#visconti magentano
lloydfrontera · 5 months
After Suho returned to his body does he still use the name Lloyd Frontera? Or uses Suho Kim/Frontera? Is this why he is barely mentioned in the sequel as "Lloyd" doesn't exist anymore? And his descendants don't remember their Frontera ancestor but remember their Magentano and Asharan ancestor? Also, how was Visconti handled? Like did Javier give him the punishment he deserves?
After Suho returned to his body does he still use the name Lloyd Frontera? Or uses Suho Kim/Frontera?
already answered a similar ask here and here's another post about the topic! personally i am of the opinion he decided to go by lloyd, he'd already made the decision to fully commit to that name and his appearances in the sequel certainly support that!
Is this why he is barely mentioned in the sequel as "Lloyd" doesn't exist anymore? And his descendants don't remember their Frontera ancestor but remember their Magentano and Asharan ancestor?
again, i mentioned it in a previous ask but rakiel does know lloyd is his ancestor. he's fully aware of it. he just remembers more about the magentanos and asrahans because 1.) he is a magentano and 2.) he's constantly using the asrahan core method. it just... comes up more often.
Also, how was Visconti handled? Like did Javier give him the punishment he deserves?
hehe javier did punish him altho lloyd thinks he should've been harsher on him lol. the translation was a bit unclear but there was mention of being chased around in hell by a scarily angry javier for 100 years while having his head stuck in something? again i really can't quite understand the mtl but he had a rough time for a whole century. and then for a bit of poetic karma, he then reincarnated and was born into the asrahan family, and lived a short life cut off early by a heart disease. hoisted by his own petard.
lloyd thinks it's a shame. he would've kept the guy for at least 10,000 years. javier was too soft on him for his taste.
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lloydfrontera · 6 months
about the sequel how come the asrahans are the only ones that has the core technique? i mean lloyd is the coowner right? couldn't the magentanos do it too? why being afraid of asrahans when they could have been able to do it too? also if the asrahans and magentano combined already around 300 years why are they even fighting when the magentano has asrahan blood?
oh! the magentanos do use the core technique too! that's what makes it even worse!
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like. visconti you bitch.
him forbidding the asrahans from using the technique at its full potential was him just being a paranoid coward, who wasn't confident enough to either keep the asrahan family's loyalty or to defeat them if there was ever a rebellion.
which there wouldn't have been because undying loyalty is apparently genetic and the asrahans remained loyal to the royal family, even if only to respect javier's last will.
as for why they're fighting,,, they're not. the magentanos have been humiliating the asrahans for generations, crippling their kids for the rest of their lives the moment they give their first steps, stopping them from using a technique they have a right to and basically holding them at arms length out of fear of reprisal or rebellion. and the asrahans have been tolerating it for centuries because to not do so would be to commit treason and betray the royal family, which they can't do because javier asked for his descendants to be the most loyal friends and allies to the fronteras and magentanos and they respect him too much to not follow his last will. they certainly resent them a lot and their loyalty, while true, comes completely out of duty and no personal affection or trust. but they're not fighting.
what's funny is that visconti failed to even properly get rid of the perceived threat he saw in the asrahans, cause these crazy bastards immediately got to work on finding loopholes on the prohibition and managed to get the same power level they would've had with the full technique even if at the cost of a shorter lifespan. like. not only were they just as a powerful as before, but now they also had a proper reason to resent the royal family and actually plan treason if they so felt like it. imagine failing that miserably lmao
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lloydfrontera · 6 months
y'know what would make visconti's betrayal even more cruel and unfair? if the popular theory is right and the descendants of lloyd and javier that married were their grandchildren, that would've made it so the asrahan that married into the magentano family did so by marrying the second emperor. visconti is the third. that bastard betrayed one of his own parents' family. those would've been his own cousins. even if it was charlotte herself that married one of javier's kids, tho doubtful, that would've made it so visconti betrayed his own grandparent. like. what the hell.
and the marriage had to have been before visconti because considering the contempt and disgust the asrahans hold against the royal family even generations later i don't see them giving consent for one of their family to marry a magentano even closer to the betrayal. especially considering that none of the emperors after visconti revoked the mandate out of fear of reprisal either from the other noble families or from the asrahans themselves.
amazing the longer i think about this man the more i hate him lmao
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lloydfrontera · 6 months
why did the megantos betray the asrahans though?
because visconti magentano was a little bitch
only the asrahans and magentanos knew how to use the asrahan core technique as it was javier and lloyd that came up with it. as a member of the royal family, visconti was taught the method since childhood and achieved the triple circle before he was even 20 years old. he understood better than most how powerful and dangerous that technique could be. so as emperor he declared that no one except the royal family was allowed to learn and use that technique.
the asrahan core technique. the asrahan family wasn't allowed to use the method javier asrahan had come up with. because visconti was afraid they could rebel and he didn't felt confident enough to either hold their loyalty or defeat them in an uprising.
of course the asrahan family protested. ironically visconti caused such an uproar by that mandate that it almost led to a rebellion, the very thing he'd been afraid of.
so he made a compromise. they were allowed to keep using the method, if they agreed to only develop one mana circle and nothing else. which is a beginner's level, not even enough to use the mana blast. that was all they would be allowed to develop.
and to make sure they complied with it, every child of the asrahan family was taken to the capital the moment they took their first steps and modified their bodies so they could never form more than mana circle for the rest of their life.
and then because the stupid and extra must be genetic, someone in the asrahan family figured out a way to get past those restrictions to get to the same power level as someone with three or more circles but paying the price of dying before reaching their sixties. entire generations of asrahans died decades before they should have because visconti couldn't stand the idea of another family having equal or more power than the royal family did without either crippling it or gaining leverage over it. which. that sounds familiar.
but yeah. it was stupid and it was cruel and lloyd was totally right, javier should've punished him far longer than just 100 years. but alas.
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lloydfrontera · 10 months
yanno javier/lloyd/alicia being a power throuple makes WHAT THAT THIRD EMPEROR GUY DID TO THE ASRAHANS EVEN WORSE lmao. a loyal margrave family closely linked to the royals NOT EVEN BEING ALLOWED TO USE THEIR OWN FAMILY TECHNIQUE TO THE GREATEST EXTENT smh
honestly i got a little sick the first i read those chapters it is so fucking horrible asdjkakfds
like. even leaving out the relationship between those three. taking children and modifying their bodies so they can never develop their full potential. dooming them to a premature death if they wanted to keep the standard that had been set for their family. it's so fucking evil no wonder the asrahans fucking hated the imperial family. they had every reason for it.
there literally wouldn't have been an empire had it not been for lloyd and javier and that fucker had the audacity to preemptively punish an innocent family that had been a pillar for the empire for generations by then just because they had the power to rebel i want to bite someone
and then the fact that every emperor after visconti continued with that practice (including asterion) is like,,,,, what a bunch of fucking assholes lmao
and like!! it was so counterproductive!!! the asrahans were loyal to the imperial family!! they would've laid down their lives for them had they asked them to!! javier made sure of it!! his loyalty to lloyd was so strong that he did what he could to make sure his descendants would never abandon the fronteras and the magentanos!!! and it worked!!!!
even after being betrayed, even after being drove to a premature death, even after being humiliated by the imperial family, the asrahans were still loyal because javier asked them to. imagine what they would've done for the imperial family had they been loyal back. had the magentanos been as loyal to the asrahans as lloyd was to javier, there wouldn't have been force on the world that would've made the asrahans turn on them just like there was no higher power that could stop javier from standing at lloyd's side.
but instead visconti stabbed them in the back and his descendants continued down that horrible road and by the time rakiel arrived the only thing standing between the asrahans and outright rebellion was javier's will. and that would've only lasted for so long before a less filial descendant decided following his ancestor's wishes wasn't enough to justify them enduring such humiliation and pain.
sick and twisted and i'm a little into it tbh <3
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lloydfrontera · 6 months
who is visconti? a direct descendant of magentano or a branch family member? basically starting from him the paranoia that asrahans can commit treason/rebellion manifested which is similar to alicia with lloyd if the magentano carry was not in effect, i mean everytime we read her thoughts she always thinks lloyd will try to take over
he's a direct descendant! he's the third emperor so he's a great-grandson of lloyd and alicia. and yeah, his paranoia is,,, very familiar. alicia's thoughts have a tendency to decent into mistrust and paranoia and i'm certain that if she wasn't under the influence of the system she wouldn't trust lloyd to not be a threat nearly as much as she does. as it is, she was already having vague thoughts of tying him down to the royal family in a more permanent way to ensure he remained that way and that's with the title effect at its strongest. imagine what she would've been thinking if she wasn't forced to push aside all her doubts and suspicions without her knowledge or consent 🙃
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lloydfrontera · 6 months
about the sequel how comes it's more brought up that rakiel is a descendant of asrahan more often and only a bit on frontera? and the thing about asrahan loyalty issue on why they can't go against the royal family?
see i also don't know why that is! you'd think lloyd would be equally as mentioned, maybe more so considering he's the actual father of empress charlotte but! javier just comes up more often!
i actually believed for the longest time that people didn't know about lloyd being suho being charlotte's dad! cause rakiel just didn't mention it that often! if at all but i could be mistaken about that.
probably it's because the asrahan core method is so used by the imperial family that it's almost impossible to really forget about javier? it comes up way more often than lloyd's constructions so really his legacy is more readily available to think about
as for why the asrahan family doesn't go against the royal family. that's all on javier. literally the only thing stopping them from revolting and probably overthrowing the magentanos is that javier's last will was that they be 'the most reliable friends and allies to fronteras and magentanos'.
that was the only mission he left for them, his only will. and so the asrahan family endured the betrayal of the magentano family for generations despite their contempt for them.
i'm almost certain that hadn't it been for rakiel winning them over it would've been only a matter of time before a less filial descendant took over the family and decided enough was enough. and they would've almost certainly won.
visconti was right to fear the asrahan family, had they actually tried to rebel they would've easily overthrown the magentanos. but this bitch didn't realize that instead of betraying them and mortally crippling them he should've worked to gain their trust and loyalty. i've said it before but,, the asrahans were already loyal. even after being betrayed and humiliated they were still loyal!! imagine what they would've done for the royal family had it treated them like treasured friends and not potential enemies!!!
sorry i have a lot of feelings about this arc it gets to me lol
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lloydfrontera · 6 months
hello can you explain about this theory? if the popular theory is right and the descendants of lloyd and javier that married were their grandchildren
also that ask from anon the one with saying you're cool but wrong maybe it's about og!lloyd? or maybe about the webtoon? or about the romance?
I'm kinda curious what they meant too 😅😅
well! it's just that really! iirc we don't get told exactly what asrahan married which magentano. we just get told that rakiel is a descendant of both lloyd and javier by virtue of two of their descendants marrying each other. we don't get a time period or a generation or anything much really. (i may be wrong tho i read a mtl of cpsm so a lot of details could be escaping me)
but a lot of people believe that lloyd's daughter, charlotte, had children of her own and one of them, presumably the second emperor, married one of the grandchildren of javier. and that's how all the emperors from then on, including rakiel as crown prince, are descendants of lloyd and javier.
personally i also think that's the more likely option, but i wouldn't be opposed to charlotte herself marrying one of javier's kids, that would be kinda cute. i would however be very skeptical if the marriage happened after visconti became emperor, for the reasons mentioned in this post. i just don't see it happening. so imo it had to have been either charlotte or the second emperor marrying an asrahan.
would've been very fucked up if it had been visconti himself that married an asrahan. like. man what an ass if so aasjdhskf
and yeah!! i wanna know so bad what that nonnie meant!! it was very mean of them to send me that ask while playing a game where i couldn't give a reply. you guys know how much i like to talk :(. those options are the most likely tho, those are my spiciest takes but i stand by them!
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