#vinny’s valentines
sarahsmi13s · 4 months
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Awe May 🥹!! Happy Valentine’s Day!! I love ya! 🫶🏼🫶🏼 I hope you and Mr Mayhem had a good day today (unless he had to work, then booo)
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markiza297 · 4 months
happy valentines day!
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slothinginorbit · 27 days
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Meet Vincent Valentine.
He likes to sleep through things.
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nukacourier · 1 month
I could NOT be friends with Nick Valentine. Not because I dislike him or think we wouldn't get along or anything like that but because I was the kid who would pick the rubbery parts off dolls and Nick's face would probably be gone by the next day
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planetpiastri · 1 year
💝 Bob please and 11. "their contact name being formatted differently than everyone else" from the are we friends, or more? prompt list
this trope is my kryptonite, hope u enjoy anon x | [wc - 0.7k] | join my prompt party!
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“Why do we even bother? He’s obviously not coming,” said Hangman indifferently, leaning down to line up his pool shot.
“Give him a minute,” Phoenix snapped from her place at your shoulder, her phone held to her ear and currently ringing for Bob. “He said he’d be here. It’s weird for him to just…not show up.”
“Maybe he got tired of losing at pool,” said Hangman with a shit-eating grin, straightening up satisfactorily as he pocketed two balls.
“He beat me last time,” Fanboy pointed out.
“That’s not a competition,” Hangman retorted.
“He’ll be here,” interjected Rooster, taking a sip of his beer. “When’s the last time he didn’t show up to one of these? Calm down.”
“But when’s the last time Bob’s been late?” Phoenix shot back before groaning and pulling her phone away from her ear. She turned to look at you with a pleading expression. “Back me up here. This is weird, right?”
You suddenly realized everyone was staring at you expectantly. The buzzed, warm atmosphere of the Hard Deck suddenly felt a bit stifling. Usually you loved the teasing jibes and snarky retorts traded between the aviators over a few games of pool and a few more beers, but something about tonight felt…off.
Probably for the exact reason everyone was discussing at the moment.
“It is weird for him to flake,” you ceded reluctantly. “He usually at least gives us a text if he knows he’s not gonna make it.”
“Okay, so call him, then,” said Hangman, sounding exasperated. “Make sure he’s not dead.” He nudged Coyote. “It’s your shot. Would you go?”
“We have been calling him, dickhead,” snapped Phoenix. “He’s not picking up.”
“No, make the other one call him,” said Hangman, pointing at you with his cue as if you weren’t right there. “His favorite.”
Your cheeks burned with the knowledge that everyone else had picked up on you and Bob’s close bond. “I am not—”
“Please,” said Hangman arrogantly. “We are not in middle school. Just own it. We’ve all seen the little glances and inside jokes.”
Your mouth flapped open and shut uselessly. The pool game had been forgotten. Everyone was watching you with amused expressions. You stuttered out, “I do that with Phoenix, too!”
Hangman squinted at you disbelievingly before turning back to the game, like you weren’t even worth the effort of arguing with. That more than anything else rubbed you the wrong way.
“Okay, fine,” you said. “I will call him. And he won’t pick up, just like he didn’t pick up when Phoenix and Fanboy called, and we can put this to bed.”
You expected everyone to laugh at you, or shake their heads and go back to their other activities. What you didn’t expect was for everyone—Hangman included—to cluster around you and stare at your screen as you pulled out your phone.
You scrolled through your contacts quickly, wanting to just get it over with, but as you hovered your finger over Bob’s contact to call, Payback said, “Hang on—”
Right on cue, Hangman swiped your phone out of your hand and held it above your head.
“Give it back!” you cried, embarrassment flooding your body. “Seriously? You’re the one who just said we aren’t in middle school!”
“‘B. Bradshaw,’” Hangman read aloud, holding you at bay with his free hand. He was beaming. “‘J. Machado—J. Seresin—N. Trace—M. Garcia—R. Fitch.’ But would you look at this?” He scrolled back up. “‘Bobby.’ With two—count ‘em, two—emojis.”
“Stop it!” you yelped, more than mortified.
“Which emojis?” called Fanboy, who was craning to try and see.
“The nerd with glasses face and a white heart,” said Payback. “Remind me, what does the white heart mean?”
“Marriage, definitely,” said Rooster with a teasing smirk.
“You guys are children,” you yelled, hoping desperately that you looked more confident than you felt. You shot Rooster a frustrated look. “Could you help me, please?”
It was Coyote who swiped your phone out of Hangman’s hand, taking a moment to examine the proof for himself before handing it back to you. You snatched it quickly, sure that everyone could see just how flustered you were. They all watched you with amused, knowing expressions, waiting for you to defend yourself.
But then your phone buzzed in your hand, and everyone looked down.
Incoming call from: Bobby 🤓🤍
Someone snickered. You fought to maintain your dignity and straightened your posture, saying, “Excuse me, I have a call. I’m going to take this outside.”
Everyone whooped and laughed as you pushed in between Fanboy and Phoenix and started to walk towards the back deck. With shaking fingers, you accepted the call. 
“Hi, Bobby. I think they know.”
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kdval · 4 months
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Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty
› Faces of Night City [10/?]
In darkness. Pt.1.
Feat. Vinnie (belongs to @imaginarycyberpunk2023) and Valentin (belongs to @pinkyjulien).
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newfrontierbackstage · 4 months
Howdy partners! Today I bring you something special for Valentine's Day: Some great fanart! This one was done by https://twitter.com/marcokunt so give them props for their incredible work!
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bloodlyst · 4 months
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i was chips secret valentine this year <3
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vinniesasslicker1 · 4 months
Happy Valentine’s Day💋
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kitymeowz · 4 months
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Happy (early) Valentines day, Hybrids!
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sarahsmi13s · 4 months
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Happy Valentines Vinny!
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY G!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼 I hope you and B had a good day!!
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gaybuckybarnesss · 4 months
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gloryride · 2 months
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Happy Birthday Pink Queen !
She's lucky to have amazing friends who came to her party and shares moments with her ♥ As i am <333 Thanks to @dustymagpie @chevvy-yates @imaginarycyberpunk2023 @wanderingaldecaldo
@drunkchasind @thelonestrider @miss--river @ugh-my-back @draerian ♥♥ That's part 1 <3 (part 2 later with more friends)
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ruby-static · 3 months
This little dialogue is everything to me-
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cepibolla · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's Day
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planetpiastri · 1 year
do you know that I would be so honest to god grateful if you did the comparing hand size prompt w roosty? i just am already jaw dropped thinking about it
this blurb is brought to u by this lovely req + me watching fant4stic way too late at night bc i was in a miles mood. enjoy anon<33 | [wc - 1k]
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Bradley’s arm around your shoulders was heavy and comforting, and it was all you could do to keep your eyes open and focused on the television screen. You could hear the others chatting in the kitchen, and you were pretty sure that someone had turned on the grill outside. Was that bacon sizzling you smelled?
All in all, it was a pretty normal kickback at Hangman’s.
The movie you were watching wasn’t even particularly good; it was yet another low-budget Fantastic Four remake. Fanboy had turned it on, promising everyone would be amused if not at least entertained, and fifteen minutes in he and everyone else had promptly gotten up and stopped watching. The only ones left were you and Bradley, curled up together on the couch—and you’d only stayed because to get up would be to abandon extreme comfort.
“Hey, that guy kinda looks like you,” you mumbled, squinting at the screen.
Bradley snorted, and the sound reverberated through you from the place where your back was pressed to his chest. “I don’t see it.”
“Who’s hungry?” called Payback, coming in from the back porch with Fanboy following behind. They both carried big plates that confirmed that, yes, it had been bacon you’d been smelling.
Everyone immediately swarmed the two, oohing and aahing.
“Nothing excites drunk people more than bacon,” you mumbled.
“Why is that guy made of rocks?” Bradley said.
“Get me some bacon,” you said, swatting at his arm.
“Like, why wouldn’t he just get the ability to grow rocks? Or harden his skin? Why does he have to be made of rocks?”
“Bradley!” you said, laughing and jostling him. “Bradley, bacon!”
“Okay, okay. Move.”
You shifted upright long enough for him to disentangle himself from you and stand up. Then you flopped back down onto the cushions, appreciating the leftover warmth his body had left. You pulled the blanket tighter around yourself, burrowing your nose into the soft fabric and breathing in deeply. It smelled mostly like Hangman and the aftershave he swore by, but there, buried in the fibers—Bradley’s cologne.
God, you loved that smell. It smelled like home. 
“What is the deal with you two?” said Fanboy, sitting down at the end of the couch so suddenly that you yelped in alarm.
“Mickey!” you gasped, pulling your feet out from under him. “Where the hell have you been?”
“Bacon!” he replied, like that was a normal place to go during a party. “How’s the movie? Hilarious, right?”
“It’s definitely something.”
“Are you gonna answer my question?”
Your cheeks burned, and you pulled the blanket up to your nose, hoping Fanboy wouldn’t be able to pick up on your nerves. “What are you talking about?”
“You know,” he said, gesturing with a stray piece of bacon, “the deal. The carpooling, the cuddling, the sleepovers. I’ve never seen Bradley so… happy,” he said finally. He took a bite of bacon, chewing thoughtfully. “None of us have.”
You really didn’t know what to say to that. You’d never considered that there might be more to your relationship with Bradley. He was your best friend, and that was as far as you’d gotten. You’d met him fresh off a new heartbreak, and you hadn’t been eager to throw yourself towards another one. You knew him well enough to know that heartbreak was the most realistic outcome if you did get yourself involved, so you stayed away from any feelings like that, and you stayed friends. 
And you were fine with that. You were happy with that. 
So why the hell did Fanboy have to go and say something lovely like that and throw you off?
“Okay, budge up,” said Bradley, stepping back around the coffee table and waiting for you to sit up so that he could position himself behind you again. Once you’d settled back into his lap, he handed you a napkin delicately folded over three warm slices of bacon.
You weren’t really hungry anymore, but you didn’t want Bradley to think Fanboy had been saying anything weird, so you picked one up and took a dainty nibble.
“What the hell happened?” Bradley said, staring at the screen. “I was gone five seconds, how are they on a different planet?”
“Isn’t that the greatest part?” said Fanboy. “I was here for the last few minutes, and I don’t even know!”
“You’re not eating your bacon,” Bradley told you.
Embarrassed warmth flooded you. “I am!” you said defensively, taking a bite to prove it. “Thank you very much for getting it for me.”
“This movie completely wastes Michael B. Jordan,” said Fanboy to nobody in particular.
“You’re still not eating it,” said Bradley. “I thought you liked the crispier pieces.”
“I do!” you protested, but it was no use. Bradley was already pulling your napkin out of your hand and giving you his instead, with his juicier, fattier slices of bacon.
Then his hands stilled over yours and he said, “Have your hands always been this small and I just never noticed?”
You smiled in spite of yourself. “They are not small.”
“They’re tiny,” he insisted, setting both napkins of bacon down on the coffee table.
“They’re not!” you argued, holding them up to the light. “They are normal, proportional, human-sized hands!”
Bradley’s arm around your shoulders rose up, and one hand traced the inside of your wrist briefly. Goosebumps erupted down your arms, and you were thankful you’d decided to wear long sleeves. Then he pressed his palm flat to yours, turning it this way and that in the light, seemingly assessing whether your hands were as pitifully minuscule as he seemed to suspect.
“See,” you said, your voice sounding far away even to yourself. “Normal sized hands.”
“Hmm,” said Bradley. Then he shifted his palm by the slightest margin and pushed his fingers forward, lacing your hands together.
Electricity jolted through you, and you were sure he could feel your heart pounding. At the other end of the couch, Fanboy was staring at the tv so hard that he couldn’t have actually been paying attention.
“Yep,” Bradley said decisively. “The perfect size, I’d say.”
“You doofus,” you said, pleased warmth flooding your body. But you tucked his hand against your chest and curled against him, and you felt pretty happy to be watching a terrible movie on the couch of a party with this lovely man.
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