#two boletes
julionasurbonas · 2 years
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found a praying mantis
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snototter · 1 year
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A two colored bolete (Baorangia bicolor) in Nassau County, New York
by Alex Roukis
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persephonaae · 5 months
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Everyone loves a good rain :)
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themeltingmoons · 3 months
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Funguary day 15: Black velvet bolete
Hey everyone! I took a little break, but I’m back now. I’ll be finishing up last week’s prompts while I work on the current ones, but at a slower pace. So, some days might have two entries when I’m done with the demonic ones :) This week, I’m also hoping to add a mushroom dish with each design.
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stamp-it-to-me · 8 months
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two 2018 Czech stamps from a small series on edible mushrooms
[id: two postage stamps with heavily detailed and realistic illustrations of mushrooms. the left depicts two of "the European blusher" which is a stout mushroom with a peachy color. the right depicts "the orange birch bolete". these mushrooms have orange caps and a birch bark-like pattern on their stalks. these stamps do not have a visible currency value. end id]
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slocotion · 1 year
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Todo the Toadstool, Gillby the Amethyst Deceiver and Bopeep the King Bolete
4.5′’ dreaming clown mushrooms, handmade using cotton mix fabrics and wood, over a wire armature to allow basic posing. These dolls are part of a patreon exclusive shop restock I'm doing  as a thank you to my patrons for all the support over 2022! (link to the secret shop is now available to all tiers on my patreon page). 
These mushrooms, and two other jesters (link) will be going up on Saturday 7th Jan, 18:00 GMT. Worldwide shipping from Ireland.
Instagram / Patreon
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Fungi and Fae
NB Fae x AFAB Reader
AN: I wrote this last year while I was in the mood for fall. I'm a bit late for Valentine's but here's some fluff (and smut later in part two)!
Word count: 1.6k
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊Part Two (to be updated)𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
"You are looking devilishly beautiful today, m'eudail." 
"I appreciate it." You mutter, eyes scanning your surroundings for brown caps or yellow growths. After years of gathering, you have grown quite adept at it. 
“Won’t you spare me even one glance?”
The autumnal rain serves as a wonderful humectant for mushrooms- they come bursting forth from the ground and wood in vivid browns, yellows and striking black, well, the edible ones at least. A few of the local birds migrate for the season, leaving the woods serenely quiet. In their place, papery field maple seeds dance through the air like a set of wings carrying invisible bodies. Shades of red and orange permeate the woods, and even though you have looked out at the sea of colour countless times, the intensity of their hue and atmosphere always takes your breath away at the beginning of the season. It is your favourite time of the year, and it would always be much more enjoyable if it weren’t for your buzzing companion.
“I attended the most wonderful ball the other day, yet it was sorely lacking in good company. Would that you were there-”
“Your kind would have made me dance to death. Literally.” You quip, hiking your skirt up and stepping over a dead log. Conversation, if you could even call the slinging of words between the two of you, comes as naturally as breathing to you in the presence of Aetyn. Your grandmother had warned you about their kind since you were but a babe, cautioning you against their trickery. You were glad that she had trained you on how to handle them as it came into good use whenever you came out to forage.
Never accept gifts. Don’t stare at them for extended periods of time. If you encounter one, be gracious but maintain a boundary. You leave offerings of cream and pasties out for them, and wear a bell in the ribbon tying your hair.
After years of being around Aetyn, however, you have come to doubt the veracity of several claims. In the beginning they had attempted to ensnare you in all sorts of ways, fairy rings, gifts in the form of decadent chocolates and precious gems, wordplay. It all flowed over you like water. You presume that they gave up after the first two autumns.
Early on, you had accidentally gazed at them. It was hard not to- they have fine features so different from those of humans. It was as if fae were sculpted from marble, perfect and polished. Their smooth skin, hooked and noble nose as well as their androgynous beauty caught your gaze like a fish to bait. Nothing happened to you though, they just stared at you quizzically and asked if they had something on their face. Nonetheless, you still remain slightly guarded around Aetyn.
“Aetyn, would you ever consider chasing after a more naive, vulnerable maiden?” He’s quiet for a few seconds. You can almost hear the little cogs turning in his head.
“...but they don’t have your sharp tongue, or your bewitching-”
With a gasp, you clamber over to a massive queen bolete, brushing leaves and dirt from its cap before plucking it, its stem breaking from the earth with a satisfying crunch. You place it into your basket among a handful of porcinis, morels and chanterelles. Before you can stand and continue, you notice Aetyn laying belly-down on the grass with their head in their hands, long pink hair ostentatiously trailing down their shoulder.
“You have a look in your eyes when you find a good one. You smile so wide-” they have a sparkle in their eyes, you think you see their legs kicking in the air
“You’re so pretty.”
For some reason, the compliment feels oddly genuine, different from the other pet names that he piles onto you. Sensing the heat rising up your neck you look away, fussing with the mushrooms in your basket and wandering off to the clearing ahead. You’ve gotten used to Aetyn’s careless flirtation- they had used it as a tactic to trick you so you never take it to heart. Something about the look in their eyes strikes a chord within you this time, though. A jumble of strange, foreign emotions stir in your chest, so preoccupied are you with your thoughts that you make a near fatal mistake.
“Be careful!” 
Suddenly, an arm wraps around your midriff and tugs you backward. You’re leaned forward, torso tipped precariously over a circle of mushrooms. Gingerly, Aetyn gathers you into their arms, pulling you upright and a few steps away from the fairy ring.
“It wouldn’t do for you to fall into the snare of another fae now would it?” In the circle of their embrace, you are acutely aware of their body against yours even through your shirt and your coat. Your eyes are drawn to their lashes- pink just like their hair, so fair that you had never noticed just how long they were, fanning across their rosy cheeks. Aetyn’s gaze trails down the features of your face and lands on your mouth, hands sliding down your shoulders to your wrists. The feeling of his skin on yours is surprisingly humanlike, soft and comforting, but what ever made you think it would be otherwise? The urge to say something…or to do something-
A light ring and plink snaps you out of your reverie. Tearing your eyes away from them, you twist around to see your ribbon and bell on the ground. Aetyn steps away from you, the usual ease and gracefulness gone from their lithe body. They bend over, picking the delicate ribbon up. Your fringe has come loose, the two neat braids threaded to the back of your head by your grandmother undone.
“May I?” Aetyn pushes back the hair that obscures your vision. You nod, taking a seat on a cushion of brown leaves.
Their fingers carting through your hair are tender, deft as they expertly do up the braids and secure them once more. It feels…good. The warmth of their fingers, which you have watched pointing and gesturing many a time, seeps into your scalp. For once, the two of you are silent and you realise that you are wholly unaccustomed to the quiet whenever Aetyn is around. You’ve just grown used to their chatter like the tweeting of a little bird hovering over your shoulder. 
“It is done.” 
You are unable to see it, so you run a hand over the back of your head and feel the braids just as they were when you left home. They really are surprisingly good at it. Your tongue slips loose, from the intimacy in that moment or the fluttering in your chest, you do not know.
“Thank y-” You slap a hand over your mouth, unable to stop the panic from bubbling and frothing over. You look at Aetyn warily but regret it in the exact same moment, because you can see your distrust reflected in their eyes. The wide grin plastered onto their face falls and they look away from you. Whatever little shreds of trust that they’d hoped to have built up with you had blown away in the wind, they must think. 
It’s the first time that you’ve seen them look hurt and the sight claws at your heart. A few moments of unbearable quiet pass before you dust off your skirt and pick up your basket.
“I-I think that’s all I need for today.”
As the both of you walk through the lush woods, your mind is racing. With just one move, you’ve upended any semblance of kinship you shared with Aetyn. What were you going to do? Do you even want to do anything about it?
Just as you near the bend leading to your home, you come to the panicked conclusion that it would be awful to end the day this way. Aetyn has had every opportunity to capture you with trickery today, yet spurned it each time. Considering the seasons of your…relationship, you feel like you have shunned them. Summoning courage, you take a deep breath before spinning around so abruptly that Aetyn jumps.
“Today…was nice.” you bumble, acutely aware of how awkwardly your mouth forms the syllables. Your free hand twists the fabric of your shirt hopelessly.
“It was nothing. I am honoured to have your company.” They respond politely with a smile, eyes downcast. Your mouth opens and closes like a fish for a few seconds before
“Th…Th-thank you!” As soon as the two words leave your mouth, you squeeze your eyes shut.
This is it. I’m sorry for being such a foolish girl, grandmama.
What feels like an eternity passes and yet, you haven’t somehow been turned into a beetle, or been bound to servitude to a diabolical fae for the rest of your meagre mortal life, or anything really. It was quite anticlimactic. 
Instead, you feel a rush of warmth in the air and the bristle of tree branches bustling against their neighbours and the sweet call of a bird somewhere. And you hear laughter- Aetyn’s laughter, bright and rich which makes your chest brim with weight and ache. 
Your eyes still closed, a hand tugs gently against the nape of your neck and a pair of feather-soft lips plant a kiss on your brow.
“That wasn’t so hard now, was it?” He cradles your face in his hands. You feel compelled to lean into them but you remain rooted in place.
“Thank you.”
You place your basket on the kitchen counter, moving to don your apron and get started on dinner when your grandmother shambles into the room with her cane in hand.
“That’s a pretty flower in your hair,” she squints through the glasses perched on her nose, “wherever did you find it at this time of year?”
A hand flies to the back of your head, fingers tangling with little stems and soft, small flowers tucked into your braids. Your heart beats like the wings of a hummingbird.
“Oh my.”
Your grandmother peers at you with mirth.
“You have the look of someone in love, dear.”
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irradiatedsnakes · 6 months
i need to know more about pennybun i have fallen deeply in love
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(by @/skypiea)
penny is my first tav and i love her. she's a white dragonborn circle of the spores druid. i finished her first playthrough a couple weeks back, and i've started on a second playthrough with her! slightly edited, and now that i understand more about the game and the story i'm refining her character and story. i missed a lot of stuff on that first playthrough!
pennybun's name comes from the mushroom, by the way. i'd decided on that before i knew that there was a mushroom-themed druid circle in this game, i was GOING to choose moon, but, like. it's perfect. penny buns aka porcini aka king bolete aka Boletus edulis are an edible mushroom that symbioses with the roots of pine trees. they're part of my research and they're quite adorable
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she's from a circle of druids located in the shelterwood- a dense forest near baldur's gate. she grew up in the city proper- or at least, on the edges of it- before moving out to the woods to pursue life as a druid.
she's solidly good-aligned- as my first playthrough, her story is kind of the best-case-scenario for everything, savescumming the hell out of some fights (good god the last light fight with marcus). everybody gets their good ending, everybody gets saved, that kind of deal.
she had a generally good relationship with everyone in the party, but gale, wyll, and karlach are her best mates for sure. i missed out on romancing karlach the first go around, but we're doing it on penny's second save file. it's happening.
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she's also quite close with shadowheart, especially after the events of act ii. her relationship with lae'zel is more tense.. but i'm still working on figuring out that exact trajectory- missing a lot of lae'zel's storyline was one of the biggest mistakes i made in the first go-around. she and astarion never get close, but there's not any malice there, either.
she's good friends with jaheira, the two get along like a house on fire, and she looks up to jaheira a lot. she didn't have a lot of time to get to know minsc and boo, but they were plenty friendly in the short time they crossed paths. halsin, i need to work on, i also kind of fucked up his stuff first go-around by neglecting to fix the shadowlands. to be updated when i reach act ii in Penny The Sequel.
overall, penny's a big ol goody-two-shoes. she wants to help as many people as she possibly can, and feels a massive weight on her shoulders because of it, having been thrust into this leadership role by apparent pure chance.
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while i'm still working it out, the central theme of pennybun's story is trust, and who she puts it in. an early decision i made before knowing anything about the story was that penny trusts the Mysterious Dream Guardian completely and totally, which made for some EXTREMELY fun character moments later on- utilizing the tadpoles (her and gale both), becoming partial illithid, and eventually in act 3 losing her trust in and culminating with her turning on the emperor, plus her own ceremorphosis to wield the netherstones against the netherbrain.
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gear-wise, she uses the default druid armor for most of the game, switching to the armor of the sporekeeper in act 3. she assembles the mourning frost in the underdark in act 1 and it remains her favored weapon for the rest of the game. she also wears the key of the ancients, and just before the start of the finale gains the nymph cloak.
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other assorted Penny Facts:
she keeps a detailed log of every camp dinner the group has. good food is very important
she has a soft spot for parasites. part of why she was receptive to the idea of utilizing the tadpoles, and also part of why she lets astarion take a bite from time to time.
she got her eye poked out by volo
she has a -1 int modifier
she's a lot keener on necromancy than you might expect a druid to be. she views necromancy and the undead (for the most part) as a natural part of the cycle of life- after all, everything will eventually return to the dirt to be eaten by the fungi and the other decomposers, no matter how prolonged it is.
it is imperative that all her friends (karlach excluded for reason of cool hair) wear fun hats. ive posted about The Hat Tax before but everyone in the party gets a funny hat. it's so important.
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she's my best friend and i love her
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balthazarslostlibrary · 10 months
Things that some people new to foraging fungi do that are not good, annoying, or just plain silly:
- Posting on places like reddit or Facebook for ID of a mushroom that their pet or child ate. Don’t do that. If you think your pet or child has been poisoned, go to a vet or doctor and bring the fungus with you, or at the very least call a poisons hotline. Most national poisons hotlines have people who are good at identifying fungi since this kind of thing happens all the time
- Going out and harvesting every single edible mushroom you can find and coming back with literal bags full. I am pretty avid about foraged fungi, but I have never been able to get through more than a kilo of foraged fungi before they go bad unless I am eating heavily mushroom-based meals every day, or if I spend basically two days dehydrating and processing them. When you take more than you could possibly use or share, you’re just leaving nothing for anyone else and wasting something that other people or wildlife could have eaten.
- Overharvesting in general. Yes, I know that picking mushrooms doesn’t harm the mycelium underground and all that. However, mushrooms are what spreads the spores around and makes the possibility of more colonies starting elsewhere. If you pick every single mushroom you can see, then you are damaging the ability for that colony to propagate. This is especially so for fungi that you are meant to harvest before they mature like certain boletes and shaggy inkcaps.
- Asking for help IDing after picking or damaging a fungus. You can take photos while it’s in nature just as easily as if it was in your living room. If you don’t want to get dirty kneeling down to take photos of the undersides of gills, maybe consider a different hobby. I have seen SO many people post photos on fungi groups when they are handling it in their house without gloves on. I know you can’t get poisoned just from touching a mushroom, but it’s incredibly easy to touch your face, mouth, or eyes absentmindedly, or the faces of other people you are responsible for. The worst example of this I remember seeing is the fungi on someone’s living room table with their very young child within grabbing distance of the mushroom (in this case, it was a deathcap). You don’t want to end up like point one of this list.
- Posting ghost orchids. This is less serious and more just my pet peeve, but COME ON. It looks like a FLOWER.
- On that note, asking for an ID without bothering to do a single search yourself. It will stop people like me mocking you for posting photos of flowers in a mycology group thinking they are mushrooms.
I see all of these constantly.
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chaoticincompetent · 4 months
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A "Satan's Bolete"-inspired faerie for week two of the Funguary and Faebruary art challenges. I don't know why she's so sad, but I've enjoyed drawing her.
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lindagoesmushrooming · 10 months
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A fine fungal friend from Gull Lake, AB. Mom calls them kozari.
Thank you for sharing! Looks like an orange birch bolete Leccinum versipelle (could also be orange bolete Leccinum aurantiacum, if it was growing near aspen trees, not birch trees where you found it).
Fun fact 😁: Here, in Latvia, when two things grow together as one (like these two guys), we call it "jumis", a twin sign, based on Latvian deity Jumis and his symbol.
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I love finding "jumis" of mushrooms.
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one-fish-a-day · 4 months
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day 39 | Funguary Day 8: Satan’s Bolete
Funguary Chart | Funguary Week Two Chart
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tom-at-the-farm · 2 years
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Remember mushrooms? They're back! in pog form. There's a bolete, two yellow Russulas, an earthball, a deer shield and some random ones. Maybe Psathyrella candolleana
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bonefall · 11 months
Darkbark is such a good name it's so fun to say
I like it so much I want to keep it, even though I've gotten a request to make those names into more unique ecological suffixes. I think I'll make it into Darkstar "Queen's Rights" Warrior Cat's pre-leadership name.
(in clanmew this bark-word is also going to refer to the type peeled off willow trees and made into twine, as opposed to the harder type of bark made into sleds)
So Darkbark can stay while freeing up those two free names. And, speaking of, let me share some of the cool words that are valid in this region;
Teal (type of duck)
Jelly (type of fungus)
I could do Fry, as in, a baby fish... I've been looking to put Fry in somewhere and it makes sense here more than in WindClan...
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flugmunk · 6 months
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Hey yall, my mom made these two mushrooms out of felt, fly agaric and bolet, and wants me to try and sell them off. Hopefully to find someone else to love these. 45 USD per, but will be 60 if together. I'll even throw in cool rocks and stuff in the box. Who doesn't like cool rocks? Feel free to DM on my main account @blapalap
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artofmaquenda · 2 years
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Day two ..i found more on our hike today
I think the smell of these boletes is one of my favorites too..so earthy, nutty and sweet 🥺 it's very comforting
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