#verse information
parameddic · 7 days
i have built a mini au in my head where after 9/11 owen keeps drinking, gets invited by a poker buddy to some interstate event, accidentally joins a cult (but like, a good cult full of good people. they've got some radical opinions but owen's sure he can talk them down from it, and the base beliefs are good, he'll Fix Them), and he is radicalised and never comes back. and TK grows up without his dad, and there's all the ups and downs and drug addiction and fighting to feel loved and he scares and scares his mother (he loves her so much) and he Gets Through after a couple of overdoses and multiple tries at rehab and maybe even finds paramedicine (I think he could), living in NYC with his mum, and he - one day - goes to find his dad because That's His Dad and he's at least gotta ask if he wants to come home. he at least needs to see him and tell him that he's still wanted.
idk. i have almost a drabble about this actually. is this as fun and interesting an idea to y'all as it is to me
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giantswill · 10 months
Verse Information
Verse Fairy Tail is my Family
This is the main, and likely only verse that will be used here. It follows canon for the most part aside from what's changed via headcanons. He's still the Guild Master of Fairy Tail.
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detectiveconnor · 2 years
quiet things about connor’s apartment with markus which i have just added details to in my head:
the exposed brick wall in either verse, values in particular the rough of the brick
the balcony from which you can see the sky (important)
fairylights across the balcony or the bookshelves, either verse
all interior locks for doors etc are easily undone from the other side. one of those ‘just stick something flat in it and twist to undo’ locks. simple, easy to break into locks which are there simply to stop people walking in on each other if needed
the spice rack from markus’ apartment, in human verse. it’s better than connor’s was, they made a lot of ‘what do we keep and what do we toss’ decisions. incidentally, connor insisted on keeping his toaster, sorry markus’ toaster
human!them do not have a set of bathroom scales. connor put markus’ away when he was meant to be ‘temporarily staying with him’ (ended up just staying permanently) and markus found them again during the move, and - at this point knowing about connor’s history with an ED and why he put them away - simply donated them. didn’t even talk about it. the scales just disappeared from their inventory, connor only noticed weeks later
human verse’s kitchen is nicer. android verse’s kitchen is still functional but much smaller, less prioritised when they were looking, and they repainted the cupboards because when they bought them they were a... ‘let’s repaint those together’ sort of a colour.
the wood, they like wood
SHOES. OFF. SORT OF A MAN any verse. even mafia verse. very genuinely, take your shoes off. it’s polite
either verse: the hangers in the laundry for hang-drying things flat. connor enjoys the ironing though. he likes the way the fabric goes warm and pliable, and usually smells like markus, or their detergent.
connor chose the detergent. he had a strong preference. he was open to markus’.... but he had a strong preference
connor has a preferred lube that’s the dotpoint don’t @ me. this is also either verse. i think androids ... not to get too far into hcs here but i think designed with self-lubrication of some thirium-based solution which demands increased thirium uptake but human verse has a preferred lube, and android verse............. depends on if he could use one without causing damage to his components. would prefer to use a non-native one, but needs must, as it were.
the dish by the door (on a set of drawers), on entry, which is meant for keys, but taking off the shoes is more important
the rugs
windows that open all the way
room for a piano, either verse. human verse them don’t have one yet. connor got almost killed instead and they’d just bought the place, and had mortgage to make.
human!verse them in my head. invested in an apartment with a dishwasher when they moved. and connor doesn’t mind doing it by hand and thinks it’s easier to but gosh the ‘and it has a dishwasher’ amused him in the list of selling points he was pitching to markus
android them have an electric fireplace. human them have aaaaaaa woodfire one (?) i think. i am not sure yet about that one. i am sure they both Have something like it, at least
really huge lean toward their bed being an upstairs loft-style place and the rest of the apartment below, in human verse. it has happened in my brain so often it is just where it is for me now
photographs either verse. either verse, their apartment has cornerstones of them, their friends, their city, their adventures. in human verse connor has a photography hobby, where he takes photos of things that seem truthful (these are so good to look at actually. it shows you ... there is a lot of Visibility in the way connor takes photos only of the things that he is Looking at. only of the things that seem True to him. you can see a lot of Connor in his photography, it is very distinctly him, in a very quiet but very obvious way). in android verse he still takes photos and enjoys having physical actual photographs, actual physical copies (digital rarely does it for him, actually; he wants real. real or bust), but in android verse he doesn’t have time to make it a hobby
human verse, their apartment is accessible. a lift, ramps, etc. also something they intentionally looked for.
connor has never ‘done’ a ‘real’ christmas, actually. he’s never celebrated it except at amanda’s office parties and then privately at home, they did have something like a celebration, the two of them (amanda, and connor), and it was nice, even, he does have some positive memories with her, but he’s never had a... real, big family christmas, and has never been wanted at one. he tells me he makes a mean baked potato. I believe him.
this got off topic i just kept adding dotpoints. love him though
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codename-freya · 1 year
TYBW and post-TYBW Verse
Before the war but after Aizen’s imprisonment Kaisa had been in the Fifth Division. She’s the Fifth Seat, one who has a bad habit of overworking herself and drinking coffee as a meal. Under Hirako’s command Kaisa had started to flourish more than in her Sixth Division days. She’d been doing better as the Seventh Seat of the Sixth, but due to circumstances (practically being Renji’s little sister @wild-pineapple-butt ) she had transferred divisions in order to not cause him any issues of picking favorites.
Before the Quincy invasion Kaisa had been on patrol in the outer Rukon districts and followed an adjuchas into Hueco Mundo. This turned out to be a horrible mistake on her part. She hadn’t known that the Jailer Quilge Opie (@biskael) had already taken up residence there with his soldat and systematically hunting hollows and anyone who opposed him. The young soul couldn’t bear to see the cruelty and death that he brought with him and tried to stand up to him in order to try and protect those who weren’t able to protect themselves. This put her in the pathway of Quilge and he’d overwhelmed her. She had been strong, but not strong enough to fare well against him.
Kaisa fought with all her might, utilizing kido and trying to break free. Unfortunately the Jailer was much stronger than she was. He seemed to be amused by her at first but that turned into irritation quite quickly as Kaisa’s tongue continued to lash out at him as he had her restrained. She was his prisoner but the soul refused to break so easy.
The hell she went through isn’t for the faint of heart. This isn’t a full account of what she went through, but to show how she was broken down by him.
First he’d used her as target practice, shooting his arrows at her for fun and even with the screams he elicited she wouldn’t bow to him. She would not kowtow. Being used as target practice she was scarred from where some of the arrows pierced her. The two most prominent from his arrows are in separate places. One just above her right elbow in the bicep, then the other just under her ribs on her left side. There were many other scars and some more internal than physically able to be seen. Her shoulders were yanked out of their sockets due to how she was chained. Her body weight got too much as she hung there and it tore the ligaments after multiple days of it.
There was a moment she had been able to run, weak as she was, but quickly brought back by his soldat. So far, Kaisa hadn’t given in, hadn’t broken, but he made it physically impossible for her to run away again. The achilles tendon had been severed, and she couldn’t even pace the cell that he threw her in when he wasn’t enjoying himself with causing her pain.
She wasn’t the only one jailed and tortured. Far from it. There were multitudes of victims that she saw break, saw be viciously murdered. The screams haunted her then and still do after. There had been times that she prayed for death, knowing it would be easier than to continue being his prisoner, yet she was kept alive with just enough bread and water. They were scraps, but enough to keep her alive for when he decided to see if she would break and bow to him and turn on everyone she knew. She wouldn’t bend her knee or “lick his boot.” Instead, she continued to mouth off and spit at him. This caused her more pain and more torture. He was irritated with her, and even though Kaisa was scared, how she showed it was to taunt him and try to incite more rage. Part of her had been hoping it would be the final nail in her coffin. It hadn’t been though.
Every time she was thrown back in her cell, she couldn’t get the screams of the other prisoners out of her head. She couldn’t block them out. The noise of the reishi vibrating was another sound that she was unable to ignore. It was relentless and wore her down. Each day that passed, she both feared and hoped it would be her last. Her mistake in following the adjuchas, then trying to protect hollows from him, earned her a place as one of his victims.
Just as she lay there in her cell bloodied and bruised from the last torture session, she thought that it was finally her time. Kaisa almost completely given up. She was so close to either begging him to kill her or giving in and bowing to him as her new commander. It was shameful and horrible. Kaisa hated herself for it, but that was where she was. She only had two options. Death or surrender, and even though she was close to choosing death, surrender was starting to sound like the best option if she wanted to keep her life. She’d never thought that she’d be liberated from the prison, but she had. Kaisa hadn’t seen who managed it, but she was too weak to move. She didn’t know who stabilized her, who brought her back, or anything until she woke up in the intensive care unit of the Yonbantai. So many bones were broken, some shattered. She was weak and had been touch and go, much like many other soldiers within the unit. Kaisa still doesn’t really know how long she’d been a patient in the Fourth, doesn’t know how she even survived the horrors she went through. She doesn’t even believe she deserves to have lived after truly considering surrendering to their enemies.
Kaisa’s shame and hatred of herself brought her to the state she is currently in. Because of her actions and being so close to surrendering and becoming a traitor, Kaisa chopped her long blonde locks herself just under her chin. It was done as penance for what happened. She gave in, she broke. She believes wholeheartedly that she should not have survived the ordeal, that she shouldn’t have been rescued when so many people lost their lives. Kaisa was useless during the war. That is unforgivable.
Because of her feelings about what happened during the war, Kaisa has become much less stable and more self-destructive than she had been when her actions cost the lives of members of the third so long ago. She feels so much guilt for not being of any use, for even considering allowing herself to crossover to the enemy’s side. This guilt has been eating away at her, and even just being on light duty and desk duty, Kaisa finds ways to throw herself into dangerous situations. Hirako asked her if she was trying to kill herself. Maybe she is. Maybe it’s the only real way for her to be forgiven in her mind.
She’s in therapy. Hirako took her off duty until she started to get help. Weekly, she goes to Isane to discuss and work herself out. Therapy is rough. Some days are better than others. She’s still broken, still hating herself, and is haunted by her time as prisoner. She can’t sleep, can barely eat, and wants something, anything to numb her from every emotion she’s feeling. She can’t handle the emotions and wants more than anything just to stop feeling them even for a short time.
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aworldofyou · 2 years
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     For those curious a Pirate Wanahton, consists of him ending up at sea on the trading routes when his mother was killed by Traders, and his father - an Englishman by the name of John Campbell, left traditional life to protect the tribes in the North and North Eastern from the interest of dangerous Traders. If not stop them, then at least curb those with ill intentions, and in doing so - gave his son (our then Wanahton), the option to come with him. And so, he does and takes on the name John Campbell Jr.
      In doing so, his true identity and origin is kept secret and when asked they tell people is born of a place with a lot of sun. (He still works as a translator so he can still speak Sioux and is familiar with his people) Here, John Campbell Jr (or Wanahton), grows up at sea at his fathers side. Eventually, as Trading routes often go, their ship gets hit with pirates. (where he meets @paddyfuck​‘s Anne Bonny) and gives his service for his father’s treatment and safe passage - promising he could bring three times the wealth to their crew as his father’s ship that is now released. And thus, we have ourselves.
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watchkept · 2 years
younger verse- single dad. works full time. will build and can build just about anything . eventually plans to own his own company. 
after the fall: the infection spread and joel is lost in his grief. does very bad things to get a handle on his grief and escape from it.  spans the years between 2013 and the beginning of the first game. 
the last of us part 1: anything that spans the length of the first game. can be canon and au plots. totally flexible as long as things flow well. 
the last of us part 2: joel doesn’t die. i don’t know what you’re talking about. he’s got some tbi and a fake leg but he survived .  ellie is out getting revenge thinking he was going to die but he pulled through as a surprise to everyone. 
catch all: any verse outside the last of us infection where he’s just living his life as a single dad. ready for all the tired dad shenanigans . 
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bemuseing · 2 years
Kunikida's Pokémon verse
Doppo Kunikida is a Rank 8 Pokémon Ranger stationed in Wintown, Fiore.
As a child, he was deposited in Lavender Town, in the Kanto region, by a freak wormhole. A couple there took him in and raised him, instilling in him a strong sense of virtue. He often spent time helping at Mr. Fuji’s Pokémon House. They later moved to live in Wintown in the Fiore region.
Although he is aware that he is technically a Faller, since he has mostly grown up in his current timeline, it doesn’t bother him, nor does he have any strong feelings about it. He believes he belongs where he is now.
Also by virtue of being a Faller, he has the odd ability to be able to summon an entity resembling a Shiny Zekrom, and even use its powers as his own. This ability is known to most people in Wintown but is yet a secret from most others and from the Ranger Union as a whole.
He does not have any official partner Pokémon, although he does keep a Raticate nicknamed “Katai” at home. Katai is a Pokémon he looked after at Lavender Town’s Pokémon House. Katai is too shy and timid to act as a partner Pokémon out in the field, but the two share a close bond.
Additional points of interest:
When he first fell, he retained most of his memories of life in his previous timeline. He was not in Ultra Space for a long time, so his level of radiation (and thus also his risk of being targeted by Ultra Beasts) is relatively low. As he’s grown older, he’s forgotten most of his old memories, but that’s purely due to natural reasons.
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astra-stellaris-a · 2 years
                                        Moonstruck Verse
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Moonstruck: a derivative of my KNY verse, exclusively shipping with @fallesto​ ‘s Kokushibo / Michikatsu Tsugikuni-- (verse info under the cut)
In this verse, after the incident with Astra’s uncles, Astra never is able to prove her innocence and is instead moved to the side and treated as a servant.. and then married to Michikatsu Tsugikuni in an arranged marriage. The first years of their marriage is usual for an arranged marriage--very little love, even if they do have moments where they care for each other.
However, that changes the night that Michikatsu encounters the demon that wipes out his entire squad--when he rushes home, Astra comforts him and in that moment, they both find comfort, support and the partner that they were looking for the entire time.
After Michikatsu’s condition deteriorates, he becomes a demon.. and not soon after, Astra attains her demon slayer mark due to their closeness. Months later, she also becomes a demon--him, becoming upper one, and her becoming upper two. After he takes the name Kokushibo, he gifts her the name Aruna--written as love moon.
Astra takes on Michikatsu’s/Kokushibo’s color purple, rather than her father’s color green due to her removal from their family, keeping only her chosen color, red.
This verse spans from the sengoku era to present day & modern times.
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andodge · 2 years
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Stranger Things
Unlike in his main verse Dodge is not new in town. He has lived in Hawkins his whole life. So has his family. They are very stereotypical for a small town in the midwest, in that they are a cowboy family. They used to own quite a bit of land near the edge of Hawkins that you have to drive by as you enter city limits.
He is known around town as being a cowboy. He is known in high school for being the Rodeo kid. He looks it. He may not always be wearing flannels and button up shirts, but he is always in boots. Luckily cowboy attire is pretty timeless. The town knows who he is, and who their family is as they do on occasion make the news because they are good. His sister is the best barrel racer in the region, and he has one his fair share of rodeos and titles that he has some notoriety among the community.
His dad died by bull rope, and Dodge was the one who found him and cut him down. They keep his true cause of death a secret. Most people just think it was a roping accident. And that is what Dodge will say when asked. About a year later Dayna got in an accident when she was t-boned driving to school, the cops could not figure out who hit her, she wouldn’t say, and thus it is an unsolved crime though Dodge has his suspicions.
His mother is the mistress of the sheriff from another county and thus is sparse, or that car is often on their property. After Dayna’s accident the Mason’s had to sell a large portion of their land, and their horses to help pay for Dayna’s hospital bills. They were told it was unlikely she would be able to walk again let alone be able to ride again.
Dodge is one of the many that goes to search for Will at night, as he is familiar enough with the woods. And honestly he feels for Jonathan, while Dodge and Dayna are closer in age than Will and Jonathan he understands what it is like to an extent to be worried for a sibling.
Part of the remaining land that the Mason’s house is on is poisoned by the tunnels. Dodge having a shaky history with the Hawkins police department goes to complain to be dismissed and of course it pisses him off. They don’t have much left and what they do have is being ruined for some reason. His sour mood is definitely noticed at school.
Dayna is one of the flayed. When she can suddenly walk again, Dodge’s mom was grateful but Dodge was suspicious. They were told it wasn’t possible, basically. So for Dayna to suddenly be able to walk with no trepidation like she had never been in accident he was suspicious. Again he went to the cops but they were useless. He tried talking to the paper, because his mom was wanting to spin some miracle story, and Hawkins needed a good story.
He walked in on Dayna knocking their mother out and he overpowered her briefly by knocking her out. He again called the cops but they were again not helpful. He didn’t get much farther because on 4th of July Dayna disappeared. He tried looking for her, at the Fun Fair but was unsuccessful.
He was later told that she died in the Mall Fire. He didn’t believe it for one second. Everything surrounding her death was wrong. And he was determined to figure out what the hell was going on.
Dodge’s mom was not coping well with Dayna’s death. Sometimes he thought the only thing that kept her going was that she didn’t want Dodge to be an orphan. Dodge was not equipped to take over the home as she would say.
version 1 (primary): Follows the canon of the show, and Dodge’s mom dies in the “earth quake” in front of him, he couldn’t save her. Their home and property was destroyed. He takes to staying at Hawkins High for shelter because he’s basically homeless now. He doesn’t believe the earth quake story. Not after Dayna’s death.
version 2 (secondary): For all my lovely canon character fans, as I am one, Vecna moves on from any of his original victims. They don’t know this. His next target is Dodge’s mom, because Dodge is so good at compartmentalizing that its kinda scary. He has not processed anything that has happened to him and his family, but he doesn’t allow himself to either. His mom is a different story.
She is distraught at the town hall meeting, and while not fully feeding into what the basketball boys are saying, she does believe it, especially after Dayna’s death. Dodge smells a whole bunch of bullshit. Its a breaking point for her, if she is alive at that point she may already be dead depending on which victim she replaces.
He watches her and there is nothing he can do about it. The bullshit the basketball boys spread is so strong. He didn’t believe it especially with what he saw. The cops weren’t helpful, he knew this, so he took to not calling them, not that he really had a chance to because as soon as she died the earth quake happened. Again she may already be dead depending on which victim she replaces.
He wants fucking answers. And he will get them.
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V: There Is Someone Walking Behind You
Main Alive Verse. Semi Canon Compliant.
The lives of my muses before they died, from before the accident to post it before their death. Any time in between their birth to their death. They can appear at any age and be at any point in their lifetime in this verse.
V: Little Boy You're Goin' To Hell
Main Afterlife Verse. Non Canon Compliant. Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel Verse.
Their lives in Hell, after they died. Billy is a Deer demon. Rory is a Cat/Porcupine demon. Ian is a Raptor demon. Kevin is a Bulldog demon, not to be confused with a Hellhound. Frankie is a Hyrax demon. Lewis is a Grizzly Bear demon. Ashley and Ashlyn are Siamese Twin Demons (like Miss Mayberry). Nick is a Deer demon. Sam is a Firefly demon. Pete is a Wolverine demon. Olivia is a Cyclops demon.
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yuri-puppies · 11 days
Shape-shifters, face-blindness, and "paying attention to others"
The shapeshifter is one of my favourite "monster of the week" episodes because it showcases how differently Laios processes social information than the rest of the party. It reminds me a lot of the strategies I, faceblind name-forgetter and eye-contact avoider, use to recognize people and learn things about them.
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We see Laios clearly fail at recognizing the doubles through "standard" social cues that are perceived as "easy to tell", such as their clothes. This makes the team (unfairly, but understandably) weary of his ability to tell the fakes apart and even worried that he'd prefer the monster versions* over them. Nonetheless, he gives it a try!
...And is immediately overwhelmed. His lack of attention to social cues works a bit in his favor, though, as it makes it harder for him to fall for stereotypes that fool the rest of the group.
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Instead, he chooses to rely on his strengths and use his investigation and animal handling skills to distract the shapeshifters, lure out the monster, and roll the most insane balls-to-the-wall intimidation check of all time.
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If it had ended there it still would have been a great episode that showcases Laios' strategic mind and his strengths as a leader. He doesn't have the social skills necessary for the task, but he is clever and creative enough to use the skills he does have proficiency in to solve the problem*.
However, what makes this episode so dear and near to my faceblind heart is the revelation that Laios was able to recognize the real party members after all.
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Laios is fantastic representation of how special interests actually work for a monotropic interest system. Having a special interest is not just about how much you like it and the need to know everything about it, it's a way of processing and filtering information. Laios' special interest is monsters: his skills as a dungeoneer and party leader are acquired for and informed by his desire to interact with monsters, as is his interest in eating them. He actually brings this up himself when comparing his interest in cooking to Senshi's.
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And in this episode, we see that this also extends to his friends. Laios hacks one of the most difficult types of information for him to process by routing it through the lens of the special interest. And, because it's not something most people would notice, it works. He knows that Chilchuck wouldn't let his guard down around a potential mimic, that Senshi values a balanced ecosystem, that (my favourite) Marcille just isn't as thoughtful about monsters as he is.
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It might not be what was expected, but it did the trick! And what's more, the narrative validates his way of thinking (even if Chilchuck doesn't).
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parameddic · 24 days
in my head there is some workable verse where military muses end up with tk willingly-or-unwillingly tacked on to who-is-around-to-help/the mission/hanging around camp somewhere/etc etc because he happens to physically have emergency medicine skills and has the physical endurance for it, and he has happened into it and been dragged along in a 'well you've been seen helping us now and if we leave you here you will be killed' way or. ssssomething. I have not thought about it very hard and also military customs are NOT my suit of any shape or size but in my head there is some scenario where he accidentally is recruited because it is safest for everyone, tk included, if he just lets himself be pulled along for a bit
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i-ate-the-rats · 8 months
hehehehe oh shit indefinite sad dark shadow (⊙ˍ⊙).
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Aislin’s La Mémoire Verse
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Once Aislin reaches being in France for graduate school (art history and medieval history), she adopts an “emergencies only” superhero identity. She goes by La Mémoire (The Memory), as her powers by that age include: - Necromancy (work in progress) - Psychometry - Mediumship - Channeling spirits - Getting memories from touching people
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aworldofyou · 1 year
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If You Want War, Give Me An Excuse: Twilight 002
     John E. Wanahton is a loyal member of the Yankton Circle, a pack the exists in the Western parts of the United States. They are part of the Sioux Nation, and like their old ways they exist as seven packs. Seven packs to seven nations. Seven packs to honor the respective Seven Council Fires that are pulled from the very roots of their existence. Their origin is unknown, but history of what has survived has been passed down generation to generation of the elder wolves. And according to their own tales, their history spans back to the great War Chiefs of the Old Ways. And like then, they existed as they always had: in the shadows. With secrest not to be spoken of except for the knowledgeable few.
      John and his girlfriend - and imprinted mate, Anne, ( @paddyfuck ) shows up to Forks, Washington and the Quileute Indian Reservation on a trip to investigate the big number of deaths and disappearances that had started to rise up in Seattle. The rumors had reach farther east, into the Plains of the Great West where whispers had told the Great Elders that something else was going on. Something to be concerned about, that there might be a great number of pale faces gathering. And to protect their own territories, their own people, and see if this threat would come further inland. And so as he comes to break bread with the Pack of the area, he was told only two tings. One, the pack here tolerates a band of pale faces - and two, their Alpha was Sam Uley. And he would know if this was a threat that would require the strongest of the Great Plains to follow suit to war against the dead ones once again.
        Only an unexpected thing happened; and through their journey investigating his once human mate. Shifts. Discovering that she has the wolf gene - through her Irish blood.
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imthecleric · 2 years
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A very brief layout of how my verses on this blog will work.
Pre Season 1 - All things prior to season 1
Season 1 - Self explanatory
Post Season 1 - An AU as if Seasons 2-4 and eventually 5 did not happen or happen differently
Season 2 - Self explanatory
Post Season 2 - An AU as if seasons 3-4 and eventually 5 did not happen or happen differently
Season 3 - Self explanatory
Post Season 3 - An AU as if season 4 and eventually 5 did not happen or happen differently
Season 4 - Follows the canon of the show
Season 4 v. 1 - An AU where Will gets Vecna’d among other things that deal with his connection to the Upside Down.
Season 4 v. 2 - An AU where the Byers don’t move to California
Season 4 v. 3 - Max and Eddie get saved in time
Post Season 4 - All theories and plots involving potential things for season 5
Season 5 - Self Explanatory, but on hold until 2024, could be changed based on canon
Post Season 5 - Follows post show events pertaining to season 5, cold be changed based on canon
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