iudico · 10 months
@vengier has requested a starter from this starter call.
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"stay still, it will make it easier to treat you."
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curmoritor · 10 months
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@beloven, @vengier, @lightsmartyr, & @daemonry; sent all the questions! So time to answer them all.
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What made you pick up this character?
Good question! I truly don't remember when or why I picked up Owen exactly. I just know that one day I did and ever since then I've never been the same. I originally got into this series and wrote Shylock, then Snow, and then Owen! I don't remember why I picked up Owen. I just know he is my little bonbon now.
2. How did you get into this franchise/fandom? That would be because of @beloven and an old friend of mine! They were into it and my group of friends go into it briefly before falling out of it because we still had other interests at the time, but after we fell out of those interests, we fell back into mahoyaku. Sapph was into it far more then I was at first, but I slowly inched my way into it and now I'm trapped.
3. What’s the best thing about the show/series/books/comics/etc.? God, I wouldn't even know what to pick because there are so many good things about it. I love so many things about Mahoyaku because it has amazing writing in almost every possible way. Though, I think my favorite generalized thing to think of is just how detailed the magic system inside of mahoyaku is! It's so unique and wonderful.
4. What’s the worst thing about the show/series/books/comics/etc.? Honest to god, I don't know. I like to many things about it to even think of something I don't like. Maybe just how slow it updates because getting one main story chapter a month is kiiiiiiiilling me
5. What’s the best thing about the fandom? There are a lot of things! Though I would say the fact that the fandom is SUPER orginized!! Having a whole resource doc, public discord and lots of discussions on the lore and characters!
6. What’s the worst thing about the fandom? the fandoms hyperfixation on specifically ships that I really do not like. It's just a personal thing though!
7. What’s the best thing about the canon you are writing? The fact that all wizards are yandere coded. I love this so much. Funky obsessive wizards.
8. What’s the worst thing about the canon you are writing? Personally, and it's deeply petty and not that big of a deal, the fact that Owen being so weird and different from other wizard not being really examined enough!! like!! what do you mean he can't die!! why are NO OTHER WIZARDS trying to get this ability? why can he talk to animals? this is something ONLY HE CAN DO!! and no one cares?? What about the fact he gains his magic from hate and chaos rather then love and happiness!! why is this something just glossed over!!! i want to know more!!!!!!!!!!
9. Have you tweaked the character from canon? If so, what did you tweak? Only a little bit. I made him 5'8 instead of 5'10. I also made him trans because transgenderification beam goes brrr.
10. Would you say that your portrayal is canon divergent or not?  absolutely, I think all portrayals are inherently canon divergent because we aren't the original writers so we're bound to get things wrong! but if you are trying to stick to canon good for you! I am slightly canon divergent only in making Owen far nicer then he is canonically because otherwise he'd be near impossible to interact with.
11. Are there some things you dislike about how the show/series/etc. portray the character you have picked up? If so, what? Nope! I love how the game portrays him and think he is absolutely perfect and has never done anything wrong (incredibly biased)
12. What would you say is the most unique trait about your character? The fact that he simply can't die. In canon he is literally the only person who can do that, beside that, it's the fact he can speak to and understand animals. This is also a trait exclusively restricted to him.
13. Are there any other characters from the franchise you’d like to play? Hell yea, I write several other mahoyaku characters! They are all on my multimuse though.
14. Are there some characters from the franchise you can’t stand?  Not really, I pretty much like all of them at this point! I used to not like Shino or Nero much but the new main story updates really changed my opinions on both of them so I love everyone.
15. What are your thoughts on the canon ships for the character, if any? While there is no technical canon romance, there are two sets of characters I would say are 100% in love. That being Shylock and Murr and Cain and Owen. I personally don't have strong opinions on Shymurr at all, but Caiowen is my favorite ship ever. I am insane about them and I think that there is just so much about them that makes me want to scream. Wizards in love are insane and very normal. Owen loves Cain in a unusual way but he does love him. Owen sees himself as a monster that is meant to be killed by the knights that he loves so very much, so he attacks and provokes Cain all the time to try and get him to attack and kill him, yet he also wants Cain to save him and make him feel loved, as shown with how little owen acts. Owen is just simply not capable of showing such feelings because of... a lot of reasons. From him being Northern to him being deeply traumatized.
16. What is your personal ship bias for your canon character? CaiOwen.
17. Are there any ships you can’t stand, why? ShinoHeath. I just personally don't vibe much.
18. How long have you been writing the character? about a year and a half? maybe longer.
19. Should people get into the franchise your writing from, yes or no? Absolutely. Please I fucking BEG you to get into mahoyaku. It's so good, you don't know what you are missing out on.
20. If you could sum up your character with one sentence, what would it be? Traumatized Disney princess that is also a wizard.
21. Which song do you feel describes your character the most and why? Pass because I'm bad at music.
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chxrityhero · 3 years
@vengier​  continued  from  >>here<<
     It  could  be  too  early  to  think  about  each  other  as  personalities  that  could  resemble  a  mirror,  yet  nothing  could  be  closer  to  the  current  reality.  He  feels  fortunate  that  things  have  flown  this  way  &  that  she’s  under  his  care  now.
  Although  it's  unusual  to  see  to  see  a  Magus  in  her  position,  her  explanation  is  what  gives  it  a  fair  reason  to  justify  it.  Not  that  he  wouldn't  accept  otherwise,  but  having  such  conditions  defined  clearly  from  the  beginning  is  what  will  save  both  of  them  from  future  misunderstandings  and  confusion.  If  it's  going  to  benefit  them  or  not  in  battle  remains  as  a  minor  preoccupation  which  can  ---momentarily--   be  shut  down.
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——❝Hmm.  I  think  we  won't  have  a  problem  with  it.❞
  Of  course  there's  numerous  interrogations  emerging  on  his  head,  though  he  works  his  best  to  remain  patient  until  the  adequate  moment  to  ask  anything  could  come.
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bloodcraved · 3 years
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@vengier​​ said:  ❝ they're beautiful, non ? do you enjoy them ?  ❞ flowers -- that is what she speaks of. the small group of colors resting in front of her, lively and bright with life as they drank in the sun above. a few were held in the grasp of her fingers, three to be exact. plucked cleanly from the ground. a smile on her face, she considers only for a moment before offering them ( yellow roses ) out. ❝ these ones -- they're a symbol of friendship. the rich color of the petals are meant to represent joy. after the conversation of happiness, these were brought to mind. i hope you do not mind accepting them ? ❞
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            Rosario loves nature, flowers reminded him of his family back in Mexico and despite it all being a distant memory, he loved them in all earnestly. The flowers, anyways. He had been watching their colors in the sunlight, a finger reached over to touch the soft petals with his cold hands and breathing in, caught in a daydream before she speaks to him. He tilts his head to look at her, nodding with a small smile on his lips. He wondered where she got them from. ❛ Yes, they’re beautiful. I look forward to their blooms every spring. ❜ He was honestly taken aback when she decided to gift them to him, he felt a brief flush to his cheeks warm his skin. He was so TOUCHED by the moment, he can’t help but GRIN at the gesture.             The vampire takes the flowers, cradling them in his hands with the upmost care. ❛ This was so sweet of you... ❜ He softly says, unsure what to say that would match the symbolism of it all. ❛ Thank you so much, I accept them! They certainly make me HAPPY, if that’s any correlation--- aha, I don’t know how to repay you but I hope my friendship brings you some joy in return. I’ll make sure of it, okay? ❜
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bindheartsarchive · 3 years
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@vengier​​ said: “ do you think the dead come back and watch the living? “
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    “  i  hope  that  they  are  always  with  us  !    ”    such  a  short  time,  it  seemed  she  had  been  granted  with  her  elder  brother.  so,  days  had  been  spent  telling  a  ghost  of  her  days,  of  her  friends.    “  they  live  in  the  memories,  that  we  have  of  them.  so  we  carry  them,  within  our  hearts.    ”  a  warm  smile  upon  rose  tinted  lips.  it  was  not  the  same,  but  it  dulled  the  ache  fate  had  seen  fit  to  hand  her. 
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imhereforbvcky · 3 years
Summary: You live a quiet, peaceful life, not much traveling outside your own home. Natasha comes to you with small gifts seeking comfort.
Warnings: FLUFF
Word Count: 1553
A/N: I thought I was done with this hobby but every time I watch Black Widow (which is often) I end up writing some nonsense 20mins in. Natasha just deserves to be happy okay 😭
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The air is hot and thick as the sun passes its peak, but you curl deeper into the embrace of the hammock, let it swallow you like a cocoon and shelter you from the heat. A gentle breeze cools you through the lightweight fabric. You are tired in that way of lazy afternoons spent thinking and walking and smiling. Tired from the sun's energy, from the reading of thoughtful books, from a morning spent in a slow haze.
Too relaxed to open your eyes, you bring a book to your nose and inhale: age and dust, ink and leather. A small private delight. This comforting scent is soon followed by another, equally lovely and familiar. The breeze carries the sharpness of gunpowder, the bitter sweet aroma of espresso and burnt sugar. Natasha is home.
You hear the faint rattle of her porcelain macchiato cup in its saucer as she sets it near her bare feet. Clover pedals curl around her toes in a cool summer embrace.
Next she runs a careful fingernail over the edge of your cocoon. The hushed zipping sound is a question. "May I, dear one?"
Always, the answer is yes. Though known the world over for deception and violence, with you, she is gentle, selfless, and thoughtful.
You raise one edge of the hammock to her like a great bat's wing, welcoming, poised to enclose her too in it’s silky dark protection. She crawls in one limb at a time.
For once, she is terribly ungraceful. One knee between yours, her hands brace first on the hammock, then on your shoulders as she wobbles with the swaying cocoon.
A chuckle bubbles through you, starting deep in your stomach and rising to your throat. For her dignity you bite down on the grin, but your happiness alights your face all the same. She sees it and smirks.
“You think this is funny?”
“I think it’s ironic,” you return, tapping the round tip of her nose. “What would your defenders say?”
“Avengers, пчелка.” Little bee.
You frown, exaggerated, wrinkling your nose and scrunching your eyes closed. “It’s not a great name.”
While you lay on your back, body eased and pliant as a new leaf, she finally settles. Her limber body curls over yours. Her knee still rests between your own, and one hand, curled above you, strokes your wild hair. With the other, she lifts the open book from your lap. Green eyes rove the pages quickly. She doesn’t look up when she speaks.
“Why not?”
“For one,” you explain, “it suggests you wait until someone is hurt to do the right thing. But you are protective of what you love. You’d never let your enemy strike out first.”
Her body is molded seamlessly to your shape, warm and giving. A great sigh leaves her smaller somehow, less guarded. And you, it leaves warmer, softer, more grateful than ever that she chooses to come here to your distant little world.
“True,” she admits through a contented hum. “Unless I planned it that way.”
You laugh at her cunning. A spy through and through.
“And for another thing, it’s the wrong word. Avenger. From the verb avenge, before that the Old French: a vengier, down to the Latin vindicare, meaning to claim, to punish.”
“You are such a nerd,” she interrupts, teasing you with her cool nose at your throat.
“A nerd who is right. You are a free thing, and forgiving to a fault. You would never claim or punish another. Disarm, yes. Detain, even neutralize. But to claim? I can’t imagine it. To punish? What is there to punish when you judge none? Even their worst mistakes, you forgive.”
“It’s not a fault!” She scowls into the yellowed pages of your book, but you can only smile.
“Then you admit I’m right. It’s a bad name for you.”
You laugh and raise your eyes, watching a pair of squirrels chase each other across the boughs of an ancient oak. A breeze sets the leaves to dancing. It cools your skin and soon your eyes close and you begin to drift into a most peaceful sleep.
“I brought you something,” she murmurs at last, setting the book aside in favor of your favorite game.
“Living still?” you ask.
“Never was.” She raises her hand, fingers splayed but lowers her smallest finger.
“Hmm,” your eyes creep open, scanning the forest for ideas. “Not more ground cherry seeds for my garden then. Is it edible?”
The next finger falls. “Always.”
“You’re tired today, it must be sweet.” After a strenuous mission or a taxing public event, Natasha always wants chocolate. Sweet but balanced, the darker the better, perhaps a sprinkle of salt or a dried cherry with it. And so, when she comes seeking the stillness of your forest and the gentleness of your being, she often carries secret sweets to share just as you share yourself and your peace. Here, with you, she repairs herself.
“Is that a question?”
“No,” you grin and shuffle to face her, study her impenetrable face. The hammock sways with the commotion. “Is it processed?”
She must think about that. Her lips roll between her teeth and her eyes drift up and away as she considers how to answer.
She thinks to trick you with careful words, but even her silence is an answer. This much thought means it’s no pastry or candy. Nor is it a sweet mango from a passing orchard. It is somewhere in between. All chocolate is processed: ground and roasted and sugared, but you can have it raw. Does she bring you a cocoa bean?
“Not human processed, only collected,” she finally answers, slow with caution.
You hum and consider. Two possibilities come to mind.
“Only two more questions, пчелка.” And indeed, she holds up only two more fingers.
One question must be a guess at where she found the thing. You can save the second in case you’re wrong or you can narrow your guess with another question.
“Is it honey?”
“Damn it,” she hisses, though there’s no venom in it. There is a smile on her lips and mischief in her eyes.
She withdraws a tiny jar no taller than your thumb from a pocket on her vest and places it in your hand. You hold it to the light and frown, thinking. You are no beekeeper, but Natasha is right, you are a nerd who studies many things, especially those things that live in your woods.
“It’s pale,” you observe with a curious frown. “More yellow than golden… green almost.”
Natasha says nothing as you unseal the jar, dip the tip of your finger into the sticky elixir and put it to your tongue. She does the same and watches your reaction with the easiest smile, a smile reserved for you and your quiet forest garden with its doves and foxes and wild raspberries.
“Extremely sweet,” you smile. “We should pour it over ice cream.”
“Vanilla mousse,” she counters, leaning close for another dip.
“Bavarian cream!”
“Whatever you like.”
Her words are nothing more than a breath on your lips – a hint and a reminder. The honey, though decadent and sweet, is nothing to this. There is nothing tense or wanting when your lips meet, nothing demanding, nothing desperate. You kiss her slowly, gently, like you have all your time and gentleness to give to this Avenger, because you do.
Pressed close by the curve of the hammock, tangled and touching by the sheer wish to be so, your kiss lingers until it is nothing more than two foreheads together, two noses sloping to the same point, two lovers sharing one breath.
Slowly, she smiles and opens her eyes. Yours are already waiting, taking in every lash, every bronze freckle, and now every blade of green depth in her eyes.
“You still have to guess, пчелка.” Her voice is a rough murmur. Has it been so long since she last spoke? Perhaps. What is time to either of you here?
“The honey is beautiful. Sweeter than most, and slightly green. I think you spoil me with a rarity. Tupelo honey. It can only be found in the Ogeechee tupelo swamps. Were you in Florida, my love?”
Her smile widens but the mischief has returned. “The trees bloom for only two weeks. It was good timing. But no. We were in Georgia.”
“Damn,” you grumble.
Natasha wins this game as often as you. But even in loss, you count yourself a victor if she is here. She doesn’t say it, but you know she thinks the same. You know it in the thoughtfulness of the gifts, in the lengths she goes to continue and add complexity to the game. You know it by the way she kisses you and smiles with you and sleeps so soundly under your stars.
She is an Avenger, burdened with the weight of the world and all its malice. Always, when she comes to you she is tired. Always, her body aches with the violence of their wars. Always, her mind is weary with grief and anger. So she comes to you for the quiet rustle of the trees in your forest. She comes for the cool soothing waters of your river and the comfort of a gentle creature, sweet as Tupelo honey.
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turangalila · 2 years
Johannes Ockeghem (1420-1497)
- S'elle m'amera / Petite camusette
S'elle m'amera je ne scay, Mais je me mettray en essay D'acquerir quelque peu sa grace. Force m'est que par la je passe ; Ceste fois j'en feray l'essay.
L'aultre jour tant je m'avençay Que presque tout mon cuer lassay Aler sans que luy demandasse
Puis apres le coup me pençay Que long temps a que ne cessay, Ne ne fut que je ne l'aimasse ; Mais c'est ung jeu de passe passe, J'en suis comme je commençay.
/ Petite camusete, A la mort m'avez mis. Robin et Marion S'en vont au bois joly, Ilz s'en vont bras a bras, Ilz s'en sont endormis.
- Presque transi
Presque transi ung peu moins qu’estre mort, vivant en dueil sans avoir nul confort voir l’on me peut eslieus de fortune qui sans cesser pis qu’aultre me fortune et me combas de plus fort en plus fort.
Helas, je suis contre mon vueil envie, et si n’est riens dont tant j’aie d’envie que de povoir veoir ma fin bien prouchaine.
Morir ne puis et tousjours m’y convie, et m’est bien tart que du tout je desvie a celle fin que soie hors de paine.
Il m’est advis que la mort me tient tort, quant autrement elle ne fait son effort de moi vengier de ma vie importune car je languis sans avoir joie aucune par mon maleur qui me devour et mort.
Ockeghem et Compère...Musique au temps d'Anne de France. La Main Harmonique – Frédéric Bétous. (2010, Ligia Digital lidi0202217-10)
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Steel, Faith and Chivalry - Bellum event part1
After Johnny’s triplicata had suddenly acted on its own, both he and his servant were found themselves in green, bright plains. The two hotties dressed in all black were presented by a village burning in front of them, the screams of the weak who cannot defend themselves and the clangs of steel clashing against steel.
The streets were in chaos, amidst the fire and bloodied corpses of knights and peasants alike. Johnny rested his right palm against the hilt of his sword underneath his jacket.
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“Soooo, this is the kinda stuff we were assigned for, huh?”
However, before any discussion could take place. Three Light armor Knights charges the duo, accusing them to be insurgents. A Heavy armor Knight, wielding an imposing shield and claymore, was standing behind the other three knights shouting the orders to assault them.
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dunwallwolf-blog1 · 7 years
vengier replied to your post: “It’s hard to listen to you with a straight face.”
jeanne alter just complains at him LOUDER.
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   ...How did you get into my house in the first place
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justicebled · 3 years
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You are not afraid of the sufferings and sorrows of other people, even when they are acted out in unappealing ways. Beneath even defensiveness and self-righteous behaviour, you know that deep down people need nurturing and consolation. One danger is being naive about people’s dark sides. But at your best you know you can be mean yourself, which helps you to sympathise. You bring strength and forgiveness where other people might panic.
You have a strong sense of potential and an intense drive to accomplish difficult things. The core of this is your ability to hold together the big goals and the daily efforts. Where other people’s hopes collapse when they encounter the tedium of the journey, you keep coming back. Oddly, it is actually your ability to endure feeling unheroic that counts. You know the power of working away solidly on what’s in front of you.
You don’t set out to be different for its own sake. You are more easily guided by what interests and moves you. You are more concerned about what is right for you than about the pressure to fit in. You know the value of selective irresponsibility, of occasionally forgetting about being ‘good’.
You have a tendency after a setback, to turn your emotions towards restriving. What attracts you is the idea of wiping out a humiliation by resumed action - overcoming weakness, repressing your fear. Because part of your motive is pride, you can sometimes be unwilling to admit weakness or receive aid. But at heart, your insistence on coming back and never folding has taught you a valuable pessimism: you know that important journeys are never easy.
tagged by: stolen from @herzessen + @viivyre  tagging: @vulpesse @bloodcraved @dawnpyre @zelotae @sheyearns @moogleatla @blthiers @gainsborro @miburoni @bonescribes @homra-no-artemis @tenebriism @aaetherius @enshijou @vengier​ @minuetique​ + you!
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hanerddraig-blog · 7 years
She told herself that she couldn’t walk everywhere while invisible. Well, she could, but she shouldn’t, not if she wanted to know this place. And what point was there in trying to save something you didn’t know, understand or appreciate? So today, she was entirely visible, all fourteen feet of her. 
“Excuse me, I was wondering; do you know this area of the city? I’m looking for something to do and you looked like you were familiar.”
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She hadn’t noticed it at first, but there was something almost captivating about the woman. Or perhaps she had noticed it and that’s exactly why she’d picked her out. She was certainly beautiful, and perhaps a little intimidating, now she was close. Realising she’d probably looked on in silence for too long, she cleared her thought.
“Uhm, not that I meant to disturb you. I’m... Lancer.”
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counteremiya · 7 years
♘ = stabbing them .
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He wasn’t underestimating her. Not by any means. Even so, what was with this ridiculous strength? What was with this absurd speed? In terms of sheer combat prowess, she may have been even greater than Saber to some extent. Ruler class? He thought it to be some nonsensical babbling on her part. Or, perhaps, a fake alias given to try and hide her true class. But now, he couldn’t help but wonder if this Ruler class truly existed in some other messed up Grail war. And if it did, just how fearsome were the Servants summoned under it?
“Well, damn it. Looks like you got the better of me, huh? I can’t tell if I should be laughing or crying at how one-sided that was.“
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bloodcraved · 3 years
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@vengier​​ said:  “ beware ! I bear more grudges than lonely high court judges. “                              // morrisey sentence prompts
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          ❛ Oh? ❜ As curious as ever, he was greatly CONCERNED. Grudges were born from the hearts of those who were greatly scorned and he knew they were rightfully so. Judges though? His mind swirls with the appropriate words but he cannot find them, instead he extends an arm out above him and his other hand pressed against his chest. A moment of dramatics. ❛ May your heart bear the weight of a thousand suns, ever so strong it may be! ❜
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“I’m not gonna lie. You look like you should be on the other side of the bar from me giving me cougar eyes or something.”
It was just the look he felt like she had about her. He didn’t know what it was. She didn’t necessarily look too much older than him? Or maybe she was. He wasn’t about to go into that territory. It would get him into trouble and he didn’t want some kind of domestic dispute because he was an idiot and ran his mouth. Especially when that other person was clearly another Servant. He’d said he wouldn’t start trouble, after all.
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frayedblade-blog · 7 years
Biting, gnawing, gnashing. If there was any way to describe the influence of the abyss then it was corrosion. An ever present sensation of being eaten away on a spiritual level. Midir hated the abyss, built and raised to be an enemy of the dark. Even the idea of its existence inspired anger, and the corruption of the dark within themselves only incited its own mounting rage; a vicious circle of failure. 
Midir had been tainted so long they had almost forgotten what it felt like before, yet this was more real than any memory. While it was impossible to describe it as serene, this woman’s presence alone inspired a still sort of calmness that was impossible to ignore. So they followed her. 
That was until she turned abruptly on them, anything but a kind look on her face. Midir took half a step back. Not in fear, only realising they had nothing prepared. 
“You. You’re different.”
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No, there was... Mana? But not a Master... Even still, this woman’s servant status was of little interest. How were they to word this, it was peculiar. 
“Do I... Know you?” Was that it? Familiarity? Not quite, Midir couldn’t know them. They didn’t know what to say, yet they didn’t want to leave. “Are you related to the gods?” It was all they could grasp at to not fall silent.
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A Tainted Rose
A dim lit room of what used to be empty space. An open fireplace where the smoke went up into a non existent chimney. In a Chesterfield chair a man in black spun the blue glowing cube on the tip of his finger. This ‘triplicata’ multi-tool of this universe.
To him, merely a wallet and phone in one. A cubic shaped glass in his other hand, the scotch that filled half the glass resting on the oak table in front of him. Swirling, the ice cubes clinks playfully.
The man in pitch black shades sighed. Capturing the cube in his hand and look at the back of it. “So with these I could speed things up expediently, huh?” 
The bright, sky clear blue eyes beneath those impenetrable shades eyed his mark, it was not much different from an ear tag on a cow in a farm. He swept the scotch, ah the burning sensation in his throat. Reminded him he was still alive, despite where he now is.
You see, Johnny is a man of action. Sitting around waiting for others to do something about the world was just not his style. Jumping up from his comfortable leather chair he snapped with his fingers at the empty space near the short end of the rectangular table. The opposite side of the crackling fire
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“It’s shooowtime!” 
The command seals on his right backhand started to glow.
“Servant of mine, I command you to appear in front of me!” 
He felt a burn, as a part of his red glowing tattoo faded away into a diminished stain. If these seals were as omnipotent as promised in the broschyr, if being able to make a servant teleport to their master no matter, this was a hundred times easier than playing cat and mouse trying to find a needle in a haystack with “vibes” to go with as compass.
Now, all that was left was to face his new roommate. 
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