ty-bayonet-betteridge · 6 months
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vista paying extra special attention to make sure vic doesnt die. is this a ship. ive decided its a ship now
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victoriadallonfan · 11 months
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- Pitch 5.3
This sequence does a lot to really put things in perspective for Victoria in the early phase of Ward
1. It shows how eager she is to grasp to anything reminding her of the “good old days” where she had some measure of innocence and the belief that she had a bright future, trying to preserve them with care and affection as much as possible, even though they aren’t 1:1 the same. Because if she can preserve SOME good in her life, she can remain “whole”.
2. It shows how directly opposite this makes her in comparison to Carol, who removes any reminder of the better days in favor of… nothing. It had just become an empty room that was just THERE now, her hopes and dreams for the future of her children gone. However, rather tellingly, she doesn’t send any of these items to Victoria within the Asylum, despite her daughter clearly wanting them.
3. It expands on New Wave’s station in Brockton Bay, financially. Manpower is mentioned as spoiling Victoria with gifts, juxtaposed with Victoria being excited about earning 2k dollars around the time she was 17 (for reference, had I not paid for EMT/College courses, I would have made nearly 4k when I was 18, in a year or so working at a movie theatre).
What makes this so interesting that the last we hear about Manpower, he has no job, in fact it’s implied that the reason New Wave struggled so much financially (see: Arc 2) was because Carol was the one whom supported both families with her job + donations made by the city to their team.
3.5. When this is juxtaposed to Taylor earning that same amount of money in one meeting with the Undersiders, it really puts into perspective that there does seem to be a huge wealth disparity between indie heroes and supervillains, or at the very least, between the donations New Wave accrued compared to the protection racket the Undersiders enforced + all the other payments made to them by Coil, and how that might further explain the growth of villainy in Earth Bet pre-GM.
4. Victoria planning on leaving the city to live with Dean (or as she put it, follow him), is interesting because there’s never really another character in the entire series that makes Victoria decide to alter her entire life around in order stay by their side. And yes, she’s 17, she’s in love, a lot of people can chalk it up to her simply not knowing better. Maybe.
But I think this is actually more of the peak of Victoria’s flaw in Ward, where she puts people onto pedestals and - in a sense - worships them. Vista, Yamada, Sveta, and Miss Militia are all characters that she highlights as the ideal heroes whom she aspires to be like, and each one fails in her eyes over the story to different degrees (and different degrees of fairness): Sveta is willing to kill people while under the Goddess influence (something that not even Vic was willing to do), Yamada broke her trust and detached from her nearly entirely, Miss Militia didn’t really give a shit when Victoria saved her Wardens from being murdered and stopped WW3, and Vista has murdered and allowed awful people to go free ala Defiant (it’s very telling that Sveta and Vista were ones that Victoria was willing to overlook, because they are tied into #1 point above, whereas Yamada’s breach of trust could not be salvaged).
Dean was all of them, but ramped up to 10. He was her soulmate. He was everything she wanted in a hero.
He died. And all she has are remnants and pieces that can never really live up to the hype in her mind. Not even Dean himself.
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sassyasses · 1 year
I’be had this Hades/Ward idea in my head for the last few months, now is a good time to post it i think
Concept: Hades x Ward crossover, but it's about Taylor trying to escape being dead, with various capes taking the role of Hades characters and either helping or hindering her escape. 
Incedental spoilers for Hades throughout all the way up to the ending
Taylor (taking the role of Zag) died during the ending of Worm and has been living in a shard space simulation ever since. Some time after the end of Ward Tattletale (taking the role of Nyx) asked Victoria (taking the role of Athena) to resurrect her, but for some reason QA (taking the role of Hades) is preventing the relatively tried and true method of Cape resurrection from working so Taylor has to fight her way out of the Firmament with QA throwing up enemies to stop her.
When Taylor is preparing to get out Imp (taking the role of Skelly) appears and says she managed to sneak Taylor some weapons she can use, though due to Reasons she can only use one. These are:
Knife, with aspects of Taylor, Armsmaster, Jack Slash, and (Hidden) Blake
Baton, with aspects of Taylor, Regent, Sveta And (Hidden) Avery 
Gun, with aspects of Taylor, Chevalier, Antares, and (Hidden) Lucy
The Gods and Boons:
When Taylor first escapes the shard simulation QA is running, she finds a golden star and picking it up reveals Victoria in full Antares outfit. She explains that QA is blocking them from just resurrecting her and the best they can do is help her on her way, Kenzie (Hermies) made a Box that lets their shards give Taylor a boon.
Antares takes the role of Athena and gives mostly defensive buffs.
Bitch takes the role of Ares and gives Taylor the ability to set her dogs on enemies (i.e Doom)
Foil takes the role of Artemis and gives boost to accuracy and the ability to hit enemies juuust right
Kenzie takes the role of Hermies and gives utility powers in the form of Cameras, its tinkertech don't worry about it.
Dragon is taking the role of Demeter and is providing Taylor with Glace inspired tinkertech, and laser beams.
Vista taking the role of Posidon, is trying way to hard to be cool, and gives the ability to knock foes back.
Crystal is taking the role of Zeus and giving Taylor loads of laserbeams
Rain was helping Kenzie out with the tinkertech, so decided to help Taylor out while he was there. He is apologetic that his help is in the form of a really weak debuff on enemies, and hopes the secondary effect makes up for it. (The "secondary" effect is massive damage. He does not realise this is a lot more helpful) That's right, Rain is Aphrodite.
Hero is being used by QA to expand the Firmament, but he occasionally leaves behind his tools for Taylor to pick up (taking the role of Daedalus)
Chris can also offer his help in the form of experiments he is running on shardspace. (Chaos)
Sometimes two shards make Taylor pick one of the boons and get angry when she picks. The capes are very apologetic and can't really prevent their powers from throwing a fit, but can make sure they give her a benefit if she wins the ensuing fight.
Taylor can also meet a silent-save-for-grovelling Butcher, who is doing what they did in life, selling weapons. (Charon)
The first stage would be a hellish Shard imagining if Brocton Bay (Tartarus, not that different form BB in canon tbh) with E88, AZB, Coil Mercs etc being the various wretches she fights, with shades of villains she has fought (and are dead) being minibosses. The final boss is Regent, who flirts a lot with Taylor before they fight (and implies they had a short thing going during the pre escape simulation), eventually he is replaced by Kaiser who hates that she is getting out and not him and Oni Lee, who doesn't say much. (Megaera, Alecto, and Tisiphone respectfully)
Second is Chicago, this time the enemies are various PRT or Police officers and minibosses are heroes she has fought (and are dead). Final boss is a skeletal Behemoth, she eventually calls him "Barry".
Third stage is Killington, facing the S9000 through a ruing and trap filled town. Final boss(es) are Jack Slash and Crawler. Jack Slash is loving being dead and blames Taylor for getting Grey Boy'd and isn't gonna let her out, but without Broadcast cheating he is a lot dumber (Theseus), Crawler is just there for a good time and doesn't hold his death against her, but isn't gonna let her past without a fight because of course he isn't (Asterius)
In the Fourth stage the exist is guarded by Bastard who Taylor must appease (she could fight him but she isn't a monster) by finding a Goblin Sack. The stage itself based on earth during Gold Morning, and the enemies are Nilbog Goblins.
Finally, after Taylor escapes into the real world she finds herself in a very familiar forest. Standing before her barring her path is a Queen Administrator. Taking the form of Khepri. If/When Taylor beat QA she only gets a few steps out, has a short conversation with Contessa (who resurrected herself and is now retired with a small garden) before getting dragged back into the firmament. Eventually Taylor learns from Contessa, QA, and Lisa that QA is trying to recreate the shard network and restart the cycle. That's right, the world is ending for a 3rd time.
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nonplatonicsubtext · 11 months
actually i got curious about it so i checked and while there's a few one-offs, byron rain and vista all do it once that i can see, the only people who consistently call victoria vicky are amy, her parents, tattletale and sveta (as well as her internal monologue)
thats not a counterpoint, just something i think is interesting.
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rainfrazier · 3 years
getting close to the end of arc 17… shit’s happening
ok before we get into the victoria talk can we just acknowledge the nursery descriptions. i’ll refrain from pulling from the text in order to spare your eyes but like. i was walking down the sidewalk listening to the audiobook with the absolute most godawful look on my face
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- vicky’s becoming one with the shard! on the one hand this is really cool from the perspective of like, the wretch as a symbol of her trauma and a reflection of her own concept of self, and her becoming more aligned with the wretch as a means of conveying her progress in her healing process. on the other hand, she’s getting real chummy with the evil fucked up alien that lives in her brain
- idk how to explain this but the writing is really working for me here. the fact that she’s benched and watching her team via screens in the situation room really lends itself well to the isolation and frustration vic is feeling. like all her teammates are in delicate situations (kenzie with the tenders, tristan getting made fun of by rune and co (!!!! 😭😡), sveta with the case 53’s, etc) and she’s stuck in the control room getting more and more agitated. she’s also getting super reckless and it reminds me a bit of late-worm taylor.
- oh also i liked the part earlier where victoria is going through vista’s laptop and she comes across that shirtless pic of byron and she’s like “oop i’m gonna scroll past this really fast and NOT look at it so vista can have her privacy” and yet stares at it long enough to give us two solid paragraphs of detailed description down to the goosebumps and the tone of the musculature and everything. like okay victoria
- i like anelace. kinda wish he was in the story more. chris should’ve made a jack slash titan so they could have the ultimate battle of knives
- the bit where rain and theo are talking about growing up in cults and whatnot and theo’s like “you know this stuff so well you could start your own cult!” and rain’s like “yeah but people would have to like me in order for that to work”. very good Rain Moment
- fucking terrifies me that seir and the fallen are here. like you know bamet is gonna wanna try to turn rain into a horse face the first chance he gets. don’t do it dude
- slician saving sveta 🥺🥺🥺 girlpower. also speaking of sveta i love that she got to be the mouthpiece for victoria’s big speech to amy on the battlefield. sveta is so sweet and kind but i love how barbed she can be when she gets riled up, especially in defense of her friends
- also EGG? HATCHES?? and refers to the things inside him as “her and her sisters”?? what on earth does wildbow have against eggs
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brocktonbay · 5 years
Victoria/Anelace: you just want good things for Victoria, and really, who doesn’t? Also, you are heterosexual.
Victoria/Ashley: you are: A.) a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of the ‘and they were roommates’ vine, and B.) a lesbian.
Victoria/Sveta: you are: A.) a big fan of friends-to-lovers, and B.) entirely unaware that Sveta is heterosexual.
Victoria/Natalie: you are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of unhealthy workplace relationships.
Byron/Vista: you are a firm believer in MEN 👏 GETTING 👏 PEGGED 👏
Tattletale/Sveta: what’s hotter than one person getting dunked on? Two people dunking on each other. Also, you’re a lesbian.
Imp/Vista: you are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of being divorced
Victoria/Amy: even more than in worm, you deserve the chair
Sidepiece/Disjoint: you are a firm believer in MEN 👏 GETTING 👏 PEGGED 👏. And you’re bisexual
Tristan/Rain: You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of the 'two bros chilling in a hot tub’ vine.
Rain/Erin: You want good things for Rain, and have no idea how relationships work.
Rain/Chastity: You want good things for Rain, and have a very good idea how relationships work. Also, you’re bisexual.
Rain/Theo: you are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of shared trauma.
Rain/Theo/Ava: you are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of shared trauma, and also of cuckoldry.
Victoria/Tattletale: you are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of being divorced with kids
Natalie/Carol: you are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of unhealthy workplace relationships, and you’re a lesbian who loves milfs
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My prediction for the end of Ward as of me reading 12.2
One of the things I was most impacted by in Worm was Taylor’s relationship with her mother. It’s mild, it’s mentioned in maybe five scenes, but it is one of the core pillars of Taylor’s character. 
It’s.... a three-beat, actually. The first time Taylor speaks to her mother is when she’s imagining what she would say to her before deciding to stay with the Undersiders in arc 6. The second time is when she visits her mother’s grave before deciding to become a superhero in arc 21. The third beat subverts it in the final scene of Worm - Taylor speaks not to a memory of her mother, but to a live alternate version of her, before deciding what to do with the rest of her life. All of Taylor’s most important personal decisions come from speaking with her mom. 
(Side note: I’ve never cried so much at fiction as I did in the final scene of Worm. Hell, I cried just writing the above paragraph and I didn’t even have to think about it too much because I’ve considered it a lot.)
In Ward, we have this concept of a cape afterlife, which is becoming more and more prominent. As far as I can tell, capes are reabsorbed into the collective and their knowledge and life lessons are used to inform the next cycle. From Valkyrie, we know these “ghosts” retain personality, values, memories, and wants, but we also know that capes do not remember their shards’ previous lives. So, it seems, there is some permanence to cape ghosts after their deaths, but at the start of the next cycle, the individuality is likely lost. This happens after eons? Thousands of years? Millions? Anyway, a long time.
March looks forward to spending the rest of eternity with Foilyechette because all of the ghosts have a “place” and the two girls’ “places” are next to each other because they are linked. 
This calls to mind the nature of this link. In these two’s case, it’s because they share a cluster. March seems to have no doubt that it will be she, not Parian, who shares eternity with Foil because of their linked shards. I’m gonna go ahead and believe that everything March assumes is correct. Does this apply to other shard links? Let’s talk about two:
Shakers. According to Vicky, shakers trigger protecting something or someone they care about. When Brian first triggers for Aisha, she doesn’t have powers and we don’t see the vision, but we can definitely assume this does not link their shards since she does not have one. But we do see the second trigger, where the vision explicitly includes a scene of Danny gaining the Queen Administrator shard. We know about the whole “second triggers cause the shard to seek connection with the shards nearby” thing. Does this mean a similar link exists between Brian’s shard and QA as a result of this event? Similarly, King of Cups and Queen of Swords. KoC triggers as a result of her death and dies immediately. Are these two now spending the rest of this cycle together in the afterlife, as March sees her future with Foil? Do all shakers who trigger for the sake of another cape get linked to the other shard? Is it second triggers, whose shard reaches out to nearby shards for inspiration?
Now, to my real point: budded shards. Vicky has a very similar power set to Crystal, for example, and their whole family has a very muddy mess of power interactions and inspirations. Similar to clusters, do cape families have places “next to each other” in the afterlife? Will Vicky spend eternity next to her uncle Manpower, whom her power comes from? Will she spend it next to Crystal? It only makes sense that people whose powers are linked will remain linked. 
Victoria’s aura comes from Dean. 
In the first arc, Victoria tells us that she had wondered if he was her soulmate, and once he’d died, she knew it to be true. Shortly after, she was prevented from being able to mourn his death because Amy had taken away her ability to care about him. But, she says, in the hospital as the Wretch, she had assumed that he would be the only person she would ever be with due to her condition. After being released from strict lesbianism by Amy, she thinks about Dean to make herself feel better, because for two years, she was completely blocked from thinking about him. It seems strange to the reader that she would still place such an importance on him four years after his death, but it makes sense. She had no access to those memories, emotionally, for two of those years. 
We’ve gotten some hints at Victoria moving on. She thinks once about a fight she and Dean got into. She literally cannot stop describing one of her teammates in the thirstiest terms I would have only expected from Taylor Hebert, but never actually makes a move on her. She promises to think about dating Anelace, but never thinks about it again. She has an okay time talking about Dean freely, especially to Sveta, indicating that she has firmly accepted his death, even if she hasn’t accepted that she can now be with anyone else.
Vista talks about having heard Dean’s voice in her head. I think the implication is supposed to be that it is the real Dean’s actual ghost. Still sentient.
I don’t think Ward will tell us that not moving on is not okay. This is a book about recovery and healing. But I do think Victoria will be with Dean again, in some fashion. Either a final conversation before a final battle, or a faint echo of his presence before her consciousness fading to nothing, or a literal teamup in the afterlife with Earth Bet’s Greatest Dead Heroes.
I don’t think Dean is just tragic backstory.
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victoriadallonfan · 1 year
Do you have links to your fanfics? Spacebattles confuses me.
Janus: Post-Ward Victoria ends up inside of Pre-Worm Taylor's mind. Shenanigans ensue
Point Me At The Skyrim: Arc 18 Victoria wakes up on a wagon in Skyrim
Hers Is The Fury: Victoria is "reincarnated" as the eldest daughter of Cersei Lannister and Robert Baratheon.
What Could Have Been: Worm/Ward AU mystery where Vic, Taylor, and Dean had a polycule.
When In Rome: A portal opens up between Perpetuity and Ancient Rome, with Vista as the protagonist
007: A Tangled Tress - Sveta and James Bond team up to solve the mystery of who tried to assassinate her
Ward Snippets: Various Ward Snippets I've written. Include spoilers for a lot of fandoms, so be careful
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brocktonbay · 5 years
Team Breakthrough, ranked by how likely they are to die by the end of Ward
1. Tristan: here’s how it’s going to happen: Byron will be fighting some dangerous villain, and the villain is going to get the upper hand, and there’s going to be a fatal attack that Byron can’t avoid. BUT right at the last minute, Tristan will force Byron to switch out with him, thus sacrificing himself and bringing their backstory full circle.
2. Ashley: it’s simple. Everybody keeps on mentioning that she’s died before, and Kenzie has a new set of age appropriate (if still villainous) best friends.
3. Rain: His arc is basically wrapped up now, with the Fallen gone and the rest of the mall cluster on a permanent camping trip. In the wise words of Erin, “Go fucking die, Rain.”
4. Chris: does transcending his humanity counting as dying? I’m not really sure, but at least he’s more interesting than crawler was.
5. Byron: being vista’s love interest is pretty good plot armor. And considering the only remaining Brockton bay ward is still alive, Byron should make it out (mostly) intact too.
6. Kenzie: she’s a little kid, which normally would put her last on the list, but Wildbow had his protagonist in the last story shoot a baby, so this one is anyone’s guess.
7. Victoria: I’m not liking the implications of increasingly broken powers (RIP Dauntless) and her shard’s eagerness to second trigger, but Victoria’s the narrator of the story, so she’ll be fine until the very end. And like, if she did die, would we actually know it? Because maybe she could be chilling on Earth Aleph, or in a coma, or hanging around in Shard Limbo.
8. If anyone touches a hair on Sveta’s head, I’m starting a fucking riot
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brocktonbay · 5 years
As only 1 member of breakthrough died and its not yet clear who should be the one suffering for a long time (i think the suffering was for either byron with his wounds or emotionally for kenzie), who do you think wouldve been the other death?
So a couple months back, I covered my death predictions for ward here. I still stand by those to a certain extent, even if circumstances have changed. If we’re going under the assumption that Contessa’s “out of comission” line actually meant death, and Byron doesn’t count for the second person, I have a few ideas on who’s toast.
Finale Tier: Kenzie, Victoria, Rain
These are all the characters I’m assuming will make it all the way to the end of Ward. Kenzie has plenty of plot relevance/character development left, though I’m not sure she’ll survive through the epilogue, considering how all her problems relate back to a desire to connect, and the shards are looking for a new hub. Throw in her teammates/friends, whose powers are the Queen Administrator bud and the literal power to connect people, and Kenzie seems like she’s going to be important towards the end. 
Rain is kind of a throwaway here, and before Dying, I would have guessed he’d be pretty likely to die. However, his character arc is on the upswing right now, He’s patching things up with his cluster, getting better with his powers, and is even making friends outside of Breakthrough! It’s pretty easy to get better when you start off at rock bottom, so I’m really pulling for Rain to get a happy ending. His dream room is probably going to play a big part from here on out, so him dying out of the blue would be very surprising to me.
Victoria is pretty damn likely to live up until the end, considering her role as Ward’s narrator. Though knowing Wildbow’s tendency to destroy his protagonists right at the end of his stories, I’m not sure Victoria will be making it out of this one. I can hope so, especially considering how Ward is about recovery and giving Vic a “happy ending” would be thematically consistent, but the Waste Shard is unpredictable and wants to trigger. Who knows what kind of disaster will come into play there.
Middling Tier: Tristan, Byron, Sveta
These are the characters who are more “at risk,” in my opinion.
Tristan is Tristan. His family life is a mess, his social life is in shambles, and he’s barely keeping it together with Byron out of commission. I expect some sort of strange role reversal with him and Byron, where he switches out with Byron last minute to save his brother’s life, but we already saw a similar scenario play out in Dying. All I’m saying is that unless someone figures out a way to separate Tristan and Byron, neither of them are getting a happy ending unless the other is out of the picture :( 
Byron has pretty similar reasons as Tristan, but he seems to have more going for him in terms of personal stakes and potential (Yes, I’m thinking about the Vista thing again.) I’m not sure whether that makes him more or less at risk, so I’ll just put him in the same spot as Tristan.
Listen. This may just be the Sveta fan in me saying this, but I really can’t imagine a situation where Sveta dies before anybody else, excepting Victoria. Killing her off would be like killing Tattletale off in Worm. We got a lot of momentum out of her in her interlude/the interrogation arc, but just as Ashley’s loss was crushing to Kenzie, Sveta’s death would devastate Victoria. I want to see what’s happening to her now, post breakup, post body modification, and what all this means for her future. She’s relevant to the Contessa and Number Lad situations, if that counts as plot armor. So, let’s just all cross our fingers and hope Sveta gets the happy ending she’s always talking about. Is that too much to ask?
Resurrection Tier: Ashley, Chris
Oh Ashley. You were gone from this world too soon. I reread her final scene a couple times since last Saturday, and I’m ready to say it–that was a good fucking end to a really awesome character. As sad as I was to see Ashley go, I’m not sure I want her to come back. This next arc is already focusing on her absence and Breakthrough’s changing dynamics, so bringing her back would feel cheesy and unnecessary if not given the proper time and development. Maybe this is more along the lines of finale material, if even then. In the meantime we can have the possibility of Slashley, Kenzie and Victoria’s continuing grief, and endless, endless fluffy fanworks.
Did you really think I was going to leave Chris out of this? His character arc, Amy, and the whole Earth Shin drama is yet another unresolved thing, and I have a pretty good feeling we’ll be seeing more of them, just so that Victoria can get some closure. Chris was mentioned multiple times in this most recent chapter, and I sincerely feel like it could be foreshadowing (similar to Aunt Sarah’s return) of something to come. Here’s hoping Chris will be resurrected from his plot-irrelevance role, and return with an extra helping of asshole commentary.
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