ludarklina-fan-spot · 7 months
"I play with kitties!"
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Cat Dad Darkling gifts by @ladylrbloom
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Vladim's Alkemi Kefta in Shadow and Bone Season 2
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doom-cookie1 · 1 year
Nichevo'ya Children part 5
The Darklings followers remain. . . Apprehensive about the children, to say the least. Many are visibly uncomfortable in their presence, others refuse to even look upon them.
Genya, at least, calls them by their names. She assists in their care without being asked, brushing out hair and straightening clothes. If she fears them, she hides it well, and does not hesitate to take them by their hands and lead them to where they need to go.
The children, for their part, seem unfazed by any odd looks they get. They do not stray far from him, but they do wander about the camp, poking at things and hissing at eachother. They continue to mimic him, and it is oddly satisfying to see his own mannerisms reflected back at him.
What is most entertaining is when they mimic others. They spend an entire day following and staring at Ivan, and by the evening, are able to wear matching scowls on their faces. They sit in the workshop and listen as Vladim speaks out loud to himself, and it seems they understand him, when they begin to hand him the correct things when he asks.
They glare at Baghra whenever she speaks, and the Darkling understands why they spent so much time studying Ivan.
One by one, his soldiers become more comfortable around them. They copy David when he smiles. Genya shows them how to tie their own shoes and buckle their keftas. They learn to help carry things when given direction, and are capable of handling heavy loads despite their small size.
Soon, everyone is calling the children by name. Often, they use that high pitched voice people use when speaking to babies.
The Darkling has to remind himself that they are not real children, and a pat on the head would mean nothing to them.
They mimic, and can follow orders, but they are not alive.
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stromuprisahat · 1 year
02×06: Ni Weh Sesh (I Have No Heart)- the rest
Awww! One speech by Kolya and First Army loves and accepts the Second!
Now Baghra was basically an adult, when she killed her sister, and "got banished"? More reasons for sympathy then! Look, she feels bad about it!
Alina's First Army uniform with Suns on shoulders is gonna give me nightmares. Some leader of Grisha!
Oh, and Aleksander can Cut whole army camp. Fascinating... I wonder why he never used it in a battle before? There shouldn't be any wars in Ravka, if it's this easy...
Huge fan of his evil little sidekicks. "Wow boss, you've totally annihilated them! Can we move on to killing children now?!" Just when I thought the writers can't get more pathetic.
Morozova did blood magic! For PLOT reasons! 
I can't! Jessie did puppy eyes! Why is she so cute?!
Here Baghra dies nobly saving Alina by ~fighting~ the Darkling! (By her suicide.) Do you know that feeling, when every molecule of your body wants to murder someone?
The Tether no longer exists. Not just that they made it all about the gross badge in Aleksander's hand, they destroyed it too...
"I set aside the remaining bone dust [from Baghra’s finger] to select Grisha." ...so now a single amplifier can be used by more Grisha? Or are they just gonna snort it for fun?
Malina kiss score: Whole shitload and a sex scene. Ew.
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ravka-bracket · 1 year
Round 1A: Aleksander vs Vladim
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kruge-for-kaz · 1 year
Vladim really out here representing brown nerds around the world ✊🏽
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helenvader · 1 year
I did an ao3 search for Fruzsi. Nothing. Boo.
When I was watching S2, I was frustrated how Sasha's followers were people we never saw in S1 (and therefore had no emotional attachment to) and who were portrayed as humourless psychos, but that's exactly why it would be interesting to read a story that might try to remedy that.
In the end, Fruzsi, Vatra, Vladim and Nisho would have been interesting if we knew more about them (what we learned about Nisho made me sad).
BTW the names are weird. Fruzsi is Hungarian (Fruzsina), Vatra means bonfire in my native language (it's archaic and has funny connotations), and Nisho... I have no idea what that is.
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dearly-befuddled · 1 year
Yes the Darkling is a bad guy for a lot of reasons, but up there for me is him asking Vladim if he helped his town and then interrupted Vladim saying how he helped his town by saying he wasn't asking for his life story.
My guy, what? You were just asking him about where he came from and what he was able to do. What?!
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judenightfell · 1 year
Guys, this bitch:
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Is Morozova. I will not explain further.
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stressedsnake · 1 year
I've had Vladim for thirty seconds, and if anything happens to him, i will kill everyone in this room and then myself
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ludarklina-fan-spot · 7 months
Chatty Darkling strikes again! Gifs by @ladylrbloom
Darkling "Greetings Vladim! I have a task for you!"
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Vladim "The Eye of Newt you need for your viagra isn't quite-"
Darkling! "No! Not that! I'm talking about this!"
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Darkling. "I want you to give Mal Oretsev an Erectile Dysfunction.
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Vladim. "Oh Saints!"
Later that evening.
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Alina. "Sasha?"
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Darkling. "Yes my lil kinky sun crumpet?"
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Alina. "Did you do something to Mal's Willy?"
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Darkling "Well ... yesss ....."
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Darkling "Same time next week?"
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On a serious note. If you can, please see your doctor if you are having issues.
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captainheadlines · 2 years
Cancer rumors resurface after Vladimir Putin spotted with apparent IV tracks on hand.
Clik Here
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stromuprisahat · 1 year
02×04: Every Monstrous Thing- the rest
Genya's scars are even worse than the Darkling's. Why can't you just bear disfiguring your characters?! I don't like degraded!Genya, but her arc about accepting her visage was decent. Why isn't her eye missing?!
Oh wow, now Baghra's a supportive mentor to Genya too...
What kind of idiot would keep his chained enemies in the same room?
And now Ol’ Bag's bullying that poor little Alkemi. Why isn't she in some cellar? He deserves peace and quiet for his work.
I love Luke's acting. The neurodivergency's just dripping off of his David.
Wow, the Blade Boy's after a ~blade~! Anyone else finds it hilarious?!
I feel like they've read some Geraskier FanFiction to rewrite Wesper. "The night that we first met, well, I left because I assumed that's what you were going to do." Pretty sure I've read that several times. :D
Malina kiss score: 1 (but there was Wesper one to make up for it!)
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capinejghafa · 1 year
Can I ask a dumb question bc I honestly have been skipping around a bit during my rewatches... but what happened to vladim gulav? Like did he just stay behind? Did he die? Did he accidentally drank something funny?
I honestly need to stop skipping so much but oof I'm gonna keep doing that lol
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glitter50000 · 1 year
SaB season 2 spoilers (in the tags as well)
Kirigan’s grisha army watching him kill a whole camp with one sweep of the Cut in ep.6
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(Vatra, the inferni, straight up saying “it’s like the earth ate them up” after that like damn girl)
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hoplesslylovin · 1 year
oh ik the regulus and sirius black editors are going to eat up the scenes if darkling with vladim, the lil guy who was making his amplifier for him
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