birth... day... friend!!! happy! Celebrate!
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thank you vivi!
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cerastes · 8 months
Welcome back good buddy! Glad the grass helped, hell knows we all need it sometimes.
Grass unironically is such a good therapist, and I'm a mental health professional. Like, for real, sometimes you just need something, and it's not the same for everyone, right? But I know for me, when the malaise stick and doesn't want to leave, a very rare event for me, I know it's time to hang out in the mountainside for a couple of weeks and the Magic will just work out, trust me, it simply heals you.
Or maybe I'm just a really simple dude lmao BUT HEY AS LONG AS IT WORKS sankyuu
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primesonic · 1 month
Tagged: 10 Characters/10 Fandoms/10 Tags
Tagged by @madalyn-maeve. Thanks for all your efforts to revive what made Tumblr a fun place to meet people.
So here's some picks of mine.
Nanoha (Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha) I was 18 at the time and this character and series would touch my heart forever and reminded me how sometimes it's not about saving the world, it's about saving one life. Her magical staff, Raising Heart, lives with me in my profile picture.
Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog) My 7th birthday was Sonic themed. And I was 14 when I played Sonic Adventure 2 (perfect timing). The blue guy who showed me you can be cool and a hero. He's lived in my internet handle since I was 12 and signing up on the GameFAQs forums.
Optimus Prime (Transformers) I was a little kid, growing up on reruns of Transformers G1/G2. In those days, Optimus was like a second father to me (and like a first father to many). A role model from the start who taught how to 'be strong enough to be gentle'. He's also lived in my internet handle since the days of dial up.
That's the big top three out of the way. The rest is all gravy.
4. Kirby That happy, pink little guy with more power than the elder gods who just wants to eat cake and have a good time. I have Kirby on my t-shirt right now actually.
5. Asuka and Homura (Senran Kagura) Ninja girls from rival schools that would develop a powerful bond and friendship. This series, which sadly will never see the final game it deserved, was some of the most exciting and happy gaming times I had in that era. Just when I thought we couldn't have pretty girls in gaming anymore, SK delivered.
6. Strong Bad (HomestarRunner.com) The original king of the Flash cartoon era of the old web. I've kept up with this masked wrestle man ever since the 10th grade. The whole cast on that website makes for a good time.
7. Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool, Detective Pikachu, & others) The man who got me excited to watch movies again. And yes, Ryan himself is basically a living cartoon so he counts.
8. The Doctor (Doctor Who, specifically the 10th Doctor played by David Tennant) I watched the first 5-6 seasons of the 2005 reboot. This show, and specifically David's Doctor, was there to see me through a lonely time in my life.
9. Zelda (The Legend of Zelda BotW/TotK) This version of Zelda was one that really got me feeling in a video game again. 10/10 would rescue again.
10. The Lord of the Rings Just all of it.
And now I get to tag people to keep the game going.
@vanquishedvaliant @chibiwriter @flyingbatteries @flyingfudgenuggets @starry-perception @unicodepepper @rinlanddess @shadowsaiph @supershadsy @child-of-oerba
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@vanquishedvaliant I know what you mean, I originally paid for her back in October, covid messed up the shipping so they refunded it and I had to repay last month, then she finally shipped and arrived yesterday. She’s 100% worth the wait tho
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aresmarked · 4 years
So the thing about the Frostnova tile icing is that is seeded but because it can be offset by her positioning and her respawn it's highly affected by player input data. If absolutely nothing changes between runs she'll do it the same every time, but if you have changes in slows, random crits, DPS, blocking, dodges, etc, skill timing, from levelling or RNG it can shift because it's a deterministic seed, but one that's naturally derived from the variable player input.
Aah, good to know!
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kamadaeva · 4 years
vanquishedvaliant replied to your post: i sure hope Schwarz comes home in Arknights
jesus i get hoarding the yellow tickets but how did you even mass up that many golds? grinding ls5?
i’ve just been smacking ls5 for the past few weeks to get dailies/weeklies done quicker. if/when i can max schwarz i’ll feel more comfortable spending mats on other units while i save and wait for the new OP that CN teased 
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i’m weak for redheads
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i heard from a friend of a sister of a cousin that vanquishedvaliant person is a SICK FUCK that posts ANIME and GIRLS and those are BAD WORDS and you should unfollow them for vague reasons or i'll GET BIG MAD
oh yeah fuck that, we don't post anime, girls, or anime girls here
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cerastes · 2 years
if you're going to keep peeling characters i need you to hook me up with the castoffs. i want those discarded peels, to collect them, like some kind of freak, or perhaps weirdo.
You gonna be sitting on a pile of horns and bunny ears? Sniffing them and laughing? Inflicting grievous injuries on anyone that approaches your pile like a dragon with a fucked up fetish? I respect this so much.
You may also enjoy knowing I tried peeling Reed and it was. too much fucking work so I didn't. Terra's strongest anti-peel warrior. Rigging a vtuber avatar is less work than peeling Reed.
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shuttershocky · 4 years
replied to your
I find it interesting that it is implied that...
In that story we also learn that the RIIC Ark base wasn’t actually built for us. Babel dug it out of the ground and scavenged it, and learned that it was called Rhodes Island after the fact. So we’ve effectively taken up the flag of a fight that was lost long before we got here.
holy shit
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primesonic · 2 months
8 People I'd Like To Know Better
Tagged by °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ @madalyn-maeve °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ You total sweetheart! If there's some movement that's been pushing to make Tumblr into a wonderful place to be again, you sure have been doing your part!
Last Song Listened To: Sword of Truth by Magic Sword A fantastic synthwave piece that is just begging to be remixed with a monologue by Carl Sagan
Currently Watching: I don't watch shows really anymore, so here's one of my favorite YouTubers: Mark Brown of Game Maker's Toolkit
Sweet/Savory/Spicy?: Cheese. Yes, it's true. After that it's Savory, then Sweet, then Spicy. But the answer is also cheese...
Relationship Status: Happily married to the lovely individual behind @sonicmusicmusings whom I actually did meet on Tumblr
Current Obsession: My FFXIV fugue is on pause while waiting for Dawntrail, but that's just left over some time to play a lot of smaller games, and enjoy some newfound appreciation for folks on Twitch (aka, the purple YouTube)
Tagging these beautiful moots (if they would like to participate, no pressure ofc!) to get to know them all better too! Sorry if you've already done this, I just think you are really neat!!:
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
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amber-gimlet · 4 years
vanquishedvaliant replied to your post “Out of all the operators, I would say Plume is actually my favorite,...”
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deadpool-scar-bro · 4 years
Not to stalk your tags overly, but what do you mean about the dorohedoro anime nerfing Nikaido's muscles? She looks pretty damn fit in that OP to me, but she was never all that shredded in the manga anyways. It's a pretty lean fit, but her anime body has a fair bit of substance without extreme definition.
oh don’t listen to me i just like seeing the beef :u
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arachnofiend · 5 years
9, 22, 32
9. Any haircut goals for the future?
I’ve admittedly been procrastinating on getting a haircut... Never been very good at describing what I want.
22. What lesbian stereotypes do you fit into, if any?
Man-hating lesbian lol
In all seriousness the big one is probably my willingness to go to bat for dramatic antagonist lesbians in fiction but idk if there’s a name for that. I almost want to say Vriska Lesbian but also I do not want to say Vriska Lesbian
32. What is the most attractive quality a woman can have?
Being gay
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freyjaofthenorth · 5 years
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this is the first time i have ever seen the word “daughterable” AND I AGREE WHOLEHEARTEDLY
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aresmarked · 4 years
Trans diviner? TRANS? TRANS?? EXPLAIN
lol part of is me just being ‘whos gonna tell me i cant say this character is now trans? you? then fuck you, i’m claiming a space for trans people’
but part of it also is the translation of gitano, which translated means ‘Spanish male Roma’. (we are not gonna use the other word that is sometimes used for Roma folk cause its rude). gitana is the feminine equivalent of the word, so, yea. gitano is trans and that’s just how it be!
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kamadaeva · 4 years
vanquishedvaliant replied to your photo
oh god please tell me this is real and actually from the game
it is, it’s from those message board posts you get from opening up the lotto boxes
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