#verena oc
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Verena’s Offical Adoption certificate!
From @bunny-is-cute blog @hells-greatest-performers
I know she will fit in and be loved by the Morningstars 💖
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Vox Telling Alastor he made a child!
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Bonus: Alastor’s reaction
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All of this amazing art (including the animation gif) was done by the lovely @lucifer-imaginaryfriend
Thank you so much of indulging my silly ideas!
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killjo-q · 1 year
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Changed her eyes a bit Her eyes are like that now because I have been fascinated by my gecko's eyes for the past week now and decided to make her eyes more lizard like ig?
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catebeesart · 7 months
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Zevwarden week day 1: Tradition and Trying New Things
Coffee Zevran would argue that waking up next to his Vera every day was a victory on it's own. But the day he convinced her to try coffee had to be his biggest triumph.
Hopping onto @zevraholics's zevwarden week!! This is gonna get domestic as hell get ready <3
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haydenigmatic · 5 months
Lady Verena (veh-REH-na) Sarpe (/sɑːrp/)
Introducing Lady Verena, the captivating scion of one of the eight kingdoms' powerful families. Renowned for her beauty and political acumen, she weaves a complex tapestry of seduction and strategy to navigate the intricate web of courtly affairs. What twists await her?
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As for a face claim there are a few: Katie McGrath as Morgana Le Fay, possibly Eva Green, even Alicia Agneson and of course she reminds me of Morrigan, all of them are a mix of what I picture her.
Now for her voice I think; Kathleen Turner the voice of Jessica Rabbit, I love her no matter what her health condition has done to her voice.
Main Family Dynamics:
Duke Veneger - The Spymaster:
Her father, is the spymaster serving the king. His absence from home due to his court duties creates a void in her life, contributing to her independence and self-reliance.
Duchess Jyne - The Ailing Mother:
Her mother, was once a significant influence in her life. However, her illness has made her unable to interact, creating a longing for the nurturing connection they once shared.
Veredus - The Heir with Reservations:
Her elder brother and the heir to the family, harbours reservations about his sister's unconventional ways. He views her with scepticism, wishing for a more traditional sister who would conform to societal expectations.
Vardan - The Second Son:
Her other elder brother, He has a knack for exploration and is often away on journeys to distant lands. Despite the physical distance, Verena and Vardan share a bond forged through occasional letters and updates, maintaining a connection despite the miles between them. He is more of a silent observer in the family dynamics. He neither openly opposes nor supports Verena's choices, maintaining a neutral stance.
Here are some random details about her:
Memorable Quote: "In this world, one's reputation is a weapon as sharp as any dagger."
Is an excellent horsewoman and loves nothing more than taking a spirited stallion out for a ride in the countryside.
Has a secret love for sweets and often indulges in them when no one is watching.
She is obsessed with collecting rare and exotic perfumes from all over the world.
Wears tight, low-cut dresses exclusively designed by a renowned tailor who understands her unique style.
Developed immunity to poisons, both a strength and a vulnerability. While it grants her a certain invincibility, it has also become a dangerous addiction.
love for the theatre isn't just limited to being an audience member. She actively participates in local productions, taking on various roles that allow her to explore different facets of herself.
Her white ferret companion is named Kavi. Originally intended as a meal for a serpent she had, changed her mind and kept the ferret as a pet. Becoming a constant, sneaking companion, often resting on her shoulder or within the folds of her elaborate dresses during social gatherings.
The illness that befell her mother left her unable to interact, creating a void that she struggled to fill, until Countess Roderick took her under her wing, she viewed her as a mother figure.
Countess Roderick became a surrogate parent, filling the void left by Verena's ailing mother and absent father. Visiting every day or extending invitations to her estate, the Countess became both mentor and confidante. However, her teachings went beyond the conventional, delving into the realm of feminine power and manipulation. Countess Roderick believed in arming her with the tools she'd need to navigate the treacherous world she was born into.
Fuelled by a mix of rage and political calculation, her father orchestrated the demise of Countess Roderick and her husband. This act, intended to protect the family's honour, irreparably fractured her trust in familial bonds and propelled her into a world where power and cunning were her only constants.
Her Network of Informants: "The Eyes of the Snake" maintains an extensive network of informants across the Eight Kingdoms. Information flows seamlessly through their channels, allowing her to stay well-informed about potential threats or opportunities.
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seeker-of-truth · 3 months
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Thank you so much for the tag @tarmac-rat 💕. You can read their post here
Sorry this is like 70 day late and $28 dollars shy. But I figured no better way to get back into the swing of things then going wayyyyyy to hard on a tag game. So here is a whole ass character profile loosely based on the style of that one esquire miles teller profile.
I'd tag peeps but I'm SO LATE to this party, but if you haven't done this tag and want to consider yourself tagged. (Ill send you the actual questions if you want to do it :))
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yennefre · 1 year
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mistswoven · 4 months
Looking for Contact - Verena Sun'rael
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「 general information 」
FULL NAME: Verena Iren Sun’rael
TITLE(S): Agent, Doctor, The Jade Dagger, The Good Doctor
AGE: 177
DATE OF BIRTH: April 16th
RACE: Elf (Thalassian)
GENDER: Female, cisgender.
MARITAL STATUS: Single, never married.
PROFESSION(S): Surgeon, doctor, mistweaver, Blacktalon agent, member of the Order of the Broken Temple.
LANGUAGES: Thalassian, Common, Pandaren, Sign, Draconic.
「 physicality & appearance 」
HAIR: Blonde with muted pink streaks; lightly wavy, shoulder length.
EYES: Misty teal
HEIGHT: 5’7”
BUILD: Mesomorphic; muscular and athletic.
A jagged scar that cuts over and around the outer edge of her right eye; the eye itself is unharmed.
A small cut to the left of cupid’s bow on her upper lip.
A tattoo of a cherry blossom branch wound around both biceps up to her shoulders.
Simple silver earrings, often asymmetrical
One large earring made to look like a cherry blossom branch with intact blooms; it stretches up the length of her right ear
A nose piercing, right side, silver.
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「 personality & traits 」
A searing pride scorches the very ground she walks, confidence radiating from her like the heat that comes immediately after. She's fiery, vibrant and powerful. Though not quite a social butterfly, Verena is certainly rather outgoing and won't shy away from striking up or engaging in a conversation. Self-assured in her abilities, it can sometimes be hard for her to back down from a challenge - and the stubborn streak certainly doesn't help matters. Though often rather down to earth and with a colorful sense of humor, one would think that a switch was flipped with how quickly she can become serious should a given situation call for it.
There's a certain charm that she's adopted; she wields it like a weapon, one nearly as deadly as her fists. Her hospitality and kindness will last as long as one behaves the same in turn. The moment that changes, it's pure venom from then on.
Want to know more? Interact or RP!
「 personal information 」
HOBBIES: Poetry, painting, meditation, hiking, reading, painting, swimming, studying, exercising.
SKILL(S): Practical and magical medicine, skilled martial artist, practiced tactician, fast learner, extensive anatomical knowledge, [REDACTED].
AFFILIATIONS: The Blacktalons, The Blackheart Accord, [REDACTED] (former), [REDACTED] (former)
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「 relations 」
Jenir Sun’rael, father. Unknown.
Sena Sun’rael, mother. Unknown.
Eriesh Sun’rael, brother. Alive.
Lyrina Sun’rael, sister. Deceased.
Amora Sun’rael, sister. Alive.
Saeus Sun’rael, brother. Alive.
Kaethis Sun’rael, brother. Alive.
「 habits & vices」
SMOKING:  never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
「 hooks」
Surgical Precision: A skilled Doctor and surgeon with a degree, Verena has treated many patients over the years in hospitals and even out on the field of battle. Anyone currently or previously involved with the military, civilians, monks, or Black Talons could have been treated by her at one point or another.
Black Talons: A current Blacktalon assassin and agent, V has traveled all over Azeroth and beyond to gather, seek and locate various bits of information ranging from a simple overheard conversation to a relic or two. Those of a similar occupation, drakes or Dracthyr of the Black Dragonflight could easily recognize her for this.
Isn't it odd, though, that she's just a Blacktalon agent? One does not simply become an agent; Wrathion hires talent. Maybe there's more to this.
White Tiger, Jade Serpent: At every given opportunity, Verena will speak of her time in Pandaria - working, training, fighting, the whole package. Monks, or those who lived, worked, trained or fought on the Isle could certainly recognize her from there; she spent a number of years training under a pair of Pandaren monk masters.
Woven in the Mists: Perhaps it's just a rumor, or maybe there's more to it. Though a skilled combatant and combat medic in her own right, whispers constantly swirl around a more unique style that she employs; one that can be used to harm instead of heal. Maybe due to the ramifications of using this method of mistweaving, or something else entirely, there will occasionally be lightning-like teal patterns up and down her arms. This results from an excess of chi use.
Sting like a Killer Bee: Despite her calm disposition and training as a mistweaver, Verena is known for a rather aggressive and punishing fighting style. It would be best described as orthodox Muay Thai combined with Wing Chun and Taekwondo.
Neutral Party: Verena does not identify with the Alliance or the Horde, and simply chooses to remain neutral. Though once a firm and unwavering member of the Alliance, her time and training as a monk seems to have changed her perspective on the faction war.
「 other/ooc 」
FACE REFERENCE(S): Elizabeth Lail
VOICE REFERENCE(S): Morena Baccarin as Black Canary (JLU)
SERVER(S): Moon Guard (A), Wyrmrest Accord (H)
This character is completely neutral, and thus has a Horde and an Alliance counterpart.
I will not interact/roleplay with minors or anyone under the age of 18. 21+ preferred.
I will not write with godmodders (ex. never misses a hit and never gets hit, their character is so overpowered that they’re basically a god and can’t ever lose, etc).
Art Album Here
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 8 months
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The way this game never fails to boost my ego
10 Random Favorite Screenshots from The Elementalists
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astarionsleftfang · 1 month
bitches be like “i can’t stand his ass”
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15 minutes later: me and the bestie!!
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yandere-kokeshi · 9 months
— Verena K. Salvatore Masterlist
🔞 = smut or details of sex
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Aching (SOON) 🔞
NSFW alphabet (SOON) 🔞
Yandere alphabet (SOON)
Amazing art of Verena by @mellowwillowy <3
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Nothing stopping this man from showing off his kids (and future overlords/rulers of hell)
OCs belong to @bunny-is-cute and are from their blog @hells-greatest-performers
Please consider checking their blog out! It is so captivating, charming with many twists and turns that keep you wanting more!
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**hours after making sure the baby is healthy and can survive outside an incubator*
Vox: *completely baffled* Huh…
Velvette: Well you did it. You made a daughter.
Vox: Yeah…I did…
Velvette: Got a name for her? Preferably something that starts with V.
Vox: I have the perfect name. A name that means “to respect” and “to fear!” My daughter…your name is Verena!
Velvette: Oh that’s so good! *takes picture of baby*
Vox: Vel? What are you doing?
Velvette: Making the official announcement of a new baby in town.
Vox: Hey wait! Ask me first before you do that!
Velvette: Done!
Vox: *gets the notification*
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Original baby design & art by @lucifer-imaginaryfriend
Vox: I should have posted it on my page first!
Velvette: It is on your page. Change your password you moron.
Vox: *frown and looks at his baby girl* Verena…Christ I’m a father…I’m a father…I…have a daughter *it’s truly sinking in*
Verena: *looks at Vox*
Vox: She has my eyes…
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killjo-q · 4 months
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Random OC drawings because brain cannot focus today but I wanted to draw something
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catebeesart · 7 months
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ZevWarden rainbow🌈
I really want to participate in more events like this one! Thank you @zevraholics for organising it!
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 2 months
Narnia OCs Time!!
It's the my Narnia's babies time! Since it seems like we're all in this mood, I thought it was a good moment to introduce them! (Special thanks to @andromedalestrange and @randomestfandoms-ocs for some fcs, I was getting crazy so thank you darlings!)
Also two little things I feel the need to tell: it's been a while since the last time I read the Chronicles (so don't yell at me pls) and! My ocs are going to be a "fusion" of the books and the movies (Like, taking my favourite things from both and changing what I don't like... Susan not returning at all for example lmao) And! It's me finding a different way to make almost all of them immortal/ageless/slow-aging bc I want them being in more than one movie/book lmao
Last thing, I'm gonna to explain so little about their plot/vibes/actual things so if you wanna know more about some specific ocs feel free to send an ask, I can't wait to talk about them more 🥺
Tagging my Narnia besties @daughter-of-melpomene @come-along-pond @dancingsunflowers-ocs bc I think they would enjoy this (tell me if I didn't have to 🥺)
Nevan Dair - basically Powerful Boy so The White Witch kidnapped recruted him as her little puppet right-hand man (yep, he's a child and there's a lot of manipulation here); meets Edmund and goes on full "I'm going to murder for you" so betrays Jadis; basically immortal (but not really, it's complicated) for the spark inside him; looks like they would kill you is actually a cinnamon roll vibe; Edmund Pevensie ship FC: Kit Young
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Margaret "Magpie" Kirke - Digory Kirke's granddaughter; lives with her grandpa bc oopsie dead parents; enters in Narnia with the Pevensie sibs (and becomes a Queen of Narnia actually); will come back once again with them (and the third time she'll stay in Narnia lol); Peter Pevensie & Prince Caspian ship FC: Florence Pugh
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Elizabeth "Liz" Pevensie - Edmund's twin sister; one of the ruler of Narnia along side her sibilings; will also be the Last Queen before the destruction of Narnia alongside Aine; Aine Meraxes ship FC: Maisie Williams
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Verena Mars - Narnian noble, fights against the White Witch, meets the Pevensie sibs, during their reign her and Susan fall in love; when they come back to the Human World Aslan doesn't let her follow them so she finds a way to become "ethereal"/ageless to wait Susan's come back (is ready to kill Aslan anyone that comes in her way of having her happy ending); basically I'm all we supports women rights and wrongs; Susan Pevensie ship ovb FC: Hailee Steinfeld
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Arjuna - The White Witch descendant, semi immortal due the Silver Apple her mother ate; will eventually bretray her mother for saving the kids she befriended; Peter Pevensie ship FC: Freya Allan
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Avaluna Lohan Kirke - baby born under the Golden Age; wants to visit the Human World so searches the Door the Pevensie arrived with; basically finds it when they found the Lamp-post so she leaves with them and is now stuck in the Human World; gets adopted by Digory Kirke bc how do you explain it to anyone else?; Lucy ship FC: Elle Fanning
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Aine Meraxes - princess of a little independent reign on a Isle on the borders of Narnia; they have dragons lol; the Long Winter didn't get there bc a Coven protects it; gets called for help against the White Witch; is a witch herself; uses a similar spell the White Witch used on Charn after the Golden Age ends; will eventually be the Last Queen of Narnia alongside Liz; Liz Pevensie ship FC: Milly Alcock
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Killian Evada - leader of a secret organization that plots against the White Witch; turns out that is actually a human that found Narnia; comes back on Earth with the Pevensie sibs; Edmund Pevensie ship FC: Thomas Brodie Sangster
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Shivani - world traveller (basically is born with the power of yellow and geen rings); comes from a world that was destroyed before Narnia was born and has lived for non-specified time in the Wood Between The Worlds; the time there made them kind of immortal; ship TBD FC: Jessie Mei Li
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Amaranta Ira - High Witch of Narnia (at least she should be); her ancestors used to be the Second In Command of Narnia's Army before the Age of Winter; became basically the Narnian version of a vigilante during the White Witch's reign lmao; (will probably be with the Pevensie when they come back so she is stuck in England for a long time); Caspian and/or Edmund ship FC: Amita Suman
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Leocadius Thorne - comes from a family of librarians basically; actually, keepers of the list of every Narnian Ruler since the beginning of everything; no plot just vibes ship TBD FC: Isaac Hempstead Wright
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Merletta of Narnia - Aslan's priestess; just a little bit of plot, mainly vibes; ship TBD (but maybe Lucy Pevensie) FC: Ceara Coveney
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Neera Merwyna - siren and pirate (sort of); no plot just vibes; Prince Caspian ship FC: Halle Bailey
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Fitzroy Mahogany - Narnian noble? this is literally "I just vibe with this fc but I have no plot, might scrap them but until then..."; ship TBD (Peter?) FC: Douglas Booth
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