring it back now during the pandemic just because they knew we wouldn't go out protesting. But we did, we blocked the streets with our cars.
The day after pill can only be bought on prescription. But if you end up going to the conservative ob/gyn they can invoke conscientious objection to abortion and they won't prescribe it for you. They want to ban sex ed from schools. In their opinion sex ed “demoralizes children and teaches them masturbation.” They want young people to be uneducated and have sex and get pregnant and give birth. They want to make kids have kids just so they would depend on the government and social wage programme 500+ which gives 500PLN (approximately 125€) each month to families with 2 or more children for each of their children. Right now you can be a woman raising your three or four kids and you will get the equivalent of minimum wage just for that. This program made people vote for them in 2015. First Du*a used it in his presidential campaign, then PiS was blackmailing the voters saying the program will only happen if both president and the government will be on board aka they have to get in so Du*a will sign the bill and people will get the money. People still believe only they can ensure the stability of the program even though almost all the other candidates said it will not go away.
In the last couple of weeks of presidential campaign, it became more clear than ever how Du*a is planning to win the elections - by trying to reach to the mindsets of elderly and conservative voters by attacking the LGBT community. He called us “ideological hurricane”. He said we are worse than communists. His party members have been saying we're not humans. He was saying over and over again how he doesn't care what people do in bed as long as they're not obnoxious on street and in real life about it. How sexuality is a private thing and we shouldn't be proud of it. How there's no place in Poland for “LGBT propaganda that wants to demoralize our children”. How there's no space here for unions for same-sex couples, not even mentioning marriage or adoption. How he'll do everything in his power to protect the “traditional Polish values and family model” (whatever that means). The most conservative parts of the eastern Poland has claimed their towns and villages as “anti-LGBT zone”. It's been going on since last year. After Dua's words now the hate crime is stronger than it ever was. When LGBT activists asked him to apologize for his spiteful words, showed him proofs that suicide rate among LGBT teenagers is higher than it was since his party is ruling, showed him the photographs and shared the stories of the people we lost because of the bashing they encourage and support, he said he won't apologize because he stands by his words and there's a freedom of speech in the country. Not for everyone I guess.
The journalists have been interviewing many people in different parts of Poland after it. What stuck with me were the words of some old man from the countryside who has said that “LGBT should be exterminated in Majdanek”. It's one of the places where the death camp was during World War 2. I don't think I have to tell anyone what words like this mean, how much they hurt, and how much worse it is when they’re said in the country that’s lost so so many lives during WW2. In a country that fought so hard for so many years to reclaim its freedom from the nazis and then from the soviets. In the meantime of this bashing, Du*a has pardoned a pedophile so he could return to his family (and the victim he abused). So that would be it for protecting family values.
The exit polls results yesterday were so close that they gave us so much hope that we would wake up in a new reality today but the hope died quickly. Now we're stuck again with a man who said in the middle of the global pandemic that he's anti-vaccination and he doesn't think vaccine for covid-19 should be obligatory. With a man who thinks climate change and global warming isn't real. With a man whose actions are constantly destabilitizing economy because he only acts like there is today and doesn’t look forward in the future and doesn’t know the way he and his party ruin the country will have terrible consequences in a few years. With a man who is homophobic, racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, and many, many, many other things. With a man who is a "president” of Polish people but only if you're a straight catholic man voting for his party.
Now our fear is that with him being “elected” as the “president” again, his party will try to meddle with the Constitution and try to change it so they could either extend his term for more years or extend the number of terms a president can have. And even if the change can’t happen so easily, what’s sure is that they will try to take away basic human rights from women and LGBT community. They made it perfectly clear in the last five years and during the campaign now.
So if you’re asking yourself now what can you do about it the answer is simple: spread the word. Read about it. Educate yourself. Make a buzz in the social media. We need as much help as we can get. We need foreign media to pick up the topic, we need them to talk about it and to make the noise. We need the foreign governments to know about it. European Union has already declared that if the bashing on LGBT continues, they will take away the development aid from the self-proclaimed “anti-LGBT zones”. Our country has suffered so much and somehow we’re still standing but I don’t know for how much long we will last. So please. Don’t leave us alone.
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huariqueje · 3 years
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Perú despierta y Vargas Llosa agoniza 
Peru wakes up and Vargas Llosa is dying
By José Steinsleger 9 Junio, 2021
Some experts in psychoanalysis and psychiatry describe as schizophrenia the condition that prevents the distinction between fiction and reality, and considering that it is a serious mental illness.
On the other hand, when political issues are discussed colloquially, the term is often used loosely to disqualify those who deny or misrepresent reality. Unfair and unpleasant rapture that undeniably calls into question good manners.
Example: since La ciudad y los perros, I have read almost all of Vargas Llosa's fictional works, and a good part of his political articles, in which he developed, in my opinion, a tortuous vision of reality. Conclusion: unmatched mastery to travel from reality to fiction and vice versa.
Despite this, more than half a century of reading Vargallosian has not been enough for me to solve a dilemma that, I suspect, no disciple of Freud or Lacan could solve: when did Mario Vargas Llosa screw up?
Tributary to the ex-pongo and today Marquis, the Andean-indigenous-mestizo culture has produced unique writers, although marked by their inferiority complex compared to colonial culture. Emblematic case: Alcides Arguedas (1879-46), paid writer for the tin magnate, Simón Patiño. In 1909, Arguedas published Pueblo Sick in Barcelona, ​​making clear his reasoned contempt for Bolivian society..
In Pueblo Sick, the author regrets that the mixture of fatal biological laws, historical reasons and environmental circumstances have made the indigenous a stunted and diseased race. Celebrated by the great Miguel de Unamuno, the book is no longer read. But its contents make it possible to unravel the chronic racial hatred of those who (not only in Bolivia and Peru) are scared when they see that the peoples begin to break the chains of colonialism.
In the antipodes of the Bolivian Arguedas, the Peruvian José María Arguedas (1911-69) and a book published shortly before his suicide: The fox from above and the fox from below, a deep reflection on Peru that Vargas Llosa despises to such a degree, that in 1996 he dedicated a long essay to him: The archaic utopia and the fictions of indigenismo.
The fox above and the fox below alludes to the foxes of indigenous legends collected in Quechua at the end of the 16th century, and they tell of a world divided into two: the coastal zone and the mountainous area, which were the center of the history of the country in pre-Columbian times, as well as the coast would be from the conquest.
Observations that for some mysterious reason, shot me after reading On the Tightrope, Vargas Llosa's latest article, published on the eve of the ballot that just took place in Peru (El País, 5/6). Quickly, I underline themes and passages related to a continent that, according to the master of fiction and reality, seems determined to resurrect the Marxism-Leninism that Europeans and Asians have been in charge of burying.
Brazil: “The judges have released Luiz Inácio da Silva […]. If foreigners could vote, Lula, his darling, would sweep away. Brazilians are more cautious: they remember above all that several sentences weigh on him, for taking advantage of power and for corruption ”.
Chile: “in this country that seemed to have done its homework and grown to distance itself from the rest of Latin America and reach European levels, now it is absolute chaos… with young people of both sexes dreaming of a uniformed nation, with a state-controlled economy that would ruin a a society that seemed to be the first in Latin America to end underdevelopment ”.
Colombia: “[…] It burns everywhere and President Iván Duque is attacked even by his own party and his teacher, former President Álvaro Uribe, accuses him of being weak and of not resorting to the army to appease the violent people who, guided by the Venezuelan hand, they want to take power away ”.
Bolivia: Evo Morales' forces have returned to power and he has a candidate whom he calls brother and cholito… But he is not Bolivian but Peruvian: Pedro Castillo ”.
Peru: “[…] Immediately favorite target for the Cuban, Venezuelan and Nicaraguan axis. If Pedro Castillo wins the election, Marxism-Leninism-Mariateguism […] would be the most ferocious and bloodthirsty dictatorship of all that the country has known throughout its history ”.
And the pearl that Ripley cries out for: Political suicide [in Peru], which would close forever, or for a long time, the country's possibility of recovering its old history when it was, in the pre-Hispanic past, the head of an empire that gave of eat everyone, or in the 300 colonial years, when the Peruvian viceroyalty was the most prosperous in America. All this to become an agent at the service of Cuba and Venezuela.
I understand the dialectic of the converted leftist, which tends to be more eloquent and fierce than the reverse option. But if any specialist can confirm the diagnosis of yore, I am willing to qualify my criticisms and, from now on, treat Vargas Llosa as a brilliant mental patient.
By José Steinsleger 
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slowlydyingsilently · 3 years
dude 2020 is like obama 3.0. gas almost got to 3$ a gallon under obama the traitor , gas was $2.89 then under our commander and chief President DONALD TRUMP!!! Our gas went as low as $1.15. for 4 years I was able to drive to work with out feeling like my truck is a gas hog & be happy when looking at the price $45 but in 10/2021 it costs me $85. Biden is the worst choice and Kamala is the second. When someone runs for office and goes through HELL and not take the pay is amazing and shows a true leader that loves his country. For god sake the Democrats ruin ever state and district they are in charge of. Education, housing, love and respect for country, go down and our bills, oil prices, government control, laws, GO UP 😡. Biden had made our money only good in the united states. Made our rights and freedoms mean nothing to alot of people that would steal and burn their own town hurting their neighbors and the economy. If ur watch or read what the television & social media tell u and decide no one but they could be right u need to turn them off & do some hobbies get some fresh air live a life not behind a screen. Nothing will change if u vote the same and expect something new. Those that want power, control, and to unarm a country well they are normally the kind of people u want to put in a box and watch them not give them power.
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I have something I want to say but want to forewarn that this is a political post and will be discussing HIV/AIDS. Also I won’t be adding to this, so feel free to comment but if you’re looking for a debate, I have promised my followers to limit purely political talk especially about the upcoming US election. This will probably be the only post I make where I mention who I’m voting for and why I hope others will do so too.
I think there’s no question that Trump’s response to this virus has been nothing less than horrifying and rage inducing. Not only that, we are dealing with a virus that has features we’re not used to dealing with. The amount of asymptomatic patients might be really high for this particular virus and is why the policy on face masks changed direction. We as a species are not used to the concept that you can be healthy and still infect and kill someone else. So it forces a societal responsibility some portion of the population will always have difficulty understanding and instinctually rebel at. Barring the outright fascist I know a lot of people have been confused by Trump and many may think that’s their own fault but I think it’s a lot to expect people who aren’t generally taught in public schools how to think instead of what to think. Of course that’s a whole nother debate so i’ll leave that thought there. But still many people are espousing beliefs of which the ultimate implication is that elderly and disabled people, which I can’t believe I have to remind people of this: Includes Young People and Children, are disposable and be sacrificed at the altar of the economy.
What I’m getting at not the first time a virus changed the rules, like the 1918 flu and the bubonic plague. But I’m thinking more recently, HIV/AIDS. The virus was novel, difficult to detect. In fact when I was young HIV tests took time and you always had to take to two. Drugs were effective in extending life beyond the initial horrifying death rate. It wasn’t until the new century did we start to make HIV the chronic livable condition that it can be for many, though still not all.
When HIV/AIDS first came about it was already an outbreak in Africa, no a gay man didn’t have sex with a monkey. Very specific underserved, and impoverished places in Africa were colonists forced natives into poverty, forced them to rely on chimpanzee meat. This is the accepted origin of AIDS which potentially first entered the human population in the early 19th century, had outbreaks in the 50s,60, and 70s before it finally left Africa in an increasingly globally connecte world in the 80’s. Someone simply migrated from Africa or traveled to Africa and came to LA where the first cases in the US were noted and that unknown person happened to be gay. AIDS has been around for some time and evolved into what it is now. When AIDS hit the Californian gay community, it also hit hatians, hemopholiacs, and hypodermics (drug users) and was called the 4H disease along with being the Gay Cancer. AIDS looked like it discriminated, but it never did. Like most disease it hits vulnerable populations first, gets a foothold and then starts ravaging an entire population.
Reagan didn’t give a shit. Despite numerous cases among heterosexuals (no, one lone bi man didn’t spread it to the straights ruining sex for everyone) that existed, it was still predominantly considered the gay cancer so no one would fault him for doing nothing. At least no one that matters to those people. When the dead started to pile up, when the lgbt community cried out in pain at the funerals that were happening every day, at the gay and bi men and trans women left to die by their families, the community activists lost, and lesbians leaving separatist communities to care for the dying because the straights wouldn’t. We staged die-ins to get attention, Act Up started in response to the government’s lack of doing anything at all about AIDS. Towards the end of Reagan’s presidency he finally did something and is pretty much praised by historians for doing so. For me, Reagan’s legacy is one of taking money from hard working people like my parents trying to eke our a living, and for leaving a trail of dead at-risk groups he didn’t give one fuck about.
Not unlike trump doing something, his useless travel bans, and trying to act like all that absolves his inaction that has directly lead to the deaths of thousands of people. His willful lack of testing because he doesn’t want the numbers to go up. Regardless of the fact that people have the virus whether we test it or not, and when we don’t more die. He goes on TV not because he’s leading a country through crisis, it’s because he wants to spin his narratives and he likes the ratings. He’s trying to turn this pandemic and the deaths of thousands into the Trump Show.
We’ve been here before. Not a thousand years ago, not a hundred years ago, but 35-40 years ago. It’s an example of an outbreak with modern medicine where precious time was lost because politicians and the person at the very top dragged their feet, because who cares about the gays and the drug addicts and the disabled who need transfusions and black people? Now today it’s who really cares about elderly, the disabled, and the disproportionately hit black and poor people?
Certainly not our president.
For those who live in the US and have considered not voting for Biden because it’s not Bernie or someone else, plus you have legitimate issues Biden or want to go 3rd party, consider this: For all Biden’s faults (and there are many) he’s not going to do nothing about this pandemic that has every possibility of hitting us really hard again this fall as it coincides with the seasonal flu. I never wanted to vote for Biden, I voted for Warren, but in a matter of life and death you have to vote your head not your heart, because in this particular case I feel like doing nothing against trump, not even using the only political power many disabled people have, you might as well be endorsing Trump.
Please support Biden in this upcoming election not because he’a traditionally a good fit for moderate politics, but because he has experience in a federal pandemic response and he won’t drag his feet. This will save lives and for me, that’s The Only issue coming this November. I am voting for Biden not because he’s my man, I’m voting for him because I don’t want to die and I believe he will immediately back an evidence based response for the pandemic from the ground running.
Thanks for hearing me out.
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Lauren’s Attunement///Voting & Distracting
(Video in the end of the post)
This fifth Lauren Attunement with Kat Calvin founder of (Spread The Vote is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that helps people get government-issued photo ID). It was important because voting for good leaders is very important. Politics in itself is already a fairly complex subject to discuss because there are many points of view, political colors and idioms that, of course, I am not going to mention here because first, it has to do with American politics and I am not American, and second because it is actually a subject where I can only give my point of view and not cover what really matters. What is voting. I know that if you want to have good rulers you must raise your voice, educate yourself and vote. It is a right that we are all born with and that we must exercise to change things, or at least make the attempt. I think the problem is not so much in voting for this and that candidate, but in realizing that he or she will fulfill all the campaign promises they made while seeking our votes. Lauren was very right to call them motherfuckers about it because so many of them are. They are liars, thieves (especially thieves in my personal case, it has happened with most of the mayors of my city, those motherfuckers) and they change their mentality when they realize that they have a little power to make and break their whim. And just like Lauren said, power is what ruins everything. What corrupts and what makes people after those important charges, such vile beings. But not all politicians are equal and that must also be highlighted. I personally have the belief that you have to vote for who you see who do things for people. For those politicians who are always concerned about the people who have the least and who fight for their better well-being and not only work for the neediest people, but for everyone equally. And then there are people like Trump in the United States who seem to work for those of their own class, the businessmen, the people with the most purchasing power and at the same time, the most intolerant of the problems of others who do not have the same privileges as them. And this pandemic has made everything worse. It has brought out the worst face of some (Those who are desperate for the economy to open because they need a hairdresser) and has brought out the best face of others who are concerned about the rest, about the people who need it and always it's there to help. I do not know if it is the definition of human beings but this pandemic is going to change us. Perhaps not everyone, not in the same way, but humanity will change and the political class will realize that it will no longer be able to govern in the same way either. This is why voting is so important. Not only in the United States but in all countries. If you want to see changes, you have to fight for them and the first step to do this is vote. Because even if the president who is elected is not the one of your choice, you have the reason to have voted for someone who represented you and the right to express the opposite opinion if the elected person is not. You have exercised your right. I think Lauren has been very clear on that and I have loved this Attunement for that very reason.
The second part of this post is not so serious but rather curious because I have received many anons and read tweets on Twitter that Lauren was very distracted throughout the livestream. I didn't quite understand what they were talking about because the first time I saw the Attunement I was busy and didn't pay proper attention to it even though I listened well to what Lauren talked to Kat about. Then I started to investigate and what they said was that many fans thought that Lauren's strange distraction was because Camila was in the Jauregui house and that Lauren was watching that she did not get in the way of the phone camera. I did not believe it. At first it was hard for me to believe in the possibility but then I remembered that it is not the first time that this possibility could be real because we have always seen Camila at the Jauregui house. From TXF we have seen Camila together with Lauren's parents and siblings, so Camila's thought yesterday at Lauren's parents' house does not sound so far-fetched, especially when we already know that a circus collab and the Nick choice awards are coming to us in Latin America. It is a possibility, it is. And it is, because Lauren was very distracted and always aware of what was happening around her, she was nervous and it is strange because when she is with her family she does not get nervous. She was always very vocal speaking out loud to her siblings and parents and we could hear them at some of her lives. Except this time it was different. Also, she got scared with thunder in the middle of the broadcast, that was crazy because I didn't see her scary with that kind of thing, considering how normal those kinds of storms are in Miami. The truth is, we can't guarantee anything, folks. They are possibilities. We are in the middle of a pandemic and traveling from one house to another is a bit complicated, although well, the girls have cars and the distances between the houses are short so that is not a problem but as we know, Camila is in the middle of a circus that she has had a significant investment and that business cannot fall apart due to carelessness, they know it. But, we are Camren Shippers and we can afford to believe that they were together yesterday and that the Cabello were at the Jauregui house having a barbecue and leaving the diva sheltered in the guest house (Unless Lauren was worried that the Cabello had to drag the diva with them and that made Lauren angry) That would be crazy to even think about it. I really expect anything from all of them and it is the truth. A few things before closing this post. Lauren a fan of Supergirl?
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I don't know why this caught my attention, but it made me smile when I saw it and this other about her eyes
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It gave me a scare at three in the morning. Camila's dream as a reptile and Lauren sacrificing half of her humanity to keep Camila human. It was crazy. Thank you for reading.
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kyndaris · 3 years
2020: Unprecedented Times
Most people, at the start of the year, had high hopes for 2020. For many, it was the start of a new decade (though, ask anyone on the street and the start of a decade is open to debate). Here in Australia, the start of 2020 merely carried on the disasters of 2019. Beset by bushfires all along the Eastern coast, we watched as our tourism numbers slump as the denizens of Sydney wore masks as a means to fight the harmful effects of smoke inhalation. Many small businesses, particularly in small towns, felt the brunt of the natural disaster. Homes were destroyed by the thousands. Worse was the fact that livelihoods that were dependent on visitors from all around the world (in particular, China) were also badly affected.
Why would anyone come to Australia, after all, when there was smoke in the air and the air quality was teetering on dangerously toxic?
Many hoped that once the fires had petered out, however, life would return to normal. Little did they know that by March, the world would be caught in the grips of COVID-19. After all, though there were the occasional news headlines of a new disease plaguing China in early January (which resulted in me warning my grandmother that maybe she not go over to celebrate the Year of the Rat), most people were focused on Donald Trump’s impeachment.
Then, of course, there was the assassination of an infamous Iranian general:  Qasem Soleimani. Once again, the world’s attention was arrested by the acts of the United States of America. Most were worried that the tension between Iran and the United States of America would boil over. At the time, it almost felt like a repeat of Trump’s antagonism towards North Korea.
In the United Kingdom, Brexit was well underway. After his re-election in December 2019, Boris Johnson continued his negotiations for a way that Britain could leave the European Union.
On a more personal scale, Australia was wracked by sport club funding scandals and climate change protests.
As for me, I was more concerned about the video game delays. Now that I write this, in December of 2020, I look back and think that perhaps it was appropriate for Cyberpunk 2077 to have been delayed until next year in order to fix the bugs that have the plagued the title ever since launch. Still, I was also vastly disappointed that Vampires the Masquerade II would not be releasing anytime soon. And saddened to hear that The Last of Us Part II had been pushed back.
After COVID-19 swept across the globe and taken hold in most countries and continents (which now extends to Antarctica thanks to a few Chileans testing positive), I watched as stupidity rose to the fore. Lockdown protests, the politicisation of the wearing of masks and the attacks on East Asians. Despite the severity of the virus and how infectious it was, I was disheartened to see so many people flout social distancing rules and break lockdown requirements. Most notably among the rich and famous such as politicians and NRL (National Rugby League) players.
Of course, being in Australia, our bid to ‘flatten the curve’ proved incredibly effective. Articles I’ve read indicate that this was mostly due to Australian’s observance of laws and regulations, as well as our trust in science. In fact, I’ve heard the refrain, ‘at least we’re not America’ spoken quite a few times this year. And honestly, after looking at the statistics, with the Land of the Free having upwards of 18.5 million cases with 326,000 (and counting) deaths, I couldn't agree more to the sentiment.
The whole ‘do as we say, not as we do’ approach by its President further served to fracture society and gave rise to conspiracy theories that served no purpose but showcase the height of people’s ignorance and distrust. It didn’t help that most Western countries also placed more importance on the ‘economy’ than people’s lives. Many global leaders were of the opinion that the ‘cure should not be worse than the disease’ and that a few deaths to keep the budget afloat was a necessary evil. 
Well, to that, I say, ‘Bah! Humbug!’ Without acting decisively and quickly, many nations have ruined their economy AND seen their people die in droves. When people are falling sick and suffering from long-term effects, they’re hardly likely to spend money. Nor will they be able to contribute to society and be able to continue working. Instead, you’ll be saddled with additional welfare taxes. By going hard and fast, closing down the economy for two months, maybe three, you can bounce back harder and stronger without fear of contagion.
Now, many countries are struggling with high numbers of new infected each day AND an economy that’s in tatters. Good job. 
It also doesn’t hurt to give back to the community and help struggling businesses. Schemes such as Jobkeeper and Jobseeker (at least in Australia) were able to alleviate some of the stress for many workers. And honestly, perhaps if the world had implemented a universal basic income, this would also enable people ensure their basic needs are met without sinking into poverty.
The fact that so many only see the short-term rather than long-term is astounding. And as for Sweden’s model? The less said about it, the better. ‘Herd immunity’ without a working vaccine? Madness. Utter madness. Particularly when the virus is airborne.
After enjoying a decent summer, numbers rose again in Europe and much of it was back under lockdown. A new strain, that has proven much more infectious, was discovered in the South of England! Trump tested positive for COVID-19, but to the dismay of many, he recovered quite quickly.
But 2020 did not end there. Once again, the struggles between ethnic minorities were brought again to the limelight. The death of George Floyd saw the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement and served to highlight the disproportionate number of those living in poverty and in prison. As a person of colour myself (being of East Asian descent), I tried to explain some of this to my colleagues. But some of them saw Black Lives Matter as a predominantly American issue - and disregarded the fact that many Indigenous Australians were also in prison, caught in a vicious cycle of crime and violence.
It wasn’t long, however, that Australia experienced its own second wave in Melbourne, due to breaches in hotel quarantine. And honestly, it came as a surprise when it also happened in Adelaide and we learned that they weren’t testing hospital workers or those in high-risk workplaces on a REGULAR basis. You would have thought that all workers that transported aircrew or worked as security for those quarantining in hotels would be temperature-checked and given a swab every few days (or at least once a week). But no.
This is why we can’t have good things. 
Christmas in Sydney has also been somewhat neutered by the fact that there has been another sizeable outbreak in the Northern Beaches local council. And, of course, many people in Greater Sydney have been barred from other states. Gotta love those hard state borders where we treat each other as separate countries. Still - if it protects the people, the Premiers will stop at nothing. Even if it means families can’t be together. But better that than seeing Australia become the United States of America. 
Jumping from COVID-19, 2020 also saw an explosion in Beirut due to the storing of large amounts of ammonium nitrate at the port. Approximately 178 people were killed and more than 6,500 were injured. Locust swarms in Africa  descended upon crops, threatening food supply and livelihoods for millions of people. The West Coast of the United States of America suffered from catastrophic wildfires. Meanwhile, in south-east Asia, countries were hit by flooding and typhoons. As a side note, Armenia and Azerbaijan  restarted their ongoing feud. 
And to cap it all off, 2020 decided to further traumatise the future generation, a suicide video was uploaded to Tiktok. 
And oh, the US election. Where our favourite President tried to delay and impede mail-in-votes. In the days following the 3 November 2020 election, the world eagerly watched as the votes were counted and each state was certified. Trump, as is always his way, attempted to claim victory in the early hours of the morning of 4 November 2020, before deriding voter fraud with no evidence to substantiate his claims.
The weeks that followed saw a number of lawsuits that were lodged. Most, of which, were simply dismissed out of hand. And while his supporters have continued to claim that fraud was evident in the 2020 election, there has been no substantial pieces of evidence provided. Affidavits and hearsay, fortunately, do not a case make.
In Australia, our once promising relationship with China took a turn for the worse. While instances of racism, after the initial COVID-19, did not help, it also seemed that the finger pointing among government officials and demands for inquiries into wet markets only served to fuel the fire between the two nations. After initiating a trade war with the United States of America, China then saw fit to put significant tariffs on Australian beef, barley, wine and coal (to name but a few). 
The spat between Australia and China also took on a more insidious tone when several Australian journalists were forced to flee.
And with the unveiling of alleged war crimes committed by Australian troops in Afghanistan, the relationship between the two nations have come to an all-time low. China’s tweet of a doctored image that had an Australian soldier about to cut the throat of an Afghan child saw our Prime Minister taking to social media to demand an apology. 
All in all, 2020 has felt like both an incredibly short and long year in equal measure. For an introvert, such as myself, it’s been mostly the same. In fact, I can’t believe that it’s already at an end. Though my gaming has continued, as has my writing, I felt like I hardly interacted with any of my friends or did anything conducive to my social skills. While I’ve been made permanent at my place of work, it’s also felt a little stagnant. For a good long while, particularly in March, it felt like we were on the cusp of something huge and terrible. As the numbers climbed, I desperately wanted a hard lockdown to be called when leaders vacillated. 
2021 does not promise to be much better. While vaccines have rolled out in several countries, it’ll be a long time coming before the world manages to attain a sense of normalcy. For this blogger, I look forward to just kicking back and finally getting my hands on a PlayStation 5.
As for anyone that has worked on the front lines during this pandemic, I just want to say a big hearty ‘thank you.’ All of  you have sacrificed so much and seen so many terrible things. I wish that we all listened to your warnings instead of inundating emergency rooms thinking COVID-19 was a hoax.
Remember: keep at least 1.5 metres away from another person, wash/ sanitise your hands regularly and wear a mask if you can’t socially distance or are in an enclosed space. 
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arcticdementor · 3 years
Recently, a lot of you who told me I was insane when I said that Winnie the flu was all theater and though it existed and was a flu and would probably take “severe flu, no vaccine numbers” it was and is stupid to lock the sick and the healthy in, destroy the economy and make everyone wear a mask, have come back and ask how I knew. And apologized.
Well, attention in the isles, my friends on the right: you are falling for the same king of bullshit diversion. You are being spun like a top. And you’re falling for it and falling in line.
I blame you and I don’t. You didn’t grow up with the constant-pretend-reality of communist psi-ops, and you haven’t learned to smell it.
Over and over again, you condemn Trump and the “rioters.”
NO ONE RIOTED. Not compared to this summer. THERE WERE NO RIOTS. And the protesters were treated with an iron fist and live ammo, btw.
There are videos. I don’t know which ones are still live. They keep removing them. There was no riot. There was a protest. You know, those things that are vital for public health?
Did they go into the Capitol? Yes they did. You know what? It’s a public building. WE PAY FOR THE F*CKING CAPITOL’S UPKEEP.
But, but but…. the congress critters ran. They were scared!
Were they now? WHY? No, seriously, why were they scared, if the people they work for want to watch the deliberations. They’re in our presence all the time. You know the worst thing we do — or used to do — we called them traitors. That was it.
But they vandalized Nancy Pelosi’s office! Oh, my stars and garters? Evil people. Was that before or after she vandalized our constitution and sank a knife in the heart of the republic? Is the evil bitch dangling from a lamppost this morning? No? They were civilized beyond all hope.
But Sarah, you’ll say, this will give them the excuse to avenge themselves on us.
Dear idiots, you’re like the wife with her arm in a sling and both eyes blackened telling her husband “Please don’t say anything to Joe. He’ll be mad.”
In other words, are you out of your ever loving little minds? These people STOLE two elections — it’s now absolutely obvious the nominal right is fine with this. They hope for crumbs from their masters’ tables. The left is more likely to kill them, but never mind — in a row, in full view, and refused to let us have our day in court to show the evidence. Because the American people are now peons with NO STANDING and can be disenfranchised with no punishment. But you’re afraid that largely (truly) peaceful protesters “made them mad?”
Withdrawing the objection to the fraudulent votes due to the riot? That only makes sense in the mind of an abuser. “I stole your thing, and I was going to maybe give it back, but you cried, so now you don’t get it back.” Are you all actually out of your ever loving minds to blame the protesters and Trump for this?
These people are saying “You peasants dared to show up in our presence. We’re now going to take away even the illusion of franchise.” And…. you’re cool with this? It’s the protesters fault?
Get up off the floor. Wipe the blood from your lip. KNOW WHO YOUR ABUSER IS.
And BTW it’s not Trump. Trump thought maybe if congress saw how ad people were, they would play straight. I said before that’s all the protest was about, and that’s all it was. He told people to go home when it was obvious it had failed.
And I hope to G-d someone with access to him reads this and tells him it’s time. Take the family NOW and go to an undisclosed location. As much as it hurts me to say this, because I want him to continue harassing the left, he has to realize this is no longer the sweet land of liberty. This is now a tyrannical third world shithole. Or will be within months from the way our occupiers are behaving. They will find a way to kill him and his whole family, or kill him and turn his family against him. Go Mr. President. G-d bless. You’ve done all that you could. If the so called right in this country will pearl clutch and blame even people who engage in a very mild protest, they deserve what’s to come.
He now promises an orderly transition. I will tell all of you that DEAD is the most orderly of all states. And right now the Republic is effectively dead. There might be a hope for CPR, but I’m not sure there’s the will to apply it. Pence has joined the rats fleeing to the lefty rotten ship. because he hopes that will save his life. Spoiler, it won’t. The left will kill all the right who turns their coat. Because they can’t trust them. Good. They deserve it. I shall eat popcorn.
Do we ever get the republic back? I don’t know. I think the most likely thing is that we fall apart into separate states while around us the world falls into chaos, famine and misery. We’ve been feeding the world for a century. The world had better look to itself now.
What do those of us who’ve sworn an oath to the constitution do? I don’t know. Most are still busily doing a Peter in Pontius Pilates Yard “I was never with him.”
Oh, and there’s talks of rounding up Trump supporters. Of denying them flights and hotels and the ability to engage in commerce.
I suppose that’s the “protesters” fault too? Except that that, like the paper to withdraw objections because of the “protest” were already written. They would have found an excuse.
I don’t want war. But I liked having a homeland. To everyone who, like me, came here as the last place of refuge: I’m sorry. I don’t even know what to tell you. We need to fight this, but even if we do, unless the natural-born citizens see what they’re losing, it’s unlikely we’ll ever get our country back.
This morning, in DC, the police are beating down what remains of protesters. A young woman was murdered in cold blood yesterday.
And our side is pearl clutching and tut tuting, and hoping the abuser won’t get mad. Oh, and talking about 2022, because seeing two elections frauded RIGHT BEFORE THEIR EYES and courts refusing to let anyone see evidence of it is not enough. They need to be stomped on some more before they believe they’ve lost the franchise.
Me? I’ve seen what happens when your votes don’t matter. Elections will continue as a form, possibly for fifty years, if we let this bullshit go on that long. Your next president after Commie laWhorish is Michelle Obama, because the ignorant bitch hasn’t shit on us enough. She felt stupid and inferior at Harvard, and by gum, she’s going to make you grovel to pay for your sins.
But your real masters are now Winnie the Pooh and his merry band of fascists. And we know what they do and how.
I can’t get the order, but we’re about to see: social credit; the banning of conservatives from the internet; branding us as terrorists, just as they’re doing to innocent protesters; show trials; people disappearing; our money confiscated; our houses confiscated; more lock downs, to prevent revolt; more masks to promote alienation; more lies.
When people die in the famine to come, it will be Covid-19 and Trump’s fault and you’ll be required to repeat it publicly.
It wont’ last. These commies are industrial-level STUPID. It won’t last. I give them ten years, maybe, before most of the country is starving, and they have no clue what to do about it. And then it all falls apart, because unlike Venezuelans, we have no one to help and no place to run to.
Or, you know, we can stop pearl clutching and say “Hell no.” and “Molon labe” and stop repeating the lies the left wants written into history.
To lefty idiots: yes, the election was stolen. Because if it had NOT been, the left would have joined the right in demanding the courts take the case, and that it be shown to all as an honest election. Also, to lefty idiots, what the protesters — and all of us at home — want? ANOTHER ELECTION with minimum accountability. I mean, we can’t even clean the roles. There wouldn’t be enough time. We just wanted to make sure each person voted only once, and the votes were counted with full supervision.
Instead, you’re handing off the country to China, via their bought and paid for man, Biden. Yes, I know you heard good things about China. You’ll find out, along with the craven right that the leftist press makes Pravda seem honest. Enjoy the ride.
As for you and me, my friends. We’re going to eat the bread that the devil baked. Save what you can from the ruin. It won’t be much. And don’t let them into your head. NEVER let them into your head. They’re invaders. They’re oppressors. They’re thieves. Treat them as what they are. Do not comply unless you have to, and then engage in malicious compliance.
Keep the republic in your heart. Maybe there are enough of us left that it will rise again. But in the meantime, this is going to hurt and hurt badly. And the longer the restoration of law takes, the higher the butcher’s bill.
Most of you have no idea how bad it will get. Imagine your worst nightmares. Then double them. Prepare for that as best you can. You won’t be able to do much. If you’re lucky they’ll leave you your conscience.
Your country was invaded (even if the invaders were born here, their masters aren’t) and is about to be raped. The least you can do is not cooperate.
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robert-c · 4 years
Hooray, But…
Of course I’m happy Joe Biden won, and that it was with both the popular vote and the electoral vote. But I wanted a landslide, something approaching the biggest margin win in US history – because that would have been the only way to affirm that Trump’s staunchest support came from a significant, though still minority of the people. The fact that anywhere near half of the voters could support him after his assaults on the rule of law, on the separation of powers, the gross mishandling of the pandemic and the continued efforts to sow division and violence disturbs me greatly.
I know that some voted for him out of mistaken belief that he had been good for the economy. He inherited a strong economy which he did not help with his old fashioned trade war posturing, and then ruined by making the pandemic hit worse through his initial inaction. I know others voted for him out of fears of “socialism”, though they have no real idea what that is – and what they think it means is mostly a lot of right wing lies and conspiracy theories.
While these people may not be the racist haters and fringe cases, I’m not inclined to cut them much slack. Whether or not any of their ideas were true; supporting someone who has done his best to rule by edict, to circumvent the powers of the other branches of government, and defeat the oversight of his office, undermines our democracy. I would have just as vigorously opposed a president who embodied every belief of mine if he tried to rule absolutely.
If we are to heal the damage Trump has done it is going to take a lot of work. And a lot of that work has to be done in countering some pretty stupid, but stubbornly held ideas about “the Left”. I hope the Democrats elected will try to reach real solutions with reasonable Republicans (yes I still think there are some). But for the rest of us, we need to counter half a century of lies and stereotypes about what “liberal” or “progressive” means. That sounds like the subject of a whole other post, and perhaps it will be. For now, let’s remember that Trump and “Trumpism” is no more gone than the Nazis were after their many defeats at the polls.
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bang-tan-bitches · 4 years
(1/2) I just gotta say this because idk where else I can (and I’m sorry if this is a bit heated😅), but this whole Kanye running for President thing isn’t funny to me. I really hope people don’t vote for him as a little joke because of the family he married into. China is America’s biggest manufacturer and it’s been known that China isn’t fond of the famous family. So IF (hopefully not) Kanye does become President, it could lead to an economy let down.
We didn't get your part 2 but we are not pleased with Kanye's stunt. If he becomes the next Jill Stein and ruins our chances of getting rid of Trump we will fucking riot.
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The absolute rage expressed in this piece borders on the righteously murderous. I would wager it’s a sentiment shared by at least 70,000,000 Americans. This mom is angry and tells it like it is:
I was born at the end of Gen X and the beginning of the Millennial Generation, and grew up in a middle class town. Life was good. Our home was modest but birthdays and Christmas were always generous, we went on yearly vacations, had 2 cars, and there was enough money for me to take dance classes and art lessons and be in Girl Scouts.
My 1940s born Dad raised me to be patriotic and proud, to love the war bird airplanes of his era as much as he does, and to respect our flag and our country as a sacred thing. I grew up thinking that being an American was the greatest gift a person could have. I grew up thinking that our country was as strong, and honest and true as my Dad. I grew up thinking I was free.
As an adult, I have witnessed the world I grew up in fall to ruin. I have watched as our currency and our economy have been shamelessly corrupted beyond redemption. Since we’ve been married, my husband and I TWICE had our meager investment savings gutted by the market that we were told to invest in, now that pensions no longer exist and we working stiffs are on our own. We will be working until we die, because the Social Security we’ve been forced to pay into has also been robbed from under us.
I have watched as our elected officials enter Congress as ordinary folks and leaves as multi millionaires. I have watched my blue collar husband get up at an ungodly hour every day and come home with an aching back that we pray will hold out long enough to get him to old age in one piece. Outside of shoes, socks and underwear, almost everything my family wears was bought used. We’ve been on one vacation in 12 years.
We don’t have cell phones, or cable, or any sort of streaming services, just a landline and internet. We hardly ever eat out. Our house is 1400 square feet, no air conditioning. I cook from scratch and I can and I garden and I raise chickens for eggs and meat and I moonlight selling things on Etsy. Still it is barely enough to pay the bills that go up every year while service quality and the longevity of goods goes down. What I just described is the life you can live on 60K a year without going into debt.
At last calculation, when you consider all of the federal, state and local taxes plus registration and user fees, Medicare and SS payroll taxes, almost a third of what my family earns is stolen by the govt each year. What’s left doesn’t go far, just enough to cover the basics and save a little for when the wolf howls at the door.
I watched as my family’s health insurance was gutted and destroyed. Our private market insurance, which we had to have because my husband’s employer is too small to have a group plan, was made illegal. We were left with the option of either buying an Obamacare plan with unaffordable deductibles and insanely ridiculous out of pocket maxes, or paying the very gov’t that destroyed our healthcare a fine for not buying the gov’t mandated plan that we cannot afford. We now have short term insurance that isn’t really insurance at all, and I live in fear of one of us getting injured or sick with anything I can’t fix from the medicine cabinet.
I have watched as education, which was already sketchy when I was a kid, became an all out joke of wholly unmathematical math, gold stars for all, and self-loathing anti-Americanism. My family has taken an enormous financial hit as I stay home to home school our child. At least she’ll be able to do old-fashioned math well enough to see how much they are screwing her. A silver lining to every cloud, I guess.
I’ve sat by and held my tongue as I was called deplorable and a bitter clinger and told that I didn’t build that. I’ve been called a racist and a xenophobe and a chump and even an “ugly folk.” I’ve been told that I have privilege, and that I have inherent bias because of my skin color, and that my beloved husband and father are part of a horrible patriarchy. Not one goddamn bit of that is true, but if I dare say anything about it, it will be used as evidence of my racism and white fragility.
Raised to be a Republican, I held my nose and voted for Bush, the Texas-talking blue blood from Connecticut who lied us into 2 wars and gave us the unpatriotic Patriot Act. I voted for McCain, the sociopathic neocon songbird “hero” that torpedoed the attempt to kill the Obamacare that’s killing my family financially. I held it again and voted for Romney, the vulture capitalist skunk that masquerades as a Republican while slithering over to the Democrat camp as often as they’ll tolerate his oily, loathsome presence.
And I voted for Trump, who, if he did nothing else, at least gave a resounding Bronx cheer to the richly deserving smug hypocrites of DC. Thank you for that Mr. President, on behalf of all of us nobodies. God bless you for it.
And now I have watched as people who hate me and mine and call for our destruction blatantly and openly stole the election and then gaslighted us and told us that it was honest and fair. I am watching as the GOP does NOTHING about it. They’re probably relieved that upstart Trump is gone so they can get back to their real jobs of lining their pockets and running interference for their corporate masters. I am watching as the media, in a manner that would make Stalin blush, is silencing anyone who dares question the legitimacy of this farce they call democracy. I know, it’s a republic, but I am so tired of explaining that to people I might as well give in and join them in ignorance.
I will not vote again; they’ve made it abundantly clear that my voice doesn’t matter. Whatever irrational, suicidal lunacy the nanny states thinks is best is what I’ll get. What it decided I need is a geriatric pedophile who shouldn’t be charged with anything more rigorous than choosing between tapioca and rice pudding at the old folks home, and a casting couch skank who rails against racism while being a descendant of slave owners.
I’m free to dismember a baby in my womb and kill it because “my body my choice”, but God help me if I won’t cover my face with a germ laden Linus-worthy security blanket or refuse let them inject genetically altering chemicals into my body or my child’s. I can be doxed, fired, shunned and destroyed for daring to venture that there are only 2 genders as proven by DNA, but a disease with a 99+% survival rate for most humans is a deadly pandemic worth murdering an economy over. Because science. Idiocracy is real, and we are living it. Dr. Lexus would be an improvement over Fauci.
I am done. Don’t ask me to pledge to the flag, or salute the troops, or shoot fireworks on the 4th. It’s a sick, twisted, heartbreaking joke, this bloated, unrecognizable corpse of a republic that once was ours.
I am not alone. Not sure how things continue to function when millions of citizens no longer feel any loyalty to or from the society they live in.
I was raised to be a lady, and ladies don’t curse, but fuck these motherfuckers to hell and back for what they’ve done to me, and mine, and my country. All we Joe Blow Americans ever wanted was a little patch of land to raise a family, a job to pay the bills, and at least some illusion of freedom, and even that was too much for these human parasites. They want it all, mind, body and soul. Damn them. Damn them all.
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rimalaw · 4 years
Why this Non-Trump Voter Thinks Trump Could Win 2020
I am a registered independent and both parties have ideals I agree with, and sadly those I don’t. Therefore, I am always left out and just looking for who will better support some of the more important values that I believe in. I did not vote for Trump, and because I need healthcare (among other things), I cannot support a man who wants to destroy the healthcare plan that I am on, without a real plan in place that will protect people with pre-existing conditions.  Trump says ObamaCare is a horrible program! But what the heck has he offered??? Nothing!  I can't take small talk to the doctor or hospital if and when you take away my health plan, and have to wait for small business enrollment in Florida (1x a year) to kick in and charge me tons of money to cover my pre-existing condition! 
When Bush was President, health insurance was costing me over $1,200/month, and now under the Affordable Care Act (a/k/a Obama Care which is really why Trump hates it... it doesn’t have his NAME!!), I am paying approximately $600.00 a month for a really good plan. Make no mistake, by now my plan would cost AT LEAST $1400.00-$1500.00, since I am 16-20 years older than when Bush was President.  Let me not forget how Obamacare saved the life of my best friend, who would otherwise NOT have gone to the doctor, and not have discovered a life threatening illness, which but for the Grace of God, she did. Because of her health plan, she received the best care and treatment, and thank God survived one of the worst diagnosis one could get.   She got the plan two (2) weeks before she went to the doctor!  This is what Trump wants to take away! Trump wants to take away lifesaving care without a REAL PLAN in place to help millions of Americans.
And make no mistake; sadly, I think people who are on that plan, who rely on this plan, who have family or friends who need that plan, etc. etc. will still NAIVELY and IGNORANTLY vote for Trump. 
Why do I think that enough people would vote for Trump and that he can win?  Well... Let’s think about it:
1-He is campaigning like a high energy Super Bowl Team in all the swing states, bringing with him his own type of electrifying energy, electrifying his base, and those who are still on the fence and can feel some of that electricity as the attendees and media blare their excitement of his visit.  Make no mistake, these visits matter.  When I ran for Judge 14 years ago, I was an unknown an the youngest in my race.  I didn’t have the type of ethnic or Anglo name needed to win in my County.  However, every area that I was able to heavily campaign in, make speeches, meet people, I WON. I didn’t win that election, but I won those areas.  So I realized that meeting people matters, and in this race, make no mistake, these super spreader events excite people.  They don’t care about COVID while they are there, and for the most part have learned to live with it.  They just care that the biggest Super Bowl team came to their town and made them feel GOOD!  I know Biden has toured, but I’m sorry it doesn’t come close. I know he was doing social distancing etc, but the car thing isn’t exciting nor generating the amount of crowds and energy that it needs. 
2-COVID- yes believe it or not, without COVID, Trump might have been up in the polls without issue.  Then COVID happened which threw him down in the polls, and then his apparent lack of handling it, threw him even further down.  Then he got COVID, and believe it or not, even though he didn’t seize the opportunity to come out more contrite, which would have assured him a win, he still earned a lot of points. How: A) because America saw him as human and actually felt scared for their President (even some of the ones that didn’t vote for him); B) America got to see that he BEAT IT!  Yes, he has the best doctors and treatment etc, but America saw that this 74 year old overweight man, who got sick enough to need treatment, still BEAT IT!  So now America sees COVID (foolishly or not) not to be so feared, which deep down everyone wants to believe. These two results of Trump getting COVID actually earned him voters as people felt scared for him and then happy at his beating COVID, signaling the Country and they could too could slay this dragon; and finally C) people are seeing the country economically recover and attributing this to his lack of fear of COVID, and the desire to keep the country out of lockdown which most Americans are fed up with.  
3-Fracking- For the love of God Joe, you don’t denounce fracking like that when you need the swing states in the way that you do.  Instead you CONFIDENTLY say, “don’t worry, our plan is to slowly bring in safe alternate sources of energy while we freely train current workers and so many more (as we will have so many jobs created) to transition into great and even BETTER paying safer jobs. NO ONE WILL LOSE ONE JOB, and I can guarantee even BETTER Jobs for you all.”  But instead, you have Trump in Pennsylvania, and other swing states scaring people that they will lose their jobs.
4-Law and Order-Make no mistake, I believe the police have systemic racism and needs serious training and overhauling.  But Biden and Democrats need to COMPLETELY distance themselves from the anarchist propaganda of defunding the police. That was NEVER a train to ride.  From the first use of those words, BIDEN should have never bitten, not even a nibble. Now with the visual of businesses boarding up, Trump is touting about these rioters and giving the illusion to those voters less capable to comprehend the difference, that this is what the Democrats, i.e. Joe are doing and allowing. From the get go, Dems and Joe should have aggressively, I mean hot tooting crazy like attacked and distances themselves from it. 
5-COVID AGAIN-I wear masks (2), I barely go out, etc, but like most Americans, we are tired of hearing about COVID.  When that is all that you hear, gloom and doom, and Biden talks about dark days, it just doesn’t sit so well.  Strangely enough, to people on the fence now, Trump seems like the guy that wants to give you freedom and a cheery positive outlook of life, while the Democrats, CNN, MSNBC, etc., are painting this bleak picture and more lockdowns, that no one wants to keep hearing about. 
6-The Darn Polls- So many polls tooting a Biden victory whether true or not, are only making on the fence people, the lazy, the unmotivated, the unenergized Democratic voters say, “they don’t need me, ... I’m not so excited.. or Biden will win anyway.” Meanwhile, the Trump supporters are freaking out and making sure they show up in massive droves to help their Super Bowl Team, I mean their guy. Plus, any poll should really discount a lot of points away from Biden, because really, there are a lot of paranoid secretive, conspiracy believing, or seemingly ashamed Trump voters who will not participate.  Remember, a bleeding hard liberal is more likely to be kind to a pollster and answer a poll; and a right winger will say, “I have nothing to say, leave me alone,” hang up, etc...
7-Socialism-Kill this socialism crap- The Dems should have killed this idea long ago, and Biden should have been VERY ASSERTIVE and vocal about how he is for middle of the road values (yes I know this might alienate the Bernie people, but that’s what Bernie is for. And if this party is so crazy to sit out and let Trump win because Biden isn’t left enough, well then the party has bigger issues which no amount of therapy can fix). 
8-The last Debate- Trump basically showed people he is not so crazy, he can have restraint, he wasn’t rude. People who were running away from him after the first debate or on the fence, came back after he showed America and the world that he isn’t so bad. 
9-Strength and POWER- Basically, aside from the fact that Trump often appears to be a bully, lately, more than anything he has shown stamina and strength.  People like that, and want to join the stronger looking team, and the man that never ever seems to stop, and confidently never takes NO for an answer. People, like to support the one that appears to never back down, never accept defeat, never look weak, and never quit!
10-Too many people believe his lies, those of the crazies on Facebook, and the alt right that disseminate the worst of the fake news. Sadly THE DEMS DON'T STRONGLY and DEFINITIVELY ATTACK THEM!! Every talking point should have been hit with a barrage of targeted commercials and aggressive stump speeches. People need to be told for example, “TRUMP brags about the economy, he hopes you have amnesia and forget that OBAMA left him with a booming economy, and only an untrained monkey could ruin it.  All Trump did was NOT destroy it YET, but his tax cuts to the MILLIONAIRES (not you AMERICA making under 400k) will cause us a depression if he is in office four more years because you can only pay so much to help the country without having income we used to rely on coming in.” 
Well, that’s all folks. I hope I am wrong, but if it doesn’t go as the untrustworthy polls show, these are some of the main reasons why. These points are for that small percentage that pick the winner in most Presidential elections, not for the firmly committed of either party. Also, if Biden doesn’t win, then those who protested this summer did not all come out to vote, and that’s shameful! 
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