#ugh I LOVE jedi leia and prince luke
starboundanon · 1 year
shyowl : fruitful and twisted. Chapter 3, missing scene : the people's reaction of the royal family announcing little lu. Pleaseee
UGH. GODS YES. Fruitful and Twisted, chapter 3, by @thewriterowl
Send me a missing scene!
The roar of the crowd deafens him, the loudest thing Luke has ever heard. He forces himself to stay stoic, relying on his training, his studies. He is The Last Jedi, Padawan to Obi-Wan Kenobi, son of the greatest Jedi who ever lived. It is only a crowd. He will not cower, despite the insidious compulsion to do so.
It's only a body.
I am a luminous being, he tells himself, though it does nothing to erase the blush darkening his face. The "robe" he's wearing — more of a long shirt, really, that opens in the middle and barely falls to the tops of his thighs — is sheer enough that the people filling the Empress's courtroom can see everything, the modest slip of cloth holding his junk doing next to nothing to conceal him.
Beside him, the man Luke refuses to think of as his twin is wearing an identical garment, though black, while Luke's is white. He releases the swell of jealousy he feels to the Force, tearing his gaze away from his Sith-self's posed form. Black had been his signature color since Bespin, it feels wrong to wear anything else.
The darker robe also hides more of his other self's body, to his annoyance, despite being equally as sheer as his own. The tone of Luke's skin stands out starkly beneath the white fabric, a contrast to the man sharing his seat, who appears merely sensuous, almost regal. It highlights his vulnerability, adds an air of helplessness the citizens of the Empire seem to flock to en masse. Though maybe that's the point.
"As you all know, our son Lukas has been our pride and joy, the greatest gift the Force had ever given us," the Empress, his not-mother, says to her adoring court, the holocams hovering at the base of the stairs leading to her and Vader's thrones.
"I am overjoyed to announce the return of Prince Lukas's younger twin, His Imperial Highness, Prince Luke Skywalker," her smile turns a little playful, girlish, almost. Luke feels his stomach sink to the balls of his feet. "Or little Lu, as his big brother is fond of calling him."
The crowd erupts into cheers, echoed by the throng of people outside the Palace walls, filling the streets, all of Imperial Center congregated to see his publicized humiliation.
Lukas takes his hand, squeezes it tight, the way Leia always used to, and pulls him to his feet, standing side by side in front of their shared throne. He loses his grip on his composure and curls away, his near nudity made so much worse by the simple act of standing. His ears burn hot enough to hurt when the people staring at him burst into adoring coos, aww's and oh's and look how sweet's.
"The Empire has long adored its Beguiling Prince, our firstborn son," Vader says, taking Padmé's hand the same way Lukas had taken his, threading their fingers together. "I trust all of you will welcome our youngest with the same depth of love and loyalty, as he tends to be a fair bit shyer than his older brother."
"The Shy Prince," the Empress decrees, smiling at the cheerful celebration that overtakes the courtroom, the moniker unanimously accepted. "He will serve you well, as I trust all of you will serve him."
"To the Shy Prince!" a Moff cries, raising a goblet of sweet smelling wine, igniting the people around him to do the same. Lukas chuckles at the display, taking the opportunity to reclaim their seat, sprawled a little less demurely, his robe sliding open all the way to his collarbones.
"Sit with me," he says, and pulls Luke down into his lap, disguising his thrashing as a quick fumble to comfortably arrange themselves. "You don't need to be scared, little Lu. They love you, you know."
Luke closes his eyes, turning to hide his face in his other self's throat, uncaring that he's mooning the Imperial Court and the holonet beyond — at this rate, they'll all see it, probably sooner than later. What does it matter?
"That's exactly what I'm scared of."
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nightcoremoon · 2 years
darth vader boards tantive iv and kicks ass, taking prince luke prisoner and blowing up alderaan. leia: “working on the moisture farm is like, eh I don’t mind a simple life… OH NO MY FAMILY IS DEAD. good thing the weird old guy in the desert who was friends with my family was here to save me. ok we need a ship. ugh I have to use this scumsucking bounty hunter creep. actually you know what he’s not so bad, he taught me to fly and I’m really good at it... anyway let’s rescue this prince guy.” luke joins the party. they try to escape. unfortunately darth vader shows up so the old guy decides to stay behind so that luke and leia can escape. darth vader kills him but by doing so allows everyone to go free. leia is like, hey I’m a good pilot let me join the rebels attack on the death star. they say ew a girl pilot? gross. han stands up for her and says “she’s a damn good pilot, probably the best I’ve ever seen who wasn’t me or chewie, and if she wants to help then by god she should help.” so they fight the death star. uh oh leia’s targeting system breaks but the old man’s voice echoes in her ears to use the force. she’s like ok and she blows up the goddamn death star. luke also helped by using his politician skills to get the fleet organized so he didn’t just do nothing.
basically everything in empire happens exactly the same just having switched luke and leia. but at the end when she is facing off against vader she’s like, you suck and I hate you because you’re evil and you killed that friendly old man. vader laughs. you don’t even know, he taunts, that that friendly old man was actually YOUR FATHER, ANAKIN SKYWALKER. she’s like no, that’s impossible. vader explains um actually, once upon a time he was a jedi named obi wan kenobi, but he learned the truth that the jedi order was corrupt so he joined the sith and has been working on using darth pelagius the wise’s magic shit because the greater good. so join me, help me put a stop to needless death and destruction and save the galaxy together. she’s like um. no. fuck you. and jumps.
anyway bounty hunter leia bargains for han’s carbonite body with a thermal detonator. it ends the same in that stupid slave bikini, right? WRONG, BITCH! she has the force and a lightsaber and she kicks their asses and she saves the man she fell in love with. also luke is doing a bunch of planning and tactics because he’s really fuckin smart and he refuses to sacrifice people because he is a good noodle. and he falls in love with one of the other men in the rebellion. they go to endor and all that jazz with the *sigh* the fucking ewoks. leia fights vader who turns out to have been obi wan all along but she doesn’t kill him because killing is wrong. obi sacrifices himself to throw palpatine into the death pit where he fucking died and didn’t sOmEhOw cOmE bAcK tO LiFe because that would be really fucking stupid. leia takes off obi-wan’s darth vader mask and he’s like. you have your mother’s eyes. and then he dies. she is sad but goes back down to endor. she and han, and luke and his husband, they all live happily ever after. leia and han name their child obi. and obi solo was a good boy who never turned evil. ~fin
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alayne-stonecoldfox · 4 years
Ben Solo is a real Disney Prince ugh it feels so good to be right
YES I especially loved the ending where they kissed and then both lived and rey brought him back in lukes x-wing and everyone was cautious at first before eventually coming to accept him after he consistently proves his commitment to the light side and he and rey begin teaching the next generation of jedi children as force ghosts leia luke anakin yoda and the gang watch on in love and support
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myrcella · 4 years
star wars! ✨
thanks, my sweet! 🐣
star wars 🪐 (sorry this is so centred on the sequels lmao i’m a hoe for them)
Favorite character: KYLO REN KYLO REN KYLO REN. no i don’t even mean ben solo. i mean kylo ren, the façade. real bitches stan the og goth prince! cc: @brightrey. i absolutely go feral for his dark side, and i’m always elated when fics explore it still existing within ben. to me he is bpd representation and so many people resonating with his mental illness means the world to me.
Second favorite character: if i don’t say obi-wan kenobi....... that mfer is my dad! boogie woogie woogie! ugh he’s so moral and kind and compassionate and everything the jedi order wishes they were, i love him.
Least favorite character: poe dameron, peripherally? there’s nothing wrong with the guy but i gradually became turned off. oscar isaac is fantastic; poe’s character to me is particularly dull/almost annoying in the last jedi but i don’t know how much is owed to the writing for him being grating as hell with the holdo interactions
The character I’m most like: god i want to be leia but luke i guess, i too am naive, gay, and filled with failure
Favorite pairing: reylo. (“but not to me”, “be with me”, “i did want to take your hand—ben’s hand”, “did you try to kill him?!”, “you’re not alone/neither are you”) YOU’REEEEE HEREEEEE THERE’S NOTHHINGGG I FEAR AND I KNOWWW THAT THE HEART DOES, GO ON. second otp is caltrilla from jedi: fallen order, they are deliciously inverted reylo and my babies who need to heal from their trauma together 🥺
Least favorite pairing: i really do detest kylux but the fan content is gorgeous and the people are lovely. poe/finn does nothing for me (but i love finnrose!) both are probably only because i never ever ship slash. for jedi fallen order, merrin x cal because i ride too hard for caltrilla and view merrin more as an older sister type.
Favorite moment: i really love the ending moment of luke and leia looking out peacefully at the stars together in space. holdo slicing the star destroyer is cinematically brilliant 💫
Rating out of 10: 10 babie!!!!!!! i always greatly enjoyed the original trilogy but the sequel trilogy was a big lure for me getting into the extended universe when the force awakens came out. i tore through the prequels and games and wiki articles and fanfiction. I SURVIVED THE ANTI REYLO, ON GOD I DID SINCE 2015!!! AND I AM VINDICATED!!!!!! plus, as always, @ladycomstock and i went galaxy brain and created so many aus and rped for so many hours and fleshed our ocs tf out in star wars mania 💛 i don’t know why i like the sequels the most? but kylo ren is there... reylo is there... the sense of trying to live up to past heroes and shots like rey living out of a long-abandoned carcass of an at-at is everything i loveeeee
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counterspelling · 5 years
13, 17, 20, 49
13. Top 5 dead characters
Padme!!!!! Deserved so much better than for George to fridge her to keep his fairy tale narrative going. At least come up with a better explanation for her death than “broken heart,” jfc. We should have seen her go on to help establish the rebellion with Mon and Bail and raise Leia for at least a few years, dammit
Satine!!! Deserved better than to die for Obi-wan’s manpain in one of worst and most textual examples of fridging I’ve ever seen her. “I will make you share my pain” jfc, really, Filoni? Ugh
Mara Jade deserved better than to get murdered by her nephew in just some astonishingly bad writing
Han Solo deserved better than to be written into a shitty space divorce after inexplicably going back to smuggling and apparently being really fucking bad at it only to get murdered by his mass murdering nazi of a son
Jyn and Cassian
17. Top 5 “deserved better” characters
Jaina. I know, not tv or movie, I don’t care. She deserved better than to stand on the sidelines as soon as the EU switched publishers and spend the next 20 years taking a backseat to her male siblings and cousin while she suffered through love triangle after love triangle
Winter Celchu deserved better than to be ignored by every writer in existence other than Zahn bc goddammit she’s LEIA’S SISTER, let them have a fucking relationship for fuck’s sake
Leia deserved better than for the ST to treat her as a prop with nothing better to do or more to contribute than to stand around looking sad at all the things happening around her rather than actually getting to fucking do something
Luke deserved better than for anyone in the universe to believe he would ever, under any circumstances, abandon his friends, his family, all hope, the revival of the jedi order, and fuck off to a deserted planet for years while leaving the rest of the galaxy to flounder and die
Like… every x-lady in existence
20. Top 5 overrated characters
Lmaooo you know me
Kyle Ron
Boba Fett
Darth Maul
I’m counting the entirety of Thor Ragnarok as a character I guess lol
49. Top 5 Netflix Originals
Dead to Me
Grace and Frankie
The Dragon Prince
Santa Clarita Diet
The Haunting of Hill House bc I can’t leave it off
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malliebuu · 6 years
Mallie’s Reylo Fanfic Rec List:
This is in no particular order and not limited to! There are so many talented writers out there! These are stories that have really stuck with me, so I am sharing them with you all! I will add as I go.
The Inheritance of the Resistance by @waterlilyrose
Rating: Explicit
Summary: The discovery of a new unknown Duchess of the House of Kenobi brings new life to the Rebellion Court. Having lost their old Queen Leia, Rey and Han are forced into a deeply unconventional but quietly happy marriage. Having never had a family of her own, Rey sees Han as the father figure she always longed for.
So when the disgraced Prince returns to court to make amends with his aging King, how will he take to the girl who is now effectively his stepmother?
Medieval/Tudor Reylo.
Review: This has Tudor vibes - it is unreal. I love history, so naturally historically AUs are right up my ally. I was quite impressed by the setup and dynamic. The author uses Star Wars terms in place for the historical ones. This doesn’t follow the Tudor chain of events, but veers in it’s own original direction. Ben and Rey for this interesting relationship and it is quite troubled because Rey is actually married to Ben’s father ::gasp::. Love this fiction. So beautifully heartbreaking! (complete) 
There Shall I Be By philcollins
Rating: Not Rated (Mature if anything)
Summary: AU in which Rey, our lonely scavenger from The Force Awakens, meets Kylo Ren under very different circumstances - he's a shepherd on Jakku. Rey inherits an estate on the moon Ceathea and Kylo follows her there, works for her there, and soon encounters his hated old foe, Uncle Luke Skywalker. Will Rey ever accept Kylo's love? Will crusty old Luke Skywalker come between Rey and her true love? More familiar faces will make an appearance in this Force-free story of love, longing, angst, and anger.
Review: This story was so heartbreaking, but so good. A mix of pining, angst, drama and uncertainty. This story I read nonstop and was quite heart broken, but these two stubborn people just need a little extra time in order to figure out they were meant for one another. This story had me sighing and talking aloud with frustration! So well-written! (Complete)
The End of Father Kylo By Sweet_Solitude
Rating: Explicit
Summary: After a filthy youth and almost suffering a great loss, Kylo turns to priesthood and leads a virtuous life. That is until he meets a girl who turns his world upside down and reminds him that he has a functioning body below his waist.
Review: Again, this one was found during my priest Kylo fazes. Don’t judge me! This has everything you would think when you think of the church and priests, though there is a little bit of something else. Yes, I am going to hell. I know this. Smut, smut! Love this kinky one-shot. If you aren’t offended by this, give it a read. ::fans face:: (one-shot)
Fault Lines By Devil Betty
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Rey has always dreamed of a family. She starts to believe she could have it when she moves in with her new foster mother, Leia Organa. Then Leia’s son, Ben, moves back home and threatens to ruin the life Rey is trying to build. Nothing will prepare either of them for the truth. Some family secrets should stay hidden.
Review: This story is a “page-turner”. It has a simple setting, but so much happens and the dialogue between both Kylo and Rey are so intriguing. The chemistry is unmistakable and the lemons are to die for. Unfortunately, this is one minor thing that has a draw back, and both character experience a major revelation that hurts them both. Please read warnings before reading!!
Spit and Sweat by bunnystealsyourcarrots
Rating: Explicit
Summary: In 1975, Finalizer played a gig at CBGB. The punk band gave their best, the crowd went wild, but a young girl named Rey wanted more.
God Save Them All.
Review: AH! This AU I really couldn’t get enough of because it involves our lovely Kylo and Rey, but is also peppered with sex, drugs and rock-n-roll! I mean...no on the drugs, but in all seriousness, I LOVE Rock-n-roll! So, naturally I honed in on this like no one’s tomorrow! The chemistry between Kylo and Rey is off the damn charts! Ugh, the sexual tension! I absolutely love how this starts as a childhood crush and as she gets older Kylo sees her and is completely blown away! (Uncomplete)
Love and Comfort, Sex and Wondering If This Could Be Our Turn By AquaWolfGirl
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Anonymous Prompt: Ben and Rey are in college and best friends, and very much in love, they just don't realize it. Rey is tired of people making jokes about her being a virgin, so she asks Ben to help her out.
Review: Virgin Rey has a little delima. Ben is there to help guide her. This is actually a very sweet and sexy story! Give it a read! The author is a fantastic writer! (One-Shot)
nolite te bastardes carborundorum By SaintHeretical
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Born on the fringes of a dystopian dictatorship, Rey has lived most of her life in the shadows until desperation drives her into the hands of the government. Her unblemished womb is her only salvation, which leads to her being placed as a Handmaid in the household of Commander Kylo Ren and his infertile wife.
Her task? Produce a healthy child for the Commander, or be banished to a life of hardship and almost certain death. A Reylo Handmaid’s Tale AU
Review: I loved The Handmaid's Tale, so naturally when I visited this story, I was drawn to that aspect. There is non-con in this, so please beware when reading. If you do not know the Hulu original series, refer to their site for a detailed description. The author, in response to this TV show, stays true, but brings originality and this is really a wonderfully written piece. The author is extremely talented! (Unfinished)
Innocents Lost By Pontmercy44
Rating: Explicit
Summary: “That’ll scar.” Han stood behind him, nervously. He’d always been nervous around him, first, because he was a baby, and Han didn’t understand babies, and then, because he had the Force, and Han didn’t understand the Force. “Girls like scars.”
“It’s not like it matters.” Ben looked out at the thousands of spires. “I’m going to be a Jedi.”
Han grunted in sympathy, and then sat next to him, swinging his legs off the side of the tower. The urge to feel alive, to take risks and taste danger – that was what he’d inherited from his father. “Heard you got off the hook.”
“Not exactly. Community service.”
“Better than a detention block.” Han leaned back on his hands.
Ben scoffed. “It’s asinine.”
His father shifted, looking up at the stars, through the hazy, translucent atmosphere of Hosnian Prime. “What do they have you doing? Picking up orbit pollution, or something?”
“Worse.” Ben snorted. “Teaching orphans to read and write Basic. On Jakku.”
Han winced. “Only slightly better than a detention block.”
Review: Love this story! I flew through it. Very well-written! Ben has to do community service as punishment and meets little Rey on Jakku. This forbidden relationship is beautiful and bittersweet at the same time. I love this first love adaptation! The author went above and beyond with these two! (complete)
Daddy Dearest By AquaWolfGirl
Rating: Explicit
Summary: When single father Ben Solo moves into his new apartment in Bespin with 5-month old daughter Amy in tow, he hopes to hell and back that this life will be better than the one they left behind in upstate New York. It's not long before his life becomes a cycle of work, Amy, work, Amy. One night, while trying to fish his keys from his pocket without waking his infant daughter, Rey, his next door neighbor, offers a helping hand.
Review: Daddy Ben! He is a great dad who falls for the babysitter. Interesting read; well written! You feel so sorry for Ben, but also Rey is a God send! Sweet interactions! Give it a read if you want some light hearted, fluffy interactions. Not much for fluff, but this was really a nice read! :3
Stigmata By SaintHeretical
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Fifteen years after tragedy tore them apart, a priest and his sister band together to protect a homeless girl who appears to have been touched by God. Too bad his excommunicated nephew seems to have other plans for her.
A Reylo slow burn Modern/Religious AU.
Review: After the priest hype came out, I searched merely to humor myself. I found a few fictions that really had an interesting plot. This is one of them. Focused on Christianity and different groups within. Kylo and Leia are curious about this young girl who turns out to be homeless and has a curious development. She has formed the stigmata. This really is different than anything I have experienced. I usually don’t go for stuff like this, but there is enough angst and romance to fill my needs. LOVE it!
World In My Eyes By Sasstasticmad
Rated: Explicit
Summary: "The bond should be dead," Rey says through gritted teeth. "Just like you.”
"The bond is only this strong because of you," Kylo Ren tells her. "You're the one who touched me. You took my hand and let me hold yours. This is your fault, not mine. (A post-TLJ force bond fic)
Review: This is after TLJ. I was obsessed for a while, which I am sure comes to no shock to anyone! Everyone was wrapped up in the force bond, which sasstasticmad delivers VERY well! There is so much continued tension between Rey and Kylo. It is quite interesting to see these two continue their interaction from opposite groups. The Resistance Vs First Order. (incomplete)
Wolves By @albastargazer
Rated: Explicit
Summary: Rey Kenobi is a human beta until one fatal night and everything changes. With the existence of werewolves turning her world upside down, she is left with only her boss, Ben Solo, to help. Little did she know he is an Alpha wolf and the next leader of his pack, intent on claiming his rare omega.
Review: A/O/B dynamic. This story really is amazing. I have always had a soft spot for werewolves and I haven’t really had the pleasure of finding one that really stuck yet, of course, that was until I stumbled upon this little number. The dynamic between Ben and Rey is quite interesting. A horrible event leads Rey down an interesting path. Ben takes charge and attempts to help Rey. Interesting revelations emerge, however. (incomplete)
Hatchling By g_girl143 @gwendy85
Rated: Teen
Summary: Rey's leads a predictable life as a general labourer at Niima Junkyard until an unexpected visit from the daughter she doesn't even know exists turns her world into a tailspin.
Review: This is simply the sweetest story. I binged it in one sitting. So sad that it doesn’t update as frequently, but when I do get an e-mail I am jumping for joy! This author really is talented. Love the way this dynamic is set up. There are so many intriguing questions-- you are left wanting more. So bitter sweet it isn’t complete! It really is something I haven’t seen done before. Really hope that it is completed someday! So much potential! I cannot wait to see what becomes of this new found family knit that develops on a whim, no thanks for Rey’s surprise daughter! ;)
Kismet by @ladylionhart
Rated: Mature
Summary: Sometimes, what seems like a simple mistake is truly the first step of a fateful journey.
- Or the one where a single text message sent to the wrong number completely changes the lives of two people and those around them.
Review: Easily one of my all time favs! This is such an amazingly written, intriguing AU. It really begins like none other via text. Both parties, shockingly, continue their witty bouts of conversation until they both begin to develop feelings for one another without actually seeing one another. When they finally begin to interact on a level far from platonic, it heats up fast and you are left needing more! LOVE!
Summer Heat By @isharan
Rating: Explicit
Summary: A lonely young woman arrives at the cottage she inherited from her grandfather on a remote lake in northern Ontario, to find her neighbor is a rare Alpha, a relic of the old days when humans were ruled by their designation. Across a long hot summer, they connect over their shared history, and she finds that the past may not be as far away as she assumed.
Review: ::Bats lashes:: What can I say about this one? Well, I am slowly dying because man is this a slow burn! This is an A/O/B dynamic, but it is so well written that it isn’t just a heat and commence screwing each other’s brains out. No, this really has amazing storyline that has you asking questions or attempting to figure out the author’s train of thought. Gosh, there are so many good things to say about this fic! Ben is absolutely a dream in this fiction too. I cannot even begin to describe because I just wouldn’t do it justice. This fiction killed me in a good way! (Incomplete)
Serotonin and Dopamine By Pontmercy44
Rating: Explicit
Summary: He could lie and say it was because he was gentleman, but that wasn’t quite true. “I – well, I want to take advantage of you. But I know better.”
Rey looked at him for a long moment, and Ben thought she might slap him. She didn’t. She started to laugh, shaking her head as if she couldn’t quite believe it. Finally, she said, smiling, “Goodnight, Ben.”
Ben turned and walked slowly back to his car. He heard her door creak open, but he didn’t hear it slam shut. It felt as if he was walking away from his chance, from his chance to have something good and uncomplicated and nice.
Ben turned around, and went back to the door. Rey waited for him, biting her lip. He took off his stocking cap and held it in his hands in front of himself. His ears were cold without his hat, but he was in the posture of remorse and penance. "I'm sorry. I'm an ass. Can I kiss you again?"
Review: This fiction was different and reeled me in because Ben was different. In this fiction he has mental disorder that makes it difficult to form relationships. Though, Rey takes to him and Ben to her in the sweetest of ways! I really liked the development in this story. The author delivers fluffy feels too. I am not usually one that enjoys a ton of fluff, but they did right by it! (Complete)
An empire to be won By Bitterbones @dvrksister
Rating: Explicit
Summary: The grin of satisfaction that split Rey’s face was utterly demented. “In three days time I will be wed to her son.” Rose blanched at the word son, apparently having been unaware of the familial relationship between her beloved general and the scourge of the galaxy.
Rey chuckled and continued, “It will be televised across the galaxy, and I’m certain that she will be watching; supportive mother that she is. Tell her to look on her son’s face, and see that he is gone. Tell her that the mark she sees there is my own, that it is an engagement gift from myself. And tell her that where she failed to save Ben Solo, I will raise Kylo Ren.”
[In which Kylo and Rey are betrothed as children and separated for their respective darkside trainings. Their reintroduction as adults is explosive, to say the least.]
Review: Cold Showers. I swear, these two, from the beginning, have so much sexual chemistry I had to fan myself when reading. Holy shit, this was tense. I LOVE her Kylo. This is an arranged marriage fiction, but even so there is so much going on in the world she so wonderfully weaved as well as the character interactions. You will be flying through each chapter begging for more! (Incomplete)
Eunoia By MalevolantReverie @malevolent-reverie @meth-lab-shenanigans
Rate: Explicit
Summary: Rey Kenobi, an underachieving college student becomes tangled in a twisted web with her astronomy professor, Kylo Ren, who is hiding a dark secret. (Unfinished)
Review: Violent, dark, heart wrenching, Eunoia is the cream of the crop for dark fictions. I am a huge horror fan, so naturally I was curious to read something dark and dreary in regards to Reylo. The author doesn’t hope back, which I am quite pleased about. She really builds her word and characters fantastically. The dark character of Kylo really stays completely vile. Please only read if you can hand reading explicit content. Contains non-con!
The Quietest Evening By MalevolantReverie @malevolent-reverie @meth-lab-shenanigans
Rated: Mature
Summary: Every so often, a girl disappears. No one knows where they go or why they’re taken, but they're never seen alive again. Rey, the police chief’s daughter, is next.
Review: This story is one of my favorites from MR. This one wasn’t nearly as graphic as the others she has written, but I really like the storyline she has built here. It was dark, contained secrets and revelations that had my jaw dropping. I really was at the edge of my seat for this one. It really got my heart pumping! If you are looking for a dark, angsty thriller this is the story for you. Please be aware there are triggers and non-con! (Completed)
Nobody Knows By hernamewasalice @hernamewasalicewriter
Rated: Explicit
Summary: Nobody knows that the loving wife of Ben Solo was kidnapped as a teenager. Nobody knows. Not their family or closest friends. Not even their twelve year old son, Benny.
Review: Amazing story! This is another extremely dark fic, but more so the past that is associated with Rey and Kylo. Kylo has so many secrets, so does Rey. They look like the perfect couple, but really they have a more sinister start. There are parts that are tender and sweet, but the reality and hard truth of it all is quite painful. Author has an extremely fantastic beginning where she pulls you in. It is seen through the eyes of their son! So good! Recommend! Please be warned, however, there is non-con and violence! (Unfinished)
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weirdpolis · 6 years
Fandom meme
tagged by @filigranka and @ysraellaleostwald - thanks!
Rules: Choose any three fandoms (in any order), answer the questions and tag 10 people.
tagging: @septembersung, @shewhodoesnotexist, @lightningale, @mariacharlet, @redhatmeg, @who-honor-idk, @theadventuresofacatholicnerdling, @2theheights, @itspileofgoodthings,
My chosen 3 fandoms:
1. Star Wars
2. Fullmetal Alchemist - Brotherhood and manga.
3. Avatar: the Last Airbender
The first character you loved:
1. Obi Wan Kenobi. In the New Hope, which I’ve seen first, he was this old wise man, tad bit a mystery, and emanating badassery, but also with a whimsical sense of humor, and lots of empathy. He got my respect and was my fave through this movie, which I don’t like that much otherwise, and I only grew more attached to him in the next movies. And then the Phantom Menance happened, and he got the face of  young Ewan McGregor, and it was literally love at first sight. I re-watch Prequel Trilogy just for him, hng...
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2. Maes Hughes. This is why I’m cynical about my fave characters.
3. Prince Zuko. I decided to watch Avatar only because I heard he’s got an exquisite character arc, thus I was focusing on him from the begining - and it was the only thing that took me through the otter penguins and stuff, because I was way too old to enjoy it otherwise.
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The character you never expected to love so much:
1. ugh, Hux. I’m really side-eyeing myself for this one, as I cringe every time at his speach and the pure hatred oozing from it. I didn’t expect to have any opinion about him at all - I was just “oh, hey, that’s Domhnall! he’s such a great actor! Let’s study every second of his acting.” Then there were jokes about him and Kylo wyying for power and approval from Snoke like two entitled children. And then there were all the meta and background info, and fandoom headcanons, and storytelling excercisses in heel-face turns and redemption possibilities (for the guy who blew up five planets and billions of people/aliens, *side-eyeing myself again*) and AUs... and now here I am, in the pit of doom, very much aware that the version of Hux I’m so obssesed with doesn’t even exist in canon.
2. Roy Mustang. I’m still cackling whenever I think about his early appearances in the Brotherhood. Look, they say he’s competent and he’s boosting about his powerfull flame alchemy, but he fails to use it! he’s constantly either wet or useless, and ends up looking like a fool. And then there’s Maria Ross incident - of all times you’d wish his flames failed! And so he prooves himself to be an angry idiot and a total bastard. Couple episodes later you mutter ‘bastard’ at him in totally different tone. At the end of the series you are rooting for him to become the ruler of the entire country, because he’s the only one with moral ideals and a necessary conscience. Also lots of angst. But really why I love him so much, is exactly because of those dumb moments at the begining and later on - he tries and fails and struggles on his path, because there’s no road map on how to redeem yourself and fix the country, and that’s so f relatable.
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3. Pretty much everyone besides Zuko - I really did not expect this cartoon to be so good character- and story-wise, I thought I’d care only about Zuko, and even with him I didn’t fathom the extent of love I ended up giving him.
The character you relate to most:
1. Really, it’s R2D2 and BB8. Sometimes all I’m capable of are *sad beep noises* and arson.
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2. In all honesty - Sheska.
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3. Suki. It’s the way she speaks with pride about their culture, the obvious care she has for people - and the “answer now, or we will feed you to the Unagi!”
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The character you’d slap:
1. After the Last Jedi, nearly everyone. But the director the most.
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2.  You know, the villians of course and half of cast here and there too. Ed and Al for rushing into things and failling to talk about feelings, Hohenhaim for parenting, Roy for being occasionally dumb, Maes for not making notes. Isaac McDougall for not talking in a more straightforward manner. For Shou I’d borrow the mechanical arm from Ed.
3. besides villians, I dread to admit this but Aang. I know, he’s a traumatized 11 yo with huuuuge responsibility on his shoulders and really all around loving and compasionate character. It’s just I often don’t like protagonists just for how the story focuses on them, and the combination of Aang’s immaturity, temper (he does get angry quite a bit), and rather clumsily executed love arc with Katara, annoys me and I want to shake him like “get a grip, man!”  
Three favourite characters (in order of preference):
1. Obi Wan Kenobi. Luke Skywalker. Chewbacca. R2D2. Darth Vader. Princess Leia Organa. Ewoks. Huge black hole. and then Hux. BB8. Rey. Poe Dameron still. Kylo is sneaking on me, will see.
2. Roy Mustang. Ling Yao. Riza Hawkeye. Maes Hughes. Scar. Miles. Olivier Mira Armstrong. Lan Fan. Izumi Curtis and hubby. Alex Armstrong. Greedo, Marcoh, chimeras, the list just goes on...
3. Zuko. Suki. Mai. Sokka. Kyoshi. Toph. Iroh. Piandao. Hakoda. Ty Lee. Azula. Teo. June. Longshot. I’m forgetting someone...
A character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
1. Poe Dameron, sigh. After TFA Poe was really close to being my fave character of the newbies. I liked his not so overt sass, his confidence, without being cocky about it, his joy at flying, but also his calm and competence when it came to fulfilling the mission. And his easy going manner and friendliness. He was well balanced and quite unique of a character. But the Last Jedi took him in the direction of a “lovable” cock-sure pistol, and I’m just not charmed anymore. At least there’s still this:
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2. I don’t think anyone got a fall from grace, even King Bradley still has some of my respect, tho the nature of it changed.
3. Again, I can’t think of anyone who’d lost my sympathy. 
A character you did not like at first but do now:
1. Luke Skywalker (tho “now” was before the Last Jedi assasinated him). It’s histerical, Luke annoyed the heck out of me in the New Hope, and is still whenever I watch this part. He’s so naive, and inexperienced, and eager, and wannabe-heroic, and pretty much everything I dislike about most protagonists. And then during ESB I got gradually invested in him, and then they cut his arm off, and I was in love in a second. And then he became wise in the RotJ, and I just love him a lot.
2. Scar. He was mostly a terror to be feared and a merciless killer - until he wasn’t. The more you know about him, the more human he becomes, and you wish him some peace and redemption and a kitten for company. I mean, panda.
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3. Sokka. Ho boy, how did he annoy me at first, with his sexism, and bragging, and stupid comments. But then he got character growth, and became the strategist mastermind and often the voice of reason, not losing any of his comedic potential, and I love him. 
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Three OTPs:
Most of the time I don’t ship characters, but I love the dynamics between Roy Mustang/Riza Hawkeye, the Curtis couple, Ling Yao/Lan Fan, also Zuko/Mai, and Sokka/Suki pairings.
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libbymouse · 6 years
“You come from nothing, you’re nothing” a compliment??
So I have been thinking about the part of the throne room scene when Kylo tells Rey that she is nothing and I had a thought...
Just bare with me....
We all laugh that there were so many other better ways to tell her how much she means to him and we joke that it’s because he has very little (if any) social skills (which, let’s be honest, he hasn’t had the best role models to look up to).
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But what if, when he said, “you come from nothing, you’re nothing” he meant it as a compliment?
Cause let’s remember how Ben grew up. All the pressures and expectations that were put on him from such a young age. Not just from his family but from everybody. There was always someone trying to fit him into a box or a mold.
First, he is General/Princess Leia Organa’s son, so he is expected to be a great prince and one day a great leader. The same woman who spent more time focused on her job and political responsibilities than she did her son. But he is also the Smuggler Han Solo’s son, (who spent more time doing runs than he did with his family) so he’ll be a scoundrel like his dad as well.
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Next, he is Luke Skywalker’s nephew. The great Jedi Master who destroyed the Empire and redeemed his father. The same hero who wanted to kill Ben because of the darkness he saw in him (still salty about that BTW). And Ben is also strong with the force, so people expect him to be a great Jedi Master as well.
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But, he is also Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader’s grandson. The chosen one Child of The Force Jedi, turned Sith Lord and most feared man in the galaxy. So Ben is also expected to turn to the dark side. And thus feared by everyone, including his own father.
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And then let’s not forget who he was named after. Obi-Wan Kenobi, who went by Ben during his self claimed exile in order to watch over Luke.
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On top of all of this, he is constantly being manipulated by Snoke (ever since he was a child, WTF!) to turn to Dark Side, by using his Grandfather, the only person he has ever felt any connection with at all. Ugh. Grody little shit.
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In short, his whole life, Ben has been told in some way that he is going to be one of two things, either great, or terrible.
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He has never been given the opportunity to learn who he is and who he might want to be one day. He has never been allowed to discover for himself the type of person he is. And so, when Snoke offers him the chance to be his own person and make a name for himself (even though it was to be in Snoke’s image) it is no surprise that Ben was seduced over to the Dark Side.
So going back to after the fight in the throne room. I think that Kylo sees Rey’s lack of a family and expectations as something he wants. I think he is a little jealous that Rey didn’t grow up with the expectations and pressures and the fear that he had to face every single day because of who his family is. I think he would love that anonymity.
Which is why I think apart of him meant what he said as a compliment, because that is desirable to him.
Yes, I agree, there are better ways to say what he means, but like I mentioned, he doesn’t really have any good role models to follow.
I don’t know. Something to think about...
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In conclusion, I have just broken my own heart (again) as far as this beautiful man is concerned and I couldn’t hold it in anymore.
Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this. And I hope that some of you can agree with atleast some of what I said. If any of you want to talk more about this, please send me a message.
Disclaimer: all pictures and gifs are not mine. All credit to their original owners.
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