#unrelated but the actual topic of this song I don’t think is super fitting for them ghghg
pepperpixel · 9 months
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“And it’s! Clean out the bank and, bump off your daddy,
You can come live with us amidst the has-beens and the addicts!
These are crazy times down at Costello music!
You can answer the phone and talk any way you choose it, come on!”
More Betty and Magic Man! And… I maybe should wait to post these as part of a photoset cuz… I do still have more wip stuff of them but… I spent all of today coloring these chibis I wanna upload them ghgh-
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floofiestboy · 4 years
Haruhara Question Corners #11-20
Translations of past question corners:
- Question Corners #1-10
Haruhara used to answer questions on his channel - these are translations of the questions and answers.
Question Corner #11
Q. From Samemaru-san:
I’ve been spending too much money lately, which has been rather problematic for me. Do you know of any solutions?
Buy all volumes of Senyuu again and again. Then you’ll no longer have any money to spend, and you’ll stop spending too much money! Your money will be neatly stored in the form of Senyuu volumes.
Q. From Mt. Hakkai-san:
When you do your streams, you always have some music playing in the background, but do you have any big bands you like? If you have any bands you don’t really know much about but still like a particular song from them, please tell us about those as well!
The music playing during my streams is all music that Niconico has been licensed to use. Among those, I’ve liked the pillows since my high school years.
Though I only really started listening to music during high school - I was listening to artists like Yuzu, 19, BUMP OF CHICKEN, and Porno Graffiti. 
Lately, I’m not really into any particular artist - I just buy any songs I think are nice. I’ve been listening to Human Video by the dresscodes the most lately. Yesterday I bought Peace Sign by Kenshi Yonezu.
Question Corner #12
Q. From Kotokono-san:
It looks like Shushu’s dad worked at the Monster King’s castle when he was still working, but is he the type that’s actually pretty skilled when he puts his mind to it? Or did he get his job through connections?
He was great at making himself look skilled at first glance (for example, by loitering about behind an actually skilled monster.) He did things like that to be assigned to the Monster King’s castle. He wanted to work there because the salary was good.
Q. From Kuniki-san:
What do you think would be a job that suits Alba, aside from being a hero?
A part-time job as a shift leader at some café.
Question Corner #13
Q. From I Stubbed My Toe Into the Drawers-san:
Are there demons that age according to their age, or don’t?
It’s just like how there’s humans that don’t look their age (like there’s teenagers who look like they’re thirty, and I get told I don’t look like I’m 31 a lot.) Because demons have such long lifespans, the difference is just more staggering.
Q. From: Reeruto-san:
What happened to the pottery plate from Crea that Creasion hung around his neck?
During the battle a thousand years ago where Creasion sealed away Rchimedes, it shattered. 
Question Corner #14
Q. From I Like Rice-san:
Since Marl-chan has black hair, does Foyfoy just dye his hair? Is he naturally black-haired?
Blond is his natural hair colour. He just doesn’t treat it well so it’s very dried out and rough. From Season 3 onwards it’s not very dried out and rough.
Q. From Zipper-san:
How did you come up with your pen name?
It just came to me. When I needed to input a name when I was registering for NicoNico, I just put in a random name like “s” at first, but then I figured I should put in an actual name, so I randomly put in this pen name.
Question Corner #15
Q. From Mt. Hakkai-san:
It’s been quite hot lately so I haven’t had much appetite. Sensei, what do you eat when you have no appetite due to the heat? I think there’s a lot of options out there - spicy food like curry, light and cold food like somen, food like eel that would give you stamina... 
If you don’t like eating anything when you have no appetite, please tell me what you had for dinner last night.
In the past, I’ve never not had any appetite - I’ve eaten an entire pork cutlet rice bowl while having a fever of over 39°C. 
But now that I’m over thirty, I’ve started to lose my appetite when I have a fever that bad. I realized that ah- so this is what “not having an appetite” is. During times like that, I eat okayu. Since my lack of appetite must be because my stomach is weakened due to the fever, I eat food that seems good on the stomach.
However, I never experience lack of appetite apart from times like that. I scarf food down even in the middle of summer. I scarf food down even when I feel listless. Since I feel like not eating because I feel listless will just make me feel more listless, I go out of my way to scarf things down.
This is unrelated to the topic of “lacking appetite”, but when I feel like I’m about to catch a cold, I fry up eggs, chives, pork, and garlic together to eat. It’s a little spell to help me win against a cold.
[T/N: This is okayu - it’s basically rice soup.]
Question Corner #16
Q. From The Person Standing at the Very Back-san:
I’d like to hear about music you often listen to while drawing manga. Also, do you have any songs you feel fit your characters well? If you tell me, I’ll work my hardest on my exams!
When I draw, I watch movies, like on Amazon Prime.
When I draft up storyboards, I listen to music I’ve listened to so many times I’ve gotten bored of it, or background noise like the sound of rain, or movies I’ve watched so many times I’ve gotten bored of them. Sounds that won’t make me distracted.
I don’t really have any songs that I’d match up with my characters. I bought a CD for the first time when I was in high school, and until then, I had absolutely no interest in music. So maybe it’s because of that, but I can’t really think of anything that fits perfectly.
If anyone knows of any songs they think would fit with my characters well, please tell me. Email the question corner email with the subject line “Songs that Fit.”
Q. From Straw-Thatched Roof-san:
Did Dezember have six personalities from birth? Or did he gradually split apart from the one-eye?
They were originally born as six different demons, but since they had an instinct inside of them that told them that they were one person as six (since they were born from dice), they did their best to combine into one being.
I don’t think I succeeded in explaining properly, but if I think of a better explanation, I’ll draw a manga for it. I haven’t managed to think of anything so I’ve been just letting it be for years.
Q. From At Sign-san:
I’d like to write for a living in the future, but I’d like to know what you watched out for most back when you wrote novels. Is there anything that differs from drawing manga?
I… I didn’t watch out for a thing… 
Well I did make sure I didn’t repeat connecting words like “therefore” too much. But I think that’s the kind of thing even people who don’t write for a living watch out for. Yeah, there wasn’t really anything I watched out for particular just because I worked as a writer.
But I think the most important thing for a creator to have is the courage to say that you can do it. I wrote novels for a living, but the very first novel I ever wrote was my living, after all. It’s important to have the courage! To say you can do it! Even though you’ve never written a novel before in your life!
If you want to know what to do when you can’t do it, I also worked as an anime production manager so I know exactly what to do. It’s the job of production managers and editors to make you finish your job.
So, if you can’t do it, all you need to do is say- “It’s your fault for giving me work that I obviously couldn’t do!” and- “It’s your fault for not getting the job done just because I couldn’t finish it!”
It’s the job of a production manager to take back your work the moment they think you can’t do it, and to prepare two or three backup helpers just in case.
But obviously your reputation will go down when you can’t do something, so when it happens, do your best moving forwards, or just change jobs.
Question Corner #17
Q. From Good-for-Nothing-kun-san:
I thought of this while watching the anime the other day, but what’s that blue round thing that Rchimedes the First was using as a mattress while he was sealed? It looked very bouncy and comfortable.
You see, that’s a reference to Houshin Engi by Fujisaki Ryuu. A character called Daijourou in that series slept on a sphere like that, and since I liked that scene, I drew Rchimedes on that sphere as a homage.
Though well, that was my intention - but when I re-read Houshin Engi, I discovered that Daijourou-kun never actually slept on a sphere like that. I made a homage to my own memories.
I was making a homage to memories of something that didn’t exist…
Maybe I mixed it up with the pearl that Fugenshinjin had?
If you don’t know what Houshin Engi is, please read it!
Question Corner #18
Q. From Tatami-san:
Foyfoy-san says, “This is why soldiers from countries that don’t know war…” once, but does Foyfoy himself have war experience?
Foyfoy was born in a country that was quite unstable, and was separated from his parents. He was employed as a soldier, and deserted for his sister - I thought up a whole bunch of backstory for him.
But that would make the story too heavy. And plus I’m not too familiar with desertion anyways. So I’ve never used this concept and I’ve just been leaving it be.
Question Corner #19
Q. From I Stubbed My Toe Into the Drawers-san:
In Season 2, Zwei says “I’ll live like a true man!” then disappears off somewhere, but what was she doing while she was gone?
Until the effect of the manly beam wore off, she was doing things like working out and saving people for about two weeks.
Question Corner #19
[T/N: Yes, there’s two Question Corner #19s. I don’t know why.]
Q. From Pocket-san:
When that dagger stabbed Rchi’s head, Alba looked around for someone who could use magic, but how common was magic in Season 1?
When I wrote that, I was thinking that there should be a few people who could use magic among every hundred soldiers.
But now that I think back, magic shouldn’t have spread among the masses at all at that point. Please just pretend that Alba was super shaken up.
Q. From À La Carte-san:
You mentioned in a previous question corner that you often watch movies while working, but what genres do you like?
I can’t really watch the screen while working, so I prefer human dramas with a lot of conversion over action movies. For example, Trumbo.
When I watch movies normally, I like ones with nice music and pretty visuals. For example, Kikujiro.
Question Corner #20
Q. From Tokugawa-san:
How did Cecily-san and Rchimedes first fall in love? Was it love at first sight?
They were childhood friends.
Q. From I Like Rice-san:
Is Marl-chan stuck asleep in SQ as well?
She’s healthy in SQ. 
I thought up the following just now:
She’s working in the fashion industry. Her hobbies are reading and watching plays. She doesn’t hang out with her coworkers much on her break days, so everyone thinks she has a boyfriend, but she doesn’t have one.
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vroenis · 4 years
The Internet Is Not Remarkable | Which Is Why It’s Remarkable
Oddly I’ve not ever felt the need to unplug. I don’t have a sense of separation between life happening away from the Wire and life happening on the Wire or the Wire not being life. It was never a distinct thing I ever had to decide was or wasn’t life or became life, either. Being born in the early 80′s, I guess means the Wire wasn’t always there as a salient presence, integrated into the fabric of life. Heyo I had a Nokia 3210. That doesn’t mean anything, by the way, it just places me on a timeline. Nostalgia sucks and is literally valueless. Let’s make art you can steal.
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Anecdotally it means I saw the internet happen as a Thing. It’s less important than it sounds. Also the internet going from not being a Thing to being in our pockets. OK. But honestly it’s not very important. As in the transition isn’t important. There were a lot of people there when it happened and I think a lot of us if and when we’re honest will tell you now, in retrospect, it’s not a big deal. People older than I am and some my age and younger who have an ignorant and uninformed understanding of life and experience will go on about life being better or significantly more meaningful before or without the Wire but honestly they’re wrong. I’ll come out and say it’s flat better. Sure it makes misinformation easier as much as it makes all the good things better but wow media control and information mass-dissemination before the Wire? Are you kidding me? 
On the topic of unplugging and digitally detoxing and I realise The 1975 just made a video all about it that was overly cute, yes, but still pretty fucken’ great. Let’s link it because honestly, it’s a wonderful snapshot of its time that they’re unquestionably aware will date immensely and that is a big part of the point. The 1975 hardly need any more promo but what can I say, I’ve no problem being part of an adoring fanbase and adore them we do. Let us adore.
That it’s so on-the-nose and that it’s a big part of the point is going to anger and frustrate people so much, moreso that exactly that reaction is a part of being caught-up in the inevitable participation in what the song and indeed, what Matty as an individual and what the band as a commercial and cultural entity are. The too cool thing to do is say you didn’t know anything about it, you didn’t watch it, you don’t care for it, you’re immune to it and continue to be ignorant of it - sure, I used to be cool like you. The thing is I both care less and more about being cool.
I love this song, I love what it’s doing and what it means. I love being a fan of and loving things. I love that other people love things I love. I still love loving things no-one knows about but I always love other people finding and loving my things, even if and when some of them behave badly because as an adult and an individual, I understand that participating in one cultural activity doesn’t mean I’m fully represented as a whole cultural entity.
Coming back to unplugging and that not being necessary for me, it connects to not being overwhelmed by it, which connects again, to the Wire not being separate and distinct from what I see as my experience of life. If the Wire is a mundane aspect of life then it’s unnecessary to disconnect from it. I engage with it as much as I engage with other things, that is to say I’m fascinated by, obsess over, and grow bored with things on it as much as all subjects, objects and activities in life equally. I don’t think this is unique to me at all, I suspect it’s quite common.
As it happens, I got into Instagram in a big way around the same time I got into contemporary board games. Both of these things I’ve almost wholly discarded. Almost, but not quite. I still maintain my Instagram account because I’ve made some valuable and enduring connections on it and as a platform I seem to have nurtured some semblance of an audience for a sprinkling of subjects and visual motifs. As for board games, I’m actually still quite interested in them but there’s so much about them as an industry and culture I actively dislike and have also grown bored of that I’ve consciously disengaged from them.
Facebook as a culture has always been weird to me, I can’t say I’ve ever understood it as a platform. Primarily it seemed to function as a space to connect with people you already know - OK. So then we’re encouraged to engage with one-another on... topics we may or may not already be engaging with either in our physical time together in which case, it’s redundant? Or we post articles we expect others to read which mostly they don’t unless aaaaaah - they’re short, reductive and in simple language and now the exercise is hazardous. The platform then actively co-opts strangers into discussions by facilitating cross-posting intra-sharing articles, which to be frank is about eyes on ads and ad-revenue, here we get to the ultimate objective of Facebook as a platform which I guess is why none of it makes any sense. Engagement at all costs. Of-course Facebook doesn’t care about racist groups and the real violence it precipitates, why on earth would that matter to them? The only thing that matters is capitalist gains. As long as it doesn’t directly cost them and as long as there are no economic consequences for them, they will proceed, and this is pervasive and transparent in the way all actions are facilitated and encouraged on the platform as a utility.
There’s more to discuss about Facebook but you’ve had those discussions before and they’re boring. Facebook is boring. The way people use Facebook is  boring. Many of my peers ported to Instagram because as many of them said “It’s like Facebook but just pictures” and something along the lines of “It’s just pure” and there’s a high degree of truth in that. The sense of purity comes from the feeling of positivity in that thumbs becomes hearts - the likes an image gets. Engagement is fairly low-level. People express their endorsement of an image or do nothing at all. Occasionally there’s discussion, predominantly positive and for the most part I’d agree it’s wholesome. You can find toxicity easily enough and all of it is bad, but there are whole spaces on Instagram where you’d be forgiven for thinking it was a platform free of it altogether.
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I guess it’s worth mention when I was peak Instagram, I was producing a super lo-fi but passionate board games podcast I recorded with R and we were also running several public and private board games groups around Melbourne. There was a lot of good about that sense of community and some of those people are still in our lives now. Platforms like Instagram are great for celebrating many of those aspects, I’d still say better than Facebook. Instagram is more approachable and simpler for just showing a thing and liking it - the engagement is direct and the commitment level (sign-up, visual clutter, privacy concerns, settings digest etc.) is minimal.
There are some Instagram Stories (read: Snapchat clones) there listed under This Account that briefly go thru the effective mothballing of my account. To have a different discussion here, I know how much and what kind of work it takes to build and maintain and audience on Instagram and it’s not interesting to me any more. It’s boring. I don’t mean to disrespect the audience I have there, all audiences are made up of people. Their behaviour on the platform is indicative of the cultural space that Instagram is, not their respective characters and that’s fine. That I’m bored is indicative of my feelings towards the platform and the culture it fosters, not how I feel about the people themselves. I still really like most of the people I’ve made connections with on Instagram and ping them DMs about beer, Lego and art once in a while. Instagram is about keeping it light - or lite is perhaps more appropriate - and I’m happy to keep my engagement level likewise.
That makes it extremely strange that I chose tumblr as a cultural space for my long-format writing, then, hey. Sure does. I did write about tumblr as a cultural space and honestly I still feel the same way about it - I absolutely love it here. Even tho I don’t engage in tumblr at all in the way the culture here utilises it, oddly I still feel right at home, fitting that one of the titles of the entry is Hiding In Plain Sight.
I don’t effectively have an audience for my writing here, tho, and that certainly is different. There’s a certain buzz missing from seeing a post light up with hearts, but then I think - a post gets a tally of hearts, of likes, so the people around me - my audience - likes an image and/or the accompanying text I’ve written tho that’s unlikely as the ratio of viewers to readers is likely to be extremely low. So if I think about how meaningful the text is to me versus the image, sometimes it’s split down the middle, but often the writing is far more important or at least there’s massive intent for gravitas to the image. Without the text, the image would be pleasant at best, and I realise that’s what people are engaging with and throwing a heart at, and I’m not interesting in doing that. I’m interesting in writing and expressing because I’m doing that anyway. I’m talking to and for myself regardless which I’m very happy to do, so if I’m going to do that, I’m happy to do it on the assumption of no audience and just express freely without restraint on subjects that interest me the most.
I either will or won’t develop that audience, but it will have to be with people who are dedicated enough to read and that might be a thing just yet, but who knows, there may be coming a time when people realise it’s not the Wire they need to unplug from. I’m not spinning up theories because it’s less complicated than that. I still operate a Facebook account. There’s a lot to hate about Facebook but of itself it’s mostly banal. Sure its UI and UX both are horrors that precipitate actual nightmares (unrelated but recent: none worse that iTunes MY GOD WHY WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY) but from a utility perspective it can be useful in the least. I have connections with a handful of people and communities which are useful to me for the moment so until they’re not, I’ll use the platform - but my weekly usage would be measured in minutes, I’m not sure I’d make cumulative hours in seven days.
When I moved away from Twitter and Instagram, I wanted a more considered approach to everything including images. I did once take long walks in Melbourne and photograph things that I found aesthetically interesting and under the circumstances that isn’t possible. I did stop doing that much earlier than Covid19 tho but that’s due to family circumstances alluded to in other posts. I still think if I ever take up photographing things with the same regularity, those images will end up here, simply because if I want to cut in with text, I can with better control. But also because it’s more meaningful if I don’t, and also as an artefact, a html page is something that invites a more static approach to the scrolling endless feeds of Instagram and Facebook. That design is absolutely intentional to promote short engagement and continued dismissal and that’s not something I want to encourage, with mine or anyone else’s art, thoughts, responses and engagement.
I don’t think I’ve addressed how The Internet Is Remarkable, but it’s pervasive in much of what I do on and with the Wire. I think accessibility is one of the most powerful things we do as humans. I’m sure there are folks who are sick of Margaret Mead’s healed femur anecdote or at least people quoting it. I fucking love that quote. I might not like people not fully comprehending it but I sure love what it truly represents. I think something people may be surprised to hear from me is that I will never say that I don’t like people. I really don’t like the quips and memes about hell being other people or I don’t mind going outside, it’s the other people ad infinitum. It’s easy to look at a large representation of behaviour and say “People are stupid” but it’s much more difficult to sit in a room of people you know and tell them they’re stupid. I might find it increasingly difficult to find other adults with which I can engage, on subjects I and they both can and enjoy engaging on, but I both have the willingness to and the optimism that it will and should happen. A part of that is the exercise - the practice of considered expression, of thinking, language and performance. Some of that for me is writing here, some of it is in the musical instruments I play, some of it is in the oral auditory words I speak.
Fucking around is good fun, we don’t always take life too seriously - sure, but we also don’t just fuck around. If that’s all you end up being able to do, there’s so much you end up not doing, not seeing and experiencing. Imagine the only form of expression you have is to tap a heart. That’s not to diminish the power of tapping that heart - mate, smash that shit - did you see that last picture of the beers we bought? DID YOU SEE MY BEERS? Those are some champion fucken’ beers, follow my Instagram.
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Look you might need to unplug occasionally or partially or permanently or whatever. This isn’t a sermon, I’m not talking at you, I’m talking to you or rather I’m talking to myself. I’m telling you about myself because like everything I do and typically will always mention, it’s a provocation but also an invitation to talk about yourself. We share with one another to learn about other experiences and grow perspective on our own - you get all of that. That’s why the Wire is a good thing. Accessibility to broader experiences is a good thing.
This mass documentation we’re doing? Even if no-one reads it, even if only a tiny shred of it is shared... do you realise how immense that tiny shred is? Of a billion billion billion terabytes of unread, unseen, unknown data, the tiniest fraction that gets shared between humans is still huge were it to remain hidden and secret - all the wonderful art, the ugly horror, the juvenile silliness, the unending pain and sorrow, the saccharine sweetness, the lilting playfulness, the nonsensical vagary, the bare minimalism, the overbearing eloquence, everything subjective and argued and agreed and ignored.
The internet is an ordinary book of everything made of electricity and you carry a copy of it in your pocket.
I’ll echo similar sentiments to those in the feature on Jeremy Blake. You can be an arsehole, or you be awesome and kind and we can do amazing things together.
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transienturl · 4 years
the first half of the ask post you didn't reblog because you're doing them all anyways
Thanks, me!
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?Option 7, None of the above: highball glass. I looked up the glassware model I like; apparently the manufacturer calls them “nordic cooler glasses.” I much prefer glassware made of glass to any other type, and dislike the ridges/patterns on a lot of drinking glasses. Yep, I’m this picky.
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?Chocolate. I like chocolate’s texture and the way it melts, and I don’t like eating bits of paper.
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?Cotton candy. Bubblegum is gross.
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?Uhh… hm. “Smart,” probably, which wasn’t particularly helpful. They probably had a bunch more to say but I don’t remember what anymore.
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?I like this ask post! As mentioned, glass cups. I like how soda cans feel in the hand but the drinking experience is just alright. Plastic is just unpleasant.
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?I had to google “boho” and I’m still not super clear on what it encompasses, but it seems kinda neat! Also I have no idea what grunge really means. If I had a feminine body and thus felt like dressing up, I’d definitely pick boho out of the google image results of each of those terms.
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7. earbuds or headphones?Both; if I wear either for too long I switch to the other for comfort. But I’m at least somewhat an audio enthusiast, so I could go on for a long time here. Ex:
The soundstage of open-back headphones is really unparalleled for one. Apple’s earpods/airpods actually fit me and have basically no microphonics, which usually are a big issue with IEMs for me, plus their resolution on the high end is surprisingly great.
Insert the rest of this discussion here.
8. movies or tv shows?I watch either of these not from seeking them out but from circumstance, but often wind up liking them. I’m one of those people who thinks, “I’d watch that,” and then never watches whatever that was. So I don’t really know which I do or would prefer.
9. favorite smell in the summer?Uh… hm. That’s a really good question. What’s most interesting about it, I think, is just the list of smells people associate with a season. Of course there’s environmental ones like rain, but for summer I assume you have to go with, I dunno, fair food or something like that.
Anyway, no idea! I can’t think of a lot of meaningful smells that aren’t food, honestly.
10. game you were best at in p.e.?I remember enjoying capture the flag a lot. I dunno if I was actually good at it, though. I did have pretty good short-duration speed, so I was a decent defender. I don’t really remember what else we did.
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?Nothing. (I don’t like most American breakfast foods much, though that’s not why.)
12. name of your favorite playlist?I called it “the playlist which is entirely fire” because why not. Alternately, the playlist with all of my music is just named after me.
13. lanyard or key ring?Key ring; I’m not a… yeah actually that joke would only work for people who went to my high school and follow this blog (hi Xander).
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?That’s also a really good question and I’m positive I have an answer, but I can’t think of it. I eat candy once every like 3 months, so it doesn’t exactly come to mind easily. The candied pecans I just tried are pretty good, though. Insert reference to my halloween fanfiction.
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?Y'know how there are some things that you remember deciding at one point were your favorite, but don’t remember well enough to properly consider now? A lot of my favorite pieces of media are like that, but I have at least some confidence in the decision I made at the time. Not so much here. I remember thinking with surprise that I enjoyed The Mill on the Floss when I read it in class, so that’s what comes to mind, but I think it’s the wrong answer. I’m pretty sure there are some books I really enjoy that I’ve forgotten were originally for class. Random example that I think is also wrong: The Hobbit. The Giver is pretty darn good, too. Fahrenheit 451. I don’t remember this being the case but we might have read A Wrinkle in Time in a class. Et cetera.
Wait, no, actually, I figured it out: Island of the Blue Dolphins. (Which, actually, goes in the “this might be too much of a childrens’ book to enjoy rereading” category along with Summerland, The Great Tree of Avalon, The Marino Mission, What the Moon Saw, The Secret of Platform 13, and Island of the Aunts, all of which I loved at the time of reading. And potentially also The Book Thief, although I doubt it. Can you tell I like award-winning children’s books, though?)
16. most comfortable position to sit in?With crossed legs or on my feet, which people seem to find weird.
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?I only have one regularly-used pair of shoes.
18. ideal weather?Still. I can’t stand wind of any kind. A range of temperatures is nice (not too hot; not *too* cold but snow is pretty so I’ll allow a wide range in that direction.)
19. sleeping position?In a ball, or at least partially curled up.
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?I haven’t written on paper in like a decade. I had to recently in order to leave a sticky note on something and had actual trouble making it legible. Essentially everything I write is on this 2013 Macbook Pro keyboard.
21. obsession from childhood?Um… existentialism? The pretend world my sisters’ and my stuffed animals lived in? Popular science topics and things from video game worlds, all of which went into said pretend world? Jet aircraft? Algebra and geometry puzzles? Configuring laptop computers?
22. role model?John Green. People who can communicate/present things effectively.
23. strange habits?I’m sure I have a ton. I’m not going to delay posting this to come up with any, but I’ll think about it. But especially if we’re using western society as the ‘norm’ for the sake of the question, I think there’s a ton of stuff I do that’d surprise people.
24. favorite crystal?Hm. I like the colorless ones like diamond, I guess? I just generally like gemstones, especially in fiction when they have powers. Oh, how’s this: I tend to like crystals that are (semi)transparent, so they have depth to them and change appearance as they’re rotated.
The other weird, mostly-unrelated thing that comes to mind is when I made a necklace for my best friend in elementary school and spent a lot of effort picking out the right sort of pendant, but I don’t think it was actually a crystal. (I often wonder what it would’ve been like if I hadn’t moved; I bet we’d still be close.)
25. first song you remember hearing?Neat question! I have no memory of a particular song being the first. My parents played music a lot when I was little, so a lot of their CD collection makes me think, “I’ve been listening to this since far before I noticed that I was.” The most recent one of those I heard and wrote down was Cathedral of the Pines by Tim Janis.
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?…complain about the heat? :D Hm, I don’t have a lot of outdoor hobbies.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?…complain about the cold? :P I do like to ski somewhat. And I like hot cocoa.
28. five songs to describe you?
Eric’s Song – Vienna Teng
Doubt – Ruby Day
…hm. Looking through my playlists and the #media tag on this blog, there’s a ton of songs that I like, and where that fact tells you something about my taste in music, but it’s hard to find songs whose content particularly tells you something. Let’s just go with songs I find some meaning or relevance in?
Laughing With – Regina Spektor
Rainbow Connection – Kermit the Frog/various covers
Okay, I ran out of songs with particular meaning; let’s finish up with one whose meaning is arguably a lack of particular meaning?
Both Sides Now – Joni Mitchell
29. best way to bond with you?Talking, I guess. Boring answer, maybe, but I think most bonding experiences I’ve had were just two people talking about something important.
30. places that you find sacred?My elementary school? Is that a weird answer?
Other than that… a lot of places, really. Depending how you use “sacred,” I think it could apply in my mind to lots of unique places, especially natural-wonder type things.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?I haven’t got one. None of my clothes are things I’ve picked out to look good, honestly. The thing that makes me feel more “ready to go out and kick ass than usual” is, like, bringing a phone charger with me in case I run out of battery in the process of whatever ass kicking it’s going to be, and that’s not an outfit thing.
32. top five favorite vines?Remember vine? Good times.
1. A Legendary Argument (https://vine.co/v/enUmZjLFgw2/); the “just do it” “no” one
Yeah, that’s it. I don’t know of any other ones.
33. most used phrase in your phone?I… don’t know how to tell. That sounds like a cool thing to figure out but I dunno how to see that.
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?None, thank god.
35. average time you fall asleep?Too late.
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?No idea.
37. suitcase or duffel bag?I don’t really know what context to think of this question in. Like, is there a time both would be valid options? Anyway, suitcase. Honorable mention: backpack.
38. lemonade or tea?I only like either of these in moderation. Usually I’d say lemonade, but lately I’ve been disliking acidic drinks more than usual, so maybe I’ll say tea. Actually, what I like is chrysanthemum tea, which you can get at dim sum places sometimes.
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?I’ll go with lemon cake. I can only eat a really small amount of lemon meringue. If someone made more of a lemon meringue tart with a really thin layer of lemon (maybe 10mm or a bit less) and a lot of crust and meringue, that could be really good though.
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?If “bad” counts as “weird,” let’s just say it involved sexual misconduct.
41. last person you texted?My dad (a link to instructions to get free in-flight wifi; nothing interesting).
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?I prefer to put stuff in pants pockets so I have them if I take off my jacket, but then my pants fall down because I have no hips and my pants are all regular-person sized.
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?I immediately crossed off everything except hoodie and cardigan. With a different body I’d definitely pick cardigan.
44. favorite scent for soap?Unscented.
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?Eh, I mean, I think they all have potential. I’d pick sci-fi or fantasy over superhero; print comics have never interested me at all, though I’m sure there’s interesting stuff in there too.
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?I feel like it’s just whatever you’re used to, honestly.
47. favorite type of cheese?Maybe fresh mozzarella? Either way, it’s going to be something people who really like cheese would barely count as cheese.
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?If I were a fruit… not to take it too literally, but I can’t think of a better way to interpret it. Um… a ground cherry, because it’s cute and has a place to hide in.
49. what saying or quote do you live by?“Hope is the correct response to the human condition.”
There are probably better ones that correspond to things I live by more, but that’s the one I have a quote for. Guess who it’s by? I’ll give you one guess.
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?Not sure. Show of the Weekend (@outsidextra) definitely wins “hardest laugh that I can remember recently” though.
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albatris · 5 years
Hello from Seattle! I really enjoy reading the excerpts from your wips. I enjoy writing myself and can come up with plots and setting, but it is always the character specifics that give me trouble. To me, character interactions are what make me invest in a story almost more than any other aspect and you only write 3 shorts lines for me to want to read more! Hope you don't mind if I ask; what is your approach to creating unique, funny, flawed, yet endearing characters? Thanks!
hello from south aus!
first of all, thank you for such a lovely message! I’m happy to hear you like the excerpts :D I am sorry it took me a while to get to replying, I was determined to get it done today though!!
and I definitely don’t mind at all! it’s a good question! it made me stop and think about what my approach to characters actually is, ‘cause it’s not something I’ve paid a lot of conscious attention to
and I did sit here for a while trying to think of, like, a super wise and profound answer and some good general writerly advice but then I was like, well, you did ask what my approach is and I suppose that means my approach personally
and I don’t have a real specific Approach, but I do have a bundle of random thoughts on the topic in no particular order, under the cut:
so I’m gonna keep it real with you, 99% of my approach to character development is just ridiculous self-indulgent daydreaming
also music! I got playlists for individual characters, I got playlists for those characters’ dynamics with other characters, I got playlists for their plotlines and their feelings about said plotlines. I find music super super helpful to explore different facets of characters! and sometimes to develop them with a bit more nuance or consider ideas I hadn’t previously considered, even if I don’t end up going through with them. my advice if you like music is just to go absolutely fucking wild with ur playlists
also a fun exercise I like to do for character development is to put my library on shuffle and add the first 10 songs that come up to a playlist, then just being like “ok brain make a character out of this”
sometimes it’s garbage, sometimes it isn’t, but it’s a great exercise either way! it makes you think outside the box, especially if the songs are conflicting with one another. the more conflicting the better imo. humans are weird little confusing conflicted creatures which is what makes them interesting
and conflict in characters is fuckin great, this is one of the main things I focus on when I’m designing them. you can have a set of basic personality traits laid out for a character, then you should just push that character to the extreme and see what happens. put ur characters in scenarios where their greatest strength turns into a weakness! and vice versa! give them conflicting personality traits! give them conflicting goals! within themselves and with other characters!
n you can have a collection of traits laid out for a character and be like, ok, they’re gentle and patient UNTIL or they’re smooth and confident UNLESS or they’re generally apathetic BUT
this is where your sorta-fleshed-out character gets real interesting
the 10 song playlist can b really great for practicing this specifically
also another thing I wanna add is uhhh, those super detailed billion-question character questionnaires that want you to list their age and gender and detailed family background and circle all their personality traits and describe their deepest fears… those do absolutely nothing for me. I struggle to answer those Q’s for characters I know inside out. I struggle to answer half those Q’s for myself, and I have been Myself for the past 22 years
lots of writers love em but I can’t stand them and ik I’m not the only one
it’s great to have some basics down, but when it comes to those finer details and personality and quirks, my best advice is to take your characters and put them in a bunch of different situations, even if those are entirely unrelated to your main plot. fuck em up. throw them in an escape room just to see what happens. put them in a traffic jam. consider whether so-and-so character would eat a hot dog they dropped on the floor as long as no one else was watching
these r important questions
prompt blogs are good for this!
also I look at the people around me and I’m like, ok, what makes you You? what is it specifically? what sorta tics and speech habits and anxious mannerisms, what expressions, what little quirks in your appearance?
like I don’t straight up Steal people from real life and write them but paying attention to those distinct things helps a lot when I’m coming up with my own Distinct Things for characters
and lastly thinkin about what type of story they’re gonna be in. I can’t just throw a bunch of characters together with no rhyme or reason, even if they’re all wonderfully unique and developed individually. gotta make sure they bounce off each other and challenge each other in a way that fits the story and drives the plot, whether they are in a team together or working against each other or whatever
those are my thoughts, apologies if they are not very eloquent
hope ur having a nice day!
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caltropspress · 3 years
RAPS + CRAFTS #1: maassai
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1. Introduce yourself. Past projects? Current projects?
I’m Maassai from Brooklyn, NY. An existentialist, rapper/vocalist, curator, performance artist, writer. My artistic practice seeks to tell hood narratives through an avant-garde lens. 
A part of my released works is the C0N$TRUCT!0N series, which will be a continuous project about building and taking up space as a black person in this country. I’m also a part of the duo H31R with JWords, which I'd best describe as experimental hip hop dance music if someone really wanted to box it in, but it definitely bends the concept of genre. “With the Shifts” will be my debut solo full-length project as well as a cementing or further exploration of certain themes in my artistic practice.
2. Where do you write? Do you have a routine time you write? Do you discipline yourself, or just let the words come when they will? Do you typically write on a daily basis?
I'm a very spontaneous writer. It depends on when the inspiration hits me, whether that's a really dope track I was sent or a situation that just unfolded in front of me. Inspiration mostly hits at really odd times. Some of my favorite pieces started walking down the block in my neighborhood or on the toilet or waking in the middle of the night after an intense dream. I try to at least journal some thoughts everyday to keep a groove, but I don't like to pressure myself to make a piece or force the feeling when it’s not there and that practice really helps to keep me in love with the process I think. 
3. What’s your medium—pen and paper, laptop, on your phone? Or do you compose a verse in your head and keep it there until it’s time to record?
Honestly I'm about using whatever medium is available. I’m not necessarily the die hard purist who has to write stuff on paper even though there is a special flow that happens there. But because I'm so spontaneous with my writing there's many times I'm in a situation where a pen and pad isn't available. 
4. Do you write in bars, or is it more disorganized than that?
A lot of times the process is super messy. I like to follow a concept through, so sometimes that’ll mean me making a plain outline in the middle of a piece so I can have clarity in my brainstorming or come back to it when I have the mental energy to think hard enough to make it all make sense. I like to think of it as a math equation. Creating the formula and then plugging in the details until it works. Sometimes the lines in my everyday journaling resonate with me so much that I’ll use them for a song or to prompt some bars. The process is all experimental honestly.
5. How long into writing a verse or a song do you know it’s not working out the way you had in mind? Do you trash the material forever, or do you keep the discarded material to be reworked later?
I don't normally trash material completely. I believe in things being reworked, sampled and built upon. I’m a bar hoarder maybe. Unless it really sucks and I wake up and completely disagree with what I wrote for some reason, I’ll usually keep it somewhere.
6. Have you engaged with any other type of writing, whether presently or in the past? Fiction? Poetry? Playwriting? If so, how has that mode influenced your songwriting?
For sure. Not necessarily known to many, I consider myself a writer of many different mediums. I grew up writing poetry. I’m working on screen and stage plays. These are passion projects that I've been developing over the span of years now. I actually went to high school for theatre so it's still a big part of me and has definitely influenced how I see myself as an overall artist. I'm really inspired by science fiction movies - and paying attention to the way writing is brought alive through film strengthens me to paint worlds with my words. Also writing stories of any kind strengthens your ability to focus on a topic and see it through, which I feel I've tried to carry into my music as much as possible.
7. How much editing do you do after initially writing a verse/song? Do you labor over verses, working on them over a long period of time, or do you start and finish a piece in a quick burst?
Both. But projects that I really go into with lots of intention I've likely worked on for a good minute. As I'm growing through life and the process simultaneously sometimes the words slightly change. Every word matters and sometimes a slight change goes such a long way to making a statement resonate. I have written songs with a quick burst of energy, mostly when i'm collaborating with others and that's always cool because I'm like, “Okay yea I got it, I can actually write something decent mad fast even though I don't do it that often on my own.” It feels really good. Again, that spontaneity of writing with different processes keeps it new, challenging and fun for me.
8. Do you write to a beat, or do you adjust and tweak lyrics to fit a beat?
I’ve done both. I think I usually prefer to have a beat beforehand because I like to think of my vocals as an instrument, a part of the overall music piece. I can really jam out and experiment with what sounds best on the track when I have the beat beforehand. But many times it works out to find new ways to execute something I wrote for a beat, and that's fun as well.
9. What dictates the direction of your lyrics? Are you led by an idea or topic you have in mind beforehand? Is it stream-of-consciousness? Is what you come up with determined by the constraint of the rhymes?
I’m led by ideas I have in my head a lot of the time and the stream of consciousness that presents itself with that idea in mind usually leads me to an unexpected conciseness. Once it's going in a particular direction I might rework it or add things to focus it more or it might just flow how it needs to in the moment. Rhyming as a practice in writing definitely limits not what you can say but how you can say it, and that's the most tedious part a lot of the time.
10. Do you like to experiment with different forms and rhyme schemes, or do you keep your bars free and flexible?
I’m definitely consciously experimenting with form as a musician. Sometimes flexibility and freeness is a part of it. I don't usually like to keep the same form for a whole song. I think a part of my style is unpredictability and versatility.
11. What’s a verse you’re particularly proud of, one where you met the vision for what you desire to do with your lyrics? 
“TU LIPS” produced by Keenyn Omari was one of those verses that just came so naturally. I was really in the flow of things and I surprised myself like, “Damn, I just wrote that?” I loved that it was catchy, gritty and revolutionary in the same breath, which is really the goal. It’s a personal fav because I wrote it so fast.
12. Can you pick a favorite bar of yours and describe the genesis of it?
“Anecdoche” off of Unsounded Points of View.
“Ever in a room and everybody talking but nobody listening? / Voices get dissonant when they over each other / trimming on the back of the last word / never get to process the sentence. / Now the convo is a figment of our egos.” 
It’s not my punchiest set of bars but I love how descriptive it is. I wrote this song in an attempt to describe the indescribable feeling of those conversations that just aren't going anywhere and the emptiness present when trying to converse with someone who doesn't listen. “Voices get dissonant when they over each other” - when people speak over each other without listening it's like when people try to sing together without listening - the harmony is off - it's like really cringey chords. “Trimming on the back of the last word / never got to process the sentence” - it's like you’re just talking to speak and only taking little pieces of what is said to make an unrelated statement because they just want to talk or want attention. “Now the convo is a figment of our egos” - this wraps it up so beautifully to me because it's like the conversation isn't actually happening because there's no understanding, but our egos make us keep talking. It points to this issue being deeper than just not listening in this one moment but instead an existential challenge of overcoming your ego.
13. Do you feel strongly one way or another about punch-ins? Will you whittle a bar down in order to account for breath control, or are you comfortable punching-in so you don’t have to sacrifice any words?
Punch-ins suck. I will cut down the bar as much as I can during the writing process to leave space. Saying the most with as little words as possible is my style as a writer. If punching-in is warranted I'll do it though. Whatever makes the song work.
14. What non-hiphop material do you turn to for inspiration? What non-music has influenced your work recently?
I grew up saturated in hip hop culture. It's really embedded in me as a being. So a lot of my time is spent studying and exploring other genres and just other facets of life. I actually listen to other genres of music more than I listen to rap - like jazz, soul, experimental r&b. I get lots of inspiration from those genres. I used to take some West African dance classes, which actually completely shifted the way I understood rhythm, which helped me improve my raps a lot. Outside of music, I like to watch trippy films and psychology docs. I've been exploring where science and spirituality meet, and that's been a big part of what I've been writing about as of lately.
15. Writers are often saddled with self-doubt. Do you struggle to like your own shit, or does it all sound dope to you?
Of course, my anxiety levels before dropping things are sky high but I also love what I create at the same time. So I am usually able to push past that feeling as long as I like what I make. Sometimes working on things for a long period of time can be confusing when it's time to drop, because I might be in a different head space or have just heard it too much to think of it as anything exciting, but I try to remember how good I felt after making it and that the resonation I felt then will always be a truth.
16. Who’s a rapper you listen to with such a distinguishable style that you need to resist the urge to imitate them? 
I don't feel the need to imitate anyone. I pride myself on not sounding like anyone else. There’s sooo many people I've been inspired by, but I actually try not to listen to too much rap music to make sure my voice is my own. I really love Azealia Banks as a writer. Her flow is so dynamic, especially crossing over into dance music - I appreciate her pen so much. Very unique and definitely in her own lane with rap.
17. Do you have an agenda as an artist? Are there overarching concerns you want to communicate to the listener?
Definitely to create a multi-disciplined platform that gives a way for me to create space for building and visualize a black future. One part of that is to create a new path for people who identify as black femmes to feel comfortable being a part of whatever this experimental niche of rap is, because it's overwhelmingly cis-male dominated. But mostly to push the culture forward and inspire people to push boundaries in this world as I push boundaries within my art.
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RAPS + CRAFTS is a series of questions posed to rappers about their craft and process. It is designed to give respect and credit to their engagement with the art of songwriting. The format is inspired, in part, by Rob McLennan’s 12 or 20 interview series. 
Photo by Kristin Powell (details)
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crispyflowerblaze · 7 years
school tips, because maybe i can give better advice than administration, who just loves to tell us to get involved 3000000000000 times a day
Find to have some fun each day. Okay, yeah, this is pretty hard. And sometimes impossible, but I think it’s pretty important to try, at least a few times a week or whenever the heck you want, to do something fun by yourself either outside or in your room. Something I’m gonna try to do every day is play a few songs from a musical (probably Book of Mormon) and like just completely PERFORM it, like jump on my bed, dance all over, and sing loudly and stuff like that, IT’S SO FUN and i recommend it!!!!! I just really hope you’re able to do something fun
Okay, spoiler alert, this is actually basically taken from an actual school recommended tip. I’m gonna try to summarize my day after school, I have a google doc called “summarizing what i did each day, or using memes to help me remember stuff” and I just do what the title says, but I also... use memes... which just memes it’s not completely serious, and then I have a “general stuff” section, which explains itself I guess, and then, the best part, is “today’s big mood” and that’s taking one funny or relatable thing I remember that happened. And I think this is gonna be helpful because I can look back on previous days and review, also I can remember funny things and I love doing that!
Use memes in your notes/other shit. This is probably the most important tip. Making “actual serious notes” is SO. BORING. And this is speaking as an A student who most of the time only capitalizes things in personal writing (not stories; like non-story google docs and tumblr posts) for THIS KIND OF STUFF and uses a whole fricking ton of wrong spelling for stuff. I wanted this to be at least a tiny “professional” so I’m capitalizing my “I”s blah blah blah. But when people tell you using text speech will destroy how you write, DON’T. LISTEN. Okay, I’m getting off topic, but anyways, MAKE NOTES AND STUFF FUN. I do this with memes and by shortening EVERYTHING. Do references and funny stuff and if you don’t have free time for fun things, try to make you study/homework time fun!!! Please!!!!! I want you to have fun!!!!!! FUN. IS. FUN. (also, unrelated, but doing things like CAPITALIZING EVERYTHING is really an amazing freedom if you’ve worried about it being annoying. please do things on personal writing and tumblr posts that you have worried about people judging you for! the freedom is amazing!)
USE GOOGLE DOCS. Another really important one for people whose school uses a lot of technology. Google Docs is just amazing, and it’s super convenient!!!!! If you know your email and password (if you’re not sure PLEASE WRITE IT DOWN) then you can always reach it if,,,,, like,,,, you have access to a computer. So if for some reason you have a school laptop that doesn’t connect to your home wifi and you have access to a computer at home, then you can go on that google account and access them; also, it doesn’t take long to get a doc shared and then to go on the account you shared it with. Then from there, or whenever, you can transfer things onto a word or pages document if you need to. So Google Docs should be your go-to thing!!
(adding onto/related to the memes section) Experiment with ways to remember homework/study. Everybody does these things differently, so yeah start with a generic one and make it your own! In 7th grade and most of 8th, I used a “homework chart” which is pretty self explanatory and I filled stuff out for each class. This year I think I’m gonna stick my homework in my summarizing doc. If doing something in a funner (i’m strangely attached to the non-word-but-should-be “funner”) way than the bare minimum of study techniques, FIND OUT WHAT WORKS FOR YOU! Adding onto that, make your own additions to my rules or ignore them completely! Make your own! Whatever! And back to the weird ways to study, last year, for my history EOC, I made possibly the best thing I’ve ever created. It was called “8th grade history in a nutshell” and was sprung from my love of “hamilton in a nutshell” videos and similar ones to other musicals, and the “-musical- in a nutshell” things I’ve done myself. I basically just used memes to describe what I’d learned in history class, using a bunch of Hamilton references, and also, my favorite section, where Andrew Jackson basically just says “FUCK YEAH -something-” or “FUCK NO -something-” because, as I explained, Andrew Jackson was more of a hothead than Alexander Hamilton. So like... I can’t say it enough,,,.. but USE MEMES! That’s what makes learning fun.
Use your knowledge for the True Real-Life Applications. Have you been badgered with that horrible phrase, “real-life applications”? Has it sucked your will to math or science completely? Then reclaim that sucky phrase! My adventures in Reclaiming The Sucky Phrase “Real-Life Applications” include finding out how many miles, feet, and inches there are in a light year, memorizing the number of miles in a light year (um... shoot, i DID have it memorized!), finding out how to pronounce these horribly long numbers, and finding out how many light years the whole human race has probably walked! (2.2 light years. So light travels more in 3 years than the whole human race has walked!) And that was just one day with my friend in science class last year. I also figured out if you could fit the moon in the Pacific Ocean (you can dip it in the center of the Pacific Ocean and it won’t touch continents, but it will touch the bottom, and it’s a LOT taller than the ocean!) and when my dad said (exaggerating, obviously) he got a random pain about every 15 minutes while he was awake, and that he slept about 6 hours a night, I calculated how many times a day, a month, a year, a decade with no leap years (which does not exist XD), a minute, a non-leap-year February, in August, and in a 30 day month he would get a pain. It’s hilarious XD. My point is, you can have fun by figuring things out using the stuff you’ve used and it’s a much better review than homework. (uh, do your homework)
Sometimes musicals can teach you stuff, so like,,,,, listen to musicals,,,,,, that’s all. (Hamilton act 1 for reviewing and Cabinet Battles for history reviews!!!!!!! Trust me)
Speed walking is great! And every time teachers/staff tell you that 5 minutes is completely enough time to CROSS A HUGE CAMPUS THAT YOU BARELY EVEN KNOW WITH A HORRIBLE AMOUNT OF TRAFFIC, I feel you. I am here for you. It’s stupid and unfair. But please, rant to me or somebody who understands how it’s STUPID too instead of teachers/staff. I don’t think it’s a good idea. But yes, please, I understand what you’re going through. It’s dumb as heck.
Judging by all of the “high school will just seem like a bad dream!!” I can assume it’s true. Of course everyone has different high school experiences and problems, but if you want to talk to me and we can rant together, that’d be great!! Ranting is completely fine, so I just hope things will get better. :D
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