#victor birthday
diioonysus · 4 months
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shoes + art
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archiveikemen · 3 months
Victor 1st Birthday Campaign: Story (2024)
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
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The darkness of the night was my friend, and death was myself.
Today too, I walked, and walked, and walked in the darkness.
Then, I suddenly turned around.
Look, over there – a bloodied, blissful look of death.
Kate: Victor, Harrison lent me a book recently, so…
I did my own work, while Kate did the work she had as the fairytale writer.
Working in the same office together and listening to her stories gradually became a part of my everyday life.
(... She looks happy. She’s become a true member of Crown now.)
Kate: Right, about the matter regarding the maid Marianne that I discussed with you a few days back—
Victor: Ah, give her a few days off work. Meeting up with a long-distance lover is a very important occasion.
When I told her that I had already settled the matter we were in the midst of discussing, she blinked in surprise.
Kate: Victor… at approximately what time do you usually go to sleep?
Victor: Usually?
Kate: I understand that you have a heavy workload, and that’s something I can never deal with.
Kate: But whenever I approach you for something I want to discuss, you immediately resolve the matter on your own…
Victor: Ehh~~ are you perhaps praising me? Goodness, I’m overjoyed!
Victor: But unfortunately, I need to sleep as well. I’m a human being, after all. I only have so much time in a day.
Victor: Which means, the matters you bring up to me are of extremely high priority compared to the other things I have on hand.
Kate: … Thank you, Victor.
Victor: I thank you too, for caring about the other staff working here.*
*Victor actually referred to them as “kids”
Kate: Also… you can forget that I said anything if it turns out to be a misunderstanding, but…
Victor: … Hm?
Kate: Do you have something that’s been bothering you lately, Victor?
Kate: Things that make you unhappy…
(This girl is very observant and sharp.)
Those sincere eyes of hers deserve a sincere reply.
Victor: I have a mission with William tonight, and it’s not one that puts me in a good mood.
I was made aware of the existence of an organisation hat made Her Majesty the symbol of their beliefs — in other words, they worship her like a god.
(People are entitled to their religious beliefs, and Crown has no rights to interfere on that, however…)
There was word that the organisation abducted women and imprisoned them to be worshipped, and those who held no physical resemblance to Her Majesty were killed.
Victor: Tonight, we will investigate the organisation and punish them if found guilty.
Kate: … To think they’d kill people over their religious beliefs.
Victor: Kate, because this mission might make you uncomfortable—
Not giving me a chance to finish my sentence, she responded with a stern look.
Kate: Victor, can you allow me to accompany you on this mission as the fairytale writer?
Out of respect for her wish, I accepted her request and we headed to the organisation’s base that night.
William: We found the belongings of the missing women, blood stains, and bodies. They have no way to defend themselves now.
Kate: Means to say… they’re guilty?
Tommy Yeager, aristocrat. Leah Rodríguez, congresswoman. Kevin Nicholson…
(This is a lot of important people.)
Out of greed for greater power, they worshipped the Queen and hoped that she would fulfil their wishes.
William: There are two possible venues for tonight’s ritual; one is the top floor of this mansion, and the other is the basement.
Victor: Kate and I will go down to the basement. We shall proceed immediately, in order to prevent any more sacrifices.
Kate: Okay…
William: Victor, how much “mercy” do you want to show tonight?
Victor: — No need for any. Their wrongdoings are deserving of condemnation. Give into your wickedness, Will.
Not wanting Kate to witness anything horrifying, I prayed that we weren’t headed for where our “prize” was.
(Ahh, turns out the basement is indeed where our “prize” is at.)
In the basement was what appeared to be an altar, candlelight flickering.
A group of people in masquerade surrounded the altar, laying at the centre was a young girl who looked of tender years.
(Is that the “substitute” for Her Majesty? … Utterly heinous.)
I noticed that one of the men was about to lower the candle in his hand onto the girl’s arm, and I reflexively took a step forward.
— But Kate beat me to it.
Kate: … STOP!
Masked Red-Haired Man: Wha– what’s with this woman!? Let go, get your hands off me…
Kate: Please let that girl go! Ahh…!
In that split second, Kate was shoved into the altar and instantly collapsed onto the ground.
Victor: Kate…? Kate…
(She’s alright, she’s still breathing. She only lost consciousness…)
— There was something on the ground next to her, it seemed that it fell out during her fall.
(Oh, this is…)
– Flashback Start –
Victor: Kate, you’ll be following Elbert and Roger on their mission tonight.
Kate: Okay. I’m still not used to this, I hope I won't get in their way.
Victor: I see. In that case, take this with you.
Kate: … A Cameo hair ornament?
Victor: May it keep you out of harm’s way.
Kate: Fufu, I feel safe knowing that you’re always on a lookout for me.
Kate: Thank you very much, Victor! I’ll be on my way.
– Flashback End –
(... This is the hair ornament I gifted you back when you first joined Crown.)
(You’ve been keeping it by your side like a protective charm…)
Kate lying unconscious on the ground, the girl on the altar, all the innocent women who died there—
Tonight, I had more than enough reason to show absolutely no mercy.
Masked Red-Haired Man: Pfft, haha. This is all because she disrupted our ritual!
Masked Black-Haired Man: … H-Hey. Hold on… this man is…
Masked Black-Haired Man: Isn’t this Sir Victor?
Masked Man with Freckles: I-It really is! How could the Queen’s right hand man show up in such a place!?
I took a good look at all of them, and my gaze focused on one person.
Victor: Was it you who pushed that girl?
Masked Red-Haired Man: Y-Yes… it was me, Sir Victor.
Staring at the man who scrambled up to me, I commanded.
(... It's time for death to come to you.)
Victor: In the name of … I command you. — Now, succumb to my wickedness.
In a trance, the man stared into space.
Masked Red-Haired Man: Ahh… somehow… I feel so happy… I… I…
The man wrapped his hands around his neck, immediately taking his own life.
Masked Black-Haired Man: Is he… dead? Why did he kill himself…?
I turned my gaze towards the alarmed and bewildered men.
Victor: … From right to left, say your names.
Masked Black-Haired Man: Tommy Yeager. … Ugh, gguhh…
I gave another death order.
Masked Man with Freckles: Leah Rodríguez. I- I… ahh!
And another.
All that was left was dead silence.
As though they had a blissful dream, the men died with peaceful expressions on their faces.
William: Is it over? Looks like there’s no chance for me to step into the spotlight.
Victor: Oh, Will. This is where the “prize” was.
William: They died with such peaceful faces, it’s almost as if they were possessed by a god.
(A god, huh.)
It was like saying that “Her Majesty The Queen” was no god.
Victor: … Humans can never become god.
William: Based on what you said, that will surely be the case.
With a calm smile, William picked up the girl on the altar.
William: You can entrust this girl to me. I’ll leave you to look after Kate.
William: Because it seems to me that your rage is heavily correlated to her.
Roger examined Kate upon our return to the castle, and he said that she would regain consciousness very soon.
I gently laid the unconscious Kate on her bed.
(Kate. … I’m so glad you’re safe.)
Looking at her face, I was reminded of the night we first met.
When I suggested that she become our fairytale writer, it was partially because I came up with that on the spot.
The other reason being… I anticipated the change she would bring to Crown.
Despite their differences, every member of Crown was a person of strong character.
It was precisely because of that, I believed that “change brought upon by others” was crucial.
Humans could only grow stronger in the presence of others.
(This change will guide those guys towards a more beautiful evil.)
And I would watch her from a distance — that was the original plan, at least.
(Unknowingly, you brought upon a change in me too.)
As William said earlier on, it was clear that seeing her hurt made me fly into a rage.
I felt alive, that was… a “human” emotion.
(Your presence has turned me from a spectator to a player.)
I gently placed the Cameo hair ornament back into Kate’s hair.
(Regardless of how lovely you are, I will always remain by your side as “Victor, Aide to The Queen”.)
(No more, no less.)
Or else, my darkness, and death — would swallow her whole.
I gave her hair a gentlemanly kiss.
Victor: Consider this a bad dream and forget everything. Be it nightmares or death, I will never let them reach you.
Victor: … Good night, Kate.
The next day, Kate regained her consciousness and came to me at the speed of light to apologise.
Kate: I’m truly sorry, Victor. I was to blame for rushing out without thinking it through…
(You’d still blame yourself even if I tell you I didn't mind, won't you?)
(Ah, that's right. In that case…)
Victor: Would you like to have lunch with me, Kate?
Victor: I was about to have a lonely lunchtime today, I’m so glad you’re here.
Kate: Can I make it up to you for last night with this?
Victor: Of course. I find joy in having a delicious meal with another person’s company.
Kate: Fufu, that’s good to hear.
(That captivating smile of yours is finally back.)
— Suddenly, it started drizzling.
Victor: It’s a passing shower. Come here, Kate. Let’s take shelter at the gazebo over there.
Kate: A-Alright…
(... That was surprising. The rainfall in London can be so unpredictable.)
Victor: Kate, are you alright—
Before I could ask, Kate wiped my cheeks with her hands.
Kate: I’m alright. You, on the other hand…
Victor: … (surprised)
Despite being drenched herself, she was still more concerned about me. The hands touching me felt so warm, almost like a gentle shower falling from the clear sky.
There it was “again” — the change in my heart.
Kate: Ah, I almost forgot. Liam told me that he has something for you.
Kate: I’m very curious about why he said in a frustrated tone that he was “supposed to give it to you yesterday”.
Victor: It was my birthday yesterday.
Kate: … Wait.
Kate: WHAT!?
That was likely the most shocked I had ever seen her from the day we met, I couldn't contain my laughter.
(I never intended to tell you myself, because I know you’ll get unnecessarily worked up over it.)
Kate: I-I’m so sorry I didn’t prepare a present for you, I didn’t know it was your birthday…
Victor: Haha, it’s okay. I already received one from you.
Kate: …?
Victor: You spent the whole day with me yesterday.
Victor: Although I genuinely only wanted to respect your freedom of choice, perhaps I also had the childish wish for you to stay by my side on my birthday.
Victor: … Thank you, Kate.
She looked up at the clear sky with a smile.
Kate: … Hey, Victor. I want to become stronger.
Victor: Why so?
Kate: I know that you’ll always protect me from harm, but… being the weakling I am…
She mumbled “I know there are many things in this world that are better off being left unbeknownst to me” under her breath.
Then, she continued, saying “but if it's things related to you, I want to know all about them”. And—
Kate: When you’re having a hard time, I don't want to just laugh it off and pretend I don’t know.
I was captivated by the way she said those words with a smile.
Not only did she change Crown and I, even she went through beautiful changes with every blink of an eye.
(... This girl is like a storm in springtime.)
Would I someday be caught up in that storm — and tell her the truth?
(But now is not the time.)
Victor: Don’t move too fast towards becoming stronger, I’ll feel lonely being left behind.
(Stay like this just for a little bit longer.)
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saffricatrice · 5 months
Men love to reanimate corpses and be nursed back to health by their gay best friend when they fall ill
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melaninpov · 9 months
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Jonathan Majors Men’s Health Cover Shoot
Happy 34th Birthday!!!! It’s VIRGO szn!!!
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ynkfva · 1 month
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[CN] Li Zeyan’s Upcoming Top-up SR!
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“The anchor point of my every return from a distant journey is this moment right now.”
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“If you’re afraid, just light up a lamp.”
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lesmisscraper · 3 months
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Happy Birthday to this chatterbox, Mr. Hugo!
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cinnanamii · 8 days
Ganjis 3rd year birthday letter and the heavy mischaracterization of the characters in game 3/just ranting about the birthday letter
Ganjis 3rd year letter was leaked recently (you can probably find post about it on tiktok and on discord servers) and I am so far beyond unimpressed and disappointed.
To start out this yap session/rant, I’m going to list the characters serial numbers, so that you can know who I will be talking about so that you can get a grip on what I will be discussing.
• 3-1-2 is anne
• 3-?-1 is aesop
• 3-1-4 is ganji
• 3-?-3 is Victor
The fact that netease decided to fill the letter with shock value racism, ruin annie as a character, and just ruined Ganjis character arc, and basically made Victor useless is so BEYOND me. This is a a lot, so I wanna start by talking about the blatant mischaracterization of annie and ganji in this letter.
To start off, they made annie so unnecessarily, hateful and racist towards ganji. It would make sense for annie to be afraid of loud noises, as they did introduce her as a timid woman, but making her afraid of ganji and becoming violent to him because of his accent is so beyond me. The whole reason why annie attacked ganji was originally because aesop manipulated annie into hurting him, not that annie got scared of the way he spoke? Plus, due to her timid and sweet girl type personality i could never see annie physically fighting/attacking ganji, it’s just not something that would happen. How could she ever have the confidence to do that, when she was literally scared of ganji? Then, on top of that, annie wouldn’t be provoked by his accent so easy? In her trailer, she was literally described to be like her mother, who was very nice, that being a trait annie had. So for her to just go attacking him so so EXTREMELY out of character for her.
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Then, next screenshot I’m showing right now is the shock value racism randomly put in this for god who knows why?
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“unfavorable impression” caused by 3-1-4’s accent? This is so ooc for annie, it feels like a poorly written oc/au. The antagonization of annie feels so unnecessary and just not needed. Game 3 might not have had a Hunter, but it did have an antagonist, that being aesop. The whole antagonization doesn’t feel right for her at all.
Then now, I wanna talk about Victor. One of the main things in game 3 is that they were not able to talk or communicate with each other. if they were able to do that, what’s the point of him even being here if they could already speak verbally? His writing was already kinda not the best, but this entire letter takes whatever relevance he had to the plot away. He needs to get something consistent, or else in this case his character is just useless. It’s completely unfair that aesop is able to get clear motivations and goals, but the other characters goals and aspirations just get handled horribly.
Game 3 was so unique in the way it functioned, and with the characters that were so similar, but so different at the same time. What could have been a group of compelling a deeply well written characters now feel like a dumpster fire or mischaracterization and the severe lack of coherence. All just from one letter too. This feels like a big fat slap in the face for me as someone who loved game 3, and all of the characters for game 3, ESPECIALLY annie, and if you loved game three, also this should feel like a slap in the face for you too.
**im aware that this is a leak, and it could be potentially false, but this has been on my mind practically ever since I heard of it, and everything is just so absurd.**
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bullsfish · 5 months
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Happy Vicmas!
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lesmiserablol · 1 year
you all talk about wanting your men to be sluttier but when i, victor hugo,
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ask-silent-death · 8 months
Aim came up behind Victor before hugging him. "Happy birthday, my love! How are you feeling? Do you have time to celebrate with me?" [@reborn-demon]
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"Well, of course, babe. I always have time for you. " He smiled, turning around and hugging his husband. "So what do you have planned. I'm up for anything, really."
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sparklingoctopus · 5 months
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Happy birthday to my favourite man with hairloss ^-^
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callmebrycelee · 7 months
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Hollywood Hot Tubs | 1984
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xingxueyue · 5 months
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LiZeYan 2024 Birthday Event
Date: 8 January 2024 to 14 January 2024
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