#tysm for sending this in!! uwu
badboysupr · 29 days
“ i’m not sure i should leave you alone. ” 👊🏽
@kindofuneven || meme
The laugh he expels is probably too high-pitched. More of a puh! that sounds extremely prepubescent and therefore extremely cool as he doesn't even attempt to hide the grin spreading across his cheeks. Leo, for a few lingering seconds, doesn't even look at the poor little Roman boy, but when he does . . . it's with a very unrushed, very languid cock of his head over his shoulder.
And a pathetic look that screams, Oh, buddy . . . Buddy, please. That's so cute.
“Why, did the other guys warn you or something?” he ventures, and quickly deepens his voice into something authoritative as he mimes, “'Keep an eye on that one, Scotty!' 'Ooh, that one might blow up a thing or two, Scotty!' I mean—!” The hand he flourishes nearly drops his wrench, but he tightens his fingers around it and instead uses the tool as a good gesturing stick. “They're not wrong. I'm pretty good at that, but I'm also equally good at actually . . . creating things—? And yet people always seem to forget.”
Tsk tsk . . . So much unrecognized talent.
Eventually, he turns all the way around, shoves his welding goggles up to the crown of his head to get a better look at his company. Man, why is he so strung up all the time . . . ? “Hey, dude . . . It's good, okay? I'm not about to cause any problems, so you can just . . . chill. What do moms say—?” Leo taps his wrench to his lips. “Your face is gonna get stuck like that . . . ? Something something, blah blah blah. I'd hate to see that happen to you, so.”
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howthesleeplesswander · 9 months
“Hey, Doc! Hey, hey, did you know—? Didja know? They sell shirts that cover your entire torso...? (◕ ᄋ ◕) It's a thing! It's real. You can totally get one!”
Seemingly infinite energy falters, however. And Kokichi's feet flatten back to the ground after a fit of bouncing. He cocks his head as he looks the doctor up and down, expression twisting into a good show of pity.
“Aw, wait~ No, you're right; that's, like, sooooo rude of me.”
Within an over-dramatized pout, “It's because you can't afford an entire shirt, isn't it?”
// Baizhu won the roulette spin of "who will kokichi bother this time" and I apologize 😔
Answered! || @falsiliar || ((asdflkdsj i'M LAUGHING SO HARD, KOKICHI PLZ X'DD))
"Who is this rude little child?" Changsheng hissed from her perch on his shoulder. Her unblinking eyes narrowed and her coils twitched in agitation, but Baizhu's chuckle eased the tension.
"Now now, what if he's here as a patient? Don't say anything unprofessional." Meeting their guest's dramatic pout with amusement, Baizhu noted both a lack of any obvious injuries as well as the fact that he couldn't recall seeing him around the harbor before.
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"And as for you: haven't your parents ever taught you that it's risky to disrespect the person giving you medical care?" With a shake of his head, the doctor's attention returned to the list he held, continuing to take inventory of the pharmacy's shelves. "If you're only here to entertain yourself with childish insults, however, I'm afraid I don't have the time to spare."
Dismissive fingers fluttered briefly in the child's direction. "Run along and find someone else to pick on."
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magnifiico · 6 months
"Erm...hello. I'm Nick, Nick Wilde...please don't freak out over me being able to talk." The vulpine lets out an awkward chuckle.
@aslyfcx || a good fox! 🥺
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“This may come as a great surprise to you, but I've actually encountered more bizarre things.” None that spring to the front of his mind in that split second, no, but the statement still stands proud and unfazed as the king's posture. He rolls his shoulders back while looking the peculiar fox up and down—Wearing clothes, too? Well, at least he has decency—and a soft hum slides from his throat.
The quick appraisal ends on a smile: welcoming. “What can I do for you, then, Nick Wilde?”
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vattghcrn · 6 months
“So much death... What can men do against such reckless hate?“ (— Ingvar)
@riiese || an old meme – thanks for sending this in! (´◡`)
“Answer in kind, I reckon,” Geralt muttered without missing a beat, a piercing gaze even now not lifting to the giant's face as he instead carefully stepped around the mangled bodies strewn across the path. The bridge of his nose crinkled for more than one reason, and what sounded like an aggrieved whinny from Roach might as well have summed up his feelings entirely.
Who had started the slaughter, he'd not determined. It hardly mattered. The instant any troops rolled in, saw their comrades horribly maimed... the instant a wandering group of Scoia'tael caught whiff of the scene... both sides would all too hastily blame each other.
Same old shit.
But, then again—
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“Shouldn't be here, if you can help it.” Eventually, Geralt skirted around the devastation, and his chin lifted to find the despairing light in his tall companion's eyes. “Anyone catches you around these parts, they're gonna find a way to blame you. Rather not be on the receiving end of that.” Even if he was fairly positive the giant was practiced in dealing with such indecencies.
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yukikorogashi · 1 year
Oh, he's not late. Supreme Leaders of Evil are never late.
And what was even special about today—or yesterday? Nothing, right? Probably nothing; if it wasn't a day dedicated to him, then what was the point...?
So, yeah! For no particular reason and entirely coincidental that it was anywhere near a birthday (that again didn't even matter when it wasn't his), Kokichi trots up to the silly little girl, having made a very life-changing decision.
For her, that is.
"Heeeeey there, brat! I didn't know I'd find you here!" He did. That isn't important. "But this is awfully convenient—here." And with a flourish, the Supreme Leader bestows upon his faithful follower a checkered bandana of her own, folded neatly, almost ceremonial.
"I've decided." Kokichi waves the square of cloth once in a gesture of hurry up and take it, but his attention has wandered as if abruptly disinterested in the exchange. "It'd be somewhat of a shame if you were to die, so—! You should probably join my organization. Got it?"
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❤️ HAPPY BIRTHDAY ITSUKI!!! (15th March) ❤️
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Unable to stop herself from rolling her eyes at the sound of that unmistakable voice, Itsuki would turn towards the boy in question. "There ya are! Ya missed breakfast, lunch AND dinner yesterday!"
Never mind the fact that he hadn't been around to celebrate the little get together their other classmates decided to put together for her. Because truth be told... it... it wasn't that important, not during a time like this.
A disapproving pout was quickly forming upon her features, as her hands rested themselves upon her hips in an exasperated manner. He truly was like the little big brother that she never wanted at times. One whom she could never stop being CONCERNED for, especially with how much more difficult he tended to make things, and everything that he would get up to all by his lonesome.
Booooy, she could lift ya with ONE ARM, that's just how thin you are, y'hear?
And while she had admittedly gotten fairly use to his SHENANIGANS by this point, one couldn't blame her for still having the urge to chase this boy around the fields themselves with her TRACTOR, when needed. Anyways, it was both a good exercise AND punishment for this here fella, especially when it would seem that he would surprisingly enjoy it at times. Viewing it like GAME OF CHASE, more than what had been mentioned earlier.
"BRAT-- l-look who's talkin'! Is that anyway ta talk to the gal that helps jar up them BUGS fer ya?" It was much too early for this, so don't you push your luck now, bro!
Still, after taking a deep breath and patting down ruffled feathers, Itsuki would remind herself just who it was she was dealing with. That this buttmunch spoke a different language, when compared to the rest of them. And so she would raise her brow at him, when he said in his own way-- that he had actually been looking for her.
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"... Huh?"
Looking down towards the offered bandana, and back up to to that seemingly disinterested (Ahhh these abrupt shifts would always let on more than one would initially believe) look on his face... it would take her a second or two, as she started putting things together. Brows furrowing for just the briefest moment, before her expression would completely soften altogether... Slowly reaching out towards the neatly folded GIFT, and taking it into her own hands with considerable care.
Truth be told, celebrating your BIRTHDAY in at a time like this-- in a place like this-- certainly wasn't on anyone's wish list. But she was... LUCKY enough that the other ULTIMATES had even wanted to bother about this, in the first place. She was... really GRATEFUL, at the end of the day. Especially after all they have been through, especially... with so few of them left now...
Especially when the ULTIMATE SUPREME LEADER himself-- would bother to do a lil' something special, just for her. Once more, showing in his weird lil' way, that he really did care for her in return.
... I don't what you dyin' either, bro.
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"Awww shucks, bro..." Thinking for a moment, Itsuki would decide that a simple thank you just wouldn't do (Even though she knew that her usual hugs might amusingly lead to a less than pleased response oughta him too... she will save that for later on). And so instead chose to humour him with a little curtsy, "Well, thank ya fer honorin' an' viewin' me as such a VALUED MEMBER to yer EEEEEVIL CAUSE~"
Hehe, did she say that right? She would even throw in a curtsy then, as she held the unexpected gift close to her heart.
"... Awraht, sure! Ahhhh guess ah could join yer organization... jus' so ah can make sure y'all are eatin' right, ehehe!"
She suppose that she could let him off from his exercise-punishment too, just for today.
@falsiliar ❤️💕
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hanakohateismagical · 2 years
(tysm for trying to send it again! I'll write it out again for the fourth time now)
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no matter how much Hanako tries he can never shake being an evil supernatural, no matter how much good he tries to do, it's always for the worng reasons. he never has pure intentions, he is of rue, regret, anger, and despair, he can't change that, and he admits it! the fact that no one sees how right Teru has been all along about supernaturals is dumbfounding! he's completely evil and knows he'll never change, he's not the same, and has no progression in his own mind set, it can't be changed, because he can never change being what he is, forever an evil supernatural.
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that can't be helped, unless he's exercised or sent to hell by a higher figure, such as God(unless the said God is the Red House?) Hanako is forever cought in a loop of ruining those around him, and he knows this. he tries to protect them, but that doesn't get rid of what he's done, and what he intends to continue doing.
he's not sorry and shows no empathy for what he's done, he just intended to continue (the bitch)
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tidaltow · 2 months
"Do the gods all wear togas all the time? I mean, they're always depicted that way—statues, portraits, busts; whatever—but that isn't right, is it?" Liam's nose scrunched like he'd taken a bite of something sour. "Now that I think about it, I dunno know what's weirder: picturing them in big, flowing robes that barely cover anything, or like...a T-shirt and jeans. Wait, wait wait—if you tell me that Zeus lounges around Olympus in Crocs or something, I think I might actually die on the spot." ((aslfjdk Liam had this thought and HAD to ask Percy immediately, HE DOES IS HAS TO KNOW X'D))
@howthesleeplesswander || NO no no he has a point u-u/
Percy almost choked. And he couldn’t tell if that was the work of some royally pissed off god or the reason he would be getting smited in probably two seconds. But since he’d already made his bed, he figured he’d not only lie in it, but get really, really comfortable. Sleep in. Stay awhile.
“Nah, that’s generous,” he readily argued, not bothering to remove the straw of his Capri Sun from his mouth—which just super sold how he must’ve looked bumming around with an upperclassman. He might as well be drinking out of a baby bottle, just to go all the way. “Most statues I’ve seen are buck naked.” And inaccurate in that sense, thank gods. Percy didn’t know what he’d do if he waltzed into Olympus and had to contend with a circle of godly groins. Yeah, no thanks.
“Crocs aren’t a bad idea. Maybe that’ll be my next holiday gift to the guy,” Percy mused, shuffling dutifully through his deck of Mythomagic cards until he found what he was looking for. He plucked out the Zeus, flashed it across the table. “Picture this guy, but in a stuffy business suit and looking even more miffed—like his secretary brought him his Starbucks with only one pump of vanilla syrup instead of two, so he’s debating firing them.”
He turned the card over in his hand, wrinkled his nose for a second, and shoved it back in where he no longer had to look at it. “But then you have ones like Mr. D— er, Dionysus . . . You know how, universally, there’s, like . . . two types of gym teacher? You’ve got the one who takes it way too seriously, probably screams in your face when you aren’t running fast enough, treats every class like the championship game. Then you have the opposite end: the guy who sits on his butt eating a bag of potato chips while the kids pelt each other with dodgeballs and is selectively blind to anyone actually getting hurt because of it. Yeah, uh . . . Dionysus is the second one.”
Oh, yeah. He was definitely getting smited.
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devoted-hearts · 1 year
“ you were going to leave without saying goodbye? ”   ( probably more sarcastically // jokingly lol )
@iilahalzili // XD right, lol
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"Of course~ I thought you was busy Marik.. I didn't realize i had to tell you every moment i moved." Thorn smiled sweetly. "I'm off to observe the city today you know..before possible.. plans happen."
There was a hint of sarcastic sass in her tone but jokingly with respect towards him. After all She was one of the Ghouls to believe he'd return. "So if you don't mind..i will be leaving for a short while~."
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powerofbarian · 1 year
| From @mizukibirds ! For anyone you think would do so |
Send me a 🐤 for a Tweet my muse would make about yours. @mizukibirds ( okay ~ )
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badboysupr · 29 days
“ don’t look at me like that. ”
@sixba || meme
Sometimes, Leo's face just kind of does things all on its own. Other times, his cheeky little grins are entirely intentional.
. . . This is one of those times.
He almost laughs. Well. Okay. Full disclosure is that he definitely snickers a bit when he sees that tiny trail of smoke still rising from one of Simba's tufts of fur. It looks harmless, okay? Just a tiny singe. He's not harmed, and really . . . Leo's got some idea it's not entirely unwarranted.
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“No idea what you're talking about, lil dude. I have eyes. I'm looking at you. That's it,” he fibs. “But, uh . . . y'know, if I was doing that in a certain way, it might be because, I dunno, I told you so—? Don't mess with Festus, man.” Leo waves a finger in the air, clicks his tongue. “He absolutely has a 'patience meter,' and it looks to me like you went waaaay above it.”
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howthesleeplesswander · 10 months
‘ do you want something for the pain? ’
[ for kaeya, from dan heng ! ]
Random Dialogue Starters || Accepting! || @astrcls
((Hi there! ^w^/ Thanks so much for sending this! 💖))
A long hiss escaped through clenched teeth before he could answer with words. Kaeya clutched at a gash in his shoulder, trying to stem the flow of red seeping into his glove and staining the tufts of his cape.
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"Ah, yes—that would be appreciated," he finally managed. The injury was his own fault; he'd been far too careless, but thankfully it wasn't anything grave. How lucky he was that this kind stranger had been nearby to help.
Soft light spilled from his Vision as ice crystallized on his fingers atop the wound, soothing the aching burn. "I don't suppose you have any alcohol on you? There's nothing better for disinfecting and easing pain, in my experience."
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lgcjisoo · 1 year
[ to > jiji ] heyyyyyy happy birthday! ^-^ hope you have a wicked day! let me know when you're free I wanna hand you your gift ♥
( sns to  → jinjinni 💪 )
→ you didn’t have to get me something!!!  → but i will gladly accept it... mwahahaha → we should hang out before our next rounds of things begin... but at least we will be busy together.  ♥
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yukikorogashi · 1 year
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@maddestdog​ asked: “   i’m gonna prank kiryu-chan,  do ya wanna help me ?   ”
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   ... WAIT, KIRYU-CHAN? ... Kiryu... Kazuma? The bro that seems to be known and feared by most of the city as the DRAGON OF DOJIMA himself? Mister Big, Tall, and Scary-when-he-wants-to-be-but-is-actually-a-real-softie-when-he-wants-to-be... especially-to-kids? ... Oof, okay, that last one had been a real mouthful, so thank goodness she hadn’t actually said it out loud then, heh. 
   But, anyway, with all of that aside-- it really never was a dull moment with the one-eyed bro! Whenever she actually gets to spend the day with him, it would always turn into some BIG and EXCITING ADVENTURE! And all of it taking place right here-- in the CITY OF KAMUROCHO itself. 
   Though, this might be the very first time that he would get her involved in something like this. And oh, she’s definitely heard (Even seen, if she she happened to be around that area that day) her fair share of anecdotes from him-- when it came to the RIDICULOUS THINGS that he would put the other man through. Itsuki almost didn’t know whether to be amused by it all, or pity them-- that’s right. The both of them. Especially after seeing Majima himself have an ENTIRE MOTORCYCLE slammed on top of him, during one fight.
   But then she would eventually to resign herself with a sigh, at the realisation that BOYS WILL BE BOYS. Even big, scary, Yakuza bros like em’... heh. Especially at the little smiles that she would catch them exchanging with one another, by the end of those crazy fights. As one would pull the other back onto their feet, before parting ways for the time being. Signifying that no real harm was actually done-- much to her utmost bafflement, especially during the first few times she’d bear witness to it all.
   And, with that all said...
   “... uhm in, bro.” Oh, she’s in! Sign her up, bro. On one of your many kooky pranks with that poor, bro! “So, whada we gone do?”
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nulltune · 2 years
So! Just how would Hakuno here feel if she summoned a Sora out of all of those possibilities?
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WAAAAAHHH I AM.. SO VERY LATE TO RESPONDING TO DIS.... BUT THANK U SO SO MUCH FOR SENDING THIS IN!! seriously, it's vvv sweet of u 🥺🥺 tysm for breaking the ice! tho from what i've seen from u in the dash, ur super warm and approachable! def would love to chat and interact more! <33
but to answer your question! well actually lemme pull a (hak)uno reverse card and ask you-- how would sora feel if he got summoned by an amnesiac master who doesn't know what the hell she's doing? 🧐 HDDFGHS OK BUT I THINK THEY'D BE REAL NEAT!! i know nothing about kingdom heart tbh, but from what i know of your sora (+ some of my wiki reading hehe..) they actually have soo much in common.... both are the stubborn reckless types who put others above themselves so i'm definitely curious to see just how they'd play off of each other! especially cuz my hakuno takes all those traits to a... borderline concerning level ^_^ ! but ye, i always think it's neat to have characters get a look at themselves through another character, and i can rlly see that for these too. lots of potential for positive development methinks! and just lots of character growth in general ✨✨ tho despite their many similarities, i also think they're,, packaged differently? if that makes sense! sora i feel like gives off the image of what you expect from a typical hero-- not trying to simplify his character to just that btw! just bringing it up because hakuno, on the other hand, is more of a classical antihero. mmm they kinda give me like a sun and moon kinda vibe, ya kno!
ALSO!! i just wanna throw this out there but i think they'd be suuuper great adventure buddies 🥺 i feel like they'd both love adventures and exploration idk idk! but also oh my gosh their competitive streaks.. i also love that so much actually xD would love to see em getting all heated up (in good fun!) over some little game or sth! they'd have super fun dynamic and i'm excited to see em interact!! >:3
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hunterofartemis-12 · 13 days
Okay. Please take a seat, because it's a lot. So this young Palestinian woman, Zayna, stumbled upon a 5-year old TNTL bit of Damien's in which the Palestine-Israel was the punchline, and she went to X-Twitter with it because she was upset. At first Damien reacted defensively to this, but then he calmed down and they had a polite discussion in which mutual understanding was reached. Or so it seemed, because suddenly Damien posted something hella passive agressive, blocked Zayna as well as many other people who interacted with the thread, and took a social media break. On the other end of this Zayna was just very confused, but she moved on. Though now, a week later, other people are still up in arms about it. Some act like Damien has committed an irredeemable sin. Others act like he's an innocent precious bean UWU. And they've been attacking each other, they've been attacking Zayna, they've been attacking anyone who expresses a more moderate view on this whole situation. It's a whole mess. Meanwhile, Damien has only surfaced three times. Twice to do a sponsored thing, and once for the Creators For Palestine initiative. But he hasn't commented on the situation as of me writing this.
omgs, tysm for explaining.
i had seen several tumblr posts (i'm not on twitter) about it but i didn't know the whole story behind it.
personally, i don't think that Damien is an innocent baby, he did a mistake and i will not try to make excuses for him. but, i still don't hate Damien for one simple mistake he made. no one is perfect. therefore, sending him death threats is not okay.
i do think that he should apologise properly and admit that he was wrong but everyone else should leave him alone.
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haonote · 2 years
hiiiii <3 can I request some Joshua head canons? <3 I love your writing btw uwu
joshua headcanons
tysm!! 💗💗
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shua would literally be the most considerate boyfriend ever. if you mentioned a book you liked or a movie you watched, he'd watch it too so the two of you could talk about it together.
and on the topic of movies... movie nights?!?!?! the two of you would have a set day, like sunday night, where you would order takeout and watch a movie together. just the feeling of you falling asleep on his shoulder, on the couch with a blanket thrown over the both of you, would make his heart flutter.
i feel like shua and midnight go hand in hand bc.. late night drives with shua, walking along the boardwalk at midnight with joshua... i could go on and on.
and mornings with shua, too. be it early morning when you wake up in his arms or later on when you sleepily walk into the kitchen to see him making you breakfast, coffee already on the table.
he'd totally make u a mixtape/playlist. honestly he'd do a lot of cheesy things like that. joshua would feel like your first love even if he wasn't- he would surprise you with a big teddy bear or a box of heart shaped chocolates during valentines day, spontaneously send a bouquet of flowers to your house, take you on dates to the movie theatre.
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