#v; post fall ☽ we will be destroyed the gods
jvmiel · 7 months
❛ i’m real. i’m here. ❜
He didn’t even hesitate, his arms wrapping tightly around his father. He’d never been much of a hugger, but in this case… well- an exception had to be made.
Ten years. It had been ten years since he’d seen Michael. Ten years of fighting, of searching, of desperation. Ten years of loneliness, of disconnect, of pain..
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“I’m so sorry… I failed you…”
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jvmiel · 7 months
@baby-royalty wanted a lyrical starter
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“Every plan is just a tiny prayer to Father Time..”
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jvmiel · 7 months
@demonsangelsandpie wanted a thing
“I’m sorry, I don’t know who you are, and I don’t know anyone by that name.” Icarus said, not looking to the man questioning him. He figured it would happen sooner or later, someone coming to find him… after all- he was the leader of a rebellion, a fallen angel with nearly the power of Michael himself.
Who wouldn’t want the angel Jamiel on their side?
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“If you’d excuse me, I’m very, very busy.”
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jvmiel · 7 months
@handgiven wanted a Jamiel
“You don’t fear me. You don’t question me, or find me disturbing… why not? Most are disgusted by even the theory of my creation. Angered by my existence…”
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“Why haven’t you left, Emmanuel?”
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jvmiel · 5 months
Pins / um of course I’m doing this.
Send "Pins" for your muse to pin mine against a wall in an attempt to stop them from leaving
He knows he can just push Sam off of him. That the only thing really pinning him to this wall is himself— his love for the other. He also knows that Sam is aware of this. That the hunter knows for a fact that he could easily escape.
So why doesn’t he?
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“What are you doing?” The angel asks, blue eyes meeting hazel. God- how many times has he gotten lost in those eyes?
He stays still, for the moment, his back against the wall with Sam’s arms boxing him in. A trap for many… but not for an angel. “This is ridiculous, you know this, right?”
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jvmiel · 6 months
@qapsiel from x
“You have that face, Castiel. It’s harder to hide emotions when they’re strong.” The younger says plainly, giving a shrug. Despite his own— peculiarities, he had some more experience with emotion… he’d studied humans long enough, and been around his siblings just enough to be able to tell. Cas was harder to read, but the more time they spent together— the more he felt he could figure out the enigma that is Castiel.
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“You’ve met our siblings. They do enjoy…. Making things bigger than they are.” He gives a little wave of his hand. “I’ve noticed among most angels… they like to talk… a lot.”
He sets himself apart, of course… Then again, he’s not quite an angel, now is he? At least not in the traditional sense. An abomination of an angel, yet still one that follows the orders given to his father, and passed down to him. Love humanity. Though he took that a little to literally as of late-
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jvmiel · 6 months
@loyaltylanced from x
“What did you expect would happen? That I would let it go? That I’d just move on with the eternity that I have left?” His fist clenched at his side, his body tense as he looked at the archangel. “The sins of the father will always fall to the son. That’s how it has been since the beginning of time, and you know this.”
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“You may not have wanted this for me. You may not have wanted any of it. But it happened. I picked up where you left off, because I was taught to do what I thought was right.”
And for it he’d lost everything.
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jvmiel · 6 months
i must be dreaming.
How long had it been since they’d seen each other? How much time had passed since the angel had laid eyes on Sam Winchester? Time was such a funny thing, especially to a being like him. Centuries he’d lived, and yet the past little while had felt even longer. So much had happened.. The apocalypse, the cage, the war…. His fall.
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“Hey, Sam…” His voice left him after a moment, blue eyes scanning over the visage of his loved one. There was a pang in his chest, seeing how much had changed… not just in Sam, but in himself. He wasn’t anything like he used to be… He was a leader now, a general.. He’d fallen from heaven, rebelled against brothers and sisters.
He wasnt the same.
“You’re not dreaming…”
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jvmiel · 6 months
❛ It's amazing how far you can get on denial. You know why so many people use denial to get by? Because it really fucking works. ❜ - raz
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“I’m not in denial, Raziel. I know he’s coming back, and I know it’s happening sooner rather than later. We just have to figure it out. I’m figuring it out. But I’m not in denial.”
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jvmiel · 7 months
it costs us blood and tears, but it’s worth the price.
“Don’t you get it? My price was you. I lost you, and it was all for nothing. I lost everything, and it was not worth it. I lost my father, my family. It cost the lives of countless angels… and what was it for?”
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jvmiel · 7 months
Open starter ; post fall
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“I’m sorry, you must have me confused with somebody else.. I don’t know anyone by that name.”
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jvmiel · 7 months
❛ let’s not go back. not ever. ❜
“You realize you would be leaving everything behind, correct? Your family, your friends, your life. If you decided to come with me, to join me…” The angel took a breath, blue eyes glancing over to the man in front of him.
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“You say not ever… but do you mean it? Are you truly fine with leaving behind everything you’ve ever known..? It wouldn’t be easy with me..”
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jvmiel · 7 months
@loyaltylanced whispered: sometimes you have to pretend to be someone else to get what you want. / now we know what this is about
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“I had to do it… I really did. I tried to warn them.. and I thought… maybe if I were you- they’d listen.. and they did..”
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jvmiel · 7 months
@pantslessoptimism wanted Jami
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“I don’t understand… when did All Hallows Eve turn into… this?” He gestures at the Halloween movies, the silly costumes, the children running around and begging for candy. “It’s really not what it used to be.”
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jvmiel · 8 months
Redoing of the tags
image ☽ i will find myself again
study ☽ hero is another word for damned
headcanon ☽ i left home a child and came back a hero
aesthetic ☽ stars were never peaceful
dyn; Michael ☽ you made him to be a warrior
dyn; Raziel ☽ it's too bad that you had to fall anyway
dyn; Chuck ☽ maybe i'm just never meant to meet you
dyn; Gabriel ☽ poets always love a good tragedy
open starter ☽ we all love what destroys us
wishlist ☽ does it have a happy ending
v; pre fall ☽ we were meant to own the sky
v; post fall ☽ we will be destroyed the gods
v; alt verse ☽ we were meant to be gods
starter call ☽ please allow me to burn at your side
memes ☽ but i guess i was never much of a write
drabbles ☽ i will not ask you to remember me
edits ☽ it's always been about the same boy
ooc ☽ can you tell me a story?
Discord commentary ☽ perhaps it does not know how to listen
Dash commentary ☽ love will come back again
Crack ☽ I am only body
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