#twitter moot told me to post this on tumblr so I did
obioxide · 4 months
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hey cod tumblr fandom do u guys like my Vladimir Makarov fanart…
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What if we ask for receipts?
(This post is inspired by some recent posts from some moots on Tumblr)
We spend all day defending Jimin and JK's bond.
All day, all the time, always in the position of defendant, against anons here, trolls on twitter, and in general, hordes of annoying people.
Well then, let's see what happens if we are now the prosecutor, and not the defense lawyer  
Let's see where the hell your receipts are:
- Love expressions: how many times have your favorites declared that they love each other in different kinds of language?. And I'm not talking about the "I love you" that are given to friends for a specific situation (like Hobi leaving for the ms)... or weird hand signals, you know a lot about that and symbols... but big signs of love…
Like suddenly this:
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Or this:
 Or this: 
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- Intimacy displays: have your favorites given each other hickeys? (this is important...u know I love hickeys)
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Have they flirted in front of thousands of people? (and watch out! because here the line between fan entertainment (I won't say the damm word, which I know you don't like) and genuine flirting is very subtle, but distinctive. This is flirting, for instance 😌
Do they've sucked each other's ear in front of thousands of people?
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(Or do they have some kink for ears?)
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Have they stuck their D's in front of thousands of people?
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  (my God, do you realize what they won't do in front of thousands of people)?
- Show the evidence that your favorites live or have lived together (not in the dorms era back in 2018): let's see... let me think... how many times have they suspiciously shared a car, when we didn't know where they lived extra officially? 
Or do have they been at 4 am in the morning together alone, celebrating billboard or actually delivering hickeys? 
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Or in the deed of the purchase of a house appears the address where the other lives (91).?
- Samples of tension or awkwardness beyond explanation: look, we have so many receipts here that I don't even know where to start... just look at Jimin's recent bomb and see JK's visit... and well, there it is... the awkwardness of some of their interactions... sometimes it makes you want not to look... sometimes it makes you feel embarrassed... I sometimes think they're going to screw up at any moment.
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- Proof of inside jokes that show that they actually WATCH a lot of content together. Do you have any of your own?
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- Demonstration of knowing certain personal information. Here I'm sorry, but again we have a lot of receipts. Tae had no idea that JK did a 3 hour vlive. Or Hobi also didn't know about Jimin's "time" (10:13). Instead, Jimin sees all of JK's vlives...and vice versa (as we’ve been able to check recently) and they know most of things they have done, or where they are at each moment (they even know what happened at bae's grandma's birthday)
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And now...let’s see and talk about YOUR receipts:
made-up dinners out alone and selfies in bathrooms (not to mention other things you say happen in the bathrooms)
trips for which there is no concrete proof, or which are clearly BTS trips
any close-up, or photo, or mention on vlive....
each pic on Instagram
a look
breathing the same air
stepping on the same ground
And, so far the most robust, outings at their free time. We had in the past months vkook, jihope, hobikook, or vhope outings.
This is what most people are claiming lately. Maybe it is our fault, for having repeated so many times that Jimin and JK were the ones who most "hanged out" together..... now it seems that this mantra is turning against us.....
Well..... NOOOO.... I object your honour!
Because jikook have literally told us recently that they are both super homely. Which I understand. Not just because of their personalities or that they like it, but because outside, they can't be totally free lately. 
Because if JK is constantly being stalked in his country - just look at where he officially lives - and also, as we believe, jikook are a couple, they have a lot to protect and I think they know that the most intimacy and security they have is at home. 
On the other hand, they already know what happens when they are seen in a certain location: that restaurant ends up becoming a crowded place of jikookers or k-army. So, if they go out, they're going to be very careful and most likely they'll go to trusted places, where they don't post their signatures on IG. So, my friends,…WE WON'T KNOW about it! Unless they want to, or go somewhere more public and new.
And then again, Jimin has been busy with his album and hasn't been seen with anyone. NO ONE. The only exception, Hobi's birthday and the drink they had last Sunday or Monday (as a farewell). And we know this because they wanted to tell us... because if they hadn't, or posted any pictures, there would be no receipts from them either (of course! who of us could have been at Hobi's house on his birthday to know?).
But even with all this reasoning … the truth is that friends hang out and that does not mean they are dating. Hanging out doesn’t work with jikook either by itself. Other things must happen (see above 👆 ☺️)
So your receipts, imo, are either conspicuous by their absence or rather lacking in robustness.
Ours, on the other hand, are terrific! Stop asking for more! We've justified enough.
It must be pitiful to ship any “couple" whose ultimate proof of confirmation that they are together depends so much on another couple failing to provide certain evidence that confirms they actually are...the audacity!!! 
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Hey Stormy!
I’m pretty sure I found you from your first post or one of your first post. It was a post talking about how Jimin was always there for JK in times of injury and actively participated in conversations surrounding JK’s wellbeing. I found you by searching up Jikook on Tumblr and I remember seeing that you were a new blog with not many posts, but I was impressed by the post I mentioned above and followed you right away. I was new to Tumblr back in April 2021 and did a whole bunch of lurking, actively searching Jikook and reading other blogs to see which ones I liked. I basically was running my own recruitment of Jikook blogs to follow lol and you were one of the lasts blogs I found by way of searching before I settled in. I pretty much read every post of yours in real-time because I have never missed a day on Tumblr since I arrived (I need a life I know haha). I feel like I’ve watched you grow on here and settle into your own way of doing things. I was here for when you first told us you wanted to start your now infamous Masterlist (I remember someone basically made a detailed one for you and sent it in as an ask), I was here when you were running out of room on your Masterlist and needed suggestions to make it longer than one page. I was here when you still used to respond to asks with other bloggers posts in them but then quickly changed to ask permission from other blogs before addressing such asks. I was here when your anons used to be on all the time then shifted to your limited time only ON approach haha (fun fact: you once forgot to turn them off when you said you were going to and I sent in an ask to remind you that they were still on!). Oh and I accidentally found you on Twitter too haha; in summer 2021 you wrote a post that went semi-viral on Jikook Twitter and I saw a random comment that credited your @ for it, and I’ve been following you there ever since too. As others have said I really like how you write and how thorough and factual-leaning your posts are (btw I’ve read most of your comments left on other blogs too). You go Glen Stormy! I’m glad I found your blog and I’ll continue to read everything you post. 💜For pretty much all the blogs I follow, I read many of their posts to get a feel for them before I committed to following them but as I mentioned above, I followed you only after one post so I guess that means you’re special haha xo 💕🫶🏽💕
Oh my gosh, is it this post??
This was another one that blew up on me unexpectedly for me. Lol and this was before I was more careful about keeping my accounts seperated. So I posted a more condensed verison on Twitter to fit the character limit and it got a lot of attention there too 🤣 So it doesn't surprise me that you found me there too! If you tell me who you are in return, maybe we can be twt moots too! If we aren't already 👀🥰
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Thank you for finding me and sticking by me for so long! That's amazing!! I kind of feel like you and the others who've been here since the beginning have watched me go through the tumblr verison of your awkward teenage years. Lmao when I joined tumblr I had NO IDEA what I was doing, how anything worked, how to link anything. I would post a lot of "how do i do xyz" on tumblr. People would send in asks or DMs with tips and help. Someone sent me other blogs masterlists and how to create them. Like those of you who've been here since or before May 2021, yall are the real MVPs of this blog. 💜💜💜 and I appreciate you all so much! Thanks for always looking out for me too! Love you guys! 🥰
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squirrelpudding · 5 months
January 3rd,2024
I hesitated making a blog post today because all I did was go to work and finish my media edit. But here I am. Making a post. I didn't take a single picture today because, as I said, I was at work all day. Multiple coworkers have told me if I were 18 they would recommend me to become a shift lead (which is a compliment). I like work because I am good at what I do, and I get praised for my hard work. In a lot of my hobbies and things I enjoy, I like doing it but I am either mediocre or very bad at it (like drawing, crocheting, etc). And usually when you are mediocre at something people don't compliment you on it. They don't necessarily say anything bad, they most often just don't really say anything about it at all. A lot of the art I post on twitter only gets likes because it relates to a fandom my moots like, and not the actual effort or technical skill put into it. But I like work because I am good at it and therefore I get complimented by coworkers a lot. I like it. And maybe I seem like a bad person or self centered or whatever because I like compliments, but it feels nice! I can't help liking the feeling of finally liking myself!
I keep calling my media edit a "media edit", because I was inspired by the people who posted media edits/"me core" edits last year, but really it is more of a letteboxd recap. I'm quite proud of it! My computer hates me for making it, because I downloaded a million 2 minute clips just to use like one second from each. I think it turned out pretty good. I am going to make a separate tumblr post for it I think, and I am going to post it on twitter tomorrow. Please ignore the glitches and how low quality a lot of the clips are. Its not my fault that I am not technologically savvy enough to figure out how to get high quality clips or to stop my computer from overheating. Also it gets offbeat for a while, but at that point I had spent so long on it that I decided I wouldn't fix it. The movies are in order of when I watched them (beginning=January, end=December), and I love that you tell when I did marathons. Like all the Shrek movies at the beginning, and the scream movies towards the middle. Fun fact: my friends and I did the Scream marathon right before the newest one came out, with the hopes that we could watch it in theaters together, but two of us were not let in because we were 16. We later watched it at Oomf's house, but only after months of forgetting about it and putting it off. Also something I love about the edit is how you can see that I clearly went through a Jesse Eisenberg phase and a Adam Driver phase (I say that like I am not currently still obsessed with Jesse Eisenberg. He is pookie).
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thespoliarium · 1 year
Rant Time, Story Time, Opening Up????
TW: Manipulation, suicide threats, grooming
Hey all, I just noticed that I've been noisy about this on Twitter and Instagram and not here... So, I really want to talk about it here.
Long story short, I was groomed. I know, it came to you as a shock (if it does) but it came to me as a shock as well. I didn't realize I was being groomed until my classmates pointed it out. Get this, my mom doesn't know.
A lot to unpack... Let's dive deep into the story, shall we?
So, around June last year, I posted something about Michael Palin. Unfortunately, Eric Idle thinks I shoved Michael in his face and thus...
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I was so distraught, I really wanted to deactivate Twitter because I look up to this man. Decided just to go on Twitter hiatus and spend my days here on Tumblr. But then, a mutual (who is also Eric's mutual) reached out to me and checks if I'm okay. I was, but I was disappointed in Eric.
I really liked talking to him, he's pretty funny. Shares a mutual liking for Michael. Months, and months and his true personality shows. Can't deny, we were getting comfortable with each other. He tells me about his problems, and I do the same, and we try solving it.
Later, however, he started dumping it on me like I'm a washing machine. One of his true personalities was that he's selfish. There was one message that still baffles me to this day...
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Take note, I was transitioning to a new school and his selfish side wants me to prioritize him. I get that he did consider it bad, but why would he think of it?
Oh, he's a John Cleese stan. Yuck.
Months passed, and there came the moment. He confessed that he liked me. Can't lie, I liked him too, but it's like a happy crush. That's real, and now that happy crush is gone.
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Then, it came. He wants me to be his girlfriend and go on a virtual date with me, watch The Missionary together. Take note that I was 16 when he asked, and he was 19. As much as I don't want to, I didn't want to hurt his feelings. I get that I have a fault there, I led him on until I was made to decline, but he was the reason I don't want to say what I want because he'll lash out on me again (say stuff like nobody likes me)
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Also, there was one time he wanted to cut himself and I offered him help, but he keeps on declining. It was one of those only times I gave up on him. So, I let him do what he wants, I'm not his mother. When he came back, he said...
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I will not also deny the good things he did for me like supporting me during the play, complimenting my outfits, also sometimes they get creepy, also liking my laugh, which I find also creepy at times, especially when it's out of the blue.
However, when that day came... He left. I was super excited to tell him about what happened, and he left. He told me that, and I accepted it, leaving me to focus completely on the play.
The next day, however, he came back. Somehow, he came back. Probably because I already had my flowers. And he kept on saying sorry. We were doing well and fine until the next day... When he sent 4 chat bubbles worth of a vent. Saying that I'm playing with his feelings.
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I woke up to those messages and we fought the entire morning and I cut it off. I've had enough of him and his trauma dumping skills.
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Decided to open up to my classmates about this and they pointed it out to me that I was groomed. Decided to open up about it on Twitter, and guess what? He tried to reach me. In 3 different accounts.
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Fought for my entire life that night! And I took down the post... But he posted his side anyway.
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I was shivering that night, but thanks to my good Filipino moots they attacked him. It was a battle as it unfolded, calling him a manipulator, a groomer, and all that. The winner? Them. He took down his post.
I still have some friends that are his friends.
It's been 4 months since all of this happened, yet it still haunts me to this day. Can't believe I wasted my energy on him!
"Viviene, it's been 4 months, move on." Until his friends and my friends realize all the things he had done to me, I will never know peace.
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mardereads19 · 3 years
Truth-Teller as the Fourth Dread Trove Object
Listen, I was reading one of my old posts and while in the discussion of the Truth-Teller scene, this idea came up to me as I read the quote. I have not been on tumblr for a while and I have not read theories on this before, so I don’t know if I’m the first person to write about it or if someone else did before me. At least, I haven’t heard about it from my Twitter moots or from azriel_elain’s intagram, so here I go.
This was the quote I was reading when I got hit by lightning:
“This is Truth-Teller,” he told her softly. “I won’t be using it today—so I want you to….It has never failed me once,” the shadowsinger said, the midday sun devoured by the dark blade. “Some people say it is magic and will always strike true.” He gently took her hand and pressed the hilt of the legendary blade into it. “It will serve you well.”
Instantly, I thought, “Wait. Azriel’s blade is magic. What if that’s the fourth dread trove? And if so, Elain has already been given the object in a way.”
Then I laughed because it kinda seemed like a reach. But a few things came up to my mind next.
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When Nesta first describes the fourth object she sees, this is what she notes:
A fourth object lay on the altar, veiled in shadow. But she couldn’t make out more than a gleam of age-worn bone—
Then when she discusses it with Rhys and Feyre, she repeats:
There was a fourth object in the vision, but it was in shadow—was there ever a fourth part of the Trove? All I could make out was a bit of ancient bone.
The shadow element seems to be super important here. We already know Azriel is the Shadowsinger and that shadows speak to him and work for him as spies. But we also know that shadows can tuck away things in themselves to the point no one sees them. In the bonus chapter from Az’s point of view, the shadows hold Elain’s necklace box:
He pulled the small velvet box from the shadows around him…Azriel let his shadows whisk away the box.
And when Elain is in possession of the dagger, shadows are also mentioned, as if having been granted the blade already meant being granted the shadow element, too.
Elain stepped out of a shadow behind him, and rammed Truth-Teller to the hilt through the back of the king’s neck as she snarled in his ear, “Don’t you touch my sister.
Which could also potentially explain why the shadows are protective of Elain in that Acosf scene, especially if the shadows are now tied to Elain for being granted the blade.
Nesta saw the blow land, like a physical impact, in Elain’s face, her posture. No one spoke, though shadows gathered in the corners of the room, like snakes preparing to strike.
So what if the shadows that Nesta saw in the vision Lanthys gave her were the same shadows that now accompany Azriel? What if the shadows that became his friends were the same ones hiding the trove object? What if they gifted Truth-Teller to Azriel after deeming him worthy and that is why he is in possession of it without knowing what he holds?
We still don’t know where he got Truth-Teller from, but the knife has more than the simple power of maiming true.
When Nesta mentions the fourth object to Feyre and Rhys, this is what they say:
“What if it’s protected by a spell, like the one to shield all thought of the Trove, to keep people from ever knowing about the fourth object?” / “Then the Mother spare us, because even Amren only vaguely remembers a rumor of it.”
And this was what Amren had mentioned about the trove:
“The Cauldron Made many objects of power, long ago, forging weapons of unrivaled might. Most were lost to history and war, and when I went into the Prison, only three remained. At the time, some claimed there were four, or that the fourth had been Unmade, but today’s legends only tell of three.”
The fourth one seemed to have disappeared, or if it remained, no one really knew where it was. But the fourth object had to have been one of power (magic), a weapon of unrivaled might. And perhaps, hidden in plain sight (not showing the full scope of its power to stay hidden).
Truth-teller is a magical blade that always strikes true, as evidenced by how Elain managed to ram it to the hilt through the king of Hybern’s neck the first time she used it.
But I think there is more to it than just that.
Azriel uses his blade to torture the truth out of people. His knife makes people speak (except for those males under one of the other dread-trove’s influence). An example can be the attor:
Azriel’s knife was out, balanced on a knee. Truth-Teller—the name stamped in silver Illyrian runes on the scabbard. He’d already learned that the Attor and a few others had been stationed on the outskirts of the Illyrian territory.
Enemies can’t help but say the truth when Azriel uses his knife on them. Of course, the torture does help, but the blade is already called “Truth-Teller,” so I think that the truth must be spoken under its influence.
Additionally, something that I hadn’t paid much attention to before, suddenly seems more important now. When others’ reactions of Azriel are mentioned, most times the knife is also brought up, as if it was just as important as Azriel. As if the blade by itself was something to fear, a weapon of unrivaled might.
Most shirked from the spymaster’s eyes—though they trembled as they beheld Truth-Teller at his side, the Illyrian blade peeking above his left shoulder.
But it was from Azriel that Keir cringed. From the sight of Truth-Teller.
What if the fear of the fourth dread trove object is still ingrained in people and that’s what they feel when they behold Truth-Teller, but so much time has passed that no one even considers the knife could be the fourth forgotten object?
On that note, I kept thinking about how Nesta describes that the fourth object seemed like bone, and I did some research. Bones (especially human ones but that’s in reality and perhaps in this book the bone is from another creature. Who knows?) make great daggers.
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Can it be that the bone that Lanthys had known as the fourth object was transformed to a dagger by the shadows over time? Remember Amren mentioned it being Unmade? What if it wasn’t Unmade but Transformed?
When Cassian talks about Lanthys, he keeps mentioning how there were beings so ancient that they were considered gods, and Lanthys had been hiding until the time Cassian was almost 300. And we also know Lanthys wanted to bring back the Great Hunt or whatever, which was from before everything.
“They were based on truth. Based on ancient, near-primordial beings who existed here before the High Fae split into courts, before the High Lords. Some call them the First Gods. They were beings with almost no physical form, but a keen, vicious intelligence. Humans and Fae alike were their prey. Most were hunted and driven into hiding or imprisonment ages ago. But some remained, lurking in forgotten corners of the land….When I was nearing three hundred years old, one of them appeared again, crawling out of the roots of a mountain.”
So Lanthys had no way of knowing where or how the fourth dread trove object ended up, but he did know that it existed. That explains why the object Nesta saw in the vision does not look like Truth-Teller, if this theory has any truth to it.
Truth-Teller being the fourth object also explains why Koschei is searching for Azriel (though this is a theory in and of itself). In Acosf, Koschei says some particular words to Az that, tied to the shadows on the fourth object vision, led us to interpret that Koschei actually needs Azriel for whatever he’s planning.
“Where is Briallyn?” Azriel demanded, Siphons flaring like cobalt flame. / “I spend so many months preparing for you,” Koschei crooned, “and you don’t even wish to speak to me?”
But Koschei doesn’t take hold of Azriel like Briallyn does of Cass with the crown. Instead, he lets him go off with Eris. This made me skeptical that perhaps Azriel wasn’t as important as we had thought. But what if having Truth-Teller, potentially the fourth object of the trove, was what allowed Azriel to escape and not be controlled by the crown or by Koschei?
The objects of the trove can connect, as seen when Nesta was with the Harp and Briallyn with the crown. And seemingly, Briallyn could control Nesta (if the line about her not being able to step back is any sign). So why didn’t Koschei or the crown hold Azriel back?
I keep coming back to the idea of being granted the object.
If the shadows gave Az the dagger, as if it was earned (especially when you consider how Az is not Made so he can’t feel the pull of the objects), perhaps it works more in his favor than, say, the Harp with Nesta.
But if being given an object is important, then I can’t help but remember someone else was also given Truth-Teller instead of taking it by the pull of one Made object calling to another.
“This is Truth-Teller,” he told her softly. “I won’t be using it today—so I want you to”… / “It will serve you well.”
“You honestly think he’d ever give up Truth-Teller?” / “He gave it to Elain,” Mor said, admiring a moonstone necklace in the counter’s glass case.
It’s also super curious to me how, to Mor, the fact that Azriel gave Elain Truth-Teller (Mor’s own powers being Truth) is such a big deal.
Cassian gawked at Azriel, and I wondered how often Azriel had lent out that blade— / Never, Rhys said from where he finished buckling on his own weapons against the side of the wagon. I have never once seen Azriel let another person touch that knife.
The fact that Azriel gave Elain the blade is huge. Though I definitely see this scene as also a sure sign of their endgame, perhaps it serves two purposes. Now that Elain was given the knife (seen as worthy of receiving it), maybe that is what ties Elain to the shadows. For as much as antis love to say the shadows hate Elain, there have been imagery of her being linked to them.
Elain stepped out of a shadow behind him, and rammed Truth-Teller to the hilt through the back of the king’s neck as she snarled in his ear, “Don’t you touch my sister.
“Don’t,” Elain said flatly, starting once more into a walk, veils of steam drifting past her shoulders from the roasted rosemary potatoes in her hands, as if they were Azriel’s shadows.
Nesta saw the blow land, like a physical impact, in Elain’s face, her posture. No one spoke, though shadows gathered in the corners of the room, like snakes preparing to strike.
A connection that is lacking for Nesta, even though she also used the knife.
Nesta wrapped her hand around Truth-Teller’s obsidian hilt.
But she wasn’t given Truth-Teller, she just used it without asking.
And finally, the book also brings to attention the runes that are written in the hilt of the dagger, which presumably spell “Truth-Teller.” I’m just curious to know if maybe they also signify something else? Maybe they connect to the prophesy? Or maybe I really am reaching there?
Truth-Teller—the name stamped in silver Illyrian runes on the scabbard.
The runes on the dark scabbard.
Az ran a thumb down Truth-Teller’s black hilt, the silver runes on the dark scabbard shimmering in the light.
No matter if I’m reading too much into this or not, no one can deny that Truth-Teller must play a larger roll than what we’ve seen so far. The blade is mentioned a LOT and people fear IT along with its owner.
I hope we get to learn more about its origin and meaning for Azriel (why he never leaves this knife and uses one of the hundreds that Mor—whom he had loved for centuries—has given him) in Acotar 5! And I certainly hope that we see Elain using the blade in the next book, too! I do believe that the blade is also somewhat hers after Azriel gave it to her when he had let absolutely no one use it before.
Even if this theory fizzles down to nothing more than hopeful rambling, it was fun to think about the possibility and in my mind I can see its plausibility, too.
Anyways, that is all! Thank you for reading and let me know what you think! ♥️🥰
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imalsoscarlet · 2 years
(FINALLY!) My Tumblr Year In Review
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I posted 519 times in 2021
Interesting tidbits and reactions are all in italics
187 posts created (36%)
332 posts reblogged (64%) Not surprised really, I think the majority of my experience with social media is wanting people to see what I think is interesting. Maybe I should focus on more og posts and less reblogs. 🤔
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.8 posts.
I added 988 tags in 2021
#reblog - 292 posts
#critical role - 170 posts
#imalsoscarlet - 97 posts
#cr spoilers - 94 posts
#campaign 2 - 90 posts
#essek thelyss - 64 posts I'm surprised this number isn't higher lol
#c2e140 - 60 posts I posted that much about the second to last episode? Holy Essek's soup, that episode did a NUMBER on me
#dice - 43 posts Next year, this number will be higher, just you watch. 🥰
#shadowgast - 41 posts
#taylor swift - 37 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
Here's the post if you're interested lol
#also caleb's backstory is just *slaps caleb on the back* so full of tramua and hate but then trent gets locked up and caleb finds love
My Top Posts in 2021
Episode 140 In Pictures [No Spoilers]
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Episodes 140 and 141 were ROLLERCOASTERS. Sometimes I STILL cry about them. I don't know if I can rewatch them lol.
94 notes • Posted 2021-05-28 16:11:48 GMT
Critters I am once again asking for help identifying the artist to a fanart.
Who made this lovely work?
Edit: thank you @paichan13 for finding the artist for me. Check out the work (and aryist) on Twitter!
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I love this fandom so much. I'm glad that I can find the person who make the fanart I randomly save to my phone. Look, I'm a simple person. I see Hot Boi, I like. Lol.
99 notes • Posted 2021-11-04 04:17:22 GMT
Someone on Twitter saw this and now we're Twitter moots who have hilarious interactions like this one.
I miss Essek so much that my only desire in life is going to a con that the cast of CR is at, handing Matthew Mercer a Tupperware container of soup and saying, "this is for Essek."
108 notes • Posted 2021-08-06 20:02:14 GMT
I Wish You Would
Title is a Taylor Swift song. Enjoy. This is part 1.
The night prior, Caleb slept in his bed. No, not in the way Jester would suggest in their casual conversations. Not in the way Essek had begun to fear thinking about, after realizing he was attracted to Caleb.
It took him a while, to figure that out. Or maybe it took him a while to become attracted to Caleb. Perhaps Essek grew closer to him in the cold, barren city of Aeor. Perhaps it happened in distance, when Essek was stuck at the outpost in Eisselcross, fearing for his life, far removed from his friends'.
You can find the rest of this cheesy mess here. I'm sorry.
140 notes • Posted 2021-08-28 03:14:23 GMT
Does Essek know that they used the beacon for a drinking contest? Because I feel like he should be told. Like imagine his reaction.
"I'm sorry you used the beacon to do what?"
159 notes • Posted 2021-05-31 09:28:28 GMT
Really? REALLY? A random, silly thought I posted got that much attention? Sigh. The internet everyone.
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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worstlovesong · 3 years
💖 Tag me (@ me) 💖
I was tagged by @khaleesiriz thank uu
1. why did you choose your url?
It was for Halloween a couple years ago but also when I still read/wrote kpop fan fiction vampire!solar was my favourite trope so it just stuck
2. any sideblogs?
So many 😭 I’ll tag some notable ones
@punksarahreese - tv shows/writing
@angelkoyuki - kpop layouts/edits
@lemondropcj - animal crossing
@lemonsugar-suggestions - suggestions
@lemonsugarpremed - studyblr
@bunnyhanasong - overwatch
@yourlocalnaturewitch - paganism
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
Since April 10th 2017
4. do you have a queue tag?
Mhm it’s “queue are the sunshine of my life” (from a Mamamoo lyric lmao)
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
To find a kpop fan base that wasn’t Twitter stans 🥴
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I love this picture of Swan! So I based my theme around it
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7. why did you choose your header?
I made it to match my icon but those were my favourite stage outfits from Ponzona era
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8. what’s your post with the most notes?
A post I made in 2018 about being proud of Mamamoo and it has 1.5k notes
9. how many mutuals do you have?
Approx. 115 (though some aren’t active anymore) but if anyone wants to be moots hmu
10. how many followers do you have?
11. how many people do you follow?
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
My whole blog is shitposts
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
Way too often 🥴
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
Yeaah but it wasn’t by choice lmao a gfriend stan attacked me and told me to unalive because I reblogged an Eunha gifset and I’m a Mamamoo stan
1. They’ve been real quiet since the Sowon incident lmao 2. Mamamoo and gfriend were friends 🤨
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
Guilt trippy and not good for people with paranoia and/or tone deafness (me 😔)
16. do you like tag games?
Absolutely please tag me
17. do you like ask games?
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Uhh @byulyi because she’s the most popular Moomoo blog to my knowledge 💖
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
@heoneyes we will have a spring wedding 😌💖
I’ll tag @heoneyes @ggomo @yeba @solar-yongsun @moonbyul-yi and @moanbyul-yi
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clairen45 · 5 years
I feel a great disturbance in the Force...
I am getting more and more anxious asks about Reylo in IX from anons . “What if Reylo doesn’t happen?”, “What if JJ avoids it to please the fans?” (what fans, may I ask? Because obviously, Reylo fans are also fans!), “what if it’s too controversial?”, “what if...”
Guys, I hear you loud and clear. And I only bring you this:
CHILL!!!! Stop worrying! It’s all going to be ok.
I fell for Reylo big time after TLJ in December and never looked back, mad at myself for being so casual about what I had somewhat sensed in TFA. I had no idea there was such a thing as official Reylo accounts and metas, and art on the internet, Tumblr, or fanfiction. None. So I blissfully spent two years of ignorance between TFA and TLJ about the Reylo wars. I can only imagine the madness it was pre TLJ as the first wavers were the laughing stock and target for every self-righteous pompous troll on the internet. I really admire them for their relentless dedication to pointing out all the parallels and tropes with other movies and books that buttressed each of their argument. You would think that post TLJ, the validation about Reylo would be a moot point, but it’s really sad to say that we still have a long way to go. Even despite the plethora of evidence we got since TLJ with comic books, merchandising, novels, and interviews. People who still wage war against Reylo as a concept are seriously deluded at this point.
Look, I do understand the anxiety and concern about some who think that even if RJ validated the concept, JJ will no go there and seal the deal, and that episode ix will write off any possibility of a romantic conclusion between Rey and Kylo. I do empathize. But...
Let’s go there for a sec and imagine, why not, that JJ (as in JJ the one that came up with the design of these characters and had them eye-f... the first chance he got) does write off Reylo.   LOL.
Well, who cares anyways? As if the passion of fans invested into this pairing would just vanish because it is not “canon”... Gasp... That didn’t stop people from shipping Stormpilot, Kylhux or whatnot.. First there is the wonderful work done by fans. In fandom, Reylo is obviously a force to reckon this. But it’s not just fandom culture. Reylo has been widely validated in pop culture. Look at the parodies, the merch, the cartoons, that recent Nerdist youtube song, the twitter accounts from official businesses proclaiming their support of Reylo, the jokes and references made by celebrities. It is real. Reylo as a concept exists and is recognized. EVEN IF (internal giggle) episode IX did not go that route, Reylo is not an illusion. Reylo has already happened, and will always be its own thing. EVEN IF (roaring laughter) we did not get a Reylo endgame in IX, I’d be cool with it because I know it was part of the journey and will always be a thing in the SW universe, even as something that "might have been” and played an important part in the storyline of the characters. No one will take Reylo away from Star Wars. Ever. So if you ship Reylo, dudes and dudettes, no one will take it away from you.
Now, seriously. Do you really think that this is not going to be happen? Because I don’t. Absolutely don’t. I never worry about it. Not even one tiny bit.
The tale has been told anyways, guys. They are done shooting. They made their choices, wrote their dialogues, shot their scenes. It is over. Some people somewhere know how it all ends. And some of these people report on social media how proud they are of what they did. Cast, crew, directors... Anyways, nothing we can do about it. We are not going to sway them one way or the other. And that’s fine.
We have a few months to go towards IX. Choose what you want to believe and how you want to be spending this time. Is there any reason to fret and worry? Nope. If Reylo is not endgame, well, big oopla, it’s only a movie with fictional characters. I will be glad that SW gave me this epic relationship and my favorite fictional character ever, no matter what. If anything, it’s great to get a new SW movie! So much fun! But if/when it does happen, well, I will have spent all these weeks and months rooting for them and not stressing out about what might or might not be. Even not knowing for sure is fun. Just like falling in love. The anticipation. What an awesome time to be having. The suspense, the teasers, the trailers, the first pictures they will release, the campaign, the poster... like WOW guys. Think of all these golden nuggets. Like a big Advent calendar. And every time getting closer to the prize. The FUN. It is what it is all about, guys. FUN. No need to worry.
And between you and me, seriously, of course Reylo is Endgame.
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p-redux · 6 years
From Anon...
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Yes, I know exactly what they're referring to. All LIES that continue to be spread by Extreme Shipper tinhatters.
Here’s what happened. After there were several pics of Sam with his then girlfriend, Abbie Salt, walking the red carpet together at the 2015 Monte Carlo TV festival, like the one below 👇, ES couldn't deal with the SOLID PROOF that Abbie was indeed Sam's REAL girlfriend. So, what ES did is they found a pic of a brunette in a hotel bar in Paris sitting with a man (since after Monte Carlo, Abbie posted an IG pic from a hotel on Paris) and they said Abbie had only gone to the Monte Carlo event with Sam as his "fake, PR girlfriend" (sound familiar?) and then she "met up with her real boyfriend in Paris.” (sound famliar?) It was DISPROVEN that the brunette in the pic was Abbie. But of course, ES keep selling that LIE as canon to unsuspecting newbies. But it was NOT Abbie in the hotel bar pic (if anyone wants to see that pic I'd have to go dig for it, let me know).
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As for Sam supposedly telling a friend on FB that Abbie was "just a friend," AGAIN, MORE Extreme Shipper LIES. Here's what happened. In April 2015, Abbie posted pics on her IG from her vacation in Barbados. I was told by a source that Sam was with her. Days later Sam came back from vacation and brought back his driver, Davie a bottle of rum from guess where? Yep, Barbados. Then during a Twitter Q & A Sam was asked about going to Barbados and he CONFIRMED he had been there. So then ES tried to make it seem like Sam had gone but with a group and only as friends and that it had been a last minute decision to join Abbie there. They even went as far as FABRICATING an FB conversation between Sam and a friend, with Sam saying going to Barbados had been a last minute decision and he had gone with friends. How do I know it was fabricated? Because someone who is tech savvy showed me how ES made it look like it was an actual FB conversation when it was all fake, apparently there are apps for that. BUT, ES lies were blown out of the water, when someone else sent me a REAL public FB post from Feb. 2015, where a friend asked Sam about getting together in April and Sam said he couldn't because he would be going on vacation to Barbados then. THAT conversation took place in February of 2015, and the Barbados trip was not until April of 2015. So that was PROOF right there that Sam had been planning his trip to Barbados with Abbie for months. And it blew ES’ story that Sam "tagged along" with Abbie last minute. 
Extreme Shippers got SO desperate to disprove that Sam and Abbie were really dating, and so desperate to prove that I was lying, and didn’t have any sources, that one of the worst tinhatters, Trish actually private messaged Abbie on IG, won her trust and then posted their private messages all over Tumblr! In the messages Trish tells Abbie she’s there to help her, she talked crap about me and told her I said I had an inside source that was giving me info about her, etc. etc. Abbie responded “don’t believe anything,” and that she “couldn’t believe the lies,” BUT THEN, she said to Trish, “if you ever find out who the source is let me know.” Um, if there was no source, why would Abbie want to know WHO it was? Huh. Trish posted those private messages as a victory for ES that: Abbie had confirmed she and Sam weren’t dating, AND that I had no sources. When it REALITY all Abbie was saying is don’t believe everything you read, but Abbie NEVER said she and Sam were not dating...and also if I actually had no source, WHY WOULD ABBIE CARE ABOUT FINDING OUT WHO IT WAS. If there was no source, then she wouldn’t need to know who it was, now would she? But ES continued to spread those private messages everywhere as proof that Abbie had denied dating Sam and that I had no sources. BOTH lies of course. Unfortunately for Trish and ES, all of this became a moot point, because a few months back someone asked Abbie on her IG about dating Sam and ABBIE HERSELF CONFIRMED THEY DID DATE. Boom, bitches. (I have the screencaps of all of this too.)
Anyhoo, I’ve already spent way too much time answering this and dredging up things in the past that have no bearing on the present, so I didn’t spend the extra time to go look for the screencaps that back up everything I’m saying. But, if people don’t believe me, just ask other NST who were here and saw the whole thing unfold and know what I’m saying is accurate, they’ll tell you it’s all true. I guess if anyone really, really wants to see the screencaps, I’ll find time this weekend and dig thru my 20,000 saved screencaps and find it for you. But everything I said above is true. Seems like not much has changed since 2015--Extreme Shippers continue to LIE in order to keep their SamCait ship afloat.
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seritydoll · 3 years
agsgsh we’ve been moots since the d&p days!! i remember all ur selfies from all those tumblr proms!! (i cannot even believe those were a thing i-🧍🏽‍♀️) im that same anon from a while back who said ‘u called me hot once and its the best compliment ive ever gotten’ idk if u remember that or not 👀 im the same anon that has sent u a lotttttttttttTTTT of anons over the years shdhdh,, im the one who was like ‘wait YOURE HOWELLODDLE?!’ but like yes ur stunning and u are very much my tumblr crush,, and yes im also that anon who told u that youre the reason im questioning if i like girls too bc ur just rly pretty and,, its 3am im so shshd im rambling 😭😭
but like also,, nO i would never kill u!! instead i would come to your house with a picnic basket full of food i made for us both and we would have a picnic and watch netflix in a room w the lights off with some pretty christmas lights with lots of blankets and pillows!!!! ^^😤💖💖
omfg.... not the phandom proms thats so menacing why did we do those (and why is twitter doing them now- thats a dif convo tho)
this ask is actually so... satisfying?? bc i started using xkit to tag all my anons automatically bc of YOU sending me such nice ones (that sometimes i go back and read sndfknjd) and any time i get an ask thats even SLIGHTLY complimentary i wonder if and honestly assume its the same person aka u, its nice to have some of the asks confirmed as the same person. my brain is on overdrive rn trying to make connections between like every corner of my tumblr existence to which moot u are lmaooo my virgo ass has had a list on my corkboard for the last year of all the people i think u are based on who likes my asks/personal posts around the same time as receiving asks... so yes i remember ALL these asks ur mentioning jkdns i cant believe im admitting this
also that sounds like the 2014 esque date of my DREAMS hi im ready every second of every day for this i will happily join u for an aesthetic netflix picnic, making food is my love language and when asked my dream date it always involves a picnic so this speaks to me deep💕
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Ah! You Know What I Mean; Write?
A Three Course Meal Regarding the Current State of Converse Today
 1.       Definition
 When it comes to the Star Trek (series) debate; I’d be partial to Voyager. Not because it’s part of the Star Wars franchise. It was just a good show.
 I liked Captain Janeway and the crew; their adventures as they tried to get home. The Doctor and 7’s relationship – right in the feels that moment he confessed his love to her before the virus that was eating his programme deleted him forever. After he took his last virtual breath... the Captain asked the computer to run the back-up Doctor programme. #morto. But I digress.
One of the recurring enemies was The Borg Collective. ‘We are Borg. We are many.’
They were a human/machine hybrid with a collective hive mind. Totally badass; really got my 15 year old nihilist going, when I wasn’t masturbating to 7 or Janeway. Though as menacing as The Borg were, Species 8472 had The Borg scared.
Though we haven’t reached The Borg level of ‘resistance is futile’ yet, as if we had none of this Otherkin preferred pronouns triggers warnings would have seen the light of day. But we do have the collective hive mind – Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr: where the individual is problematic.
‘We are The Parroting Collective. We are many.  And we have a thousand and one shoeboxes of identity and gender politics.’
 Diluting words to the nth degree: peeling a layer off each time we place it in our shoeboxes until there’s literally nothing left of the word. Just like when Hugh Mungus raped Zarna Joshi.Intersectionalising and filibustering them into dust with no substance or taste left. Any wonder people are hesitant to speak their mind when they no longer know what words are now considered micro-aggressions. Everyone wants to start a conversation but no one wants to contribute. Individual comment is smothered by the collective’s blanket of buzzwords that bring nothing to the conversation but only make it more difficult and confusing. Words have to start meaning something again.
Arguments are now made by unlearning and rewording. As long as you submit a tomb of footnotes to confirm what you’re not saying. Predicating every statement; post and thought with a completed-abridged TL;DR A-Z of the things you stand for and don’t. All those pointless labels that first have to be seen and checked off some imaginary list so what you’re saying/asking can be allowed and only after every problematic word has been over-lapped on Venn diagrams into a black hole: finally to consult color-coded reference charts for the appropriate response.   Or the more frightening reality of discourse today: being fired, doxed or handed the racist, sexist, misogyny card – a hat-trick with as much validity as the original Holy Trinity – shown so many times it’s blank at this stage; you can write whatever you want on them when their definitions change every half hour.
Language itself is in a serious state dysphoria. And what does language trans into? Emojis and hashtags. Hieroglyphics?
 We’ve become so tightly wound, every word is negative-red and we charge-in-positive with hair triggers and its civil war in the comment section over an opinion: a word that is spelt with 2 eyes. I would go even further and say 4, 2 silent ones. We have to stop constructing rebuttals with our feelings. Argue the principle, the point; not the passion. All the facts and figures count for nothing if your passion speaks for you.
Ask any vegan, they’re a funny bunch. They’ve facts and figures for every sort of fact and figure and yet; they’re still a fringe-whinging minority. I sincerely admire their passion but when you share pictures of a child in a baking tray adorned with vegetables and an apple in their mouth… How can you reasonably respond to that?
I do see their point of view. I understand the argument they’re making. But their passion moots their point. Yet, I’d easily debate any meat-eater about the healthy, humane alternatives: though I’m still going to have a chop for dinner. Phss... You know that squirt you get in your mouth when you chomp into a sausage – that blast of hot delicious goodness that, that’s the essence of vegan tears.
And spare me the: you know there’s more potato in McDonald’s chips than meat in a sausage. So. Some people say abortion’s murder. Doesn’t mean they’re wrong. A true reflect of character, the individual as a whole, is not found in an opinion. Or half an argument.
 And if you’re wondering what this has to do with Star Trek? Well, I think we can all agree that that prequel of an abomination can fuck right off.
 2.       The Other R-Word
 Rape can be problematic. I’ve thought about it. I suppose a lot of us have at some point. It can be an alternative or at the very least; it can help reduce your meal costs. But you know yourself… F.C.E, %D.M.D and the other factors. And this all depends: are you fattening cattle or is it for pre-lactating ewes? Ha. Ha.
Make sure you know what you looking at before charging because sometimes son, the curtains are just blue. Whatever happened to face value? Will someone please put up some flyers or photos on milk cartons? But would we recognise it; if we saw it again? If postulating landed you in a straight jacket or the wrong side of the law, then where would we be? Still in the cave and not exploring space through the Stargate Universe. Though I think we moved back in, the cave, sometime ago. Did some renovations; got rid of the rock and replaced it with glass.
 We have to become familiar again with how to listen to the words that people are using and their context in-relation to the topic been discussed: individually and not interpreted through the tone-deaf shared collective. And learn to ignore the echo-friendly conscious bias sound-byte, a hard thing to do in a cave. I’ve always enjoying climbing trees, that’s not a metaphor but this is.
There’s more to a tree than the bright topical, ignorant, leaves on display. It’s not magic that has them floating there. Look passed the red leaves; see the branches they are connected to. Sometimes that’s where the point is made or found. But leaves tend to blow away with the passing breezes. The branches stay there. If you wanted to extend that metaphor, you could say that the leaves are a result of the roots that anchor the trunk to the ground.  But I’m no tree expert. However I do know that timber warms you 7 times.
Of course a words meaning, tone and context can change – I should know; I am literally a bastard, born in a country that used to take them from their mothers (Now, bastard’s the default birth cert setting) – but overtime and naturally. Simply squawking like a hen after laying an egg regarding the term Cis Privilege and how it has to mean something: aren’t you just a delightful little block of wood; Pinocchio.  And speaking of intelligent design, my old friends... The Vegans, God love them. They make funny arguments claiming that A.I (Artificial Insemination) is rape because the cow can’t give consent. And please, don’t take my word for it. Look that up. I dare you; I’ve been down that rabbit hole. Which leads me to the conclusion that, in that context, of a vegan narrative, it would allow for some hilarious rape jokes. I said look it up. I’m just mining the gold I see. The gold that it is. Nobody owns the river, Nestle would disagree. But fuck them.
 The books of Nietzsche and Kahlil Gibran thought me a lot about the individual but so did #197. She was an auld ewe we had years back. I would say she taught me more because she was real. The Internet doesn’t matter. Real life is more important.
  3.       Hocus-Pocus
 Anyone who’s ever received a rejection letter – or as they are known in the biz; a PFO – will know: all the complaining won’t change a damn thing. You have to be precise with your one shot.
 Here’s a classic scene from Cheers.
Sam, the ladies man, was told by one of the barmaids that no matter what her friend asked, he was to say no. And only no! She was worried her friend would be corrupted by Sam and his silver tongue. So Sam eventually agreed. The friend came in and sure enough, she asked Sam this question.
‘Would you mind coming home with me?’
 We have to stop blindly building walls with wonky words then we hold everyone accountable for poor construction when they naturally fall down upon us. Meow. And please trust me when I say: trees are a pure hoor for knockin’ walls and Lady Limestone has taken all my fingernails at some point, irregardless of what I wanted.
What we hear will be an echo of what we ask and we have to stop being so outraged over basic math.  If your figures don’t add up, may be you need to check your calculations then reword them up again. You’d be surprised.
I originally had ‘afraid’ instead of hesitant.  (Part 1, Par 4, line 4)
We have to start taking responsibility for the words we use. They’re all we have to communicate, sincerely and properly. This P.C culture and egregious hyperbole are the 2 current threats to freedom of speech.
P.C for the obvious reasons. Now hyperbole in a piece of work; a character’s narrative – that’s what makes it funny. But everyday interactions with co-workers and strangers; a serious debate; asking out someone you fancy; accusing Hugh Mungus of sexual harassment; a national conversation. No! You have to use proper words. It’s getting to the point where people don’t know what to think, let alone say.
We’re not the Borg. We are individuals. For now, we’re allowed  to hold opinions and ideas that are not your own and ask ‘Why the hell not?’ Or ‘What’s going on here?’ As for your personal experience on the subject in question, be it in-depth or non existence, it has no merit in the argument. (Part 1, 1st par, 2nd sentence) You cannot apply conditions to asking questions. I will disagree with others and not assimilate.
Holding the opinion that the term Rape Culture is akin to Cis Privilege in terms of its validity is not the same as saying ‘I condone rape.’ And I abhor the fact I have to tack on, so cheaply, that caveat. That’s how bad it’s got. We can no longer differentiate between this and that. We’ve forgotten how to separate personal from professional – Kim Davis!
 Words have to start meaning something again. But for the love of every made up Deity: they’re not magic spells; uttering them won’t make it happen, so until then, and only then will word-policing be relevant, needed and necessary. And I’m so confident that that day will never come *Blesses himself* it will also be the day I become vegan.
 Hopefully by then there’ll be an episode of Star Trek where they don’t break the Prime Directive.
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p-redux · 7 years
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Follow Up To My Earlier PSA 
Okay, I’m back to calmly and hopefully rationally address what @contemplatingoutlander aka CO wrote about me in the screencap above, which she posted on her blog today. Hey, I was wordy back in the day, then I got tired, and stopped writing, but this one is going to be long. I can see the eyerolls from here, but hey, I’m perfectly okay with that. :-)  But I hope people take the time to read it.
1. CO, I’m not sure why you’re writing about me at all, when I, Purv, have NOT attacked you or written about you. Paul called you out, NOT ME. Why are you bringing me into this when there is not one shred of evidence showing I had anything to do with what Paul wrote about you? It’s not my fault he mentioned me in his post as someone to follow. He did that, not me. I had NOTHING to do with it. 
CO, you think I’m in cahoots with Paul or telling him negative things about you. I don’t need to tell Paul anything negative about you because HE has had his OWN negative interactions with you. His impressions and opinions of you are based on how YOU have shown yourself to him, not anything I have said. There’s nothing I need to add. Also, Paul’s DM’s on Twitter are open. Anyone can contact him. I blocked you because I want to move on, the last thing I would be doing is involving myself in drama related to you.
2. You said “Like most of the fandom, except for NSTs, sadly I don’t trust Purv anymore,” Um, why am I not trustworthy? Literally everything I said sources had told me about Sam and Cait not dating, Cait dating Tony, Sam dating Cody, Abbie and Mackenzie, literally everything I said came TRUE. I have SHOWN I’ve been telling the TRUTH. I understand you’re hurt, but your attack on me is misplaced. And it’s not fair--something you pride yourself on. 
ALL I have done is block you because I don’t want to have you in my Tumblr experience. That doesn’t mean I wish you ill will or am plotting against you behind your back...quite the opposite, it means I don’t want to think about you. Interacting with you was causing me too much stress, so I decided to invest in self-care and set that limit for myself. Once I blocked you, I didn’t give you a second thought...I wasn’t in some back room, conjuring up ways to get rid of you with Paul. I wasn’t thinking about you at all. I know that’s hard to believe but it is the absolute truth. 
And ALittleBitMass is NOT my partner in crime. She’s hardly on and we’ve only talked a couple of times. I know you were convinced she was me, and have told people that based on the fact that she came down hard on you and knew things about NST and the fandom that you deemed only an “insider” would know. Well, I explained to you that the reason Mass knows stuff is because she is friends with someone who used to be in my inner circle, and THAT person shared info with her. I have no problem being straight with you publicly or privately and you know I never have, so why would I need a sock account to do it? I wouldn’t. I tell you what I think and feel right to your face. Right here. Again, if you have a beef with Mass or Paul, direct it to them, please don’t involve me. 
3. As for me repeatedly telling you that I think you’re too soft on shippers sometimes and that you have on occasion appeared to be a shipper sympathizer, yes that’s true. I have said those things and I still believe that. But the only reason I think those things is because ES will never change, not the hard core tinhatters, and they have shown they are very manipulative, and I felt that sometimes you were naive and fell for their deceit and machinations, and gave them leeway they then used against NST. HOWEVER, I never said you should leave...I said that you were in too deep with this fandom stuff, and took it too seriously and maybe because you are a sensitive person (not a bad thing) you’re not cut out for fighting ES because that necessitates someone with a very thick skin and someone who doesn’t take things personally. I suggested many times that you take a break, but for your own mental well being and to decrease your own stress level because you were my friend, and I cared about you, NOT because I wanted to get rid of you. I never said you should leave altogether and never come back. I DON’T WANT TO GET RID OF YOU. Let me repeat, that, I don’t want to get rid of you, CO. First of all, how would that even be possible? I have no control over what you or anyone else does, I can only control my own actions. So, how the heck would I “get rid of” you? It’s a notion that actually makes me laugh, like I have some magic wand that I can wave or something. :-) But I DON’T WANT TO GET RID OF YOU, so that’s a moot point.
4. I used to be controlling like you and cared what people said, did and who they followed. I used to also take this way too seriously...but when my dad got sick and especially after his death, something changed in me...I gained some much needed perspective and realized that all this fandom stuff is nonsense and not important and that’s when I was able to let go and not care what people did, said or who they followed. I literally could give a rat’s ass about any of that now. And it’s SO much better this way. I have PEACE. So, when you come at me with such emotions and so convinced that I’m trying to get rid of you or somehow am plotting against you, it makes me shake my head because nothing could be further from the truth. I DON’T CARE...stay, go, take a break, come back, what you or anyone here does does not matter to me. I have no control over it. It does not affect my life or my fandom experience in any way, shape or form. Like I said before, there is room for both of us. I just don’t want to interact with you, because you treat me badly. You do your thing, and I’ll do mine. That’s all. And I don’t care if everyone who follows me also follows you. I have NO beef with anyone but you. I’m cool with everyone else. 
5. I didn’t want to do this publicly, but you opened the door, so I’m walking through it. Why do I have a beef with you? Because I finally got tired of you repeatedly coming into my DM’s telling me what to do, and making me feel badly about being me. You constantly came into my DM’s to tell me to delete part of a post, delete a post altogether, to not say this or that, or use this word or that word, you questioned my motives, accused me of being accounts I’m not, and when I didn’t do what you deemed to be correct, you flipped and turned into another person, yelling and cussing at me. Also, I heard from several NST and then you yourself admitted it to me that when I first came back to Tumblr you went around DMing people telling them not to follow me. My God, instructing people who didn’t even know me, not to follow me--how is that being a nice person?  How am I supposed to trust YOU after that? But I did, and I kept following you and supporting you and reblogging you for months. Then one day, the light bulb went on, and I realized I didn’t need the stress and maybe I could survive in NST Tumblr land without CO. I thought we made a good team in debunking ES crap and thought I needed to follow you, but then I realized the good didn’t outweigh the bad. And frankly, I have been much more at peace and with no stress on Tumblr since I blocked you. 
So, in summary: CO, I am not plotting against you. I am not in cahoots with Paul, Mass or anyone else. I don’t want you gone. All I want is PEACE and no drama in my fandom experience when I’m hanging out on here with other NST. I have decided that the way to facilitate that is to not see your posts, so I’ve blocked you. That’s it. That’s not a sin. That doesn’t mean I hate you or wish you harm...all it means is I’m taking care of ME and setting limits for myself. I think that’s a good thing...and I shouldn’t be faulted for it. I wish you well, CO. Now, please, please can we move on.  
PS. I don’t need anyone to respond to this, I don’t want people taking “sides,” I just wanted things CLEAR--that’s my thing, I hate miscommunication and misunderstandings and I like things DIRECT. So, the ONLY purpose for me writing this is to put MY TRUTH out there. That’s it. Much love to all the NST’s!
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