#unhinged pl roleplay
hint-coin-ding · 1 year
Ask Hint Coin Mun!
Hi there!! I'm hint coin mun!! I thought it would be fun to take a little break from the horrors and curses to answer some questions!! So if there's anything you want to know about some of the choices I've made, or if you want to throw a theory at me, or if you want to tell me that I'm cool and wonderful and your favorite ever (/j), I'll be responding to those for a while!!
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bleedingovereden · 2 years
@triggerbigger sent a generated quote for a starter!
It’s a bit of a slow day once again at The Morning Glory Bar & Grill, and as such Ink has a bit of downtime. These past few months, business hasn’t exactly been booming, though Ink isn’t ashamed to admit that he’s not too bothered by this development. Crowds are a fucking nightmare for him on a good day, and he hasn’t had a lot of good days lately.
Besides, he knows the bar isn’t struggling financially, and it likely won’t for a while. Though he’s not as up to date on the financial side of things, he knows Lorelei isn’t concerned, and he’s more than happy to leave it at that. If an issue arises, he knows that she’ll tell him, and until then he’s happy to enjoy the easier, slower shifts.
Besides, the quiet time gives Ink more time to get to know the customers who do decide to come in. Sure, he knows that it’s perhaps not the best idea for him to get chummy with people who are there for a service he can provide, but Ink’s never been the type for impersonal, unattached customer service. He enjoys the fleeting, casual conversations he has with customers, even more so with the regulars who stop by.
Real friendships are hard for him to maintain for the most part, but the relationships he forms with the people who come into Morning Glory are easy for him to handle.
Which brings him to where he is now, once again serving drinks to The Onceler. There are a few other customers in the bar this time, though for the most part they seem uninterested in any sort of conversation with Ink that extends past asking for refills. Which is unfortunate, because Ink actually is feeling a bit social today. So, when The Onceler had come in, Ink is unashamed to say that he’d lit up a bit at the prospect of having an actual conversation.
At first, Ink had been surprised to see The Onceler again after their first meeting, but he isn’t exactly upset at the development. Sure, The Onceler isn’t exactly a nice person, and he hasn’t been subtle about his ulterior motives in talking to Ink, but in a way, the directness is refreshing. Lately, Ink doesn’t do well with people who try to be subtle about whatever they want from him.
Does The Onceler mainly just want to get into his pants? Yes, but at least Ink knows that that’s what’s happening. 
And, okay, maybe it’s also a little thrilling to have someone find him attractive as openly as The Onceler does. As guilty as Ink feels sometimes when he thinks a little too long about what he’s doing, he does enjoy their conversations and the teasing flirtations passed back and forth between them.
The two have been talking quietly for a little while now as Ink goes about his workday, their casual flirtations gradually growing more and more graphic as time passes. Somehow, the subject turns to work, and the two end up swapping stories of annoying and unpleasant experiences they’ve had in their respective careers.
As Ink makes another drink for The Onceler, he recounts the story of a particularly rude woman from the week before who’d come in with a bachelorette party. If Ink remembers correctly, the woman was the mother of the bride-to-be, and she’d thrown a fit about having such an ‘unkempt’ man serving drinks to her daughter. She’d danced around the subject a little, but apparently Ink’s long hair, despite being tied back out of the way, was a sign that he couldn’t be trusted to serve a few cocktails, and she’d demanded to speak to his manager.
Eventually, though, when she was informed that there was no one available to take Ink’s shift, she’d accepted his presence with a huff and spent the rest of the evening making increasingly less subtle passive-aggressive comments. The actual bride-to-be had tried to apologize for her mother’s behavior at first, but after a while she just tried to ignore her. None of this is a big deal to Ink, really. It’s far from the worst thing someone, customer or otherwise, has said to him, after all.
Still, as he retells the story, he can’t help the little flare of irritation and flash of unease he feels at the memory.
“And then,” Ink says as he finishes up the cocktail, a wry smirk in place, “here’s the fucking kicker--by the end of the night, she’d gotten so fucking wasted she could barely stand and was practically yelling to everyone who could hear her, and she and her daughter got into a screaming match in the middle of the bar. We had to have the new security guy Andy escort them out. All of this over hair.”
At the time, this was a very stressful night. Now, though, the memory just kinda pisses him off. He shakes his head slightly as he slides it over to The Onceler, then straightens and rests a hand on his hip.
“You know,” Ink says before he can help himself, following a long beat of silence, “I’m a nice person, but I’m about to start throwing rocks at people.” He then realizes what he said and rushes to clarify, “I mean, I don’t want to attack rude customers or anything like that, but sometimes it’s hard to keep being nice.”
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kiyooriu · 6 months
NPMD headcanons based on nothing but what my 100% Real Psychic Powers tell me
- richie hates eating peanuts. not because he’s allergic, not because he dislikes the taste but a Secret Third Thing
- after exactly 2 hrs, 35 mins, and 16 secs pete will always ALWAYS stretch back and let out the loudest scream known to man to get his extra energy out
- ruth wrote an entire 1 hr 30 min musical based on star wars one night and it’s on soundcloud somewhere but she won’t tell anyone how to find it (pete found it on accident but won’t tell her because he knows she’d probably freak out about it, he still listens to it occasionally)
- steph can play the bass nd her go-to song is hey barbara (IV of Spades)
- in line with this ^^ pete has rudimentary guitar skills and wanted to write a few songs with ruth’s help but she refused
- grace wanted to learn how to play the flute but was never allowed to bc her parents thought it would “give her ideas”
- richie’s trans awakening was in elementary when he and two other friends wanted to dress as the kids from dinosaur king nd the other girl was really insistent on being zoe so he dressed up as rex and it Felt Nice
- richie’s BI awakening was the sasunaru kiss and he thought he was homophobic bc he “felt weird after seeing it”
- RUTH’S bi awakening was watching lotr fellowship of the ring when arwen said “if you want him, come and claim him” (she rewatched it multiple times and didn’t sleep)
- one time in elementary grace really wanted candy but her parents were Very against it so she paid a friend to get her one (1) gumball and dhe felt so bad she cried about it and wanted to lock herself up in church
- richie is Mildly into kpop (bc a lot of anime enjoyers i know also like kpop) and he tried to get ruth into it too (mostly the choreography bc he wants ruth to get into dancing again)
- everyone in grace’s elementary was reading harry potter nd she wanted to know what the hype was about but didn’t want the Devil Magic to get her so she borrowed a copy from the library under another student’s name and then burned it after reading to “show god she condemned the devil worshipping” (i think she’s unhinged enough for that)
- pete’s favorite scooby-doo character is shaggy ahaha
- steph used to roleplay teen titans with some childhood friends and would always ask the boy she liked at the time to be beast boy so she could be raven and pretend they were a couple
brain juice wore off pls enjoy the hcs 👾
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Hey anon, thanks for reading my brainrot and your request! You are adorable and I am loving the energy in this ask.
Gone for hc, but lemme know if you want a lil fic/drabble. I started to write a snippet for Jake and Goo and then realised I wanted to write for more of the boys but it gets a bit repetitive, yknow?
Lookism Boys with Housewife S/O headcanons
Jake Kim
After what feels like a lifetime of instant ramen and worrying about Big Deal, it's nice to have some homecooked meals and know that at least one part of his life is running smoothly.
Will always try to split the chores and errands evenly with you, because it's Jake. And if you wave him away and say no it's fine, he will follow you around anyway because spending time with you? Yes please.
Goo Kim
If you want to be a housewife, knock yourself out, honeybun. If you want to just sit around on your ass all day and do nothing, that's fine too. Goo will hire cleaners. Whatever makes you happy.
Actually loves doing shared chores with you though, and canonically he loves to cook. You do the prepping, he does the actual chef work. A little because it's a fun roleplay for him, and a lot because he does appreciate time together where he can just ramble on to you.
Gun Park
Housewife is.. fine. He can provide more than enough for the both of you. Honestly doesn't have any feelings about it one way or the other.
From a practical and pragmatic sense, it's nice to have someone he trusts look after your home. And then if/when there are kids coming along then it's also a lot easier if you are a stay-at-home parent too.
Samuel Seo
You're not so much a housewife, as a kept wife. Samuel has the vibes that if he can afford to so, and he absolutely can, then you are not lifting a finger.
Yes, he loves you but more because it's a matter of pride that he can provide for you in all areas of your life. You keeping the household running smoothly? Fine. But doing dishes? He has the ridiculous notion that it's below you.
Yeah, you're also not going to be a housewife with Eugene. You can be in a power couple with him, but there is zero expectation to be a traditional housewife. You guys employ people for that.
Enjoy your shopping and brunches and being on the board of charities or whatever with other socialites.
DG/James Lee
This guy has enemies and unhinged fans coming out of his butthole, so for your safety and his peace of mind, housewife is great. Leaves pretty much most of the errands to you as his fame prevents him doing even the most simple things (but yet no one catches him beating up minors).
Extremely private with his personal life and with you. You're the only bit of normalcy in his insane life (lives?) and appreciates the sanctuary and home you have both built. Seeing you do the laundry, dust, cook, whatever? It's a sigh of relief for his soul.
Zack Lee/Vasco Tabasco
The two of them are pretty similar here.
Are you kidding? Absoutely loves that you are a housewife, there's something about the fact that you are looking after their wellbeing that they adore.
Has very traditional ideas of gender roles, much to the chagrin of you at times, so them being the financial provider, and the household being your domain sounds great to them. Any issues with that? Don't worry, just let them know and they will bend over backwards to make sure you're happy.
Takes a long time to get used this, and even then you being a housewife and looking after the household and family never quite feels right.
Don't blame Xiaolong though, he has had a lifetime of servitude. Always feels a little guilty about not looking after you in all areas of your life. He never quite fully breaks out of this mindset but is forever grateful for you and all that you do.
Vin Jin
What housewife? You're on the road touring with him when he's an international platinum-selling rapper.
Johan Seong
Well a positive of you being a housewife is that the further away from danger you are, the better.
However, being the sole financial provider does stress him out. He's had to scrape so goddamn hard for his mother's surgery, and the thought that the he has to do that forever? It does freak him out a little.
Much much prefers an equal partnership.
Eli Jang
Loves the stability of having you being a housewife for Yenna.
He trusts you with his life, and more importantly with Yenna. Eli knows she is in a safe pair of hands with you so that is a massive weight off his mind.
Overall it does a lot for healing the shitty childhood he had. Experiencing the loving home you have cultivated means more to him than you will ever know.
Warren Chae
He is the best househusband, and no one can convince me otherwise. Being able to have a calm life, with a loving partner and his biggest concern are looking after the home and family? After worrying about Hostel? Sign him the fuck up.
Warren will wave you off to work with a smile, the most delicious home-cooked lunch ever and a little note for you to read and perk up your day.
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ghosthalfa · 18 days
( repost, please don’t reblog )
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▐ NAME: perseus (percy) ▐ PRONOUNS: any ▐ SEXUALITY: girls! ▐ TAKEN OR SINGLE: single ▐ FIVE FACTS:
i really love animals! in my life i've owned cats, dogs, turtles, lizards (bearded dragons and skinks), snakes, hedgehogs, hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, fish, frogs, snails, tarantulas, ducks, chickens, lovebirds, and parakeets. currently i own several dogs, two cats, a turtle, three ball pythons, a boa constrictor, and a brazilian rainbow boa. ask me about them if you want to see 8 billion pictures.
throughout my childhood and adult life i've lived in five different states, all up and down the east coast! despite this though i have never visited a state outside of the east united states.
archery is a big hobby of mine, even if i don't have nearly as much time to do it right now. i started out using a child's fiberglass compound when i was a kid, but grew out of it within a couple years and now use a wooden recurve bow. it's for this reason that actors holding bows incorrectly in movies makes me go on unhinged rants, sorry anyone who's friends with me.
i'm a big dnd player! i started out playing with friends i met in the rp scene (shoutout to mod mimosa you a real one) and now have a dedicated in-person group with my friends who play weekly or bi-weekly. and despite always saying dnd we actually play mostly pathfinder, mostly 1st edition but we've been dipping our toes into 2e recently. pls ask me about my characters i would die for them.
i'm like. a huge nerd, traditionally speaking. i am a fountain of useful or useless information about comic books and stars wars. i've been following both marvel and dc comics since i was in middle school, and in high school i added star wars to my list of nerd obsessions. the batfam and young avengers are beloved to me, and my favorite star wars characters are ezra bridger, ahsoka tano, and cal kestis!
▐ HOW LONG (YEARS/MONTHS): 13-ish years? give or take? maybe a little longer even, i'm not 100% sure ▐ PLATFORMS USED: mostly tumblr, but i started out forum rp'ing on a super old website. i've dabbled a little in discord rp'ing but it didn't really stick ▐ BEST EXPERIENCE: oh geeze uhhh. it's really hard to pick when you've been at it so long. tbh tho if anyone was in aod at the time and remembers, the gnome wars really stuck in my head. i don't think i'd ever had so much fun roleplaying before, it gave me such great and super fond memories
▐ MALE/FEMALE/OTHER: i tend to have mostly male muses, but when i do muse a female character i cherish her a lot ▐ FAVORITE FACECLAIM: i've never really needed one before. if i'm doing a mun post i just kind of scroll through my icons and pick a sacrifice ▐ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: i'm not one for smut at all, but i do very much enjoy angst. fluff is also good but i'm a sucker for angst in general
▐ PLOTS OR MEMES: plots! memes are nice but they can burn me out if i do too many of them. that's why i tend to only participate in meme day once every couple of weeks or so ▐ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: long replies bc i'm apparently not capable of controlling myself or my writing. i like short replies too but it seems no matter what i do they turn into long replies eventually ▐ BEST TIME TO WRITE: at night in my room, with a show (a lot of times from the muse i'm writing for) playing in the bg for white noise ▐ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: sometimes yes sometimes no. i definitely feel like i have a type, but also a lot of times i wildly veer off from it so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it really depends
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teacup-captor · 1 year
I have a ko-fi now. Billionares if you see this and you have a billion to spare please follow the link below
(alternatively if you do not have a billion to spare but you have some money for business transactions I do commissions)
[Psst! I intend to do some more roleplaying on this account. Everything under the "#Gargoyle Leo" tag is rp!]
Call us Teacup (have fun with the pronouns we go by All of them.) feel free 2 ask who's fronting :P
Or send me a Sherlock (ANY ADAPTATION) to edit into a catboy!!!!
Or just tell me about your day or make random noises at me <333 infodump if you'd like omg!!! /g
Other blogs I have!!!
@teacup-crafter (creative stuff archive PLS PLS PLS SEND ME ASKS WITH SHERLOCK ART REQUESTS)
@tths-system-antics (system blog (very inactive. Sorry))
@your-fave-is-soup (gimmick blog for souping blorbos. I'm active I just don't get asks. I love souping blorbos)
@bentleysbeetle (Good Omens RP blog. Adoptive child of Aziraphale (and by proxy, Crowley) and best friends with Bentley. Dabbles in crime solving. Also- I do tarot readings there. Long story. You get a silly one and a serious one if you ask.)
@youngpoetthomasthorne (poetry + aesthetic but mainly Thomas Thorne BBC Ghosts rp blog)
Tag system:
#Gargoyle Leo - this is my tag for the Good Omens roleplay :) everything under this tag is roleplay!! Everything else is ooc :P as a general I'm only roleplaying when I'm directly interacting with other Good Omens roleplayers. My character is called Leo and uses it/they/he/she/ne pronouns. They're totally not based on anyone what are you even saying /j
#sigmord - stimboards
#trinket box - things I am saving <3 little trinkets :D
#bees for me - bees sent in my inbox or bee posts I have been tagged in
#why can't i just be normal moments - I AM NOT BEING SELF-DEPRICATING. This is my tag for unhinged things I've said (on Discord mostly, but I'm open for other things too)
#good omens season 2 spoilers - self-explanatory
#bbc ghosts 5 - bbc ghosts s5 spoilers
Trigger warnings get tagged as #tw [trigger] and #[trigger] tw just so you're covered
I also have tags for my friends. If I reblogged your post and you don't understand one of my tags it's probably bc I reblogged it from a friend
(* body focused as in you post only/primarily pictures of bodies especially in a weight focused way)
(if you don't know what's going on regarding Israel vs Palestine I'm very happy to give an explanation but I am N O T discussing this. Good people are pro Palestine.)
(If you apply for the rest of my DNI feel free to ask why or discuss calmly with me but if you start getting angry you're fucking blocked)
-Homophobes, transphobes, enbyphobes, racist, yadda yadda if ya hate people fur things they cannot or should not change fuck off right to hell
-Against therians/otherkins
-Ableists (that includes if you believe NPD or other PDs are inherently bad or use terms like "nArC AbUsE". They're people too and they can be nice.)
-Against mspec gays/lesbians, turigirls, lesboys, or other contradicting labels
-Against self-diagnosis
-Endo/t*lpa (*u) systems and their supporters (if you're syscourse neutral you can stay, just know that I'm under the belief that endo systems are either not systems or they're invalidating their own trauma. If you use labels such as "neurogenic" to say you formed from trauma bc of a mental illness, that is literally trauma and makes you traumagenic)
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prpfs · 1 year
(sending this again bc i messed up the first one, sorry!) heyo, 25+f seeking aot/attack on titan writing partners ✨. discord/tumblr/docs, idc. I'm a long-term roleplayer and I will literally send you memes and HCs one hour after we start talking because I'm both stupid and unhinged. ships are the priority, brotps are the welcome bonus. i write both men and women and prefer when my writing partners do as well.
my philosophy is taking the world that is provided to us and turn it into our playground, changing things however we see fit. if you care intensely about keeping things canon and getting every detail about events and character’s personalities right, we won’t be compatible. i love AUs, i love brainstorming, and i love original characters. i’m only interested in writing with partners who will double up and/or write a mutimuse with me.
it’s important to me to approach plots and characters with realism (if you’re someone who doesn’t look forward to the possible character growth/development coming from the disagreements in a ship, i’m not your girl), but i WILL conjugate that realism with more gringy elements (like love triangles, pinning, and accidental pregnancies). we can reserve the gringe for AUs and shitposting though, but i believe life is too short to completely deprive ourselves from it.
20+ only, this is non negotiable.  
i don’t have trigger warnings and enjoy writing potentially triggering topics like manipulation and memory loss etc, but lets always be respectful.
writing between 2-5 solid paragraphs. it depends. i value quality over quantity.
enthusiasm, please. i’ve a very devoted roleplay partner so this is extremely important to me. i know life gets busy, trust me my work keeps me very occupied, but i’m someone who loves to share hcs and brainstorm and make pinterest boards. i don’t expect fast replies at all, but unless my partner lets me know they’re going to be inactive, if i don’t have any sort of interaction with them for over a week (this can be something as simple as pinning something to our pinterest boards), i do feel a bit like shit.
what i want:
*erwin smith x f oc, pls only interact if you’d be willing to read my ideas and write this one.
jean kirstein x f oc
*zeke yeager x f oc
reiner braun x f oc / annie
armin arlert x f oc / annie
reiner braun x f oc / annie
jean kirstein x f oc
erwin smith x f oc
marleyan soldier oc sent to paradis x marleyan soldier oc
hange zoe x m oc
hange zoe x moblit berner
and many many others!! seriously.
DM @elleseekswritingpartners if interested!
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otherworldlyrps · 1 year
𝖍𝖎𝖎 𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘 !! ♡ nothing like ringing in the new year with an updated permanent writing call !! my name is dana (25f) and i am eternally seeking solid 21+ partners for slice of life content on discord !! i am a multi-muse writer seeking all connections (mxf, mxm, fxf) all the time. ***note: i am very selective regarding mxm plots. i pen morally grey muses who originate from a variety of backgrounds and belong to a variety of age ranges. writing-wise, i am always seeking to capture life in all its beauty and wretchedness as closely as possible and, because of this, mature themes will present themselves throughout the course of my writing. ***please, please, p l e a s e read my guidelines for more information on this, as some of the content i touch on may be distressing/disturbing depending on one’s tolerance. i am seeking writers who are interested in creating constellations of sorts with our muses, ones that can then form an intricate, exciting universe for all our bbys. that being said, if you also enjoy playing out not just romantic connections but platonic/familial/work-related/etc. ones, i’m the writer for you !! pls see content below for more information: 
guidelines  |   my muses  |   ‘banned’ muse list
***D I S C L A I M E R S : i do NOT “double” so pls don’t ask !! in my experience, “doubling” almost always leads to unnecessary stress, pressure, and one story going neglected. additionally, i no longer collaborate with writers that only pen female and/or sub muses. PLEASE do not use me for my male muses, it’s extremely evident when someone is doing this and i don’t take to it kindly. all of this is non-negotiable territory for me. roleplaying should be a fun exercise in creativity, literacy, and leisure, that’s the whole point !! therefore, i am exclusively seeking writers who lovingly pen a strong, diverse array of muses and wish to bring engaging stories to life, collaboratively. mumus all the way ♡
i am always on the hunt for the following (this isn’t a comprehensive list):
age gaps. age gaps in all their glory, especially if it’s a younger man x older woman dynamic. exploring the excitement but also the struggles of individuals attempting to make something work whilst being in two completely different stages of life. 
forbidden relationships. for whatever reason, they shouldn’t, couldn’t, wouldn’t possibly be able to make it work, but that sure as hell doesn’t stop them from trying.
toxic lovers. the on-again-off-again lovers, the lovers who know that it would be the best for both of them to just let go but cannot find themselves doing so, the jealous, obsessive, the deranged, the bonnie and clydes, the generally unhinged intertwining themselves together. just, please. 
friends-to-lovers. this one speaks for itself !!
exes. see description above :) 
throuples, throuples, throuples baby !! i am mostly seeking an mxfxf, but i could also be swayed into mxfxm, fxfxf, and maybe an mxmxm (under very selective circumstances.)
growing pains. the agony that is the human existence, especially during the young adult years where everyone is just trying to orient themselves to what life is about. 
crime. cartels, mafias, gangs, the luxury but also the grime and danger that comes with operating underground, in the shadows of polite society.
apartment mumus. i can’t get enough of these !! any opportunities to integrate a diverse set of muses into one setting and play out their lives/how they intertwine, i am there for. 
if any of this captures your interest, please don’t hesitate to drop a lil ♡ below or feel free to reach out directly !!
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hint-coin-ding · 1 year
You Got A Hint Coin!
Did You Know That Your Teeth Are The Only Part Of Your Body That Cannot Heal Itself? Also I Will Never Know Death!
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coeurxdor · 1 year
everything you need to know is here. 
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coeurxdor:  long-term dorcas meadowes roleplay blog. 18+ only. ocs always welcome.  interested in exploring: angst, complex plots/dynamics, social-political aspects of settings, the lives of regular people caught up in the middle of conflicts. very open to AUs ( real life, supernatural, royalty, hunger games, GOT, AOT, the last of us, etc). if you don’t feel comfortable writing against canons but are vibing with this blog, i have an oc named Alma who is pretty much Dorcas. written by elle ( 20+, gmt, no tws, idc about FCs, I will literally send you pinterest boards and HCs one hour after we start talking because I'm both stupid and unhinged.)
i don’t know how to find people who want to roleplay anymore so if you’d like to write with me pls interact.
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cambion-companion · 1 year
The mean girls mom anon again (lmao) and I don't doubt for a second that the "hate anons" those people have been receiving are fake. Deadass. The call is coming from inside the house! Bc I have never seen anyone from the hotd fandom regardless of their team affiliation show even the slightest bit of that level of unhinged behavior, at least not on tumblr (twitter is a whole different world of course) Literally no one is checking on them or their stories except they themselves in their echo chambers, so why would they even get all of that ~hate~ all of a sudden? Make it make sense!!! The block button is free, but these people who ~write smut for funsies and are otherwise totally not interested in causing drama bc they have actual Lives~ are a little too eager to engage with the haters🧐
Oh I don't know haha I've no doubt some anons can get super crazy, I wouldn't think that was fake. Like I said before, I knew these blogs for a little while and thought they were pretty cool before this whole mess happened.
I've also been told they're posting how I've been sending myself anonymous asks as Aemond lmao 🤣 like...girl pls I've refused to roleplay because it makes me uncomfortable that would be on another level pf cringe but think what you want 🤷‍♀️
I'm not upset, just disappointed these particular blogs decided to create a huge drama and call it "trying to keep the Fandom cohesive" and then have the gall to perpetuate lies about me on a personal level.
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Alas anyway, keep calm and carry on!
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nearherowndemise · 4 months
╭ ❝ my existence revolves around men's attention ❞
• • •
╰ ★ straight | mdni !! | asian <3 | i prefer guys m' own age , but older men is free to interact too !
︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
・・・ get to know m' ! ・・・
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚ ◦˚.˚◦ ˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
⇣⇡ ﹒✩ faye ‹𝟹 new to this nsfw thingy !﹕ʬ﹒∿
﹒ ⯎ ⯏╰✦ scorpio | dumb little bimbo | 18 | not available for serious rs ! %﹒
✿﹒﹒she/her/hers or they/them or it/hole <33﹒ zᶻ ◖☆﹔
▞▞﹒isfp + november baby (ू˃̣̣̣̣̣̣︿˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ ू ) ılıl
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ asks open !! <33 pretty pretty pleeeeease send obscene,gruesome fantasies or porn or r@pe threats daddies 🩵🤍
on here i'll probs do lots and lotssss of horny posting and sharing m' inner dirty thoughts <33 m' also not looking for any serious rs here ! m' just here for fun > ⨯ <
more about m' down here ! ( not m' pussy , perv ! )
✦ — likes : dirty talks obviouslyy , being treated as merely a hole / bimbo / useless pet <3 , attention , pet names , getting manhandled <3 , threats of stalking / r@pe and simply,,,cum,,,,just so much cum,, <33
✧ — m' unhinged kinks : cnc/noncon kisses kisses,petplay mmm , roleplay , breeding give m' babies pls, gangbang , brat taming , overstimulation , stalking / kidnapping , spanking , creampie , fauxcest shhh , monster and tentacles occasionally (∩❛ڡ❛∩)
✦ — dislikes : super super harsh treatment nono , heavy kinks ( scat,watersport and such ) , being stereotyped just because m' asian , gore , glitching videos/noises & body horror , onions , edging :( , dry and rude ppl (つ﹏<。)
✧ — description of m' to visualize the girl you're jerking off to <3 : short black hair , natural mole under left eye , big,doe brownish eyes , natural big tits >//< , big thighs and a virgin wet , needy pink pussy waiting for something to be shoved in <33
✦ — do's :
╭ ﹕ ꒰ა♱໒꒱﹕do jerk off to m' <3
┆ ﹕ ꒰ა♱໒꒱﹕do send your fantasies / things u wanna do to m' so i can masturbate to them <33
┆ ﹕ ꒰ა♱໒꒱﹕do call m' degrading / humiliating pet names <3
╰ ﹕ ꒰ა♱໒꒱﹕do be nice to m' !
✧ — don'ts :
╭ ﹕ ꒰ა♱໒꒱﹕don't send gore / explicit things in m' asks.
┆ ﹕ ꒰ა♱໒꒱﹕don't pressure m' to do a body / face reveal.
┆ ﹕ ꒰ა♱໒꒱﹕don't pressure m' to be yours.
┆ ﹕ ꒰ა♱໒꒱﹕don't interact if you're an ageless blog / a minor . your media consumption is none of my concern , but nonetheless you will be blocked .
╰ ﹕ ꒰ა♱໒꒱﹕and lastly , don't make m' cry
<,3 ( if it's tears of pleasure,then it's permissible ! otherwise , get out of here ! )
゚。that's all ! enjoy your time here , perverts !
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n1ghtw1ngs · 1 year
The story line penned under
1. E.G or Ichika mi-mi.
11. Zach Selcouth Alderidge
111. 髙山 Zade Kincaid Selcouth
1v. optional.
is solely copywrited by the Tumblr/N1GHTW1NGS.
It is for only Role-play purposes. All the conversations would be held in English language, unless stated otherwise (exceptional to bffs I'll maybe use mother tongue {Filipino} upon the consent taken)
No relation with the real muse used.
Don't bring your rpw family over to have beef over an issue which you or your muse created to any of my muse(s).
Please don't fall in love with any of my muse(s) when you're not over your ex-s.
Don't play the victim card, if you have a kink of playing victim (pls see yourself out)
Don't infiltrate in my friend groups, family, timeline friends if you have ulterior motives like driving a wedge, turning people against each other, gaining sympathy for your victim behaviour. Don't manipulate my surroundings.
The roleplay account is a multi fc, the muses have a different story and the ship is single ship accordingly.
bisexual dom - singleship.
Keep all your dramatic issues away from me, if you're jealous deal it by yourself. Go out, touch some grass. Smell the earthy mud for peaceful mind.
The story unveils itself in an alternate universe/parallel universe/metaverse.
Admin is 23 ooc, she/they a student and also works part time.
While building up plots/storylines. The replies will be slow, the writer has other ooc things to do.
The account is nsfw (only in the dms/dc) the timeline is kept sfw preferably.
Omg! most important thing please seperate roleplay from reality.
Same above.
1. It is an unhinged au
11. Zach/Zade/Ivy has control over everything.
111. The tweets made
(heartbreak, heartbroken, betrayal, love, etc.,)
are NOT the sub tweet and directed to anyone.
1v. You misunderstood and created delusion for yourself over my tweets - i am sincerely not responsible.
v. I am also not responsible for the imaginary stories you create on behalf of my tweets made on either main & side acc.
v1. The side is made for the muses to focus on their hobbies, interactions.
1. Muses are sexually active. They are interested in having their submissive to be subjected to breeding, impregnation, bondage, sex toys, degradation, cunt slaps, fingering, dirty talking, pornographic contents, squirting, somno, video taping, oral sex and few more classified things unless stated.
2. Saying NO to scat play, vomit, blood, mucus, spit.
Do not interact with my muses sexually if your admin is 16 or younger.
Do NOT interact with my muses sexually if your muses are underage
thanks for understanding, live well.
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lesceriises · 1 year
[pinned post.] i still adore most of the starters i posted even though they are old, so check them out and give them some love?? also, we can roleplay here or on discord. ily guys.
some faces i want to write against
new muses list here - these are the muses i want to explore more in depth. they are separated by families and i’m flexible with fcs and details depending on the plot. for opens, i’m still using older muses.
ps: i'm a long-term roleplayer who likes tragicomedy and will literally send you memes and pinterest boards one hour after we start talking because i'm both stupid and unhinged.  if you find writing males a chore and you know you will overlook my female characters - pls block me. 
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wistfulrat · 3 years
Tumblr media
this week’s fics! feat. bakeries, bookshops, bisexual awakenings of the angsty and fluffy sort, wolfstar goddads being tender as hell, desi harry reconnecting with his culture, domestic drarry, a lap dance set to akon’s smack that, and more!
But That’s History by @ebbet - 54k - T Harry Potter starts his first year as Muggle Studies Professor only to find that Draco Malfoy has been hired to teach History of Magic.
listen to me. this is one of the funniest drarry fics i've ever read. i was cackling in my bed at 2am because harry’s internal monologues throughout this fic are unhinged. insanely quotable. “what was he, a lothario” and “you were crushing me with your muscular thighs!” are lines that live rent free in my empty head. harry has never played anything cool a day in his life. there’s a faculty meeting where the teachers are planning the yule ball and debating the merits of a DJ when harry decides he must defend his muggle-music-loving honor by dancing seductively to akon’s smack that while a blushing draco loses his mind. i fucking screamed. and the best part is that in between the comedic scenes threading the overall story, you have extremely tender moments of like, padma patil helping harry become a more rooted desi by sharing their cultural traditions, harry proudly donning his sherwani. draco wrestling with his past, going to harry’s lgbtq+ club for students, being sheepish with ron and hermione. ugh, comedic writers with emotional depth are clever and talented as hell!!
Realities, Unfurling by @ebbet - 45k - M Draco Malfoy is released from Azkaban into a changed world.
incredible collage-fic told from multiple povs. 8yrs post-war and everything’s changed. the current state of the magical world unfolds via slice-of-life snapshots from a truly stunning cast. non-binary harry whom is running a non-prof org dedicated to building tolerance and establishing equality for marginalized identities. post-prison-release draco whose life will be changed by the internet. neville’s tender relationship with blaise. andromeda’s fiercely protective mothering. remus and sirius being alive and very hot and just, the tender goddads harry deserved. cho chang being brilliant. baker pansy’s softened edges. found families abound. harry being flustered by their crush on draco and making personalized playlists on an iPod nano.
that all might sound narratively cluttered but the author more than pulls this off. glorious, start to finish.
Knead by @jovialobservationanchor (an @hd-erised​ fic) - 83k - E This is not a story about Harry renovating Grimmauld Place. This is a story about coffee shops and brewpubs, about Ginny and Luna on a farm with creatures, about magical Oregon, coastal road trips, flying, friendship, and Draco Malfoy's lean arms.
cinematic. a love letter to oregon’s expansive landscapes and lively cities. it’s harry finding home in unexpected places and people. in the vast silence of rolling fields, endless coasts, and starry night skies big enough to feel like you’re adrift in space. and it’s also the lingering, intimate quiet of early mornings in a bakery, sitting on a park bench overlooking the city as you eat ice cream next to your crush. it’s harry watching ginny and luna dance and work around each other like bees. it’s the slow unfolding of harry and draco’s relationship as they fill each other’s quiet. finishing this fic is like waking from a good dream. transporting, immersive, lovely. 
Harry Potter and the Bisexual Awakening by @writcraft - 20k - E Harry is perfectly content being single, heterosexual and living in Godric's Hollow with his very clingy rescue dog, Snitch. When Draco Malfoy turns up on Harry's doorstep demanding that Harry teach him how to drive, things quickly become a lot more complicated.
first of all, i feel very seen by draco being a gay-who-can’t-drive. it’s called representation. but mostly i love the ease of harry and draco’s banter, a flustered harry discovering his sexuality, and the way this fic addresses biphobia. also very emo over this exchange: “I think I might be scared of you, but probably not for the reasons you think.” “Yes.” Draco stares at Harry. “I think I might be scared of you too.”
Forged through flowing water by @tedahfromtayla (an @hd-erised​ fic) - 40k - E When Hermione sets up a diplomatic mission to begin repairing the damage British colonisation did to Indian magical communities Harry isn’t going to pass on the opportunity to visit and help his family’s home country. Maybe he should have asked a few more questions about the personnel she had recruited for it before signing on because Malfoy surely has an ulterior motive to be there.
so much to love about this fic. the beautiful settings, from kolkata to mumbai, to the holi festival and colorful lively streets, to remote cave settlements and old intricate temples. it’s harry in the homeland, reconnecting to his family’s heritage and confronting the weight of imperialism in his history. it’s nipping the white savior complex in the bud. this part: That is what England left behind. That is what it still stands for, despite whatever mask of respectability and honour it presents. . .You don't get to step aside and let someone else deal with the mess. You have to listen and learn and then act, Malfoy, you need to learn how to fix your own mess. This is why we're here. my indigenous ass cheered. HP certainly sells the british fantasy but HP fanfic?? fuck jkr, fuck the crown. i love that this fic doesn’t romanticize england’s history. i love that we get to see the vast resilience and beauty of post-colonial india.
Purity Control by yrfrndfrnkly - 28k - T In which Harry tries to ignore his trauma with fantasy Quidditch but Malfoy's Thereness™ is distracting and all his classmates want to talk about are unicorns, virginity, and Muggle music.
tender 8th year fics where they go from bristly as fuck to understanding and soft 100% guaranteed to make me emo as hell. all the teens have traumas and no one wants to talk about it but eventually Things are Talked About. it’s good of the adults to finally notice. everyone just wants someone to hold their hand. and this part: “You’re the only person around here who’s a bigger mess than I am.” “I thought maybe we could be a mess together,” pls don’t look at me as i weep over their gentle empathy.
Advent, a comic by dustmouth - WIP - T It's Harry and Draco's first Christmas together and Draco is determined to live his full yuletide fantasy, come hell or high water.
dustmouth, patron saint of whimsical drarry. whose illustrations singlehandedly reinvented wizarding fashion. whose cheeky and tender comics are like a soothing balm to the utter depravity of this carnal world. harry and draco being domestic, draco’s xmas spirit brand being “traditional unhinged”!! extremely my shit. we’ll absolutely be reading this all december.
Little Spaces by @dracoladon and @lazywonderlvnd​ - WIP - E Draco's back from France and working on the spell damage ward at St Mungo's with Hermione, who invites him over for dinner. Without telling Harry. This is a roleplay, which means Harry is written by one author (lazywonderland) and Draco by another (dracoladon).
the switch in distinct character voices works so well for this fic!! tonally i feel like i'm watching an episode of the office. i personally love harry and draco being Pissed Off at how much they want to bone each other. the battle of the tapenade was the most riveting dinner scene i've read in a minute. clever, hilarious, emotionally tense. can’t wait until that inevitable moment post hate-sex when they’re gonna be like “oh noooo it’s a Heart Boner as well!! >:((” hell ya we’re subscribing for chapter updates.
Dragons Don’t Know Paradise by @teacup-tai​ - WIP - E In 2004, when Remus spends two scary weeks in the ITU due to complications of pneumonia and his HIV condition, Sirius walks around the house like a ghost and Harry finds comfort and strength in Draco through a chat in an online LGBT forum. Harry falls for him, but Draco has a lot of secrets and, before long, will need to come clean—even if he believes that no one is able to understand a dragon.
non-magical bookshop AU. remus and sirius’ relationship is a marvel. the ease of their affection with harry makes me so emo. draco’s friends being insistently present even as he tries to isolate himself. this is a story about acceptance, found families, and falling in love at a distance. the intimacy, the longing, the tenderness. what a fic!! i keep coming back to this part:...he looks at ease, inside his body, a body he needed to fight for. He’d made peace with his struggles and his scars. And Draco realises he wants that. He wants to be at ease inside his body, the body that now carries a virus. He wants to be at peace with his own existence. you hurt for draco so deeply but you get moments like these where he affords himself a kindness that feels foreign and it’s just!! the boys navigating grief and learning to be vulnerable. so good.
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hint-coin-ding · 1 year
Do you know anyone else involved in the rp? Uh. Let’s just say I’ve been here since the beginning and I only know 1 blog’s actual identity lmao
Yep!! I know who most of them are!! Not many of the people involved try to keep their identities secret in the Discord, not that I'm going to out any of them.
-Hint Coin Mun
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