#undertale (it was better when nobody knew the twists but now everyone knows and memed it to death but it still holds up i swear)
more and more often, I find myself falling in love with media for the potential it has to be good, not for what it actually is. That desire for something to be better leads me to create new details, new concepts and imagery to tie everything together into an actual theme, a real story.
I think that is ultimately the premise of fandom, taking something that is OK or even great and modifying it so its almost perfect. Rarely do you see media that is almost perfect develop a huge fandom, because there is so little to improve.
I love creating, I love seeing what others create, but also, there is something to say about watching a film or a TV series or reading a book that is so close to perfection that makes you want to sit in silence and reflect for a while. Something about experiencing a story that moves you in a way that makes words meaningless. Something that is beyond description, something that needs to be experienced to be understood.
I wish there was more of this. More stories that were created for the sake of telling a story and moving the audience, instead of created for the sake of making a profit. I wish we could fall in love with more stories for what they are, instead of what they could be.
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