#villians are not exempt from the spidey system
zarthhearth · 1 year
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Dating can be challenging, yet Peter Parker has a variety of love interests thirsting after him at any given time. He shares his wooing wisdom by presenting the Spidey System.
Step 1: Spark Interest
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Aggressively and awkwardly wear down your target.
Step 2: Peak Curiosity
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Compell your target to seek you out.
Step 3: Investigate Physique
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Wear something that leaves little to the imagination.
Step 4: Ditch Completely
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The most essential step!
Leave your date with zero warning. It will leave them wanting more.
Step 5: Excuse Absence
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Provide a bogus reason for wasting their time and expectations.
Step 6: Youthful Indiscretion
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The immaturity will make you appear aloof. Allowing you to replicate the Spidey system again and again with the same targets.
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