#unlocking full potential
thecoachingdirectory · 4 months
In today's rapidly changing world, the demand for visionary leaders has never been greater. Regrettably, many organizations tend to invest more in training managers than in cultivating authentic leadership qualities. This is where professional coaches step in as trusted allies, offering guidance and unwavering support to those truly committed to unlocking their full potential. Check this out to learn more!
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expiredsoda · 5 months
ya thought it's just gonna be a one time conversation ?
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welp too bad the enemies to lovers game plot is happening now 👏
and of course ...
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not leaving out the maximum sexual tension fight scene 🤌✨
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miniagula · 3 months
they make me ILL and SICK IN THE HEAD
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glabeglarns · 3 months
people who say kristen loste is boring have clearly never played an all-lesbians singles household. every playthrough of mine without fail ends in erin and lola fighting for kristen's affections because she's just such a chad and chloe hates her guts and i like to think that she's super jealous bc all of chloes dates end in disaster while kristen literally has two women fighting for her at all times, made more infuriating by the fact that one of them is chloe's sister. it's so fucking funny.
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snowyh2o · 2 months
Look, all I’m saying is that if Alastor was really just after manipulating Charlie like putty in his hands, he could’ve done so much more during their walk to Cannibal Town than just stand there bored. Instead of trying to break up Charlie’s relationship with Vaggie and paint himself as the “only voice of reason”, he takes her to Rosie to get her issues sorted and cleans his monocle.
Yeah sure, part of that is because has no interest in someone else’s love life but also. It’s not that hard to pretend to be interested? Offer some affirming hums here and there. Say something like “oh I completely understand where you’re coming from, Charlie. Why if she was lying about something as big as this, what else could she be hiding from you?”. Play into her insecurities, drive a wedge between Charlie and her biggest support. And even if it goes nowhere, and they mend their relationship, it’s not like Alastor wouldn’t be saying anything Charlie isn’t already subconsciously thinking. He could even play it off as “concerned friend”! There’s no reason not to have said something, if that was ever his goal in the first place.
Instead he indirectly helps Charlie work through her conflicting emotions and mends their relationship by way of introducing her to Rosie, someone Alastor must know is big on romance and offers phenomenal relationship advice if only through second hand exposure of having known her for so long.
Just like how Alastor doesn’t need her soul, Alastor doesn’t need “complete control over Charlie’s actions”, he doesn’t want a doll to puppet around, or to have her emotionally vulnerable and isolated. What he needs is Charlie to be supported, stable, and capable of making her own decisions, acting independently, and standing up against those that would oppress her. A mindless doll who can’t act on her own is worthless to Alastor.
Alastor says “[Charlie’s] filled with potential that I could guide”. And while he says it in a sinister way, while he’s clearly scheming something, I think he’s being honest about wanting to be the one to help Charlie reach her full potential. Whatever that potential may be, and why he wants to achieve it remains to be seen.
(But assuming Lillith is the one holding his leash, and he’s hoping Charlie will be the one to break it, then he’d need Charlie to be capable of standing on her own against her own mom, the person she’s closest to and has looked up to her whole life. She might have to do that regardless, considering where the season ended.)
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decomposing-carcass · 3 months
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First shitty art of this blog every1 say congrats
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spinjitsuburst · 8 months
I also finished Dragons Rising :D
I could NOT take episode 20 / Beatrix with her Merge Weapon seriously because every time someone got sucked into a mergequake portal, all I could think is “damn, Beatrix just made more paperwork for Jay, poor Jay’s going to have so much overtime from this and be even crankier to his underlings"
Yes I know that stopping the merge storm brought everyone back think of the paperwork angst. So much paperwork angst.
Also who wants to bet that part of why Jay's playing video games on company time (stick it to the man, Walker) is so they can subtly drain his lightning for their tasers (or that's him recovering from 'free willingly' using his powers as a battery). Or that he's signed like a bunch of forms allowing the administration to use his lightning for tasers. Because those tasers are absolutely Jay's lightning.
I could still see them using Jay's powers and skills to create their tech but tbh it's hard to tell until we actually see MORE of the administration and what they're up to
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sikyurame · 9 months
Not gonna lie, Gyro being ex-FOWL is an au I can get behind
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polarisjisung · 6 months
emosung but like with a smokey eye
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warlordfelwinter · 4 months
i love the narrator being like "you feel the overwhelming authority you've used on others" when literally the only time i've used the illithid thing is to get shadowheart's pod open on the nautiloid. journey has never compelled anyone with it, but nice try
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sleepyeule · 2 years
So mir is a trans guy? Bc that honestly makes sense trans guys are kinda like that gettin into mad science hrt
Yee thought it'd be neat and also I thought it's a nice add-on to his character, his transition being one of the inciting incident that led to his growing interests in science and technology
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 10 months
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woe trans fwhip headcannons be upon ye. not pictured is fwhip going home and immediately taking the empires equivalents of an "am i gay" and "am i trans" quiz.
[Image ID: A three panel comic on a light blue background.
Panel 1 shows Fwhip, a young white trans man wearing a victorian lolita dress that is black with a white breast panel, black lace, and a red brooch. It has a high and ruffle-y collar. He has a short red bob, green eyes, and freckles. He has a neutral expression and is looking to the side. There are two arrows pointing to him with text. The first arrow reads: "Fwhip, 16, visiting Pixandria for the first time." The second arrow reads: "Hasn't figured it out yet but [drawing of the gay flag] + [drawing of the trans flag]".
Panel 2 shows Pix, a young tan person wearing a long tan jacket, copper shoulder armor, a brown undershirt, and gold dangly earrings. They are also wearing a pointy copper crown. He has dark brown eyes, dark brown hair that is kept in a ponytail draped over their right shoulder, and a beard. They are smiling and waving. There are two arrows pointing to them with text. The first reads: "Pix, 21, certified pretty boy (gn)". The second arrow depicts the aro ace flag and the agender flag.
Panel 3: Fwhip is looking up at Pix with star eyes and shocked expression. Pix is looking down at him with a smile. There is an arrow pointing to Fwhip reading "just had multiple awakenings". There is an arrow pointing to Pix reading "knows full well but is gonna let this happen naturally". End ID]
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quokkaz02 · 21 days
me and yoshida has a sit down last night he said he’ll be back soonish
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arolesbianism · 11 months
Y'know Im not even gonna pretend to get ppl complaining abt the new skill trees because it makes Wilson less unique or whatever. Like there's plenty to complain abt with the skill trees, but you have to understand that the actual abilities Wilson gets from them are still unique, and still quite powerful in some cases. He rly isn't losing anything he hasn't lost by getting a skill tree in the first place, and in particular he could have a lot of use for certain speedruns and at worst is situational, which in itself means he's gained a unique role as a character. He doesn't need another new rework now or anything, the only rework Id want is a rework of the skill trees in general, Wilson is genuinely going to be just fine don't worry
#rat rambles#dst#my main problem with the skill trees is that it only encourages the bare minimum#like idk I feel like if I could turn on godmode and walk away from my computer and unlock everything its probably not great game design#like I get whay theyre going for but Id kind of preffer if doing certain character related tasks effected it or smth#mainly I like the idea of having to work to unlock your mains full potential#obviously not too much like an exp system would suck absolute ass but idk maybe certain tasks can shorten the timer#or maybe to unlock certain branches of the skill tree you have to meet a prerequisite first like the lunar and shadow trees#not as demanding as defeating celestial champion or fuelweaver ofc#like for a rly simple and easy example maybe wilson has to make an alchemy engine before being able to unlock his alchemy skills#and fer higher tiers he needs a shadow manipulatoro or smth#idk even simple stuff like that would at least encourage the player to do something while waiting around yknow?#like imagine a hyothetical wurt skill tree that unlocks as you expand your army making it more self sufficiant#just lil things youll probably be doing anyways but still makes it feel a bit more like youve earned smth for playing the character well#instead of just sitting there until you can unlock everything#I just worry that the skill trees are gonna feel too flat with the current system :/#I do rly like a lot of wormwood's stuff tho and I like that theyre attempting to find a compramise to making characters more powerful#without just handing you a broken character right off the bat#I just think it could use some work and Im not 100% sold on the skill trees being smth thatll improve the game in the long run#like Im sure it wont like ruin dst or anything I just think it might end up as a thing that makes new players have a more boring earlygame#experience especially if certain trees become like the standard for most players#I want it to be Fun unlocking things yknow?#idk Ill still be hyped if/when wortox gets a tree bestie needs the extra depth so fucking bad#he has so much potential pls let him have this#also rip to woodie for being eternally kind of mid Im not expecting his tree to effect his general ranking much tbh#it basically just gives him early game usefullness and some slight buffs to his other forms#the fact that you can only master one form at at time especially sucks ass tho tbh#like his weremoose form Needs the buff so so bad but the goose teleportation might end up the go to pick#I am a huge fan of the treeguard summoning tho#I also hope they just man up and give the wood helmet 80% reduction idc just let him have this klei
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petz5 · 11 months
Hii! 7 and 8 for ranma if you can :)
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
HMMMM. I can’t think of a character i necessarily started hating that i only disliked before, but if you don’t mind me substituting a ship i will say i don’t like ranryo 😭 its not ryoga’s fault and when i read/watch the series i can see where people see chemistry between them!! but too many people are atrocious to akane to get her out of the way of their yaoi ship that i went from not minding it to actively disliking it IM RLLY SORRY. I KNOW I HAVE MUTUALS WHO LOVE THIS SHIP. be nice to akane and don’t make her abusive and don’t brush her importance to the plot aside in ur fanfic and…….i still wont read it bc im a lesbian ranma truther but i WILL respect u… again i can see why ppl like them together but i prefer them as friends (or ryoga having a one sided crush on ranma he’s actively doing his best to deflect to akane)
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
THIS ONE DRIVES ME A LITTLE NUTS BC IVE SEEN IT SO OFTEN PPL CLAIM ITS FACT WHEN ITS NOT: Soun didn’t train Akane properly (or stopped training her altogether)
Genma’s training is batshit and we KNOW this. Akane not being quite as superhuman as ranma does NOT mean she was poorly trained, it means ranma is VERY ABNORMAL and had to learn to be a martial arts genius to survive bc, as i’ve said in the past, genma made ranma fight him even just for the right to EAT. We still see soun training akane from time to time throughout the series, and we can assume the only reason we stop seeing it as often is because she shifts from training with her dad to training with ranma. Despite what that one ova said about her “only working out nowadays to keep her figure” that’s really not true. Yes she gets overshadowed as more characters are introduced and it sucks that as well as she kept up with ranma in the first season, it was more or less over once he learned the chestnuts roasting on an open fire move, but she could still wipe the floor with a hundred boys no problem
also we canonically know as long as she keeps at it she’ll eventually surpass ranma
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patron-saints · 1 year
guess who got into a library science masters program
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