bearlyfunctioning · 10 months
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🫐💙 the original Warcraft Bluebeary
My wonderful patrons from last year voted for Ursol and gave me the time to paint him <3 big thanks to them
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Practice sketches
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gretchensinister · 2 months
An anon ask also included the word "greet."
(This is my first foray into what I have been calling the “SkekMal in the Valley AU.” In this AU, UrVa wakes up before SkekMal gets back to the Castle and immediately goes to jump off the cliff. However, in this AU, UrGoh sees him jump. Because of things that will be explored in the full fic (but that UrGoh is not immediately aware of) this leads to both UrVa and SkekMal somehow being transported to the Valley of the Mystics. Aughra finds out about this, is like “you guys need to DO SOMETHING about this maybe you should get the only other pair you know back here to help.” And so SkekGra and UrGoh end up coming back to the Valley.)
After all the time apart, after rejection, heartache, and tragedy, it all comes back so easily. UrGoh cannot smile yet, but he wishes he could. Fore hands on the sides of the face. His fingers recognize UrSol this way, even as he feels the added spirals and deeper lines. Hind hands on the sides of the neck. The first mystic’s hair other than UrVa’s he has touched in hundreds of trine, and this thought and the thought of UrVa pierce him like twin swords. Fore hands on shoulders. UrSol’s coat is different from the one he remembers. There were probably a few that became quilts between that one and this one. Fore hands and hind hands sliding down arms until all his hands grasp all of UrSol’s, who has mirrored his movements.
What has UrSol learned from their greeting? Nothing that makes him pull away. UrGoh feels curiosity stir under his grief as UrSol holds his hands as if he would be content to do so until the Crystal calls. Even so, UrSol still looks up and behind UrGoh for a moment before he says anything. And this—this does tug at the corners of UrGoh’s lips, though he’s not sure if they manage to lift, yet. Of course he’s there, UrSol. He’s always going to be there, now.
“You look well.” The Chanter’s beautiful voice, another sword. “Very well, indeed.” Another glance up and back. UrSol tilts his head, pauses. “We...I missed you. I only wish you could have returned under happier circumstances.”
“A longed-for greeting...adds at least some grain of happiness,” UrGoh says, and he speaks truth, but who better than he to know how many grains of sand there are in a desert?
UrSol nods. He has still not let go of UrGoh’s hands. “I had thought I would meet you further out. Aughra told us you would not be alone.”
Of course. The Standing Stones and the magical barrier UrTih had created to protect the Valley against skeksis. Now that UrGoh has done much magic himself, he better understands just how much had gone into taking the barrier down to allow SkekGra into the Valley that first time, how much work to put it back up that UrTih and the others had taken on themselves. He didn’t want to re-pick at the knot of wondering if anyone had really been willing to listen, back then, but some, at least, had wanted him in the Valley, even if he had a skeksis with him. The Valley’s love. UrGoh closes his eyes for a moment. That subject is far too complicated to touch right now.
“Was there not enough time to take down the barrier in advance?”
“The nature of the barrier has changed,” UrSol says. “Now, a certain small song serves as the key. You do not know it yet, and—and I hope it will be taught to you during your stay.”
UrGoh nods, even as he wonders if UrSol hesitates because teaching him the key must be a collective decision, or because he’s aware that teaching UrGoh the key is one of those many decisions made in the Valley that are not collective at all.
But then a perverse feeling of lightness flutters in his chest. It doesn’t matter, does it? He presses UrSol’s hands and meets his eyes with as serene an expression as he has ever managed. “I, too, hope I will be trusted with such a key,” he says. “But, I suppose...I should have had other questions about the barrier. As you say…you expected to find SkekGra and I farther out. So, that tells me...we already crossed the barrier without that song. I suppose UrTih will want to know about that...it is very curious.” He shrugs. “Perhaps it is simply that whatever the barrier is meant to keep out, SkekGra and I are not it.”
Another glance back at SkekGra from UrSol. If it wasn’t for the circumstances of their return, UrGoh suspects he would be laughing right now. Where is the barrier, anyway? He’s forgotten the boundary, and even if he could remember he probably wouldn’t have recognized it, since the vegetation in the area would have changed completely over hundreds of trine. He hadn’t felt anything, and SkekGra hadn’t said anything, which meant he hadn’t felt anything either.
“It’s a mystery I can’t speak on right now,” UrSol says. He still hasn’t removed his hands from UrGoh’s.
I’ve been missed, UrGoh thinks, and knows the weight of it will have to hit him soon. Despite everything, I’ve been missed. UrVa always told me I was, but it’s different knowing it with UrSol holding my hands with SkekGra standing close enough to touch either of us.
“Many dreadful events and mysteries have greatly troubled the Valley in the past few unum,” UrSol says, and UrGoh hears the sorrow and even fear in his voice. “Aughra convinced us to ask for your aid in the sake of only one, but I, at least, would welcome your words about the others, after you learn more of them. But for now, let me take you to UrIm, for he is most anxious to speak with you.” Now UrSol lets go of UrGoh’s hands, to turn and lead them into the heart of the Valley.
UrGoh’s own fear and hope bring a pointless question from his mouth. “It is as Aughra said, then?”
“Oh, yes,” UrSol says, looking back. This look, UrGoh thinks, finally encompasses him and SkekGra at the same time. “UrVa and...his other….They appeared just outside the barrier, in the sleep of deep injury. Arrows in the other, arrow wounds on UrVa. UrIm has not managed to wake them, yet. I do not think he, nor any of us, know what to do if they do. But they are alive, and UrIm does not think that they are dying.”
UrGoh leans heavily on his staff and looks up to SkekGra, his face unguarded. This is a mystery, a miracle, but his grief and horror at UrVa’s leap—even if it failed (Song of Thra, how could it have failed?)—do not dissipate. This great and inexplicable gift is assuredly also the first step of a puzzle more complex than the workings of Aughra’s orrery. SkekGra steps closer, puts his hand on UrGoh’s shoulder. And then, with hesitation that surprises UrGoh, he reaches forward, to rest his hand on the back of UrGoh’s neck, his claws tracing over UrGoh’s skin, combing through his hair. UrGoh closes his eyes and, yes, now he can smile, even if it is only a very little smile.
SkekGra lets out a breath like it’s one he’s been holding for days, and UrGoh wishes there were time now for him to comb his hair. It hasn’t stuck in his mind since UrVa vanished, and he never wanted to take it for granted. But they are now in a world that holds more than the two of them, and UrIm wants to see them as soon as he can. And in truth, UrGoh is anxious to see UrVa as well. Aughra has said, UrSol has said, and neither of them would lie, but UrGoh is a creature of hands and always has been. He wants not only to see UrVa but to touch him, to touch the wounds he helped dress and know that this is the same UrVa that UrGoh had been so sure had given himself over to death.
“Tomorrow,” UrGoh murmurs, gently taking SkekGra’s hand away from his hair.
SkekGra gives him a stricken look before nodding sharply and turning forward. UrGoh wonders at that, before he turns forward as well, and realizes that UrSol has seen that whole exchange between them. That must be why SkekGra hesitated. Perhaps it also explains why he has been so silent. This return to the Valley must be even stranger to him than to UrGoh, and he has no history to fall back on. SkekGra will not want to cause difficulties, but it’s not clear to anyone how a skeksis should act in the Valley. They didn’t even discuss it on the way, Aughra’s news and travel by crystal skimmer leaving no room in UrGoh’s mind for anything else.
They will have to talk about it later. This evening, in UrGoh’s cell. He does not intend to expend much effort being discreet in regard to SkekGra and their relationship; he is too sure of its goodness. So for now, let UrSol see what he would and think what he would. Now they must attend to matters far more rightly the focus of worry in the Valley.
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podlingmom · 1 year
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Some sketches I never posted
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sunderedandundone · 1 month
UrGoh and SkekGra have a dream about their former self and companions:
It’s not hard to find the Academy hall; all GraGoh has to do is hurry in the direction of glory. The sounds radiating and echoing down the corridor are rapturous, almost ravishing, and so multifaceted — whenever they turn their head even slightly, notes glance off the walls at different angles like shafts of reflected light, forming ever-renewed counterpoints and harmonies. It rotates like an orrery graphing the heavens. It is the work of masters…or rather (as they allow themselves to think very, very quietly), *a* master.
The fact that UrSkeks float means that the Explorer has no need to worry about making too much noise as they glide up the ground-crystal aisle that terminates at the first curved row of the Academy Choir. The choristers are exerting themselves almost as hard as Homeworlders ever exert themselves, but they show no signs of fatigue. All eyes and ears are trained on what at first appears to be an unassuming figure placed not quite halfway along the first row. Conductors are an exotic concept to UrSkek society; only the very youngest of their kind have any trouble keeping the collective momentum within their spirit, following the almost-invisible visual cues from those who have been assigned to serve as leaders (supposedly always temporarily — though in practice, GraGoh has noticed that there are *certain* wells their fellow UrSkeks tend to go back to by a silent common consent).
The music swells at last to its climax, bursting upon them all and then hanging in ringing echoes for quite some time after. This is a rehearsal, so there is no murmur of approval or answer of appreciative audience improvisations. All allow themselves for just a brief space to exult in it, even as their heads modestly bow.
Then the leaderly figure looks up and spots the Explorer, and delight suffuses their features. SilSol the Musician, as they were back in the old days before everything went so hideously wrong: a softly-incandescent churn of enchained chakras running the length of their form; an immediate smile that always seems somehow *particular*, as though whoever it graces is the one person in Crystalgate City they have been waiting all unum to see. GraGoh feels their own chakras rise in sympathetic resonance. All is beauty. Everything is good and right.
“So kind of you to come and sample the incomplete product,” the vision says. *Product* is an odd, foreign word, but GraGoh cannot but let it pass as they fall into a twosome leaving the choir behind. None of the others *seem* to mind.
“It was *magnificent*,” GraGoh gushes, in a somewhat shamefaced whisper.
“‘Magnificent,’ really?” The Musician's head cocks in genuine if pleasant surprise. “Well, don’t let anyone else catch you saying that.”
“But it’s true.” GraGoh is still too overwhelmed by the talent of this UrSkek — so much their elder and (let’s face it) superior, who nonetheless deigns to treat them as a good friend — to be rebuked. “I only speak the truth.”
Another brilliant smile, quickly submerged like the glow of fading coals. At such moments, their mutual love and devotion for Master SoSu notwithstanding, the Explorer feels as though they would do anything to earn another of those lip-crooks. They are suddenly reminded of the forum last unum, when a good-natured debate between the Master and the Musician had begun to flow very deep and a tad rapid, and the Master had gently said “SilSol. Let the others catch up a little,” and GraGoh had heard themselves blurting, as though from afar, “No, don’t, SilSol.”
A shocked silence and many stares greeted this — not least, that of the Master themselves. What happened to GraGoh then was a thing they couldn’t seem to stop from happening again and again, many times for an Age and an Age afterward: having rashly thrown their lot in, they were now determined to act as though they had meant it all along. This was a circle of heretics, after all, the most trusted of SoSu’s followers and intimates, so they let their chin lift just the tiniest amount. “I want to learn,” they went on earnestly. “As you do, as all my fellows here do. I have so much catching up to do, I don’t want anyone to have to slow down for me. I would the Musician were allowed to be *themselves*. I would far rather fly to keep up with their genius than slink after like a…like a…well, a Rigger of low education.”
It was at once clear that the Explorer had made the Musician very, very happy with their words. Happy, and once again surprised, and perhaps even…touched. GraGoh certainly knew why. To find the ‘overindividuated,’ mysteriously scandalous traits that everyone else seemed to disapprove of — traits SilSol hid so well in public with their mask of humility, appropriate to a celebrated musician — not only accepted but seemingly even *approved*…that moment could be overwhelming in its beauty. GraGoh had come to love that feeling supremely, here among their fellow transgressors, the UrSkeks they adored most in all Homeworld, where so many things were at long last *permitted*. Where they didn’t have to agonize about throwing shadows upon anyone else by the fullness of their own light, or drowning out the music of others with too passionate a solo.
(Indeed, the Explorer had come to suspect that part of SilSol’s success lay in their music’s ability to subtly, gently evoke a sense of that forbidden uniqueness. Always within the unvoiced societal bounds, but often *just barely* within them.)
SoSu, though greatly taken aback, had at last nodded and bowed to let SilSol continue, saying to GraGoh as they did, “Very well, young one. If you aspire to fly so fast, it is not my place to fetter you.”
It was a joyous day, a Wonderful day, one of the best of their entire miserable existence.
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ben-the-hyena · 11 months
Some time after the movie's events back on their Homeworld
SilSol : May I ask you something personal ?
ZokZah : Oh, I suppose sure, what is it ?
SilSol : I have memories of UrSol in which UrZah confessed to me- to UrSol... that he loved UrMa even if it were unrequitted
ZokZah : ...yes... I remember...
SilSol : Does that mean... you loved VarMa ?...
ZokZah : Yes... I loved Varma... I kept it for myself because he had eyes only for SoSu and I was content in just being friends... well... maybe it was not a good idea after all... but... past is passed. I... had 50 years to move on from his loss as my 2 halves. I have to keep going
SilSol : 2 halves... sooo... that confirms that SkekZok loved SkekVar too right ?
ZokZah : Yes... SkekZok loved SkekVar...
SilSol, sweating cold because he remembers very well SkekSil murdering SkekVar : Oh well, just wanted to make sure
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fenth-eiria · 2 years
Some UrSkek designs I came up with.
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dracocheesecake · 2 years
Ok so SkekSil goes "HmmMMMMmmm" and that's his thing.
Now does urSol do the same thing, or does he have his own little verbal motif?
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fire-rose · 2 years
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bearlyfunctioning · 2 years
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Bear with me as I do my monthly self-prom0! 🐻💦 August's exclusive artwork was URSOL in all his bluebeary glory! Who doesn't love a glowy maw? Druid celebrate! Support your local bear for as little as $1 if you have the means 💖 https://www.patreon.com/TheBearMinimum
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skeksismars · 1 year
My favourite urRu and why:
1- urSol - he is canonically the most active of the original 10 urRu (see the comic when they get yeeted out of the Crystal) and he is so caring with baby Jen! That scene in the novel when he sings with Jen keeping him close to his face in his hand!!! Oh and that business with the Darkheart??? Imo one of the best characterized of the urRu :)
2- urLii - he's just like me fr. Hermit dude that likes collecting useless things and has a petty side? Nothing like me noooo nono
3- urSu - best dad, poor decisional skills; leaving Thra led only to the Skeksis abusing power, not your best decision there urSu! But he was such a good dad to Jen! I loved all their scenes in the novel, I'm soft <3
4- urTih - my poor boy Q_Q he had such a tough life Q_Q. I can only imagine his pain and shock when his eye got eaten out and one day his arm and leg fell off. And how does the business with the vein replacement even work?? Bad, skekTek, BAD!!!! He's this low only because we haven't seen much of him
5- urGoh - look, he IS best boy, inarguably, but I just like other mystics over him, same with urVa. I actually like urGoh mostly because of his interactions with skekGra than he himself sorry :p
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gretchensinister · 4 months
@synisysm also gave me the word dissimulate.
UrSol wishes and hopes that his Master is a liar. He knows UrZah is a liar about at least one thing, and since he thinks this opens the door to more lies, he does not spend much time wishing or hoping for more cracks in the edifice that is UrZah. If he needed to break UrZah, he could. He doesn’t want to. It would be cruel. But he can imagine what might make it necessary—not just for UrSol’s own good, but for the good of all mystics, UrZah and UrSu included.
The case is different with UrSu. If UrZah is a building with an obvious space between the door and sill where light and air and dust can pass through, even if in minute amounts, UrSu is like a towering cliff of ice, smooth and shining in the sun, so cold and vast and untouchable that it seems like it could not crack or melt for any catastrophe less than the end of the world. And for UrSu’s sake, UrSol hopes this is a lie.
He hopes that UrSu finds his own strictures just as impossible to follow as the other urRu do, that he has found something in his long trine that has drawn him from his narrow way, or something that has at least tempted him to leave his narrow way.
Ah, no, UrSol admits to himself. Temptation is not enough for his wishes, if UrSu’s wisdom allowed him to successfully resist. UrSol wants—he does not want UrSu to be sullied, that is not it. He wants to see more than a cliff of perfect, blinding ice when he looks on him; he wants proof that UrSu’s chest holds a soft, beating heart of flesh like every other mystic.
In his own soft, beating heart, UrSol cannot help but think that if UrSu is truly what he appears to be, it is a cruel, alien way for a mortal being of flesh to live. UrSol would never ask it of anyone, never think it possible of anyone. Better to be a dissimulator than to be so truly bound.
UrSol hopes beyond hope that he wants a lying UrSu out of kindness and not corruption, that though his heart beats in the darkness of his chest it is not dark itself—that there was not some mistake in that terrible moment of rending that left him with too much that should have gone to his other.
But is there not something? Something he can’t remember—something UrSu can’t remember either, but something that seems to pass between them in a glance in rare and uneasy moments? If UrSu were a liar, perhaps they’d be able to figure out the truth together.
But perhaps UrSu is not a liar and never will be. Such perfection brings no comfort, and if UrSol were to speak all the truth of it—if UrSu is not a liar, then SkekSo has part of what UrSu needs to truly live.
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findmeinshattrath · 8 months
Love the concept of the Claws of Shirvallah talent (shame they removed it) and the Might of Grizzlemaw customization.
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kingherbs · 1 year
Ursolic Acid
Ursolic Acid
Botanical Source: Rosemarinus officinalis L.
CAS No.: 77-52-1
Other Name: Prunol, Malol, beta-Ursolic acid
Specifications: Ursolic Acid 15%~98% by HPLC
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fenth-eiria · 2 years
Your favourite Skeksis /Urru?
Do you have any Skeksis or Urru OCs?
My favorite Skeksis: SkekGra, SkekSa, SkekMal.
My favorite Mystics: UrVa, UrGoh, UrSol (Power of the Dark Crystal comic version)
Yes I have Skeksis and Urru Ocs. They are under the tags: #skeksis oc #mystic oc
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