longdeadblonde · 11 months
Plotted with @twyred
The shape stalked around the man with a sphinx-like posture, reptilian feet kicking up fine sand and disturbing the eerie stillness of the vast darkness surrounding them. Above there were no stars, no clouds, no sun. Only a blood red blemish which writhed and morphed in the sky, emanating a low light. There was no sound within the vast wasteland, and now the only movement was the shape leaping up to perch on a barbed tree.
Tail whipping back and forth, she spoke: "I usually find those who are looking for me. I stumble upon them during a chance encounter. After months of calling, they cross my path. Leaping through self imposed hoops of archaeology and living in occult libraries. Did you self-flagellate? Did you kill babies or animals in my name? Did you swear off your earthly possessions and crawl on your hands and knees to find me? If you did, I don't want you here."
Standing upright, the head and torso of a woman became more apparent but her face was still lost in the darkness as it was hidden behind a veil. "Seeking me in of itself is a mortal sin. And dangerous too. My siblings would have eaten you alive if you had found them instead."
"You better be something. Otherwise, you'll have to bear all the punishments and receive none of the rewards. The floor is yours, friend. Make it worth it."
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mxldito · 1 year
Cont. from here with @twyred
Tired, little thing. Stumbling about like a puppet whose strings had been cut away from above him, such as Ghouls were. Coyote watched him eat shit before he even hit the ground. He stared on in disdain and they stared back with that strange knowing in their muddy eyes. They'd have offered him a hand if he wasn't looking at them as if they were dog shit on the sole of his shoe.
"Did they get you? Did they get you nice and good?" They offered a juvenile smile and head tilt. Unblinking, they watched on for a minute, "Actually I don't know! I'm no weakling. Are you?" As if the path of heartache hadn't led them to an early grave, with or without the Blood Curse. That wasn't for this stranger to know anyways. By the looks of it, he might be even more afflicted.
Dark brows raised, "I do but if you ask me if it's running, I might just knock you back down onto your ass." They chuckled and finally asked: "You alright?"
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phoenixtherobot · 4 months
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Artemy Burahk from Pathologic 2, Save me
Save me, Artemy Burahk
Artemy, Save me
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The lesbians... except I had no reference and forgot how Grace looks
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talesofsymphoniac · 1 year
Thinkin about how in Patho 2 the Haruspex is a lot less... violent, in general. Like yeah you're killing people and you're making cures from people's organs, but really you're spending more time harvesting twyre than anything. And there's a good chance you're sourcing your organs from the clinic, where you are allowed to dissect bodies For Science(tm).
Whereas classic Haruspex... like you CAN pick herbs yourself, for sure. But... idk about y'all but I can't fuckin see herbs for shit in classic, I'm maybe picking up 1-2 a day. You know how I get herbs as classic Haruspex? I give the worms the literal dozens of human organs I have stuffed in my pockets and they give me the twyre in exchange.
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haharuspex · 3 months
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phew, okay, pathologic oc time!!
“I don’t gather. I don’t sing. I don’t dance. That’s for others, but for me - it's to hunt, to pretend, to scavenge. Cattle is content, it knows its purpose, herbs don’t resist when I pluck them, but the rest... Oh, odonghs hate me. Herb brides, too. They tore off my tail once and I haven’t bothered them since."
"Hunter", a steppe creature, is rumored to have crawled out of rivers so deep that their bottom originates in Suok's guts. He (it, she, they, whatever, it doesn't care) took on a more or less humanoid appearance when it first met people, because he hunts best when it imitates its favorite prey. That’s why Hunter resembles herb brides in some ways - he loves to feed on them, because he secretly envies their talent to communicate with Earth. He "steals" this talent after consumption, but it doesn't stay for long.
He does not enter the Town just yet because he's lowkey afraid lmao, but engages in barter on the outskirts. He can exchange twyre of any rarity and the organs of odonghs/herb brides for lemons. He fucking loves lemons. He doesn’t even eat them, he collects them as a kind of treasure, and in his underground lair they somehow, magically ig, don’t rot - they just chill there like a hoard of citrus gold.
His true form is a long black half-snake, and his poison, at worst, can paralyze and kill, and at best (when processed properly) can become an anesthetic or a medicine to boost immune system.
his hair is snakes and twyre and certain daredevils are eager to use it as an ingredient for a homemade snake wine lol
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meirimerens · 1 year
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everytime i draw p1 burakh i am reminded of his pupils blown so wide like he's constantly high off that twyre roll i felt compelled. fun fact my first ever incident of getting my art reposted was on instagram some meme page reposting vkaz fanart of mine with "THIS AND A BLUNT" in bold on top so i'm very attached. to the blunt [this is a twyre joint but imagine]
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berketexbride · 1 year
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Artyom 🫁
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greelin · 1 year
*overabundance of pollen* Wow just like pathologic
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whyareweherereally · 11 months
Remember the p2 herbs here are the p1 ones as well, what can I say I love drawing plants (excuse the shity handwriting)
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go-go-devil · 1 year
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"Come on. The dope from this terrible grass was too much to you..." - Daniel Dankovskiy, Bachelor of "Medicinals"
(Screenshot taken from @rathologic's Pathologic 2005 English Translation stream)
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fortunatetragedy · 19 days
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Having completely normal feelings about a throwaway line in a video game remaster that came out a decade ago don't mind me.
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plainlyraine · 10 months
Need me some selkie!kin aus. I love naga-daniil as a concept but something about the people of the steppe being selkies scratches my brain nice
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roseroro · 2 years
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Pathologic fest day 3: precious thing
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childhoodgrave · 1 year
been thinking abt how i want to play patho2 again and i guess my brain just manifested it for me by giving me a dream of me just playing pathologic 2 with no variation from the actual gameplay whatsoever
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visions-echoing · 2 years
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