#memes ☽ but i guess i was never much of a write
jvmiel · 8 months
Redoing of the tags
image ☽ i will find myself again
study ☽ hero is another word for damned
headcanon ☽ i left home a child and came back a hero
aesthetic ☽ stars were never peaceful
dyn; Michael ☽ you made him to be a warrior
dyn; Raziel ☽ it's too bad that you had to fall anyway
dyn; Chuck ☽ maybe i'm just never meant to meet you
dyn; Gabriel ☽ poets always love a good tragedy
open starter ☽ we all love what destroys us
wishlist ☽ does it have a happy ending
v; pre fall ☽ we were meant to own the sky
v; post fall ☽ we will be destroyed the gods
v; alt verse ☽ we were meant to be gods
starter call ☽ please allow me to burn at your side
memes ☽ but i guess i was never much of a write
drabbles ☽ i will not ask you to remember me
edits ☽ it's always been about the same boy
ooc ☽ can you tell me a story?
Discord commentary ☽ perhaps it does not know how to listen
Dash commentary ☽ love will come back again
Crack ☽ I am only body
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yukiokumura · 4 years
:D For the fanfic writing meme, could I ask for: ♡, ☾, ☽ and ★ for Until Next Time please?
♡: my favorite part
So my actual favorite part of the fic hasn’t been published yet, but of the chapters that HAVE been published, absolutely Yukio and Renzou’s first kiss. Originally, we had been planning on them having their first kiss in the tent but it was @29rynoah ‘s idea for them to sneak out instead and I’m forever glad for it. We associate starry night skies with Until Next Time now. ♥
☾: how i thought people would respond to the fic
We started writing this back in 2014 when the Illuminati arc JUST started. We had absolutely no basis whatsoever in Yukio and Renzou being a couple other than a few interactions here and there in the series. So honestly, I had no idea. I didn’t know if people would even enjoy Lettersverse as a whole, nonetheless Until Next Time but we ended up creating this narrative where that didn’t really matter as much as just Rynoa and I having fun in this AU we created and relishing in those moments where things just got more and more exciting.
☽: how people *actually* responded
We have bookmarks on Until Next Time calling it “The fic that made me like YukiShima” and every single time we get those sorts of comments, there’s a little celebration moment Rynoa and I will have. We consider it one of the highest compliments. (Another high compliment is when people go for the full experience instead of just reading Sincerely so the fact that people are reading UNT just makes us intensely happy)
★: something i’m proud to have accomplished
I have never felt so fulfilled as when Rynoa and I are writing Lettersverse chapters. I think one of the biggest things I’ve personally learned from writing Until Next Time in particular is how to say a lot with less words. 
The part of the story that I can most consider exemplifies that is the set of chapters in the letters section of the story where all we did was write letters back and forth with the dates. We didn’t need the narration or the pauses for character reflection because people were able to easily see and empathize with the growing distance just by the letters alone. The letters being dated later and later, filled with apologies and the letters themselves getting shorter and more shallow... It’s something that I still look at with pride.
I sincerely think that Rynoa and I outdo ourselves with this fic and this series constantly. I don’t have a very high self esteem but I don’t think there’s a scene or a chapter in this fic that I dislike. And the more we write, the more we just sometimes sit in our DMs just saying “Wow, we’re so amazing.” “Did we write that?” “This fic is so good.” I don’t really ever say that about my fics or my writing at all.
So I guess Until Next Time and the entire series is something I’m proud to have accomplished alongside my best friend.
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